# Minimal makefile for 'icmpinfo'
# a tool to look at the icmp you receive
# modified from BSD ping by Laurent Demailly
# <dl@hplyot.obspm.fr>
# see man page & README (Installation section at least)
VERS = 1.11
# You may need to add libraries here :
# like for Solaris, uncomment next line :
#LDLIBS= -lsocket -lnsl
# To override default compiler flags :
#CFLAGS=-O2 -s
# To change default compiler
RM = rm -f
OBJECTS= recvping.o print.o err.o icmpinfo.o pid.o
TARGET = icmpinfo
tgz: clean
rm -f CHECKSUMS.asc
md5sum * > ../CHECKSUMS
pgp -asw CHECKSUMS
chmod 444 CHECKSUMS.asc
cd .. ; tar cvf icmpinfo-$(VERS).tar icmpinfo-$(VERS) ; gzip icmpinfo-$(VERS).tar
$(RM) $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET) core *~