Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

452 Commits   2 Branches   1 Tag
     5         kx .TH ICMPINFO 1 "V1.11 - 17 August 1995" "dl's free utilities"
     5         kx .SH NAME
     5         kx 
     5         kx icmpinfo \- interpret ICMP messages
     5         kx 
     5         kx .SH SYNOPSIS
     5         kx 
     5         kx .B icmpinfo
     5         kx [\-v[v[v]]] [\-n] [\-p] [\-s] [\-l] [\-k]
     5         kx 
     5         kx .SH DESCRIPTION
     5         kx .BR Icmpinfo
     5         kx is a tool for looking at the ICMP messages received
     5         kx on the running host.
     5         kx It can be used to detect and record 'bombs'
     5         kx as well as various network problems.
     5         kx 
     5         kx The output format is as follows (all on one line):
     5         kx 
     5         kx   MMM DD HH:MM:SS ICMP_type[sub-type]
     5         kx .br
     5         kx 	< sender_ip [sender_name] > unreach_ip [unreach_name]
     5         kx .br
     5         kx 	sp=source_port dp=dest_port seq=sequence sz=packet_size
     5         kx 
     5         kx In normal operation,
     5         kx .B icmpinfo
     5         kx will only report on "weird" packets, mainly icmp_unreachable.
     5         kx 
     5         kx .SH OPTIONS
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-v"
     5         kx Give information about all icmp packets, excepts pings.
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-vv"
     5         kx Give about pings too (i.e. icmp_echo_reply).
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-vvv"
     5         kx Include an ascii/hex dump of each packet
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-n"
     5         kx Avoid name queries - just give IP addresses.
     5         kx (use this option when running unattended on name server hosts (to avoid
     5         kx possible looping))
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-p"
     5         kx Avoid port number to service name decoding.
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-s"
     5         kx Show the interface ip that received the packet. Usefull only if your
     5         kx host has several network interfaces. In this case an '- my_ip
     5         kx [my_name]' is added between the sender and unreach ip and name fields.
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-l"
     5         kx Forks and use the syslog(3) facility to record events (recomended use).
     5         kx (root only option).
     5         kx 
     5         kx .TP
     5         kx .I "\-k"
     5         kx Kills the background process started with the
     5         kx .I "\-l"
     5         kx option.
     5         kx 
     5         kx .SH WARNINGS
     5         kx The packet decoding is planned for ICMP Unreachable outputs and might
     5         kx not be significant for all other Icmp types. Output can be shorter
     5         kx when implied by the packet size or the icmp type.
     5         kx 
     5         kx .SH AUTHOR
     5         kx Laurent Demailly <dl@hplyot.obspm.fr>. Free software.