Index: make/
--- make/ (nonexistent)
+++ make/ (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+## Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+# This file is to be used for compiling libvpx for Android using the NDK.
+# In an Android project place a libvpx checkout in the jni directory.
+# Run the configure script from the jni directory. Base libvpx
+# encoder/decoder configuration will look similar to:
+# ./libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --disable-examples \
+# --enable-external-build
+# When targeting Android, realtime-only is enabled by default. This can
+# be overridden by adding the command line flag:
+# --disable-realtime-only
+# This will create .mk files that contain variables that contain the
+# source files to compile.
+# Place an file in the jni directory that references the
+# file in the libvpx directory:
+# LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+# include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+# include jni/libvpx/build/make/
+# By default libvpx will use the 'cpufeatures' module from the NDK. This allows
+# the library to be built with all available optimizations (SSE2->AVX512 for
+# x86, NEON for arm, DSPr2 for mips). This can be disabled with
+# --disable-runtime-cpu-detect
+# but the resulting library *must* be run on devices supporting all of the
+# enabled extensions. They can be disabled individually with
+# --disable-{sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4_1, avx, avx2, avx512}
+# --disable-neon[-asm]
+# --disable-{dspr2, msa}
+# Running ndk-build will build libvpx and include it in your project.
+ifneq ($(V),1)
+ qexec := @
+# Use the makefiles generated by upstream configure to determine which files to
+# build. Also set any architecture-specific flags.
+ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a)
+ include $(CONFIG_DIR)
+else ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),arm64-v8a)
+ include $(CONFIG_DIR)
+else ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),x86)
+ include $(CONFIG_DIR)
+else ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),x86_64)
+ include $(CONFIG_DIR)
+else ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),mips)
+ include $(CONFIG_DIR)
+ $(error Not a supported TARGET_ARCH_ABI: $(TARGET_ARCH_ABI))
+# Rule that is normally in Makefile created by libvpx
+# configure. Used to filter out source files based on configuration.
+enabled=$(filter-out $($(1)-no),$($(1)-yes))
+# Override the relative path that is defined by the libvpx
+# configure process
+# Include the list of files to be built
+include $(LIBVPX_PATH)/
+# Optimise the code. May want to revisit this setting in the future.
+# For x86, include the source code in the search path so it will find files
+# like x86inc.asm and x86_abi_support.asm
+.PRECIOUS: %.asm.S
+$(ASM_CNV_PATH)/libvpx/%.asm.S: $(LIBVPX_PATH)/%.asm
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(CONFIG_DIR)$(ASM_CONVERSION) <$< > $@
+# For building *_rtcd.h, which have rules in
+TGT_ISA:=$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)))
+target := libs
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES += vpx_config.c
+# Remove duplicate entries
+# Pull out C files. vpx_config.c is in the immediate directory and
+# so it does not need libvpx/ prefixed like the rest of the source files.
+# The neon files with intrinsics need to have .neon appended so the proper
+# flags are applied.
+CODEC_SRCS_C = $(filter %.c, $(CODEC_SRCS_UNIQUE))
+LOCAL_NEON_SRCS_C = $(filter %_neon.c, $(CODEC_SRCS_C))
+LOCAL_CODEC_SRCS_C = $(filter-out vpx_config.c %_neon.c, $(CODEC_SRCS_C))
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(foreach file, $(LOCAL_CODEC_SRCS_C), libvpx/$(file))
+ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a)
+ LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(foreach file, $(LOCAL_NEON_SRCS_C), libvpx/$(file).neon)
+else # If there are neon sources then we are building for arm64 and do not need to specify .neon
+ LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(foreach file, $(LOCAL_NEON_SRCS_C), libvpx/$(file))
+# Pull out assembly files, splitting NEON from the rest. This is
+# done to specify that the NEON assembly files use NEON assembler flags.
+# x86 assembly matches %.asm, arm matches %.asm.S
+# x86:
+CODEC_SRCS_ASM_X86 = $(filter %.asm, $(CODEC_SRCS_UNIQUE))
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(foreach file, $(CODEC_SRCS_ASM_X86), libvpx/$(file))
+# arm:
+CODEC_SRCS_ASM_ARM = $(foreach v, \
+ $(if $(findstring neon,$(v)),,$(v)))
+CODEC_SRCS_ASM_ADS2GAS = $(patsubst %.S, \
+ $(ASM_CNV_PATH_LOCAL)/libvpx/%.S, \
+ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a)
+ ASM_INCLUDES := vpx_dsp/arm/idct_neon.asm.S
+ CODEC_SRCS_ASM_NEON = $(foreach v, \
+ $(if $(findstring neon,$(v)),$(v),))
+ CODEC_SRCS_ASM_NEON := $(filter-out $(addprefix %, $(ASM_INCLUDES)), \
+ CODEC_SRCS_ASM_NEON_ADS2GAS = $(patsubst %.S, \
+ $(ASM_CNV_PATH_LOCAL)/libvpx/%.S, \
+ LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(patsubst %.S, \
+ %.S.neon, \
+ NEON_ASM_TARGETS = $(patsubst %.S, \
+ $(ASM_CNV_PATH)/libvpx/%.S, \
+# add a dependency to the full path to the ads2gas output to ensure the
+# includes are converted first.
+ifneq ($(strip $(NEON_ASM_TARGETS)),)
+$(NEON_ASM_TARGETS): $(addprefix $(ASM_CNV_PATH)/libvpx/, $(ASM_INCLUDES))
+ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=vpx_config.h \
+ -I$(ASM_CNV_PATH)/libvpx
+LOCAL_MODULE := libvpx
+LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-BSD
+# Add a dependency to force generation of the RTCD files.
+define rtcd_dep_template
+rtcd_dep_template_SRCS := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES))
+rtcd_dep_template_SRCS := $$(rtcd_dep_template_SRCS:.neon=)
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP8), yes)
+$$(rtcd_dep_template_SRCS): vp8_rtcd.h
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_VP9), yes)
+$$(rtcd_dep_template_SRCS): vp9_rtcd.h
+$$(rtcd_dep_template_SRCS): vpx_scale_rtcd.h
+$$(rtcd_dep_template_SRCS): vpx_dsp_rtcd.h
+rtcd_dep_template_CONFIG_ASM_ABIS := x86 x86_64 armeabi-v7a
+ifneq ($$(findstring $(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),$$(rtcd_dep_template_CONFIG_ASM_ABIS)),)
+$$(rtcd_dep_template_SRCS): vpx_config.asm
+$(eval $(call rtcd_dep_template))
+.PHONY: clean
+ @echo "Clean: ads2gas files [$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)]"
+ $(qexec)$(RM) -r $(ASM_CNV_PATH)
+ $(qexec)$(RM) $(CLEAN-OBJS)
+ifeq ($(ENABLE_SHARED),1)
+$(call import-module,android/cpufeatures)
Index: make/Makefile
--- make/Makefile (nonexistent)
+++ make/Makefile (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+## Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ifeq ($(target),)
+# If a target wasn't specified, invoke for all enabled targets.
+ @for t in $(ALL_TARGETS); do \
+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory target=$$t $(MAKECMDGOALS) || exit $$?;\
+ done
+all: .DEFAULT
+clean:: .DEFAULT
+exampletest: .DEFAULT
+install:: .DEFAULT
+test:: .DEFAULT
+test-no-data-check:: .DEFAULT
+testdata:: .DEFAULT
+utiltest: .DEFAULT
+exampletest-no-data-check utiltest-no-data-check: .DEFAULT
+test_%: .DEFAULT ;
+# Note: md5sum is not installed on OS X, but openssl is. Openssl may not be
+# installed on cygwin, so we need to autodetect here.
+md5sum := $(firstword $(wildcard \
+ $(foreach e,md5sum openssl,\
+ $(foreach p,$(subst :, ,$(PATH)),$(p)/$(e)*))\
+ ))
+md5sum := $(if $(filter %openssl,$(md5sum)),$(md5sum) dgst -md5,$(md5sum))
+TGT_CC:=$(word 3, $(subst -, ,$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)))
+ @for t in $(ALL_TARGETS); do \
+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory target=$$t $(MAKECMDGOALS) || exit $$?;\
+ done
+ # Run configure for the user with the current toolchain.
+ @if [ -d "$(DIST_DIR)/src" ]; then \
+ mkdir -p "$(DIST_DIR)/build"; \
+ cd "$(DIST_DIR)/build"; \
+ echo "Rerunning configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)"; \
+ ../src/configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS); \
+ $(if $(filter vs%,$(TGT_CC)),make NO_LAUNCH_DEVENV=1;) \
+ fi
+ @if [ -d "$(DIST_DIR)" ]; then \
+ echo " [MD5SUM] $(DIST_DIR)"; \
+ cd $(DIST_DIR) && \
+ $(md5sum) `find . -name md5sums.txt -prune -o -type f -print` \
+ | sed -e 's/MD5(\(.*\))= \([0-9a-f]\{32\}\)/\2 \1/' \
+ > md5sums.txt;\
+ fi
+# Since we invoke make recursively for multiple targets we need to include the
+# .mk file for the correct target, but only when $(target) is non-empty.
+ifneq ($(target),)
+include $(target)-$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN).mk
+TGT_ISA:=$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)))
+TGT_OS:=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)))
+TGT_CC:=$(word 3, $(subst -, ,$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)))
+quiet:=$(if $(or $(verbose), $(V)),, yes)
+qexec=$(if $(quiet),@)
+# Cancel built-in implicit rules
+%: %.o
+# Common rules"
+.PHONY: all
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -f $(OBJS-yes) $(OBJS-yes:.o=.d) $(OBJS-yes:.asm.S.o=.asm.S)
+ rm -f $(CLEAN-OBJS)
+.PHONY: clean
+distclean: clean
+ if [ -z "$(target)" ]; then \
+ rm -f Makefile; \
+ rm -f config.log; \
+ rm -f vpx_config.[hc] vpx_config.asm; \
+ rm -f arm_neon.h; \
+ else \
+ rm -f $(target)-$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN).mk; \
+ fi
+.PHONY: dist
+.PHONY: exampletest
+.PHONY: install
+.PHONY: test
+.PHONY: testdata
+.PHONY: utiltest
+.PHONY: test-no-data-check exampletest-no-data-check utiltest-no-data-check
+exampletest-no-data-check utiltest-no-data-check:
+# Force to realign stack always on OS/2
+ifeq ($(TGT_TOOLCHAIN), x86-os2-gcc)
+CFLAGS += -mstackrealign
+# x86[_64]
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_mmx.c.d: CFLAGS += -mmmx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_mmx.c.o: CFLAGS += -mmmx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_sse2.c.d: CFLAGS += -msse2
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_sse2.c.o: CFLAGS += -msse2
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_sse3.c.d: CFLAGS += -msse3
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_sse3.c.o: CFLAGS += -msse3
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_ssse3.c.d: CFLAGS += -mssse3
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_ssse3.c.o: CFLAGS += -mssse3
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_sse4.c.d: CFLAGS += -msse4.1
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_sse4.c.o: CFLAGS += -msse4.1
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_avx.c.d: CFLAGS += -mavx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_avx.c.o: CFLAGS += -mavx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_avx2.c.d: CFLAGS += -mavx2
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_avx2.c.o: CFLAGS += -mavx2
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_avx512.c.d: CFLAGS += -mavx512f -mavx512cd -mavx512bw -mavx512dq -mavx512vl
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_avx512.c.o: CFLAGS += -mavx512f -mavx512cd -mavx512bw -mavx512dq -mavx512vl
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_vsx.c.d: CFLAGS += -maltivec -mvsx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_vsx.c.o: CFLAGS += -maltivec -mvsx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_msa.c.d: CFLAGS += -mmsa
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_msa.c.o: CFLAGS += -mmsa
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_lsx.c.d: CFLAGS += -mlsx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_lsx.c.o: CFLAGS += -mlsx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_lasx.c.d: CFLAGS += -mlasx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%_lasx.c.o: CFLAGS += -mlasx
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.c.d: %.c
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [DEP] $@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(CC) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -M $< | $(fmt_deps) > $@
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.c.o: %.c
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [CC] $@")
+ $(qexec)$(if $(CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING),,mkdir -p $(dir $@))
+ $(qexec)$(CC) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [DEP] $@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(CXX) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -M $< | $(fmt_deps) > $@
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [CXX] $@")
+ $(qexec)$(if $(CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING),,mkdir -p $(dir $@))
+ $(qexec)$(CXX) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.cpp.d: %.cpp
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [DEP] $@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(CXX) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -M $< | $(fmt_deps) > $@
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.cpp.o: %.cpp
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [CXX] $@")
+ $(qexec)$(if $(CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING),,mkdir -p $(dir $@))
+ $(qexec)$(CXX) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.asm.d: %.asm
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [DEP] $@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/ \
+ --build-pfx=$(BUILD_PFX) --depfile=$@ $(ASFLAGS) $< > $@
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.asm.o: %.asm
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [AS] $@")
+ $(qexec)$(if $(CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING),,mkdir -p $(dir $@))
+ $(qexec)$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.S.d: %.S
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [DEP] $@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/ \
+ --build-pfx=$(BUILD_PFX) --depfile=$@ $(ASFLAGS) $< > $@
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.S.o: %.S
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [AS] $@")
+ $(qexec)$(if $(CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING),,mkdir -p $(dir $@))
+ $(qexec)$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.c.S: %.c
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [GEN] $@")
+ $(qexec)$(if $(CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING),,mkdir -p $(dir $@))
+ $(qexec)$(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+.PRECIOUS: %.asm.S
+$(BUILD_PFX)%.asm.S: %.asm
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [ASM CONVERSION] $@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ $(qexec)$(ASM_CONVERSION) <$< >$@
+# If we're in debug mode, pretend we don't have GNU strip, to fall back to
+# the copy implementation
+ifeq ($(HAVE_GNU_STRIP),yes)
+# Older binutils strip global symbols not needed for relocation processing
+# when given --strip-unneeded. Using nm and awk to identify globals and
+# keep them caused command line length issues under mingw and segfaults in
+# test_libvpx were observed under OS/2: simply use --strip-debug.
+%.a: %_g.a
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [STRIP] $@ < $<")
+ $(qexec)$(STRIP) --strip-debug \
+ -o $@ $<
+%.a: %_g.a
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [CP] $@ < $<")
+ $(qexec)cp $< $@
+# Utility functions
+pairmap=$(if $(strip $(2)),\
+ $(call $(1),$(word 1,$(2)),$(word 2,$(2)))\
+ $(call pairmap,$(1),$(wordlist 3,$(words $(2)),$(2)))\
+enabled=$(filter-out $($(1)-no),$($(1)-yes))
+cond_enabled=$(if $(filter yes,$($(1))), $(call enabled,$(2)))
+find_file1=$(word 1,$(wildcard $(subst //,/,$(addsuffix /$(1),$(2)))))
+find_file=$(foreach f,$(1),$(call find_file1,$(strip $(f)),$(strip $(2))) )
+obj_pats=.c=.c.o $(AS_SFX)=$(AS_SFX).o .cpp=.cpp.o
+objs=$(addprefix $(BUILD_PFX),$(foreach p,$(obj_pats),$(filter %.o,$(1:$(p))) ))
+install_map_templates=$(eval $(call install_map_template,$(1),$(2)))
+not=$(subst yes,no,$(1))
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MSVS),yes)
+# Rule Templates
+define linker_template
+$(1): $(filter-out -%,$(2))
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [LD] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(LD) $$(strip $$(INTERNAL_LDFLAGS) $$(LDFLAGS) -o $$@ $(2) $(3) $$(extralibs))
+define linkerxx_template
+$(1): $(filter-out -%,$(2))
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [LD] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(CXX) $$(strip $$(INTERNAL_LDFLAGS) $$(LDFLAGS) -o $$@ $(2) $(3) $$(extralibs))
+# make-3.80 has a bug with expanding large input strings to the eval function,
+# which was triggered in some cases by the following component of
+# linker_template:
+# $(1): $$(call find_file, $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(2))),\
+# $$(patsubst -L%,%,$$(filter -L%,$$(LDFLAGS) $(2))))
+# This may be useful to revisit in the future (it tries to locate libraries
+# in a search path and add them as prerequisites
+define install_map_template
+$(DIST_DIR)/$(1): $(2)
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [INSTALL] $$@")
+ $(qexec)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
+ $(qexec)cp -p $$< $$@
+define archive_template
+# Not using a pattern rule here because we don't want to generate empty
+# archives when they are listed as a dependency in files not responsible
+# for creating them.
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [AR] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(AR) $$(ARFLAGS) $$@ $$^
+define so_template
+# Not using a pattern rule here because we don't want to generate empty
+# archives when they are listed as a dependency in files not responsible
+# for creating them.
+# This needs further abstraction for dealing with non-GNU linkers.
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [LD] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(LD) -shared $$(LDFLAGS) \
+ -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-soname,$$(SONAME) \
+ -Wl,--version-script,$$(EXPORTS_FILE) -o $$@ \
+ $$(filter %.o,$$^) $$(extralibs)
+define dl_template
+# Not using a pattern rule here because we don't want to generate empty
+# archives when they are listed as a dependency in files not responsible
+# for creating them.
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [LD] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(LD) -dynamiclib $$(LDFLAGS) \
+ -exported_symbols_list $$(EXPORTS_FILE) \
+ -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names,-compatibility_version,1.0,-current_version,$$(VERSION_MAJOR) \
+ -o $$@ \
+ $$(filter %.o,$$^) $$(extralibs)
+define dll_template
+# Not using a pattern rule here because we don't want to generate empty
+# archives when they are listed as a dependency in files not responsible
+# for creating them.
+ $(if $(quiet),@echo " [LD] $$@")
+ $(qexec)$$(LD) -Zdll $$(LDFLAGS) \
+ -o $$@ \
+ $$(filter %.o,$$^) $$(extralibs) $$(EXPORTS_FILE)
+# Get current configuration
+ifneq ($(target),)
+include $(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(target:-$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)=).mk
+skip_deps := $(filter %clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
+skip_deps += $(findstring testdata,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
+ifeq ($(strip $(skip_deps)),)
+ # Older versions of make don't like -include directives with no arguments
+ ifneq ($(filter %.d,$(OBJS-yes:.o=.d)),)
+ -include $(filter %.d,$(OBJS-yes:.o=.d))
+ endif
+ endif
+# Configuration dependent rules
+$(call pairmap,install_map_templates,$(INSTALL_MAPS))
+DOCS=$(call cond_enabled,CONFIG_INSTALL_DOCS,DOCS) $(DOCS)
+ @touch $@
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),dist)
+.install-docs: .docs $(addprefix $(DIST_DIR)/,$(INSTALL-DOCS))
+ @touch $@
+ rm -f .docs .install-docs $(DOCS)
+BINS=$(call enabled,BINS)
+.bins: $(BINS)
+ @touch $@
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),dist)
+.install-bins: .bins $(addprefix $(DIST_DIR)/,$(INSTALL-BINS))
+ @touch $@
+ rm -f .bins .install-bins $(BINS)
+LIBS=$(call enabled,LIBS)
+.libs: $(LIBS)
+ @touch $@
+$(foreach lib,$(filter %_g.a,$(LIBS)),$(eval $(call archive_template,$(lib))))
+$(foreach lib,$(filter %so.$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).$(SO_VERSION_MINOR).$(SO_VERSION_PATCH),$(LIBS)),$(eval $(call so_template,$(lib))))
+$(foreach lib,$(filter %$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).dylib,$(LIBS)),$(eval $(call dl_template,$(lib))))
+$(foreach lib,$(filter %$(SO_VERSION_MAJOR).dll,$(LIBS)),$(eval $(call dll_template,$(lib))))
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),dist)
+.install-libs: .libs $(addprefix $(DIST_DIR)/,$(INSTALL-LIBS))
+ @touch $@
+ rm -f .libs .install-libs $(LIBS)
+PROJECTS=$(call enabled,PROJECTS)
+.projects: $(PROJECTS)
+ @touch $@
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),dist)
+.install-projects: .projects $(addprefix $(DIST_DIR)/,$(INSTALL-PROJECTS))
+ @touch $@
+ rm -f .projects .install-projects $(PROJECTS)
+# If there are any source files to be distributed, then include the build
+# system too.
+ifneq ($(call enabled,DIST-SRCS),)
+ DIST-SRCS-yes += configure
+ DIST-SRCS-yes += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-yes += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-yes += build/make/Makefile
+ DIST-SRCS-$(CONFIG_MSVS) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(CONFIG_MSVS) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(CONFIG_MSVS) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(CONFIG_MSVS) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(CONFIG_RVCT) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(VPX_ARCH_ARM) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(VPX_ARCH_ARM) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(VPX_ARCH_ARM) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-$(VPX_ARCH_ARM) += build/make/
+ DIST-SRCS-yes += $(target:-$(TGT_TOOLCHAIN)=).mk
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),dist)
+.install-srcs: $(addprefix $(DIST_DIR)/src/,$(INSTALL-SRCS))
+ @touch $@
+ rm -f .install-srcs
+ BUILD_TARGETS += .projects
+ INSTALL_TARGETS += .install-projects
+BUILD_TARGETS += .docs .libs .bins
+INSTALL_TARGETS += .install-docs .install-srcs .install-libs .install-bins
+install:: $(INSTALL_TARGETS)
+.SUFFIXES: # Delete default suffix rules
Index: make/
--- make/ (nonexistent)
+++ make/ (revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,1676 @@
+## This script is sourced by the main configure script and contains
+## utility functions and other common bits that aren't strictly libvpx
+## related.
+## This build system is based in part on the FFmpeg configure script.
+# Logging / Output Functions
+ echo "Unknown option \"$1\"."
+ echo "See $0 --help for available options."
+ clean_temp_files
+ exit 1
+die() {
+ echo "$@"
+ echo
+ echo "Configuration failed. This could reflect a misconfiguration of your"
+ echo "toolchains, improper options selected, or another problem. If you"
+ echo "don't see any useful error messages above, the next step is to look"
+ echo "at the configure error log file ($logfile) to determine what"
+ echo "configure was trying to do when it died."
+ clean_temp_files
+ exit 1
+ echo "$@" >>$logfile
+ log BEGIN $1
+ cat -n $1 >>$logfile
+ log END $1
+log_echo() {
+ echo "$@"
+ log "$@"
+fwrite () {
+ outfile=$1
+ shift
+ echo "$@" >> ${outfile}
+ for opt in ${CMDLINE_SELECT}; do
+ opt2=`echo $opt | sed -e 's;_;-;g'`
+ if enabled $opt; then
+ eval "toggle_${opt}=\"--disable-${opt2}\""
+ else
+ eval "toggle_${opt}=\"--enable-${opt2} \""
+ fi
+ done
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: configure [options]
+Build options:
+ --help print this message
+ --log=yes|no|FILE file configure log is written to [config.log]
+ --target=TARGET target platform tuple [generic-gnu]
+ --cpu=CPU optimize for a specific cpu rather than a family
+ --extra-cflags=ECFLAGS add ECFLAGS to CFLAGS [$CFLAGS]
+ ${toggle_extra_warnings} emit harmless warnings (always non-fatal)
+ ${toggle_werror} treat warnings as errors, if possible
+ (not available with all compilers)
+ ${toggle_optimizations} turn on/off compiler optimization flags
+ ${toggle_pic} turn on/off Position Independent Code
+ ${toggle_ccache} turn on/off compiler cache
+ ${toggle_debug} enable/disable debug mode
+ ${toggle_gprof} enable/disable gprof profiling instrumentation
+ ${toggle_gcov} enable/disable gcov coverage instrumentation
+ ${toggle_thumb} enable/disable building arm assembly in thumb mode
+ ${toggle_dependency_tracking}
+ disable to speed up one-time build
+Install options:
+ ${toggle_install_docs} control whether docs are installed
+ ${toggle_install_bins} control whether binaries are installed
+ ${toggle_install_libs} control whether libraries are installed
+ ${toggle_install_srcs} control whether sources are installed
+ cat <<EOF
+ Object files are built at the place where configure is launched.
+ All boolean options can be negated. The default value is the opposite
+ of that shown above. If the option --disable-foo is listed, then
+ the default value for foo is enabled.
+Supported targets:
+ show_targets ${all_platforms}
+ echo
+ exit 1
+show_targets() {
+ while [ -n "$*" ]; do
+ if [ "${1%%-*}" = "${2%%-*}" ]; then
+ if [ "${2%%-*}" = "${3%%-*}" ]; then
+ printf " %-24s %-24s %-24s\n" "$1" "$2" "$3"
+ shift; shift; shift
+ else
+ printf " %-24s %-24s\n" "$1" "$2"
+ shift; shift
+ fi
+ else
+ printf " %-24s\n" "$1"
+ shift
+ fi
+ done
+show_help() {
+ show_help_pre
+ show_help_post
+# List Processing Functions
+ value=$1
+ shift
+ for var in $*; do
+ eval $var=$value
+ done
+ value=$1
+ shift
+ for var in $*; do
+ [ $var = $value ] && return 0
+ done
+ return 1
+add_cflags() {
+add_cflags_only() {
+add_cxxflags_only() {
+add_ldflags() {
+add_asflags() {
+add_extralibs() {
+ extralibs="${extralibs} $@"
+# Boolean Manipulation Functions
+ set_all yes $*
+ set_all no $*
+ eval test "x\$$1" = "xyes"
+ eval test "x\$$1" = "xno"
+ enabled "${1}" || echo " enabling ${1}"
+ enable_feature "${1}"
+ is_in "${1}" vp8 vp9 && enable_feature "${1}_encoder" "${1}_decoder"
+ disabled "${1}" || echo " disabling ${1}"
+ disable_feature "${1}"
+ is_in "${1}" vp8 vp9 && disable_feature "${1}_encoder" "${1}_decoder"
+# Iterates through positional parameters, checks to confirm the parameter has
+# not been explicitly (force) disabled, and enables the setting controlled by
+# the parameter when the setting is not disabled.
+# Note: Does NOT alter RTCD generation options ($RTCD_OPTIONS).
+soft_enable() {
+ for var in $*; do
+ if ! disabled $var; then
+ enabled $var || log_echo " enabling $var"
+ enable_feature $var
+ fi
+ done
+# Iterates through positional parameters, checks to confirm the parameter has
+# not been explicitly (force) enabled, and disables the setting controlled by
+# the parameter when the setting is not enabled.
+# Note: Does NOT alter RTCD generation options ($RTCD_OPTIONS).
+soft_disable() {
+ for var in $*; do
+ if ! enabled $var; then
+ disabled $var || log_echo " disabling $var"
+ disable_feature $var
+ fi
+ done
+# Text Processing Functions
+ echo "$@" | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
+ echo "$@" | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+# Temporary File Functions
+enable_feature source_path_used
+if [ -z "$source_path" ] || [ "$source_path" = "." ]; then
+ source_path="`pwd`"
+ disable_feature source_path_used
+# Makefiles greedily process the '#' character as a comment, even if it is
+# inside quotes. So, this character must be escaped in all paths in Makefiles.
+source_path_mk=$(echo $source_path | sed -e 's;\#;\\\#;g')
+if test ! -z "$TMPDIR" ; then
+elif test ! -z "$TEMPDIR" ; then
+ TMPDIRx="/tmp"
+RAND=$(awk 'BEGIN { srand(); printf "%d\n",(rand() * 32768)}')
+clean_temp_files() {
+ rm -f ${TMP_C} ${TMP_CC} ${TMP_H} ${TMP_O} ${TMP_X} ${TMP_ASM}
+ enabled gcov && rm -f ${TMP_C%.c}.gcno ${}.gcno
+# Toolchain Check Functions
+check_cmd() {
+ enabled external_build && return
+ log "$@"
+ "$@" >>${logfile} 2>&1
+check_cc() {
+ log check_cc "$@"
+ cat >${TMP_C}
+ log_file ${TMP_C}
+ check_cmd ${CC} ${CFLAGS} "$@" -c -o ${TMP_O} ${TMP_C}
+check_cxx() {
+ log check_cxx "$@"
+ cat >${TMP_CC}
+ log_file ${TMP_CC}
+ check_cmd ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} "$@" -c -o ${TMP_O} ${TMP_CC}
+check_cpp() {
+ log check_cpp "$@"
+ cat > ${TMP_C}
+ log_file ${TMP_C}
+ check_cmd ${CC} ${CFLAGS} "$@" -E -o ${TMP_O} ${TMP_C}
+check_ld() {
+ log check_ld "$@"
+ check_cc $@ \
+ && check_cmd ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} "$@" -o ${TMP_X} ${TMP_O} ${extralibs}
+check_lib() {
+ log check_lib "$@"
+ check_cc $@ \
+ && check_cmd ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${TMP_X} ${TMP_O} "$@" ${extralibs}
+ log check_header "$@"
+ header=$1
+ shift
+ var=`echo $header | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g'`
+ disable_feature $var
+ check_cpp "$@" <<EOF && enable_feature $var
+#include "$header"
+int x;
+check_cflags() {
+ log check_cflags "$@"
+ check_cc -Werror "$@" <<EOF
+int x;
+check_cxxflags() {
+ log check_cxxflags "$@"
+ # Catch CFLAGS that trigger CXX warnings
+ case "$CXX" in
+ *c++-analyzer|*clang++|*g++*)
+ check_cxx -Werror "$@" <<EOF
+int x;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ check_cxx -Werror "$@" <<EOF
+int x;
+ ;;
+ esac
+check_add_cflags() {
+ check_cxxflags "$@" && add_cxxflags_only "$@"
+ check_cflags "$@" && add_cflags_only "$@"
+check_add_cxxflags() {
+ check_cxxflags "$@" && add_cxxflags_only "$@"
+check_add_asflags() {
+ log add_asflags "$@"
+ add_asflags "$@"
+check_add_ldflags() {
+ log add_ldflags "$@"
+ add_ldflags "$@"
+check_asm_align() {
+ log check_asm_align "$@"
+ cat >${TMP_ASM} <<EOF
+section .rodata
+align 16
+ log_file ${TMP_ASM}
+ check_cmd ${AS} ${ASFLAGS} -o ${TMP_O} ${TMP_ASM}
+ readelf -WS ${TMP_O} >${TMP_X}
+ log_file ${TMP_X}
+ if ! grep -q '\.rodata .* 16$' ${TMP_X}; then
+ die "${AS} ${ASFLAGS} does not support section alignment (nasm <=2.08?)"
+ fi
+# tests for -m$1 toggling the feature given in $2. If $2 is empty $1 is used.
+check_gcc_machine_option() {
+ opt="$1"
+ feature="$2"
+ [ -n "$feature" ] || feature="$opt"
+ if enabled gcc && ! disabled "$feature" && ! check_cflags "-m$opt"; then
+ RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-$feature "
+ else
+ soft_enable "$feature"
+ fi
+# tests for -m$2, -m$3, -m$4... toggling the feature given in $1.
+check_gcc_machine_options() {
+ feature="$1"
+ shift
+ flags="-m$1"
+ shift
+ for opt in $*; do
+ flags="$flags -m$opt"
+ done
+ if enabled gcc && ! disabled "$feature" && ! check_cflags $flags; then
+ RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-$feature "
+ else
+ soft_enable "$feature"
+ fi
+check_gcc_avx512_compiles() {
+ if disabled gcc; then
+ return
+ fi
+ check_cc -mavx512f <<EOF
+#include <immintrin.h>
+void f(void) {
+ __m512i x = _mm512_set1_epi16(0);
+ (void)x;
+ compile_result=$?
+ if [ ${compile_result} -ne 0 ]; then
+ log_echo " disabling avx512: not supported by compiler"
+ disable_feature avx512
+ RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-avx512 "
+ fi
+check_inline_asm() {
+ log check_inline_asm "$@"
+ name="$1"
+ code="$2"
+ shift 2
+ disable_feature $name
+ check_cc "$@" <<EOF && enable_feature $name
+void foo(void) { __asm__ volatile($code); }
+write_common_config_banner() {
+ print_webm_license "##" ""
+ echo '# This file automatically generated by configure. Do not edit!' >>
+ echo "TGT_TOOLCHAIN := ${toolchain}" >>
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ *-linux-rvct)
+ echo "ALT_LIBC := ${alt_libc}" >>
+ ;;
+ esac
+write_common_config_targets() {
+ for t in ${all_targets}; do
+ if enabled ${t}; then
+ if enabled child; then
+ fwrite "ALL_TARGETS += ${t}-${toolchain}"
+ else
+ fwrite "ALL_TARGETS += ${t}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ true;
+ done
+ true
+write_common_target_config_mk() {
+ saved_CC="${CC}"
+ saved_CXX="${CXX}"
+ enabled ccache && CC="ccache ${CC}"
+ enabled ccache && CXX="ccache ${CXX}"
+ print_webm_license $1 "##" ""
+ cat >> $1 << EOF
+# This file automatically generated by configure. Do not edit!
+ARFLAGS = -crs\$(if \$(quiet),,v)
+extralibs = ${extralibs}
+AS_SFX = ${AS_SFX:-.asm}
+ if enabled rvct; then cat >> $1 << EOF
+fmt_deps = sed -e 's;^__image.axf;\${@:.d=.o} \$@;' #hide
+ else cat >> $1 << EOF
+fmt_deps = sed -e 's;^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\.o;\${@:.d=.o} \$@;'
+ fi
+ print_config_mk VPX_ARCH "${1}" ${ARCH_LIST}
+ print_config_mk HAVE "${1}" ${HAVE_LIST}
+ print_config_mk CONFIG "${1}" ${CONFIG_LIST}
+ print_config_mk HAVE "${1}" gnu_strip
+ enabled msvs && echo "CONFIG_VS_VERSION=${vs_version}" >> "${1}"
+ CC="${saved_CC}"
+ CXX="${saved_CXX}"
+write_common_target_config_h() {
+ print_webm_license ${TMP_H} "/*" " */"
+ cat >> ${TMP_H} << EOF
+/* This file automatically generated by configure. Do not edit! */
+#ifndef VPX_CONFIG_H
+#define VPX_CONFIG_H
+#define INLINE ${INLINE}
+ print_config_h VPX_ARCH "${TMP_H}" ${ARCH_LIST}
+ print_config_h HAVE "${TMP_H}" ${HAVE_LIST}
+ print_config_h CONFIG "${TMP_H}" ${CONFIG_LIST}
+ print_config_vars_h "${TMP_H}" ${VAR_LIST}
+ echo "#endif /* VPX_CONFIG_H */" >> ${TMP_H}
+ mkdir -p `dirname "$1"`
+ cmp "$1" ${TMP_H} >/dev/null 2>&1 || mv ${TMP_H} "$1"
+write_win_arm64_neon_h_workaround() {
+ print_webm_license ${TMP_H} "/*" " */"
+ cat >> ${TMP_H} << EOF
+/* This file automatically generated by configure. Do not edit! */
+/* The Windows SDK has arm_neon.h, but unlike on other platforms it is
+ * ARM32-only. ARM64 NEON support is provided by arm64_neon.h, a proper
+ * superset of arm_neon.h. Work around this by providing a more local
+ * arm_neon.h that simply #includes arm64_neon.h.
+ */
+#include <arm64_neon.h>
+ mkdir -p `dirname "$1"`
+ cmp "$1" ${TMP_H} >/dev/null 2>&1 || mv ${TMP_H} "$1"
+process_common_cmdline() {
+ for opt in "$@"; do
+ optval="${opt#*=}"
+ case "$opt" in
+ --child)
+ enable_feature child
+ ;;
+ --log*)
+ logging="$optval"
+ if ! disabled logging ; then
+ enabled logging || logfile="$logging"
+ else
+ logfile=/dev/null
+ fi
+ ;;
+ --target=*)
+ toolchain="${toolchain:-${optval}}"
+ ;;
+ --force-target=*)
+ toolchain="${toolchain:-${optval}}"
+ enable_feature force_toolchain
+ ;;
+ --cpu=*)
+ tune_cpu="$optval"
+ ;;
+ --extra-cflags=*)
+ extra_cflags="${optval}"
+ ;;
+ --extra-cxxflags=*)
+ extra_cxxflags="${optval}"
+ ;;
+ --enable-?*|--disable-?*)
+ eval `echo "$opt" | sed 's/--/action=/;s/-/ option=/;s/-/_/g'`
+ if is_in ${option} ${ARCH_EXT_LIST}; then
+ [ $action = "disable" ] && RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-${option} "
+ elif [ $action = "disable" ] && ! disabled $option ; then
+ is_in ${option} ${CMDLINE_SELECT} || die_unknown $opt
+ log_echo " disabling $option"
+ elif [ $action = "enable" ] && ! enabled $option ; then
+ is_in ${option} ${CMDLINE_SELECT} || die_unknown $opt
+ log_echo " enabling $option"
+ fi
+ ${action}_feature $option
+ ;;
+ --require-?*)
+ eval `echo "$opt" | sed 's/--/action=/;s/-/ option=/;s/-/_/g'`
+ if is_in ${option} ${ARCH_EXT_LIST}; then
+ else
+ die_unknown $opt
+ fi
+ ;;
+ --force-enable-?*|--force-disable-?*)
+ eval `echo "$opt" | sed 's/--force-/action=/;s/-/ option=/;s/-/_/g'`
+ ${action}_feature $option
+ ;;
+ --libc=*)
+ [ -d "${optval}" ] || die "Not a directory: ${optval}"
+ disable_feature builtin_libc
+ alt_libc="${optval}"
+ ;;
+ --as=*)
+ [ "${optval}" = yasm ] || [ "${optval}" = nasm ] \
+ || [ "${optval}" = auto ] \
+ || die "Must be yasm, nasm or auto: ${optval}"
+ alt_as="${optval}"
+ ;;
+ --size-limit=*)
+ w="${optval%%x*}"
+ h="${optval##*x}"
+ [ ${w} -gt 0 ] && [ ${h} -gt 0 ] || die "Invalid size-limit: too small."
+ [ ${w} -lt 65536 ] && [ ${h} -lt 65536 ] \
+ || die "Invalid size-limit: too big."
+ enable_feature size_limit
+ ;;
+ --prefix=*)
+ prefix="${optval}"
+ ;;
+ --libdir=*)
+ libdir="${optval}"
+ ;;
+ --libc|--as|--prefix|--libdir)
+ die "Option ${opt} requires argument"
+ ;;
+ --help|-h)
+ show_help
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die_unknown $opt
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+process_cmdline() {
+ for opt do
+ optval="${opt#*=}"
+ case "$opt" in
+ *)
+ process_common_cmdline $opt
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+post_process_common_cmdline() {
+ prefix="${prefix:-/usr/local}"
+ prefix="${prefix%/}"
+ libdir="${libdir:-${prefix}/lib}"
+ libdir="${libdir%/}"
+ if [ "${libdir#${prefix}}" = "${libdir}" ]; then
+ die "Libdir ${libdir} must be a subdirectory of ${prefix}"
+ fi
+post_process_cmdline() {
+ true;
+setup_gnu_toolchain() {
+ CC=${CC:-${CROSS}gcc}
+ CXX=${CXX:-${CROSS}g++}
+ AR=${AR:-${CROSS}ar}
+ LD=${LD:-${CROSS}${link_with_cc:-ld}}
+ AS=${AS:-${CROSS}as}
+ STRIP=${STRIP:-${CROSS}strip}
+ NM=${NM:-${CROSS}nm}
+# Reliably find the newest available Darwin SDKs. (Older versions of
+# xcrun don't support --show-sdk-path.)
+show_darwin_sdk_path() {
+ xcrun --sdk $1 --show-sdk-path 2>/dev/null ||
+ xcodebuild -sdk $1 -version Path 2>/dev/null
+# Print the major version number of the Darwin SDK specified by $1.
+show_darwin_sdk_major_version() {
+ xcrun --sdk $1 --show-sdk-version 2>/dev/null | cut -d. -f1
+# Print the Xcode version.
+show_xcode_version() {
+ xcodebuild -version | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2
+# Fails when Xcode version is less than 6.3.
+check_xcode_minimum_version() {
+ xcode_major=$(show_xcode_version | cut -f1 -d.)
+ xcode_minor=$(show_xcode_version | cut -f2 -d.)
+ xcode_min_major=6
+ xcode_min_minor=3
+ if [ ${xcode_major} -lt ${xcode_min_major} ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ${xcode_major} -eq ${xcode_min_major} ] \
+ && [ ${xcode_minor} -lt ${xcode_min_minor} ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+process_common_toolchain() {
+ if [ -z "$toolchain" ]; then
+ gcctarget="${CHOST:-$(gcc -dumpmachine 2> /dev/null)}"
+ # detect tgt_isa
+ case "$gcctarget" in
+ aarch64*)
+ tgt_isa=arm64
+ ;;
+ armv7*-hardfloat* | armv7*-gnueabihf | arm-*-gnueabihf)
+ tgt_isa=armv7
+ float_abi=hard
+ ;;
+ armv7*)
+ tgt_isa=armv7
+ float_abi=softfp
+ ;;
+ *x86_64*|*amd64*)
+ tgt_isa=x86_64
+ ;;
+ *i[3456]86*)
+ tgt_isa=x86
+ ;;
+ *sparc*)
+ tgt_isa=sparc
+ ;;
+ power*64le*-*)
+ tgt_isa=ppc64le
+ ;;
+ *mips64el*)
+ tgt_isa=mips64
+ ;;
+ *mips32el*)
+ tgt_isa=mips32
+ ;;
+ loongarch32*)
+ tgt_isa=loongarch32
+ ;;
+ loongarch64*)
+ tgt_isa=loongarch64
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # detect tgt_os
+ case "$gcctarget" in
+ *darwin1[0-9]*)
+ tgt_isa=x86_64
+ tgt_os=`echo $gcctarget | sed 's/.*\(darwin1[0-9]\).*/\1/'`
+ ;;
+ *darwin2[0-1]*)
+ tgt_isa=`uname -m`
+ tgt_os=`echo $gcctarget | sed 's/.*\(darwin2[0-9]\).*/\1/'`
+ ;;
+ x86_64*mingw32*)
+ tgt_os=win64
+ ;;
+ x86_64*cygwin*)
+ tgt_os=win64
+ ;;
+ *mingw32*|*cygwin*)
+ [ -z "$tgt_isa" ] && tgt_isa=x86
+ tgt_os=win32
+ ;;
+ *linux*|*bsd*)
+ tgt_os=linux
+ ;;
+ *solaris2.10)
+ tgt_os=solaris
+ ;;
+ *os2*)
+ tgt_os=os2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ -n "$tgt_isa" ] && [ -n "$tgt_os" ]; then
+ toolchain=${tgt_isa}-${tgt_os}-gcc
+ fi
+ fi
+ toolchain=${toolchain:-generic-gnu}
+ is_in ${toolchain} ${all_platforms} || enabled force_toolchain \
+ || die "Unrecognized toolchain '${toolchain}'"
+ enabled child || log_echo "Configuring for target '${toolchain}'"
+ #
+ # Set up toolchain variables
+ #
+ tgt_isa=$(echo ${toolchain} | awk 'BEGIN{FS="-"}{print $1}')
+ tgt_os=$(echo ${toolchain} | awk 'BEGIN{FS="-"}{print $2}')
+ tgt_cc=$(echo ${toolchain} | awk 'BEGIN{FS="-"}{print $3}')
+ # Mark the specific ISA requested as enabled
+ soft_enable ${tgt_isa}
+ enable_feature ${tgt_os}
+ enable_feature ${tgt_cc}
+ # Enable the architecture family
+ case ${tgt_isa} in
+ arm*)
+ enable_feature arm
+ ;;
+ mips*)
+ enable_feature mips
+ ;;
+ ppc*)
+ enable_feature ppc
+ ;;
+ loongarch*)
+ soft_enable lsx
+ soft_enable lasx
+ enable_feature loongarch
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # PIC is probably what we want when building shared libs
+ enabled shared && soft_enable pic
+ # Minimum iOS version for all target platforms (darwin and iphonesimulator).
+ # Shared library framework builds are only possible on iOS 8 and later.
+ if enabled shared; then
+ IOS_VERSION_OPTIONS="--enable-shared"
+ else
+ fi
+ # Handle darwin variants. Newer SDKs allow targeting older
+ # platforms, so use the newest one available.
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ arm*-darwin-*)
+ add_cflags "-miphoneos-version-min=${IOS_VERSION_MIN}"
+ iphoneos_sdk_dir="$(show_darwin_sdk_path iphoneos)"
+ if [ -d "${iphoneos_sdk_dir}" ]; then
+ add_cflags "-isysroot ${iphoneos_sdk_dir}"
+ add_ldflags "-isysroot ${iphoneos_sdk_dir}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *-darwin*)
+ osx_sdk_dir="$(show_darwin_sdk_path macosx)"
+ if [ -d "${osx_sdk_dir}" ]; then
+ add_cflags "-isysroot ${osx_sdk_dir}"
+ add_ldflags "-isysroot ${osx_sdk_dir}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ *-darwin8-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.4"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.4"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin9-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.5"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.5"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin10-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.6"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.6"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin11-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.7"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.7"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin12-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.8"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.8"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin13-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.9"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.9"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin14-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.10"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.10"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin15-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.11"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.11"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin16-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.12"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.12"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin17-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.13"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.13"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin18-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.14"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.14"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin19-*)
+ add_cflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.15"
+ add_ldflags "-mmacosx-version-min=10.15"
+ ;;
+ *-darwin2[0-1]-*)
+ add_cflags "-arch ${toolchain%%-*}"
+ add_ldflags "-arch ${toolchain%%-*}"
+ ;;
+ *-iphonesimulator-*)
+ add_cflags "-miphoneos-version-min=${IOS_VERSION_MIN}"
+ add_ldflags "-miphoneos-version-min=${IOS_VERSION_MIN}"
+ iossim_sdk_dir="$(show_darwin_sdk_path iphonesimulator)"
+ if [ -d "${iossim_sdk_dir}" ]; then
+ add_cflags "-isysroot ${iossim_sdk_dir}"
+ add_ldflags "-isysroot ${iossim_sdk_dir}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Handle Solaris variants. Solaris 10 needs -lposix4
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ sparc-solaris-*)
+ add_extralibs -lposix4
+ ;;
+ *-solaris-*)
+ add_extralibs -lposix4
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Process ARM architecture variants
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ arm*)
+ # on arm, isa versions are supersets
+ case ${tgt_isa} in
+ arm64|armv8)
+ soft_enable neon
+ ;;
+ armv7|armv7s)
+ soft_enable neon
+ # Only enable neon_asm when neon is also enabled.
+ enabled neon && soft_enable neon_asm
+ # If someone tries to force it through, die.
+ if disabled neon && enabled neon_asm; then
+ die "Disabling neon while keeping neon-asm is not supported"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ asm_conversion_cmd="cat"
+ case ${tgt_cc} in
+ gcc)
+ link_with_cc=gcc
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ arch_int=${tgt_isa##armv}
+ arch_int=${arch_int%%te}
+ tune_cflags="-mtune="
+ if [ ${tgt_isa} = "armv7" ] || [ ${tgt_isa} = "armv7s" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${float_abi}" ]; then
+ check_cpp <<EOF && float_abi=hard || float_abi=softfp
+#ifndef __ARM_PCS_VFP
+#error "not hardfp"
+ fi
+ check_add_cflags -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=${float_abi}
+ check_add_asflags -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=${float_abi}
+ if enabled neon || enabled neon_asm; then
+ check_add_cflags -mfpu=neon #-ftree-vectorize
+ check_add_asflags -mfpu=neon
+ fi
+ elif [ ${tgt_isa} = "arm64" ] || [ ${tgt_isa} = "armv8" ]; then
+ check_add_cflags -march=armv8-a
+ check_add_asflags -march=armv8-a
+ else
+ check_add_cflags -march=${tgt_isa}
+ check_add_asflags -march=${tgt_isa}
+ fi
+ enabled debug && add_asflags -g
+ asm_conversion_cmd="${source_path_mk}/build/make/"
+ case ${tgt_os} in
+ win*)
+ asm_conversion_cmd="$asm_conversion_cmd -noelf"
+ AS="$CC -c"
+ EXE_SFX=.exe
+ enable_feature thumb
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if enabled thumb; then
+ asm_conversion_cmd="$asm_conversion_cmd -thumb"
+ check_add_cflags -mthumb
+ check_add_asflags -mthumb -mimplicit-it=always
+ fi
+ ;;
+ vs*)
+ # A number of ARM-based Windows platforms are constrained by their
+ # respective SDKs' limitations. Fortunately, these are all 32-bit ABIs
+ # and so can be selected as 'win32'.
+ if [ ${tgt_os} = "win32" ]; then
+ asm_conversion_cmd="${source_path_mk}/build/make/"
+ msvs_arch_dir=arm-msvs
+ disable_feature multithread
+ disable_feature unit_tests
+ if [ ${tgt_cc##vs} -ge 12 ]; then
+ # MSVC 2013 doesn't allow doing plain .exe projects for ARM32,
+ # only "AppContainerApplication" which requires an AppxManifest.
+ # Therefore disable the examples, just build the library.
+ disable_feature examples
+ disable_feature tools
+ fi
+ else
+ # Windows 10 on ARM, on the other hand, has full Windows SDK support
+ # for building Win32 ARM64 applications in addition to ARM64
+ # Windows Store apps. It is the only 64-bit ARM ABI that
+ # Windows supports, so it is the default definition of 'win64'.
+ # ARM64 build support officially shipped in Visual Studio 15.9.0.
+ # Because the ARM64 Windows SDK's arm_neon.h is ARM32-specific
+ # while LLVM's is not, probe its validity.
+ if enabled neon; then
+ if [ -n "${CC}" ]; then
+ check_header arm_neon.h || check_header arm64_neon.h && \
+ enable_feature win_arm64_neon_h_workaround
+ else
+ # If a probe is not possible, assume this is the pure Windows
+ # SDK and so the workaround is necessary.
+ enable_feature win_arm64_neon_h_workaround
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ rvct)
+ CC=armcc
+ AR=armar
+ AS=armasm
+ LD="${source_path}/build/make/"
+ STRIP=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip
+ NM=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-nm
+ tune_cflags="--cpu="
+ tune_asflags="--cpu="
+ if [ -z "${tune_cpu}" ]; then
+ if [ ${tgt_isa} = "armv7" ]; then
+ if enabled neon || enabled neon_asm
+ then
+ check_add_cflags --fpu=softvfp+vfpv3
+ check_add_asflags --fpu=softvfp+vfpv3
+ fi
+ check_add_cflags --cpu=Cortex-A8
+ check_add_asflags --cpu=Cortex-A8
+ else
+ check_add_cflags --cpu=${tgt_isa##armv}
+ check_add_asflags --cpu=${tgt_isa##armv}
+ fi
+ fi
+ arch_int=${tgt_isa##armv}
+ arch_int=${arch_int%%te}
+ enabled debug && add_asflags -g
+ add_cflags --gnu
+ add_cflags --enum_is_int
+ add_cflags --wchar32
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case ${tgt_os} in
+ none*)
+ disable_feature multithread
+ disable_feature os_support
+ ;;
+ android*)
+ echo "Assuming standalone build with NDK toolchain."
+ echo "See build/make/ for details."
+ check_add_ldflags -static
+ soft_enable unit_tests
+ ;;
+ darwin)
+ if ! enabled external_build; then
+ XCRUN_FIND="xcrun --sdk iphoneos --find"
+ CXX="$(${XCRUN_FIND} clang++)"
+ CC="$(${XCRUN_FIND} clang)"
+ AR="$(${XCRUN_FIND} ar)"
+ AS="$(${XCRUN_FIND} as)"
+ STRIP="$(${XCRUN_FIND} strip)"
+ NM="$(${XCRUN_FIND} nm)"
+ RANLIB="$(${XCRUN_FIND} ranlib)"
+ LD="${CXX:-$(${XCRUN_FIND} ld)}"
+ # ASFLAGS is written here instead of using check_add_asflags
+ # because we need to overwrite all of ASFLAGS and purge the
+ # options that were put in above
+ ASFLAGS="-arch ${tgt_isa} -g"
+ add_cflags -arch ${tgt_isa}
+ add_ldflags -arch ${tgt_isa}
+ alt_libc="$(show_darwin_sdk_path iphoneos)"
+ if [ -d "${alt_libc}" ]; then
+ add_cflags -isysroot ${alt_libc}
+ fi
+ if [ "${LD}" = "${CXX}" ]; then
+ add_ldflags -miphoneos-version-min="${IOS_VERSION_MIN}"
+ else
+ add_ldflags -ios_version_min "${IOS_VERSION_MIN}"
+ fi
+ for d in lib usr/lib usr/lib/system; do
+ try_dir="${alt_libc}/${d}"
+ [ -d "${try_dir}" ] && add_ldflags -L"${try_dir}"
+ done
+ case ${tgt_isa} in
+ armv7|armv7s|armv8|arm64)
+ if enabled neon && ! check_xcode_minimum_version; then
+ soft_disable neon
+ log_echo " neon disabled: upgrade Xcode (need v6.3+)."
+ if enabled neon_asm; then
+ soft_disable neon_asm
+ log_echo " neon_asm disabled: upgrade Xcode (need v6.3+)."
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$(show_darwin_sdk_major_version iphoneos)" -gt 8 ]; then
+ check_add_cflags -fembed-bitcode
+ check_add_asflags -fembed-bitcode
+ check_add_ldflags -fembed-bitcode
+ fi
+ fi
+ asm_conversion_cmd="${source_path_mk}/build/make/"
+ ;;
+ linux*)
+ enable_feature linux
+ if enabled rvct; then
+ # Check if we have CodeSourcery GCC in PATH. Needed for
+ # libraries
+ which arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc 2>&- || \
+ die "Couldn't find CodeSourcery GCC from PATH"
+ # Use armcc as a linker to enable translation of
+ # some gcc specific options such as -lm and -lpthread.
+ LD="armcc --translate_gcc"
+ # create configuration file (uses path to CodeSourcery GCC)
+ armcc --arm_linux_configure --arm_linux_config_file=arm_linux.cfg
+ add_cflags --arm_linux_paths --arm_linux_config_file=arm_linux.cfg
+ add_asflags --no_hide_all --apcs=/interwork
+ add_ldflags --arm_linux_paths --arm_linux_config_file=arm_linux.cfg
+ enabled pic && add_cflags --apcs=/fpic
+ enabled pic && add_asflags --apcs=/fpic
+ enabled shared && add_cflags --shared
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ mips*)
+ link_with_cc=gcc
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ tune_cflags="-mtune="
+ if enabled dspr2; then
+ check_add_cflags -mips32r2 -mdspr2
+ fi
+ if enabled runtime_cpu_detect; then
+ disable_feature runtime_cpu_detect
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${tune_cpu}" ]; then
+ case ${tune_cpu} in
+ p5600)
+ check_add_cflags -mips32r5 -mload-store-pairs
+ check_add_cflags -msched-weight -mhard-float -mfp64
+ check_add_asflags -mips32r5 -mhard-float -mfp64
+ check_add_ldflags -mfp64
+ ;;
+ i6400|p6600)
+ check_add_cflags -mips64r6 -mabi=64 -msched-weight
+ check_add_cflags -mload-store-pairs -mhard-float -mfp64
+ check_add_asflags -mips64r6 -mabi=64 -mhard-float -mfp64
+ check_add_ldflags -mips64r6 -mabi=64 -mfp64
+ ;;
+ loongson3*)
+ check_cflags -march=loongson3a && soft_enable mmi \
+ || disable_feature mmi
+ check_cflags -mmsa && soft_enable msa \
+ || disable_feature msa
+ tgt_isa=loongson3a
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if enabled mmi || enabled msa; then
+ soft_enable runtime_cpu_detect
+ fi
+ if enabled msa; then
+ # TODO(libyuv:793)
+ # The new mips functions in libyuv do not build
+ # with the toolchains we currently use for testing.
+ soft_disable libyuv
+ fi
+ fi
+ check_add_cflags -march=${tgt_isa}
+ check_add_asflags -march=${tgt_isa}
+ check_add_asflags -KPIC
+ ;;
+ ppc64le*)
+ link_with_cc=gcc
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ # Do not enable vsx by default.
+ #
+ enabled vsx || RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-vsx "
+ if [ -n "${tune_cpu}" ]; then
+ case ${tune_cpu} in
+ power?)
+ tune_cflags="-mcpu="
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ;;
+ x86*)
+ case ${tgt_os} in
+ android)
+ soft_enable realtime_only
+ ;;
+ win*)
+ enabled gcc && add_cflags -fno-common
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ CC=${CC:-${CROSS}gcc}
+ CXX=${CXX:-${CROSS}g++}
+ LD=${LD:-${CROSS}gcc}
+ ;;
+ os2)
+ disable_feature pic
+ AS=${AS:-nasm}
+ add_ldflags -Zhigh-mem
+ ;;
+ esac
+ AS="${alt_as:-${AS:-auto}}"
+ case ${tgt_cc} in
+ icc*)
+ CC=${CC:-icc}
+ LD=${LD:-icc}
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ add_cflags -use-msasm # remove -use-msasm too?
+ # add -no-intel-extensions to suppress warning #10237
+ # refer to
+ add_ldflags -i-static -no-intel-extensions
+ enabled x86_64 && add_cflags -ipo -static -O3 -no-prec-div
+ enabled x86_64 && AR=xiar
+ case ${tune_cpu} in
+ atom*)
+ tune_cflags="-x"
+ tune_cpu="SSE3_ATOM"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ tune_cflags="-march="
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ gcc*)
+ link_with_cc=gcc
+ tune_cflags="-march="
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ #for 32 bit x86 builds, -O3 did not turn on this flag
+ enabled optimizations && disabled gprof && check_add_cflags -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ;;
+ vs*)
+ msvs_arch_dir=x86-msvs
+ case ${tgt_cc##vs} in
+ 14)
+ echo "${tgt_cc} does not support avx512, disabling....."
+ RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-avx512 "
+ soft_disable avx512
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ bits=32
+ enabled x86_64 && bits=64
+ check_cpp <<EOF && bits=x32
+#if !defined(__ILP32__) || !defined(__x86_64__)
+#error "not x32"
+ case ${tgt_cc} in
+ gcc*)
+ add_cflags -m${bits}
+ add_ldflags -m${bits}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ soft_enable runtime_cpu_detect
+ # We can't use 'check_cflags' until the compiler is configured and CC is
+ # populated.
+ for ext in ${ARCH_EXT_LIST_X86}; do
+ # disable higher order extensions to simplify asm dependencies
+ if [ "$disable_exts" = "yes" ]; then
+ if ! disabled $ext; then
+ RTCD_OPTIONS="${RTCD_OPTIONS}--disable-${ext} "
+ disable_feature $ext
+ fi
+ elif disabled $ext; then
+ disable_exts="yes"
+ else
+ if [ "$ext" = "avx512" ]; then
+ check_gcc_machine_options $ext avx512f avx512cd avx512bw avx512dq avx512vl
+ check_gcc_avx512_compiles
+ else
+ # use the shortened version for the flag: sse4_1 -> sse4
+ check_gcc_machine_option ${ext%_*} $ext
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if enabled external_build; then
+ log_echo " skipping assembler detection"
+ else
+ case "${AS}" in
+ auto|"")
+ which nasm >/dev/null 2>&1 && AS=nasm
+ which yasm >/dev/null 2>&1 && AS=yasm
+ if [ "${AS}" = nasm ] ; then
+ # Apple ships version 0.98 of nasm through at least Xcode 6. Revisit
+ # this check if they start shipping a compatible version.
+ apple=`nasm -v | grep "Apple"`
+ [ -n "${apple}" ] \
+ && echo "Unsupported version of nasm: ${apple}" \
+ && AS=""
+ fi
+ [ "${AS}" = auto ] || [ -z "${AS}" ] \
+ && die "Neither yasm nor nasm have been found." \
+ "See the prerequisites section in the README for more info."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ log_echo " using $AS"
+ fi
+ AS_SFX=.asm
+ case ${tgt_os} in
+ win32)
+ add_asflags -f win32
+ enabled debug && add_asflags -g cv8
+ EXE_SFX=.exe
+ ;;
+ win64)
+ add_asflags -f win64
+ enabled debug && add_asflags -g cv8
+ EXE_SFX=.exe
+ ;;
+ linux*|solaris*|android*)
+ add_asflags -f elf${bits}
+ enabled debug && [ "${AS}" = yasm ] && add_asflags -g dwarf2
+ enabled debug && [ "${AS}" = nasm ] && add_asflags -g
+ [ "${AS##*/}" = nasm ] && check_asm_align
+ ;;
+ darwin*)
+ add_asflags -f macho${bits}
+ enabled x86 && darwin_arch="-arch i386" || darwin_arch="-arch x86_64"
+ add_cflags ${darwin_arch}
+ add_ldflags ${darwin_arch}
+ # -mdynamic-no-pic is still a bit of voodoo -- it was required at
+ # one time, but does not seem to be now, and it breaks some of the
+ # code that still relies on inline assembly.
+ # enabled icc && ! enabled pic && add_cflags -fno-pic -mdynamic-no-pic
+ enabled icc && ! enabled pic && add_cflags -fno-pic
+ ;;
+ iphonesimulator)
+ add_asflags -f macho${bits}
+ enabled x86 && sim_arch="-arch i386" || sim_arch="-arch x86_64"
+ add_cflags ${sim_arch}
+ add_ldflags ${sim_arch}
+ if [ "$(disabled external_build)" ] &&
+ [ "$(show_darwin_sdk_major_version iphonesimulator)" -gt 8 ]; then
+ # yasm v1.3.0 doesn't know what -fembed-bitcode means, so turning it
+ # on is pointless (unless building a C-only lib). Warn the user, but
+ # do nothing here.
+ log "Warning: Bitcode embed disabled for simulator targets."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ os2)
+ add_asflags -f aout
+ enabled debug && add_asflags -g
+ EXE_SFX=.exe
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log "Warning: Unknown os $tgt_os while setting up $AS flags"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ loongarch*)
+ link_with_cc=gcc
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ enabled lsx && check_inline_asm lsx '"vadd.b $vr0, $vr1, $vr1"'
+ enabled lsx && soft_enable runtime_cpu_detect
+ enabled lasx && check_inline_asm lasx '"xvadd.b $xr0, $xr1, $xr1"'
+ enabled lasx && soft_enable runtime_cpu_detect
+ ;;
+ *-gcc|generic-gnu)
+ link_with_cc=gcc
+ enable_feature gcc
+ setup_gnu_toolchain
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Try to enable CPU specific tuning
+ if [ -n "${tune_cpu}" ]; then
+ if [ -n "${tune_cflags}" ]; then
+ check_add_cflags ${tune_cflags}${tune_cpu} || \
+ die "Requested CPU '${tune_cpu}' not supported by compiler"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${tune_asflags}" ]; then
+ check_add_asflags ${tune_asflags}${tune_cpu} || \
+ die "Requested CPU '${tune_cpu}' not supported by assembler"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${tune_cflags}${tune_asflags}" ]; then
+ log_echo "Warning: CPU tuning not supported by this toolchain"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if enabled debug; then
+ check_add_cflags -g && check_add_ldflags -g
+ else
+ check_add_cflags -DNDEBUG
+ fi
+ enabled gprof && check_add_cflags -pg && check_add_ldflags -pg
+ enabled gcov &&
+ check_add_cflags -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage &&
+ check_add_ldflags -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
+ if enabled optimizations; then
+ if enabled rvct; then
+ enabled small && check_add_cflags -Ospace || check_add_cflags -Otime
+ else
+ enabled small && check_add_cflags -O2 || check_add_cflags -O3
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Position Independent Code (PIC) support, for building relocatable
+ # shared objects
+ enabled gcc && enabled pic && check_add_cflags -fPIC
+ # Work around longjmp interception on glibc >= 2.11, to improve binary
+ # compatibility. See
+ enabled linux && check_add_cflags -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
+ # Check for strip utility variant
+ ${STRIP} -V 2>/dev/null | grep GNU >/dev/null && enable_feature gnu_strip
+ # Try to determine target endianness
+ check_cc <<EOF
+unsigned int e = 'O'<<24 | '2'<<16 | 'B'<<8 | 'E';
+ [ -f "${TMP_O}" ] && od -A n -t x1 "${TMP_O}" | tr -d '\n' |
+ grep '4f *32 *42 *45' >/dev/null 2>&1 && enable_feature big_endian
+ # Try to find which inline keywords are supported
+ check_cc <<EOF && INLINE="inline"
+static inline function() {}
+ # Almost every platform uses pthreads.
+ if enabled multithread; then
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ *-win*-vs*)
+ ;;
+ *-android-gcc)
+ # bionic includes basic pthread functionality, obviating -lpthread.
+ ;;
+ *)
+ check_header pthread.h && check_lib -lpthread <<EOF && add_extralibs -lpthread || disable_feature pthread_h
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+int main(void) { return pthread_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # only for MIPS platforms
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ mips*)
+ if enabled big_endian; then
+ if enabled dspr2; then
+ echo "dspr2 optimizations are available only for little endian platforms"
+ disable_feature dspr2
+ fi
+ if enabled msa; then
+ echo "msa optimizations are available only for little endian platforms"
+ disable_feature msa
+ fi
+ if enabled mmi; then
+ echo "mmi optimizations are available only for little endian platforms"
+ disable_feature mmi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # only for LOONGARCH platforms
+ case ${toolchain} in
+ loongarch*)
+ if enabled big_endian; then
+ if enabled lsx; then
+ echo "lsx optimizations are available only for little endian platforms"
+ disable_feature lsx
+ fi
+ if enabled lasx; then
+ echo "lasx optimizations are available only for little endian platforms"
+ disable_feature lasx
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # glibc needs these
+ if enabled linux; then
+ add_cflags -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
+ add_cflags -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
+ fi
+process_toolchain() {
+ process_common_toolchain
+print_config_mk() {
+ saved_prefix="${prefix}"
+ prefix=$1
+ makefile=$2
+ shift 2
+ for cfg; do
+ if enabled $cfg; then
+ upname="`toupper $cfg`"
+ echo "${prefix}_${upname}=yes" >> $makefile
+ fi
+ done
+ prefix="${saved_prefix}"
+print_config_h() {
+ saved_prefix="${prefix}"
+ prefix=$1
+ header=$2
+ shift 2
+ for cfg; do
+ upname="`toupper $cfg`"
+ if enabled $cfg; then
+ echo "#define ${prefix}_${upname} 1" >> $header
+ else
+ echo "#define ${prefix}_${upname} 0" >> $header
+ fi
+ done
+ prefix="${saved_prefix}"
+print_config_vars_h() {
+ header=$1
+ shift
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ upname="`toupper $1`"
+ echo "#define ${upname} $2" >> $header
+ shift 2
+ done
+print_webm_license() {
+ saved_prefix="${prefix}"
+ destination=$1
+ prefix="$2"
+ suffix="$3"
+ shift 3
+ cat <<EOF > ${destination}
+${prefix} Copyright (c) 2011 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.${suffix}
+${prefix} ${suffix}
+${prefix} Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license${suffix}
+${prefix} that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source${suffix}
+${prefix} tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found${suffix}
+${prefix} in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may${suffix}
+${prefix} be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.${suffix}
+ prefix="${saved_prefix}"
+process_targets() {
+ true;
+process_detect() {
+ true;
+enable_feature logging
+process() {
+ cmdline_args="$@"
+ process_cmdline "$@"
+ if enabled child; then
+ echo "# ${self} $@" >> ${logfile}
+ else
+ echo "# ${self} $@" > ${logfile}
+ fi
+ post_process_common_cmdline
+ post_process_cmdline
+ process_toolchain
+ process_detect
+ process_targets
+ if enabled source_path_used; then
+ # Prepare the PWD for building.
+ for f in ${OOT_INSTALLS}; do
+ install -D "${source_path}/$f" "$f"
+ done
+ fi
+ cp "${source_path}/build/make/Makefile" .
+ clean_temp_files
+ true
Index: make
--- make (nonexistent)
+++ make (revision 5)
Property changes on: make
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: .
--- . (nonexistent)
+++ . (revision 5)
Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies