Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

452 Commits   2 Branches   1 Tag
Index: libs.mk
--- libs.mk	(nonexistent)
+++ libs.mk	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+##  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+##  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+##  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+##  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+##  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+##  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+# ARM assembly files are written in RVCT-style. We use some make magic to
+# filter those files to allow GCC compilation
+ifeq ($(VPX_ARCH_ARM),yes)
+  ASM:=$(if $(filter yes,$(CONFIG_GCC)$(CONFIG_MSVS)),.asm.S,.asm)
+  ASM:=.asm
+# Rule to generate runtime cpu detection files
+define rtcd_h_template
+$$(BUILD_PFX)$(1).h: $$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(2)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $$@"
+	$$(qexec)$$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/rtcd.pl --arch=$$(TGT_ISA) \
+          --sym=$(1) \
+          --config=$$(CONFIG_DIR)$$(target)-$$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN).mk \
+          $$(RTCD_OPTIONS) $$^ > $$@
+CLEAN-OBJS += $$(BUILD_PFX)$(1).h
+RTCD += $$(BUILD_PFX)$(1).h
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += libs.mk
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx/vpx_codec.mk
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix vpx/,$(call enabled,API_SRCS))
+CODEC_DOC_SRCS += $(addprefix vpx/,$(call enabled,API_DOC_SRCS))
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_mem/vpx_mem.mk
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix vpx_mem/,$(call enabled,MEM_SRCS))
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_scale/vpx_scale.mk
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix vpx_scale/,$(call enabled,SCALE_SRCS))
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_ports/vpx_ports.mk
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix vpx_ports/,$(call enabled,PORTS_SRCS))
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_dsp/vpx_dsp.mk
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix vpx_dsp/,$(call enabled,DSP_SRCS))
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_util/vpx_util.mk
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix vpx_util/,$(call enabled,UTIL_SRCS))
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP8),yes)
+  VP8_PREFIX=vp8/
+  include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP8_PREFIX)vp8_common.mk
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP8_ENCODER),yes)
+  include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP8_PREFIX)vp8cx.mk
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP8_PREFIX),$(call enabled,VP8_CX_SRCS))
+  CODEC_EXPORTS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP8_PREFIX),$(VP8_CX_EXPORTS))
+  INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vp8.h include/vpx/vp8cx.h
+  INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_ext_ratectrl.h
+  INSTALL_MAPS += include/vpx/% $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP8_PREFIX)/%
+  CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS += vp8 vp8_encoder
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP8_DECODER),yes)
+  include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP8_PREFIX)vp8dx.mk
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP8_PREFIX),$(call enabled,VP8_DX_SRCS))
+  CODEC_EXPORTS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP8_PREFIX),$(VP8_DX_EXPORTS))
+  INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vp8.h include/vpx/vp8dx.h
+  INSTALL_MAPS += include/vpx/% $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP8_PREFIX)/%
+  CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS += vp8 vp8_decoder
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP9),yes)
+  VP9_PREFIX=vp9/
+  include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP9_PREFIX)vp9_common.mk
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER),yes)
+  VP9_PREFIX=vp9/
+  include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP9_PREFIX)vp9cx.mk
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP9_PREFIX),$(call enabled,VP9_CX_SRCS))
+  CODEC_EXPORTS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP9_PREFIX),$(VP9_CX_EXPORTS))
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(VP9_PREFIX)vp9cx.mk vpx/vp8.h vpx/vp8cx.h
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += vpx/vpx_ext_ratectrl.h
+  INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vp8.h include/vpx/vp8cx.h
+  INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_ext_ratectrl.h
+  INSTALL_MAPS += include/vpx/% $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP9_PREFIX)/%
+  CODEC_DOC_SRCS += vpx/vp8.h vpx/vp8cx.h vpx/vpx_ext_ratectrl.h
+  CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS += vp9 vp9_encoder
+RC_RTC_SRCS := vpx/vp8.h vpx/vp8cx.h
+RC_RTC_SRCS += vpx/vpx_ext_ratectrl.h
+RC_RTC_SRCS += vpx/internal/vpx_ratectrl_rtc.h
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER),yes)
+  VP9_PREFIX=vp9/
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(addprefix $(VP9_PREFIX),$(call enabled,VP9_CX_SRCS))
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(VP9_PREFIX)vp9cx.mk
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(VP9_PREFIX)ratectrl_rtc.cc
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(VP9_PREFIX)ratectrl_rtc.h
+  INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += $(VP9_PREFIX)ratectrl_rtc.cc
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP8_ENCODER),yes)
+  VP8_PREFIX=vp8/
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(addprefix $(VP8_PREFIX),$(call enabled,VP8_CX_SRCS))
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(VP8_PREFIX)vp8_ratectrl_rtc.cc
+  RC_RTC_SRCS += $(VP8_PREFIX)vp8_ratectrl_rtc.h
+  INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += $(VP8_PREFIX)vp8_ratectrl_rtc.cc
+  INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += $(VP8_PREFIX)vp8_ratectrl_rtc.h
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP9_DECODER),yes)
+  VP9_PREFIX=vp9/
+  include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP9_PREFIX)vp9dx.mk
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP9_PREFIX),$(call enabled,VP9_DX_SRCS))
+  CODEC_EXPORTS-yes += $(addprefix $(VP9_PREFIX),$(VP9_DX_EXPORTS))
+  CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(VP9_PREFIX)vp9dx.mk vpx/vp8.h vpx/vp8dx.h
+  INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vp8.h include/vpx/vp8dx.h
+  INSTALL_MAPS += include/vpx/% $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(VP9_PREFIX)/%
+  CODEC_DOC_SRCS += vpx/vp8.h vpx/vp8dx.h
+  CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS += vp9 vp9_decoder
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_ENCODERS),yes)
+  CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS += encoder
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_DECODERS),yes)
+  CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS += decoder
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+CODEC_LIB=$(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),vpxmt,vpxmd)
+GTEST_LIB=$(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),gtestmt,gtestmd)
+RC_RTC_LIB=$(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),vpxrcmt,vpxrcmd)
+# This variable uses deferred expansion intentionally, since the results of
+# $(wildcard) may change during the course of the Make.
+VS_PLATFORMS = $(foreach d,$(wildcard */Release/$(CODEC_LIB).lib),$(word 1,$(subst /, ,$(d))))
+# The following pairs define a mapping of locations in the distribution
+# tree to locations in the source/build trees.
+INSTALL_MAPS += include/vpx/% $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx/%
+INSTALL_MAPS += include/vpx/% $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_ports/%
+INSTALL_MAPS += src/%     $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/%
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+INSTALL_MAPS += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),$(LIBSUBDIR)/$(p)/%  $(p)/Release/%)
+INSTALL_MAPS += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),$(LIBSUBDIR)/$(p)/%  $(p)/Debug/%)
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += build/make/version.sh
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += build/make/rtcd.pl
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += vpx_ports/emmintrin_compat.h
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += vpx_ports/vpx_once.h
+CODEC_SRCS-yes += $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.c
+INSTALL-SRCS-no += $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.c
+ifeq ($(VPX_ARCH_X86)$(VPX_ARCH_X86_64),yes)
+INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += third_party/x86inc/x86inc.asm
+INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += vpx_dsp/x86/bitdepth_conversion_sse2.asm
+CODEC_EXPORTS-yes += vpx/exports_com
+CODEC_EXPORTS-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += vpx/exports_enc
+CODEC_EXPORTS-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += vpx/exports_dec
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_codec.h
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_frame_buffer.h
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_image.h
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes += include/vpx/vpx_integer.h
+INSTALL-LIBS-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += include/vpx/vpx_decoder.h
+INSTALL-LIBS-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += include/vpx/vpx_encoder.h
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes                  += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),$(LIBSUBDIR)/$(p)/$(CODEC_LIB).lib)
+INSTALL-LIBS-$(CONFIG_SHARED) += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),$(LIBSUBDIR)/$(p)/vpx.dll)
+INSTALL-LIBS-$(CONFIG_SHARED) += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),$(LIBSUBDIR)/$(p)/vpx.exp)
+  SIMPLE_ENCODE_SRCS := $(call enabled,CODEC_SRCS)
+  SIMPLE_ENCODE_SRCS += $(VP9_PREFIX)simple_encode.cc
+  SIMPLE_ENCODE_SRCS += $(VP9_PREFIX)simple_encode.h
+  SIMPLE_ENCODE_SRCS += ivfenc.h
+  SIMPLE_ENCODE_SRCS += ivfenc.c
+  INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += $(VP9_PREFIX)simple_encode.cc
+  INSTALL-SRCS-$(CONFIG_CODEC_SRCS) += $(VP9_PREFIX)simple_encode.h
+CODEC_SRCS=$(call enabled,CODEC_SRCS)
+# Generate a list of all enabled sources, in particular for exporting to gyp
+# based build systems.
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	@echo $(CODEC_SRCS) | xargs -n1 echo | LC_ALL=C sort -u > $@
+CLEAN-OBJS += libvpx_srcs.txt
+# Assembly files that are included, but don't define symbols themselves.
+# Filtered out to avoid Windows build warnings.
+    third_party/x86inc/x86inc.asm \
+    vpx_config.asm \
+    vpx_ports/x86_abi_support.asm \
+    vpx_dsp/x86/bitdepth_conversion_sse2.asm \
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+vpx.def: $(call enabled,CODEC_EXPORTS)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/gen_msvs_def.sh\
+            --name=vpx\
+            --out=$@ $^
+CLEAN-OBJS += vpx.def
+vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX): VCPROJ_SRCS=$(filter-out $(addprefix %, $(ASM_INCLUDES)), $^)
+vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(CODEC_SRCS) vpx.def
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(GEN_VCPROJ) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_SHARED),--dll,--lib) \
+            --target=$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+            --name=vpx \
+            --proj-guid=DCE19DAF-69AC-46DB-B14A-39F0FAA5DB74 \
+            --module-def=vpx.def \
+            --ver=$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+            --out=$@ $(CFLAGS) \
+            --as=$(AS) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp8/%.c, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp8/%.h, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp9/%.c, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp9/%.h, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx/%, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_dsp/%, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter-out $(addprefix $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/, \
+                           vp8/%.c vp8/%.h vp9/%.c vp9/%.h vpx/% vpx_dsp/%), \
+              $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+PROJECTS-yes += vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX): vpx_config.asm
+vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(RTCD)
+vpxrc.$(VCPROJ_SFX): \
+    VCPROJ_SRCS=$(filter-out $(addprefix %, $(ASM_INCLUDES)), $^)
+vpxrc.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(RC_RTC_SRCS)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(GEN_VCPROJ) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_SHARED),--dll,--lib) \
+            --target=$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+            --name=vpxrc \
+            --proj-guid=C26FF952-9494-4838-9A3F-7F3D4F613385 \
+            --ver=$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+            --out=$@ $(CFLAGS) \
+            --as=$(AS) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp9/%.c, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp9/%.cc, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vp9/%.h, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx/%, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/vpx_dsp/%, $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            $(filter-out $(addprefix $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/, \
+                           vp8/%.c vp8/%.h vp9/%.c vp9/%.cc vp9/%.h vpx/% \
+                           vpx_dsp/%), \
+              $(VCPROJ_SRCS)) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+PROJECTS-yes += vpxrc.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+vpxrc.$(VCPROJ_SFX): vpx_config.asm
+vpxrc.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(RTCD)
+endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+else # ifeq ($(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_BUILD),yes)
+LIBVPX_OBJS=$(call objs, $(filter-out $(ASM_INCLUDES), $(CODEC_SRCS)))
+LIBS-$(if yes,$(CONFIG_STATIC)) += $(BUILD_PFX)libvpx.a $(BUILD_PFX)libvpx_g.a
+$(BUILD_PFX)libvpx_g.a: $(LIBVPX_OBJS)
+# Updating version info.
+# https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libtool.html#Updating-version-info
+# For libtool: c=<current>, a=<age>, r=<revision>
+# libtool generates .so file as .so.[c-a].a.r, while -version-info c:r:a is
+# passed to libtool.
+# libvpx library file is generated as libvpx.so.<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>
+# MAJOR = c-a, MINOR = a, PATCH = r
+# To determine SO_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH}, calculate c,a,r with current
+# SO_VERSION_* then follow the rules in the link to detemine the new version
+# (c1, a1, r1) and set MAJOR to [c1-a1], MINOR to a1 and PATCH to r1
+ifeq ($(filter darwin%,$(TGT_OS)),$(TGT_OS))
+LIBVPX_SO               := libvpx.$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).dylib
+SHARED_LIB_SUF          := .dylib
+EXPORT_FILE             := libvpx.syms
+LIBVPX_SO_SYMLINKS      := $(addprefix $(LIBSUBDIR)/, \
+                             libvpx.dylib  )
+ifeq ($(filter iphonesimulator%,$(TGT_OS)),$(TGT_OS))
+LIBVPX_SO               := libvpx.$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).dylib
+SHARED_LIB_SUF          := .dylib
+EXPORT_FILE             := libvpx.syms
+LIBVPX_SO_SYMLINKS      := $(addprefix $(LIBSUBDIR)/, libvpx.dylib)
+ifeq ($(filter os2%,$(TGT_OS)),$(TGT_OS))
+LIBVPX_SO               := libvpx$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).dll
+SHARED_LIB_SUF          := _dll.a
+EXPORT_FILE             := libvpx.def
+LIBVPX_SO_IMPLIB        := libvpx_dll.a
+SHARED_LIB_SUF          := .so
+EXPORT_FILE             := libvpx.ver
+LIBVPX_SO_SYMLINKS      := $(addprefix $(LIBSUBDIR)/, \
+                             libvpx.so libvpx.so.$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR) \
+                             libvpx.so.$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).$(SO_VERSION_MINOR))
+                           $(notdir $(LIBVPX_SO_SYMLINKS)) \
+                           $(if $(LIBVPX_SO_IMPLIB), $(BUILD_PFX)$(LIBVPX_SO_IMPLIB))
+$(BUILD_PFX)$(LIBVPX_SO): extralibs += -lm
+libvpx.def: $(call enabled,CODEC_EXPORTS)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)echo "DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED" >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo "EXPORTS" >> $@
+	$(qexec)awk '!/vpx_svc_*/ {print "_"$$2}' $^ >>$@
+CLEAN-OBJS += libvpx.def
+libvpx_dll.a: $(LIBVPX_SO)
+	@echo "    [IMPLIB] $@"
+	$(qexec)emximp -o $@ $<
+CLEAN-OBJS += libvpx_dll.a
+define libvpx_symlink_template
+$(1): $(2)
+	@echo "    [LN]     $(2) $$@"
+	$(qexec)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
+	$(qexec)ln -sf $(2) $$@
+$(eval $(call libvpx_symlink_template,\
+    $(addprefix $(BUILD_PFX),$(notdir $(LIBVPX_SO_SYMLINKS))),\
+$(eval $(call libvpx_symlink_template,\
+    $(addprefix $(DIST_DIR)/,$(LIBVPX_SO_SYMLINKS)),\
+    $(LIBVPX_SO)))
+LIBS-yes += vpx.pc
+vpx.pc: config.mk libs.mk
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)echo '# pkg-config file from libvpx $(VERSION_STRING)' > $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'prefix=$(PREFIX)' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'exec_prefix=$${prefix}' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'libdir=$${prefix}/$(LIBSUBDIR)' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'includedir=$${prefix}/include' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo '' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Name: vpx' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Description: WebM Project VPx codec implementation' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Version: $(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_PATCH)' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Requires:' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Conflicts:' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Libs: -L$${libdir} -lvpx -lm' >> $@
+ifeq ($(HAVE_PTHREAD_H),yes)
+	$(qexec)echo 'Libs.private: -lm -lpthread' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Libs.private: -lm' >> $@
+	$(qexec)echo 'Cflags: -I$${includedir}' >> $@
+INSTALL-LIBS-yes += $(LIBSUBDIR)/pkgconfig/vpx.pc
+INSTALL_MAPS += $(LIBSUBDIR)/pkgconfig/%.pc %.pc
+CLEAN-OBJS += vpx.pc
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_ENCODERS),yes)
+  RC_RTC_OBJS=$(call objs,$(RC_RTC_SRCS))
+  OBJS-yes += $(RC_RTC_OBJS)
+  LIBS-yes += $(BUILD_PFX)libvpxrc.a $(BUILD_PFX)libvpxrc_g.a
+  $(BUILD_PFX)libvpxrc_g.a: $(RC_RTC_OBJS)
+  LIBS-yes += $(BUILD_PFX)libsimple_encode.a $(BUILD_PFX)libsimple_encode_g.a
+  $(BUILD_PFX)libsimple_encode_g.a: $(SIMPLE_ENCODE_OBJS)
+endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_BUILD),yes)
+libvpx.ver: $(call enabled,CODEC_EXPORTS)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)echo "{ global:" > $@
+	$(qexec)for f in $?; do awk '{print $$2";"}' < $$f >>$@; done
+	$(qexec)echo "local: *; };" >> $@
+CLEAN-OBJS += libvpx.ver
+libvpx.syms: $(call enabled,CODEC_EXPORTS)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)awk '{print "_"$$2}' $^ >$@
+CLEAN-OBJS += libvpx.syms
+# Rule to make assembler configuration file from C configuration file
+ifeq ($(VPX_ARCH_X86)$(VPX_ARCH_X86_64),yes)
+$(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.asm: $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.h
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	@LC_ALL=C egrep "#define [A-Z0-9_]+ [01]" $< \
+	    | awk '{print $$2 " equ " $$3}' > $@
+ADS2GAS=$(if $(filter yes,$(CONFIG_GCC)),| $(ASM_CONVERSION))
+$(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.asm: $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.h
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	@LC_ALL=C egrep "#define [A-Z0-9_]+ [01]" $< \
+	    | awk '{print $$2 " EQU " $$3}' $(ADS2GAS) > $@
+	@echo "        END" $(ADS2GAS) >> $@
+CLEAN-OBJS += $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.asm
+# Add assembler dependencies for configuration.
+$(filter %.S.o,$(OBJS-yes)):     $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.asm
+$(filter %$(ASM).o,$(OBJS-yes)): $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_config.asm
+$(shell $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/version.sh "$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_version.h)
+CLEAN-OBJS += $(BUILD_PFX)vpx_version.h
+# Add include path for libwebm sources.
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_WEBM_IO),yes)
+  CXXFLAGS += -I$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/libwebm
+## libvpx test directives
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_UNIT_TESTS),yes)
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/test/test.mk
+# addprefix_clean behaves like addprefix if the target doesn't start with "../"
+# However, if the target starts with "../", instead of adding prefix,
+# it will remove "../".
+# Using addprefix_clean, we can avoid two different targets building the
+# same file, i.e.
+# test/../ivfenc.c.d: ivfenc.o
+# ivfenc.c.d: ivfenc.o
+# Note that the other way to solve this problem is using "realpath".
+# The "realpath" is supported by make 3.81 or later.
+addprefix_clean=$(patsubst $(1)../%,%,$(addprefix $(1), $(2)))
+LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS=$(call addprefix_clean,test/,$(call enabled,LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS))
+                     $(call enabled,LIBVPX_TEST_DATA))
+TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_SRCS=$(call addprefix_clean,test/,\
+                           $(call enabled,TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_SRCS))
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_ENCODERS),yes)
+RC_INTERFACE_TEST_SRCS=$(call addprefix_clean,test/,\
+                       $(call enabled,RC_INTERFACE_TEST_SRCS))
+SIMPLE_ENCODE_TEST_SRCS=$(call addprefix_clean,test/,\
+                        $(call enabled,SIMPLE_ENCODE_TEST_SRCS))
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	@echo $(LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS) | xargs -n1 echo | LC_ALL=C sort -u > $@
+CLEAN-OBJS += libvpx_test_srcs.txt
+# Attempt to download the file using curl, retrying once if it fails for a
+# partial file (18).
+$(LIBVPX_TEST_DATA): $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/test/test-data.sha1
+	@echo "    [DOWNLOAD] $@"
+	$(qexec)( \
+	  trap 'rm -f $@' INT TERM; \
+	  curl="curl -S -s --retry 1 -L -o $@ $(call libvpx_test_data_url,$(@F))"; \
+	  $$curl; ret=$$?; \
+	  case "$$ret" in \
+	    18) $$curl -C - ;; \
+	    *) exit $$ret ;; \
+	  esac \
+	)
+testdata:: $(LIBVPX_TEST_DATA)
+	$(qexec)[ -x "$$(which sha1sum)" ] && sha1sum=sha1sum;\
+          [ -x "$$(which shasum)" ] && sha1sum=shasum;\
+          [ -x "$$(which sha1)" ] && sha1sum=sha1;\
+          if [ -n "$${sha1sum}" ]; then\
+            set -e;\
+            echo "Checking test data:";\
+            for f in $(call enabled,LIBVPX_TEST_DATA); do\
+                grep $$f $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/test/test-data.sha1 |\
+                    (cd $(LIBVPX_TEST_DATA_PATH); $${sha1sum} -c);\
+            done; \
+        else\
+            echo "Skipping test data integrity check, sha1sum not found.";\
+        fi
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+gtest.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/src/gtest-all.cc
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(GEN_VCPROJ) \
+            --lib \
+            --target=$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+            --name=gtest \
+            --proj-guid=EC00E1EC-AF68-4D92-A255-181690D1C9B1 \
+            --ver=$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+            --as=$(AS) \
+            -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 \
+            --out=gtest.$(VCPROJ_SFX) $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/src/gtest-all.cc \
+            -I. -I"$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/include" -I"$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src"
+test_libvpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS) vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX) gtest.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(GEN_VCPROJ) \
+            --exe \
+            --target=$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN) \
+            --name=test_libvpx \
+            -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 \
+            --proj-guid=CD837F5F-52D8-4314-A370-895D614166A7 \
+            --ver=$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+            --as=$(AS) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+            --out=$@ $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+            -I. -I"$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/include" \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_WEBM_IO),-I"$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/libwebm") \
+            -L. -l$(CODEC_LIB) -l$(GTEST_LIB) $^
+LIBVPX_TEST_BIN := $(addprefix $(TGT_OS:win64=x64)/Release/,$(notdir $(LIBVPX_TEST_BIN)))
+ifneq ($(strip $(TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_OBJS)),)
+PROJECTS-$(CONFIG_MSVS) += test_intra_pred_speed.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+test_intra_pred_speed.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_SRCS) vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX) gtest.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(GEN_VCPROJ) \
+            --exe \
+            --target=$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN) \
+            --name=test_intra_pred_speed \
+            -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 \
+            --proj-guid=CD837F5F-52D8-4314-A370-895D614166A7 \
+            --ver=$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+            --as=$(AS) \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+            --out=$@ $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+            -I. -I"$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/include" \
+            -L. -l$(CODEC_LIB) -l$(GTEST_LIB) $^
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_ENCODERS),yes)
+ifneq ($(strip $(RC_INTERFACE_TEST_OBJS)),)
+PROJECTS-$(CONFIG_MSVS) += test_rc_interface.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+test_rc_interface.$(VCPROJ_SFX): $(RC_INTERFACE_TEST_SRCS) vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX) \
+	vpxrc.$(VCPROJ_SFX) gtest.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	$(qexec)$(GEN_VCPROJ) \
+            --exe \
+            --target=$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN) \
+            --name=test_rc_interface \
+            -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 \
+            --proj-guid=30458F88-1BC6-4689-B41C-50F3737AAB27 \
+            --ver=$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION) \
+            --as=$(AS) \
+            --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+            $(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+            --out=$@ $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+            -I. -I"$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/include" \
+            -L. -l$(CODEC_LIB) -l$(RC_RTC_LIB) -l$(GTEST_LIB) $^
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/gtest.mk
+GTEST_SRCS := $(addprefix third_party/googletest/src/,$(call enabled,GTEST_SRCS))
+GTEST_OBJS=$(call objs,$(GTEST_SRCS))
+ifeq ($(filter win%,$(TGT_OS)),$(TGT_OS))
+# Disabling pthreads globally will cause issues on darwin and possibly elsewhere
+GTEST_INCLUDES := -I$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src
+GTEST_INCLUDES += -I$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest/src/include
+OBJS-yes += $(GTEST_OBJS)
+LIBS-yes += $(BUILD_PFX)libgtest.a $(BUILD_PFX)libgtest_g.a
+$(BUILD_PFX)libgtest_g.a: $(GTEST_OBJS)
+LIBVPX_TEST_OBJS=$(sort $(call objs,$(LIBVPX_TEST_SRCS)))
+CODEC_LIB=$(if $(CONFIG_DEBUG_LIBS),vpx_g,vpx)
+TEST_LIBS := lib$(CODEC_LIB)$(CODEC_LIB_SUF) libgtest.a
+$(eval $(call linkerxx_template,$(LIBVPX_TEST_BIN), \
+              $(LIBVPX_TEST_OBJS) \
+              -L. -lvpx -lgtest $(extralibs) -lm))
+ifneq ($(strip $(TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_OBJS)),)
+$(eval $(call linkerxx_template,$(TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_BIN), \
+              $(TEST_INTRA_PRED_SPEED_OBJS) \
+              -L. -lvpx -lgtest $(extralibs) -lm))
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_ENCODERS),yes)
+ifneq ($(strip $(RC_INTERFACE_TEST_OBJS)),)
+$(eval $(call linkerxx_template,$(RC_INTERFACE_TEST_BIN), \
+              $(RC_INTERFACE_TEST_OBJS) \
+              -L. -lvpx -lgtest -lvpxrc $(extralibs) -lm))
+ifneq ($(strip $(SIMPLE_ENCODE_TEST_OBJS)),)
+$(SIMPLE_ENCODE_TEST_BIN): $(TEST_LIBS) libsimple_encode.a
+$(eval $(call linkerxx_template,$(SIMPLE_ENCODE_TEST_BIN), \
+              $(SIMPLE_ENCODE_TEST_OBJS) \
+              -L. -lsimple_encode -lvpx -lgtest $(extralibs) -lm))
+# Install test sources only if codec source is included
+    $(shell find $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/googletest -type f))
+define test_shard_template
+test:: test_shard.$(1)
+test-no-data-check:: test_shard_ndc.$(1)
+test_shard.$(1) test_shard_ndc.$(1): $(LIBVPX_TEST_BIN)
+	@set -e; \
+	 export GTEST_SHARD_INDEX=$(1); \
+	 export GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS=$(2); \
+test_shard.$(1): testdata
+.PHONY: test_shard.$(1)
+SHARDS := 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+$(foreach s,$(SHARDS),$(eval $(call test_shard_template,$(s),$(NUM_SHARDS))))
+## documentation directives
+CLEAN-OBJS += libs.doxy
+DOCS-yes += libs.doxy
+libs.doxy: $(CODEC_DOC_SRCS)
+	@echo "    [CREATE] $@"
+	@rm -f $@
+	@echo "INPUT += $^" >> $@
+	@echo "INCLUDE_PATH += ." >> $@;
+	@echo "ENABLED_SECTIONS += $(sort $(CODEC_DOC_SECTIONS))" >> $@
+## Generate rtcd.h for all objects
+$(OBJS-yes:.o=.d): $(RTCD)
+$(OBJS-yes): $(RTCD)
+## Update the global src list
+## vpxdec/vpxenc tests.
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_UNIT_TESTS),yes)
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+# MSVC will build both Debug and Release configurations of tools in a
+# sub directory named for the current target. Assume the user wants to
+# run the Release tools, and assign TEST_BIN_PATH accordingly.
+# TODO(tomfinegan): Is this adequate for ARM?
+# TODO(tomfinegan): Support running the debug versions of tools?
+TEST_BIN_PATH := $(addsuffix /$(TGT_OS:win64=x64)/Release, $(TEST_BIN_PATH))
+utiltest utiltest-no-data-check:
+	$(qexec)$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/test/vpxdec.sh \
+		--test-data-path $(LIBVPX_TEST_DATA_PATH) \
+		--bin-path $(TEST_BIN_PATH)
+	$(qexec)$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/test/vpxenc.sh \
+		--test-data-path $(LIBVPX_TEST_DATA_PATH) \
+		--bin-path $(TEST_BIN_PATH)
+utiltest: testdata
+utiltest utiltest-no-data-check:
+	@echo Unit tests must be enabled to make the utiltest target.
+## Example tests.
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_UNIT_TESTS),yes)
+# All non-MSVC targets output example targets in a sub dir named examples.
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+# MSVC will build both Debug and Release configurations of the examples in a
+# sub directory named for the current target. Assume the user wants to
+# run the Release tools, and assign EXAMPLES_BIN_PATH accordingly.
+# TODO(tomfinegan): Is this adequate for ARM?
+# TODO(tomfinegan): Support running the debug versions of tools?
+EXAMPLES_BIN_PATH := $(TGT_OS:win64=x64)/Release
+exampletest exampletest-no-data-check: examples
+	$(qexec)$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/test/examples.sh \
+		--test-data-path $(LIBVPX_TEST_DATA_PATH) \
+		--bin-path $(EXAMPLES_BIN_PATH)
+exampletest: testdata
+exampletest exampletest-no-data-check:
+	@echo Unit tests must be enabled to make the exampletest target.