--- (nonexistent)
+++ (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+## Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+LIBYUV_SRCS += third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/basic_types.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert_argb.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert_from.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/cpu_id.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/planar_functions.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/rotate.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/row.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/scale.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/scale_row.h \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+ third_party/libyuv/source/ \
+LIBWEBM_COMMON_SRCS += third_party/libwebm/common/ \
+ third_party/libwebm/common/hdr_util.h \
+ third_party/libwebm/common/webmids.h
+LIBWEBM_MUXER_SRCS += third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/ \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/ \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/ \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/mkvmuxer.h \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/mkvmuxertypes.h \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/mkvmuxerutil.h \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvparser/mkvparser.h \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvmuxer/mkvwriter.h
+LIBWEBM_PARSER_SRCS = third_party/libwebm/mkvparser/ \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvparser/ \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvparser/mkvparser.h \
+ third_party/libwebm/mkvparser/mkvreader.h
+# Add compile flags and include path for libwebm sources.
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_WEBM_IO),yes)
+ INC_PATH-yes += $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/libwebm
+# List of examples to build. UTILS are tools meant for distribution
+# while EXAMPLES demonstrate specific portions of the API.
+vpxdec.SRCS += md5_utils.c md5_utils.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += vpx_ports/compiler_attributes.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += vpx_ports/vpx_timer.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += vpx/vpx_integer.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += args.c args.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += ivfdec.c ivfdec.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += tools_common.c tools_common.h
+vpxdec.SRCS += y4menc.c y4menc.h
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBYUV),yes)
+ vpxdec.SRCS += $(LIBYUV_SRCS)
+ $(BUILD_PFX)third_party/libyuv/ CXXFLAGS += ${LIBYUV_CXXFLAGS}
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_WEBM_IO),yes)
+ vpxdec.SRCS += webmdec.h
+vpxdec.GUID = BA5FE66F-38DD-E034-F542-B1578C5FB950
+vpxdec.DESCRIPTION = Full featured decoder
+vpxenc.SRCS += args.c args.h y4minput.c y4minput.h vpxenc.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += ivfdec.c ivfdec.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += ivfenc.c ivfenc.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += rate_hist.c rate_hist.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += tools_common.c tools_common.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += warnings.c warnings.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += vpx_ports/vpx_timer.h
+vpxenc.SRCS += vpxstats.c vpxstats.h
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBYUV),yes)
+ vpxenc.SRCS += $(LIBYUV_SRCS)
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_WEBM_IO),yes)
+ vpxenc.SRCS += webmenc.h
+vpxenc.GUID = 548DEC74-7A15-4B2B-AFC3-AA102E7C25C1
+vpxenc.DESCRIPTION = Full featured encoder
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER) += vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.c
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += args.c args.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += ivfenc.c ivfenc.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += tools_common.c tools_common.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += video_common.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += vpxstats.c vpxstats.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += examples/svc_encodeframe.c
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.SRCS += examples/svc_context.h
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.GUID = 4A38598D-627D-4505-9C7B-D4020C84100D
+vp9_spatial_svc_encoder.DESCRIPTION = VP9 Spatial SVC Encoder
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_SHARED),yes)
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER) += resize_util.c
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.c
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.SRCS += ivfenc.c ivfenc.h
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.SRCS += tools_common.c tools_common.h
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.SRCS += video_common.h
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.GUID = B18C08F2-A439-4502-A78E-849BE3D60947
+vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.DESCRIPTION = Temporal SVC Encoder
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += simple_decoder.c
+simple_decoder.GUID = D3BBF1E9-2427-450D-BBFF-B2843C1D44CC
+simple_decoder.SRCS += ivfdec.h ivfdec.c
+simple_decoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+simple_decoder.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+simple_decoder.SRCS += video_common.h
+simple_decoder.SRCS += video_reader.h video_reader.c
+simple_decoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+simple_decoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+simple_decoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+simple_decoder.DESCRIPTION = Simplified decoder loop
+postproc.SRCS += ivfdec.h ivfdec.c
+postproc.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+postproc.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+postproc.SRCS += video_common.h
+postproc.SRCS += video_reader.h video_reader.c
+postproc.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+postproc.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+postproc.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+postproc.GUID = 65E33355-F35E-4088-884D-3FD4905881D7
+postproc.DESCRIPTION = Decoder postprocessor control
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += decode_to_md5.c
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += md5_utils.h md5_utils.c
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += ivfdec.h ivfdec.c
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += video_common.h
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += video_reader.h video_reader.c
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += vpx_ports/compiler_attributes.h
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+decode_to_md5.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+decode_to_md5.GUID = 59120B9B-2735-4BFE-B022-146CA340FE42
+decode_to_md5.DESCRIPTION = Frame by frame MD5 checksum
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += simple_encoder.c
+simple_encoder.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+simple_encoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+simple_encoder.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+simple_encoder.SRCS += video_common.h
+simple_encoder.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+simple_encoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+simple_encoder.GUID = 4607D299-8A71-4D2C-9B1D-071899B6FBFD
+simple_encoder.DESCRIPTION = Simplified encoder loop
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER) += vp9_lossless_encoder.c
+vp9_lossless_encoder.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+vp9_lossless_encoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vp9_lossless_encoder.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+vp9_lossless_encoder.SRCS += video_common.h
+vp9_lossless_encoder.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+vp9_lossless_encoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vp9_lossless_encoder.GUID = B63C7C88-5348-46DC-A5A6-CC151EF93366
+vp9_lossless_encoder.DESCRIPTION = Simplified lossless VP9 encoder
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += twopass_encoder.c
+twopass_encoder.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+twopass_encoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+twopass_encoder.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+twopass_encoder.SRCS += video_common.h
+twopass_encoder.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+twopass_encoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+twopass_encoder.GUID = 73494FA6-4AF9-4763-8FBB-265C92402FD8
+twopass_encoder.DESCRIPTION = Two-pass encoder loop
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_DECODERS) += decode_with_drops.c
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += ivfdec.h ivfdec.c
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += video_common.h
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += video_reader.h video_reader.c
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
+decode_with_drops.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+decode_with_drops.GUID = CE5C53C4-8DDA-438A-86ED-0DDD3CDB8D26
+decode_with_drops.DESCRIPTION = Drops frames while decoding
+set_maps.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+set_maps.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+set_maps.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+set_maps.SRCS += video_common.h
+set_maps.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+set_maps.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+set_maps.GUID = ECB2D24D-98B8-4015-A465-A4AF3DCC145F
+set_maps.DESCRIPTION = Set active and ROI maps
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_VP8_ENCODER) += vp8cx_set_ref.c
+vp8cx_set_ref.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+vp8cx_set_ref.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vp8cx_set_ref.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+vp8cx_set_ref.SRCS += video_common.h
+vp8cx_set_ref.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+vp8cx_set_ref.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vp8cx_set_ref.GUID = C5E31F7F-96F6-48BD-BD3E-10EBF6E8057A
+vp8cx_set_ref.DESCRIPTION = VP8 set encoder reference frame
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER),yes)
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_DECODERS),yes)
+EXAMPLES-yes += vp9cx_set_ref.c
+vp9cx_set_ref.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+vp9cx_set_ref.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vp9cx_set_ref.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+vp9cx_set_ref.SRCS += video_common.h
+vp9cx_set_ref.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+vp9cx_set_ref.GUID = 65D7F14A-2EE6-4293-B958-AB5107A03B55
+vp9cx_set_ref.DESCRIPTION = VP9 set encoder reference frame
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBYUV),yes)
+EXAMPLES-$(CONFIG_VP8_ENCODER) += vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.c
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.SRCS += ivfenc.h ivfenc.c
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.SRCS += y4minput.c y4minput.h
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.SRCS += tools_common.h tools_common.c
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.SRCS += video_writer.h video_writer.c
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.SRCS += vpx_ports/msvc.h
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.SRCS += $(LIBYUV_SRCS)
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.GUID = 04f8738e-63c8-423b-90fa-7c2703a374de
+vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.DESCRIPTION = VP8 Multiple-resolution Encoding
+# Handle extra library flags depending on codec configuration
+# We should not link to math library (libm) on RVCT
+# when building for bare-metal targets
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT), yes)
+ ifeq ($(CONFIG_GCC), yes)
+ endif
+# End of specified files. The rest of the build rules should happen
+# automagically from here.
+# Examples need different flags based on whether we're building
+# from an installed tree or a version controlled tree. Determine
+# the proper paths.
+ifeq ($(HAVE_ALT_TREE_LAYOUT),yes)
+ LIB_PATH-yes := $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/../lib
+ INC_PATH-yes := $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/../include
+ LIB_PATH-yes += $(if $(BUILD_PFX),$(BUILD_PFX),.)
+INC_PATH-$(CONFIG_LIBYUV) += $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/third_party/libyuv/include
+LIB_PATH := $(call enabled,LIB_PATH)
+INC_PATH := $(call enabled,INC_PATH)
+INTERNAL_CFLAGS = $(addprefix -I,$(INC_PATH))
+INTERNAL_LDFLAGS += $(addprefix -L,$(LIB_PATH))
+# Expand list of selected examples to build (as specified above)
+UTILS = $(call enabled,UTILS)
+EXAMPLES = $(addprefix examples/,$(call enabled,EXAMPLES))
+UTIL_SRCS = $(foreach ex,$(UTILS),$($(ex:.c=).SRCS))
+ALL_SRCS = $(foreach ex,$(ALL_EXAMPLES),$($(notdir $(ex:.c=)).SRCS))
+CODEC_EXTRA_LIBS=$(sort $(call enabled,CODEC_EXTRA_LIBS))
+# Expand all example sources into a variable containing all sources
+# for that example (not just them main one specified in UTILS/EXAMPLES)
+# and add this file to the list (for MSVS workspace generation)
+$(foreach ex,$(ALL_EXAMPLES),$(eval $(notdir $(ex:.c=)).SRCS += $(ex)
+# Create build/install dependencies for all examples. The common case
+# is handled here. The MSVS case is handled below.
+NOT_MSVS = $(if $(CONFIG_MSVS),,yes)
+DIST-BINS-$(NOT_MSVS) += $(addprefix bin/,$(ALL_EXAMPLES:.c=$(EXE_SFX)))
+INSTALL-BINS-$(NOT_MSVS) += $(addprefix bin/,$(UTILS:.c=$(EXE_SFX)))
+OBJS-$(NOT_MSVS) += $(call objs,$(ALL_SRCS))
+BINS-$(NOT_MSVS) += $(addprefix $(BUILD_PFX),$(ALL_EXAMPLES:.c=$(EXE_SFX)))
+# Instantiate linker template for all examples.
+CODEC_LIB=$(if $(CONFIG_DEBUG_LIBS),vpx_g,vpx)
+ifneq ($(filter darwin%,$(TGT_OS)),)
+ifneq ($(filter os2%,$(TGT_OS)),)
+$(foreach bin,$(BINS-yes),\
+ $(eval $(bin):$(LIB_PATH)/lib$(CODEC_LIB)$(CODEC_LIB_SUF))\
+ $(eval $(call linker_template,$(bin),\
+ $(call objs,$($(notdir $(bin:$(EXE_SFX)=)).SRCS)) \
+ -l$(CODEC_LIB) $(addprefix -l,$(CODEC_EXTRA_LIBS))\
+ )))
+# The following pairs define a mapping of locations in the distribution
+# tree to locations in the source/build trees.
+INSTALL_MAPS += src/%.c %.c
+INSTALL_MAPS += bin/% %
+# Set up additional MSVS environment
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+CODEC_LIB=$(if $(CONFIG_SHARED),vpx,$(if $(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),vpxmt,vpxmd))
+# This variable uses deferred expansion intentionally, since the results of
+# $(wildcard) may change during the course of the Make.
+VS_PLATFORMS = $(foreach d,$(wildcard */Release/$(CODEC_LIB).lib),$(word 1,$(subst /, ,$(d))))
+INSTALL_MAPS += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),bin/$(p)/% $(p)/Release/%)
+# Build Visual Studio Projects. We use a template here to instantiate
+# explicit rules rather than using an implicit rule because we want to
+# leverage make's VPATH searching rather than specifying the paths on
+# each file in ALL_EXAMPLES. This has the unfortunate side effect that
+# touching the source files trigger a rebuild of the project files
+# even though there is no real dependency there (the dependency is on
+# the makefiles). We may want to revisit this.
+define vcproj_template
+$(1): $($(1:.$(VCPROJ_SFX)=).SRCS) vpx.$(VCPROJ_SFX)
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [vcproj] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(GEN_VCPROJ)\
+ --exe\
+ --target=$$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)\
+ --name=$$(@:.$(VCPROJ_SFX)=)\
+ --ver=$$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION)\
+ --proj-guid=$$($$(@:.$(VCPROJ_SFX)=).GUID)\
+ --src-path-bare="$(SRC_PATH_BARE)" \
+ --as=$$(AS) \
+ $$(if $$(CONFIG_STATIC_MSVCRT),--static-crt) \
+ --out=$$@ $$(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) \
+ $(addprefix bin/$(p)/,$(ALL_EXAMPLES_BASENAME:.c=.exe)))
+$(foreach proj,$(call enabled,PROJECTS),\
+ $(eval $(call vcproj_template,$(proj))))
+# Documentation Rules
+%.dox: %.c
+ @echo " [DOXY] $@"
+ @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ @echo "/*!\page example_$(@F:.dox=) $(@F:.dox=)" > $@
+ @echo " \includelineno $(<F)" >> $@
+ @echo "*/" >> $@
+ @echo " [DOXY] $@"
+ @echo "/*!\page samples Sample Code" > $@
+ @echo " This SDK includes a number of sample applications."\
+ "Each sample documents a feature of the SDK in both prose"\
+ "and the associated C code."\
+ "The following samples are included: ">>$@
+ @$(foreach ex,$(sort $(notdir $(EXAMPLES:.c=))),\
+ echo " - \subpage example_$(ex) $($(ex).DESCRIPTION)" >> $@;)
+ @echo >> $@
+ @echo " In addition, the SDK contains a number of utilities."\
+ "Since these utilities are built upon the concepts described"\
+ "in the sample code listed above, they are not documented in"\
+ "pieces like the samples are. Their source is included here"\
+ "for reference. The following utilities are included:" >> $@
+ @$(foreach ex,$(sort $(UTILS:.c=)),\
+ echo " - \subpage example_$(ex) $($(ex).DESCRIPTION)" >> $@;)
+ @echo "*/" >> $@
+CLEAN-OBJS += examples.doxy samples.dox $(ALL_EXAMPLES:.c=.dox)
+DOCS-yes += examples.doxy samples.dox
+examples.doxy: samples.dox $(ALL_EXAMPLES:.c=.dox)
+ @echo "INPUT += $^" > $@
+ @echo "ENABLED_SECTIONS += samples" >> $@