Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

452 Commits   2 Branches   1 Tag
Index: Makefile
--- Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+include ../../../../build-system/core.mk
+	@true
+.PHONY: download_clean
Index: lib/Makefile
--- lib/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+include ../../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+url         = $(DOWNLOAD_SERVER)/sources/packages/m/mikmod/lib
+versions    =
+pkgname     = libmikmod
+suffix      = tar.gz
+tarballs    = $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkgname)-, $(versions)))
+sha1s       = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs))
+patches     = $(CURDIR)/patches/libmikmod-
+.NOTPARALLEL: $(patches)
+BUILD_TARGETS = $(tarballs) $(sha1s) $(patches)
+include ../../../../../build-system/core.mk
+.PHONY: download_clean
+	@echo -e "\n======= Downloading source tarballs =======" ; \
+	 for tarball in $(tarballs) ; do \
+	   echo "$(url)/$$tarball" | xargs -n 1 -P 100 wget $(WGET_OPTIONS) - & \
+	 done ; wait
+$(sha1s): $(tarballs)
+	@for sha in $@ ; do \
+	   echo -e "\n======= Downloading '$$sha' signature =======\n" ; \
+	   echo "$(url)/$$sha" | xargs -n 1 -P 100 wget $(WGET_OPTIONS) - & wait %1 ; \
+	   touch $$sha ; \
+	   echo -e "\n======= Check the '$$sha' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	   sha1sum --check $$sha ; ret="$$?" ; \
+	   if [ "$$ret" == "1" ]; then \
+	     echo -e "\n======= ERROR: Bad '$$sha' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	     exit 1 ; \
+	   fi ; \
+	 done
+$(patches): $(sha1s)
+	@echo -e "\n======= Create Patches =======\n" ; \
+	 ( cd create- ; ./create.patch.sh ) ; \
+	 echo -e "\n"
+	@rm -f $(tarballs) $(sha1s) $(patches)
Index: lib/create-
--- lib/create-	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/create-	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+tar --files-from=file.list -xzvf ../libmikmod-$VERSION.tar.gz
+mv libmikmod-$VERSION libmikmod-$VERSION-orig
+cp -rf ./libmikmod-$VERSION-new ./libmikmod-$VERSION
+diff --unified -Nr  libmikmod-$VERSION-orig  libmikmod-$VERSION > libmikmod-$VERSION-64bit.patch
+mv libmikmod-$VERSION-64bit.patch ../patches
+rm -rf ./libmikmod-$VERSION
+rm -rf ./libmikmod-$VERSION-orig

Property changes on: lib/create-
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: lib/create-
--- lib/create-	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/create-	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: lib/create-
--- lib/create-	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/create-	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+/*	MikMod sound library
+	(c) 1998, 1999, 2005 Miodrag Vallat and others - see file AUTHORS for
+	complete list.
+	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
+	published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+	the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+	02111-1307, USA.
+  MikMod sound library internal definitions
+  ==============================================================================*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+#define inline __inline
+#include "mikmod.h"
+#ifndef MIKMOD_UNIX
+#if (defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))) && \
+   !(defined(_MIKMOD_WIN32) || defined(_MIKMOD_OS2) || defined(_MIKMOD_DOS) || defined(_MIKMOD_AMIGA) || defined(macintosh))
+#define MIKMOD_UNIX 1
+#define MIKMOD_UNIX 0
+#endif /* MIKMOD_UNIX */
+/*========== More type definitions */
+/* SLONGLONG: 64bit, signed */
+#if !defined(_WIN32) && \
+   (defined(_LP64) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__arch64__) || defined(__alpha) || defined(__x64_64) || defined(__powerpc64__))
+typedef long long       SLONGLONG;
+#define NATIVE_64BIT_INT
+#elif defined(_WIN64) /* win64 is LLP64, not LP64  */
+#define NATIVE_64BIT_INT
+typedef long long       SLONGLONG;
+#elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
+typedef __int64         SLONGLONG;
+#elif defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MWERKS__)
+typedef LONGLONG        SLONGLONG;
+#elif defined(macintosh) && !TYPE_LONGLONG
+#include <Types.h>
+typedef SInt64          SLONGLONG;
+typedef long long       SLONGLONG;
+typedef int __s64_typetest [(sizeof(SLONGLONG)==8) * 2 - 1];
+/* pointer-sized signed int (ssize_t/intptr_t) : */
+#if defined(_WIN64) /* win64 is LLP64, not LP64  */
+typedef long long       SINTPTR_T;
+/* long should be pointer-sized for all others : */
+typedef long            SINTPTR_T;
+typedef int __iptr_typetest [(sizeof(SINTPTR_T)==sizeof(void*)) * 2 - 1];
+/*========== Error handling */
+#define _mm_errno MikMod_errno
+#define _mm_critical MikMod_critical
+extern MikMod_handler_t _mm_errorhandler;
+/*========== MT stuff */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#define DECLARE_MUTEX(name) \
+        extern pthread_mutex_t _mm_mutex_##name
+#define MUTEX_LOCK(name)    \
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&_mm_mutex_##name)
+#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(name)  \
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mm_mutex_##name)
+#elif defined(__OS2__)||defined(__EMX__)
+#define DECLARE_MUTEX(name) \
+        extern HMTX _mm_mutex_##name
+#define MUTEX_LOCK(name)    \
+        if(_mm_mutex_##name)\
+            DosRequestMutexSem(_mm_mutex_##name,SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT)
+#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(name)  \
+        if(_mm_mutex_##name)\
+            DosReleaseMutexSem(_mm_mutex_##name)
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+#include <windows.h>
+#define DECLARE_MUTEX(name) \
+        extern HANDLE _mm_mutex_##name
+#define MUTEX_LOCK(name)    \
+        if(_mm_mutex_##name)\
+            WaitForSingleObject(_mm_mutex_##name,INFINITE)
+#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(name)  \
+        if(_mm_mutex_##name)\
+            ReleaseMutex(_mm_mutex_##name)
+#define DECLARE_MUTEX(name) \
+        extern void *_mm_mutex_##name
+#define MUTEX_LOCK(name)
+#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(name)
+/*========== Replacement funcs */
+extern int _mm_strcasecmp (const char *__s1, const char *__s2);
+/*========== Portable file I/O */
+extern MREADER* _mm_new_mem_reader(const void *buffer, long len);
+extern void _mm_delete_mem_reader(MREADER *reader);
+extern MREADER* _mm_new_file_reader(FILE* fp);
+extern void _mm_delete_file_reader(MREADER*);
+extern MWRITER* _mm_new_file_writer(FILE *fp);
+extern void _mm_delete_file_writer(MWRITER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_FileExists(const CHAR *fname);
+#define _mm_write_SBYTE(x,y)    y->Put(y,(int)x)
+#define _mm_write_UBYTE(x,y)    y->Put(y,(int)x)
+#define _mm_read_SBYTE(x)       (SBYTE)x->Get(x)
+#define _mm_read_UBYTE(x)       (UBYTE)x->Get(x)
+#define _mm_skip_BYTE(x)        (void)x->Get(x)
+#define _mm_write_SBYTES(x,y,z) z->Write(z,(const void *)x,y)
+#define _mm_write_UBYTES(x,y,z) z->Write(z,(const void *)x,y)
+#define _mm_read_SBYTES(x,y,z)  z->Read(z,(void *)x,y)
+#define _mm_read_UBYTES(x,y,z)  z->Read(z,(void *)x,y)
+#define _mm_fseek(x,y,z)        x->Seek(x,y,z)
+#define _mm_ftell(x)            x->Tell(x)
+#define _mm_rewind(x)           _mm_fseek(x,0,SEEK_SET)
+#define _mm_eof(x)              x->Eof(x)
+extern void _mm_iobase_setcur(MREADER*);
+extern void _mm_iobase_revert(MREADER*);
+extern FILE* _mm_fopen(const CHAR *, const CHAR *);
+extern int  _mm_fclose(FILE *);
+extern void _mm_write_string(const CHAR*,MWRITER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_string (CHAR*,int,MREADER*);
+extern SWORD _mm_read_M_SWORD(MREADER*);
+extern SWORD _mm_read_I_SWORD(MREADER*);
+extern UWORD _mm_read_M_UWORD(MREADER*);
+extern UWORD _mm_read_I_UWORD(MREADER*);
+extern SLONG _mm_read_M_SLONG(MREADER*);
+extern SLONG _mm_read_I_SLONG(MREADER*);
+extern ULONG _mm_read_M_ULONG(MREADER*);
+extern ULONG _mm_read_I_ULONG(MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_M_SWORDS(SWORD*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_I_SWORDS(SWORD*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_M_UWORDS(UWORD*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_I_UWORDS(UWORD*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_M_SLONGS(SLONG*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_I_SLONGS(SLONG*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_M_ULONGS(ULONG*,int,MREADER*);
+extern BOOL _mm_read_I_ULONGS(ULONG*,int,MREADER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_SWORD(SWORD,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_SWORD(SWORD,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_UWORD(UWORD,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_UWORD(UWORD,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_SLONG(SLONG,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_SLONG(SLONG,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_ULONG(ULONG,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_ULONG(ULONG,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_SWORDS(SWORD*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_SWORDS(SWORD*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_UWORDS(UWORD*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_UWORDS(UWORD*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_SLONGS(SLONG*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_SLONGS(SLONG*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_M_ULONGS(ULONG*,int,MWRITER*);
+extern void _mm_write_I_ULONGS(ULONG*,int,MWRITER*);
+/*========== Samples */
+#define MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE 0x10000000 /* a sane value guaranteed to not overflow an SLONG */
+/* This is a handle of sorts attached to any sample registered with
+   SL_RegisterSample.  Generally, this only need be used or changed by the
+   loaders and drivers of mikmod. */
+typedef struct SAMPLOAD {
+    struct SAMPLOAD *next;
+    ULONG    length;       /* length of sample (in samples!) */
+    ULONG    loopstart;    /* repeat position (relative to start, in samples) */
+    ULONG    loopend;      /* repeat end */
+    UWORD    infmt,outfmt;
+    int      scalefactor;
+    SAMPLE*  sample;
+    MREADER* reader;
+/*========== Sample and waves loading interface */
+extern void      SL_HalveSample(SAMPLOAD*,int);
+extern void      SL_Sample8to16(SAMPLOAD*);
+extern void      SL_Sample16to8(SAMPLOAD*);
+extern void      SL_SampleSigned(SAMPLOAD*);
+extern void      SL_SampleUnsigned(SAMPLOAD*);
+extern int       SL_LoadSamples(void);
+extern SAMPLOAD* SL_RegisterSample(SAMPLE*,int,MREADER*);
+extern int       SL_Load(void*,SAMPLOAD*,ULONG);
+extern BOOL      SL_Init(SAMPLOAD*);
+extern void      SL_Exit(SAMPLOAD*);
+/*========== Internal module representation (UniMod) interface */
+/* number of notes in an octave */
+#define OCTAVE 12
+extern void   UniSetRow(UBYTE*);
+extern UBYTE  UniGetByte(void);
+extern UWORD  UniGetWord(void);
+extern UBYTE* UniFindRow(UBYTE*,UWORD);
+extern void   UniSkipOpcode(void);
+extern void   UniReset(void);
+extern void   UniWriteByte(UBYTE);
+extern void   UniWriteWord(UWORD);
+extern void   UniNewline(void);
+extern UBYTE* UniDup(void);
+extern BOOL   UniInit(void);
+extern void   UniCleanup(void);
+extern void   UniEffect(UWORD,UWORD);
+#define UniInstrument(x)   UniEffect(UNI_INSTRUMENT,x)
+#define UniNote(x)         UniEffect(UNI_NOTE,x)
+extern void   UniPTEffect(UBYTE,UBYTE);
+extern void   UniVolEffect(UWORD,UBYTE);
+/*========== Module Commands */
+enum {
+ /* Simple note */
+    UNI_NOTE = 1,
+ /* Instrument change */
+ /* Protracker effects */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT0,  /* arpeggio */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT1,  /* porta up */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT2,  /* porta down */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT3,  /* porta to note */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT4,  /* vibrato */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT5,  /* dual effect 3+A */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT6,  /* dual effect 4+A */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT7,  /* tremolo */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT8,  /* pan */
+    UNI_PTEFFECT9,  /* sample offset */
+    UNI_PTEFFECTA,  /* volume slide */
+    UNI_PTEFFECTB,  /* pattern jump */
+    UNI_PTEFFECTC,  /* set volume */
+    UNI_PTEFFECTD,  /* pattern break */
+    UNI_PTEFFECTE,  /* extended effects */
+    UNI_PTEFFECTF,  /* set speed */
+ /* Scream Tracker effects */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTA, /* set speed */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTD, /* volume slide */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTE, /* porta down */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTF, /* porta up */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTI, /* tremor */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTQ, /* retrig */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTR, /* tremolo */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTT, /* set tempo */
+    UNI_S3MEFFECTU, /* fine vibrato */
+    UNI_KEYOFF,     /* note off */
+ /* Fast Tracker effects */
+    UNI_KEYFADE,    /* note fade */
+    UNI_VOLEFFECTS, /* volume column effects */
+    UNI_XMEFFECT4,  /* vibrato */
+    UNI_XMEFFECT6,  /* dual effect 4+A */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTA,  /* volume slide */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTE1, /* fine porta up */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTE2, /* fine porta down */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTEA, /* fine volume slide up */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTEB, /* fine volume slide down */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTG,  /* set global volume */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTH,  /* global volume slide */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTL,  /* set envelope position */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTP,  /* pan slide */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTX1, /* extra fine porta up */
+    UNI_XMEFFECTX2, /* extra fine porta down */
+ /* Impulse Tracker effects */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTG,  /* porta to note */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTH,  /* vibrato */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTI,  /* tremor (xy not incremented) */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTM,  /* set channel volume */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTN,  /* slide / fineslide channel volume */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTP,  /* slide / fineslide channel panning */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTT,  /* slide tempo */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTU,  /* fine vibrato */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTW,  /* slide / fineslide global volume */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTY,  /* panbrello */
+    UNI_ITEFFECTZ,  /* resonant filters */
+ /* UltraTracker effects */
+    UNI_ULTEFFECT9, /* Sample fine offset */
+ /* OctaMED effects */
+    UNI_MEDEFFECTF1,/* play note twice */
+    UNI_MEDEFFECTF2,/* delay note */
+    UNI_MEDEFFECTF3,/* play note three times */
+ /* Oktalyzer effects */
+    UNI_OKTARP,     /* arpeggio */
+extern const UWORD unioperands[UNI_LAST];
+/* IT / S3M Extended SS effects: */
+enum {
+    SS_GLISSANDO = 1,
+/* IT Volume column effects */
+enum {
+    VOL_VOLUME = 1,
+/* IT resonant filter information */
+#define UF_MAXMACRO     0x10
+#define UF_MAXFILTER    0x100
+#define FILT_CUT        0x80
+#define FILT_RESONANT   0x81
+typedef struct FILTER {
+    UBYTE filter,inf;
+/*========== Instruments */
+/* Instrument format flags */
+#define IF_OWNPAN       1
+#define IF_PITCHPAN     2
+/* Envelope flags: */
+#define EF_ON           1
+#define EF_SUSTAIN      2
+#define EF_LOOP         4
+#define EF_VOLENV       8
+/* New Note Action Flags */
+#define NNA_CUT         0
+#define NNA_CONTINUE    1
+#define NNA_OFF         2
+#define NNA_FADE        3
+#define NNA_MASK        3
+#define DCT_OFF         0
+#define DCT_NOTE        1
+#define DCT_SAMPLE      2
+#define DCT_INST        3
+#define DCA_CUT         0
+#define DCA_OFF         1
+#define DCA_FADE        2
+#define KEY_KICK        0
+#define KEY_OFF         1
+#define KEY_FADE        2
+#define KEY_KILL        (KEY_OFF|KEY_FADE)
+#define KICK_ABSENT     0
+#define KICK_NOTE       1
+#define KICK_KEYOFF     2
+#define KICK_ENV        4
+#define AV_IT           1   /* IT vs. XM vibrato info */
+/*========== Playing */
+#define POS_NONE        (-2)    /* no loop position defined */
+#define LAST_PATTERN    (UWORD)(-1) /* special ``end of song'' pattern */
+typedef struct ENVPR {
+    UBYTE  flg;     /* envelope flag */
+    UBYTE  pts;     /* number of envelope points */
+    UBYTE  susbeg;  /* envelope sustain index begin */
+    UBYTE  susend;  /* envelope sustain index end */
+    UBYTE  beg;     /* envelope loop begin */
+    UBYTE  end;     /* envelope loop end */
+    SWORD  p;       /* current envelope counter */
+    UWORD  a;       /* envelope index a */
+    UWORD  b;       /* envelope index b */
+    ENVPT* env;     /* envelope points */
+typedef struct MP_CHANNEL {
+    SAMPLE *s;
+    UBYTE  sample;      /* which sample number */
+    UBYTE  note;        /* the audible note as heard, direct rep of period */
+    SWORD  outvolume;   /* output volume (vol + sampcol + instvol) */
+    SBYTE  chanvol;     /* channel's "global" volume */
+    UWORD  fadevol;     /* fading volume rate */
+    SWORD  panning;     /* panning position */
+    UBYTE  kick;        /* if true = sample has to be restarted */
+    UBYTE  kick_flag;   /* kick has been true */
+    UWORD  period;      /* period to play the sample at */
+    UBYTE  nna;         /* New note action type + master/slave flags */
+    UBYTE  volflg;      /* volume envelope settings */
+    UBYTE  panflg;      /* panning envelope settings */
+    UBYTE  pitflg;      /* pitch envelope settings */
+    UBYTE  keyoff;      /* if true = fade out and stuff */
+    SWORD  handle;      /* which sample-handle */
+    UBYTE  notedelay;   /* (used for note delay) */
+    SLONG  start;       /* The starting byte index in the sample */
+typedef struct MP_CONTROL {
+    struct MP_CHANNEL   main;
+    struct MP_VOICE*    slave;  /* Audio Slave of current effects control channel */
+    UBYTE   slavechn;   /* Audio Slave of current effects control channel */
+    UBYTE   muted;      /* if set, channel not played */
+    UWORD   ultoffset;  /* fine sample offset memory */
+    UBYTE   anote;      /* the note that indexes the audible */
+    UBYTE   oldnote;
+    SWORD   ownper;
+    SWORD   ownvol;
+    UBYTE   dca;        /* duplicate check action */
+    UBYTE   dct;        /* duplicate check type */
+    UBYTE*  row;        /* row currently playing on this channel */
+    SBYTE   retrig;     /* retrig value (0 means don't retrig) */
+    ULONG   speed;      /* what finetune to use */
+    SWORD   volume;     /* amiga volume (0 t/m 64) to play the sample at */
+    SWORD   tmpvolume;  /* tmp volume */
+    UWORD   tmpperiod;  /* tmp period */
+    UWORD   wantedperiod;/* period to slide to (with effect 3 or 5) */
+    UBYTE   arpmem;     /* arpeggio command memory */
+    UBYTE   pansspd;    /* panslide speed */
+    UWORD   slidespeed;
+    UWORD   portspeed;  /* noteslide speed (toneportamento) */
+    UBYTE   s3mtremor;  /* s3m tremor (effect I) counter */
+    UBYTE   s3mtronof;  /* s3m tremor ontime/offtime */
+    UBYTE   s3mvolslide;/* last used volslide */
+    SBYTE   sliding;
+    UBYTE   s3mrtgspeed;/* last used retrig speed */
+    UBYTE   s3mrtgslide;/* last used retrig slide */
+    UBYTE   glissando;  /* glissando (0 means off) */
+    UBYTE   wavecontrol;
+    SBYTE   vibpos;     /* current vibrato position */
+    UBYTE   vibspd;     /* "" speed */
+    UBYTE   vibdepth;   /* "" depth */
+    SBYTE   trmpos;     /* current tremolo position */
+    UBYTE   trmspd;     /* "" speed */
+    UBYTE   trmdepth;   /* "" depth */
+    UBYTE   fslideupspd;
+    UBYTE   fslidednspd;
+    UBYTE   fportupspd; /* fx E1 (extra fine portamento up) data */
+    UBYTE   fportdnspd; /* fx E2 (extra fine portamento dn) data */
+    UBYTE   ffportupspd;/* fx X1 (extra fine portamento up) data */
+    UBYTE   ffportdnspd;/* fx X2 (extra fine portamento dn) data */
+    ULONG   hioffset;   /* last used high order of sample offset */
+    UWORD   soffset;    /* last used low order of sample-offset (effect 9) */
+    UBYTE   sseffect;   /* last used Sxx effect */
+    UBYTE   ssdata;     /* last used Sxx data info */
+    UBYTE   chanvolslide;/* last used channel volume slide */
+    UBYTE   panbwave;   /* current panbrello waveform */
+    UBYTE   panbpos;    /* current panbrello position */
+    SBYTE   panbspd;    /* "" speed */
+    UBYTE   panbdepth;  /* "" depth */
+    UWORD   newsamp;    /* set to 1 upon a sample / inst change */
+    UBYTE   voleffect;  /* Volume Column Effect Memory as used by IT */
+    UBYTE   voldata;    /* Volume Column Data Memory */
+    SWORD   pat_reppos; /* patternloop position */
+    UWORD   pat_repcnt; /* times to loop */
+/* Used by NNA only player (audio control.  AUDTMP is used for full effects
+   control). */
+typedef struct MP_VOICE {
+    struct MP_CHANNEL   main;
+    ENVPR   venv;
+    ENVPR   penv;
+    ENVPR   cenv;
+    UWORD   avibpos;    /* autovibrato pos */
+    UWORD   aswppos;    /* autovibrato sweep pos */
+    ULONG   totalvol;   /* total volume of channel (before global mixings) */
+    BOOL    mflag;
+    SWORD   masterchn;
+    UWORD   masterperiod;
+    MP_CONTROL* master; /* index of "master" effects channel */
+/*========== Loaders */
+typedef struct MLOADER {
+    struct MLOADER*     next;
+    const CHAR* type;
+    const CHAR* version;
+    BOOL  (*Init)(void);
+    BOOL  (*Test)(void);
+    BOOL  (*Load)(BOOL);
+    void  (*Cleanup)(void);
+    CHAR* (*LoadTitle)(void);
+/* internal loader variables */
+extern MREADER* modreader;
+extern MODULE  of;                  /* static unimod loading space */
+extern const UWORD finetune[16];
+extern const UWORD npertab[7*OCTAVE];/* used by the original MOD loaders */
+extern SBYTE   remap[UF_MAXCHAN];   /* for removing empty channels */
+extern UBYTE*  poslookup;           /* lookup table for pattern jumps after
+                                       blank pattern removal */
+extern UWORD   poslookupcnt;
+extern UWORD*  origpositions;
+extern BOOL    filters;             /* resonant filters in use */
+extern UBYTE   activemacro;         /* active midi macro number for Sxx */
+extern UBYTE   filtermacros[UF_MAXMACRO];    /* midi macro settings */
+extern FILTER  filtersettings[UF_MAXFILTER]; /* computed filter settings */
+extern int*    noteindex;
+/*========== Internal loader interface */
+extern BOOL   ReadComment(UWORD);
+extern BOOL   ReadLinedComment(UWORD,UWORD);
+extern BOOL   AllocPositions(int);
+extern BOOL   AllocPatterns(void);
+extern BOOL   AllocTracks(void);
+extern BOOL   AllocInstruments(void);
+extern BOOL   AllocSamples(void);
+extern CHAR*  DupStr(const CHAR*, UWORD, BOOL);
+/* loader utility functions */
+extern int*   AllocLinear(void);
+extern void   FreeLinear(void);
+extern int    speed_to_finetune(ULONG,int);
+extern void   S3MIT_ProcessCmd(UBYTE,UBYTE,unsigned int);
+extern void   S3MIT_CreateOrders(BOOL);
+/* flags for S3MIT_ProcessCmd */
+#define S3MIT_OLDSTYLE  1   /* behave as old scream tracker */
+#define S3MIT_IT        2   /* behave as impulse tracker */
+#define S3MIT_SCREAM    4   /* enforce scream tracker specific limits */
+/* used to convert c4spd to linear XM periods (IT and IMF loaders). */
+extern UWORD  getlinearperiod(UWORD,ULONG);
+extern ULONG  getfrequency(UWORD,ULONG);
+/* loader shared data */
+#define STM_NTRACKERS   3
+extern const CHAR *STM_Signatures[STM_NTRACKERS];
+/*========== Player interface */
+extern int    Player_Init(MODULE*);
+extern void   Player_Exit(MODULE*);
+extern void   Player_HandleTick(void);
+/*========== UnPackers */
+typedef BOOL (*MUNPACKER) (struct MREADER*,
+                           void** /* unpacked data out */ ,
+                           long* /* unpacked data size */ );
+extern BOOL PP20_Unpack(MREADER*, void**, long*);
+extern BOOL MMCMP_Unpack(MREADER*, void**, long*);
+extern BOOL XPK_Unpack(MREADER*, void**, long*);
+extern BOOL S404_Unpack(MREADER*, void**, long*);
+/*========== Drivers */
+/* max. number of handles a driver has to provide. (not strict) */
+#define MAXSAMPLEHANDLES    384
+/* These variables can be changed at ANY time and results will be immediate */
+extern UWORD md_bpm;         /* current song / hardware BPM rate */
+/* Variables below can be changed via MD_SetNumVoices at any time. However, a
+   call to MD_SetNumVoicess while the driver is active will cause the sound to
+   skip slightly. */
+extern UBYTE md_numchn;      /* number of song + sound effects voices */
+extern UBYTE md_sngchn;      /* number of song voices */
+extern UBYTE md_sfxchn;      /* number of sound effects voices */
+extern UBYTE md_hardchn;     /* number of hardware mixed voices */
+extern UBYTE md_softchn;     /* number of software mixed voices */
+/* This is for use by the hardware drivers only.  It points to the registered
+   tickhandler function. */
+extern void (*md_player)(void);
+extern SWORD  MD_SampleLoad(SAMPLOAD*,int);
+extern void   MD_SampleUnload(SWORD);
+extern ULONG  MD_SampleSpace(int);
+extern ULONG  MD_SampleLength(int,SAMPLE*);
+/* uLaw conversion */
+extern void unsignedtoulaw(char *,int);
+/* Parameter extraction helper */
+extern CHAR  *MD_GetAtom(const CHAR*, const CHAR*, BOOL);
+/* Internal software mixer stuff */
+extern void VC_SetupPointers(void);
+extern int  VC1_Init(void);
+extern int  VC2_Init(void);
+/* POSIX helper functions */
+extern BOOL MD_Access(const CHAR *);
+extern int  MD_DropPrivileges(void);
+/* Macro to define a missing driver, yet allowing binaries to dynamically link
+   with the library without missing symbol errors */
+#define MISSING(a) MDRIVER a = { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }
+/*========== Prototypes for non-MT safe versions of some public functions */
+extern void _mm_registerdriver(struct MDRIVER*);
+extern void _mm_registerloader(struct MLOADER*);
+extern BOOL MikMod_Active_internal(void);
+extern void MikMod_DisableOutput_internal(void);
+extern int  MikMod_EnableOutput_internal(void);
+extern void MikMod_Exit_internal(void);
+extern int  MikMod_SetNumVoices_internal(int,int);
+extern void Player_Exit_internal(MODULE*);
+extern void Player_Stop_internal(void);
+extern BOOL Player_Paused_internal(void);
+extern void Sample_Free_internal(SAMPLE*);
+extern void Voice_Play_internal(SBYTE,SAMPLE*,ULONG);
+extern void Voice_SetFrequency_internal(SBYTE,ULONG);
+extern void Voice_SetPanning_internal(SBYTE,ULONG);
+extern void Voice_SetVolume_internal(SBYTE,UWORD);
+extern void Voice_Stop_internal(SBYTE);
+extern BOOL Voice_Stopped_internal(SBYTE);
+extern int   VC1_PlayStart(void);
+extern int   VC2_PlayStart(void);
+extern void  VC1_PlayStop(void);
+extern void  VC2_PlayStop(void);
+extern int  VC1_SetNumVoices(void);
+extern int  VC2_SetNumVoices(void);
+extern MikMod_callback_t vc_callback;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/*========== SIMD mixing routines */
+#undef HAVE_SSE2
+#if defined(MIKMOD_SIMD)
+#if (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__)) && defined(__VEC__) && !(defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3))
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__SSE2__) /* x86 / x86_64 */
+#define HAVE_SSE2
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64))
+/* FIXME: emmintrin.h requires VC6 processor pack or VC2003+ */
+#define HAVE_SSE2
+/* avoid some warnings */
+#pragma warning(disable:4761)
+#pragma warning(disable:4391)
+#pragma warning(disable:4244)
+#endif /* AltiVec/SSE2 */
+#endif /* MIKMOD_SIMD */
+/*========== SIMD mixing helper functions =============*/
+#if defined(_WIN64)
+# if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#  define IS_ALIGNED_16(ptr) (!((__int64)(ptr) & 15i64))
+# else /* GCC, LCC, .. */
+#  define IS_ALIGNED_16(ptr) (!((long long)(ptr) & 15LL))
+# endif
+#else /* long cast should be OK for all else */
+#define IS_ALIGNED_16(ptr) (!((long)(ptr) & 15L))
+/* Altivec helper function */
+#if defined HAVE_ALTIVEC
+#define simd_m128i vector signed int
+#define simd_m128 vector float
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#include <ppc_intrinsics.h>
+/* Helper functions */
+/* Set single float across the four values */
+static inline vector float vec_mul(const vector float a, const vector float b) {
+    return vec_madd(a, b, (const vector float)(0.f));
+/* Set single float across the four values */
+static inline vector float vec_load_ps1(const float *pF) {
+    vector float data = vec_lde(0, pF);
+    return vec_splat(vec_perm(data, data, vec_lvsl(0, pF)), 0);
+/* Set vector to 0 */
+static inline vector float vec_setzero() {
+    return (vector float) (0.);
+static inline vector signed char vec_set1_8(unsigned char splatchar) {
+    vector unsigned char splatmap = vec_lvsl(0, &splatchar);
+    vector unsigned char result = vec_lde(0, &splatchar);
+    splatmap = vec_splat(splatmap, 0);
+    return (vector signed char)vec_perm(result, result, splatmap);
+#define PERM_A0 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03
+#define PERM_A1 0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07
+#define PERM_A2 0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B
+#define PERM_A3 0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F
+#define PERM_B0 0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13
+#define PERM_B1 0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17
+#define PERM_B2 0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x1B
+#define PERM_B3 0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F
+/* Equivalent to _mm_unpacklo_epi32 */
+static inline vector signed int vec_unpacklo(vector signed int a, vector signed int b) {
+   return vec_perm(a, b, (vector unsigned char)(PERM_A0,PERM_A1,PERM_B0,PERM_B1));
+/* Equivalent to _mm_srli_si128(a, 8) (without the zeroing in high part). */
+static inline vector signed int vec_hiqq(vector signed int a) {
+   vector signed int b = vec_splat_s32(0);
+   return vec_perm(a, b, (vector unsigned char)(PERM_A2,PERM_A3,PERM_B2,PERM_B3));
+/* vec_sra is max +15. We have to do in two times ... */
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_F(srce, var, size, mul) var = vec_mul(vec_ctf(vec_sra(vec_ld(0, (vector signed int const *)(srce)), vec_splat_u32(BITSHIFT-size)),0), mul);
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_0(srce, var) var = vec_sra(vec_sra(vec_ld(0, (vector signed int const *)(srce)), vec_splat_u32(15)), vec_splat_u32(BITSHIFT+16-15-0));
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_8(srce, var) var = vec_sra(vec_sra(vec_ld(0, (vector signed int const *)(srce)), vec_splat_u32(15)), vec_splat_u32(BITSHIFT+16-15-8));
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_16(srce, var) var = vec_sra(vec_ld(0, (vector signed int const *)(srce)), vec_splat_u32(BITSHIFT+16-16));
+#define PUT_SAMPLE_SIMD_W(dste, v1, v2)  vec_st(vec_packs(v1, v2), 0, dste);
+#define PUT_SAMPLE_SIMD_B(dste, v1, v2, v3, v4)  vec_st(vec_add(vec_packs((vector signed short)vec_packs(v1, v2), (vector signed short)vec_packs(v3, v4)), vec_set1_8(128)), 0, dste);
+#define PUT_SAMPLE_SIMD_F(dste, v1)  vec_st(v1, 0, dste);
+#define LOAD_PS1_SIMD(ptr) vec_load_ps1(ptr)
+#elif defined HAVE_SSE2
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+/* SSE2 helper function */
+static __inline __m128i mm_hiqq(const __m128i a) {
+   return _mm_srli_si128(a, 8); /* get the 64bit upper part. new 64bit upper is undefined (zeroed is fine). */
+/* 128-bit mixing macros */
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD(srce, var, size) var = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)(srce)), BITSHIFT+16-size);
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_F(srce, var, size, mul) var = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_srai_epi32(_mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)(srce)), BITSHIFT-size)), mul);
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_0(srce, var) EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD(srce, var, 0)
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_8(srce, var) EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD(srce, var, 8)
+#define EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD_16(srce, var) EXTRACT_SAMPLE_SIMD(srce, var, 16)
+#define PUT_SAMPLE_SIMD_W(dste, v1, v2)  _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(dste), _mm_packs_epi32(v1, v2));
+#define PUT_SAMPLE_SIMD_B(dste, v1, v2, v3, v4)  _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(dste), _mm_add_epi8(_mm_packs_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(v1, v2), _mm_packs_epi32(v3, v4)), _mm_set1_epi8(128)));
+#define PUT_SAMPLE_SIMD_F(dste, v1)  _mm_store_ps((float*)(dste), v1);
+#define LOAD_PS1_SIMD(ptr) _mm_load_ps1(ptr)
+#define simd_m128i __m128i
+#define simd_m128 __m128
+#if defined(HAVE_SSE2) || defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
+/* MikMod_amalloc() returns a 16 byte aligned zero-filled
+   memory in SIMD-enabled builds.
+ - the returned memory can be freed with MikMod_afree()
+ - the returned memory CAN NOT be realloc()'ed safely.  */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void* MikMod_amalloc(size_t);
+void MikMod_afree(void *);  /* frees if ptr != NULL */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#else /* NO SIMD */
+#define MikMod_amalloc MikMod_malloc
+#define MikMod_afree MikMod_free
+#endif /* _MIKMOD_INTERNALS_H */
+/* ex:set ts=4: */
Index: lib/create-
--- lib/create-	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/create-	(revision 5)

Property changes on: lib/create-
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: lib/create-
--- lib/create-	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/create-	(revision 5)

Property changes on: lib/create-
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: lib/create-
--- lib/create-	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/create-	(revision 5)

Property changes on: lib/create-
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: lib/patches/README
--- lib/patches/README	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/patches/README	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* begin *
+   TODO: Leave some comment here.
+ * end */
Index: lib/patches
--- lib/patches	(nonexistent)
+++ lib/patches	(revision 5)

Property changes on: lib/patches
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: lib
--- lib	(nonexistent)
+++ lib	(revision 5)

Property changes on: lib
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: player/Makefile
--- player/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ player/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+include ../../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+url         = $(DOWNLOAD_SERVER)/sources/packages/m/mikmod/player
+versions    = 3.2.8
+pkgname     = mikmod
+suffix      = tar.gz
+tarballs    = $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkgname)-, $(versions)))
+sha1s       = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs))
+BUILD_TARGETS = $(tarballs) $(sha1s)
+include ../../../../../build-system/core.mk
+.PHONY: download_clean
+	@echo -e "\n======= Downloading source tarballs =======" ; \
+	 for tarball in $(tarballs) ; do \
+	   echo "$(url)/$$tarball" | xargs -n 1 -P 100 wget $(WGET_OPTIONS) - & \
+	 done ; wait
+$(sha1s): $(tarballs)
+	@for sha in $@ ; do \
+	   echo -e "\n======= Downloading '$$sha' signature =======\n" ; \
+	   echo "$(url)/$$sha" | xargs -n 1 -P 100 wget $(WGET_OPTIONS) - & wait %1 ; \
+	   touch $$sha ; \
+	   echo -e "\n======= Check the '$$sha' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	   sha1sum --check $$sha ; ret="$$?" ; \
+	   if [ "$$ret" == "1" ]; then \
+	     echo -e "\n======= ERROR: Bad '$$sha' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	     exit 1 ; \
+	   fi ; \
+	 done
+	@rm -f $(tarballs) $(sha1s)
Index: player
--- player	(nonexistent)
+++ player	(revision 5)

Property changes on: player
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies