Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

452 Commits   2 Branches   1 Tag
Index: Makefile
--- Makefile	(revision 384)
+++ Makefile	(revision 385)
@@ -14,10 +14,14 @@
 tarballs    = $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkgname)-, $(versions)))
 sha1s       = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs))
+patches     = $(CURDIR)/patches/ffmpeg-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder.patch
-BUILD_TARGETS = $(tarballs) $(sha1s)
+.NOTPARALLEL: $(patches)
+BUILD_TARGETS = $(tarballs) $(sha1s) $(patches)
 include ../../../../build-system/core.mk
@@ -43,5 +47,10 @@
 	   fi ; \
+$(patches): $(sha1s)
+	@echo -e "\n======= Create Patches =======\n" ; \
+	 ( cd create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch ; ./create.patch.sh ) ; \
+	 echo -e "\n"
-	@rm -f $(tarballs) $(sha1s)
+	@rm -f $(tarballs) $(sha1s) $(patches)
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/create.patch.sh
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/create.patch.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/create.patch.sh	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+tar --files-from=file.list -xJvf ../ffmpeg-$VERSION.tar.xz
+mv ffmpeg-$VERSION ffmpeg-$VERSION-orig
+cp -rf ./ffmpeg-$VERSION-new ./ffmpeg-$VERSION
+diff --unified -Nr  ffmpeg-$VERSION-orig  ffmpeg-$VERSION > ffmpeg-$VERSION-omx-img-decoder.patch
+mv ffmpeg-$VERSION-omx-img-decoder.patch ../patches
+rm -rf ./ffmpeg-$VERSION
+rm -rf ./ffmpeg-$VERSION-orig

Property changes on: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/create.patch.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_AsString.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_AsString.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_AsString.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* NOTE: This file contains several sections for individual OMX include files.
+   Each section has its own include guard.  This file should be included AFTER
+   the OMX include files. */
+#ifdef OMX_Audio_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Audio.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingUnused:     return "Unused";      // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingAutoDetect: return "AutoDetect";  // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM:        return "PCM";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingADPCM:      return "ADPCM";       // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingAMR:        return "AMR";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMFR:      return "GSMFR";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMEFR:     return "GSMEFR";      // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMHR:      return "GSMHR";       // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCFR:      return "PDCFR";       // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCEFR:     return "PDCEFR";      // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCHR:      return "PDCHR";       // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingTDMAFR:     return "TDMAFR";      // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingTDMAEFR:    return "TDMAEFR";     // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP8:     return "QCELP8";      // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP13:    return "QCELP13";     // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingEVRC:       return "EVRC";        // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingSMV:        return "SMV";         // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingG711:       return "G711";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingG723:       return "G723";        // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingG726:       return "G726";        // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingG729:       return "G729";        // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC:        return "AAC";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingMP3:        return "MP3";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingSBC:        return "SBC";         // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingVORBIS:     return "VORBIS";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingWMA:        return "WMA";         // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingRA:         return "RA";          // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingMIDI:       return "MIDI";        // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingFLAC:       return "FLAC";
+        default:                         return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_PCMMODETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear: return "Linear";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeALaw:   return "ALaw";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeMULaw:  return "MULaw";
+        default:                      return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelNone: return "None";  // unused
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF:   return "LF";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF:   return "RF";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF:   return "CF";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLS:   return "LS";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRS:   return "RS";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLFE:  return "LFE";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCS:   return "CS";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR:   return "LR";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR:   return "RR";
+        default:                    return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELMODETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeStereo:      return "Stereo";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeJointStereo: return "JointStereo";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeDual:        return "Dual";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeMono:        return "Mono";
+        default:                               return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_AACSTREAMFORMATTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP2ADTS: return "MP2ADTS";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4ADTS: return "MP4ADTS";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4LOAS: return "MP4LOAS";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4LATM: return "MP4LATM";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatADIF:    return "ADIF";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4FF:   return "MP4FF";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatRAW:     return "RAW";
+        default:                               return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_AMRFRAMEFORMATTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatConformance: return "Conformance";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatIF1:         return "IF1";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatIF2:         return "IF2";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatFSF:         return "FSF";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatRTPPayload:  return "RTPPayload";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatITU:         return "ITU";
+        default:                                  return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_AMRBANDMODETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeUnused: return "Unused";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB0:    return "NB0";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB1:    return "NB1";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB2:    return "NB2";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB3:    return "NB3";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB4:    return "NB4";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB5:    return "NB5";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB6:    return "NB6";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB7:    return "NB7";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB0:    return "WB0";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB1:    return "WB1";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB2:    return "WB2";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB3:    return "WB3";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB4:    return "WB4";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB5:    return "WB5";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB6:    return "WB6";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB7:    return "WB7";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB8:    return "WB8";
+        default:                          return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXMODETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOff:    return "ModeOff";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOnVAD1: return "ModeOnVAD1";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOnVAD2: return "ModeOnVAD2";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOnAuto: return "ModeOnAuto";
+//      case OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXasEFR:      return "asEFR";
+        default:                         return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Audio_h
+#ifdef OMX_AudioExt_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_AudioExt.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_AUDIO_CODINGEXTTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingAndroidAC3:  return "AndroidAC3";
+        case OMX_AUDIO_CodingAndroidOPUS: return "AndroidOPUS";
+        default:                          return asString((OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE)i, def);
+    }
+#endif // OMX_AudioExt_h
+#ifdef OMX_Component_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Component.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_PORTDOMAINTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_PortDomainAudio: return "Audio";
+        case OMX_PortDomainVideo: return "Video";
+        case OMX_PortDomainImage: return "Image";
+//      case OMX_PortDomainOther: return "Other";
+        default:                  return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Component_h
+#ifdef OMX_Core_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Core.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_COMMANDTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_CommandStateSet:    return "StateSet";
+        case OMX_CommandFlush:       return "Flush";
+        case OMX_CommandPortDisable: return "PortDisable";
+        case OMX_CommandPortEnable:  return "PortEnable";
+//      case OMX_CommandMarkBuffer:  return "MarkBuffer";
+        default:                     return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_STATETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_StateInvalid:          return "Invalid";
+        case OMX_StateLoaded:           return "Loaded";
+        case OMX_StateIdle:             return "Idle";
+        case OMX_StateExecuting:        return "Executing";
+//      case OMX_StatePause:            return "Pause";
+//      case OMX_StateWaitForResources: return "WaitForResources";
+        default:                        return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_ERRORTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_ErrorNone:                               return "None";
+        case OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources:              return "InsufficientResources";
+        case OMX_ErrorUndefined:                          return "Undefined";
+        case OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName:               return "InvalidComponentName";
+        case OMX_ErrorComponentNotFound:                  return "ComponentNotFound";
+        case OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent:                   return "InvalidComponent";       // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorBadParameter:                       return "BadParameter";
+        case OMX_ErrorNotImplemented:                     return "NotImplemented";
+        case OMX_ErrorUnderflow:                          return "Underflow";              // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorOverflow:                           return "Overflow";               // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorHardware:                           return "Hardware";               // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorInvalidState:                       return "InvalidState";
+        case OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt:                      return "StreamCorrupt";
+        case OMX_ErrorPortsNotCompatible:                 return "PortsNotCompatible";     // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorResourcesLost:                      return "ResourcesLost";
+        case OMX_ErrorNoMore:                             return "NoMore";
+        case OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch:                    return "VersionMismatch";        // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorNotReady:                           return "NotReady";               // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorTimeout:                            return "Timeout";                // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorSameState:                          return "SameState";              // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorResourcesPreempted:                 return "ResourcesPreempted";     // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringAllocation:
+            return "PortUnresponsiveDuringAllocation";    // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringDeallocation:
+            return "PortUnresponsiveDuringDeallocation";  // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringStop:
+            return "PortUnresponsiveDuringStop";          // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition:
+            return "IncorrectStateTransition";            // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation:
+            return "IncorrectStateOperation";             // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting:                 return "UnsupportedSetting";
+        case OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex:                   return "UnsupportedIndex";
+        case OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex:                       return "BadPortIndex";
+        case OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated:                    return "PortUnpopulated";        // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorComponentSuspended:                 return "ComponentSuspended";     // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorDynamicResourcesUnavailable:
+            return "DynamicResourcesUnavailable";         // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorMbErrorsInFrame:                    return "MbErrorsInFrame";        // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorFormatNotDetected:                  return "FormatNotDetected";      // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorContentPipeOpenFailed:              return "ContentPipeOpenFailed";  // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorContentPipeCreationFailed:
+            return "ContentPipeCreationFailed";           // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorSeperateTablesUsed:                 return "SeperateTablesUsed";     // unused
+        case OMX_ErrorTunnelingUnsupported:               return "TunnelingUnsupported";   // unused
+        default:                                          return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_EVENTTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_EventCmdComplete:               return "CmdComplete";
+        case OMX_EventError:                     return "Error";
+//      case OMX_EventMark:                      return "Mark";
+        case OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged:       return "PortSettingsChanged";
+        case OMX_EventBufferFlag:                return "BufferFlag";
+//      case OMX_EventResourcesAcquired:         return "ResourcesAcquired";
+//      case OMX_EventComponentResumed:          return "ComponentResumed";
+//      case OMX_EventDynamicResourcesAvailable: return "DynamicResourcesAvailable";
+//      case OMX_EventPortFormatDetected:        return "PortFormatDetected";
+        case OMX_EventOutputRendered:            return "OutputRendered";
+        default:                                 return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Core_h
+#ifdef OMX_Image_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Image.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_IMAGE_CODINGTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused:     return "Unused";
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingAutoDetect: return "AutoDetect";  // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG:       return "JPEG";
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG2K:     return "JPEG2K";      // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingEXIF:       return "EXIF";        // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingTIFF:       return "TIFF";        // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingGIF:        return "GIF";         // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingPNG:        return "PNG";         // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingLZW:        return "LZW";         // unused
+        case OMX_IMAGE_CodingBMP:        return "BMP";         // unused
+        default:                         return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Image_h
+#ifdef OMX_Index_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Index.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_INDEXTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+//      case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt:                    return "ParamPriorityMgmt";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioInit:                       return "ParamAudioInit";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamImageInit:                       return "ParamImageInit";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoInit:                       return "ParamVideoInit";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamOtherInit:                       return "ParamOtherInit";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamNumAvailableStreams:             return "ParamNumAvailableStreams";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamActiveStream:                    return "ParamActiveStream";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamSuspensionPolicy:                return "ParamSuspensionPolicy";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamComponentSuspended:              return "ParamComponentSuspended";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCapturing:                      return "ConfigCapturing";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCaptureMode:                    return "ConfigCaptureMode";
+//      case OMX_IndexAutoPauseAfterCapture:                return "AutoPauseAfterCapture";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamContentURI:                      return "ParamContentURI";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamCustomContentPipe:               return "ParamCustomContentPipe";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamDisableResourceConcealment:
+//          return "ParamDisableResourceConcealment";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigMetadataItemCount:              return "ConfigMetadataItemCount";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigContainerNodeCount:             return "ConfigContainerNodeCount";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigMetadataItem:                   return "ConfigMetadataItem";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCounterNodeID:                  return "ConfigCounterNodeID";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamMetadataFilterType:              return "ParamMetadataFilterType";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamMetadataKeyFilter:               return "ParamMetadataKeyFilter";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigPriorityMgmt:                   return "ConfigPriorityMgmt";
+        case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole:           return "ParamStandardComponentRole";
+        case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition:                  return "ParamPortDefinition";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier:              return "ParamCompBufferSupplier";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat:                 return "ParamAudioPortFormat";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm:                        return "ParamAudioPcm";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioAac:                        return "ParamAudioAac";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioRa:                         return "ParamAudioRa";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioMp3:                        return "ParamAudioMp3";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioAdpcm:                      return "ParamAudioAdpcm";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioG723:                       return "ParamAudioG723";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioG729:                       return "ParamAudioG729";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioAmr:                        return "ParamAudioAmr";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioWma:                        return "ParamAudioWma";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioSbc:                        return "ParamAudioSbc";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioMidi:                       return "ParamAudioMidi";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioGsm_FR:                     return "ParamAudioGsm_FR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioMidiLoadUserSound:          return "ParamAudioMidiLoadUserSound";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioG726:                       return "ParamAudioG726";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioGsm_EFR:                    return "ParamAudioGsm_EFR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioGsm_HR:                     return "ParamAudioGsm_HR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioPdc_FR:                     return "ParamAudioPdc_FR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioPdc_EFR:                    return "ParamAudioPdc_EFR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioPdc_HR:                     return "ParamAudioPdc_HR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioTdma_FR:                    return "ParamAudioTdma_FR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioTdma_EFR:                   return "ParamAudioTdma_EFR";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioQcelp8:                     return "ParamAudioQcelp8";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioQcelp13:                    return "ParamAudioQcelp13";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioEvrc:                       return "ParamAudioEvrc";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamAudioSmv:                        return "ParamAudioSmv";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioVorbis:                     return "ParamAudioVorbis";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioFlac:                       return "ParamAudioFlac";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiImmediateEvent:        return "ConfigAudioMidiImmediateEvent";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiControl:               return "ConfigAudioMidiControl";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiSoundBankProgram:
+//          return "ConfigAudioMidiSoundBankProgram";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiStatus:                return "ConfigAudioMidiStatus";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiMetaEvent:             return "ConfigAudioMidiMetaEvent";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiMetaEventData:         return "ConfigAudioMidiMetaEventData";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioVolume:                    return "ConfigAudioVolume";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioBalance:                   return "ConfigAudioBalance";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioChannelMute:               return "ConfigAudioChannelMute";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioMute:                      return "ConfigAudioMute";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioLoudness:                  return "ConfigAudioLoudness";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioEchoCancelation:           return "ConfigAudioEchoCancelation";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioNoiseReduction:            return "ConfigAudioNoiseReduction";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioBass:                      return "ConfigAudioBass";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioTreble:                    return "ConfigAudioTreble";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioStereoWidening:            return "ConfigAudioStereoWidening";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioChorus:                    return "ConfigAudioChorus";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioEqualizer:                 return "ConfigAudioEqualizer";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioReverberation:             return "ConfigAudioReverberation";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigAudioChannelVolume:             return "ConfigAudioChannelVolume";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamImagePortFormat:                 return "ParamImagePortFormat";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamFlashControl:                    return "ParamFlashControl";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigFocusControl:                   return "ConfigFocusControl";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamQFactor:                         return "ParamQFactor";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamQuantizationTable:               return "ParamQuantizationTable";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamHuffmanTable:                    return "ParamHuffmanTable";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigFlashControl:                   return "ConfigFlashControl";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:                 return "ParamVideoPortFormat";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoQuantization:               return "ParamVideoQuantization";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoFastUpdate:                 return "ParamVideoFastUpdate";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate:                    return "ParamVideoBitrate";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoMotionVector:               return "ParamVideoMotionVector";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoIntraRefresh:               return "ParamVideoIntraRefresh";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoErrorCorrection:            return "ParamVideoErrorCorrection";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoVBSMC:                      return "ParamVideoVBSMC";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2:                      return "ParamVideoMpeg2";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4:                      return "ParamVideoMpeg4";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoWmv:                        return "ParamVideoWmv";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoRv:                         return "ParamVideoRv";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc:                        return "ParamVideoAvc";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoH263:                       return "ParamVideoH263";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported:
+            return "ParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelCurrent:        return "ParamVideoProfileLevelCurrent";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigVideoBitrate:                   return "ConfigVideoBitrate";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoFramerate:                 return "ConfigVideoFramerate";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigVideoIntraVOPRefresh:           return "ConfigVideoIntraVOPRefresh";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoIntraMBRefresh:            return "ConfigVideoIntraMBRefresh";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoMBErrorReporting:          return "ConfigVideoMBErrorReporting";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoMacroblocksPerFrame:        return "ParamVideoMacroblocksPerFrame";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoMacroBlockErrorMap:        return "ConfigVideoMacroBlockErrorMap";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamVideoSliceFMO:                   return "ParamVideoSliceFMO";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoAVCIntraPeriod:            return "ConfigVideoAVCIntraPeriod";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoNalSize:                   return "ConfigVideoNalSize";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamCommonDeblocking:                return "ParamCommonDeblocking";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamCommonSensorMode:                return "ParamCommonSensorMode";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamCommonInterleave:                return "ParamCommonInterleave";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorFormatConversion:
+//          return "ConfigCommonColorFormatConversion";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale:                    return "ConfigCommonScale";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonImageFilter:              return "ConfigCommonImageFilter";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorEnhancement:         return "ConfigCommonColorEnhancement";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorKey:                 return "ConfigCommonColorKey";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorBlend:               return "ConfigCommonColorBlend";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonFrameStabilisation:       return "ConfigCommonFrameStabilisation";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonRotate:                   return "ConfigCommonRotate";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonMirror:                   return "ConfigCommonMirror";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputPosition:           return "ConfigCommonOutputPosition";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigCommonInputCrop:                return "ConfigCommonInputCrop";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop:               return "ConfigCommonOutputCrop";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonDigitalZoom:              return "ConfigCommonDigitalZoom";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOpticalZoom:              return "ConfigCommonOpticalZoom";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonWhiteBalance:             return "ConfigCommonWhiteBalance";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposure:                 return "ConfigCommonExposure";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonContrast:                 return "ConfigCommonContrast";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonBrightness:               return "ConfigCommonBrightness";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonBacklight:                return "ConfigCommonBacklight";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonGamma:                    return "ConfigCommonGamma";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonSaturation:               return "ConfigCommonSaturation";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonLightness:                return "ConfigCommonLightness";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonExclusionRect:            return "ConfigCommonExclusionRect";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonDithering:                return "ConfigCommonDithering";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonPlaneBlend:               return "ConfigCommonPlaneBlend";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposureValue:            return "ConfigCommonExposureValue";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputSize:               return "ConfigCommonOutputSize";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamCommonExtraQuantData:            return "ParamCommonExtraQuantData";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonFocusRegion:              return "ConfigCommonFocusRegion";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonFocusStatus:              return "ConfigCommonFocusStatus";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommonTransitionEffect:         return "ConfigCommonTransitionEffect";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamOtherPortFormat:                 return "ParamOtherPortFormat";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigOtherPower:                     return "ConfigOtherPower";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigOtherStats:                     return "ConfigOtherStats";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeScale:                      return "ConfigTimeScale";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeClockState:                 return "ConfigTimeClockState";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeActiveRefClock:             return "ConfigTimeActiveRefClock";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentMediaTime:           return "ConfigTimeCurrentMediaTime";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentWallTime:            return "ConfigTimeCurrentWallTime";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentAudioReference:
+//          return "ConfigTimeCurrentAudioReference";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentVideoReference:
+//          return "ConfigTimeCurrentVideoReference";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeMediaTimeRequest:           return "ConfigTimeMediaTimeRequest";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeClientStartTime:            return "ConfigTimeClientStartTime";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimePosition:                   return "ConfigTimePosition";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigTimeSeekMode:                   return "ConfigTimeSeekMode";
+        default:                                            return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Index_h
+#ifdef OMX_IndexExt_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_IndexExt.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_INDEXEXTTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCallbackRequest:            return "ConfigCallbackRequest";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommitMode:                 return "ConfigCommitMode";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigCommit:                     return "ConfigCommit";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidAc3:             return "ParamAudioAndroidAc3";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidOpus:            return "ParamAudioAndroidOpus";
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidAacPresentation: return "ParamAudioAndroidAacPresentation";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamNalStreamFormatSupported:    return "ParamNalStreamFormatSupported";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamNalStreamFormat:             return "ParamNalStreamFormat";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamNalStreamFormatSelect:       return "ParamNalStreamFormatSelect";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoVp8:                    return "ParamVideoVp8";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoVp8ReferenceFrame:     return "ConfigVideoVp8ReferenceFrame";
+//      case OMX_IndexConfigVideoVp8ReferenceFrameType: return "ConfigVideoVp8ReferenceFrameType";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoAndroidVp8Encoder:      return "ParamVideoAndroidVp8Encoder";
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoHevc:                   return "ParamVideoHevc";
+//      case OMX_IndexParamSliceSegments:               return "ParamSliceSegments";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigAutoFramerateConversion:    return "ConfigAutoFramerateConversion";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigPriority:                   return "ConfigPriority";
+        case OMX_IndexConfigOperatingRate:              return "ConfigOperatingRate";
+        case OMX_IndexParamConsumerUsageBits:           return "ParamConsumerUsageBits";
+        default:                                        return asString((OMX_INDEXTYPE)i, def);
+    }
+#endif // OMX_IndexExt_h
+#ifdef OMX_IVCommon_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_IVCommon.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused:
+            return "COLOR_FormatUnused";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatMonochrome:
+            return "COLOR_FormatMonochrome";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format8bitRGB332:
+            return "COLOR_Format8bitRGB332";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format12bitRGB444:
+            return "COLOR_Format12bitRGB444";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444:
+            return "COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555:
+            return "COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565:
+            return "COLOR_Format16bitRGB565";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitBGR565:
+            return "COLOR_Format16bitBGR565";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format18bitRGB666:
+            return "COLOR_Format18bitRGB666";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format18bitARGB1665:
+            return "COLOR_Format18bitARGB1665";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format19bitARGB1666:
+            return "COLOR_Format19bitARGB1666";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24bitRGB888:
+            return "COLOR_Format24bitRGB888";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24bitBGR888:
+            return "COLOR_Format24bitBGR888";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24bitARGB1887:
+            return "COLOR_Format24bitARGB1887";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format25bitARGB1888:
+            return "COLOR_Format25bitARGB1888";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888:
+            return "COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888:
+            return "COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411Planar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV411Planar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411PackedPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV411PackedPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422Planar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV422Planar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYCbYCr";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCrYCb:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYCrYCb";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY:
+            return "COLOR_FormatCbYCrY";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatCrYCbY:
+            return "COLOR_FormatCrYCbY";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV444Interleaved:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV444Interleaved";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bit:
+            return "COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bit";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit:
+            return "COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bitcompressed:
+            return "COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bitcompressed";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatL2:
+            return "COLOR_FormatL2";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatL4:
+            return "COLOR_FormatL4";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatL8:
+            return "COLOR_FormatL8";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatL16:
+            return "COLOR_FormatL16";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatL24:
+            return "COLOR_FormatL24";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatL32:
+            return "COLOR_FormatL32";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedSemiPlanar:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedSemiPlanar";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format18BitBGR666:
+            return "COLOR_Format18BitBGR666";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24BitARGB6666:
+            return "COLOR_Format24BitARGB6666";
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24BitABGR6666:
+            return "COLOR_Format24BitABGR6666";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque:
+            return "COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque";
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible:
+            return "COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible";
+        case OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
+            return "TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar";
+        case OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar:
+            return "QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar";
+//      case OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka:
+//          return "QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka";
+//      case OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled:
+//          return "SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled";
+//      case OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m:
+//          return "QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m";
+        default:
+            return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_IVCommon_h
+#ifdef OMX_Types_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Types.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_BOOL i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_FALSE: return "FALSE";
+        case OMX_TRUE:  return "TRUE";
+        default:        return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_DIRTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_DirInput:  return "Input";
+        case OMX_DirOutput: return "Output";
+        default:            return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_ENDIANTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_EndianBig:    return "Big";
+//      case OMX_EndianLittle: return "Little";
+        default:               return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_NUMERICALDATATYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_NumericalDataSigned:   return "Signed";
+//      case OMX_NumericalDataUnsigned: return "Unsigned";
+        default:                        return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Types_h
+#ifdef OMX_Video_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_Video.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused:     return "Unused";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingAutoDetect: return "AutoDetect";  // unused
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2:      return "MPEG2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263:       return "H263";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4:      return "MPEG4";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV:        return "WMV";         // unused
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingRV:         return "RV";          // unused
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC:        return "AVC";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingMJPEG:      return "MJPEG";       // unused
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP8:        return "VP8";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP9:        return "VP9";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_CodingHEVC:       return "HEVC";
+        default:                         return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_CONTROLRATETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+//      case OMX_Video_ControlRateDisable:            return "Disable";
+        case OMX_Video_ControlRateVariable:           return "Variable";
+        case OMX_Video_ControlRateConstant:           return "Constant";
+//      case OMX_Video_ControlRateVariableSkipFrames: return "VariableSkipFrames";
+//      case OMX_Video_ControlRateConstantSkipFrames: return "ConstantSkipFrames";
+        default:                                      return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_INTRAREFRESHTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshCyclic:   return "Cyclic";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshAdaptive: return "Adaptive";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshBoth:     return "Both";
+        default:                             return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_H263PROFILETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline:           return "Baseline";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileH320Coding:         return "H320Coding";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBackwardCompatible: return "BackwardCompatible";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV2:              return "ISWV2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV3:              return "ISWV3";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileHighCompression:    return "HighCompression";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileInternet:           return "Internet";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileInterlace:          return "Interlace";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileHighLatency:        return "HighLatency";
+        default:                                      return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_H263LEVELTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level10: return "Level10";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level20: return "Level20";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level30: return "Level30";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level40: return "Level40";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level45: return "Level45";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level50: return "Level50";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level60: return "Level60";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_H263Level70: return "Level70";
+        default:                    return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_PICTURETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI:  return "I";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP:  return "P";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeB:  return "B";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeSI: return "SI";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeSP: return "SP";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeEI: return "EI";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeEP: return "EP";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeS:  return "S";
+        default:                      return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4PROFILETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple:           return "Simple";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimpleScalable:   return "SimpleScalable";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileCore:             return "Core";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileMain:             return "Main";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileNbit:             return "Nbit";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileScalableTexture:  return "ScalableTexture";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimpleFace:       return "SimpleFace";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimpleFBA:        return "SimpleFBA";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileBasicAnimated:    return "BasicAnimated";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileHybrid:           return "Hybrid";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedRealTime: return "AdvancedRealTime";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileCoreScalable:     return "CoreScalable";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCoding:   return "AdvancedCoding";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCore:     return "AdvancedCore";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedScalable: return "AdvancedScalable";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedSimple:   return "AdvancedSimple";
+        default:                                     return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4LEVELTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level0:  return "Level0";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level0b: return "Level0b";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level1:  return "Level1";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level2:  return "Level2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level3:  return "Level3";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level4:  return "Level4";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level4a: return "Level4a";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level5:  return "Level5";
+        default:                     return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_AVCPROFILETYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline: return "Baseline";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileMain:     return "Main";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileExtended: return "Extended";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh:     return "High";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh10:   return "High10";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh422:  return "High422";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh444:  return "High444";
+        default:                           return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_AVCLEVELTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel1:  return "Level1";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel1b: return "Level1b";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel11: return "Level11";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel12: return "Level12";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel13: return "Level13";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel2:  return "Level2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel21: return "Level21";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel22: return "Level22";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel3:  return "Level3";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel31: return "Level31";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel32: return "Level32";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4:  return "Level4";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel41: return "Level41";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel42: return "Level42";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel5:  return "Level5";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel51: return "Level51";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel52: return "Level52";
+        default:                   return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_AVCLOOPFILTERTYPE i, const char *def = "??") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterEnable:               return "Enable";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterDisable:              return "Disable";
+//      case OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterDisableSliceBoundary: return "DisableSliceBoundary";
+        default:                                          return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_Video_h
+#ifdef OMX_VideoExt_h
+/* asString definitions if media/openmax/OMX_VideoExt.h was included */
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_VP8PROFILETYPE i, const char *def = "!!") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8ProfileMain:    return "Main";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8ProfileUnknown: return "Unknown";  // unused
+        default:                          return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_VP8LEVELTYPE i, const char *def = "!!") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version0: return "_Version0";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version1: return "_Version1";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version2: return "_Version2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version3: return "_Version3";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VP8LevelUnknown:   return "Unknown";    // unused
+        default:                          return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VPXTemporalLayerPatternNone:   return "VPXTemporalLayerPatternNone";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_VPXTemporalLayerPatternWebRTC: return "VPXTemporalLayerPatternWebRTC";
+        default:                                      return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_HEVCPROFILETYPE i, const char *def = "!!") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileUnknown: return "Unknown";  // unused
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain:    return "Main";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain10:  return "Main10";
+        default:                           return def;
+    }
+inline static const char *asString(OMX_VIDEO_HEVCLEVELTYPE i, const char *def = "!!") {
+    switch (i) {
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCLevelUnknown:    return "LevelUnknown";     // unused
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel1:  return "MainTierLevel1";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel1:  return "HighTierLevel1";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel2:  return "MainTierLevel2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel2:  return "HighTierLevel2";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel21: return "MainTierLevel21";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel21: return "HighTierLevel21";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel3:  return "MainTierLevel3";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel3:  return "HighTierLevel3";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel31: return "MainTierLevel31";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel31: return "HighTierLevel31";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel4:  return "MainTierLevel4";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel4:  return "HighTierLevel4";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel41: return "MainTierLevel41";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel41: return "HighTierLevel41";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel5:  return "MainTierLevel5";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel5:  return "HighTierLevel5";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel51: return "MainTierLevel51";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel51: return "HighTierLevel51";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel52: return "MainTierLevel52";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel52: return "HighTierLevel52";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel6:  return "MainTierLevel6";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel6:  return "HighTierLevel6";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel61: return "MainTierLevel61";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel61: return "HighTierLevel61";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel62: return "MainTierLevel62";
+        case OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel62: return "HighTierLevel62";
+        default:                            return def;
+    }
+#endif // OMX_VideoExt_h
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Audio.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Audio.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Audio.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,1342 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** @file OMX_Audio.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The structures needed by Audio components to exchange
+ *  parameters and configuration data with the componenmilts.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Audio_h
+#define OMX_Audio_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the
+ *  header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ *  for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+/** @defgroup midi MIDI
+ * @ingroup audio
+ */
+/** @defgroup effects Audio effects
+ * @ingroup audio
+ */
+/** @defgroup audio OpenMAX IL Audio Domain
+ * Structures for OpenMAX IL Audio domain
+ * @{
+ */
+/** Enumeration used to define the possible audio codings.
+ *  If "OMX_AUDIO_CodingUnused" is selected, the coding selection must
+ *  be done in a vendor specific way.  Since this is for an audio
+ *  processing element this enum is relevant.  However, for another
+ *  type of component other enums would be in this area.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE {
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingUnused = 0,  /**< Placeholder value when coding is N/A  */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAutoDetect,  /**< auto detection of audio format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM,         /**< Any variant of PCM coding */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingADPCM,       /**< Any variant of ADPCM encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAMR,         /**< Any variant of AMR encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMFR,       /**< Any variant of GSM fullrate (i.e. GSM610) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMEFR,      /**< Any variant of GSM Enhanced Fullrate encoded data*/
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingGSMHR,       /**< Any variant of GSM Halfrate encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCFR,       /**< Any variant of PDC Fullrate encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCEFR,      /**< Any variant of PDC Enhanced Fullrate encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingPDCHR,       /**< Any variant of PDC Halfrate encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingTDMAFR,      /**< Any variant of TDMA Fullrate encoded data (TIA/EIA-136-420) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingTDMAEFR,     /**< Any variant of TDMA Enhanced Fullrate encoded data (TIA/EIA-136-410) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP8,      /**< Any variant of QCELP 8kbps encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingQCELP13,     /**< Any variant of QCELP 13kbps encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingEVRC,        /**< Any variant of EVRC encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingSMV,         /**< Any variant of SMV encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingG711,        /**< Any variant of G.711 encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingG723,        /**< Any variant of G.723 dot 1 encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingG726,        /**< Any variant of G.726 encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingG729,        /**< Any variant of G.729 encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC,         /**< Any variant of AAC encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingMP3,         /**< Any variant of MP3 encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingSBC,         /**< Any variant of SBC encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingVORBIS,      /**< Any variant of VORBIS encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingWMA,         /**< Any variant of WMA encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingRA,          /**< Any variant of RA encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingMIDI,        /**< Any variant of MIDI encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingFLAC,        /**< Any variant of FLAC encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** The PortDefinition structure is used to define all of the parameters
+ *  necessary for the compliant component to setup an input or an output audio
+ *  path.  If additional information is needed to define the parameters of the
+ *  port (such as frequency), additional structures must be sent such as the
+ *  OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE structure to supply the extra parameters for the port.
+ */
+    OMX_STRING cMIMEType;            /**< MIME type of data for the port */
+    OMX_NATIVE_DEVICETYPE pNativeRender; /** < platform specific reference
+                                               for an output device,
+                                               otherwise this field is 0 */
+    OMX_BOOL bFlagErrorConcealment;  /**< Turns on error concealment if it is
+                                          supported by the OMX component */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE eEncoding;  /**< Type of data expected for this
+                                          port (e.g. PCM, AMR, MP3, etc) */
+/**  Port format parameter.  This structure is used to enumerate
+  *  the various data input/output format supported by the port.
+  */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                  /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;       /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;             /**< Indicates which port to set */
+    OMX_U32 nIndex;                 /**< Indicates the enumeration index for the format from 0x0 to N-1 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE eEncoding; /**< Type of data expected for this port (e.g. PCM, AMR, MP3, etc) */
+/** PCM mode type  */
+    OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear = 0,  /**< Linear PCM encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeALaw,        /**< A law PCM encoded data (G.711) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeMULaw,       /**< Mu law PCM encoded data (G.711)  */
+    OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelNone = 0x0,    /**< Unused or empty */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF   = 0x1,    /**< Left front */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF   = 0x2,    /**< Right front */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCF   = 0x3,    /**< Center front */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLS   = 0x4,    /**< Left surround */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRS   = 0x5,    /**< Right surround */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLFE  = 0x6,    /**< Low frequency effects */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelCS   = 0x7,    /**< Back surround */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLR   = 0x8,    /**< Left rear. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRR   = 0x9,    /**< Right rear. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelMax  = 0x7FFFFFFF
+#define OMX_AUDIO_MAXCHANNELS 16  /**< maximum number distinct audio channels that a buffer may contain */
+#define OMX_MIN_PCMPAYLOAD_MSEC 5 /**< Minimum audio buffer payload size for uncompressed (PCM) audio */
+/** PCM format description */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                    /**< Size of this structure, in Bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;         /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;               /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;                /**< Number of channels (e.g. 2 for stereo) */
+    OMX_NUMERICALDATATYPE eNumData;   /**< indicates PCM data as signed or unsigned */
+    OMX_ENDIANTYPE eEndian;           /**< indicates PCM data as little or big endian */
+    OMX_BOOL bInterleaved;            /**< True for normal interleaved data; false for
+                                           non-interleaved data (e.g. block data) */
+    OMX_U32 nBitPerSample;            /**< Bit per sample */
+    OMX_U32 nSamplingRate;            /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                           variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_PCMMODETYPE ePCMMode;   /**< PCM mode enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELTYPE eChannelMapping[OMX_AUDIO_MAXCHANNELS]; /**< Slot i contains channel defined by eChannelMap[i] */
+/** Audio channel mode.  This is used by both AAC and MP3, although the names are more appropriate
+ * for the MP3.  For example, JointStereo for MP3 is CouplingChannels for AAC.
+ */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeStereo = 0,  /**< 2 channels, the bitrate allocation between those
+                                          two channels changes accordingly to each channel information */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeJointStereo, /**< mode that takes advantage of what is common between
+                                           2 channels for higher compression gain */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeDual,        /**< 2 mono-channels, each channel is encoded with half
+                                           the bitrate of the overall bitrate */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeMono,        /**< Mono channel mode */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ChannelModeMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3StreamFormatMP1Layer3 = 0, /**< MP3 Audio MPEG 1 Layer 3 Stream format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3StreamFormatMP2Layer3,     /**< MP3 Audio MPEG 2 Layer 3 Stream format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3StreamFormatMP2_5Layer3,   /**< MP3 Audio MPEG2.5 Layer 3 Stream format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3StreamFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3StreamFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3StreamFormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** MP3 params */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_MP3TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                 /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;      /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;            /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;             /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;              /**< Bit rate of the input data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                        rate or unknown bit rates */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;           /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                        variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nAudioBandWidth;       /**< Audio band width (in Hz) to which an encoder should
+                                        limit the audio signal. Use 0 to let encoder decide */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELMODETYPE eChannelMode;   /**< Channel mode enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MP3STREAMFORMATTYPE eFormat;  /**< MP3 stream format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP2ADTS = 0, /**< AAC Audio Data Transport Stream 2 format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4ADTS,     /**< AAC Audio Data Transport Stream 4 format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4LOAS,     /**< AAC Low Overhead Audio Stream format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4LATM,     /**< AAC Low overhead Audio Transport Multiplex */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatADIF,        /**< AAC Audio Data Interchange Format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMP4FF,       /**< AAC inside MPEG-4/ISO File Format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatRAW,         /**< AAC Raw Format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACStreamFormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** AAC mode type.  Note that the term profile is used with the MPEG-2
+ * standard and the term object type and profile is used with MPEG-4 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectNull = 0,      /**< Null, not used */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectMain = 1,      /**< AAC Main object */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectLC,            /**< AAC Low Complexity object (AAC profile) */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectSSR,           /**< AAC Scalable Sample Rate object */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectLTP,           /**< AAC Long Term Prediction object */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectHE,            /**< AAC High Efficiency (object type SBR, HE-AAC profile) */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectScalable,      /**< AAC Scalable object */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectERLC = 17,     /**< ER AAC Low Complexity object (Error Resilient AAC-LC) */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectLD = 23,       /**< AAC Low Delay object (Error Resilient) */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectHE_PS = 29,    /**< AAC High Efficiency with Parametric Stereo coding (HE-AAC v2, object type PS) */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectELD = 39,      /** AAC Enhanced Low Delay. NOTE: Pending Khronos standardization **/
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+/** AAC tool usage (for nAACtools in OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE).
+ * Required for encoder configuration and optional as decoder info output.
+ * For MP3, OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELMODETYPE is sufficient. */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolNone 0x00000000 /**< no AAC tools allowed (encoder config) or active (decoder info output) */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolMS   0x00000001 /**< MS: Mid/side joint coding tool allowed or active */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolIS   0x00000002 /**< IS: Intensity stereo tool allowed or active */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolTNS  0x00000004 /**< TNS: Temporal Noise Shaping tool allowed or active */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolPNS  0x00000008 /**< PNS: MPEG-4 Perceptual Noise substitution tool allowed or active */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolLTP  0x00000010 /**< LTP: MPEG-4 Long Term Prediction tool allowed or active */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolVendor 0x00010000 /**< NOT A KHRONOS VALUE, offset for vendor-specific additions */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAll  0x7FFFFFFF /**< all AAC tools allowed or active (*/
+/** MPEG-4 AAC error resilience (ER) tool usage (for nAACERtools in OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE).
+ * Required for ER encoder configuration and optional as decoder info output */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACERNone  0x00000000  /**< no AAC ER tools allowed/used */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACERVCB11 0x00000001  /**< VCB11: Virtual Code Books for AAC section data */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACERRVLC  0x00000002  /**< RVLC: Reversible Variable Length Coding */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACERHCR   0x00000004  /**< HCR: Huffman Codeword Reordering */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACERAll   0x7FFFFFFF  /**< all AAC ER tools allowed/used */
+/** AAC params */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                 /**< Size of this structure, in Bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;      /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;            /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;             /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;           /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                        variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;              /**< Bit rate of the input data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                        rate or unknown bit rates */
+    OMX_U32 nAudioBandWidth;       /**< Audio band width (in Hz) to which an encoder should
+                                        limit the audio signal. Use 0 to let encoder decide */
+    OMX_U32 nFrameLength;          /**< Frame length (in audio samples per channel) of the codec.
+                                        Can be 1024 or 960 (AAC-LC), 2048 (HE-AAC), 480 or 512 (AAC-LD).
+                                        Use 0 to let encoder decide */
+    OMX_U32 nAACtools;             /**< AAC tool usage */
+    OMX_U32 nAACERtools;           /**< MPEG-4 AAC error resilience tool usage */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACPROFILETYPE eAACProfile;   /**< AAC profile enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AACSTREAMFORMATTYPE eAACStreamFormat; /**< AAC stream format enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELMODETYPE eChannelMode;   /**< Channel mode enumeration */
+/** VORBIS params */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;        /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;         /**< Bit rate of the encoded data data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                   rate or unknown bit rates. Encoding is set to the
+                                   bitrate closest to specified  value (in bps) */
+    OMX_U32 nMinBitRate;      /**< Sets minimum bitrate (in bps). */
+    OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate;      /**< Sets maximum bitrate (in bps). */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;      /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                   variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nAudioBandWidth;  /**< Audio band width (in Hz) to which an encoder should
+                                   limit the audio signal. Use 0 to let encoder decide */
+    OMX_S32 nQuality;         /**< Sets encoding quality to n, between -1 (low) and 10 (high).
+                                   In the default mode of operation, teh quality level is 3.
+                                   Normal quality range is 0 - 10. */
+    OMX_BOOL bManaged;        /**< Set  bitrate  management  mode. This turns off the
+                                   normal VBR encoding, but allows hard or soft bitrate
+                                   constraints to be enforced by the encoder. This mode can
+                                   be slower, and may also be lower quality. It is
+                                   primarily useful for streaming. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDownmix;        /**< Downmix input from stereo to mono (has no effect on
+                                   non-stereo streams). Useful for lower-bitrate encoding. */
+/** FLAC params */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_FLACTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;        /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;      /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                   unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nCompressionLevel;/**< FLAC compression level, from 0 (fastest compression)
+                                   to 8 (highest compression */
+/** WMA Version */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAFormatUnused = 0, /**< format unused or unknown */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAFormat7,          /**< Windows Media Audio format 7 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAFormat8,          /**< Windows Media Audio format 8 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAFormat9,          /**< Windows Media Audio format 9 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+/** WMA Profile */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAProfileUnused = 0,  /**< profile unused or unknown */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAProfileL1,          /**< Windows Media audio version 9 profile L1 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAProfileL2,          /**< Windows Media audio version 9 profile L2 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAProfileL3,          /**< Windows Media audio version 9 profile L3 */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAProfileKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_WMAProfileVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+/** WMA params */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_WMATYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U16 nChannels;        /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;         /**< Bit rate of the input data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                   rate or unknown bit rates */
+    OMX_AUDIO_WMAFORMATTYPE eFormat; /**< Version of WMA stream / data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_WMAPROFILETYPE eProfile;  /**< Profile of WMA stream / data */
+    OMX_U32 nSamplingRate;    /**< Sampling rate of the source data */
+    OMX_U16 nBlockAlign;      /**< is the block alignment, or block size, in bytes of the audio codec */
+    OMX_U16 nEncodeOptions;   /**< WMA Type-specific data */
+    OMX_U32 nSuperBlockAlign; /**< WMA Type-specific data */
+ * RealAudio format
+ */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RAFormatUnused = 0, /**< Format unused or unknown */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA8,                /**< RealAudio 8 codec */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA9,                /**< RealAudio 9 codec */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA10_AAC,           /**< MPEG-4 AAC codec for bitrates of more than 128kbps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA10_CODEC,         /**< RealAudio codec for bitrates less than 128 kbps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA10_LOSSLESS,      /**< RealAudio Lossless */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA10_MULTICHANNEL,  /**< RealAudio Multichannel */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RA10_VOICE,         /**< RealAudio Voice for bitrates below 15 kbps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RAFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RAFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RAFormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** RA (Real Audio) params */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_RATYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< Size of this structure, in Bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;          /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nSamplingRate;      /**< is the sampling rate of the source data */
+    OMX_U32 nBitsPerFrame;      /**< is the value for bits per frame  */
+    OMX_U32 nSamplePerFrame;    /**< is the value for samples per frame */
+    OMX_U32 nCouplingQuantBits; /**< is the number of coupling quantization bits in the stream */
+    OMX_U32 nCouplingStartRegion;   /**< is the coupling start region in the stream  */
+    OMX_U32 nNumRegions;        /**< is the number of regions value */
+    OMX_AUDIO_RAFORMATTYPE eFormat; /**< is the RealAudio audio format */
+/** SBC Allocation Method Type */
+  OMX_AUDIO_SBCAllocMethodLoudness, /**< Loudness allocation method */
+  OMX_AUDIO_SBCAllocMethodSNR,      /**< SNR allocation method */
+  OMX_AUDIO_SBCAllocMethodKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_SBCAllocMethodVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_SBCAllocMethodMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** SBC params */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_SBCTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;         /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;          /**< Bit rate of the input data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                    rate or unknown bit rates */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;       /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                    variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nBlocks;           /**< Number of blocks */
+    OMX_U32 nSubbands;         /**< Number of subbands */
+    OMX_U32 nBitPool;          /**< Bitpool value */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableBitrate;   /**< Use bitrate value instead of bitpool */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELMODETYPE eChannelMode; /**< Channel mode enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_SBCALLOCMETHODTYPE eSBCAllocType;   /**< SBC Allocation method type */
+/** ADPCM stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;          /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                     necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                     to be rendered. */
+    OMX_U32 nBitsPerSample;     /**< Number of bits in each sample */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;        /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                    variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+/** G723 rate */
+typedef enum OMX_AUDIO_G723RATE {
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723ModeUnused = 0,  /**< AMRNB Mode unused / unknown */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723ModeLow,         /**< 5300 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723ModeHigh,        /**< 6300 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723ModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723ModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723ModeMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** G723 - Sample rate must be 8 KHz */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_G723TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;                /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G723RATE eBitRate;  /**< todo: Should this be moved to a config? */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+    OMX_BOOL bPostFilter;         /**< Enable Post Filter */
+/** ITU G726 (ADPCM) rate */
+typedef enum OMX_AUDIO_G726MODE {
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726ModeUnused = 0,  /**< G726 Mode unused / unknown */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726Mode16,          /**< 16 kbps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726Mode24,          /**< 24 kbps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726Mode32,          /**< 32 kbps, most common rate, also G721 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726Mode40,          /**< 40 kbps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726ModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726ModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G726ModeMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** G.726 stream format parameters - must be at 8KHz */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_G726TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;          /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                     necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                     to be rendered. */
+     OMX_AUDIO_G726MODE eG726Mode;
+/** G729 coder type */
+typedef enum OMX_AUDIO_G729TYPE {
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729 = 0,           /**< ITU G.729  encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729A,              /**< ITU G.729 annex A  encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729B,              /**< ITU G.729 with annex B encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729AB,             /**< ITU G.729 annexes A and B encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729KhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729VendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729Max = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** G729 stream format parameters - fixed 6KHz sample rate */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_G729TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;        /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                   necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                   to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;            /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_AUDIO_G729TYPE eBitType;
+/** AMR Frame format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatConformance = 0,  /**< Frame Format is AMR Conformance
+                                                   (Standard) Format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatIF1,              /**< Frame Format is AMR Interface
+                                                   Format 1 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatIF2,              /**< Frame Format is AMR Interface
+                                                   Format 2*/
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatFSF,              /**< Frame Format is AMR File Storage
+                                                   Format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatRTPPayload,       /**< Frame Format is AMR Real-Time
+                                                   Transport Protocol Payload Format */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatITU,              /**< Frame Format is ITU Format (added at Motorola request) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFrameFormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** AMR band mode */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeUnused = 0,          /**< AMRNB Mode unused / unknown */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB0,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 0 =  4750 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB1,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 1 =  5150 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB2,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 2 =  5900 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB3,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 3 =  6700 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB4,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 4 =  7400 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB5,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 5 =  7950 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB6,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 6 = 10200 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeNB7,                 /**< AMRNB Mode 7 = 12200 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB0,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 0 =  6600 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB1,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 1 =  8850 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB2,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 2 = 12650 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB3,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 3 = 14250 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB4,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 4 = 15850 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB5,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 5 = 18250 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB6,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 6 = 19850 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB7,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 7 = 23050 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeWB8,                 /**< AMRWB Mode 8 = 23850 bps */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBandModeMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** AMR Discontinuous Transmission mode */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOff = 0,        /**< AMR Discontinuous Transmission Mode is disabled */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOnVAD1,         /**< AMR Discontinuous Transmission Mode using
+                                             Voice Activity Detector 1 (VAD1) is enabled */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOnVAD2,         /**< AMR Discontinuous Transmission Mode using
+                                             Voice Activity Detector 2 (VAD2) is enabled */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeOnAuto,         /**< The codec will automatically select between
+                                             Off, VAD1 or VAD2 modes */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXasEFR,             /**< DTX as EFR instead of AMR standard (3GPP 26.101, frame type =8,9,10) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+/** AMR params */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AMRTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                          /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;               /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;                     /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;                      /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;                       /**< Bit rate read only field */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRBANDMODETYPE eAMRBandMode; /**< AMR Band Mode enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRDTXMODETYPE  eAMRDTXMode;  /**< AMR DTX Mode enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_AMRFRAMEFORMATTYPE eAMRFrameFormat; /**< AMR frame format enumeration */
+/** GSM_FR (ETSI 06.10, 3GPP 46.010) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;            /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;   /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** GSM-HR (ETSI 06.20, 3GPP 46.020) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;            /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;   /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** GSM-EFR (ETSI 06.60, 3GPP 46.060) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;            /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;   /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** TDMA FR (TIA/EIA-136-420, VSELP 7.95kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;                /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** TDMA EFR (TIA/EIA-136-410, ACELP 7.4kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;                /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** PDC FR ( RCR-27, VSELP 6.7kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;                /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** PDC EFR ( RCR-27, ACELP 6.7kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;                /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** PDC HR ( RCR-27, PSI-CELP 3.45kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_BOOL bDTX;                /**< Enable Discontinuous Transmisssion */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable High Pass Filter */
+/** CDMA Rate types */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateBlank = 0,          /**< CDMA encoded frame is blank */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateFull,               /**< CDMA encoded frame in full rate */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateHalf,               /**< CDMA encoded frame in half rate */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateQuarter,            /**< CDMA encoded frame in quarter rate */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateEighth,             /**< CDMA encoded frame in eighth rate (DTX)*/
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateErasure,            /**< CDMA erasure frame */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+/** QCELP8 (TIA/EIA-96, up to 8kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_QCELP8TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;             /**< Bit rate of the input data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                       rate or unknown bit rates */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARATETYPE eCDMARate; /**< Frame rate */
+    OMX_U32 nMinBitRate;          /**< minmal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 1 */
+    OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate;          /**< maximal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 4 */
+/** QCELP13 ( CDMA, EIA/TIA-733, 13.3kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_QCELP13TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARATETYPE eCDMARate; /**< Frame rate */
+    OMX_U32 nMinBitRate;          /**< minmal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 1 */
+    OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate;          /**< maximal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 4 */
+/** EVRC ( CDMA, EIA/TIA-127, RCELP up to 8.55kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_EVRCTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARATETYPE eCDMARate; /**< actual Frame rate */
+    OMX_BOOL bRATE_REDUCon;       /**< RATE_REDUCtion is requested for this frame */
+    OMX_U32 nMinBitRate;          /**< minmal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 1 */
+    OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate;          /**< maximal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 4 */
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable encoder's High Pass Filter */
+    OMX_BOOL bNoiseSuppressor;    /**< Enable encoder's noise suppressor pre-processing */
+    OMX_BOOL bPostFilter;         /**< Enable decoder's post Filter */
+/** SMV ( up to 8.55kbps coder) stream format parameters */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_SMVTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;            /**< Number of channels in the data stream (not
+                                       necessarily the same as the number of channels
+                                       to be rendered. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CDMARATETYPE eCDMARate; /**< Frame rate */
+    OMX_BOOL bRATE_REDUCon;           /**< RATE_REDUCtion is requested for this frame */
+    OMX_U32 nMinBitRate;          /**< minmal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 1 ??*/
+    OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate;          /**< maximal rate for the encoder = 1,2,3,4, default = 4 ??*/
+    OMX_BOOL bHiPassFilter;       /**< Enable encoder's High Pass Filter ??*/
+    OMX_BOOL bNoiseSuppressor;    /**< Enable encoder's noise suppressor pre-processing */
+    OMX_BOOL bPostFilter;         /**< Enable decoder's post Filter ??*/
+/** MIDI Format
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatUnknown = 0, /**< MIDI Format unknown or don't care */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatSMF0,        /**< Standard MIDI File Type 0 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatSMF1,        /**< Standard MIDI File Type 1 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatSMF2,        /**< Standard MIDI File Type 2 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatSPMIDI,      /**< SP-MIDI */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatXMF0,        /**< eXtensible Music Format type 0 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatXMF1,        /**< eXtensible Music Format type 1 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatMobileXMF,   /**< Mobile XMF (eXtensible Music Format type 2) */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+/** MIDI params
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_MIDITYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                 /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;      /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;            /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nFileSize;             /**< size of the MIDI file in bytes, where the entire
+                                        MIDI file passed in, otherwise if 0x0, the MIDI data
+                                        is merged and streamed (instead of passed as an
+                                        entire MIDI file) */
+    OMX_BU32 sMaxPolyphony;        /**< Specifies the maximum simultaneous polyphonic
+                                        voices. A value of zero indicates that the default
+                                        polyphony of the device is used  */
+    OMX_BOOL bLoadDefaultSound;    /**< Whether to load default sound
+                                        bank at initialization */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIFORMATTYPE eMidiFormat; /**< Version of the MIDI file */
+/** Type of the MIDI sound bank
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankUnused = 0,           /**< unused/unknown soundbank type */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankDLS1,                 /**< DLS version 1 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankDLS2,                 /**< DLS version 2 */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankMobileDLSBase,        /**< Mobile DLS, using the base functionality */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankMobileDLSPlusOptions, /**< Mobile DLS, using the specification-defined optional feature set */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Bank Layout describes how bank MSB & LSB are used in the DLS instrument definitions sound bank
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutUnused = 0,   /**< unused/unknown soundbank type */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutGM,           /**< GS layout (based on bank MSB 0x00) */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutGM2,          /**< General MIDI 2 layout (using MSB 0x78/0x79, LSB 0x00) */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutUser,         /**< Does not conform to any bank numbering standards */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+   OMX_AUDIO_MIDISoundBankLayoutMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** MIDI params to load/unload user soundbank
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nDLSIndex;        /**< DLS file index to be loaded */
+    OMX_U32 nDLSSize;         /**< Size in bytes */
+    OMX_PTR pDLSData;         /**< Pointer to DLS file data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISOUNDBANKTYPE eMidiSoundBank;   /**< Midi sound bank type enumeration */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDISOUNDBANKLAYOUTTYPE eMidiSoundBankLayout; /**< Midi sound bank layout enumeration */
+/** Structure for Live MIDI events and MIP messages.
+ * (MIP = Maximum Instantaneous Polyphony; part of the SP-MIDI standard.)
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nMidiEventSize;   /**< Size of immediate MIDI events or MIP message in bytes  */
+    OMX_U8 nMidiEvents[1];    /**< MIDI event array to be rendered immediately, or an
+                                   array for the MIP message buffer, where the size is
+                                   indicated by nMidiEventSize */
+/** MIDI sound bank/ program pair in a given channel
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannel;           /**< Valid channel values range from 1 to 16 */
+    OMX_U16 nIDProgram;         /**< Valid program ID range is 1 to 128 */
+    OMX_U16 nIDSoundBank;       /**< Sound bank ID */
+    OMX_U32 nUserSoundBankIndex;/**< User soundbank index, easier to access soundbanks
+                                     by index if multiple banks are present */
+/** MIDI control
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BS32 sPitchTransposition; /**< Pitch transposition in semitones, stored as Q22.10
+                                       format based on JAVA MMAPI (JSR-135) requirement */
+    OMX_BU32 sPlayBackRate;       /**< Relative playback rate, stored as Q14.17 fixed-point
+                                       number based on JSR-135 requirement */
+    OMX_BU32 sTempo ;             /**< Tempo in beats per minute (BPM), stored as Q22.10
+                                       fixed-point number based on JSR-135 requirement */
+    OMX_U32 nMaxPolyphony;        /**< Specifies the maximum simultaneous polyphonic
+                                       voices. A value of zero indicates that the default
+                                       polyphony of the device is used  */
+    OMX_U32 nNumRepeat;           /**< Number of times to repeat playback */
+    OMX_U32 nStopTime;            /**< Time in milliseconds to indicate when playback
+                                       will stop automatically.  Set to zero if not used */
+    OMX_U16 nChannelMuteMask;     /**< 16 bit mask for channel mute status */
+    OMX_U16 nChannelSoloMask;     /**< 16 bit mask for channel solo status */
+    OMX_U32 nTrack0031MuteMask;   /**< 32 bit mask for track mute status. Note: This is for tracks 0-31 */
+    OMX_U32 nTrack3263MuteMask;   /**< 32 bit mask for track mute status. Note: This is for tracks 32-63 */
+    OMX_U32 nTrack0031SoloMask;   /**< 32 bit mask for track solo status. Note: This is for tracks 0-31 */
+    OMX_U32 nTrack3263SoloMask;   /**< 32 bit mask for track solo status. Note: This is for tracks 32-63 */
+/** MIDI Playback States
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateUnknown = 0,      /**< Unknown state or state does not map to
+                                                    other defined states */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateClosedEngaged,    /**< No MIDI resource is currently open.
+                                                    The MIDI engine is currently processing
+                                                    MIDI events. */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateParsing,          /**< A MIDI resource is open and is being
+                                                    primed. The MIDI engine is currently
+                                                    processing MIDI events. */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateOpenEngaged,      /**< A MIDI resource is open and primed but
+                                                    not playing. The MIDI engine is currently
+                                                    processing MIDI events. The transition to
+                                                    this state is only possible from the
+                                                    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStatePlaying state,
+                                                    when the 'playback head' reaches the end
+                                                    of media data or the playback stops due
+                                                    to stop time set.*/
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStatePlaying,          /**< A MIDI resource is open and currently
+                                                    playing. The MIDI engine is currently
+                                                    processing MIDI events.*/
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStatePlayingPartially, /**< Best-effort playback due to SP-MIDI/DLS
+                                                    resource constraints */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStatePlayingSilently,  /**< Due to system resource constraints and
+                                                    SP-MIDI content constraints, there is
+                                                    no audible MIDI content during playback
+                                                    currently. The situation may change if
+                                                    resources are freed later.*/
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+  OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPlayBackStateMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** MIDI status
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U16 nNumTracks;         /**< Number of MIDI tracks in the file, read only field.
+                                     NOTE: May not return a meaningful value until the entire
+                                     file is parsed and buffered.  */
+    OMX_U32 nDuration;          /**< The length of the currently open MIDI resource
+                                     in milliseconds. NOTE: May not return a meaningful value
+                                     until the entire file is parsed and buffered.  */
+    OMX_U32 nPosition;          /**< Current Position of the MIDI resource being played
+                                     in milliseconds */
+    OMX_BOOL bVibra;            /**< Does Vibra track exist? NOTE: May not return a meaningful
+                                     value until the entire file is parsed and buffered. */
+    OMX_U32 nNumMetaEvents;     /**< Total number of MIDI Meta Events in the currently
+                                     open MIDI resource. NOTE: May not return a meaningful value
+                                     until the entire file is parsed and buffered.  */
+    OMX_U32 nNumActiveVoices;   /**< Number of active voices in the currently playing
+                                     MIDI resource. NOTE: May not return a meaningful value until
+                                     the entire file is parsed and buffered. */
+    OMX_AUDIO_MIDIPLAYBACKSTATETYPE eMIDIPlayBackState;  /**< MIDI playback state enumeration, read only field */
+/** MIDI Meta Event structure one per Meta Event.
+ *  MIDI Meta Events are like audio metadata, except that they are interspersed
+ *  with the MIDI content throughout the file and are not localized in the header.
+ *  As such, it is necessary to retrieve information about these Meta Events from
+ *  the engine, as it encounters these Meta Events within the MIDI content.
+ *  For example, SMF files can have up to 14 types of MIDI Meta Events (copyright,
+ *  author, default tempo, etc.) scattered throughout the file.
+ *  @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nIndex;           /**< Index of Meta Event */
+    OMX_U8 nMetaEventType;    /**< Meta Event Type, 7bits (i.e. 0 - 127) */
+    OMX_U32 nMetaEventSize;   /**< size of the Meta Event in bytes */
+    OMX_U32 nTrack;           /**< track number for the meta event */
+    OMX_U32 nPosition;        /**< Position of the meta-event in milliseconds */
+/** MIDI Meta Event Data structure - one per Meta Event.
+ * @ingroup midi
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nIndex;           /**< Index of Meta Event */
+    OMX_U32 nMetaEventSize;   /**< size of the Meta Event in bytes */
+    OMX_U8 nData[1];          /**< array of one or more bytes of meta data
+                                   as indicated by the nMetaEventSize field */
+/** Audio Volume adjustment for a port */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port index indicating which port to
+                                     set.  Select the input port to set
+                                     just that port's volume.  Select the
+                                     output port to adjust the master
+                                     volume. */
+    OMX_BOOL bLinear;           /**< Is the volume to be set in linear (0.100)
+                                     or logarithmic scale (mB) */
+    OMX_BS32 sVolume;           /**< Volume linear setting in the 0..100 range, OR
+                                     Volume logarithmic setting for this port.  The values
+                                     for volume are in mB (millibels = 1/100 dB) relative
+                                     to a gain of 1 (e.g. the output is the same as the
+                                     input level).  Values are in mB from nMax
+                                     (maximum volume) to nMin mB (typically negative).
+                                     Since the volume is "voltage"
+                                     and not a "power", it takes a setting of
+                                     -600 mB to decrease the volume by 1/2.  If
+                                     a component cannot accurately set the
+                                     volume to the requested value, it must
+                                     set the volume to the closest value BELOW
+                                     the requested value.  When getting the
+                                     volume setting, the current actual volume
+                                     must be returned. */
+/** Audio Volume adjustment for a channel */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port index indicating which port to
+                                     set.  Select the input port to set
+                                     just that port's volume.  Select the
+                                     output port to adjust the master
+                                     volume. */
+    OMX_U32 nChannel;           /**< channel to select from 0 to N-1,
+                                     using OMX_ALL to apply volume settings
+                                     to all channels */
+    OMX_BOOL bLinear;           /**< Is the volume to be set in linear (0.100) or
+                                     logarithmic scale (mB) */
+    OMX_BS32 sVolume;           /**< Volume linear setting in the 0..100 range, OR
+                                     Volume logarithmic setting for this port.
+                                     The values for volume are in mB
+                                     (millibels = 1/100 dB) relative to a gain
+                                     of 1 (e.g. the output is the same as the
+                                     input level).  Values are in mB from nMax
+                                     (maximum volume) to nMin mB (typically negative).
+                                     Since the volume is "voltage"
+                                     and not a "power", it takes a setting of
+                                     -600 mB to decrease the volume by 1/2.  If
+                                     a component cannot accurately set the
+                                     volume to the requested value, it must
+                                     set the volume to the closest value BELOW
+                                     the requested value.  When getting the
+                                     volume setting, the current actual volume
+                                     must be returned. */
+    OMX_BOOL bIsMIDI;           /**< TRUE if nChannel refers to a MIDI channel,
+                                     FALSE otherwise */
+/** Audio balance setting */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port index indicating which port to
+                                     set.  Select the input port to set
+                                     just that port's balance.  Select the
+                                     output port to adjust the master
+                                     balance. */
+    OMX_S32 nBalance;           /**< balance setting for this port
+                                     (-100 to 100, where -100 indicates
+                                     all left, and no right */
+/** Audio Port mute */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port index indicating which port to
+                                     set.  Select the input port to set
+                                     just that port's mute.  Select the
+                                     output port to adjust the master
+                                     mute. */
+    OMX_BOOL bMute;             /**< Mute setting for this port */
+/** Audio Channel mute */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannel;           /**< channel to select from 0 to N-1,
+                                     using OMX_ALL to apply mute settings
+                                     to all channels */
+    OMX_BOOL bMute;             /**< Mute setting for this channel */
+    OMX_BOOL bIsMIDI;           /**< TRUE if nChannel refers to a MIDI channel,
+                                     FALSE otherwise */
+/** Enable / Disable for loudness control, which boosts bass and to a
+ *  smaller extent high end frequencies to compensate for hearing
+ *  ability at the extreme ends of the audio spectrum
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bLoudness;        /**< Enable/disable for loudness */
+/** Enable / Disable for bass, which controls low frequencies
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;          /**< Enable/disable for bass control */
+    OMX_S32 nBass;             /**< bass setting for the port, as a
+                                    continuous value from -100 to 100
+                                    (0 means no change in bass level)*/
+/** Enable / Disable for treble, which controls high frequencies tones
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;          /**< Enable/disable for treble control */
+    OMX_S32  nTreble;          /**< treble setting for the port, as a
+                                    continuous value from -100 to 100
+                                    (0 means no change in treble level) */
+/** An equalizer is typically used for two reasons: to compensate for an
+ *  sub-optimal frequency response of a system to make it sound more natural
+ *  or to create intentionally some unnatural coloring to the sound to create
+ *  an effect.
+ *  @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;          /**< Enable/disable for equalizer */
+    OMX_BU32 sBandIndex;       /**< Band number to be set.  Upper Limit is
+                                    N-1, where N is the number of bands, lower limit is 0 */
+    OMX_BU32 sCenterFreq;      /**< Center frequecies in Hz.  This is a
+                                    read only element and is used to determine
+                                    the lower, center and upper frequency of
+                                    this band.  */
+    OMX_BS32 sBandLevel;       /**< band level in millibels */
+/** Stereo widening mode type
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_AUDIO_StereoWideningHeadphones,    /**< Stereo widening for loudspeakers */
+    OMX_AUDIO_StereoWideningLoudspeakers,  /**< Stereo widening for closely spaced loudspeakers */
+    OMX_AUDIO_StereoWideningKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_StereoWideningVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_AUDIO_StereoWideningMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Control for stereo widening, which is a special 2-channel
+ *  case of the audio virtualizer effect. For example, for 5.1-channel
+ *  output, it translates to virtual surround sound.
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;          /**< Enable/disable for stereo widening control */
+    OMX_AUDIO_STEREOWIDENINGTYPE eWideningType; /**< Stereo widening algorithm type */
+    OMX_U32  nStereoWidening;  /**< stereo widening setting for the port,
+                                    as a continuous value from 0 to 100  */
+/** The chorus effect (or ``choralizer'') is any signal processor which makes
+ *  one sound source (such as a voice) sound like many such sources singing
+ *  (or playing) in unison. Since performance in unison is never exact, chorus
+ *  effects simulate this by making independently modified copies of the input
+ *  signal. Modifications may include (1) delay, (2) frequency shift, and
+ *  (3) amplitude modulation.
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;          /**< Enable/disable for chorus */
+    OMX_BU32 sDelay;           /**< average delay in milliseconds */
+    OMX_BU32 sModulationRate;  /**< rate of modulation in millihertz */
+    OMX_U32 nModulationDepth;  /**< depth of modulation as a percentage of
+                                    delay (i.e. 0 to 100) */
+    OMX_BU32 nFeedback;        /**< Feedback from chorus output to input in percentage */
+/** Reverberation is part of the reflected sound that follows the early
+ *  reflections. In a typical room, this consists of a dense succession of
+ *  echoes whose energy decays exponentially. The reverberation effect structure
+ *  as defined here includes both (early) reflections as well as (late) reverberations.
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;     /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;           /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;             /**< Enable/disable for reverberation control */
+    OMX_BS32 sRoomLevel;          /**< Intensity level for the whole room effect
+                                       (i.e. both early reflections and late
+                                       reverberation) in millibels */
+    OMX_BS32 sRoomHighFreqLevel;  /**< Attenuation at high frequencies
+                                       relative to the intensity at low
+                                       frequencies in millibels */
+    OMX_BS32 sReflectionsLevel;   /**< Intensity level of early reflections
+                                       (relative to room value), in millibels */
+    OMX_BU32 sReflectionsDelay;   /**< Delay time of the first reflection relative
+                                       to the direct path, in milliseconds */
+    OMX_BS32 sReverbLevel;        /**< Intensity level of late reverberation
+                                       relative to room level, in millibels */
+    OMX_BU32 sReverbDelay;        /**< Time delay from the first early reflection
+                                       to the beginning of the late reverberation
+                                       section, in milliseconds */
+    OMX_BU32 sDecayTime;          /**< Late reverberation decay time at low
+                                       frequencies, in milliseconds */
+    OMX_BU32 nDecayHighFreqRatio; /**< Ratio of high frequency decay time relative
+                                       to low frequency decay time in percent  */
+    OMX_U32 nDensity;             /**< Modal density in the late reverberation decay,
+                                       in percent (i.e. 0 - 100) */
+    OMX_U32 nDiffusion;           /**< Echo density in the late reverberation decay,
+                                       in percent (i.e. 0 - 100) */
+    OMX_BU32 sReferenceHighFreq;  /**< Reference high frequency in Hertz. This is
+                                       the frequency used as the reference for all
+                                       the high-frequency settings above */
+/** Possible settings for the Echo Cancelation structure to use
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanOff = 0,    /**< Echo Cancellation is disabled */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanNormal,     /**< Echo Cancellation normal operation -
+                                     echo from plastics and face */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanHFree,      /**< Echo Cancellation optimized for
+                                     Hands Free operation */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanCarKit,    /**< Echo Cancellation optimized for
+                                     Car Kit (longer echo) */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+   OMX_AUDIO_EchoCanMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Enable / Disable for echo cancelation, which removes undesired echo's
+ *  from the audio
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_AUDIO_ECHOCANTYPE eEchoCancelation; /**< Echo cancelation settings */
+/** Enable / Disable for noise reduction, which undesired noise from
+ * the audio
+ * @ingroup effects
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;        /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bNoiseReduction;  /**< Enable/disable for noise reduction */
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_AudioExt.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_AudioExt.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_AudioExt.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** OMX_AudioExt.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ * The OMX_AudioExt header file contains extensions to the
+ * definitions used by both the application and the component to
+ * access video items.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_AudioExt_h
+#define OMX_AudioExt_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header shall include all required header files to allow the
+ * header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ * for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidSSBR (OMX_AUDIO_AACToolVendor << 0) /**< SSBR: MPEG-4 Single-rate (downsampled) Spectral Band Replication tool allowed or active */
+#define OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidDSBR (OMX_AUDIO_AACToolVendor << 1) /**< DSBR: MPEG-4 Dual-rate Spectral Band Replication tool allowed or active */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAndroidUnused = OMX_AUDIO_CodingKhronosExtensions + 0x00100000,
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAndroidAC3,         /**< AC3 encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAndroidOPUS,        /**< OPUS encoded data */
+    OMX_AUDIO_CodingAndroidEAC3,        /**< EAC3 encoded data */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                 /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;      /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;            /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;             /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;           /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                        variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                 /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;      /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;            /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;             /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;           /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                        variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nChannels;        /**< Number of channels */
+    OMX_U32 nBitRate;         /**< Bit rate of the encoded data data.  Use 0 for variable
+                                   rate or unknown bit rates. Encoding is set to the
+                                   bitrate closest to specified  value (in bps) */
+    OMX_U32 nSampleRate;      /**< Sampling rate of the source data.  Use 0 for
+                                   variable or unknown sampling rate. */
+    OMX_U32 nAudioBandWidth;  /**< Audio band width (in Hz) to which an encoder should
+                                   limit the audio signal. Use 0 to let encoder decide */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_S32 nMaxOutputChannels;    /**< Maximum channel count to be output, -1 if unspecified, 0 if downmixing disabled */
+    OMX_S32 nDrcCut;               /**< The DRC attenuation factor, between 0 and 127, -1 if unspecified */
+    OMX_S32 nDrcBoost;             /**< The DRC amplification factor, between 0 and 127, -1 if unspecified */
+    OMX_S32 nHeavyCompression;     /**< 0 for light compression, 1 for heavy compression, -1 if unspecified */
+    OMX_S32 nTargetReferenceLevel; /**< Target reference level, between 0 and 127, -1 if unspecified */
+    OMX_S32 nEncodedTargetLevel;   /**< Target reference level assumed at the encoder, between 0 and 127, -1 if unspecified */
+    OMX_S32 nPCMLimiterEnable;     /**< Signal level limiting, 0 for disable, 1 for enable, -1 if unspecified */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* OMX_AudioExt_h */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Component.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Component.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Component.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** OMX_Component.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The OMX_Component header file contains the definitions used to define
+ *  the public interface of a component.  This header file is intended to
+ *  be used by both the application and the component.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Component_h
+#define OMX_Component_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the
+ *  header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ *  for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Audio.h>
+#include <OMX_Video.h>
+#include <OMX_Image.h>
+#include <OMX_Other.h>
+/** @ingroup comp */
+typedef enum OMX_PORTDOMAINTYPE {
+    OMX_PortDomainAudio,
+    OMX_PortDomainVideo,
+    OMX_PortDomainImage,
+    OMX_PortDomainOther,
+    OMX_PortDomainKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_PortDomainVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_PortDomainMax = 0x7ffffff
+/** @ingroup comp */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                 /**< Size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;      /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;            /**< Port number the structure applies to */
+    OMX_DIRTYPE eDir;              /**< Direction (input or output) of this port */
+    OMX_U32 nBufferCountActual;    /**< The actual number of buffers allocated on this port */
+    OMX_U32 nBufferCountMin;       /**< The minimum number of buffers this port requires */
+    OMX_U32 nBufferSize;           /**< Size, in bytes, for buffers to be used for this channel */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnabled;             /**< Ports default to enabled and are enabled/disabled by
+                                        OMX_CommandPortEnable/OMX_CommandPortDisable.
+                                        When disabled a port is unpopulated. A disabled port
+                                        is not populated with buffers on a transition to IDLE. */
+    OMX_BOOL bPopulated;           /**< Port is populated with all of its buffers as indicated by
+                                        nBufferCountActual. A disabled port is always unpopulated.
+                                        An enabled port is populated on a transition to OMX_StateIdle
+                                        and unpopulated on a transition to loaded. */
+    OMX_PORTDOMAINTYPE eDomain;    /**< Domain of the port. Determines the contents of metadata below. */
+    union {
+    } format;
+    OMX_BOOL bBuffersContiguous;
+    OMX_U32 nBufferAlignment;
+/** @ingroup comp */
+typedef struct OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                    /**< Size of this structure, in Bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;         /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;               /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_U32 nU32;                     /**< U32 value */
+/** @ingroup rpm */
+    OMX_SuspensionDisabled, /**< No suspension; v1.0 behavior */
+    OMX_SuspensionEnabled,  /**< Suspension allowed */
+    OMX_SuspensionPolicyKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_SuspensionPolicyStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_SuspensionPolicyMax = 0x7fffffff
+/** @ingroup rpm */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+/** @ingroup rpm */
+typedef enum OMX_SUSPENSIONTYPE {
+    OMX_NotSuspended, /**< component is not suspended */
+    OMX_Suspended,    /**< component is suspended */
+    OMX_SuspensionKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_SuspensionVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_SuspendMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** @ingroup rpm */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+typedef struct OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnabled;
+/* Parameter specifying the content uri to use. */
+/** @ingroup cp */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                      /**< size of the structure in bytes, including
+                                             actual URI name */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;           /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U8 contentURI[1];               /**< The URI name */
+/* Parameter specifying the pipe to use. */
+/** @ingroup cp */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_HANDLETYPE hPipe;       /**< The pipe handle*/
+/** @ingroup rpm */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_BOOL bResourceConcealmentForbidden; /**< disallow the use of resource concealment
+                                            methods (like degrading algorithm quality to
+                                            lower resource consumption or functional bypass)
+                                            on a component as a resolution to resource conflicts. */
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetUnknown = 0,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetASCII,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetBinary,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetCodePage1252,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetUTF8,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetJavaConformantUTF8,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetUTF7,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetImapUTF7,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetUTF16LE,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetUTF16BE,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetGB12345,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetHZGB2312,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetGB2312,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetGB18030,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetGBK,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetBig5,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88591,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88592,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88593,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88594,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88595,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88596,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88597,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88598,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO88599,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO885910,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO885913,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO885914,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO885915,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetShiftJIS,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO2022JP,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISO2022JP1,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetISOEUCJP,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetSMS7Bit,
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_MetadataCharsetTypeMax= 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_MetadataScopeAllLevels,
+    OMX_MetadataScopeTopLevel,
+    OMX_MetadataScopePortLevel,
+    OMX_MetadataScopeNodeLevel,
+    OMX_MetadataScopeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_MetadataScopeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_MetadataScopeTypeMax = 0x7fffffff
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_MetadataSearchValueSizeByIndex,
+    OMX_MetadataSearchItemByIndex,
+    OMX_MetadataSearchNextItemByKey,
+    OMX_MetadataSearchKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_MetadataSearchVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_MetadataSearchTypeMax = 0x7fffffff
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nScopeSpecifier;
+    OMX_U32 nMetadataItemCount;
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nScopeSpecifier;
+    OMX_U32 nMetadataItemIndex;
+    OMX_U8 nKeySizeUsed;
+    OMX_U8 nKey[128];
+    OMX_STRING sLanguageCountry;
+    OMX_U32 nValueMaxSize;
+    OMX_U32 nValueSizeUsed;
+    OMX_U8 nValue[1];
+/* @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_BOOL bAllKeys;
+    OMX_U32 nParentNodeID;
+    OMX_U32 nNumNodes;
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_BOOL bAllKeys;
+    OMX_U32 nParentNodeID;
+    OMX_U32 nNodeIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nNodeID;
+    OMX_STRING cNodeName;
+    OMX_BOOL bIsLeafType;
+/** @ingroup metadata */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_BOOL bAllKeys;  /* if true then this structure refers to all keys and
+                         * the three key fields below are ignored */
+    OMX_U32 nKeySizeUsed;
+    OMX_U8   nKey [128];
+    OMX_U32 nLanguageCountrySizeUsed;
+    OMX_U8 nLanguageCountry[128];
+    OMX_BOOL bEnabled;  /* if true then key is part of filter (e.g.
+                         * retained for query later). If false then
+                         * key is not part of filter */
+/** The OMX_HANDLETYPE structure defines the component handle.  The component
+ *  handle is used to access all of the component's public methods and also
+ *  contains pointers to the component's private data area.  The component
+ *  handle is initialized by the OMX core (with help from the component)
+ *  during the process of loading the component.  After the component is
+ *  successfully loaded, the application can safely access any of the
+ *  component's public functions (although some may return an error because
+ *  the state is inappropriate for the access).
+ *
+ *  @ingroup comp
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_COMPONENTTYPE
+    /** The size of this structure, in bytes.  It is the responsibility
+        of the allocator of this structure to fill in this value.  Since
+        this structure is allocated by the GetHandle function, this
+        function will fill in this value. */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    /** nVersion is the version of the OMX specification that the structure
+        is built against.  It is the responsibility of the creator of this
+        structure to initialize this value and every user of this structure
+        should verify that it knows how to use the exact version of
+        this structure found herein. */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    /** pComponentPrivate is a pointer to the component private data area.
+        This member is allocated and initialized by the component when the
+        component is first loaded.  The application should not access this
+        data area. */
+    OMX_PTR pComponentPrivate;
+    /** pApplicationPrivate is a pointer that is a parameter to the
+        OMX_GetHandle method, and contains an application private value
+        provided by the IL client.  This application private data is
+        returned to the IL Client by OMX in all callbacks */
+    OMX_PTR pApplicationPrivate;
+    /** refer to OMX_GetComponentVersion in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the GetComponentVersion method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetComponentVersion)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_OUT OMX_STRING pComponentName,
+            OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE* pComponentVersion,
+            OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE* pSpecVersion,
+            OMX_OUT OMX_UUIDTYPE* pComponentUUID);
+    /** refer to OMX_SendCommand in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the SendCommand method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*SendCommand)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_COMMANDTYPE Cmd,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nParam1,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_PTR pCmdData);
+    /** refer to OMX_GetParameter in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the GetParameter method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetParameter)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_INDEXTYPE nParamIndex,
+            OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR pComponentParameterStructure);
+    /** refer to OMX_SetParameter in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the SetParameter method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*SetParameter)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_INDEXTYPE nIndex,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_PTR pComponentParameterStructure);
+    /** refer to OMX_GetConfig in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the GetConfig method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetConfig)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_INDEXTYPE nIndex,
+            OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR pComponentConfigStructure);
+    /** refer to OMX_SetConfig in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the SetConfig method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*SetConfig)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_INDEXTYPE nIndex,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_PTR pComponentConfigStructure);
+    /** refer to OMX_GetExtensionIndex in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the GetExtensionIndex method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetExtensionIndex)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_STRING cParameterName,
+            OMX_OUT OMX_INDEXTYPE* pIndexType);
+    /** refer to OMX_GetState in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the GetState method.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*GetState)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_OUT OMX_STATETYPE* pState);
+    /** The ComponentTunnelRequest method will interact with another OMX
+        component to determine if tunneling is possible and to setup the
+        tunneling.  The return codes for this method can be used to
+        determine if tunneling is not possible, or if tunneling is not
+        supported.
+        Base profile components (i.e. non-interop) do not support this
+        method and should return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented
+        The interop profile component MUST support tunneling to another
+        interop profile component with a compatible port parameters.
+        A component may also support proprietary communication.
+        If proprietary communication is supported the negotiation of
+        proprietary communication is done outside of OMX in a vendor
+        specific way. It is only required that the proper result be
+        returned and the details of how the setup is done is left
+        to the component implementation.
+        When this method is invoked when nPort in an output port, the
+        component will:
+        1.  Populate the pTunnelSetup structure with the output port's
+            requirements and constraints for the tunnel.
+        When this method is invoked when nPort in an input port, the
+        component will:
+        1.  Query the necessary parameters from the output port to
+            determine if the ports are compatible for tunneling
+        2.  If the ports are compatible, the component should store
+            the tunnel step provided by the output port
+        3.  Determine which port (either input or output) is the buffer
+            supplier, and call OMX_SetParameter on the output port to
+            indicate this selection.
+        The component will return from this call within 5 msec.
+        @param [in] hComp
+            Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle method.
+        @param [in] nPort
+            nPort is used to select the port on the component to be used
+            for tunneling.
+        @param [in] hTunneledComp
+            Handle of the component to tunnel with.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle method.  When
+            this parameter is 0x0 the component should setup the port for
+            communication with the application / IL Client.
+        @param [in] nPortOutput
+            nPortOutput is used indicate the port the component should
+            tunnel with.
+        @param [in] pTunnelSetup
+            Pointer to the tunnel setup structure.  When nPort is an output port
+            the component should populate the fields of this structure.  When
+            When nPort is an input port the component should review the setup
+            provided by the component with the output port.
+        @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+            If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+            OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+        @ingroup tun
+    */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ComponentTunnelRequest)(
+        OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
+        OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nPort,
+        OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hTunneledComp,
+        OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nTunneledPort,
+    /** refer to OMX_UseBuffer in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the UseBuffer method.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*UseBuffer)(
+            OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** ppBufferHdr,
+            OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortIndex,
+            OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppPrivate,
+            OMX_IN OMX_U32 nSizeBytes,
+            OMX_IN OMX_U8* pBuffer);
+    /** refer to OMX_AllocateBuffer in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the AllocateBuffer method.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*AllocateBuffer)(
+            OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortIndex,
+            OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppPrivate,
+            OMX_IN OMX_U32 nSizeBytes);
+    /** refer to OMX_FreeBuffer in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the FreeBuffer method.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*FreeBuffer)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nPortIndex,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* pBuffer);
+    /** refer to OMX_EmptyThisBuffer in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the EmptyThisBuffer method.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*EmptyThisBuffer)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* pBuffer);
+    /** refer to OMX_FillThisBuffer in OMX_core.h or the OMX IL
+        specification for details on the FillThisBuffer method.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*FillThisBuffer)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* pBuffer);
+    /** The SetCallbacks method is used by the core to specify the callback
+        structure from the application to the component.  This is a blocking
+        call.  The component will return from this call within 5 msec.
+        @param [in] hComponent
+            Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+        @param [in] pCallbacks
+            pointer to an OMX_CALLBACKTYPE structure used to provide the
+            callback information to the component
+        @param [in] pAppData
+            pointer to an application defined value.  It is anticipated that
+            the application will pass a pointer to a data structure or a "this
+            pointer" in this area to allow the callback (in the application)
+            to determine the context of the call
+        @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+            If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+            OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*SetCallbacks)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* pCallbacks,
+            OMX_IN  OMX_PTR pAppData);
+    /** ComponentDeInit method is used to deinitialize the component
+        providing a means to free any resources allocated at component
+        initialization.  NOTE:  After this call the component handle is
+        not valid for further use.
+        @param [in] hComponent
+            Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+        @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+            If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+            OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ComponentDeInit)(
+            OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent);
+    /** @ingroup buf */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*UseEGLImage)(
+            OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+            OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** ppBufferHdr,
+            OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortIndex,
+            OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppPrivate,
+            OMX_IN void* eglImage);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ComponentRoleEnum)(
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+        OMX_OUT OMX_U8 *cRole,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32 nIndex);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_ContentPipe.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_ContentPipe.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_ContentPipe.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** OMX_ContentPipe.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The OMX_ContentPipe header file contains the definitions used to define
+ *  the public interface for content piples.  This header file is intended to
+ *  be used by the component.
+ */
+#ifndef KD_EACCES
+/* OpenKODE error codes. CPResult values may be zero (indicating success
+   or one of the following values) */
+#define KD_EACCES (1)
+#define KD_EADDRINUSE (2)
+#define KD_EAGAIN (5)
+#define KD_EBADF (7)
+#define KD_EBUSY (8)
+#define KD_ECONNREFUSED (9)
+#define KD_ECONNRESET (10)
+#define KD_EDEADLK (11)
+#define KD_EDESTADDRREQ (12)
+#define KD_ERANGE (35)
+#define KD_EEXIST (13)
+#define KD_EFBIG (14)
+#define KD_EHOSTUNREACH (15)
+#define KD_EINVAL (17)
+#define KD_EIO (18)
+#define KD_EISCONN (20)
+#define KD_EISDIR (21)
+#define KD_EMFILE (22)
+#define KD_ENAMETOOLONG (23)
+#define KD_ENOENT (24)
+#define KD_ENOMEM (25)
+#define KD_ENOSPC (26)
+#define KD_ENOSYS (27)
+#define KD_ENOTCONN (28)
+#define KD_EPERM (33)
+#define KD_ETIMEDOUT (36)
+#define KD_EILSEQ (19)
+/** Map types from OMX standard types only here so interface is as generic as possible. */
+typedef OMX_U32    CPresult;
+typedef char *     CPstring;
+typedef void *     CPhandle;
+typedef OMX_U32    CPuint;
+typedef OMX_S32    CPint;
+typedef char       CPbyte;
+typedef OMX_BOOL   CPbool;
+/** enumeration of origin types used in the CP_PIPETYPE's Seek function
+ * @ingroup cp
+ */
+typedef enum CP_ORIGINTYPE {
+    CP_OriginBegin,
+    CP_OriginCur,
+    CP_OriginEnd,
+    CP_OriginKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    CP_OriginVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    CP_OriginMax = 0X7FFFFFFF
+/** enumeration of contact access types used in the CP_PIPETYPE's Open function
+ * @ingroup cp
+ */
+typedef enum CP_ACCESSTYPE {
+    CP_AccessRead,
+    CP_AccessWrite,
+    CP_AccessReadWrite,
+    CP_AccessKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    CP_AccessVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    CP_AccessMax = 0X7FFFFFFF
+/** enumeration of results returned by the CP_PIPETYPE's CheckAvailableBytes function
+ * @ingroup cp
+ */
+    CP_CheckBytesOk,                    /**< There are at least the request number
+                                              of bytes available */
+    CP_CheckBytesNotReady,              /**< The pipe is still retrieving bytes
+                                              and presently lacks sufficient bytes.
+                                              Client will be called when they are
+                                              sufficient bytes are available. */
+    CP_CheckBytesInsufficientBytes,     /**< The pipe has retrieved all bytes
+                                              but those available are less than those
+                                              requested */
+    CP_CheckBytesAtEndOfStream,         /**< The pipe has reached the end of stream
+                                              and no more bytes are available. */
+    CP_CheckBytesOutOfBuffers,          /**< All read/write buffers are currently in use. */
+    CP_CheckBytesKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    CP_CheckBytesVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    CP_CheckBytesMax = 0X7FFFFFFF
+/** enumeration of content pipe events sent to the client callback.
+ * @ingroup cp
+ */
+typedef enum CP_EVENTTYPE{
+    CP_BytesAvailable,                      /** bytes requested in a CheckAvailableBytes call are now available*/
+    CP_Overflow,                            /** enumeration of content pipe events sent to the client callback*/
+    CP_PipeDisconnected,                    /** enumeration of content pipe events sent to the client callback*/
+    CP_EventKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    CP_EventVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    CP_EventMax = 0X7FFFFFFF
+/** content pipe definition
+ * @ingroup cp
+ */
+typedef struct CP_PIPETYPE
+    /** Open a content stream for reading or writing. */
+    CPresult (*Open)( CPhandle* hContent, CPstring szURI, CP_ACCESSTYPE eAccess );
+    /** Close a content stream. */
+    CPresult (*Close)( CPhandle hContent );
+    /** Create a content source and open it for writing. */
+    CPresult (*Create)( CPhandle *hContent, CPstring szURI );
+    /** Check the that specified number of bytes are available for reading or writing (depending on access type).*/
+    CPresult (*CheckAvailableBytes)( CPhandle hContent, CPuint nBytesRequested, CP_CHECKBYTESRESULTTYPE *eResult );
+    /** Seek to certain position in the content relative to the specified origin. */
+    CPresult (*SetPosition)( CPhandle  hContent, CPint nOffset, CP_ORIGINTYPE eOrigin);
+    /** Retrieve the current position relative to the start of the content. */
+    CPresult (*GetPosition)( CPhandle hContent, CPuint *pPosition);
+    /** Retrieve data of the specified size from the content stream (advance content pointer by size of data).
+       Note: pipe client provides pointer. This function is appropriate for small high frequency reads. */
+    CPresult (*Read)( CPhandle hContent, CPbyte *pData, CPuint nSize);
+    /** Retrieve a buffer allocated by the pipe that contains the requested number of bytes.
+       Buffer contains the next block of bytes, as specified by nSize, of the content. nSize also
+       returns the size of the block actually read. Content pointer advances the by the returned size.
+       Note: pipe provides pointer. This function is appropriate for large reads. The client must call
+       ReleaseReadBuffer when done with buffer.
+       In some cases the requested block may not reside in contiguous memory within the
+       pipe implementation. For instance if the pipe leverages a circular buffer then the requested
+       block may straddle the boundary of the circular buffer. By default a pipe implementation
+       performs a copy in this case to provide the block to the pipe client in one contiguous buffer.
+       If, however, the client sets bForbidCopy, then the pipe returns only those bytes preceding the memory
+       boundary. Here the client may retrieve the data in segments over successive calls. */
+    CPresult (*ReadBuffer)( CPhandle hContent, CPbyte **ppBuffer, CPuint *nSize, CPbool bForbidCopy);
+    /** Release a buffer obtained by ReadBuffer back to the pipe. */
+    CPresult (*ReleaseReadBuffer)(CPhandle hContent, CPbyte *pBuffer);
+    /** Write data of the specified size to the content (advance content pointer by size of data).
+       Note: pipe client provides pointer. This function is appropriate for small high frequency writes. */
+    CPresult (*Write)( CPhandle hContent, CPbyte *data, CPuint nSize);
+    /** Retrieve a buffer allocated by the pipe used to write data to the content.
+       Client will fill buffer with output data. Note: pipe provides pointer. This function is appropriate
+       for large writes. The client must call WriteBuffer when done it has filled the buffer with data.*/
+    CPresult (*GetWriteBuffer)( CPhandle hContent, CPbyte **ppBuffer, CPuint nSize);
+    /** Deliver a buffer obtained via GetWriteBuffer to the pipe. Pipe will write the
+       the contents of the buffer to content and advance content pointer by the size of the buffer */
+    CPresult (*WriteBuffer)( CPhandle hContent, CPbyte *pBuffer, CPuint nFilledSize);
+    /** Register a per-handle client callback with the content pipe. */
+    CPresult (*RegisterCallback)( CPhandle hContent, CPresult (*ClientCallback)(CP_EVENTTYPE eEvent, CPuint iParam));
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Core.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Core.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Core.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,1467 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** OMX_Core.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The OMX_Core header file contains the definitions used by both the
+ *  application and the component to access common items.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Core_h
+#define OMX_Core_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header shall include all required header files to allow the
+ *  header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ *  for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Index.h>
+/** The OMX_COMMANDTYPE enumeration is used to specify the action in the
+ *  OMX_SendCommand macro.
+ *  @ingroup core
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_COMMANDTYPE
+    OMX_CommandStateSet,    /**< Change the component state */
+    OMX_CommandFlush,       /**< Flush the data queue(s) of a component */
+    OMX_CommandPortDisable, /**< Disable a port on a component. */
+    OMX_CommandPortEnable,  /**< Enable a port on a component. */
+    OMX_CommandMarkBuffer,  /**< Mark a component/buffer for observation */
+    OMX_CommandKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_CommandVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_CommandMax = 0X7FFFFFFF
+/** The OMX_STATETYPE enumeration is used to indicate or change the component
+ *  state.  This enumeration reflects the current state of the component when
+ *  used with the OMX_GetState macro or becomes the parameter in a state change
+ *  command when used with the OMX_SendCommand macro.
+ *
+ *  The component will be in the Loaded state after the component is initially
+ *  loaded into memory.  In the Loaded state, the component is not allowed to
+ *  allocate or hold resources other than to build it's internal parameter
+ *  and configuration tables.  The application will send one or more
+ *  SetParameters/GetParameters and SetConfig/GetConfig commands to the
+ *  component and the component will record each of these parameter and
+ *  configuration changes for use later.  When the application sends the
+ *  Idle command, the component will acquire the resources needed for the
+ *  specified configuration and will transition to the idle state if the
+ *  allocation is successful.  If the component cannot successfully
+ *  transition to the idle state for any reason, the state of the component
+ *  shall be fully rolled back to the Loaded state (e.g. all allocated
+ *  resources shall be released).  When the component receives the command
+ *  to go to the Executing state, it shall begin processing buffers by
+ *  sending all input buffers it holds to the application.  While
+ *  the component is in the Idle state, the application may also send the
+ *  Pause command.  If the component receives the pause command while in the
+ *  Idle state, the component shall send all input buffers it holds to the
+ *  application, but shall not begin processing buffers.  This will allow the
+ *  application to prefill buffers.
+ *
+ *  @ingroup comp
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_STATETYPE
+    OMX_StateInvalid,      /**< component has detected that it's internal data
+                                structures are corrupted to the point that
+                                it cannot determine it's state properly */
+    OMX_StateLoaded,      /**< component has been loaded but has not completed
+                                initialization.  The OMX_SetParameter macro
+                                and the OMX_GetParameter macro are the only
+                                valid macros allowed to be sent to the
+                                component in this state. */
+    OMX_StateIdle,        /**< component initialization has been completed
+                                successfully and the component is ready to
+                                to start. */
+    OMX_StateExecuting,   /**< component has accepted the start command and
+                                is processing data (if data is available) */
+    OMX_StatePause,       /**< component has received pause command */
+    OMX_StateWaitForResources, /**< component is waiting for resources, either after
+                                preemption or before it gets the resources requested.
+                                See specification for complete details. */
+    OMX_StateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_StateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_StateMax = 0X7FFFFFFF
+/** The OMX_ERRORTYPE enumeration defines the standard OMX Errors.  These
+ *  errors should cover most of the common failure cases.  However,
+ *  vendors are free to add additional error messages of their own as
+ *  long as they follow these rules:
+ *  1.  Vendor error messages shall be in the range of 0x90000000 to
+ *      0x9000FFFF.
+ *  2.  Vendor error messages shall be defined in a header file provided
+ *      with the component.  No error messages are allowed that are
+ *      not defined.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_ERRORTYPE
+  OMX_ErrorNone = 0,
+  /** There were insufficient resources to perform the requested operation */
+  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources = (OMX_S32) 0x80001000,
+  /** There was an error, but the cause of the error could not be determined */
+  OMX_ErrorUndefined = (OMX_S32) 0x80001001,
+  /** The component name string was not valid */
+  OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName = (OMX_S32) 0x80001002,
+  /** No component with the specified name string was found */
+  OMX_ErrorComponentNotFound = (OMX_S32) 0x80001003,
+  /** The component specified did not have a "OMX_ComponentInit" or
+      "OMX_ComponentDeInit entry point */
+  OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent = (OMX_S32) 0x80001004,
+  /** One or more parameters were not valid */
+  OMX_ErrorBadParameter = (OMX_S32) 0x80001005,
+  /** The requested function is not implemented */
+  OMX_ErrorNotImplemented = (OMX_S32) 0x80001006,
+  /** The buffer was emptied before the next buffer was ready */
+  OMX_ErrorUnderflow = (OMX_S32) 0x80001007,
+  /** The buffer was not available when it was needed */
+  OMX_ErrorOverflow = (OMX_S32) 0x80001008,
+  /** The hardware failed to respond as expected */
+  OMX_ErrorHardware = (OMX_S32) 0x80001009,
+  /** The component is in the state OMX_StateInvalid */
+  OMX_ErrorInvalidState = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100A,
+  /** Stream is found to be corrupt */
+  OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100B,
+  /** Ports being connected are not compatible */
+  OMX_ErrorPortsNotCompatible = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100C,
+  /** Resources allocated to an idle component have been
+      lost resulting in the component returning to the loaded state */
+  OMX_ErrorResourcesLost = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100D,
+  /** No more indicies can be enumerated */
+  OMX_ErrorNoMore = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100E,
+  /** The component detected a version mismatch */
+  OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100F,
+  /** The component is not ready to return data at this time */
+  OMX_ErrorNotReady = (OMX_S32) 0x80001010,
+  /** There was a timeout that occurred */
+  OMX_ErrorTimeout = (OMX_S32) 0x80001011,
+  /** This error occurs when trying to transition into the state you are already in */
+  OMX_ErrorSameState = (OMX_S32) 0x80001012,
+  /** Resources allocated to an executing or paused component have been
+      preempted, causing the component to return to the idle state */
+  OMX_ErrorResourcesPreempted = (OMX_S32) 0x80001013,
+  /** A non-supplier port sends this error to the IL client (via the EventHandler callback)
+      during the allocation of buffers (on a transition from the LOADED to the IDLE state or
+      on a port restart) when it deems that it has waited an unusually long time for the supplier
+      to send it an allocated buffer via a UseBuffer call. */
+  OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringAllocation = (OMX_S32) 0x80001014,
+  /** A non-supplier port sends this error to the IL client (via the EventHandler callback)
+      during the deallocation of buffers (on a transition from the IDLE to LOADED state or
+      on a port stop) when it deems that it has waited an unusually long time for the supplier
+      to request the deallocation of a buffer header via a FreeBuffer call. */
+  OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringDeallocation = (OMX_S32) 0x80001015,
+  /** A supplier port sends this error to the IL client (via the EventHandler callback)
+      during the stopping of a port (either on a transition from the IDLE to LOADED
+      state or a port stop) when it deems that it has waited an unusually long time for
+      the non-supplier to return a buffer via an EmptyThisBuffer or FillThisBuffer call. */
+  OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringStop = (OMX_S32) 0x80001016,
+  /** Attempting a state transtion that is not allowed */
+  OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition = (OMX_S32) 0x80001017,
+  /* Attempting a command that is not allowed during the present state. */
+  OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation = (OMX_S32) 0x80001018,
+  /** The values encapsulated in the parameter or config structure are not supported. */
+  OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting = (OMX_S32) 0x80001019,
+  /** The parameter or config indicated by the given index is not supported. */
+  OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101A,
+  /** The port index supplied is incorrect. */
+  OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101B,
+  /** The port has lost one or more of its buffers and it thus unpopulated. */
+  OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101C,
+  /** Component suspended due to temporary loss of resources */
+  OMX_ErrorComponentSuspended = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101D,
+  /** Component suspended due to an inability to acquire dynamic resources */
+  OMX_ErrorDynamicResourcesUnavailable = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101E,
+  /** When the macroblock error reporting is enabled the component returns new error
+  for every frame that has errors */
+  OMX_ErrorMbErrorsInFrame = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101F,
+  /** A component reports this error when it cannot parse or determine the format of an input stream. */
+  OMX_ErrorFormatNotDetected = (OMX_S32) 0x80001020,
+  /** The content open operation failed. */
+  OMX_ErrorContentPipeOpenFailed = (OMX_S32) 0x80001021,
+  /** The content creation operation failed. */
+  OMX_ErrorContentPipeCreationFailed = (OMX_S32) 0x80001022,
+  /** Separate table information is being used */
+  OMX_ErrorSeperateTablesUsed = (OMX_S32) 0x80001023,
+  /** Tunneling is unsupported by the component*/
+  OMX_ErrorTunnelingUnsupported = (OMX_S32) 0x80001024,
+  OMX_ErrorKhronosExtensions = (OMX_S32)0x8F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+  OMX_ErrorVendorStartUnused = (OMX_S32)0x90000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+  OMX_ErrorMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** @ingroup core */
+/** @ingroup core */
+  const char          * pName;       /* Component name, 128 byte limit (including '\0') applies */
+  OMX_COMPONENTINITTYPE pInitialize; /* Component instance initialization function */
+/** @ingroup core */
+extern OMX_COMPONENTREGISTERTYPE OMX_ComponentRegistered[];
+/** @ingroup rpm */
+typedef struct OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE {
+ OMX_U32 nSize;             /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+ OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;  /**< OMX specification version information */
+ OMX_U32 nGroupPriority;            /**< Priority of the component group */
+ OMX_U32 nGroupID;                  /**< ID of the component group */
+/* Component name and Role names are limited to 128 characters including the terminating '\0'. */
+/** @ingroup comp */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U8 cRole[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE];  /**< name of standard component which defines component role */
+/** End of Stream Buffer Flag:
+  *
+  * A component sets EOS when it has no more data to emit on a particular
+  * output port. Thus an output port shall set EOS on the last buffer it
+  * emits. A component's determination of when an output port should
+  * cease sending data is implemenation specific.
+  * @ingroup buf
+  */
+#define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS 0x00000001
+/** Start Time Buffer Flag:
+ *
+ * The source of a stream (e.g. a demux component) sets the STARTTIME
+ * flag on the buffer that contains the starting timestamp for the
+ * stream. The starting timestamp corresponds to the first data that
+ * should be displayed at startup or after a seek.
+ * The first timestamp of the stream is not necessarily the start time.
+ * For instance, in the case of a seek to a particular video frame,
+ * the target frame may be an interframe. Thus the first buffer of
+ * the stream will be the intra-frame preceding the target frame and
+ * the starttime will occur with the target frame (with any other
+ * required frames required to reconstruct the target intervening).
+ *
+ * The STARTTIME flag is directly associated with the buffer's
+ * timestamp ' thus its association to buffer data and its
+ * propagation is identical to the timestamp's.
+ *
+ * When a Sync Component client receives a buffer with the
+ * STARTTIME flag it shall perform a SetConfig on its sync port
+ * using OMX_ConfigTimeClientStartTime and passing the buffer's
+ * timestamp.
+ *
+ * @ingroup buf
+ */
+#define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_STARTTIME 0x00000002
+/** Decode Only Buffer Flag:
+ *
+ * The source of a stream (e.g. a demux component) sets the DECODEONLY
+ * flag on any buffer that should shall be decoded but should not be
+ * displayed. This flag is used, for instance, when a source seeks to
+ * a target interframe that requires the decode of frames preceding the
+ * target to facilitate the target's reconstruction. In this case the
+ * source would emit the frames preceding the target downstream
+ * but mark them as decode only.
+ *
+ * The DECODEONLY is associated with buffer data and propagated in a
+ * manner identical to the buffer timestamp.
+ *
+ * A component that renders data should ignore all buffers with
+ * the DECODEONLY flag set.
+ *
+ * @ingroup buf
+ */
+/* Data Corrupt Flag: This flag is set when the IL client believes the data in the associated buffer is corrupt
+ * @ingroup buf
+ */
+/* End of Frame: The buffer contains exactly one end of frame and no data
+ *  occurs after the end of frame. This flag is an optional hint. The absence
+ *  of this flag does not imply the absence of an end of frame within the buffer.
+ * @ingroup buf
+/* Sync Frame Flag: This flag is set when the buffer content contains a coded sync frame '
+ *  a frame that has no dependency on any other frame information
+ *  @ingroup buf
+ */
+#define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME 0x00000020
+/* Extra data present flag: there is extra data appended to the data stream
+ * residing in the buffer
+ * @ingroup buf
+ */
+#define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EXTRADATA 0x00000040
+/** Codec Config Buffer Flag:
+* OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG is an optional flag that is set by an
+* output port when all bytes in the buffer form part or all of a set of
+* codec specific configuration data.  Examples include SPS/PPS nal units
+* for OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC or AudioSpecificConfig data for
+* OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC.  Any component that for a given stream sets
+* OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG shall not mix codec configuration bytes
+* with frame data in the same buffer, and shall send all buffers
+* containing codec configuration bytes before any buffers containing
+* frame data that those configurations bytes describe.
+* If the stream format for a particular codec has a frame specific
+* header at the start of each frame, for example OMX_AUDIO_CodingMP3 or
+* OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC in ADTS mode, then these shall be presented as
+* normal without setting OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG.
+ * @ingroup buf
+ */
+/** @ingroup buf */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U8* pBuffer;            /**< Pointer to actual block of memory
+                                     that is acting as the buffer */
+    OMX_U32 nAllocLen;          /**< size of the buffer allocated, in bytes */
+    OMX_U32 nFilledLen;         /**< number of bytes currently in the
+                                     buffer */
+    OMX_U32 nOffset;            /**< start offset of valid data in bytes from
+                                     the start of the buffer */
+    OMX_PTR pAppPrivate;        /**< pointer to any data the application
+                                     wants to associate with this buffer */
+    OMX_PTR pPlatformPrivate;   /**< pointer to any data the platform
+                                     wants to associate with this buffer */
+    OMX_PTR pInputPortPrivate;  /**< pointer to any data the input port
+                                     wants to associate with this buffer */
+    OMX_PTR pOutputPortPrivate; /**< pointer to any data the output port
+                                     wants to associate with this buffer */
+    OMX_HANDLETYPE hMarkTargetComponent; /**< The component that will generate a
+                                              mark event upon processing this buffer. */
+    OMX_PTR pMarkData;          /**< Application specific data associated with
+                                     the mark sent on a mark event to disambiguate
+                                     this mark from others. */
+    OMX_U32 nTickCount;         /**< Optional entry that the component and
+                                     application can update with a tick count
+                                     when they access the component.  This
+                                     value should be in microseconds.  Since
+                                     this is a value relative to an arbitrary
+                                     starting point, this value cannot be used
+                                     to determine absolute time.  This is an
+                                     optional entry and not all components
+                                     will update it.*/
+ OMX_TICKS nTimeStamp;          /**< Timestamp corresponding to the sample
+                                     starting at the first logical sample
+                                     boundary in the buffer. Timestamps of
+                                     successive samples within the buffer may
+                                     be inferred by adding the duration of the
+                                     of the preceding buffer to the timestamp
+                                     of the preceding buffer.*/
+  OMX_U32     nFlags;           /**< buffer specific flags */
+  OMX_U32 nOutputPortIndex;     /**< The index of the output port (if any) using
+                                     this buffer */
+  OMX_U32 nInputPortIndex;      /**< The index of the input port (if any) using
+                                     this buffer */
+/** The OMX_EXTRADATATYPE enumeration is used to define the
+ * possible extra data payload types.
+ * NB: this enum is binary backwards compatible with the previous
+ * OMX_EXTRADATA_QUANT define.  This should be replaced with
+ * OMX_ExtraDataQuantization.
+ */
+   OMX_ExtraDataNone = 0,                       /**< Indicates that no more extra data sections follow */
+   OMX_ExtraDataQuantization,                   /**< The data payload contains quantization data */
+   OMX_ExtraDataKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+   OMX_ExtraDataVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+   OMX_ExtraDataMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+typedef struct OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE  {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_EXTRADATATYPE eType;       /* Extra Data type */
+    OMX_U32 nDataSize;   /* Size of the supporting data to follow */
+    OMX_U8  data[1];     /* Supporting data hint  */
+/** @ingroup comp */
+typedef struct OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPorts;             /**< The number of ports for this component */
+    OMX_U32 nStartPortNumber;   /** first port number for this type of port */
+/** @ingroup comp */
+typedef enum OMX_EVENTTYPE
+    OMX_EventCmdComplete,         /**< component has sucessfully completed a command */
+    OMX_EventError,               /**< component has detected an error condition */
+    OMX_EventMark,                /**< component has detected a buffer mark */
+    OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged, /**< component is reported a port settings change */
+    OMX_EventBufferFlag,          /**< component has detected an EOS */
+    OMX_EventResourcesAcquired,   /**< component has been granted resources and is
+                                       automatically starting the state change from
+                                       OMX_StateWaitForResources to OMX_StateIdle. */
+    OMX_EventComponentResumed,     /**< Component resumed due to reacquisition of resources */
+    OMX_EventDynamicResourcesAvailable, /**< Component has acquired previously unavailable dynamic resources */
+    OMX_EventPortFormatDetected,      /**< Component has detected a supported format. */
+    OMX_EventKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_EventVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    /** Event when tunneled decoder has rendered an output
+     *  nData1 must contain the number of timestamps returned
+     *  pEventData must point to an array of the OMX_VIDEO_RENDEREVENTTYPE structs containing the
+     *  render-timestamps of each frame. Component may batch rendered timestamps using this event,
+     *  but must signal the event no more than 40ms after the first frame in the batch. The frames
+     *  must be ordered by system timestamp inside and across batches.
+     *
+     *  If component is doing frame-rate conversion, it must signal the render time of each
+     *  converted frame, and must interpolate media timestamps for in-between frames.
+     */
+    OMX_EventOutputRendered = 0x7F000001,
+    OMX_EventMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+typedef struct OMX_CALLBACKTYPE
+    /** The EventHandler method is used to notify the application when an
+        event of interest occurs.  Events are defined in the OMX_EVENTTYPE
+        enumeration.  Please see that enumeration for details of what will
+        be returned for each type of event. Callbacks should not return
+        an error to the component, so if an error occurs, the application
+        shall handle it internally.  This is a blocking call.
+        The application should return from this call within 5 msec to avoid
+        blocking the component for an excessively long period of time.
+        @param hComponent
+            handle of the component to access.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+        @param pAppData
+            pointer to an application defined value that was provided in the
+            pAppData parameter to the OMX_GetHandle method for the component.
+            This application defined value is provided so that the application
+            can have a component specific context when receiving the callback.
+        @param eEvent
+            Event that the component wants to notify the application about.
+        @param nData1
+            nData will be the OMX_ERRORTYPE for an error event and will be
+            an OMX_COMMANDTYPE for a command complete event and OMX_INDEXTYPE for a OMX_PortSettingsChanged event.
+         @param nData2
+            nData2 will hold further information related to the event. Can be OMX_STATETYPE for
+            a OMX_CommandStateSet command or port index for a OMX_PortSettingsChanged event.
+            Default value is 0 if not used. )
+        @param pEventData
+            Pointer to additional event-specific data (see spec for meaning).
+      */
+   OMX_ERRORTYPE (*EventHandler)(
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_EVENTTYPE eEvent,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32 nData1,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32 nData2,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR pEventData);
+    /** The EmptyBufferDone method is used to return emptied buffers from an
+        input port back to the application for reuse.  This is a blocking call
+        so the application should not attempt to refill the buffers during this
+        call, but should queue them and refill them in another thread.  There
+        is no error return, so the application shall handle any errors generated
+        internally.
+        The application should return from this call within 5 msec.
+        @param hComponent
+            handle of the component to access.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+        @param pAppData
+            pointer to an application defined value that was provided in the
+            pAppData parameter to the OMX_GetHandle method for the component.
+            This application defined value is provided so that the application
+            can have a component specific context when receiving the callback.
+        @param pBuffer
+            pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer
+            or AllocateBuffer indicating the buffer that was emptied.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*EmptyBufferDone)(
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData,
+    /** The FillBufferDone method is used to return filled buffers from an
+        output port back to the application for emptying and then reuse.
+        This is a blocking call so the application should not attempt to
+        empty the buffers during this call, but should queue the buffers
+        and empty them in another thread.  There is no error return, so
+        the application shall handle any errors generated internally.  The
+        application shall also update the buffer header to indicate the
+        number of bytes placed into the buffer.
+        The application should return from this call within 5 msec.
+        @param hComponent
+            handle of the component to access.  This is the component
+            handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+        @param pAppData
+            pointer to an application defined value that was provided in the
+            pAppData parameter to the OMX_GetHandle method for the component.
+            This application defined value is provided so that the application
+            can have a component specific context when receiving the callback.
+        @param pBuffer
+            pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer
+            or AllocateBuffer indicating the buffer that was filled.
+        @ingroup buf
+     */
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*FillBufferDone)(
+        /* IMG_OMX additions */
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData,
+        /* IMG_OMX additions -- END */
+        /* original version
+        OMX_OUT OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent,
+        OMX_OUT OMX_PTR pAppData,
+        */
+/** The OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE enumeration is used to dictate port supplier
+    preference when tunneling between two ports.
+    @ingroup tun buf
+    OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified = 0x0, /**< port supplying the buffers is unspecified,
+                                              or don't care */
+    OMX_BufferSupplyInput,             /**< input port supplies the buffers */
+    OMX_BufferSupplyOutput,            /**< output port supplies the buffers */
+    OMX_BufferSupplyKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_BufferSupplyVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_BufferSupplyMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** buffer supplier parameter
+ * @ingroup tun
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex; /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE eBufferSupplier; /**< buffer supplier */
+/**< indicates that buffers received by an input port of a tunnel
+     may not modify the data in the buffers
+     @ingroup tun
+ */
+/** The OMX_TUNNELSETUPTYPE structure is used to pass data from an output
+    port to an input port as part the two ComponentTunnelRequest calls
+    resulting from a OMX_SetupTunnel call from the IL Client.
+    @ingroup tun
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nTunnelFlags;             /**< bit flags for tunneling */
+    OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE eSupplier; /**< supplier preference */
+/* OMX Component headers is included to enable the core to use
+   macros for functions into the component for OMX release 1.0.
+   Developers should not access any structures or data from within
+   the component header directly */
+/* TO BE REMOVED - #include <OMX_Component.h> */
+/** GetComponentVersion will return information about the component.
+    This is a blocking call.  This macro will go directly from the
+    application to the component (via a core macro).  The
+    component will return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        handle of component to execute the command
+    @param [out] pComponentName
+        pointer to an empty string of length 128 bytes.  The component
+        will write its name into this string.  The name will be
+        terminated by a single zero byte.  The name of a component will
+        be 127 bytes or less to leave room for the trailing zero byte.
+        An example of a valid component name is "OMX.ABC.ChannelMixer\0".
+    @param [out] pComponentVersion
+        pointer to an OMX Version structure that the component will fill
+        in.  The component will fill in a value that indicates the
+        component version.  NOTE: the component version is NOT the same
+        as the OMX Specification version (found in all structures).  The
+        component version is defined by the vendor of the component and
+        its value is entirely up to the component vendor.
+    @param [out] pSpecVersion
+        pointer to an OMX Version structure that the component will fill
+        in.  The SpecVersion is the version of the specification that the
+        component was built against.  Please note that this value may or
+        may not match the structure's version.  For example, if the
+        component was built against the 2.0 specification, but the
+        application (which creates the structure is built against the
+        1.0 specification the versions would be different.
+    @param [out] pComponentUUID
+        pointer to the UUID of the component which will be filled in by
+        the component.  The UUID is a unique identifier that is set at
+        RUN time for the component and is unique to each instantion of
+        the component.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_GetComponentVersion(                            \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pComponentName,                                     \
+        pComponentVersion,                                  \
+        pSpecVersion,                                       \
+        pComponentUUID)                                     \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->GetComponentVersion(  \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pComponentName,                                     \
+        pComponentVersion,                                  \
+        pSpecVersion,                                       \
+        pComponentUUID)                 /* Macro End */
+/** Send a command to the component.  This call is a non-blocking call.
+    The component should check the parameters and then queue the command
+    to the component thread to be executed.  The component thread shall
+    send the EventHandler() callback at the conclusion of the command.
+    This macro will go directly from the application to the component (via
+    a core macro).  The component will return from this call within 5 msec.
+    When the command is "OMX_CommandStateSet" the component will queue a
+    state transition to the new state idenfied in nParam.
+    When the command is "OMX_CommandFlush", to flush a port's buffer queues,
+    the command will force the component to return all buffers NOT CURRENTLY
+    BEING PROCESSED to the application, in the order in which the buffers
+    were received.
+    When the command is "OMX_CommandPortDisable" or
+    "OMX_CommandPortEnable", the component's port (given by the value of
+    nParam) will be stopped or restarted.
+    When the command "OMX_CommandMarkBuffer" is used to mark a buffer, the
+    pCmdData will point to a OMX_MARKTYPE structure containing the component
+    handle of the component to examine the buffer chain for the mark.  nParam1
+    contains the index of the port on which the buffer mark is applied.
+    Specification text for more details.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        handle of component to execute the command
+    @param [in] Cmd
+        Command for the component to execute
+    @param [in] nParam
+        Parameter for the command to be executed.  When Cmd has the value
+        OMX_CommandStateSet, value is a member of OMX_STATETYPE.  When Cmd has
+        the value OMX_CommandFlush, value of nParam indicates which port(s)
+        to flush. -1 is used to flush all ports a single port index will
+        only flush that port.  When Cmd has the value "OMX_CommandPortDisable"
+        or "OMX_CommandPortEnable", the component's port is given by
+        the value of nParam.  When Cmd has the value "OMX_CommandMarkBuffer"
+        the components pot is given by the value of nParam.
+    @param [in] pCmdData
+        Parameter pointing to the OMX_MARKTYPE structure when Cmd has the value
+        "OMX_CommandMarkBuffer".
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_SendCommand(                                    \
+         hComponent,                                        \
+         Cmd,                                               \
+         nParam,                                            \
+         pCmdData)                                          \
+     ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->SendCommand(         \
+         hComponent,                                        \
+         Cmd,                                               \
+         nParam,                                            \
+         pCmdData)                          /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_GetParameter macro will get one of the current parameter
+    settings from the component.  This macro cannot only be invoked when
+    the component is in the OMX_StateInvalid state.  The nParamIndex
+    parameter is used to indicate which structure is being requested from
+    the component.  The application shall allocate the correct structure
+    and shall fill in the structure size and version information before
+    invoking this macro.  When the parameter applies to a port, the
+    caller shall fill in the appropriate nPortIndex value indicating the
+    port on which the parameter applies. If the component has not had
+    any settings changed, then the component should return a set of
+    valid DEFAULT  parameters for the component.  This is a blocking
+    call.
+    The component should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] nParamIndex
+        Index of the structure to be filled.  This value is from the
+        OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration.
+    @param [in,out] pComponentParameterStructure
+        Pointer to application allocated structure to be filled by the
+        component.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_GetParameter(                                   \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nParamIndex,                                        \
+        pComponentParameterStructure)                        \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->GetParameter(         \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nParamIndex,                                        \
+        pComponentParameterStructure)    /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_SetParameter macro will send an initialization parameter
+    structure to a component.  Each structure shall be sent one at a time,
+    in a separate invocation of the macro.  This macro can only be
+    invoked when the component is in the OMX_StateLoaded state, or the
+    port is disabled (when the parameter applies to a port). The
+    nParamIndex parameter is used to indicate which structure is being
+    passed to the component.  The application shall allocate the
+    correct structure and shall fill in the structure size and version
+    information (as well as the actual data) before invoking this macro.
+    The application is free to dispose of this structure after the call
+    as the component is required to copy any data it shall retain.  This
+    is a blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] nIndex
+        Index of the structure to be sent.  This value is from the
+        OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration.
+    @param [in] pComponentParameterStructure
+        pointer to application allocated structure to be used for
+        initialization by the component.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_SetParameter(                                   \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nParamIndex,                                        \
+        pComponentParameterStructure)                        \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->SetParameter(         \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nParamIndex,                                        \
+        pComponentParameterStructure)    /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_GetConfig macro will get one of the configuration structures
+    from a component.  This macro can be invoked anytime after the
+    component has been loaded.  The nParamIndex call parameter is used to
+    indicate which structure is being requested from the component.  The
+    application shall allocate the correct structure and shall fill in the
+    structure size and version information before invoking this macro.
+    If the component has not had this configuration parameter sent before,
+    then the component should return a set of valid DEFAULT values for the
+    component.  This is a blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] nIndex
+        Index of the structure to be filled.  This value is from the
+        OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration.
+    @param [in,out] pComponentConfigStructure
+        pointer to application allocated structure to be filled by the
+        component.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+#define OMX_GetConfig(                                      \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nConfigIndex,                                       \
+        pComponentConfigStructure)                           \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->GetConfig(            \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nConfigIndex,                                       \
+        pComponentConfigStructure)       /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_SetConfig macro will send one of the configuration
+    structures to a component.  Each structure shall be sent one at a time,
+    each in a separate invocation of the macro.  This macro can be invoked
+    anytime after the component has been loaded.  The application shall
+    allocate the correct structure and shall fill in the structure size
+    and version information (as well as the actual data) before invoking
+    this macro.  The application is free to dispose of this structure after
+    the call as the component is required to copy any data it shall retain.
+    This is a blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] nConfigIndex
+        Index of the structure to be sent.  This value is from the
+        OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration above.
+    @param [in] pComponentConfigStructure
+        pointer to application allocated structure to be used for
+        initialization by the component.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_SetConfig(                                      \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nConfigIndex,                                       \
+        pComponentConfigStructure)                           \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->SetConfig(            \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nConfigIndex,                                       \
+        pComponentConfigStructure)       /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_GetExtensionIndex macro will invoke a component to translate
+    a vendor specific configuration or parameter string into an OMX
+    structure index.  There is no requirement for the vendor to support
+    this command for the indexes already found in the OMX_INDEXTYPE
+    enumeration (this is done to save space in small components).  The
+    component shall support all vendor supplied extension indexes not found
+    in the master OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration.  This is a blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] cParameterName
+        OMX_STRING that shall be less than 128 characters long including
+        the trailing null byte.  This is the string that will get
+        translated by the component into a configuration index.
+    @param [out] pIndexType
+        a pointer to a OMX_INDEXTYPE to receive the index value.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_GetExtensionIndex(                              \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        cParameterName,                                     \
+        pIndexType)                                         \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->GetExtensionIndex(    \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        cParameterName,                                     \
+        pIndexType)                     /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_GetState macro will invoke the component to get the current
+    state of the component and place the state value into the location
+    pointed to by pState.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [out] pState
+        pointer to the location to receive the state.  The value returned
+        is one of the OMX_STATETYPE members
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp
+ */
+#define OMX_GetState(                                       \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pState)                                             \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->GetState(             \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pState)                         /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_UseBuffer macro will request that the component use
+    a buffer (and allocate its own buffer header) already allocated
+    by another component, or by the IL Client. This is a blocking
+    call.
+    The component should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [out] ppBuffer
+        pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure used to receive the
+        pointer to the buffer header
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp buf
+ */
+#define OMX_UseBuffer(                                      \
+           hComponent,                                      \
+           ppBufferHdr,                                     \
+           nPortIndex,                                      \
+           pAppPrivate,                                     \
+           nSizeBytes,                                      \
+           pBuffer)                                         \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->UseBuffer(            \
+           hComponent,                                      \
+           ppBufferHdr,                                     \
+           nPortIndex,                                      \
+           pAppPrivate,                                     \
+           nSizeBytes,                                      \
+           pBuffer)
+/** The OMX_AllocateBuffer macro will request that the component allocate
+    a new buffer and buffer header.  The component will allocate the
+    buffer and the buffer header and return a pointer to the buffer
+    header.  This is a blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [out] ppBuffer
+        pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure used to receive
+        the pointer to the buffer header
+    @param [in] nPortIndex
+        nPortIndex is used to select the port on the component the buffer will
+        be used with.  The port can be found by using the nPortIndex
+        value as an index into the Port Definition array of the component.
+    @param [in] pAppPrivate
+        pAppPrivate is used to initialize the pAppPrivate member of the
+        buffer header structure.
+    @param [in] nSizeBytes
+        size of the buffer to allocate.  Used when bAllocateNew is true.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp buf
+ */
+#define OMX_AllocateBuffer(                                 \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        ppBuffer,                                           \
+        nPortIndex,                                         \
+        pAppPrivate,                                        \
+        nSizeBytes)                                         \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->AllocateBuffer(       \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        ppBuffer,                                           \
+        nPortIndex,                                         \
+        pAppPrivate,                                        \
+        nSizeBytes)                     /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_FreeBuffer macro will release a buffer header from the component
+    which was allocated using either OMX_AllocateBuffer or OMX_UseBuffer. If
+    the component allocated the buffer (see the OMX_UseBuffer macro) then
+    the component shall free the buffer and buffer header. This is a
+    blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] nPortIndex
+        nPortIndex is used to select the port on the component the buffer will
+        be used with.
+    @param [in] pBuffer
+        pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer
+        or AllocateBuffer.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp buf
+ */
+#define OMX_FreeBuffer(                                     \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nPortIndex,                                         \
+        pBuffer)                                            \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->FreeBuffer(           \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        nPortIndex,                                         \
+        pBuffer)                        /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_EmptyThisBuffer macro will send a buffer full of data to an
+    input port of a component.  The buffer will be emptied by the component
+    and returned to the application via the EmptyBufferDone call back.
+    This is a non-blocking call in that the component will record the buffer
+    and return immediately and then empty the buffer, later, at the proper
+    time.  As expected, this macro may be invoked only while the component
+    is in the OMX_StateExecuting.  If nPortIndex does not specify an input
+    port, the component shall return an error.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] pBuffer
+        pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer
+        or AllocateBuffer.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp buf
+ */
+#define OMX_EmptyThisBuffer(                                \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pBuffer)                                            \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->EmptyThisBuffer(      \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pBuffer)                        /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_FillThisBuffer macro will send an empty buffer to an
+    output port of a component.  The buffer will be filled by the component
+    and returned to the application via the FillBufferDone call back.
+    This is a non-blocking call in that the component will record the buffer
+    and return immediately and then fill the buffer, later, at the proper
+    time.  As expected, this macro may be invoked only while the component
+    is in the OMX_ExecutingState.  If nPortIndex does not specify an output
+    port, the component shall return an error.
+    The component should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [in] pBuffer
+        pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer
+        or AllocateBuffer.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp buf
+ */
+#define OMX_FillThisBuffer(                                 \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pBuffer)                                            \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->FillThisBuffer(       \
+        hComponent,                                         \
+        pBuffer)                        /* Macro End */
+/** The OMX_UseEGLImage macro will request that the component use
+    a EGLImage provided by EGL (and allocate its own buffer header)
+    This is a blocking call.
+    The component should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.
+    @param [out] ppBuffer
+        pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure used to receive the
+        pointer to the buffer header.  Note that the memory location used
+        for this buffer is NOT visible to the IL Client.
+    @param [in] nPortIndex
+        nPortIndex is used to select the port on the component the buffer will
+        be used with.  The port can be found by using the nPortIndex
+        value as an index into the Port Definition array of the component.
+    @param [in] pAppPrivate
+        pAppPrivate is used to initialize the pAppPrivate member of the
+        buffer header structure.
+    @param [in] eglImage
+        eglImage contains the handle of the EGLImage to use as a buffer on the
+        specified port.  The component is expected to validate properties of
+        the EGLImage against the configuration of the port to ensure the component
+        can use the EGLImage as a buffer.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup comp buf
+ */
+#define OMX_UseEGLImage(                                    \
+           hComponent,                                      \
+           ppBufferHdr,                                     \
+           nPortIndex,                                      \
+           pAppPrivate,                                     \
+           eglImage)                                        \
+    ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)hComponent)->UseEGLImage(          \
+           hComponent,                                      \
+           ppBufferHdr,                                     \
+           nPortIndex,                                      \
+           pAppPrivate,                                     \
+           eglImage)
+/** The OMX_Init method is used to initialize the OMX core.  It shall be the
+    first call made into OMX and it should only be executed one time without
+    an interviening OMX_Deinit call.
+    The core should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+/** The OMX_Deinit method is used to deinitialize the OMX core.  It shall be
+    the last call made into OMX. In the event that the core determines that
+    thare are components loaded when this call is made, the core may return
+    with an error rather than try to unload the components.
+    The core should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+/** The OMX_ComponentNameEnum method will enumerate through all the names of
+    recognised valid components in the system. This function is provided
+    as a means to detect all the components in the system run-time. There is
+    no strict ordering to the enumeration order of component names, although
+    each name will only be enumerated once.  If the OMX core supports run-time
+    installation of new components, it is only requried to detect newly
+    installed components when the first call to enumerate component names
+    is made (i.e. when nIndex is 0x0).
+    The core should return from this call in 20 msec.
+    @param [out] cComponentName
+        pointer to a null terminated string with the component name.  The
+        names of the components are strings less than 127 bytes in length
+        plus the trailing null for a maximum size of 128 bytes.  An example
+        of a valid component name is "OMX.TI.AUDIO.DSP.MIXER\0".  Names are
+        assigned by the vendor, but shall start with "OMX." and then have
+        the Vendor designation next.
+    @param [in] nNameLength
+        number of characters in the cComponentName string.  With all
+        component name strings restricted to less than 128 characters
+        (including the trailing null) it is recomended that the caller
+        provide a input string for the cComponentName of 128 characters.
+    @param [in] nIndex
+        number containing the enumeration index for the component.
+        Multiple calls to OMX_ComponentNameEnum with increasing values
+        of nIndex will enumerate through the component names in the
+        system until OMX_ErrorNoMore is returned.  The value of nIndex
+        is 0 to (N-1), where N is the number of valid installed components
+        in the system.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  When the value of nIndex exceeds the number of
+        components in the system minus 1, OMX_ErrorNoMore will be
+        returned. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+    OMX_OUT OMX_STRING cComponentName,
+    OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nNameLength,
+    OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nIndex);
+/** The OMX_GetHandle method will locate the component specified by the
+    component name given, load that component into memory and then invoke
+    the component's methods to create an instance of the component.
+    The core should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [out] pHandle
+        pointer to an OMX_HANDLETYPE pointer to be filled in by this method.
+    @param [in] cComponentName
+        pointer to a null terminated string with the component name.  The
+        names of the components are strings less than 127 bytes in length
+        plus the trailing null for a maximum size of 128 bytes.  An example
+        of a valid component name is "OMX.TI.AUDIO.DSP.MIXER\0".  Names are
+        assigned by the vendor, but shall start with "OMX." and then have
+        the Vendor designation next.
+    @param [in] pAppData
+        pointer to an application defined value that will be returned
+        during callbacks so that the application can identify the source
+        of the callback.
+    @param [in] pCallBacks
+        pointer to a OMX_CALLBACKTYPE structure that will be passed to the
+        component to initialize it with.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+    OMX_IN  OMX_STRING cComponentName,
+    OMX_IN  OMX_PTR pAppData,
+/** The OMX_FreeHandle method will free a handle allocated by the OMX_GetHandle
+    method.  If the component reference count goes to zero, the component will
+    be unloaded from memory.
+    The core should return from this call within 20 msec when the component is
+    in the OMX_StateLoaded state.
+    @param [in] hComponent
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  This is the component
+        handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+    OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent);
+/** The OMX_SetupTunnel method will handle the necessary calls to the components
+    to setup the specified tunnel the two components.  NOTE: This is
+    an actual method (not a #define macro).  This method will make calls into
+    the component ComponentTunnelRequest method to do the actual tunnel
+    connection.
+    The ComponentTunnelRequest method on both components will be called.
+    This method shall not be called unless the component is in the
+    OMX_StateLoaded state except when the ports used for the tunnel are
+    disabled. In this case, the component may be in the OMX_StateExecuting,
+    OMX_StatePause, or OMX_StateIdle states.
+    The core should return from this call within 20 msec.
+    @param [in] hOutput
+        Handle of the component to be accessed.  Also this is the handle
+        of the component whose port, specified in the nPortOutput parameter
+        will be used the source for the tunnel. This is the component handle
+        returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.  There is a
+        requirement that hOutput be the source for the data when
+        tunelling (i.e. nPortOutput is an output port).  If 0x0, the component
+        specified in hInput will have it's port specified in nPortInput
+        setup for communication with the application / IL client.
+    @param [in] nPortOutput
+        nPortOutput is used to select the source port on component to be
+        used in the tunnel.
+    @param [in] hInput
+        This is the component to setup the tunnel with. This is the handle
+        of the component whose port, specified in the nPortInput parameter
+        will be used the destination for the tunnel. This is the component handle
+        returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function.  There is a
+        requirement that hInput be the destination for the data when
+        tunelling (i.e. nPortInut is an input port).   If 0x0, the component
+        specified in hOutput will have it's port specified in nPortPOutput
+        setup for communication with the application / IL client.
+    @param [in] nPortInput
+        nPortInput is used to select the destination port on component to be
+        used in the tunnel.
+    @return OMX_ERRORTYPE
+        If the command successfully executes, the return code will be
+        OMX_ErrorNone.  Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned.
+        When OMX_ErrorNotImplemented is returned, one or both components is
+        a non-interop component and does not support tunneling.
+        On failure, the ports of both components are setup for communication
+        with the application / IL Client.
+    @ingroup core tun
+ */
+    OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nPortOutput,
+    OMX_IN  OMX_U32 nPortInput);
+/** @ingroup cp */
+/** The OMX_GetComponentsOfRole method will return the number of components that support the given
+    role and (if the compNames field is non-NULL) the names of those components. The call will fail if
+    an insufficiently sized array of names is supplied. To ensure the array is sufficiently sized the
+    client should:
+        * first call this function with the compNames field NULL to determine the number of component names
+        * second call this function with the compNames field pointing to an array of names allocated
+          according to the number returned by the first call.
+    The core should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] role
+        This is generic standard component name consisting only of component class
+        name and the type within that class (e.g. 'audio_decoder.aac').
+    @param [inout] pNumComps
+        This is used both as input and output.
+        If compNames is NULL, the input is ignored and the output specifies how many components support
+        the given role.
+        If compNames is not NULL, on input it bounds the size of the input structure and
+        on output, it specifies the number of components string names listed within the compNames parameter.
+    @param [inout] compNames
+        If NULL this field is ignored. If non-NULL this points to an array of 128-byte strings which accepts
+        a list of the names of all physical components that implement the specified standard component name.
+        Each name is NULL terminated. numComps indicates the number of names.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+    OMX_IN      OMX_STRING role,
+    OMX_INOUT   OMX_U32 *pNumComps,
+    OMX_INOUT   OMX_U8  **compNames);
+/** The OMX_GetRolesOfComponent method will return the number of roles supported by the given
+    component and (if the roles field is non-NULL) the names of those roles. The call will fail if
+    an insufficiently sized array of names is supplied. To ensure the array is sufficiently sized the
+    client should:
+        * first call this function with the roles field NULL to determine the number of role names
+        * second call this function with the roles field pointing to an array of names allocated
+          according to the number returned by the first call.
+    The core should return from this call within 5 msec.
+    @param [in] compName
+        This is the name of the component being queried about.
+    @param [inout] pNumRoles
+        This is used both as input and output.
+        If roles is NULL, the input is ignored and the output specifies how many roles the component supports.
+        If compNames is not NULL, on input it bounds the size of the input structure and
+        on output, it specifies the number of roles string names listed within the roles parameter.
+    @param [out] roles
+        If NULL this field is ignored. If non-NULL this points to an array of 128-byte strings
+        which accepts a list of the names of all standard components roles implemented on the
+        specified component name. numComps indicates the number of names.
+    @ingroup core
+ */
+    OMX_IN      OMX_STRING compName,
+    OMX_INOUT   OMX_U32 *pNumRoles,
+    OMX_OUT     OMX_U8 **roles);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_IVCommon.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_IVCommon.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_IVCommon.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * @file OMX_IVCommon.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The structures needed by Video and Image components to exchange
+ *  parameters and configuration data with the components.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_IVCommon_h
+#define OMX_IVCommon_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the header
+ * to compile without errors.  The includes below are required for this header
+ * file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+/** @defgroup iv OpenMAX IL Imaging and Video Domain
+ * Common structures for OpenMAX IL Imaging and Video domains
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Enumeration defining possible uncompressed image/video formats.
+ *
+ * ENUMS:
+ *  Unused                 : Placeholder value when format is N/A
+ *  Monochrome             : black and white
+ *  8bitRGB332             : Red 7:5, Green 4:2, Blue 1:0
+ *  12bitRGB444            : Red 11:8, Green 7:4, Blue 3:0
+ *  16bitARGB4444          : Alpha 15:12, Red 11:8, Green 7:4, Blue 3:0
+ *  16bitARGB1555          : Alpha 15, Red 14:10, Green 9:5, Blue 4:0
+ *  16bitRGB565            : Red 15:11, Green 10:5, Blue 4:0
+ *  16bitBGR565            : Blue 15:11, Green 10:5, Red 4:0
+ *  18bitRGB666            : Red 17:12, Green 11:6, Blue 5:0
+ *  18bitARGB1665          : Alpha 17, Red 16:11, Green 10:5, Blue 4:0
+ *  19bitARGB1666          : Alpha 18, Red 17:12, Green 11:6, Blue 5:0
+ *  24bitRGB888            : Red 24:16, Green 15:8, Blue 7:0
+ *  24bitBGR888            : Blue 24:16, Green 15:8, Red 7:0
+ *  24bitARGB1887          : Alpha 23, Red 22:15, Green 14:7, Blue 6:0
+ *  25bitARGB1888          : Alpha 24, Red 23:16, Green 15:8, Blue 7:0
+ *  32bitBGRA8888          : Blue 31:24, Green 23:16, Red 15:8, Alpha 7:0
+ *  32bitARGB8888          : Alpha 31:24, Red 23:16, Green 15:8, Blue 7:0
+ *  YUV411Planar           : U,Y are subsampled by a factor of 4 horizontally
+ *  YUV411PackedPlanar     : packed per payload in planar slices
+ *  YUV420Planar           : Three arrays Y,U,V.
+ *  YUV420PackedPlanar     : packed per payload in planar slices
+ *  YUV420SemiPlanar       : Two arrays, one is all Y, the other is U and V
+ *  YUV422Planar           : Three arrays Y,U,V.
+ *  YUV422PackedPlanar     : packed per payload in planar slices
+ *  YUV422SemiPlanar       : Two arrays, one is all Y, the other is U and V
+ *  YCbYCr                 : Organized as 16bit YUYV (i.e. YCbYCr)
+ *  YCrYCb                 : Organized as 16bit YVYU (i.e. YCrYCb)
+ *  CbYCrY                 : Organized as 16bit UYVY (i.e. CbYCrY)
+ *  CrYCbY                 : Organized as 16bit VYUY (i.e. CrYCbY)
+ *  YUV444Interleaved      : Each pixel contains equal parts YUV
+ *  RawBayer8bit           : SMIA camera output format
+ *  RawBayer10bit          : SMIA camera output format
+ *  RawBayer8bitcompressed : SMIA camera output format
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE {
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatMonochrome,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format8bitRGB332,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format12bitRGB444,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format16bitBGR565,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format18bitRGB666,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format18bitARGB1665,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format19bitARGB1666,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format24bitRGB888,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format24bitBGR888,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format24bitARGB1887,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format25bitARGB1888,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411Planar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV411PackedPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422Planar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYCrYCb,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatCrYCbY,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV444Interleaved,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bit,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bitcompressed,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatL2,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatL4,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatL8,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatL16,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatL24,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatL32,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedSemiPlanar,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format18BitBGR666,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format24BitARGB6666,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format24BitABGR6666,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    /**<Reserved android opaque colorformat. Tells the encoder that
+     * the actual colorformat will be  relayed by the
+     * Gralloc Buffers.
+     * FIXME: In the process of reserving some enum values for
+     * Android-specific OMX IL colorformats. Change this enum to
+     * an acceptable range once that is done.
+     * */
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque = 0x7F000789,
+    OMX_COLOR_Format32BitRGBA8888 = 0x7F00A000,
+    /** Flexible 8-bit YUV format.  Codec should report this format
+     *  as being supported if it supports any YUV420 packed planar
+     *  or semiplanar formats.  When port is set to use this format,
+     *  codec can substitute any YUV420 packed planar or semiplanar
+     *  format for it. */
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible = 0x7F420888,
+    OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar = 0x7F000100,
+    OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYVU420SemiPlanar = 0x7FA30C00,
+    OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka = 0x7FA30C03,
+    OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatNV12Tiled = 0x7FC00002,
+    OMX_QCOM_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m = 0x7FA30C04,
+    OMX_COLOR_FormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Defines the matrix for conversion from RGB to YUV or vice versa.
+ * iColorMatrix should be initialized with the fixed point values
+ * used in converting between formats.
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< Size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version info */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< Port that this struct applies to */
+    OMX_S32 xColorMatrix[3][3]; /**< Stored in signed Q16 format */
+    OMX_S32 xColorOffset[4];    /**< Stored in signed Q16 format */
+ * Structure defining percent to scale each frame dimension.  For example:
+ * To make the width 50% larger, use fWidth = 1.5 and to make the width
+ * 1/2 the original size, use fWidth = 0.5
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< Size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version info */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< Port that this struct applies to */
+    OMX_S32 xWidth;           /**< Fixed point value stored as Q16 */
+    OMX_S32 xHeight;          /**< Fixed point value stored as Q16 */
+ * Enumeration of possible image filter types
+ */
+    OMX_ImageFilterNone,
+    OMX_ImageFilterNoise,
+    OMX_ImageFilterEmboss,
+    OMX_ImageFilterNegative,
+    OMX_ImageFilterSketch,
+    OMX_ImageFilterOilPaint,
+    OMX_ImageFilterHatch,
+    OMX_ImageFilterGpen,
+    OMX_ImageFilterAntialias,
+    OMX_ImageFilterDeRing,
+    OMX_ImageFilterSolarize,
+    OMX_ImageFilterKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_ImageFilterVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_ImageFilterMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Image filter configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize        : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion     : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex   : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eImageFilter : Image filter type enumeration
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+ * Customized U and V for color enhancement
+ *
+ *  nSize             : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion          : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex        : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bColorEnhancement : Enable/disable color enhancement
+ *  nCustomizedU      : Practical values: 16-240, range: 0-255, value set for
+ *                      U component
+ *  nCustomizedV      : Practical values: 16-240, range: 0-255, value set for
+ *                      V component
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bColorEnhancement;
+    OMX_U8 nCustomizedU;
+    OMX_U8 nCustomizedV;
+ * Define color key and color key mask
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nARGBColor : 32bit Alpha, Red, Green, Blue Color
+ *  nARGBMask  : 32bit Mask for Alpha, Red, Green, Blue channels
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nARGBColor;
+    OMX_U32 nARGBMask;
+ * List of color blend types for pre/post processing
+ *
+ * ENUMS:
+ *  None          : No color blending present
+ *  AlphaConstant : Function is (alpha_constant * src) +
+ *                  (1 - alpha_constant) * dst)
+ *  AlphaPerPixel : Function is (alpha * src) + (1 - alpha) * dst)
+ *  Alternate     : Function is alternating pixels from src and dst
+ *  And           : Function is (src & dst)
+ *  Or            : Function is (src | dst)
+ *  Invert        : Function is ~src
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_COLORBLENDTYPE {
+    OMX_ColorBlendNone,
+    OMX_ColorBlendAlphaConstant,
+    OMX_ColorBlendAlphaPerPixel,
+    OMX_ColorBlendAlternate,
+    OMX_ColorBlendAnd,
+    OMX_ColorBlendOr,
+    OMX_ColorBlendInvert,
+    OMX_ColorBlendKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_ColorBlendVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_ColorBlendMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Color blend configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize             : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion          : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex        : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nRGBAlphaConstant : Constant global alpha values when global alpha is used
+ *  eColorBlend       : Color blend type enumeration
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nRGBAlphaConstant;
+ * Hold frame dimension
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nWidth     : Frame width in pixels
+ *  nHeight    : Frame height in pixels
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nWidth;
+    OMX_U32 nHeight;
+ * Rotation configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nRotation  : +/- integer rotation value
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nRotation;
+ * Possible mirroring directions for pre/post processing
+ *
+ * ENUMS:
+ *  None       : No mirroring
+ *  Vertical   : Vertical mirroring, flip on X axis
+ *  Horizontal : Horizontal mirroring, flip on Y axis
+ *  Both       : Both vertical and horizontal mirroring
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_MIRRORTYPE {
+    OMX_MirrorNone = 0,
+    OMX_MirrorVertical,
+    OMX_MirrorHorizontal,
+    OMX_MirrorBoth,
+    OMX_MirrorKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_MirrorVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_MirrorMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Mirroring configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eMirror    : Mirror type enumeration
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_CONFIG_MIRRORTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_MIRRORTYPE  eMirror;
+ * Position information only
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nX         : X coordinate for the point
+ *  nY         : Y coordinate for the point
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_CONFIG_POINTTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nX;
+    OMX_S32 nY;
+ * Frame size plus position
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nLeft      : X Coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle
+ *  nTop       : Y Coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle
+ *  nWidth     : Width of the rectangle
+ *  nHeight    : Height of the rectangle
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nLeft;
+    OMX_S32 nTop;
+    OMX_U32 nWidth;
+    OMX_U32 nHeight;
+ * Deblocking state; it is required to be set up before starting the codec
+ *
+ *  nSize       : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion    : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex  : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bDeblocking : Enable/disable deblocking mode
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bDeblocking;
+ * Stabilization state
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bStab      : Enable/disable frame stabilization state
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bStab;
+ * White Balance control type
+ *
+ *  SunLight : Referenced in JSR-234
+ *  Flash    : Optimal for device's integrated flash
+ */
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlOff = 0,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlAuto,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlSunLight,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlCloudy,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlShade,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlTungsten,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlFluorescent,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlIncandescent,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlFlash,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlHorizon,
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_WhiteBalControlMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * White Balance control configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize            : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion         : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex       : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eWhiteBalControl : White balance enumeration
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+ * Exposure control type
+ */
+    OMX_ExposureControlOff = 0,
+    OMX_ExposureControlAuto,
+    OMX_ExposureControlNight,
+    OMX_ExposureControlBackLight,
+    OMX_ExposureControlSpotLight,
+    OMX_ExposureControlSports,
+    OMX_ExposureControlSnow,
+    OMX_ExposureControlBeach,
+    OMX_ExposureControlLargeAperture,
+    OMX_ExposureControlSmallApperture,
+    OMX_ExposureControlKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_ExposureControlVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_ExposureControlMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * White Balance control configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize            : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion         : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex       : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eExposureControl : Exposure control enumeration
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+ * Defines sensor supported mode.
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nFrameRate : Single shot mode is indicated by a 0
+ *  bOneShot   : Enable for single shot, disable for streaming
+ *  sFrameSize : Framesize
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nFrameRate;
+    OMX_BOOL bOneShot;
+ * Defines contrast level
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nContrast  : Values allowed for contrast -100 to 100, zero means no change
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nContrast;
+ * Defines brightness level
+ *
+ *  nSize       : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion    : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex  : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nBrightness : 0-100%
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nBrightness;
+ * Defines backlight level configuration for a video sink, e.g. LCD panel
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nBacklight : Values allowed for backlight 0-100%
+ *  nTimeout   : Number of milliseconds before backlight automatically turns
+ *               off.  A value of 0x0 disables backight timeout
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nBacklight;
+    OMX_U32 nTimeout;
+ * Defines setting for Gamma
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nGamma     : Values allowed for gamma -100 to 100, zero means no change
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_CONFIG_GAMMATYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nGamma;
+ * Define for setting saturation
+ *
+ *  nSize       : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion    : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex  : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nSaturation : Values allowed for saturation -100 to 100, zero means
+ *                no change
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nSaturation;
+ * Define for setting Lightness
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nLightness : Values allowed for lightness -100 to 100, zero means no
+ *               change
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_S32 nLightness;
+ * Plane blend configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Index of input port associated with the plane.
+ *  nDepth     : Depth of the plane in relation to the screen. Higher
+ *               numbered depths are "behind" lower number depths.
+ *               This number defaults to the Port Index number.
+ *  nAlpha     : Transparency blending component for the entire plane.
+ *               See blending modes for more detail.
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nDepth;
+    OMX_U32 nAlpha;
+ * Define interlace type
+ *
+ *  nSize                 : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion              : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex            : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bEnable               : Enable control variable for this functionality
+ *                          (see below)
+ *  nInterleavePortIndex  : Index of input or output port associated with
+ *                          the interleaved plane.
+ *  pPlanarPortIndexes[4] : Index of input or output planar ports.
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnable;
+    OMX_U32 nInterleavePortIndex;
+ * Defines the picture effect used for an input picture
+ */
+    OMX_EffectNone,
+    OMX_EffectFadeFromBlack,
+    OMX_EffectFadeToBlack,
+    OMX_EffectUnspecifiedThroughConstantColor,
+    OMX_EffectDissolve,
+    OMX_EffectWipe,
+    OMX_EffectUnspecifiedMixOfTwoScenes,
+    OMX_EffectKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_EffectVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_EffectMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Structure used to configure current transition effect
+ *
+ * nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ * nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ * nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ * eEffect    : Effect to enable
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+ * Defines possible data unit types for encoded video data. The data unit
+ * types are used both for encoded video input for playback as well as
+ * encoded video output from recording.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_DATAUNITTYPE {
+    OMX_DataUnitCodedPicture,
+    OMX_DataUnitVideoSegment,
+    OMX_DataUnitSeveralSegments,
+    OMX_DataUnitArbitraryStreamSection,
+    OMX_DataUnitKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_DataUnitVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_DataUnitMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Defines possible encapsulation types for coded video data unit. The
+ * encapsulation information is used both for encoded video input for
+ * playback as well as encoded video output from recording.
+ */
+    OMX_DataEncapsulationElementaryStream,
+    OMX_DataEncapsulationGenericPayload,
+    OMX_DataEncapsulationRtpPayload,
+    OMX_DataEncapsulationKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_DataEncapsulationVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_DataEncapsulationMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Structure used to configure the type of being decoded/encoded
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_PARAM_DATAUNITTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< Size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+ * Defines dither types
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_DITHERTYPE {
+    OMX_DitherNone,
+    OMX_DitherOrdered,
+    OMX_DitherErrorDiffusion,
+    OMX_DitherOther,
+    OMX_DitherKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_DitherVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_DitherMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Structure used to configure current type of dithering
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_CONFIG_DITHERTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< Size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;       /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_DITHERTYPE eDither;   /**< Type of dithering to use */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;     /**< Port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_BOOL bContinuous;   /**< If true then ignore frame rate and emit capture
+                             *   data as fast as possible (otherwise obey port's frame rate). */
+    OMX_BOOL bFrameLimited; /**< If true then terminate capture after the port emits the
+                             *   specified number of frames (otherwise the port does not
+                             *   terminate the capture until instructed to do so by the client).
+                             *   Even if set, the client may manually terminate the capture prior
+                             *   to reaching the limit. */
+    OMX_U32 nFrameLimit;      /**< Limit on number of frames emitted during a capture (only
+                               *   valid if bFrameLimited is set). */
+typedef enum OMX_METERINGTYPE {
+    OMX_MeteringModeAverage,     /**< Center-weighted average metering. */
+    OMX_MeteringModeSpot,        /**< Spot (partial) metering. */
+    OMX_MeteringModeMatrix,      /**< Matrix or evaluative metering. */
+    OMX_MeteringKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_MeteringVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_EVModeMax = 0x7fffffff
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_METERINGTYPE eMetering;
+    OMX_S32 xEVCompensation;      /**< Fixed point value stored as Q16 */
+    OMX_U32 nApertureFNumber;     /**< e.g. nApertureFNumber = 2 implies "f/2" - Q16 format */
+    OMX_BOOL bAutoAperture;       /**< Whether aperture number is defined automatically */
+    OMX_U32 nShutterSpeedMsec;    /**< Shutterspeed in milliseconds */
+    OMX_BOOL bAutoShutterSpeed;   /**< Whether shutter speed is defined automatically */
+    OMX_U32 nSensitivity;         /**< e.g. nSensitivity = 100 implies "ISO 100" */
+    OMX_BOOL bAutoSensitivity;    /**< Whether sensitivity is defined automatically */
+ * Focus region configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize           : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion        : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex      : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bCenter         : Use center region as focus region of interest
+ *  bLeft           : Use left region as focus region of interest
+ *  bRight          : Use right region as focus region of interest
+ *  bTop            : Use top region as focus region of interest
+ *  bBottom         : Use bottom region as focus region of interest
+ *  bTopLeft        : Use top left region as focus region of interest
+ *  bTopRight       : Use top right region as focus region of interest
+ *  bBottomLeft     : Use bottom left region as focus region of interest
+ *  bBottomRight    : Use bottom right region as focus region of interest
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bCenter;
+    OMX_BOOL bLeft;
+    OMX_BOOL bRight;
+    OMX_BOOL bTop;
+    OMX_BOOL bBottom;
+    OMX_BOOL bTopLeft;
+    OMX_BOOL bTopRight;
+    OMX_BOOL bBottomLeft;
+    OMX_BOOL bBottomRight;
+ * Focus Status type
+ */
+    OMX_FocusStatusOff = 0,
+    OMX_FocusStatusRequest,
+    OMX_FocusStatusReached,
+    OMX_FocusStatusUnableToReach,
+    OMX_FocusStatusLost,
+    OMX_FocusStatusKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_FocusStatusVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_FocusStatusMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Focus status configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize               : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion            : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex          : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eFocusStatus        : Specifies the focus status
+ *  bCenterStatus       : Use center region as focus region of interest
+ *  bLeftStatus         : Use left region as focus region of interest
+ *  bRightStatus        : Use right region as focus region of interest
+ *  bTopStatus          : Use top region as focus region of interest
+ *  bBottomStatus       : Use bottom region as focus region of interest
+ *  bTopLeftStatus      : Use top left region as focus region of interest
+ *  bTopRightStatus     : Use top right region as focus region of interest
+ *  bBottomLeftStatus   : Use bottom left region as focus region of interest
+ *  bBottomRightStatus  : Use bottom right region as focus region of interest
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bCenterStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bLeftStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bRightStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bTopStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bBottomStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bTopLeftStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bTopRightStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bBottomLeftStatus;
+    OMX_BOOL bBottomRightStatus;
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Image.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Image.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Image.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+ * @file OMX_Image.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ * The structures needed by Image components to exchange parameters and
+ * configuration data with the components.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Image_h
+#define OMX_Image_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the
+ * header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ * for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_IVCommon.h>
+/** @defgroup imaging OpenMAX IL Imaging Domain
+ * @ingroup iv
+ * Structures for OpenMAX IL Imaging domain
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Enumeration used to define the possible image compression coding.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_IMAGE_CODINGTYPE {
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused,      /**< Value when format is N/A */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingAutoDetect,  /**< Auto detection of image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG,        /**< JPEG/JFIF image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingJPEG2K,      /**< JPEG 2000 image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingEXIF,        /**< EXIF image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingTIFF,        /**< TIFF image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingGIF,         /**< Graphics image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingPNG,         /**< PNG image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingLZW,         /**< LZW image format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingBMP,         /**< Windows Bitmap format */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_CodingMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Data structure used to define an image path. The number of image paths
+ * for input and output will vary by type of the image component.
+ *
+ *  Input (aka Source) : Zero Inputs, one Output,
+ *  Splitter           : One Input, 2 or more Outputs,
+ *  Processing Element : One Input, one output,
+ *  Mixer              : 2 or more inputs, one output,
+ *  Output (aka Sink)  : One Input, zero outputs.
+ *
+ * The PortDefinition structure is used to define all of the parameters
+ * necessary for the compliant component to setup an input or an output
+ * image path.  If additional vendor specific data is required, it should
+ * be transmitted to the component using the CustomCommand function.
+ * Compliant components will prepopulate this structure with optimal
+ * values during the OMX_GetParameter() command.
+ *
+ *  cMIMEType             : MIME type of data for the port
+ *  pNativeRender         : Platform specific reference for a display if a
+ *                          sync, otherwise this field is 0
+ *  nFrameWidth           : Width of frame to be used on port if
+ *                          uncompressed format is used.  Use 0 for
+ *                          unknown, don't care or variable
+ *  nFrameHeight          : Height of frame to be used on port if
+ *                          uncompressed format is used. Use 0 for
+ *                          unknown, don't care or variable
+ *  nStride               : Number of bytes per span of an image (i.e.
+ *                          indicates the number of bytes to get from
+ *                          span N to span N+1, where negative stride
+ *                          indicates the image is bottom up
+ *  nSliceHeight          : Height used when encoding in slices
+ *  bFlagErrorConcealment : Turns on error concealment if it is supported by
+ *                          the OMX component
+ *  eCompressionFormat    : Compression format used in this instance of
+ *                          the component. When OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused is
+ *                          specified, eColorFormat is valid
+ *  eColorFormat          : Decompressed format used by this component
+ *  pNativeWindow         : Platform specific reference for a window object if a
+ *                          display sink , otherwise this field is 0x0.
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nFrameWidth;
+    OMX_U32 nFrameHeight;
+    OMX_S32 nStride;
+    OMX_U32 nSliceHeight;
+    OMX_BOOL bFlagErrorConcealment;
+    OMX_IMAGE_CODINGTYPE eCompressionFormat;
+ * Port format parameter.  This structure is used to enumerate the various
+ * data input/output format supported by the port.
+ *
+ *  nSize              : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion           : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex         : Indicates which port to set
+ *  nIndex             : Indicates the enumeration index for the format from
+ *                       0x0 to N-1
+ *  eCompressionFormat : Compression format used in this instance of the
+ *                       component. When OMX_IMAGE_CodingUnused is specified,
+ *                       eColorFormat is valid
+ *  eColorFormat       : Decompressed format used by this component
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nIndex;
+    OMX_IMAGE_CODINGTYPE eCompressionFormat;
+ * Flash control type
+ *
+ *  Torch : Flash forced constantly on
+ */
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlOn = 0,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlOff,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlAuto,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlRedEyeReduction,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlFillin,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlTorch,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_FlashControlMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Flash control configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize         : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion      : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex    : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eFlashControl : Flash control type
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+ * Focus control type
+ */
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlOn = 0,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlOff,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlAuto,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlAutoLock,
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_FocusControlMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Focus control configuration
+ *
+ *  nSize           : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion        : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex      : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eFocusControl   : Focus control
+ *  nFocusSteps     : Focus can take on values from 0 mm to infinity.
+ *                    Interest is only in number of steps over this range.
+ *  nFocusStepIndex : Current focus step index
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nFocusSteps;
+    OMX_U32 nFocusStepIndex;
+ * Q Factor for JPEG compression, which controls the tradeoff between image
+ * quality and size.  Q Factor provides a more simple means of controlling
+ * JPEG compression quality, without directly programming Quantization
+ * tables for chroma and luma
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nQFactor   : JPEG Q factor value in the range of 1-100. A factor of 1
+ *               produces the smallest, worst quality images, and a factor
+ *               of 100 produces the largest, best quality images.  A
+ *               typical default is 75 for small good quality images
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nQFactor;
+ * Quantization table type
+ */
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableLuma = 0,
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableChroma,
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableChromaCb,
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableChromaCr,
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_QuantizationTableMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * JPEG quantization tables are used to determine DCT compression for
+ * YUV data, as an alternative to specifying Q factor, providing exact
+ * control of compression
+ *
+ *  nSize                   : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion                : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex              : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eQuantizationTable      : Quantization table type
+ *  nQuantizationMatrix[64] : JPEG quantization table of coefficients stored
+ *                            in increasing columns then by rows of data (i.e.
+ *                            row 1, ... row 8). Quantization values are in
+ *                            the range 0-255 and stored in linear order
+ *                            (i.e. the component will zig-zag the
+ *                            quantization table data if required internally)
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U8 nQuantizationMatrix[64];
+ * Huffman table type, the same Huffman table is applied for chroma and
+ * luma component
+ */
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableAC = 0,
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableDC,
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableACLuma,
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableACChroma,
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableDCLuma,
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableDCChroma,
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_IMAGE_HuffmanTableMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * JPEG Huffman table
+ *
+ *  nSize                            : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion                         : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex                       : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eHuffmanTable                    : Huffman table type
+ *  nNumberOfHuffmanCodeOfLength[16] : 0-16, number of Huffman codes of each
+ *                                     possible length
+ *  nHuffmanTable[256]               : 0-255, the size used for AC and DC
+ *                                     HuffmanTable are 16 and 162
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U8 nNumberOfHuffmanCodeOfLength[16];
+    OMX_U8 nHuffmanTable[256];
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Index.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Index.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Index.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** @file OMX_Index.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The OMX_Index header file contains the definitions for both applications
+ *  and components .
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Index_h
+#define OMX_Index_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the
+ *  header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ *  for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Types.h>
+/** The OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration is used to select a structure when either
+ *  getting or setting parameters and/or configuration data.  Each entry in
+ *  this enumeration maps to an OMX specified structure.  When the
+ *  OMX_GetParameter, OMX_SetParameter, OMX_GetConfig or OMX_SetConfig methods
+ *  are used, the second parameter will always be an entry from this enumeration
+ *  and the third entry will be the structure shown in the comments for the entry.
+ *  For example, if the application is initializing a cropping function, the
+ *  OMX_SetConfig command would have OMX_IndexConfigCommonInputCrop as the second parameter
+ *  and would send a pointer to an initialized OMX_RECTTYPE structure as the
+ *  third parameter.
+ *
+ *  The enumeration entries named with the OMX_Config prefix are sent using
+ *  the OMX_SetConfig command and the enumeration entries named with the
+ *  OMX_PARAM_ prefix are sent using the OMX_SetParameter command.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_INDEXTYPE {
+    OMX_IndexComponentStartUnused = 0x01000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt,             /**< reference: OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioInit,                /**< reference: OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamImageInit,                /**< reference: OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoInit,                /**< reference: OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamOtherInit,                /**< reference: OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamNumAvailableStreams,      /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamActiveStream,             /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamSuspensionPolicy,         /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_SUSPENSIONPOLICYTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamComponentSuspended,       /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_SUSPENSIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCapturing,               /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCaptureMode,             /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_CAPTUREMODETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexAutoPauseAfterCapture,         /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamContentURI,               /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_CONTENTURITYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamCustomContentPipe,        /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_CONTENTPIPETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamDisableResourceConcealment, /**< reference: OMX_RESOURCECONCEALMENTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigMetadataItemCount,       /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_METADATAITEMCOUNTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigContainerNodeCount,      /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_CONTAINERNODECOUNTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigMetadataItem,            /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_METADATAITEMTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCounterNodeID,           /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_CONTAINERNODEIDTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamMetadataFilterType,       /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_METADATAFILTERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamMetadataKeyFilter,        /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_METADATAFILTERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigPriorityMgmt,            /**< reference: OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole,    /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexPortStartUnused = 0x02000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition,           /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier,       /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexReservedStartUnused = 0x03000000,
+    /* Audio parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexAudioStartUnused = 0x04000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat,          /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAac,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioRa,                  /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_RATYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioMp3,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_MP3TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAdpcm,               /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_ADPCMTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioG723,                /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_G723TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioG729,                /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_G729TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAmr,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AMRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioWma,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_WMATYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioSbc,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_SBCTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioMidi,                /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_MIDITYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioGsm_FR,              /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_GSMFRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioMidiLoadUserSound,   /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_MIDILOADUSERSOUNDTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioG726,                /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_G726TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioGsm_EFR,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_GSMEFRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioGsm_HR,              /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_GSMHRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioPdc_FR,              /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PDCFRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioPdc_EFR,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PDCEFRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioPdc_HR,              /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PDCHRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioTdma_FR,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_TDMAFRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioTdma_EFR,            /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_TDMAEFRTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioQcelp8,              /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_QCELP8TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioQcelp13,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_QCELP13TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioEvrc,                /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_EVRCTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioSmv,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_SMVTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioVorbis,              /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_VORBISTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioFlac,                /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_FLACTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiImmediateEvent, /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MIDIIMMEDIATEEVENTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiControl,        /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MIDICONTROLTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiSoundBankProgram, /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MIDISOUNDBANKPROGRAMTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiStatus,         /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MIDISTATUSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiMetaEvent,      /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MIDIMETAEVENTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMidiMetaEventData,  /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MIDIMETAEVENTDATATYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioVolume,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_VOLUMETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioBalance,            /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_BALANCETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioChannelMute,        /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_CHANNELMUTETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioMute,               /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_MUTETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioLoudness,           /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_LOUDNESSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioEchoCancelation,    /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_ECHOCANCELATIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioNoiseReduction,     /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_NOISEREDUCTIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioBass,               /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_BASSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioTreble,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_TREBLETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioStereoWidening,     /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_STEREOWIDENINGTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioChorus,             /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_CHORUSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioEqualizer,          /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_EQUALIZERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioReverberation,      /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_REVERBERATIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigAudioChannelVolume,      /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_CONFIG_CHANNELVOLUMETYPE */
+    /* Image specific parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexImageStartUnused = 0x05000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamImagePortFormat,          /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamFlashControl,             /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_PARAM_FLASHCONTROLTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigFocusControl,            /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_CONFIG_FOCUSCONTROLTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamQFactor,                  /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_PARAM_QFACTORTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamQuantizationTable,        /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_PARAM_QUANTIZATIONTABLETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamHuffmanTable,             /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_PARAM_HUFFMANTTABLETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigFlashControl,            /**< reference: OMX_IMAGE_PARAM_FLASHCONTROLTYPE */
+    /* Video specific parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexVideoStartUnused = 0x06000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat,          /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoQuantization,        /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_QUANTIZATIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoFastUpdate,          /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_VIDEOFASTUPDATETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate,             /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_BITRATETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoMotionVector,        /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_MOTIONVECTORTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoIntraRefresh,        /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_INTRAREFRESHTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoErrorCorrection,     /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_ERRORCORRECTIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoVBSMC,               /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_VBSMCTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2,               /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_MPEG2TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4,               /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_MPEG4TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoWmv,                 /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_WMVTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoRv,                  /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_RVTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc,                 /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_AVCTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoH263,                /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_H263TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported, /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelCurrent, /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoBitrate,            /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_CONFIG_BITRATETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoFramerate,          /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_FRAMERATETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoIntraVOPRefresh,    /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_INTRAREFRESHVOPTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoIntraMBRefresh,     /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_MACROBLOCKERRORMAPTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoMBErrorReporting,   /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_MBERRORREPORTINGTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoMacroblocksPerFrame, /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_MACROBLOCKSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoMacroBlockErrorMap, /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_MACROBLOCKERRORMAPTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoSliceFMO,            /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_AVCSLICEFMO */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoAVCIntraPeriod,     /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_CONFIG_AVCINTRAPERIOD */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoNalSize,            /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_CONFIG_NALSIZE */
+    /* Image & Video common Configurations */
+    OMX_IndexCommonStartUnused = 0x07000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamCommonDeblocking,         /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_DEBLOCKINGTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamCommonSensorMode,         /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_SENSORMODETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamCommonInterleave,         /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_INTERLEAVETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorFormatConversion, /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_COLORCONVERSIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale,             /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonImageFilter,       /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_IMAGEFILTERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorEnhancement,  /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_COLORENHANCEMENTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorKey,          /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_COLORKEYTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonColorBlend,        /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_COLORBLENDTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonFrameStabilisation,/**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_FRAMESTABTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonRotate,            /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_ROTATIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonMirror,            /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_MIRRORTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputPosition,    /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_POINTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonInputCrop,         /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop,        /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonDigitalZoom,       /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonOpticalZoom,       /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE*/
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonWhiteBalance,      /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_WHITEBALCONTROLTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposure,          /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_EXPOSURECONTROLTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonContrast,          /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_CONTRASTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonBrightness,        /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_BRIGHTNESSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonBacklight,         /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_BACKLIGHTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonGamma,             /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_GAMMATYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonSaturation,        /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_SATURATIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonLightness,         /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_LIGHTNESSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonExclusionRect,     /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonDithering,         /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_DITHERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonPlaneBlend,        /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_PLANEBLENDTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposureValue,     /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_EXPOSUREVALUETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputSize,        /**< reference: OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamCommonExtraQuantData,     /**< reference: OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonFocusRegion,       /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_FOCUSREGIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonFocusStatus,       /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_FOCUSSTATUSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommonTransitionEffect,  /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_TRANSITIONEFFECTTYPE */
+    /* Reserved Configuration range */
+    OMX_IndexOtherStartUnused = 0x08000000,
+    OMX_IndexParamOtherPortFormat,          /**< reference: OMX_OTHER_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigOtherPower,              /**< reference: OMX_OTHER_CONFIG_POWERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigOtherStats,              /**< reference: OMX_OTHER_CONFIG_STATSTYPE */
+    /* Reserved Time range */
+    OMX_IndexTimeStartUnused = 0x09000000,
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeScale,               /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_SCALETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeClockState,          /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_CLOCKSTATETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeActiveRefClock,      /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_ACTIVEREFCLOCKTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentMediaTime,    /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_TIMESTAMPTYPE (read only) */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentWallTime,     /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_TIMESTAMPTYPE (read only) */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentAudioReference, /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_TIMESTAMPTYPE (write only) */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentVideoReference, /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_TIMESTAMPTYPE (write only) */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeMediaTimeRequest,    /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_MEDIATIMEREQUESTTYPE (write only) */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeClientStartTime,     /**<reference:  OMX_TIME_CONFIG_TIMESTAMPTYPE (write only) */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimePosition,            /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_TIMESTAMPTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigTimeSeekMode,            /**< reference: OMX_TIME_CONFIG_SEEKMODETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    /* Vendor specific area */
+    OMX_IndexVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000,
+    /* Vendor specific structures should be in the range of 0x7F000000
+       to 0x7FFFFFFE.  This range is not broken out by vendor, so
+       private indexes are not guaranteed unique and therefore should
+       only be sent to the appropriate component. */
+    OMX_IndexMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_IndexExt.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_IndexExt.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_IndexExt.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** @file OMX_IndexExt.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ * The OMX_IndexExt header file contains extensions to the definitions
+ * for both applications and components .
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_IndexExt_h
+#define OMX_IndexExt_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header shall include all required header files to allow the
+ * header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ * for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Index.h>
+/** Khronos standard extension indices.
+This enum lists the current Khronos extension indices to OpenMAX IL.
+typedef enum OMX_INDEXEXTTYPE {
+    /* Component parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtComponentStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00100000,
+    OMX_IndexConfigCallbackRequest,                 /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_CALLBACKREQUESTTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommitMode,                      /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_COMMITMODETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigCommit,                          /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_COMMITTYPE */
+    /* Port parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtPortStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00200000,
+    /* Audio parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtAudioStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00400000,
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidAc3,                  /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_ANDROID_AC3TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidOpus,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_ANDROID_OPUSTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidAacPresentation,      /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_ANDROID_AACPRESENTATIONTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamAudioAndroidEac3,                 /**< reference: OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_ANDROID_EAC3TYPE */
+    /* Image parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtImageStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00500000,
+    /* Video parameters and configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtVideoStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00600000,
+    OMX_IndexParamNalStreamFormatSupported,         /**< reference: OMX_NALSTREAMFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamNalStreamFormat,                  /**< reference: OMX_NALSTREAMFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamNalStreamFormatSelect,            /**< reference: OMX_NALSTREAMFORMATTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoVp8,                         /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_VP8TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoVp8ReferenceFrame,          /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_VP8REFERENCEFRAMETYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigVideoVp8ReferenceFrameType,      /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_VP8REFERENCEFRAMEINFOTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoAndroidVp8Encoder,           /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_ANDROID_VP8ENCODERTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamVideoHevc,                        /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_HEVCTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexParamSliceSegments,                    /**< reference: OMX_VIDEO_SLICESEGMENTSTYPE */
+    /* Image & Video common configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtCommonStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00700000,
+    /* Other configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtOtherStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00800000,
+    OMX_IndexConfigAutoFramerateConversion,         /**< reference: OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigPriority,                        /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE */
+    OMX_IndexConfigOperatingRate,                   /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE in Q16 format for video and in Hz for audio */
+    OMX_IndexParamConsumerUsageBits,                /**< reference: OMX_PARAM_U32TYPE */
+    /* Time configurations */
+    OMX_IndexExtTimeStartUnused = OMX_IndexKhronosExtensions + 0x00900000,
+    OMX_IndexImgDataIsNALSizeDelimited = OMX_IndexVendorStartUnused + 0x00000015, /**< Data arrives in logical units in frame boundary with NAL size delimited*/
+    OMX_IndexExtMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* OMX_IndexExt_h */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Other.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Other.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Other.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** @file OMX_Other.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The structures needed by Other components to exchange
+ *  parameters and configuration data with the components.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Other_h
+#define OMX_Other_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the
+ *  header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ *  for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+ * Enumeration of possible data types which match to multiple domains or no
+ * domain at all.  For types which are vendor specific, a value above
+ * OMX_OTHER_VENDORTSTART should be used.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_OTHER_FORMATTYPE {
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatTime = 0, /**< Transmission of various timestamps, elapsed time,
+                                   time deltas, etc */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatPower,    /**< Perhaps used for enabling/disabling power
+                                   management, setting clocks? */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatStats,    /**< Could be things such as frame rate, frames
+                                   dropped, etc */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatBinary,   /**< Arbitrary binary data */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatVendorReserved = 1000, /**< Starting value for vendor specific
+                                                formats */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_OTHER_FormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Enumeration of seek modes.
+ */
+    OMX_TIME_SeekModeFast = 0, /**< Prefer seeking to an approximation
+                                * of the requested seek position over
+                                * the actual seek position if it
+                                * results in a faster seek. */
+    OMX_TIME_SeekModeAccurate, /**< Prefer seeking to the actual seek
+                                * position over an approximation
+                                * of the requested seek position even
+                                * if it results in a slower seek. */
+    OMX_TIME_SeekModeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_TIME_SeekModeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_TIME_SeekModeMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/* Structure representing the seekmode of the component */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                  /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;       /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_TIME_SEEKMODETYPE eType;    /**< The seek mode */
+/** Structure representing a time stamp used with the following configs
+ * on the Clock Component (CC):
+ *
+ * OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentWallTime: query of the CC's current wall
+ *     time
+ * OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentMediaTime: query of the CC's current media
+ *     time
+ * OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentAudioReference and
+ * OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentVideoReference: audio/video reference
+ *     clock sending SC its reference time
+ * OMX_IndexConfigTimeClientStartTime: a Clock Component client sends
+ *     this structure to the Clock Component via a SetConfig on its
+ *     client port when it receives a buffer with
+ *     OMX_BUFFERFLAG_STARTTIME set. It must use the timestamp
+ *     specified by that buffer for nStartTimestamp.
+ *
+ * It's also used with the following config on components in general:
+ *
+ * OMX_IndexConfigTimePosition: IL client querying component position
+ * (GetConfig) or commanding a component to seek to the given location
+ * (SetConfig)
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;               /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;    /**< OMX specification version
+                                  *   information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;          /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_TICKS nTimestamp;        /**< timestamp .*/
+/** Enumeration of possible reference clocks to the media time. */
+typedef enum OMX_TIME_UPDATETYPE {
+      OMX_TIME_UpdateRequestFulfillment,    /**< Update is the fulfillment of a media time request. */
+      OMX_TIME_UpdateScaleChanged,          /**< Update was generated because the scale chagned. */
+      OMX_TIME_UpdateClockStateChanged,     /**< Update was generated because the clock state changed. */
+      OMX_TIME_UpdateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+      OMX_TIME_UpdateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+      OMX_TIME_UpdateMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Enumeration of possible reference clocks to the media time. */
+      OMX_TIME_RefClockNone,    /**< Use no references. */
+      OMX_TIME_RefClockAudio,   /**< Use references sent through OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentAudioReference */
+      OMX_TIME_RefClockVideo,   /**< Use references sent through OMX_IndexConfigTimeCurrentVideoReference */
+      OMX_TIME_RefClockKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+      OMX_TIME_RefClockVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+      OMX_TIME_RefClockMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Enumeration of clock states. */
+typedef enum OMX_TIME_CLOCKSTATE {
+      OMX_TIME_ClockStateRunning,             /**< Clock running. */
+      OMX_TIME_ClockStateWaitingForStartTime, /**< Clock waiting until the
+                                               *   prescribed clients emit their
+                                               *   start time. */
+      OMX_TIME_ClockStateStopped,             /**< Clock stopped. */
+      OMX_TIME_ClockStateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+      OMX_TIME_ClockStateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+      OMX_TIME_ClockStateMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Structure representing a media time request to the clock component.
+ *
+ *  A client component sends this structure to the Clock Component via a SetConfig
+ *  on its client port to specify a media timestamp the Clock Component
+ *  should emit.  The Clock Component should fulfill the request by sending a
+ *  OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE when its media clock matches the requested
+ *  timestamp.
+ *
+ *  The client may require a media time request be fulfilled slightly
+ *  earlier than the media time specified. In this case the client specifies
+ *  an offset which is equal to the difference between wall time corresponding
+ *  to the requested media time and the wall time when it will be
+ *  fulfilled.
+ *
+ *  A client component may uses these requests and the OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE to
+ *  time events according to timestamps. If a client must perform an operation O at
+ *  a time T (e.g. deliver a video frame at its corresponding timestamp), it makes a
+ *  media time request at T (perhaps specifying an offset to ensure the request fulfillment
+ *  is a little early). When the clock component passes the resulting OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE
+ *  structure back to the client component, the client may perform operation O (perhaps having
+ *  to wait a slight amount more time itself as specified by the return values).
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;         /**< port that this structure applies to */
+    OMX_PTR pClientPrivate;     /**< Client private data to disabiguate this media time
+                                 *   from others (e.g. the number of the frame to deliver).
+                                 *   Duplicated in the media time structure that fulfills
+                                 *   this request. A value of zero is reserved for time scale
+                                 *   updates. */
+    OMX_TICKS nMediaTimestamp;  /**< Media timestamp requested.*/
+    OMX_TICKS nOffset;          /**< Amount of wall clock time by which this
+                                 *   request should be fulfilled early */
+/**< Structure sent from the clock component client either when fulfilling
+ *   a media time request or when the time scale has changed.
+ *
+ *   In the former case the Clock Component fills this structure and times its emission
+ *   to a client component (via the client port) according to the corresponding media
+ *   time request sent by the client. The Clock Component should time the emission to occur
+ *   when the requested timestamp matches the Clock Component's media time but also the
+ *   prescribed offset early.
+ *
+ *   Upon scale changes the clock component clears the nClientPrivate data, sends the current
+ *   media time and sets the nScale to the new scale via the client port. It emits a
+ *   OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE to all clients independent of any requests. This allows clients to
+ *   alter processing to accomodate scaling. For instance a video component might skip inter-frames
+ *   in the case of extreme fastforward. Likewise an audio component might add or remove samples
+ *   from an audio frame to scale audio data.
+ *
+ *   It is expected that some clock components may not be able to fulfill requests
+ *   at exactly the prescribed time. This is acceptable so long as the request is
+ *   fulfilled at least as early as described and not later. This structure provides
+ *   fields the client may use to wait for the remaining time.
+ *
+ *   The client may use either the nOffset or nWallTimeAtMedia fields to determine the
+ *   wall time until the nMediaTimestamp actually occurs. In the latter case the
+ *   client can get a more accurate value for offset by getting the current wall
+ *   from the cloc component and subtracting it from nWallTimeAtMedia.
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                  /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;       /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nClientPrivate;         /**< Client private data to disabiguate this media time
+                                     *   from others. Copied from the media time request.
+                                     *   A value of zero is reserved for time scale updates. */
+    OMX_TIME_UPDATETYPE eUpdateType; /**< Reason for the update */
+    OMX_TICKS nMediaTimestamp;      /**< Media time requested. If no media time was
+                                     *   requested then this is the current media time. */
+    OMX_TICKS nOffset;              /**< Amount of wall clock time by which this
+                                     *   request was actually fulfilled early */
+    OMX_TICKS nWallTimeAtMediaTime; /**< Wall time corresponding to nMediaTimeStamp.
+                                     *   A client may compare this value to current
+                                     *   media time obtained from the Clock Component to determine
+                                     *   the wall time until the media timestamp is really
+                                     *   current. */
+    OMX_S32 xScale;                 /**< Current media time scale in Q16 format. */
+    OMX_TIME_CLOCKSTATE eState;     /* Seeking Change. Added 7/12.*/
+                                    /**< State of the media time. */
+/** Structure representing the current media time scale factor. Applicable only to clock
+ *  component, other components see scale changes via OMX_TIME_MEDIATIMETYPE buffers sent via
+ *  the clock component client ports. Upon recieving this config the clock component changes
+ *  the rate by which the media time increases or decreases effectively implementing trick modes.
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                  /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;       /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_S32 xScale;                 /**< This is a value in Q16 format which is used for
+                                     * scaling the media time */
+/** Bits used to identify a clock port. Used in OMX_TIME_CONFIG_CLOCKSTATETYPE's nWaitMask field */
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT0 0x00000001
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT1 0x00000002
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT2 0x00000004
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT3 0x00000008
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT4 0x00000010
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT5 0x00000020
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT6 0x00000040
+#define OMX_CLOCKPORT7 0x00000080
+/** Structure representing the current mode of the media clock.
+ *  IL Client uses this config to change or query the mode of the
+ *  media clock of the clock component. Applicable only to clock
+ *  component.
+ *
+ *  On a SetConfig if eState is OMX_TIME_ClockStateRunning media time
+ *  starts immediately at the prescribed start time. If
+ *  OMX_TIME_ClockStateWaitingForStartTime the Clock Component ignores
+ *  the given nStartTime and waits for all clients specified in the
+ *  nWaitMask to send starttimes (via
+ *  OMX_IndexConfigTimeClientStartTime). The Clock Component then starts
+ *  the media clock using the earliest start time supplied. */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;              /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;   /**< OMX specification version
+                                 *   information */
+    OMX_TIME_CLOCKSTATE eState; /**< State of the media time. */
+    OMX_TICKS nStartTime;       /**< Start time of the media time. */
+    OMX_TICKS nOffset;          /**< Time to offset the media time by
+                                 * (e.g. preroll). Media time will be
+                                 * reported to be nOffset ticks earlier.
+                                 */
+    OMX_U32 nWaitMask;          /**< Mask of OMX_CLOCKPORT values. */
+/** Structure representing the reference clock currently being used to
+ *  compute media time. IL client uses this config to change or query the
+ *  clock component's active reference clock */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;                  /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;       /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_TIME_REFCLOCKTYPE eClock;   /**< Reference clock used to compute media time */
+/** Descriptor for setting specifics of power type.
+ *  Note: this structure is listed for backwards compatibility. */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_BOOL bEnablePM;       /**< Flag to enable Power Management */
+/** Descriptor for setting specifics of stats type.
+ *  Note: this structure is listed for backwards compatibility. */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;            /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    /* what goes here */
+ * The PortDefinition structure is used to define all of the parameters
+ * necessary for the compliant component to setup an input or an output other
+ * path.
+ */
+    OMX_OTHER_FORMATTYPE eFormat;  /**< Type of data expected for this channel */
+/**  Port format parameter.  This structure is used to enumerate
+  *  the various data input/output format supported by the port.
+  */
+    OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex; /**< Indicates which port to set */
+    OMX_U32 nIndex; /**< Indicates the enumeration index for the format from 0x0 to N-1 */
+    OMX_OTHER_FORMATTYPE eFormat; /**< Type of data expected for this channel */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_RoleNames.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_RoleNames.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_RoleNames.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 The Khronos Group Inc. 
+ * 
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions: 
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 
+ * 
+ *
+ */
+ *  OMX_RoleNames.h - OpenMax IL version 1.2.0
+ *  The OMX_RoleNames header file contains the standard role names as defined
+ *  strings.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_RoleNames_h
+#define OMX_RoleNames_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Audio decoder class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_DECODER_AAC      "audio_decoder.aac"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_DECODER_AMRNB    "audio_decoder.amrnb"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_DECODER_AMRWB    "audio_decoder.amrwb"
+#define OMX_ROLS_AUDIO_DEXODER_AMRPLUS  "audio_decoder.amrwb+"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_DECODER_MP3      "audio_decoder.mp3"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_DECODER_RA       "audio_decoder.ra"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_DECODER_WMA      "audio_decoder.wma"
+/* Audio encoder class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC      "audio_encoder.aac"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_ENCODER_AMRNB    "audio_encoder.amrnb"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_ENCODER_AMRWB    "audio_encoder.amrwb"
+#define OMX_ROLS_AUDIO_ENCODER_AMRPLUS  "audio_encoder.amrwb+"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_ENCODER_MP3      "audio_encoder.mp3"
+/* Audio mixer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_MIXER_PCM "audio_mixer.pcm"
+/* Audio reader class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_READER_BINARY "audio_reader.binary"
+/* Audio renderer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_RENDERER_PCM "audio_renderer.pcm"
+/* Audio writer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_WRITER_BINARY "audio_writer.binary"
+/* Audio capturer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_CAPTURER_PCM "audio_capturer.pcm"
+/* Audio processor class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_PROCESSOR_PCM_STEREO_WIDENING_LOUDSPEAKERS "audio_processor.pcm.stereo_widening_loudspeakers"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_PROCESSOR_PCM_STEREO_WIDENING_HEADPHONES   "audio_processor.pcm.stereo_widening_headphones"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_PROCESSOR_PCM_REVERBERATION                "audio_processor.pcm.reverberation"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_PROCESSOR_PCM_CHORUS                       "audio_processor.pcm.chorus"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_PROCESSOR_PCM_EQUALIZER                    "audio_processor.pcm.equalizer"
+/* 3D audio mixer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_3D_MIXER_PCM_HEADPHONES   "audio_3D_mixer.pcm.headphones"
+#define OMX_ROLE_AUDIO_3D_MIXER_PCM_LOUDSPEAKERS "audio_3D_mixer.pcm.loudspeakers"
+/* Image decoder class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_IMAGE_DECODER_JPEG "image_decoder.JPEG"
+/* Image encoder class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_IMAGE_ENCODER_JPEG "image_encoder.JPEG"
+/* Image reader class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_IMAGE_READER_BINARY "image_reader.binary"
+/* Image writer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_IMAGE_WRITER_BINARY "image_writer.binary"
+/* Video decoder class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_H263  "video_decoder.h263"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_AVC   "video_decoder.avc"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_MPEG4 "video_decoder.mpeg4"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_MPEG2 "video_decoder.mpeg2"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_RV    "video_decoder.rv"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_VP6    "video_decoder.vp6"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_VP8    "video_decoder.vp8"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_WMV   "video_decoder.wmv"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_VC1   "video_decoder.vc1"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_SORENSON   "video_decoder.sorenson"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_HEVC "video_decoder.hevc"
+/* Video encoder class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_ENCODER_H263  "video_encoder.h263"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_ENCODER_AVC   "video_encoder.avc"
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_ENCODER_MPEG4 "video_encoder.mpeg4"
+/* Video reader class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_READER_BINARY "video_reader.binary"
+/* Video scheduler class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_SCHEDULER_BINARY "video_scheduler.binary"
+/* Video writer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_WRITER_BINARY "video_writer.binary"
+/* Camera class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_CAMERA_YUV "camera.yuv"
+/* Clock class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_CLOCK_BINARY "clock.binary"
+/* Container demuxer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_CONTAINER_DEMUXER_3GP  "container_demuxer_3gp"
+#define OMX_ROLE_CONTAINER_DEMUXER_ASF  "container_demuxer_asf"
+#define OMX_ROLE_CONTAINER_DEMUXER_REAL "container_demuxer_real"
+/* Container muxer class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_CONTAINER_MUXER_3GP  "container_muxer_3gp"
+/* Image/video processor class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_IV_PROCESSOR_YUV "iv_processor.yuv"
+/* Image/video rendered class */
+#define OMX_ROLE_IV_RENDERER_YUV_OVERLAY "iv_renderer.yuv.overlay"
+#define OMX_ROLE_IV_RENDERER_YUV_BLTER   "iv_renderer.yuv.blter"
+#define OMX_ROLE_IV_RENDERER_RGB_OVERLAY "iv_renderer.rgb.overlay"
+#define OMX_ROLE_IV_RENDERER_RGB_BLTER   "iv_renderer.rgb.blter"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Types.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Types.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Types.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** OMX_Types.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The OMX_Types header file contains the primitive type definitions used by
+ *  the core, the application and the component.  This file may need to be
+ *  modified to be used on systems that do not have "char" set to 8 bits,
+ *  "short" set to 16 bits and "long" set to 32 bits.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Types_h
+#define OMX_Types_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/** The OMX_API and OMX_APIENTRY are platform specific definitions used
+ *  to declare OMX function prototypes.  They are modified to meet the
+ *  requirements for a particular platform */
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+#   ifdef __OMX_EXPORTS
+#       define OMX_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#   else
+#       ifdef _WIN32
+#           define OMX_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#       else
+#           define OMX_API __declspec(dllimport)
+#       endif
+#   endif
+#   ifdef _WIN32
+#      ifdef __OMX_EXPORTS
+#          define OMX_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#      else
+//#          define OMX_API __declspec(dllimport)
+#define OMX_API
+#      endif
+#   else
+#      ifdef __OMX_EXPORTS
+#          define OMX_API
+#      else
+#          define OMX_API extern
+#      endif
+#   endif
+/** OMX_IN is used to identify inputs to an OMX function.  This designation
+    will also be used in the case of a pointer that points to a parameter
+    that is used as an output. */
+#ifndef OMX_IN
+#define OMX_IN
+/** OMX_OUT is used to identify outputs from an OMX function.  This
+    designation will also be used in the case of a pointer that points
+    to a parameter that is used as an input. */
+#ifndef OMX_OUT
+#define OMX_OUT
+/** OMX_INOUT is used to identify parameters that may be either inputs or
+    outputs from an OMX function at the same time.  This designation will
+    also be used in the case of a pointer that  points to a parameter that
+    is used both as an input and an output. */
+#ifndef OMX_INOUT
+#define OMX_INOUT
+/** OMX_ALL is used to as a wildcard to select all entities of the same type
+ *  when specifying the index, or referring to a object by an index.  (i.e.
+ *  use OMX_ALL to indicate all N channels). When used as a port index
+ *  for a config or parameter this OMX_ALL denotes that the config or
+ *  parameter applies to the entire component not just one port. */
+/** In the following we define groups that help building doxygen documentation */
+/** @defgroup core OpenMAX IL core
+ * Functions and structure related to the OMX IL core
+ */
+ /** @defgroup comp OpenMAX IL component
+ * Functions and structure related to the OMX IL component
+ */
+/** @defgroup rpm Resource and Policy Management
+ * Structures for resource and policy management of components
+ */
+/** @defgroup buf Buffer Management
+ * Buffer handling functions and structures
+ */
+/** @defgroup tun Tunneling
+ * @ingroup core comp
+ * Structures and functions to manage tunnels among component ports
+ */
+/** @defgroup cp Content Pipes
+ *  @ingroup core
+ */
+ /** @defgroup metadata Metadata handling
+  *
+  */
+/** OMX_U8 is an 8 bit unsigned quantity that is byte aligned */
+typedef unsigned char OMX_U8;
+/** OMX_S8 is an 8 bit signed quantity that is byte aligned */
+typedef signed char OMX_S8;
+/** OMX_U16 is a 16 bit unsigned quantity that is 16 bit word aligned */
+typedef unsigned short OMX_U16;
+/** OMX_S16 is a 16 bit signed quantity that is 16 bit word aligned */
+typedef signed short OMX_S16;
+/** OMX_U32 is a 32 bit unsigned quantity that is 32 bit word aligned */
+typedef unsigned long OMX_U32;
+/** OMX_S32 is a 32 bit signed quantity that is 32 bit word aligned */
+typedef unsigned long OMX_S32;
+/* Users with compilers that cannot accept the "long long" designation should
+   define the OMX_SKIP64BIT macro.  It should be noted that this may cause
+   some components to fail to compile if the component was written to require
+   64 bit integral types.  However, these components would NOT compile anyway
+   since the compiler does not support the way the component was written.
+#ifndef OMX_SKIP64BIT
+#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
+/** OMX_U64 is a 64 bit unsigned quantity that is 64 bit word aligned */
+typedef unsigned long long OMX_U64;
+/** OMX_S64 is a 64 bit signed quantity that is 64 bit word aligned */
+typedef signed long long OMX_S64;
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+/** OMX_U64 is a 64 bit unsigned quantity that is 64 bit word aligned */
+typedef unsigned __int64  OMX_U64;
+/** OMX_S64 is a 64 bit signed quantity that is 64 bit word aligned */
+typedef signed   __int64  OMX_S64;
+#else /* WIN32 */
+/** OMX_U64 is a 64 bit unsigned quantity that is 64 bit word aligned */
+typedef unsigned long long OMX_U64;
+/** OMX_S64 is a 64 bit signed quantity that is 64 bit word aligned */
+typedef signed long long OMX_S64;
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+/** The OMX_BOOL type is intended to be used to represent a true or a false
+    value when passing parameters to and from the OMX core and components.  The
+    OMX_BOOL is a 32 bit quantity and is aligned on a 32 bit word boundary.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_BOOL {
+    OMX_FALSE = 0,
+ * Temporary Android 64 bit modification
+ *
+ * overrides all OMX pointer types to be uint32_t.
+ *
+ * After this change, OMX codecs will work in 32 bit only, so 64 bit processes
+ * must communicate to a remote 32 bit process for OMX to work.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t OMX_PTR;
+typedef OMX_PTR OMX_BYTE;
+/** The OMX_PTR type is intended to be used to pass pointers between the OMX
+    applications and the OMX Core and components.  This is a 32 bit pointer and
+    is aligned on a 32 bit boundary.
+ */
+typedef void* OMX_PTR;
+/** The OMX_STRING type is intended to be used to pass "C" type strings between
+    the application and the core and component.  The OMX_STRING type is a 32
+    bit pointer to a zero terminated string.  The  pointer is word aligned and
+    the string is byte aligned.
+ */
+typedef char* OMX_STRING;
+/** The OMX_BYTE type is intended to be used to pass arrays of bytes such as
+    buffers between the application and the component and core.  The OMX_BYTE
+    type is a 32 bit pointer to a zero terminated string.  The  pointer is word
+    aligned and the string is byte aligned.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char* OMX_BYTE;
+/** OMX_UUIDTYPE is a very long unique identifier to uniquely identify
+    at runtime.  This identifier should be generated by a component in a way
+    that guarantees that every instance of the identifier running on the system
+    is unique. */
+typedef unsigned char OMX_UUIDTYPE[128];
+/** The OMX_DIRTYPE enumeration is used to indicate if a port is an input or
+    an output port.  This enumeration is common across all component types.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_DIRTYPE
+    OMX_DirInput,              /**< Port is an input port */
+    OMX_DirOutput,             /**< Port is an output port */
+    OMX_DirMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** The OMX_ENDIANTYPE enumeration is used to indicate the bit ordering
+    for numerical data (i.e. big endian, or little endian).
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_ENDIANTYPE
+    OMX_EndianBig, /**< big endian */
+    OMX_EndianLittle, /**< little endian */
+    OMX_EndianMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** The OMX_NUMERICALDATATYPE enumeration is used to indicate if data
+    is signed or unsigned
+ */
+    OMX_NumericalDataSigned, /**< signed data */
+    OMX_NumericalDataUnsigned, /**< unsigned data */
+    OMX_NumercialDataMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Unsigned bounded value type */
+typedef struct OMX_BU32 {
+    OMX_U32 nValue; /**< actual value */
+    OMX_U32 nMin;   /**< minimum for value (i.e. nValue >= nMin) */
+    OMX_U32 nMax;   /**< maximum for value (i.e. nValue <= nMax) */
+} OMX_BU32;
+/** Signed bounded value type */
+typedef struct OMX_BS32 {
+    OMX_S32 nValue; /**< actual value */
+    OMX_S32 nMin;   /**< minimum for value (i.e. nValue >= nMin) */
+    OMX_S32 nMax;   /**< maximum for value (i.e. nValue <= nMax) */
+} OMX_BS32;
+/** Structure representing some time or duration in microseconds. This structure
+  *  must be interpreted as a signed 64 bit value. The quantity is signed to accommodate
+  *  negative deltas and preroll scenarios. The quantity is represented in microseconds
+  *  to accomodate high resolution timestamps (e.g. DVD presentation timestamps based
+  *  on a 90kHz clock) and to allow more accurate and synchronized delivery (e.g.
+  *  individual audio samples delivered at 192 kHz). The quantity is 64 bit to
+  *  accommodate a large dynamic range (signed 32 bit values would allow only for plus
+  *  or minus 35 minutes).
+  *
+  *  Implementations with limited precision may convert the signed 64 bit value to
+  *  a signed 32 bit value internally but risk loss of precision.
+  */
+#ifndef OMX_SKIP64BIT
+typedef OMX_S64 OMX_TICKS;
+typedef struct OMX_TICKS
+    OMX_U32 nLowPart;    /** low bits of the signed 64 bit tick value */
+    OMX_U32 nHighPart;   /** high bits of the signed 64 bit tick value */
+#define OMX_TICKS_PER_SECOND 1000000
+/** Define the public interface for the OMX Handle.  The core will not use
+    this value internally, but the application should only use this value.
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_MARKTYPE
+    OMX_HANDLETYPE hMarkTargetComponent;   /**< The component that will
+                                                generate a mark event upon
+                                                processing the mark. */
+    OMX_PTR pMarkData;   /**< Application specific data associated with
+                              the mark sent on a mark event to disambiguate
+                              this mark from others. */
+/** OMX_NATIVE_DEVICETYPE is used to map a OMX video port to the
+ *  platform & operating specific object used to reference the display
+ *  or can be used by a audio port for native audio rendering */
+/** OMX_NATIVE_WINDOWTYPE is used to map a OMX video port to the
+ *  platform & operating specific object used to reference the window */
+/** The OMX_VERSIONTYPE union is used to specify the version for
+    a structure or component.  For a component, the version is entirely
+    specified by the component vendor.  Components doing the same function
+    from different vendors may or may not have the same version.  For
+    structures, the version shall be set by the entity that allocates the
+    structure.  For structures specified in the OMX 1.1 specification, the
+    value of the version shall be set to in all cases.  Access to the
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE can be by a single 32 bit access (e.g. by nVersion) or
+    by accessing one of the structure elements to, for example, check only
+    the Major revision.
+ */
+typedef union OMX_VERSIONTYPE
+    struct
+    {
+        OMX_U8 nVersionMajor;   /**< Major version accessor element */
+        OMX_U8 nVersionMinor;   /**< Minor version accessor element */
+        OMX_U8 nRevision;       /**< Revision version accessor element */
+        OMX_U8 nStep;           /**< Step version accessor element */
+    } s;
+    OMX_U32 nVersion;           /**< 32 bit value to make accessing the
+                                    version easily done in a single word
+                                    size copy/compare operation */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Video.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Video.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_Video.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ *  @file OMX_Video.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ *  The structures is needed by Video components to exchange parameters
+ *  and configuration data with OMX components.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_Video_h
+#define OMX_Video_h
+/** @defgroup video OpenMAX IL Video Domain
+ * @ingroup iv
+ * Structures for OpenMAX IL Video domain
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * Each OMX header must include all required header files to allow the
+ * header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ * for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_IVCommon.h>
+ * Enumeration used to define the possible video compression codings.
+ * NOTE:  This essentially refers to file extensions. If the coding is
+ *        being used to specify the ENCODE type, then additional work
+ *        must be done to configure the exact flavor of the compression
+ *        to be used.  For decode cases where the user application can
+ *        not differentiate between MPEG-4 and H.264 bit streams, it is
+ *        up to the codec to handle this.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE {
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused,     /**< Value when coding is N/A */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingAutoDetect, /**< Autodetection of coding type */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2,      /**< AKA: H.262 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263,       /**< H.263 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4,      /**< MPEG-4 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV,        /**< all versions of Windows Media Video */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingRV,         /**< all versions of Real Video */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC,        /**< H.264/AVC */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingMJPEG,      /**< Motion JPEG */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP8,        /**< Google VP8, formerly known as On2 VP8 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP9,        /**< Google VP9 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingHEVC,       /**< ITU H.265/HEVC */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Data structure used to define a video path.  The number of Video paths for
+ * input and output will vary by type of the Video component.
+ *
+ *    Input (aka Source) : zero Inputs, one Output,
+ *    Splitter           : one Input, 2 or more Outputs,
+ *    Processing Element : one Input, one output,
+ *    Mixer              : 2 or more inputs, one output,
+ *    Output (aka Sink)  : one Input, zero outputs.
+ *
+ * The PortDefinition structure is used to define all of the parameters
+ * necessary for the compliant component to setup an input or an output video
+ * path.  If additional vendor specific data is required, it should be
+ * transmitted to the component using the CustomCommand function.  Compliant
+ * components will prepopulate this structure with optimal values during the
+ * GetDefaultInitParams command.
+ *
+ *  cMIMEType             : MIME type of data for the port
+ *  pNativeRender         : Platform specific reference for a display if a
+ *                          sync, otherwise this field is 0
+ *  nFrameWidth           : Width of frame to be used on channel if
+ *                          uncompressed format is used.  Use 0 for unknown,
+ *                          don't care or variable
+ *  nFrameHeight          : Height of frame to be used on channel if
+ *                          uncompressed format is used. Use 0 for unknown,
+ *                          don't care or variable
+ *  nStride               : Number of bytes per span of an image
+ *                          (i.e. indicates the number of bytes to get
+ *                          from span N to span N+1, where negative stride
+ *                          indicates the image is bottom up
+ *  nSliceHeight          : Height used when encoding in slices
+ *  nBitrate              : Bit rate of frame to be used on channel if
+ *                          compressed format is used. Use 0 for unknown,
+ *                          don't care or variable
+ *  xFramerate            : Frame rate to be used on channel if uncompressed
+ *                          format is used. Use 0 for unknown, don't care or
+ *                          variable.  Units are Q16 frames per second.
+ *  bFlagErrorConcealment : Turns on error concealment if it is supported by
+ *                          the OMX component
+ *  eCompressionFormat    : Compression format used in this instance of the
+ *                          component. When OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused is
+ *                          specified, eColorFormat is used
+ *  eColorFormat : Decompressed format used by this component
+ *  pNativeWindow : Platform specific reference for a window object if a
+ *                          display sink , otherwise this field is 0x0.
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nFrameWidth;
+    OMX_U32 nFrameHeight;
+    OMX_S32 nStride;
+    OMX_U32 nSliceHeight;
+    OMX_U32 nBitrate;
+    OMX_U32 xFramerate;
+    OMX_BOOL bFlagErrorConcealment;
+    OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE eCompressionFormat;
+ * Port format parameter.  This structure is used to enumerate the various
+ * data input/output format supported by the port.
+ *
+ *  nSize              : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion           : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex         : Indicates which port to set
+ *  nIndex             : Indicates the enumeration index for the format from
+ *                       0x0 to N-1
+ *  eCompressionFormat : Compression format used in this instance of the
+ *                       component. When OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused is specified,
+ *                       eColorFormat is used
+ *  eColorFormat       : Decompressed format used by this component
+ *  xFrameRate         : Indicates the video frame rate in Q16 format
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nIndex;
+    OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE eCompressionFormat;
+    OMX_U32 xFramerate;
+ * This is a structure for configuring video compression quantization
+ * parameter values.  Codecs may support different QP values for different
+ * frame types.
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version info
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nQpI       : QP value to use for index frames
+ *  nQpP       : QP value to use for P frames
+ *  nQpB       : QP values to use for bidirectional frames
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nQpI;
+    OMX_U32 nQpP;
+    OMX_U32 nQpB;
+ * Structure for configuration of video fast update parameters.
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version info
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bEnableVFU : Enable/Disable video fast update
+ *  nFirstGOB  : Specifies the number of the first macroblock row
+ *  nFirstMB   : specifies the first MB relative to the specified first GOB
+ *  nNumMBs    : Specifies the number of MBs to be refreshed from nFirstGOB
+ *               and nFirstMB
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableVFU;
+    OMX_U32 nFirstGOB;
+    OMX_U32 nFirstMB;
+    OMX_U32 nNumMBs;
+ * Enumeration of possible bitrate control types
+ */
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateDisable,
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateVariable,
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateConstant,
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateVariableSkipFrames,
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateConstantSkipFrames,
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_Video_ControlRateMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Structure for configuring bitrate mode of a codec.
+ *
+ *  nSize          : Size of the struct in bytes
+ *  nVersion       : OMX spec version info
+ *  nPortIndex     : Port that this struct applies to
+ *  eControlRate   : Control rate type enum
+ *  nTargetBitrate : Target bitrate to encode with
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nTargetBitrate;
+ * Enumeration of possible motion vector (MV) types
+ */
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorPixel,
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorHalfPel,
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorQuarterPel,
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorEighthPel,
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_Video_MotionVectorMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Structure for configuring the number of motion vectors used as well
+ * as their accuracy.
+ *
+ *  nSize            : Size of the struct in bytes
+ *  nVersion         : OMX spec version info
+ *  nPortIndex       : port that this structure applies to
+ *  eAccuracy        : Enumerated MV accuracy
+ *  bUnrestrictedMVs : Allow unrestricted MVs
+ *  bFourMV          : Allow use of 4 MVs
+ *  sXSearchRange    : Search range in horizontal direction for MVs
+ *  sYSearchRange    : Search range in vertical direction for MVs
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bUnrestrictedMVs;
+    OMX_BOOL bFourMV;
+    OMX_S32 sXSearchRange;
+    OMX_S32 sYSearchRange;
+ * Enumeration of possible methods to use for Intra Refresh
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshCyclic,
+    OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshAdaptive,
+    OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshBoth,
+    OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_IntraRefreshMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Structure for configuring intra refresh mode
+ *
+ *  nSize        : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion     : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex   : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eRefreshMode : Cyclic, Adaptive, or Both
+ *  nAirMBs      : Number of intra macroblocks to refresh in a frame when
+ *                 AIR is enabled
+ *  nAirRef      : Number of times a motion marked macroblock has to be
+ *                 intra coded
+ *  nCirMBs      : Number of consecutive macroblocks to be coded as "intra"
+ *                 when CIR is enabled
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nAirMBs;
+    OMX_U32 nAirRef;
+    OMX_U32 nCirMBs;
+ * Structure for enabling various error correction methods for video
+ * compression.
+ *
+ *  nSize                   : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion                : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex              : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  bEnableHEC              : Enable/disable header extension codes (HEC)
+ *  bEnableResync           : Enable/disable resynchronization markers
+ *  nResynchMarkerSpacing   : Resynch markers interval (in bits) to be
+ *                            applied in the stream
+ *  bEnableDataPartitioning : Enable/disable data partitioning
+ *  bEnableRVLC             : Enable/disable reversible variable length
+ *                            coding
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableHEC;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableResync;
+    OMX_U32  nResynchMarkerSpacing;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableDataPartitioning;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableRVLC;
+ * Configuration of variable block-size motion compensation (VBSMC)
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  b16x16     : Enable inter block search 16x16
+ *  b16x8      : Enable inter block search 16x8
+ *  b8x16      : Enable inter block search 8x16
+ *  b8x8       : Enable inter block search 8x8
+ *  b8x4       : Enable inter block search 8x4
+ *  b4x8       : Enable inter block search 4x8
+ *  b4x4       : Enable inter block search 4x4
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL b16x16;
+    OMX_BOOL b16x8;
+    OMX_BOOL b8x16;
+    OMX_BOOL b8x8;
+    OMX_BOOL b8x4;
+    OMX_BOOL b4x8;
+    OMX_BOOL b4x4;
+ * H.263 profile types, each profile indicates support for various
+ * performance bounds and different annexes.
+ *
+ * ENUMS:
+ *  Baseline           : Baseline Profile: H.263 (V1), no optional modes
+ *  H320 Coding        : H.320 Coding Efficiency Backward Compatibility
+ *                       Profile: H.263+ (V2), includes annexes I, J, L.4
+ *                       and T
+ *  BackwardCompatible : Backward Compatibility Profile: H.263 (V1),
+ *                       includes annex F
+ *  ISWV2              : Interactive Streaming Wireless Profile: H.263+
+ *                       (V2), includes annexes I, J, K and T
+ *  ISWV3              : Interactive Streaming Wireless Profile: H.263++
+ *                       (V3), includes profile 3 and annexes V and W.6.3.8
+ *  HighCompression    : Conversational High Compression Profile: H.263++
+ *                       (V3), includes profiles 1 & 2 and annexes D and U
+ *  Internet           : Conversational Internet Profile: H.263++ (V3),
+ *                       includes profile 5 and annex K
+ *  Interlace          : Conversational Interlace Profile: H.263++ (V3),
+ *                       includes profile 5 and annex W.6.3.11
+ *  HighLatency        : High Latency Profile: H.263++ (V3), includes
+ *                       profile 6 and annexes O.1 and P.5
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_VIDEO_H263PROFILETYPE {
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline            = 0x01,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileH320Coding          = 0x02,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBackwardCompatible  = 0x04,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV2               = 0x08,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileISWV3               = 0x10,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileHighCompression     = 0x20,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileInternet            = 0x40,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileInterlace           = 0x80,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileHighLatency         = 0x100,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileMax                 = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * H.263 level types, each level indicates support for various frame sizes,
+ * bit rates, decoder frame rates.
+ */
+typedef enum OMX_VIDEO_H263LEVELTYPE {
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level10  = 0x01,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level20  = 0x02,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level30  = 0x04,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level40  = 0x08,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level45  = 0x10,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level50  = 0x20,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level60  = 0x40,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263Level70  = 0x80,
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263LevelKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263LevelVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_H263LevelMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Specifies the picture type. These values should be OR'd to signal all
+ * pictures types which are allowed.
+ *
+ * ENUMS:
+ *  Generic Picture Types:          I, P and B
+ *  H.263 Specific Picture Types:   SI and SP
+ *  H.264 Specific Picture Types:   EI and EP
+ *  MPEG-4 Specific Picture Types:  S
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI   = 0x01,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP   = 0x02,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeB   = 0x04,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeSI  = 0x08,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeSP  = 0x10,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeEI  = 0x11,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeEP  = 0x12,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeS   = 0x14,
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * H.263 Params
+ *
+ *  nSize                    : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion                 : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex               : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nPFrames                 : Number of P frames between each I frame
+ *  nBFrames                 : Number of B frames between each I frame
+ *  eProfile                 : H.263 profile(s) to use
+ *  eLevel                   : H.263 level(s) to use
+ *  bPLUSPTYPEAllowed        : Indicating that it is allowed to use PLUSPTYPE
+ *                             (specified in the 1998 version of H.263) to
+ *                             indicate custom picture sizes or clock
+ *                             frequencies
+ *  nAllowedPictureTypes     : Specifies the picture types allowed in the
+ *                             bitstream
+ *  bForceRoundingTypeToZero : value of the RTYPE bit (bit 6 of MPPTYPE) is
+ *                             not constrained. It is recommended to change
+ *                             the value of the RTYPE bit for each reference
+ *                             picture in error-free communication
+ *  nPictureHeaderRepetition : Specifies the frequency of picture header
+ *                             repetition
+ *  nGOBHeaderInterval       : Specifies the interval of non-empty GOB
+ *                             headers in units of GOBs
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_H263TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nPFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nBFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nAllowedPictureTypes;
+    OMX_BOOL bForceRoundingTypeToZero;
+    OMX_U32 nPictureHeaderRepetition;
+    OMX_U32 nGOBHeaderInterval;
+ * MPEG-2 profile types, each profile indicates support for various
+ * performance bounds and different annexes.
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileSimple = 0,  /**< Simple Profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileMain,        /**< Main Profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2Profile422,         /**< 4:2:2 Profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileSNR,         /**< SNR Profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileSpatial,     /**< Spatial Profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileHigh,        /**< High Profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * MPEG-2 level types, each level indicates support for various frame
+ * sizes, bit rates, decoder frame rates.  No need
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelLL = 0,  /**< Low Level */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelML,      /**< Main Level */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelH14,     /**< High 1440 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelHL,      /**< High Level */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+ * MPEG-2 params
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nPFrames   : Number of P frames between each I frame
+ *  nBFrames   : Number of B frames between each I frame
+ *  eProfile   : MPEG-2 profile(s) to use
+ *  eLevel     : MPEG-2 levels(s) to use
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_MPEG2TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nPFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nBFrames;
+ * MPEG-4 profile types, each profile indicates support for various
+ * performance bounds and different annexes.
+ *
+ * ENUMS:
+ *  - Simple Profile, Levels 1-3
+ *  - Simple Scalable Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Core Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Main Profile, Levels 2-4
+ *  - N-bit Profile, Level 2
+ *  - Scalable Texture Profile, Level 1
+ *  - Simple Face Animation Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Simple Face and Body Animation (FBA) Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Basic Animated Texture Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Hybrid Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Advanced Real Time Simple Profiles, Levels 1-4
+ *  - Core Scalable Profile, Levels 1-3
+ *  - Advanced Coding Efficiency Profile, Levels 1-4
+ *  - Advanced Core Profile, Levels 1-2
+ *  - Advanced Scalable Texture, Levels 2-3
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple           = 0x01,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimpleScalable   = 0x02,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileCore             = 0x04,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileMain             = 0x08,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileNbit             = 0x10,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileScalableTexture  = 0x20,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimpleFace       = 0x40,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimpleFBA        = 0x80,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileBasicAnimated    = 0x100,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileHybrid           = 0x200,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedRealTime = 0x400,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileCoreScalable     = 0x800,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCoding   = 0x1000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCore     = 0x2000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedScalable = 0x4000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedSimple   = 0x8000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileMax              = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * MPEG-4 level types, each level indicates support for various frame
+ * sizes, bit rates, decoder frame rates.  No need
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level0  = 0x01,   /**< Level 0 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level0b = 0x02,   /**< Level 0b */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level1  = 0x04,   /**< Level 1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level2  = 0x08,   /**< Level 2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level3  = 0x10,   /**< Level 3 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level4  = 0x20,   /**< Level 4 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level4a = 0x40,   /**< Level 4a */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level5  = 0x80,   /**< Level 5 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4LevelKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4LevelVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+ * MPEG-4 configuration.  This structure handles configuration options
+ * which are specific to MPEG4 algorithms
+ *
+ *  nSize                : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion             : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex           : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nSliceHeaderSpacing  : Number of macroblocks between slice header (H263+
+ *                         Annex K). Put zero if not used
+ *  bSVH                 : Enable Short Video Header mode
+ *  bGov                 : Flag to enable GOV
+ *  nPFrames             : Number of P frames between each I frame (also called
+ *                         GOV period)
+ *  nBFrames             : Number of B frames between each I frame
+ *  nIDCVLCThreshold     : Value of intra DC VLC threshold
+ *  bACPred              : Flag to use ac prediction
+ *  nMaxPacketSize       : Maximum size of packet in bytes.
+ *  nTimeIncRes          : Used to pass VOP time increment resolution for MPEG4.
+ *                         Interpreted as described in MPEG4 standard.
+ *  eProfile             : MPEG-4 profile(s) to use.
+ *  eLevel               : MPEG-4 level(s) to use.
+ *  nAllowedPictureTypes : Specifies the picture types allowed in the bitstream
+ *  nHeaderExtension     : Specifies the number of consecutive video packet
+ *                         headers within a VOP
+ *  bReversibleVLC       : Specifies whether reversible variable length coding
+ *                         is in use
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_MPEG4TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nSliceHeaderSpacing;
+    OMX_BOOL bGov;
+    OMX_U32 nPFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nBFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nIDCVLCThreshold;
+    OMX_BOOL bACPred;
+    OMX_U32 nMaxPacketSize;
+    OMX_U32 nTimeIncRes;
+    OMX_U32 nAllowedPictureTypes;
+    OMX_U32 nHeaderExtension;
+    OMX_BOOL bReversibleVLC;
+ * WMV Versions
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMVFormatUnused = 0x01,   /**< Format unused or unknown */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMVFormat7      = 0x02,   /**< Windows Media Video format 7 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMVFormat8      = 0x04,   /**< Windows Media Video format 8 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMVFormat9      = 0x08,   /**< Windows Media Video format 9 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMFFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMFFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_WMVFormatMax    = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * WMV Params
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eFormat    : Version of WMV stream / data
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_WMVTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+ * Real Video Version
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormatUnused = 0, /**< Format unused or unknown */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormat8,          /**< Real Video format 8 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormat9,          /**< Real Video format 9 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormatG2,         /**< Real Video Format G2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormatKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormatVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_RVFormatMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Real Video Params
+ *
+ *  nSize              : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion           : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex         : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  eFormat            : Version of RV stream / data
+ *  nBitsPerPixel      : Bits per pixel coded in the frame
+ *  nPaddedWidth       : Padded width in pixel of a video frame
+ *  nPaddedHeight      : Padded Height in pixels of a video frame
+ *  nFrameRate         : Rate of video in frames per second
+ *  nBitstreamFlags    : Flags which internal information about the bitstream
+ *  nBitstreamVersion  : Bitstream version
+ *  nMaxEncodeFrameSize: Max encoded frame size
+ *  bEnablePostFilter  : Turn on/off post filter
+ *  bEnableTemporalInterpolation : Turn on/off temporal interpolation
+ *  bEnableLatencyMode : When enabled, the decoder does not display a decoded
+ *                       frame until it has detected that no enhancement layer
+ *                       frames or dependent B frames will be coming. This
+ *                       detection usually occurs when a subsequent non-B
+ *                       frame is encountered
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_RVTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U16 nBitsPerPixel;
+    OMX_U16 nPaddedWidth;
+    OMX_U16 nPaddedHeight;
+    OMX_U32 nFrameRate;
+    OMX_U32 nBitstreamFlags;
+    OMX_U32 nBitstreamVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nMaxEncodeFrameSize;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnablePostFilter;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableTemporalInterpolation;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableLatencyMode;
+ * AVC profile types, each profile indicates support for various
+ * performance bounds and different annexes.
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline = 0x01,   /**< Baseline profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileMain     = 0x02,   /**< Main profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileExtended = 0x04,   /**< Extended profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh     = 0x08,   /**< High profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh10   = 0x10,   /**< High 10 profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh422  = 0x20,   /**< High 4:2:2 profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh444  = 0x40,   /**< High 4:4:4 profile */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileMax      = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * AVC level types, each level indicates support for various frame sizes,
+ * bit rates, decoder frame rates.  No need
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel1   = 0x01,     /**< Level 1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel1b  = 0x02,     /**< Level 1b */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel11  = 0x04,     /**< Level 1.1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel12  = 0x08,     /**< Level 1.2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel13  = 0x10,     /**< Level 1.3 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel2   = 0x20,     /**< Level 2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel21  = 0x40,     /**< Level 2.1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel22  = 0x80,     /**< Level 2.2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel3   = 0x100,    /**< Level 3 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel31  = 0x200,    /**< Level 3.1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel32  = 0x400,    /**< Level 3.2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4   = 0x800,    /**< Level 4 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel41  = 0x1000,   /**< Level 4.1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel42  = 0x2000,   /**< Level 4.2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel5   = 0x4000,   /**< Level 5 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel51  = 0x8000,   /**< Level 5.1 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel52  = 0x10000,  /**< Level 5.2 */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevelKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevelVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+ * AVC loop filter modes
+ *
+ * OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterEnable               : Enable
+ * OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterDisable              : Disable
+ * OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterDisableSliceBoundary : Disabled on slice boundaries
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterEnable = 0,
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterDisable,
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterDisableSliceBoundary,
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_AVCLoopFilterMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * AVC params
+ *
+ *  nSize                     : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion                  : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex                : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nSliceHeaderSpacing       : Number of macroblocks between slice header, put
+ *                              zero if not used
+ *  nPFrames                  : Number of P frames between each I frame
+ *  nBFrames                  : Number of B frames between each I frame
+ *  bUseHadamard              : Enable/disable Hadamard transform
+ *  nRefFrames                : Max number of reference frames to use for inter
+ *                              motion search (1-16)
+ *  nRefIdxTrailing           : Pic param set ref frame index (index into ref
+ *                              frame buffer of trailing frames list), B frame
+ *                              support
+ *  nRefIdxForward            : Pic param set ref frame index (index into ref
+ *                              frame buffer of forward frames list), B frame
+ *                              support
+ *  bEnableUEP                : Enable/disable unequal error protection. This
+ *                              is only valid of data partitioning is enabled.
+ *  bEnableFMO                : Enable/disable flexible macroblock ordering
+ *  bEnableASO                : Enable/disable arbitrary slice ordering
+ *  bEnableRS                 : Enable/disable sending of redundant slices
+ *  eProfile                  : AVC profile(s) to use
+ *  eLevel                    : AVC level(s) to use
+ *  nAllowedPictureTypes      : Specifies the picture types allowed in the
+ *                              bitstream
+ *  bFrameMBsOnly             : specifies that every coded picture of the
+ *                              coded video sequence is a coded frame
+ *                              containing only frame macroblocks
+ *  bMBAFF                    : Enable/disable switching between frame and
+ *                              field macroblocks within a picture
+ *  bEntropyCodingCABAC       : Entropy decoding method to be applied for the
+ *                              syntax elements for which two descriptors appear
+ *                              in the syntax tables
+ *  bWeightedPPrediction      : Enable/disable weighted prediction shall not
+ *                              be applied to P and SP slices
+ *  nWeightedBipredicitonMode : Default weighted prediction is applied to B
+ *                              slices
+ *  bconstIpred               : Enable/disable intra prediction
+ *  bDirect8x8Inference       : Specifies the method used in the derivation
+ *                              process for luma motion vectors for B_Skip,
+ *                              B_Direct_16x16 and B_Direct_8x8 as specified
+ *                              in subclause of the AVC spec
+ *  bDirectSpatialTemporal    : Flag indicating spatial or temporal direct
+ *                              mode used in B slice coding (related to
+ *                              bDirect8x8Inference) . Spatial direct mode is
+ *                              more common and should be the default.
+ *  nCabacInitIdx             : Index used to init CABAC contexts
+ *  eLoopFilterMode           : Enable/disable loop filter
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_AVCTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nSliceHeaderSpacing;
+    OMX_U32 nPFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nBFrames;
+    OMX_BOOL bUseHadamard;
+    OMX_U32 nRefFrames;
+    OMX_U32 nRefIdx10ActiveMinus1;
+    OMX_U32 nRefIdx11ActiveMinus1;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableUEP;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableFMO;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableASO;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableRS;
+    OMX_U32 nAllowedPictureTypes;
+    OMX_BOOL bFrameMBsOnly;
+    OMX_BOOL bEntropyCodingCABAC;
+    OMX_BOOL bWeightedPPrediction;
+    OMX_U32 nWeightedBipredicitonMode;
+    OMX_BOOL bconstIpred ;
+    OMX_BOOL bDirect8x8Inference;
+    OMX_BOOL bDirectSpatialTemporal;
+    OMX_U32 nCabacInitIdc;
+   OMX_U32 nSize;
+   OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+                                 or OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4PROFILETYPE depending on context */
+   OMX_U32 eLevel;        /**< type is OMX_VIDEO_AVCLEVELTYPE, OMX_VIDEO_H263LEVELTYPE,
+                                 or OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4PROFILETYPE depending on context */
+   OMX_U32 nProfileIndex; /**< Used to query for individual profile support information,
+                               This parameter is valid only for
+                               OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported index,
+                               For all other indices this parameter is to be ignored. */
+ * Structure for dynamically configuring bitrate mode of a codec.
+ *
+ *  nSize          : Size of the struct in bytes
+ *  nVersion       : OMX spec version info
+ *  nPortIndex     : Port that this struct applies to
+ *  nEncodeBitrate : Target average bitrate to be generated in bps
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nEncodeBitrate;
+ * Defines Encoder Frame Rate setting
+ *
+ *  nSize            : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion         : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex       : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  xEncodeFramerate : Encoding framerate represented in Q16 format
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 xEncodeFramerate; /* Q16 format */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL IntraRefreshVOP;
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nErrMapSize;           /* Size of the Error Map in bytes */
+    OMX_U8  ErrMap[1];             /* Error map hint */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnabled;
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nMacroblocks;
+ * AVC Slice Mode modes
+ *
+ * OMX_VIDEO_SLICEMODE_AVCDefault   : Normal frame encoding, one slice per frame
+ * OMX_VIDEO_SLICEMODE_AVCMBSlice   : NAL mode, number of MBs per frame
+ * OMX_VIDEO_SLICEMODE_AVCByteSlice : NAL mode, number of bytes per frame
+ */
+    OMX_VIDEO_SLICEMODE_AVCKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */
+    OMX_VIDEO_SLICEMODE_AVCVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */
+ * AVC FMO Slice Mode Params
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nNumSliceGroups : Specifies the number of slice groups
+ *  nSliceGroupMapType : Specifies the type of slice groups
+ *  eSliceMode : Specifies the type of slice
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U8 nNumSliceGroups;
+    OMX_U8 nSliceGroupMapType;
+ * AVC IDR Period Configs
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nIDRPeriod : Specifies periodicity of IDR frames
+ *  nPFrames : Specifies internal of coding Intra frames
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nIDRPeriod;
+    OMX_U32 nPFrames;
+ * AVC NAL Size Configs
+ *
+ *  nSize      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nNaluBytes : Specifies the NAL unit size
+ */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_CONFIG_NALSIZE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nNaluBytes;
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_VideoExt.h
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_VideoExt.h	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/compat/OpenMAX/IL/OMX_VideoExt.h	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
+ * to the following conditions:
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** OMX_VideoExt.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2
+ * The OMX_VideoExt header file contains extensions to the
+ * definitions used by both the application and the component to
+ * access video items.
+ */
+#ifndef OMX_VideoExt_h
+#define OMX_VideoExt_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Each OMX header shall include all required header files to allow the
+ * header to compile without errors.  The includes below are required
+ * for this header file to compile successfully
+ */
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+    OMX_VIDEO_ExtCodingUnused     = OMX_VIDEO_CodingKhronosExtensions,
+    /** Already defined in Android headers but missing in standard Khronos header */
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingVC1           = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVendorStartUnused + 0x00000002,
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingSorensonSpark = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVendorStartUnused + 0x00000003,
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP6           = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVendorStartUnused + 0x00000004,
+    OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVS           = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVendorStartUnused + 0x00000005,
+/** NALU Formats */
+    OMX_NaluFormatStartCodes = 1,
+    OMX_NaluFormatOneNaluPerBuffer = 2,
+    OMX_NaluFormatOneByteInterleaveLength = 4,
+    OMX_NaluFormatTwoByteInterleaveLength = 8,
+    OMX_NaluFormatFourByteInterleaveLength = 16,
+    OMX_NaluFormatCodingMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** NAL Stream Format */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+/** VP8 profiles */
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8ProfileMain = 0x01,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8ProfileUnknown = 0x6EFFFFFF,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8ProfileMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** VP8 levels */
+typedef enum OMX_VIDEO_VP8LEVELTYPE {
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version0 = 0x01,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version1 = 0x02,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version2 = 0x04,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8Level_Version3 = 0x08,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8LevelUnknown = 0x6EFFFFFF,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VP8LevelMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** VP8 Param */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_VP8TYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nDCTPartitions;
+    OMX_BOOL bErrorResilientMode;
+/** Structure for configuring VP8 reference frames */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bPreviousFrameRefresh;
+    OMX_BOOL bGoldenFrameRefresh;
+    OMX_BOOL bAlternateFrameRefresh;
+    OMX_BOOL bUsePreviousFrame;
+    OMX_BOOL bUseGoldenFrame;
+    OMX_BOOL bUseAlternateFrame;
+/** Structure for querying VP8 reference frame type */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bIsIntraFrame;
+    OMX_BOOL bIsGoldenOrAlternateFrame;
+/** Maximum number of VP8 temporal layers */
+/** VP8 temporal layer patterns */
+    OMX_VIDEO_VPXTemporalLayerPatternNone = 0,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VPXTemporalLayerPatternWebRTC = 1,
+    OMX_VIDEO_VPXTemporalLayerPatternMax = 0x7FFFFFFF
+ * Android specific VP8 encoder params
+ *
+ *  nSize                      : Size of the structure in bytes
+ *  nVersion                   : OMX specification version information
+ *  nPortIndex                 : Port that this structure applies to
+ *  nKeyFrameInterval          : Key frame interval in frames
+ *  eTemporalPattern           : Type of temporal layer pattern
+ *  nTemporalLayerCount        : Number of temporal coding layers
+ *  nTemporalLayerBitrateRatio : Bitrate ratio allocation between temporal
+ *                               streams in percentage
+ *  nMinQuantizer              : Minimum (best quality) quantizer
+ *  nMaxQuantizer              : Maximum (worst quality) quantizer
+ */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_U32 nKeyFrameInterval;
+    OMX_U32 nTemporalLayerCount;
+    OMX_U32 nMinQuantizer;
+    OMX_U32 nMaxQuantizer;
+/** HEVC Profile enum type */
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileUnknown = 0x0,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain    = 0x1,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain10  = 0x2,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMax     = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** HEVC Level enum type */
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCLevelUnknown    = 0x0,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel1  = 0x1,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel1  = 0x2,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel2  = 0x4,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel2  = 0x8,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel21 = 0x10,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel21 = 0x20,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel3  = 0x40,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel3  = 0x80,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel31 = 0x100,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel31 = 0x200,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel4  = 0x400,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel4  = 0x800,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel41 = 0x1000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel41 = 0x2000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel5  = 0x4000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel5  = 0x8000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel51 = 0x10000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel51 = 0x20000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel52 = 0x40000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel52 = 0x80000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel6  = 0x100000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel6  = 0x200000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel61 = 0x400000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel61 = 0x800000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCMainTierLevel62 = 0x1000000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTierLevel62 = 0x2000000,
+    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCHighTiermax     = 0x7FFFFFFF
+/** Structure for controlling HEVC video encoding and decoding */
+typedef struct OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_HEVCTYPE {
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+/** Structure to define if dependent slice segments should be used */
+    OMX_U32 nSize;
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion;
+    OMX_U32 nPortIndex;
+    OMX_BOOL bDepedentSegments;
+    OMX_BOOL bEnableLoopFilterAcrossSlices;
+/** Structure to return timestamps of rendered output frames for tunneled components */
+    OMX_S64 nMediaTimeUs;  // timestamp of rendered video frame
+    OMX_S64 nSystemTimeNs; // system monotonic time at the time frame was rendered
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* OMX_VideoExt_h */
+/* File EOF */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/configure
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/configure	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/configure	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,7753 @@
+# FFmpeg configure script
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Fabrice Bellard
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Diego Biurrun
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Mans Rullgard
+# Prevent locale nonsense from breaking basic text processing.
+export LC_ALL
+# make sure we are running under a compatible shell
+# try to make this part work with most shells
+    echo "Trying shell $1"
+    type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 && exec "$@"
+unset foo
+(: ${foo%%bar}) 2> /dev/null
+(: ${foo?}) 2> /dev/null
+if test "$E1" != 0 || test "$E2" = 0; then
+    echo "Broken shell detected.  Trying alternatives."
+    export FF_CONF_EXEC
+    if test "0$FF_CONF_EXEC" -lt 1; then
+        FF_CONF_EXEC=1
+        try_exec bash "$0" "$@"
+    fi
+    if test "0$FF_CONF_EXEC" -lt 2; then
+        FF_CONF_EXEC=2
+        try_exec ksh "$0" "$@"
+    fi
+    if test "0$FF_CONF_EXEC" -lt 3; then
+        FF_CONF_EXEC=3
+        try_exec /usr/xpg4/bin/sh "$0" "$@"
+    fi
+    echo "No compatible shell script interpreter found."
+    echo "This configure script requires a POSIX-compatible shell"
+    echo "such as bash or ksh."
+    echo "Instead, install a working POSIX-compatible shell."
+    echo "Disabling this configure test will create a broken FFmpeg."
+    if test "$BASH_VERSION" = '2.04.0(1)-release'; then
+        echo "This bash version ($BASH_VERSION) is broken on your platform."
+        echo "Upgrade to a later version if available."
+    fi
+    exit 1
+test -d /usr/xpg4/bin && PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: configure [options]
+Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]
+Help options:
+  --help                   print this message
+  --quiet                  Suppress showing informative output
+  --list-decoders          show all available decoders
+  --list-encoders          show all available encoders
+  --list-hwaccels          show all available hardware accelerators
+  --list-demuxers          show all available demuxers
+  --list-muxers            show all available muxers
+  --list-parsers           show all available parsers
+  --list-protocols         show all available protocols
+  --list-bsfs              show all available bitstream filters
+  --list-indevs            show all available input devices
+  --list-outdevs           show all available output devices
+  --list-filters           show all available filters
+Standard options:
+  --logfile=FILE           log tests and output to FILE [ffbuild/config.log]
+  --disable-logging        do not log configure debug information
+  --fatal-warnings         fail if any configure warning is generated
+  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [$prefix_default]
+  --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]
+  --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]
+  --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/ffmpeg]
+  --libdir=DIR             install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
+  --shlibdir=DIR           install shared libs in DIR [LIBDIR]
+  --incdir=DIR             install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]
+  --mandir=DIR             install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man]
+  --pkgconfigdir=DIR       install pkg-config files in DIR [LIBDIR/pkgconfig]
+  --enable-rpath           use rpath to allow installing libraries in paths
+                           not part of the dynamic linker search path
+                           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)
+  --install-name-dir=DIR   Darwin directory name for installed targets
+Licensing options:
+  --enable-gpl             allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs
+                           and binaries will be under GPL [no]
+  --enable-version3        upgrade (L)GPL to version 3 [no]
+  --enable-nonfree         allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs
+                           and binaries will be unredistributable [no]
+Configuration options:
+  --disable-static         do not build static libraries [no]
+  --enable-shared          build shared libraries [no]
+  --enable-small           optimize for size instead of speed
+  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting CPU capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
+  --enable-gray            enable full grayscale support (slower color)
+  --disable-swscale-alpha  disable alpha channel support in swscale
+  --disable-all            disable building components, libraries and programs
+  --disable-autodetect     disable automatically detected external libraries [no]
+Program options:
+  --disable-programs       do not build command line programs
+  --disable-ffmpeg         disable ffmpeg build
+  --disable-ffplay         disable ffplay build
+  --disable-ffprobe        disable ffprobe build
+Documentation options:
+  --disable-doc            do not build documentation
+  --disable-htmlpages      do not build HTML documentation pages
+  --disable-manpages       do not build man documentation pages
+  --disable-podpages       do not build POD documentation pages
+  --disable-txtpages       do not build text documentation pages
+Component options:
+  --disable-avdevice       disable libavdevice build
+  --disable-avcodec        disable libavcodec build
+  --disable-avformat       disable libavformat build
+  --disable-swresample     disable libswresample build
+  --disable-swscale        disable libswscale build
+  --disable-postproc       disable libpostproc build
+  --disable-avfilter       disable libavfilter build
+  --enable-avresample      enable libavresample build (deprecated) [no]
+  --disable-pthreads       disable pthreads [autodetect]
+  --disable-w32threads     disable Win32 threads [autodetect]
+  --disable-os2threads     disable OS/2 threads [autodetect]
+  --disable-network        disable network support [no]
+  --disable-dct            disable DCT code
+  --disable-dwt            disable DWT code
+  --disable-error-resilience disable error resilience code
+  --disable-lsp            disable LSP code
+  --disable-lzo            disable LZO decoder code
+  --disable-mdct           disable MDCT code
+  --disable-rdft           disable RDFT code
+  --disable-fft            disable FFT code
+  --disable-faan           disable floating point AAN (I)DCT code
+  --disable-pixelutils     disable pixel utils in libavutil
+Individual component options:
+  --disable-everything     disable all components listed below
+  --disable-encoder=NAME   disable encoder NAME
+  --enable-encoder=NAME    enable encoder NAME
+  --disable-encoders       disable all encoders
+  --disable-decoder=NAME   disable decoder NAME
+  --enable-decoder=NAME    enable decoder NAME
+  --disable-decoders       disable all decoders
+  --disable-hwaccel=NAME   disable hwaccel NAME
+  --enable-hwaccel=NAME    enable hwaccel NAME
+  --disable-hwaccels       disable all hwaccels
+  --disable-muxer=NAME     disable muxer NAME
+  --enable-muxer=NAME      enable muxer NAME
+  --disable-muxers         disable all muxers
+  --disable-demuxer=NAME   disable demuxer NAME
+  --enable-demuxer=NAME    enable demuxer NAME
+  --disable-demuxers       disable all demuxers
+  --enable-parser=NAME     enable parser NAME
+  --disable-parser=NAME    disable parser NAME
+  --disable-parsers        disable all parsers
+  --enable-bsf=NAME        enable bitstream filter NAME
+  --disable-bsf=NAME       disable bitstream filter NAME
+  --disable-bsfs           disable all bitstream filters
+  --enable-protocol=NAME   enable protocol NAME
+  --disable-protocol=NAME  disable protocol NAME
+  --disable-protocols      disable all protocols
+  --enable-indev=NAME      enable input device NAME
+  --disable-indev=NAME     disable input device NAME
+  --disable-indevs         disable input devices
+  --enable-outdev=NAME     enable output device NAME
+  --disable-outdev=NAME    disable output device NAME
+  --disable-outdevs        disable output devices
+  --disable-devices        disable all devices
+  --enable-filter=NAME     enable filter NAME
+  --disable-filter=NAME    disable filter NAME
+  --disable-filters        disable all filters
+External library support:
+  Using any of the following switches will allow FFmpeg to link to the
+  corresponding external library. All the components depending on that library
+  will become enabled, if all their other dependencies are met and they are not
+  explicitly disabled. E.g. --enable-libopus will enable linking to
+  libopus and allow the libopus encoder to be built, unless it is
+  specifically disabled with --disable-encoder=libopus.
+  Note that only the system libraries are auto-detected. All the other external
+  libraries must be explicitly enabled.
+  Also note that the following help text describes the purpose of the libraries
+  themselves, not all their features will necessarily be usable by FFmpeg.
+  --disable-alsa           disable ALSA support [autodetect]
+  --disable-appkit         disable Apple AppKit framework [autodetect]
+  --disable-avfoundation   disable Apple AVFoundation framework [autodetect]
+  --enable-avisynth        enable reading of AviSynth script files [no]
+  --disable-bzlib          disable bzlib [autodetect]
+  --disable-coreimage      disable Apple CoreImage framework [autodetect]
+  --enable-chromaprint     enable audio fingerprinting with chromaprint [no]
+  --enable-frei0r          enable frei0r video filtering [no]
+  --enable-gcrypt          enable gcrypt, needed for rtmp(t)e support
+                           if openssl, librtmp or gmp is not used [no]
+  --enable-gmp             enable gmp, needed for rtmp(t)e support
+                           if openssl or librtmp is not used [no]
+  --enable-gnutls          enable gnutls, needed for https support
+                           if openssl, libtls or mbedtls is not used [no]
+  --disable-iconv          disable iconv [autodetect]
+  --enable-jni             enable JNI support [no]
+  --enable-ladspa          enable LADSPA audio filtering [no]
+  --enable-libaom          enable AV1 video encoding/decoding via libaom [no]
+  --enable-libaribb24      enable ARIB text and caption decoding via libaribb24 [no]
+  --enable-libass          enable libass subtitles rendering,
+                           needed for subtitles and ass filter [no]
+  --enable-libbluray       enable BluRay reading using libbluray [no]
+  --enable-libbs2b         enable bs2b DSP library [no]
+  --enable-libcaca         enable textual display using libcaca [no]
+  --enable-libcelt         enable CELT decoding via libcelt [no]
+  --enable-libcdio         enable audio CD grabbing with libcdio [no]
+  --enable-libcodec2       enable codec2 en/decoding using libcodec2 [no]
+  --enable-libdav1d        enable AV1 decoding via libdav1d [no]
+  --enable-libdavs2        enable AVS2 decoding via libdavs2 [no]
+  --enable-libdc1394       enable IIDC-1394 grabbing using libdc1394
+                           and libraw1394 [no]
+  --enable-libfdk-aac      enable AAC de/encoding via libfdk-aac [no]
+  --enable-libflite        enable flite (voice synthesis) support via libflite [no]
+  --enable-libfontconfig   enable libfontconfig, useful for drawtext filter [no]
+  --enable-libfreetype     enable libfreetype, needed for drawtext filter [no]
+  --enable-libfribidi      enable libfribidi, improves drawtext filter [no]
+  --enable-libglslang      enable GLSL->SPIRV compilation via libglslang [no]
+  --enable-libgme          enable Game Music Emu via libgme [no]
+  --enable-libgsm          enable GSM de/encoding via libgsm [no]
+  --enable-libiec61883     enable iec61883 via libiec61883 [no]
+  --enable-libilbc         enable iLBC de/encoding via libilbc [no]
+  --enable-libjack         enable JACK audio sound server [no]
+  --enable-libklvanc       enable Kernel Labs VANC processing [no]
+  --enable-libkvazaar      enable HEVC encoding via libkvazaar [no]
+  --enable-liblensfun      enable lensfun lens correction [no]
+  --enable-libmodplug      enable ModPlug via libmodplug [no]
+  --enable-libmp3lame      enable MP3 encoding via libmp3lame [no]
+  --enable-libopencore-amrnb enable AMR-NB de/encoding via libopencore-amrnb [no]
+  --enable-libopencore-amrwb enable AMR-WB decoding via libopencore-amrwb [no]
+  --enable-libopencv       enable video filtering via libopencv [no]
+  --enable-libopenh264     enable H.264 encoding via OpenH264 [no]
+  --enable-libopenjpeg     enable JPEG 2000 de/encoding via OpenJPEG [no]
+  --enable-libopenmpt      enable decoding tracked files via libopenmpt [no]
+  --enable-libopenvino     enable OpenVINO as a DNN module backend
+                           for DNN based filters like dnn_processing [no]
+  --enable-libopus         enable Opus de/encoding via libopus [no]
+  --enable-libpulse        enable Pulseaudio input via libpulse [no]
+  --enable-librabbitmq     enable RabbitMQ library [no]
+  --enable-librav1e        enable AV1 encoding via rav1e [no]
+  --enable-librist         enable RIST via librist [no]
+  --enable-librsvg         enable SVG rasterization via librsvg [no]
+  --enable-librubberband   enable rubberband needed for rubberband filter [no]
+  --enable-librtmp         enable RTMP[E] support via librtmp [no]
+  --enable-libshine        enable fixed-point MP3 encoding via libshine [no]
+  --enable-libsmbclient    enable Samba protocol via libsmbclient [no]
+  --enable-libsnappy       enable Snappy compression, needed for hap encoding [no]
+  --enable-libsoxr         enable Include libsoxr resampling [no]
+  --enable-libspeex        enable Speex de/encoding via libspeex [no]
+  --enable-libsrt          enable Haivision SRT protocol via libsrt [no]
+  --enable-libssh          enable SFTP protocol via libssh [no]
+  --enable-libsvtav1       enable AV1 encoding via SVT [no]
+  --enable-libtensorflow   enable TensorFlow as a DNN module backend
+                           for DNN based filters like sr [no]
+  --enable-libtesseract    enable Tesseract, needed for ocr filter [no]
+  --enable-libtheora       enable Theora encoding via libtheora [no]
+  --enable-libtls          enable LibreSSL (via libtls), needed for https support
+                           if openssl, gnutls or mbedtls is not used [no]
+  --enable-libtwolame      enable MP2 encoding via libtwolame [no]
+  --enable-libuavs3d       enable AVS3 decoding via libuavs3d [no]
+  --enable-libv4l2         enable libv4l2/v4l-utils [no]
+  --enable-libvidstab      enable video stabilization using vid.stab [no]
+  --enable-libvmaf         enable vmaf filter via libvmaf [no]
+  --enable-libvo-amrwbenc  enable AMR-WB encoding via libvo-amrwbenc [no]
+  --enable-libvorbis       enable Vorbis en/decoding via libvorbis,
+                           native implementation exists [no]
+  --enable-libvpx          enable VP8 and VP9 de/encoding via libvpx [no]
+  --enable-libwebp         enable WebP encoding via libwebp [no]
+  --enable-libx264         enable H.264 encoding via x264 [no]
+  --enable-libx265         enable HEVC encoding via x265 [no]
+  --enable-libxavs         enable AVS encoding via xavs [no]
+  --enable-libxavs2        enable AVS2 encoding via xavs2 [no]
+  --enable-libxcb          enable X11 grabbing using XCB [autodetect]
+  --enable-libxcb-shm      enable X11 grabbing shm communication [autodetect]
+  --enable-libxcb-xfixes   enable X11 grabbing mouse rendering [autodetect]
+  --enable-libxcb-shape    enable X11 grabbing shape rendering [autodetect]
+  --enable-libxvid         enable Xvid encoding via xvidcore,
+                           native MPEG-4/Xvid encoder exists [no]
+  --enable-libxml2         enable XML parsing using the C library libxml2, needed
+                           for dash demuxing support [no]
+  --enable-libzimg         enable z.lib, needed for zscale filter [no]
+  --enable-libzmq          enable message passing via libzmq [no]
+  --enable-libzvbi         enable teletext support via libzvbi [no]
+  --enable-lv2             enable LV2 audio filtering [no]
+  --disable-lzma           disable lzma [autodetect]
+  --enable-decklink        enable Blackmagic DeckLink I/O support [no]
+  --enable-mbedtls         enable mbedTLS, needed for https support
+                           if openssl, gnutls or libtls is not used [no]
+  --enable-mediacodec      enable Android MediaCodec support [no]
+  --enable-mediafoundation enable encoding via MediaFoundation [auto]
+  --enable-libmysofa       enable libmysofa, needed for sofalizer filter [no]
+  --enable-openal          enable OpenAL 1.1 capture support [no]
+  --enable-opencl          enable OpenCL processing [no]
+  --enable-opengl          enable OpenGL rendering [no]
+  --enable-openssl         enable openssl, needed for https support
+                           if gnutls, libtls or mbedtls is not used [no]
+  --enable-pocketsphinx    enable PocketSphinx, needed for asr filter [no]
+  --disable-sndio          disable sndio support [autodetect]
+  --disable-schannel       disable SChannel SSP, needed for TLS support on
+                           Windows if openssl and gnutls are not used [autodetect]
+  --disable-sdl2           disable sdl2 [autodetect]
+  --disable-securetransport disable Secure Transport, needed for TLS support
+                           on OSX if openssl and gnutls are not used [autodetect]
+  --enable-vapoursynth     enable VapourSynth demuxer [no]
+  --enable-vulkan          enable Vulkan code [no]
+  --disable-xlib           disable xlib [autodetect]
+  --disable-zlib           disable zlib [autodetect]
+  The following libraries provide various hardware acceleration features:
+  --disable-amf            disable AMF video encoding code [autodetect]
+  --disable-audiotoolbox   disable Apple AudioToolbox code [autodetect]
+  --enable-cuda-nvcc       enable Nvidia CUDA compiler [no]
+  --disable-cuda-llvm      disable CUDA compilation using clang [autodetect]
+  --disable-cuvid          disable Nvidia CUVID support [autodetect]
+  --disable-d3d11va        disable Microsoft Direct3D 11 video acceleration code [autodetect]
+  --disable-dxva2          disable Microsoft DirectX 9 video acceleration code [autodetect]
+  --disable-ffnvcodec      disable dynamically linked Nvidia code [autodetect]
+  --enable-libdrm          enable DRM code (Linux) [no]
+  --enable-libmfx          enable Intel MediaSDK (AKA Quick Sync Video) code via libmfx [no]
+  --enable-libnpp          enable Nvidia Performance Primitives-based code [no]
+  --enable-mmal            enable Broadcom Multi-Media Abstraction Layer (Raspberry Pi) via MMAL [no]
+  --disable-nvdec          disable Nvidia video decoding acceleration (via hwaccel) [autodetect]
+  --disable-nvenc          disable Nvidia video encoding code [autodetect]
+  --enable-omx             enable OpenMAX IL code [no]
+  --enable-omx-rpi         enable OpenMAX IL code for Raspberry Pi [no]
+  --enable-omx-img         enable OpenMAX IL code for Imagination PowerVR D5500 video decoder [no]
+  --enable-rkmpp           enable Rockchip Media Process Platform code [no]
+  --disable-v4l2-m2m       disable V4L2 mem2mem code [autodetect]
+  --disable-vaapi          disable Video Acceleration API (mainly Unix/Intel) code [autodetect]
+  --disable-vdpau          disable Nvidia Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix code [autodetect]
+  --disable-videotoolbox   disable VideoToolbox code [autodetect]
+Toolchain options:
+  --arch=ARCH              select architecture [$arch]
+  --cpu=CPU                select the minimum required CPU (affects
+                           instruction selection, may crash on older CPUs)
+  --cross-prefix=PREFIX    use PREFIX for compilation tools [$cross_prefix]
+  --progs-suffix=SUFFIX    program name suffix []
+  --enable-cross-compile   assume a cross-compiler is used
+  --sysroot=PATH           root of cross-build tree
+  --sysinclude=PATH        location of cross-build system headers
+  --target-os=OS           compiler targets OS [$target_os]
+  --target-exec=CMD        command to run executables on target
+  --target-path=DIR        path to view of build directory on target
+  --target-samples=DIR     path to samples directory on target
+  --tempprefix=PATH        force fixed dir/prefix instead of mktemp for checks
+  --toolchain=NAME         set tool defaults according to NAME
+                           (gcc-asan, clang-asan, gcc-msan, clang-msan,
+                           gcc-tsan, clang-tsan, gcc-usan, clang-usan,
+                           valgrind-massif, valgrind-memcheck,
+                           msvc, icl, gcov, llvm-cov, hardened)
+  --nm=NM                  use nm tool NM [$nm_default]
+  --ar=AR                  use archive tool AR [$ar_default]
+  --as=AS                  use assembler AS [$as_default]
+  --ln_s=LN_S              use symbolic link tool LN_S [$ln_s_default]
+  --strip=STRIP            use strip tool STRIP [$strip_default]
+  --windres=WINDRES        use windows resource compiler WINDRES [$windres_default]
+  --x86asmexe=EXE          use nasm-compatible assembler EXE [$x86asmexe_default]
+  --cc=CC                  use C compiler CC [$cc_default]
+  --cxx=CXX                use C compiler CXX [$cxx_default]
+  --objcc=OCC              use ObjC compiler OCC [$cc_default]
+  --dep-cc=DEPCC           use dependency generator DEPCC [$cc_default]
+  --nvcc=NVCC              use Nvidia CUDA compiler NVCC or clang [$nvcc_default]
+  --ld=LD                  use linker LD [$ld_default]
+  --pkg-config=PKGCONFIG   use pkg-config tool PKGCONFIG [$pkg_config_default]
+  --pkg-config-flags=FLAGS pass additional flags to pkgconf []
+  --ranlib=RANLIB          use ranlib RANLIB [$ranlib_default]
+  --doxygen=DOXYGEN        use DOXYGEN to generate API doc [$doxygen_default]
+  --host-cc=HOSTCC         use host C compiler HOSTCC
+  --host-cflags=HCFLAGS    use HCFLAGS when compiling for host
+  --host-cppflags=HCPPFLAGS use HCPPFLAGS when compiling for host
+  --host-ld=HOSTLD         use host linker HOSTLD
+  --host-ldflags=HLDFLAGS  use HLDFLAGS when linking for host
+  --host-extralibs=HLIBS   use libs HLIBS when linking for host
+  --host-os=OS             compiler host OS [$target_os]
+  --extra-cflags=ECFLAGS   add ECFLAGS to CFLAGS [$CFLAGS]
+  --extra-cxxflags=ECFLAGS add ECFLAGS to CXXFLAGS [$CXXFLAGS]
+  --extra-objcflags=FLAGS  add FLAGS to OBJCFLAGS [$CFLAGS]
+  --extra-ldflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDFLAGS [$LDFLAGS]
+  --extra-ldsoflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDSOFLAGS [$LDSOFLAGS]
+  --extra-libs=ELIBS       add ELIBS [$ELIBS]
+  --extra-version=STRING   version string suffix []
+  --optflags=OPTFLAGS      override optimization-related compiler flags
+  --nvccflags=NVCCFLAGS    override nvcc flags [$nvccflags_default]
+  --build-suffix=SUFFIX    library name suffix []
+  --enable-pic             build position-independent code
+  --enable-thumb           compile for Thumb instruction set
+  --enable-lto             use link-time optimization
+  --env="ENV=override"     override the environment variables
+Advanced options (experts only):
+  --malloc-prefix=PREFIX   prefix malloc and related names with PREFIX
+  --custom-allocator=NAME  use a supported custom allocator
+  --disable-symver         disable symbol versioning
+  --enable-hardcoded-tables use hardcoded tables instead of runtime generation
+  --disable-safe-bitstream-reader
+                           disable buffer boundary checking in bitreaders
+                           (faster, but may crash)
+  --sws-max-filter-size=N  the max filter size swscale uses [$sws_max_filter_size_default]
+Optimization options (experts only):
+  --disable-asm            disable all assembly optimizations
+  --disable-altivec        disable AltiVec optimizations
+  --disable-vsx            disable VSX optimizations
+  --disable-power8         disable POWER8 optimizations
+  --disable-amd3dnow       disable 3DNow! optimizations
+  --disable-amd3dnowext    disable 3DNow! extended optimizations
+  --disable-mmx            disable MMX optimizations
+  --disable-mmxext         disable MMXEXT optimizations
+  --disable-sse            disable SSE optimizations
+  --disable-sse2           disable SSE2 optimizations
+  --disable-sse3           disable SSE3 optimizations
+  --disable-ssse3          disable SSSE3 optimizations
+  --disable-sse4           disable SSE4 optimizations
+  --disable-sse42          disable SSE4.2 optimizations
+  --disable-avx            disable AVX optimizations
+  --disable-xop            disable XOP optimizations
+  --disable-fma3           disable FMA3 optimizations
+  --disable-fma4           disable FMA4 optimizations
+  --disable-avx2           disable AVX2 optimizations
+  --disable-avx512         disable AVX-512 optimizations
+  --disable-aesni          disable AESNI optimizations
+  --disable-armv5te        disable armv5te optimizations
+  --disable-armv6          disable armv6 optimizations
+  --disable-armv6t2        disable armv6t2 optimizations
+  --disable-vfp            disable VFP optimizations
+  --disable-neon           disable NEON optimizations
+  --disable-inline-asm     disable use of inline assembly
+  --disable-x86asm         disable use of standalone x86 assembly
+  --disable-mipsdsp        disable MIPS DSP ASE R1 optimizations
+  --disable-mipsdspr2      disable MIPS DSP ASE R2 optimizations
+  --disable-msa            disable MSA optimizations
+  --disable-msa2           disable MSA2 optimizations
+  --disable-mipsfpu        disable floating point MIPS optimizations
+  --disable-mmi            disable Loongson SIMD optimizations
+  --disable-fast-unaligned consider unaligned accesses slow
+Developer options (useful when working on FFmpeg itself):
+  --disable-debug          disable debugging symbols
+  --enable-debug=LEVEL     set the debug level [$debuglevel]
+  --disable-optimizations  disable compiler optimizations
+  --enable-extra-warnings  enable more compiler warnings
+  --disable-stripping      disable stripping of executables and shared libraries
+  --assert-level=level     0(default), 1 or 2, amount of assertion testing,
+                           2 causes a slowdown at runtime.
+  --enable-memory-poisoning fill heap uninitialized allocated space with arbitrary data
+  --valgrind=VALGRIND      run "make fate" tests through valgrind to detect memory
+                           leaks and errors, using the specified valgrind binary.
+                           Cannot be combined with --target-exec
+  --enable-ftrapv          Trap arithmetic overflows
+  --samples=PATH           location of test samples for FATE, if not set use
+                           \$FATE_SAMPLES at make invocation time.
+  --enable-neon-clobber-test check NEON registers for clobbering (should be
+                           used only for debugging purposes)
+  --enable-xmm-clobber-test check XMM registers for clobbering (Win64-only;
+                           should be used only for debugging purposes)
+  --enable-random          randomly enable/disable components
+  --disable-random
+  --enable-random=LIST     randomly enable/disable specific components or
+  --disable-random=LIST    component groups. LIST is a comma-separated list
+                           of NAME[:PROB] entries where NAME is a component
+                           (group) and PROB the probability associated with
+                           NAME (default 0.5).
+  --random-seed=VALUE      seed value for --enable/disable-random
+  --disable-valgrind-backtrace do not print a backtrace under Valgrind
+                           (only applies to --disable-optimizations builds)
+  --enable-ossfuzz         Enable building fuzzer tool
+  --libfuzzer=PATH         path to libfuzzer
+  --ignore-tests=TESTS     comma-separated list (without "fate-" prefix
+                           in the name) of tests whose result is ignored
+  --enable-linux-perf      enable Linux Performance Monitor API
+  --disable-large-tests    disable tests that use a large amount of memory
+NOTE: Object files are built at the place where configure is launched.
+  exit 0
+if test -t 1 && which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    ncolors=$(tput colors)
+    if test -n "$ncolors" && test $ncolors -ge 8; then
+        bold_color=$(tput bold)
+        warn_color=$(tput setaf 3)
+        error_color=$(tput setaf 1)
+        reset_color=$(tput sgr0)
+    fi
+    # 72 used instead of 80 since that's the default of pr
+    ncols=$(tput cols)
+: ${ncols:=72}
+    echo "$@" >> $logfile
+    log BEGIN "$1"
+    log_file_i=1
+    while IFS= read -r log_file_line; do
+        printf '%5d\t%s\n' "$log_file_i" "$log_file_line"
+        log_file_i=$(($log_file_i+1))
+    done < "$1" >> "$logfile"
+    log END "$1"
+    log "WARNING: $*"
+    log "$@"
+    echo "$error_color$bold_color$@$reset_color"
+    cat <<EOF
+If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
+version from Git.  If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
+ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg.org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc.libera.chat.
+    if disabled logging; then
+        cat <<EOF
+Rerun configure with logging enabled (do not use --disable-logging), and
+include the log this produces with your report.
+    else
+        cat <<EOF
+Include the log file "$logfile" produced by configure as this will help
+solve the problem.
+    fi
+    exit 1
+# Avoid locale weirdness, besides we really just want to translate ASCII.
+    echo "$@" | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
+    echo "$@" | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+    echo "$*" | sed 's/["\\]/\\\0/g'
+    v=$(echo "$1" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g")
+    test "x$v" = "x${v#*[!A-Za-z0-9_/.+-]}" || v="'$v'"
+    echo "$v"
+    echo "$@" | sed 's/^ *//;s/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*/ /g;s/ *$//'
+    pat=$1
+    shift
+    for v; do
+        eval "case '$v' in $pat) printf '%s ' '$v' ;; esac"
+    done
+    pat=$1
+    shift
+    for v; do
+        eval "case '$v' in $pat) ;; *) printf '%s ' '$v' ;; esac"
+    done
+    m=$1
+    shift
+    for v; do eval $m; done
+    suffix=$1
+    shift
+    for v; do echo ${v}${suffix}; done
+    suffix=$1
+    shift
+    for v; do echo ${v%$suffix}; done
+    value=$1
+    shift
+    for var in $*; do
+        eval $var=$value
+    done
+    value=$1
+    shift
+    for var; do
+        eval : \${$var:=$value}
+    done
+    echo $@ | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g'
+    var=$1
+    shift
+    eval $(sanitize_var_name "$var")='$*'
+    eval echo \$$(sanitize_var_name "$1")
+    for pvar in $*; do
+        eval level=\${${pvar}_level:=0}
+        eval ${pvar}_${level}="\$$pvar"
+        eval ${pvar}_level=$(($level+1))
+    done
+    for pvar in $*; do
+        eval level=\${${pvar}_level:-0}
+        test $level = 0 && continue
+        eval level=$(($level-1))
+        eval $pvar="\${${pvar}_${level}}"
+        eval ${pvar}_level=$level
+        eval unset ${pvar}_${level}
+    done
+    for var in $*; do
+        eval ${var}_requested=yes
+        eval $var=
+    done
+    for var in $*; do
+    done
+    set_all yes $*
+    set_all no $*
+    disable $1
+    eval "${1}_disable_reason=\"$2\""
+    if requested $1; then
+        die "ERROR: $1 requested, but $2"
+    fi
+    set_weak yes $*
+    set_weak no $*
+    for var; do
+        enable $(sanitize_var_name $var)
+    done
+    for var; do
+        disable $(sanitize_var_name $var)
+    done
+    for var; do
+        enabled $var && continue
+        set -- $var
+        eval enable_deep \$${var}_select
+        var=$1
+        eval enable_deep_weak \$${var}_suggest
+    done
+    do_enable_deep $*
+    enable $*
+    for var; do
+        disabled $var && continue
+        set -- $var
+        do_enable_deep $var
+        var=$1
+        enable_weak $var
+    done
+    test "${1#!}" = "$1" && op="=" || op="!="
+    eval test "x\$${1#!}_requested" $op "xyes"
+    test "${1#!}" = "$1" && op="=" || op="!="
+    eval test "x\$${1#!}" $op "xyes"
+    test "${1#!}" = "$1" && op="=" || op="!="
+    eval test "x\$${1#!}" $op "xno"
+    for opt; do
+        enabled $opt || return 1
+    done
+    for opt; do
+        disabled $opt || return 1
+    done
+    for opt; do
+        enabled $opt && return 0
+    done
+    for opt; do
+        disabled $opt && return 0
+    done
+    return 1
+    for opt; do
+        eval : \${$opt:=\$${opt}_default}
+    done
+    value=$1
+    shift
+    for var in $*; do
+        [ $var = $value ] && return 0
+    done
+    return 1
+# The cfg loop is very hot (several thousands iterations), and in bash also
+# potentialy quite slow. Try to abort the iterations early, preferably without
+# calling functions. 70%+ of the time cfg is already done or without deps.
+    for cfg; do
+        eval [ x\$${cfg}_checking = xdone ] && continue
+        eval [ x\$${cfg}_checking = xinprogress ] && die "Circular dependency for $cfg."
+        eval "
+        dep_all=\$${cfg}_deps
+        dep_any=\$${cfg}_deps_any
+        dep_con=\$${cfg}_conflict
+        dep_sel=\$${cfg}_select
+        dep_sgs=\$${cfg}_suggest
+        dep_ifa=\$${cfg}_if
+        dep_ifn=\$${cfg}_if_any
+        "
+        # most of the time here $cfg has no deps - avoid costly no-op work
+        if [ "$dep_all$dep_any$dep_con$dep_sel$dep_sgs$dep_ifa$dep_ifn" ]; then
+            eval ${cfg}_checking=inprogress
+            set -- $cfg "$dep_all" "$dep_any" "$dep_con" "$dep_sel" "$dep_sgs" "$dep_ifa" "$dep_ifn"
+            check_deps $dep_all $dep_any $dep_con $dep_sel $dep_sgs $dep_ifa $dep_ifn
+            cfg=$1; dep_all=$2; dep_any=$3; dep_con=$4; dep_sel=$5 dep_sgs=$6; dep_ifa=$7; dep_ifn=$8
+            [ -n "$dep_ifa" ] && { enabled_all $dep_ifa && enable_weak $cfg; }
+            [ -n "$dep_ifn" ] && { enabled_any $dep_ifn && enable_weak $cfg; }
+            enabled_all  $dep_all || { disable_with_reason $cfg "not all dependencies are satisfied: $dep_all"; }
+            enabled_any  $dep_any || { disable_with_reason $cfg "not any dependency is satisfied: $dep_any"; }
+            disabled_all $dep_con || { disable_with_reason $cfg "some conflicting dependencies are unsatisfied: $dep_con"; }
+            disabled_any $dep_sel && { disable_with_reason $cfg "some selected dependency is unsatisfied: $dep_sel"; }
+            enabled $cfg && enable_deep_weak $dep_sel $dep_sgs
+            for dep in $dep_all $dep_any $dep_sel $dep_sgs; do
+                # filter out library deps, these do not belong in extralibs
+                is_in $dep $LIBRARY_LIST && continue
+                enabled $dep && eval append ${cfg}_extralibs ${dep}_extralibs
+            done
+        fi
+        eval ${cfg}_checking=done
+    done
+    pfx=$1
+    files=$2
+    shift 2
+    map 'eval echo "$v \${$v:-no}"' "$@" |
+    awk "BEGIN { split(\"$files\", files) }
+        {
+            c = \"$pfx\" toupper(\$1);
+            v = \$2;
+            sub(/yes/, 1, v);
+            sub(/no/,  0, v);
+            for (f in files) {
+                file = files[f];
+                if (file ~ /\\.h\$/) {
+                    printf(\"#define %s %d\\n\", c, v) >>file;
+                } else if (file ~ /\\.asm\$/) {
+                    printf(\"%%define %s %d\\n\", c, v) >>file;
+                } else if (file ~ /\\.mak\$/) {
+                    n = -v ? \"\" : \"!\";
+                    printf(\"%s%s=yes\\n\", n, c) >>file;
+                } else if (file ~ /\\.texi\$/) {
+                    pre = -v ? \"\" : \"@c \";
+                    yesno = \$2;
+                    c2 = tolower(c);
+                    gsub(/_/, \"-\", c2);
+                    printf(\"%s@set %s %s\\n\", pre, c2, yesno) >>file;
+                }
+            }
+        }"
+    suf=$1
+    shift
+    for v; do
+        enabled $v && printf "%s\n" ${v%$suf}
+    done
+    var=$1
+    shift
+    eval "$var=\"\$$var $*\""
+    var=$1
+    shift
+    eval "$var=\"$* \$$var\""
+reverse () {
+    eval '
+        reverse_out=
+        for v in $'$1'; do
+            reverse_out="$v $reverse_out"
+        done
+        '$1'=$reverse_out
+    '
+# keeps the last occurence of each non-unique item
+    unique_out=
+    eval unique_in=\$$1
+    reverse unique_in
+    for v in $unique_in; do
+        # " $unique_out" +space such that every item is surrounded with spaces
+        case " $unique_out" in *" $v "*) continue; esac  # already in list
+        unique_out="$unique_out$v "
+    done
+    reverse unique_out
+    eval $1=\$unique_out
+    resolve_out=
+    eval resolve_in=\$$1
+    for v in $resolve_in; do
+        eval 'resolve_out="$resolve_out$'$v' "'
+    done
+    eval $1=\$resolve_out
+    append CPPFLAGS "$@"
+    append CFLAGS $($cflags_filter "$@")
+    append CFLAGS_HEADERS $($cflags_filter "$@")
+    append CXXFLAGS $($cflags_filter "$@")
+    append OBJCFLAGS $($objcflags_filter "$@")
+    append ASFLAGS $($asflags_filter "$@")
+    append LDFLAGS $($ldflags_filter "$@")
+    append LDEXEFLAGS $($ldflags_filter "$@")
+    append LDSOFLAGS $($ldflags_filter "$@")
+    prepend extralibs $($ldflags_filter "$@")
+    append ASMSTRIPFLAGS "$@"
+    append host_cppflags "$@"
+    append host_cflags $($host_cflags_filter "$@")
+    append host_ldflags $($host_ldflags_filter "$@")
+    append compat_objs $1
+    shift
+    map 'add_cppflags -D$v' "$@"
+    log "$@"
+    "$@" >> $logfile 2>&1
+    log test_stat "$@"
+    stat "$1" >> $logfile 2>&1
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $CC_E
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $CC_O
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $AS_O
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $X86ASM_O
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $LD_O
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $HOSTCC_E
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $HOSTCC_O
+    eval printf '%s\\n' $NVCC_O
+    log test_cc "$@"
+    cat > $TMPC
+    log_file $TMPC
+    test_cmd $cc $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS "$@" $CC_C $(cc_o $TMPO) $TMPC
+    log test_cxx "$@"
+    cat > $TMPCPP
+    log_file $TMPCPP
+    test_cmd $cxx $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS "$@" $CXX_C -o $TMPO $TMPCPP
+    log test_objcc "$@"
+    cat > $TMPM
+    log_file $TMPM
+    test_cmd $objcc -Werror=missing-prototypes $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $OBJCFLAGS "$@" $OBJCC_C $(cc_o $TMPO) $TMPM
+    log test_nvcc "$@"
+    cat > $TMPCU
+    log_file $TMPCU
+    tmpcu_=$TMPCU
+    tmpo_=$TMPO
+    [ -x "$(command -v cygpath)" ] && tmpcu_=$(cygpath -m $tmpcu_) && tmpo_=$(cygpath -m $tmpo_)
+    test_cmd $nvcc $nvccflags "$@" $NVCC_C $(nvcc_o $tmpo_) $tmpcu_
+check_nvcc() {
+    log check_nvcc "$@"
+    name=$1
+    shift 1
+    disabled $name && return
+    disable $name
+    test_nvcc "$@" <<EOF && enable $name
+extern "C" {
+    __global__ void hello(unsigned char *data) {}
+    log test_cpp "$@"
+    cat > $TMPC
+    log_file $TMPC
+    test_cmd $cc $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS "$@" $(cc_e $TMPO) $TMPC
+    log test_as "$@"
+    cat > $TMPS
+    log_file $TMPS
+    test_cmd $as $CPPFLAGS $ASFLAGS "$@" $AS_C $(as_o $TMPO) $TMPS
+    log test_x86asm "$@"
+    echo "$1" > $TMPASM
+    log_file $TMPASM
+    shift
+    test_cmd $x86asmexe $X86ASMFLAGS -Werror "$@" $(x86asm_o $TMPO) $TMPASM
+    log check_cmd "$@"
+    cmd=$1
+    disabled $cmd && return
+    disable $cmd
+    test_cmd $@ && enable $cmd
+    log check_as "$@"
+    name=$1
+    code=$2
+    shift 2
+    disable $name
+    test_as $@ <<EOF && enable $name
+    log check_inline_asm "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    code="$2"
+    shift 2
+    disable $name
+    test_cc "$@" <<EOF && enable $name
+void foo(void){ __asm__ volatile($code); }
+    log check_inline_asm_flags "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    code="$2"
+    flags=''
+    shift 2
+    while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
+      append flags $1
+      shift
+    done;
+    disable $name
+    cat > $TMPC <<EOF
+void foo(void){ __asm__ volatile($code); }
+    log_file $TMPC
+    test_cmd $cc $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $flags "$@" $CC_C $(cc_o $TMPO) $TMPC &&
+    enable $name && add_cflags $flags && add_asflags $flags && add_ldflags $flags
+    log check_insn "$@"
+    check_inline_asm ${1}_inline "\"$2\""
+    check_as ${1}_external "$2"
+    log check_x86asm "$@"
+    name=$1
+    shift
+    disable $name
+    test_x86asm "$@" && enable $name
+    log test_ld "$@"
+    type=$1
+    shift 1
+    flags=$(filter_out '-l*|*.so' $@)
+    libs=$(filter '-l*|*.so' $@)
+    test_$type $($cflags_filter $flags) || return
+    flags=$($ldflags_filter $flags)
+    libs=$($ldflags_filter $libs)
+    test_cmd $ld $LDFLAGS $LDEXEFLAGS $flags $(ld_o $TMPE) $TMPO $libs $extralibs
+    log check_ld "$@"
+    type=$1
+    name=$2
+    shift 2
+    disable $name
+    test_ld $type $@ && enable $name
+    hdr=$1
+    test "${hdr%.h}" = "${hdr}" &&
+        echo "#include $hdr"    ||
+        echo "#include <$hdr>"
+    log test_code "$@"
+    check=$1
+    headers=$2
+    code=$3
+    shift 3
+    {
+        for hdr in $headers; do
+            print_include $hdr
+        done
+        echo "int main(void) { $code; return 0; }"
+    } | test_$check "$@"
+    log check_cppflags "$@"
+    test_cpp "$@" <<EOF && append CPPFLAGS "$@"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+    log test_cflags "$@"
+    set -- $($cflags_filter "$@")
+    test_cc "$@" <<EOF
+int x;
+    log check_cflags "$@"
+    test_cflags "$@" && add_cflags "$@"
+    log check_cxxflags "$@"
+    set -- $($cflags_filter "$@")
+    test_cxx "$@" <<EOF && append CXXFLAGS "$@"
+int x;
+    log test_objcflags "$@"
+    set -- $($objcflags_filter "$@")
+    test_objcc "$@" <<EOF
+int x;
+    log check_objcflags "$@"
+    test_objcflags "$@" && add_objcflags "$@"
+    log test_ldflags "$@"
+    set -- $($ldflags_filter "$@")
+    test_ld "cc" "$@" <<EOF
+int main(void){ return 0; }
+    log check_ldflags "$@"
+    test_ldflags "$@" && add_ldflags "$@"
+    log test_stripflags "$@"
+    # call test_cc to get a fresh TMPO
+    test_cc <<EOF
+int main(void) { return 0; }
+    test_cmd $strip $ASMSTRIPFLAGS "$@" $TMPO
+    log check_stripflags "$@"
+    test_stripflags "$@" && add_stripflags "$@"
+    log check_headers "$@"
+    headers=$1
+    shift
+    disable_sanitized $headers
+    {
+        for hdr in $headers; do
+            print_include $hdr
+        done
+        echo "int x;"
+    } | test_cpp "$@" && enable_sanitized $headers
+    log check_header_objcc "$@"
+    rm -f -- "$TMPO"
+    header=$1
+    shift
+    disable_sanitized $header
+    {
+       echo "#include <$header>"
+       echo "int main(void) { return 0; }"
+    } | test_objcc && test_stat "$TMPO" && enable_sanitized $header
+    log check_apple_framework "$@"
+    framework="$1"
+    name="$(tolower $framework)"
+    header="${framework}/${framework}.h"
+    disable $name
+    check_header_objcc $header &&
+        enable $name && eval ${name}_extralibs='"-framework $framework"'
+    log check_func "$@"
+    func=$1
+    shift
+    disable $func
+    test_ld "cc" "$@" <<EOF && enable $func
+extern int $func();
+int main(void){ $func(); }
+    log check_complexfunc "$@"
+    func=$1
+    narg=$2
+    shift 2
+    test $narg = 2 && args="f, g" || args="f * I"
+    disable $func
+    test_ld "cc" "$@" <<EOF && enable $func
+#include <complex.h>
+#include <math.h>
+float foo(complex float f, complex float g) { return $func($args); }
+int main(void){ return (int) foo; }
+    log check_mathfunc "$@"
+    func=$1
+    narg=$2
+    shift 2
+    test $narg = 2 && args="f, g" || args="f"
+    disable $func
+    test_ld "cc" "$@" <<EOF && enable $func
+#include <math.h>
+float foo(float f, float g) { return $func($args); }
+int main(void){ return (int) foo; }
+    log check_func_headers "$@"
+    headers=$1
+    funcs=$2
+    shift 2
+    {
+        for hdr in $headers; do
+            print_include $hdr
+        done
+        echo "#include <stdint.h>"
+        for func in $funcs; do
+            echo "long check_$func(void) { return (long) $func; }"
+        done
+        echo "int main(void) { int ret = 0;"
+        # LTO could optimize out the test functions without this
+        for func in $funcs; do
+            echo " ret |= ((intptr_t)check_$func) & 0xFFFF;"
+        done
+        echo "return ret; }"
+    } | test_ld "cc" "$@" && enable $funcs && enable_sanitized $headers
+    log check_class_headers_cpp "$@"
+    headers=$1
+    classes=$2
+    shift 2
+    {
+        for hdr in $headers; do
+            echo "#include <$hdr>"
+        done
+        echo "int main(void) { "
+        i=1
+        for class in $classes; do
+            echo "$class obj$i;"
+            i=$(expr $i + 1)
+        done
+        echo "return 0; }"
+    } | test_ld "cxx" "$@" && enable $funcs && enable_sanitized $headers
+    log test_cpp_condition "$@"
+    header=$1
+    condition=$2
+    shift 2
+    test_cpp "$@" <<EOF
+#include <$header>
+#if !($condition)
+#error "unsatisfied condition: $condition"
+    log check_cpp_condition "$@"
+    name=$1
+    shift 1
+    disable $name
+    test_cpp_condition "$@" && enable $name
+    log test_cflags_cc "$@"
+    flags=$1
+    header=$2
+    condition=$3
+    shift 3
+    set -- $($cflags_filter "$flags")
+    test_cc "$@" <<EOF
+#include <$header>
+#if !($condition)
+#error "unsatisfied condition: $condition"
+    log check_lib "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    headers="$2"
+    funcs="$3"
+    shift 3
+    disable $name
+    check_func_headers "$headers" "$funcs" "$@" &&
+        enable $name && eval ${name}_extralibs="\$@"
+    log check_lib_cpp "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    headers="$2"
+    classes="$3"
+    shift 3
+    disable $name
+    check_class_headers_cpp "$headers" "$classes" "$@" &&
+        enable $name && eval ${name}_extralibs="\$@"
+    log test_pkg_config "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    pkg_version="$2"
+    pkg="${2%% *}"
+    headers="$3"
+    funcs="$4"
+    shift 4
+    disable $name
+    test_cmd $pkg_config --exists --print-errors $pkg_version || return
+    pkg_cflags=$($pkg_config --cflags $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
+    pkg_libs=$($pkg_config --libs $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
+    check_func_headers "$headers" "$funcs" $pkg_cflags $pkg_libs "$@" &&
+        enable $name &&
+        set_sanitized "${name}_cflags"    $pkg_cflags &&
+        set_sanitized "${name}_extralibs" $pkg_libs
+    log check_pkg_config "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    test_pkg_config "$@" &&
+        eval add_cflags \$${name}_cflags
+    test_ld "cc" "$@" && { enabled cross_compile || $TMPE >> $logfile 2>&1; }
+    log check_exec_crash "$@"
+    code=$(cat)
+    # exit() is not async signal safe.  _Exit (C99) and _exit (POSIX)
+    # are safe but may not be available everywhere.  Thus we use
+    # raise(SIGTERM) instead.  The check is run in a subshell so we
+    # can redirect the "Terminated" message from the shell.  SIGBUS
+    # is not defined by standard C so it is used conditionally.
+    (test_exec "$@") >> $logfile 2>&1 <<EOF
+#include <signal.h>
+static void sighandler(int sig){
+    raise(SIGTERM);
+int foo(void){
+    $code
+int (*func_ptr)(void) = foo;
+int main(void){
+    signal(SIGILL, sighandler);
+    signal(SIGFPE, sighandler);
+    signal(SIGSEGV, sighandler);
+#ifdef SIGBUS
+    signal(SIGBUS, sighandler);
+    return func_ptr();
+    log check_type "$@"
+    headers=$1
+    type=$2
+    shift 2
+    disable_sanitized "$type"
+    test_code cc "$headers" "$type v" "$@" && enable_sanitized "$type"
+    log check_struct "$@"
+    headers=$1
+    struct=$2
+    member=$3
+    shift 3
+    disable_sanitized "${struct}_${member}"
+    test_code cc "$headers" "const void *p = &(($struct *)0)->$member" "$@" &&
+        enable_sanitized "${struct}_${member}"
+    log check_builtin "$@"
+    name=$1
+    headers=$2
+    builtin=$3
+    shift 3
+    disable "$name"
+    test_code ld "$headers" "$builtin" "cc" "$@" && enable "$name"
+    log check_compile_assert "$@"
+    name=$1
+    headers=$2
+    condition=$3
+    shift 3
+    disable "$name"
+    test_code cc "$headers" "char c[2 * !!($condition) - 1]" "$@" && enable "$name"
+    log check_cc "$@"
+    name=$1
+    shift
+    disable "$name"
+    test_code cc "$@" && enable "$name"
+    log require "$@"
+    name_version="$1"
+    name="${1%% *}"
+    shift
+    check_lib $name "$@" || die "ERROR: $name_version not found"
+    log require_cc "$@"
+    name="$1"
+    check_cc "$@" || die "ERROR: $name failed"
+    log require_cpp "$@"
+    name_version="$1"
+    name="${1%% *}"
+    shift
+    check_lib_cpp "$name" "$@" || die "ERROR: $name_version not found"
+    log require_headers "$@"
+    headers="$1"
+    check_headers "$@" || die "ERROR: $headers not found"
+    log require_cpp_condition "$@"
+    condition="$3"
+    check_cpp_condition "$@" || die "ERROR: $condition not satisfied"
+    log require_pkg_config "$@"
+    pkg_version="$2"
+    check_pkg_config "$@" || die "ERROR: $pkg_version not found using pkg-config$pkg_config_fail_message"
+    log test_host_cc "$@"
+    cat > $TMPC
+    log_file $TMPC
+    test_cmd $host_cc $host_cflags "$@" $HOSTCC_C $(hostcc_o $TMPO) $TMPC
+    log test_host_cpp "$@"
+    cat > $TMPC
+    log_file $TMPC
+    test_cmd $host_cc $host_cppflags $host_cflags "$@" $(hostcc_e $TMPO) $TMPC
+    log check_host_cppflags "$@"
+    test_host_cpp "$@" <<EOF && append host_cppflags "$@"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+    log check_host_cflags "$@"
+    set -- $($host_cflags_filter "$@")
+    test_host_cc "$@" <<EOF && append host_cflags "$@"
+int x;
+    log test_host_cpp_condition "$@"
+    header=$1
+    condition=$2
+    shift 2
+    test_host_cpp "$@" <<EOF
+#include <$header>
+#if !($condition)
+#error "unsatisfied condition: $condition"
+    log check_host_cpp_condition "$@"
+    name=$1
+    shift 1
+    disable $name
+    test_host_cpp_condition "$@" && enable $name
+    cmp -s "$1" "$2" && { test "$quiet" != "yes" && echo "$2 is unchanged"; } && return
+    mkdir -p "$(dirname $2)"
+    cp -f "$1" "$2"
+# CONFIG_LIST contains configurable options, while HAVE_LIST is for
+# system-dependent things.
+    bsfs
+    decoders
+    encoders
+    hwaccels
+    parsers
+    indevs
+    outdevs
+    filters
+    demuxers
+    muxers
+    protocols
+    avio_list_dir_example
+    avio_reading_example
+    decode_audio_example
+    decode_video_example
+    demuxing_decoding_example
+    encode_audio_example
+    encode_video_example
+    extract_mvs_example
+    filter_audio_example
+    filtering_audio_example
+    filtering_video_example
+    http_multiclient_example
+    hw_decode_example
+    metadata_example
+    muxing_example
+    qsvdec_example
+    remuxing_example
+    resampling_audio_example
+    scaling_video_example
+    transcode_aac_example
+    transcoding_example
+    vaapi_encode_example
+    vaapi_transcode_example
+    alsa
+    appkit
+    avfoundation
+    bzlib
+    coreimage
+    iconv
+    libxcb
+    libxcb_shm
+    libxcb_shape
+    libxcb_xfixes
+    lzma
+    mediafoundation
+    schannel
+    sdl2
+    securetransport
+    sndio
+    xlib
+    zlib
+    avisynth
+    frei0r
+    libcdio
+    libdavs2
+    librubberband
+    libvidstab
+    libx264
+    libx265
+    libxavs
+    libxavs2
+    libxvid
+    decklink
+    libfdk_aac
+    openssl
+    libtls
+    gmp
+    libaribb24
+    liblensfun
+    libopencore_amrnb
+    libopencore_amrwb
+    libvo_amrwbenc
+    mbedtls
+    rkmpp
+    libsmbclient
+    chromaprint
+    gcrypt
+    gnutls
+    jni
+    ladspa
+    libaom
+    libass
+    libbluray
+    libbs2b
+    libcaca
+    libcelt
+    libcodec2
+    libdav1d
+    libdc1394
+    libdrm
+    libflite
+    libfontconfig
+    libfreetype
+    libfribidi
+    libglslang
+    libgme
+    libgsm
+    libiec61883
+    libilbc
+    libjack
+    libklvanc
+    libkvazaar
+    libmodplug
+    libmp3lame
+    libmysofa
+    libopencv
+    libopenh264
+    libopenjpeg
+    libopenmpt
+    libopenvino
+    libopus
+    libpulse
+    librabbitmq
+    librav1e
+    librist
+    librsvg
+    librtmp
+    libshine
+    libsmbclient
+    libsnappy
+    libsoxr
+    libspeex
+    libsrt
+    libssh
+    libsvtav1
+    libtensorflow
+    libtesseract
+    libtheora
+    libtwolame
+    libuavs3d
+    libv4l2
+    libvmaf
+    libvorbis
+    libvpx
+    libwebp
+    libxml2
+    libzimg
+    libzmq
+    libzvbi
+    lv2
+    mediacodec
+    openal
+    opengl
+    pocketsphinx
+    vapoursynth
+    amf
+    audiotoolbox
+    crystalhd
+    cuda
+    cuda_llvm
+    cuvid
+    d3d11va
+    dxva2
+    ffnvcodec
+    nvdec
+    nvenc
+    vaapi
+    vdpau
+    videotoolbox
+    v4l2_m2m
+    xvmc
+# catchall list of things that require external libs to link
+    cpu_init
+    cws2fws
+    cuda_nvcc
+    cuda_sdk
+    libnpp
+    libmfx
+    mmal
+    omx
+    opencl
+    vulkan
+    doc
+    htmlpages
+    manpages
+    podpages
+    txtpages
+    ftrapv
+    gray
+    hardcoded_tables
+    omx_rpi
+    omx_img
+    runtime_cpudetect
+    safe_bitstream_reader
+    shared
+    small
+    static
+    swscale_alpha
+# this list should be kept in linking order
+    avdevice
+    avfilter
+    swscale
+    postproc
+    avformat
+    avcodec
+    swresample
+    avresample
+    avutil
+    gpl
+    nonfree
+    version3
+    ffplay
+    ffprobe
+    ffmpeg
+    dct
+    dwt
+    error_resilience
+    faan
+    fast_unaligned
+    fft
+    lsp
+    lzo
+    mdct
+    pixelutils
+    network
+    rdft
+# COMPONENT_LIST needs to come last to ensure correct dependency checking
+    autodetect
+    fontconfig
+    large_tests
+    linux_perf
+    memory_poisoning
+    neon_clobber_test
+    ossfuzz
+    pic
+    thumb
+    valgrind_backtrace
+    xmm_clobber_test
+    pthreads
+    os2threads
+    w32threads
+    atomics_gcc
+    atomics_suncc
+    atomics_win32
+    aarch64
+    alpha
+    arm
+    avr32
+    avr32_ap
+    avr32_uc
+    bfin
+    ia64
+    m68k
+    mips
+    mips64
+    parisc
+    ppc
+    ppc64
+    s390
+    sh4
+    sparc
+    sparc64
+    tilegx
+    tilepro
+    tomi
+    x86
+    x86_32
+    x86_64
+    armv5te
+    armv6
+    armv6t2
+    armv8
+    neon
+    vfp
+    vfpv3
+    setend
+    mipsfpu
+    mips32r2
+    mips32r5
+    mips64r2
+    mips32r6
+    mips64r6
+    mipsdsp
+    mipsdspr2
+    msa
+    msa2
+    loongson2
+    loongson3
+    mmi
+    aesni
+    amd3dnow
+    amd3dnowext
+    avx
+    avx2
+    avx512
+    fma3
+    fma4
+    mmx
+    mmxext
+    sse
+    sse2
+    sse3
+    sse4
+    sse42
+    ssse3
+    xop
+    altivec
+    dcbzl
+    ldbrx
+    power8
+    ppc4xx
+    vsx
+    cpunop
+    i686
+    aligned_stack
+    fast_64bit
+    fast_clz
+    fast_cmov
+    local_aligned
+    simd_align_16
+    simd_align_32
+    simd_align_64
+    atomic_cas_ptr
+    machine_rw_barrier
+    MemoryBarrier
+    mm_empty
+    rdtsc
+    sem_timedwait
+    sync_val_compare_and_swap
+    inline_asm
+    symver
+    x86asm
+    bigendian
+    fast_unaligned
+    arpa_inet_h
+    asm_types_h
+    cdio_paranoia_h
+    cdio_paranoia_paranoia_h
+    cuda_h
+    dispatch_dispatch_h
+    dev_bktr_ioctl_bt848_h
+    dev_bktr_ioctl_meteor_h
+    dev_ic_bt8xx_h
+    dev_video_bktr_ioctl_bt848_h
+    dev_video_meteor_ioctl_meteor_h
+    direct_h
+    dirent_h
+    dxgidebug_h
+    dxva_h
+    ES2_gl_h
+    gsm_h
+    io_h
+    linux_dma_buf_h
+    linux_perf_event_h
+    machine_ioctl_bt848_h
+    machine_ioctl_meteor_h
+    malloc_h
+    opencv2_core_core_c_h
+    OpenGL_gl3_h
+    poll_h
+    sys_param_h
+    sys_resource_h
+    sys_select_h
+    sys_soundcard_h
+    sys_time_h
+    sys_un_h
+    sys_videoio_h
+    termios_h
+    udplite_h
+    unistd_h
+    valgrind_valgrind_h
+    windows_h
+    winsock2_h
+    intrinsics_neon
+    cabs
+    cexp
+    atanf
+    atan2f
+    cbrt
+    cbrtf
+    copysign
+    cosf
+    erf
+    exp2
+    exp2f
+    expf
+    hypot
+    isfinite
+    isinf
+    isnan
+    ldexpf
+    llrint
+    llrintf
+    log2
+    log2f
+    log10f
+    lrint
+    lrintf
+    powf
+    rint
+    round
+    roundf
+    sinf
+    trunc
+    truncf
+    dos_paths
+    libc_msvcrt
+    section_data_rel_ro
+    threads
+    uwp
+    winrt
+    access
+    aligned_malloc
+    arc4random
+    clock_gettime
+    closesocket
+    CommandLineToArgvW
+    fcntl
+    getaddrinfo
+    gethrtime
+    getopt
+    GetModuleHandle
+    GetProcessAffinityMask
+    GetProcessMemoryInfo
+    GetProcessTimes
+    getrusage
+    GetStdHandle
+    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
+    gettimeofday
+    glob
+    glXGetProcAddress
+    gmtime_r
+    inet_aton
+    isatty
+    kbhit
+    localtime_r
+    lstat
+    lzo1x_999_compress
+    mach_absolute_time
+    MapViewOfFile
+    memalign
+    mkstemp
+    mmap
+    mprotect
+    nanosleep
+    PeekNamedPipe
+    posix_memalign
+    pthread_cancel
+    sched_getaffinity
+    SecItemImport
+    SetConsoleTextAttribute
+    SetConsoleCtrlHandler
+    SetDllDirectory
+    setmode
+    setrlimit
+    Sleep
+    strerror_r
+    sysconf
+    sysctl
+    usleep
+    UTGetOSTypeFromString
+    VirtualAlloc
+    wglGetProcAddress
+    bcrypt
+    vaapi_drm
+    vaapi_x11
+    vdpau_x11
+    as_arch_directive
+    as_dn_directive
+    as_fpu_directive
+    as_func
+    as_object_arch
+    asm_mod_q
+    blocks_extension
+    ebp_available
+    ebx_available
+    gnu_as
+    gnu_windres
+    ibm_asm
+    inline_asm_direct_symbol_refs
+    inline_asm_labels
+    inline_asm_nonlocal_labels
+    pragma_deprecated
+    rsync_contimeout
+    symver_asm_label
+    symver_gnu_asm
+    vfp_args
+    xform_asm
+    xmm_clobbers
+    kCMVideoCodecType_HEVC
+    kCMVideoCodecType_HEVCWithAlpha
+    kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr10BiPlanarVideoRange
+    kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_SMPTE_ST_2084_PQ
+    kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_ITU_R_2100_HLG
+    kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_Linear
+    socklen_t
+    struct_addrinfo
+    struct_group_source_req
+    struct_ip_mreq_source
+    struct_ipv6_mreq
+    struct_msghdr_msg_flags
+    struct_pollfd
+    struct_rusage_ru_maxrss
+    struct_sctp_event_subscribe
+    struct_sockaddr_in6
+    struct_sockaddr_sa_len
+    struct_sockaddr_storage
+    struct_stat_st_mtim_tv_nsec
+    struct_v4l2_frmivalenum_discrete
+    $(add_suffix _external $ARCH_EXT_LIST)
+    $(add_suffix _inline   $ARCH_EXT_LIST)
+    libdrm_getfb2
+    makeinfo
+    makeinfo_html
+    opencl_d3d11
+    opencl_drm_arm
+    opencl_drm_beignet
+    opencl_dxva2
+    opencl_vaapi_beignet
+    opencl_vaapi_intel_media
+    perl
+    pod2man
+    texi2html
+# options emitted with CONFIG_ prefix but not available on the command line
+    aandcttables
+    ac3dsp
+    adts_header
+    atsc_a53
+    audio_frame_queue
+    audiodsp
+    blockdsp
+    bswapdsp
+    cabac
+    cbs
+    cbs_av1
+    cbs_h264
+    cbs_h265
+    cbs_jpeg
+    cbs_mpeg2
+    cbs_vp9
+    dirac_parse
+    dnn
+    dvprofile
+    exif
+    faandct
+    faanidct
+    fdctdsp
+    flacdsp
+    fmtconvert
+    frame_thread_encoder
+    g722dsp
+    golomb
+    gplv3
+    h263dsp
+    h264chroma
+    h264dsp
+    h264parse
+    h264pred
+    h264qpel
+    hevcparse
+    hpeldsp
+    huffman
+    huffyuvdsp
+    huffyuvencdsp
+    idctdsp
+    iirfilter
+    mdct15
+    intrax8
+    iso_media
+    ividsp
+    jpegtables
+    lgplv3
+    libx262
+    llauddsp
+    llviddsp
+    llvidencdsp
+    lpc
+    lzf
+    me_cmp
+    mpeg_er
+    mpegaudio
+    mpegaudiodsp
+    mpegaudioheader
+    mpegvideo
+    mpegvideoenc
+    mss34dsp
+    pixblockdsp
+    qpeldsp
+    qsv
+    qsvdec
+    qsvenc
+    qsvvpp
+    rangecoder
+    riffdec
+    riffenc
+    rtpdec
+    rtpenc_chain
+    rv34dsp
+    scene_sad
+    sinewin
+    snappy
+    srtp
+    startcode
+    texturedsp
+    texturedspenc
+    tpeldsp
+    vaapi_1
+    vaapi_encode
+    vc1dsp
+    videodsp
+    vp3dsp
+    vp56dsp
+    vp8dsp
+    wma_freqs
+    wmv2dsp
+    asm
+    cross_compile
+    debug
+    extra_warnings
+    logging
+    lto
+    optimizations
+    rpath
+    stripping
+    bindir
+    datadir
+    docdir
+    incdir
+    libdir
+    mandir
+    pkgconfigdir
+    prefix
+    shlibdir
+    install_name_dir
+    ar
+    arch
+    as
+    assert_level
+    build_suffix
+    cc
+    objcc
+    cpu
+    cross_prefix
+    custom_allocator
+    cxx
+    dep_cc
+    doxygen
+    env
+    extra_version
+    gas
+    host_cc
+    host_cflags
+    host_extralibs
+    host_ld
+    host_ldflags
+    host_os
+    ignore_tests
+    install
+    ld
+    ln_s
+    logfile
+    malloc_prefix
+    nm
+    optflags
+    nvcc
+    nvccflags
+    pkg_config
+    pkg_config_flags
+    progs_suffix
+    random_seed
+    ranlib
+    samples
+    strip
+    sws_max_filter_size
+    sysinclude
+    sysroot
+    target_exec
+    target_os
+    target_path
+    target_samples
+    tempprefix
+    toolchain
+    valgrind
+    windres
+    x86asmexe
+    extra_cflags
+    extra_cxxflags
+    extra_objcflags
+    host_cppflags
+# code dependency declarations
+# architecture extensions
+neon_deps_any="aarch64 arm"
+vfp_deps_any="aarch64 arm"
+map 'eval ${v}_inline_deps=inline_asm' $ARCH_EXT_LIST_ARM
+mmi_deps_any="loongson2 loongson3"
+mmx_inline_deps="inline_asm x86"
+mmx_suggest="mmx_external mmx_inline"
+for ext in $(filter_out mmx $ARCH_EXT_LIST_X86_SIMD); do
+    eval dep=\$${ext}_deps
+    eval ${ext}_external_deps='"${dep}_external"'
+    eval ${ext}_inline_deps='"${dep}_inline"'
+    eval ${ext}_suggest='"${ext}_external ${ext}_inline"'
+aligned_stack_if_any="aarch64 ppc x86"
+fast_64bit_if_any="aarch64 alpha ia64 mips64 parisc64 ppc64 sparc64 x86_64"
+fast_clz_if_any="aarch64 alpha avr32 mips ppc x86"
+fast_unaligned_if_any="aarch64 ppc x86"
+simd_align_16_if_any="altivec neon sse"
+# system capabilities
+symver_if_any="symver_asm_label symver_gnu_asm"
+# threading support
+atomics_suncc_if="atomic_cas_ptr machine_rw_barrier"
+# subsystems
+dnn_suggest="libtensorflow libopenvino"
+hevcparse_select="atsc_a53 golomb"
+frame_thread_encoder_deps="encoders threads"
+intrax8_select="blockdsp idctdsp"
+me_cmp_select="fdctdsp idctdsp pixblockdsp"
+mpegaudio_select="mpegaudiodsp mpegaudioheader"
+mpegvideo_select="blockdsp h264chroma hpeldsp idctdsp me_cmp mpeg_er videodsp"
+mpegvideoenc_select="aandcttables me_cmp mpegvideo pixblockdsp qpeldsp"
+vc1dsp_select="h264chroma qpeldsp startcode"
+# decoders / encoders
+aac_decoder_select="adts_header mdct15 mdct sinewin"
+aac_fixed_decoder_select="adts_header mdct"
+aac_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue iirfilter lpc mdct sinewin"
+aac_latm_decoder_select="aac_decoder aac_latm_parser"
+ac3_decoder_select="ac3_parser ac3dsp bswapdsp fmtconvert mdct"
+ac3_fixed_decoder_select="ac3_parser ac3dsp bswapdsp mdct"
+ac3_encoder_select="ac3dsp audiodsp mdct me_cmp"
+ac3_fixed_encoder_select="ac3dsp audiodsp mdct me_cmp"
+aic_decoder_select="golomb idctdsp"
+amv_decoder_select="sp5x_decoder exif"
+amv_encoder_select="jpegtables mpegvideoenc"
+ape_decoder_select="bswapdsp llauddsp"
+asv1_decoder_select="blockdsp bswapdsp idctdsp"
+asv1_encoder_select="aandcttables bswapdsp fdctdsp pixblockdsp"
+asv2_decoder_select="blockdsp bswapdsp idctdsp"
+asv2_encoder_select="aandcttables bswapdsp fdctdsp pixblockdsp"
+atrac1_decoder_select="mdct sinewin"
+atrac3p_decoder_select="mdct sinewin"
+atrac3pal_decoder_select="mdct sinewin"
+bink_decoder_select="blockdsp hpeldsp"
+binkaudio_dct_decoder_select="mdct rdft dct sinewin wma_freqs"
+binkaudio_rdft_decoder_select="mdct rdft sinewin wma_freqs"
+cavs_decoder_select="blockdsp golomb h264chroma idctdsp qpeldsp videodsp"
+cook_decoder_select="audiodsp mdct sinewin"
+dirac_decoder_select="dirac_parse dwt golomb videodsp mpegvideoenc"
+dnxhd_decoder_select="blockdsp idctdsp"
+dnxhd_encoder_select="blockdsp fdctdsp idctdsp mpegvideoenc pixblockdsp"
+dvvideo_decoder_select="dvprofile idctdsp"
+dvvideo_encoder_select="dvprofile fdctdsp me_cmp pixblockdsp"
+dxv_decoder_select="lzf texturedsp"
+eamad_decoder_select="aandcttables blockdsp bswapdsp idctdsp mpegvideo"
+eatqi_decoder_select="aandcttables blockdsp bswapdsp idctdsp"
+flac_encoder_select="bswapdsp flacdsp lpc"
+fourxm_decoder_select="blockdsp bswapdsp"
+fraps_decoder_select="bswapdsp huffman"
+g2m_decoder_select="blockdsp idctdsp jpegtables"
+h263_decoder_select="h263_parser h263dsp mpegvideo qpeldsp"
+h263_encoder_select="h263dsp mpegvideoenc"
+h264_decoder_select="atsc_a53 cabac golomb h264chroma h264dsp h264parse h264pred h264qpel videodsp"
+hap_decoder_select="snappy texturedsp"
+hevc_decoder_select="atsc_a53 bswapdsp cabac golomb hevcparse videodsp"
+huffyuv_decoder_select="bswapdsp huffyuvdsp llviddsp"
+huffyuv_encoder_select="bswapdsp huffman huffyuvencdsp llvidencdsp"
+imc_decoder_select="bswapdsp fft mdct sinewin"
+imm5_decoder_select="h264_decoder hevc_decoder"
+ljpeg_encoder_select="idctdsp jpegtables"
+mdec_decoder_select="blockdsp bswapdsp idctdsp mpegvideo"
+metasound_decoder_select="lsp mdct sinewin"
+mimic_decoder_select="blockdsp bswapdsp hpeldsp idctdsp"
+mjpeg_decoder_select="blockdsp hpeldsp exif idctdsp jpegtables"
+mjpeg_encoder_select="jpegtables mpegvideoenc"
+mlp_encoder_select="lpc audio_frame_queue"
+mobiclip_decoder_select="bswapdsp golomb"
+mpc7_decoder_select="bswapdsp mpegaudiodsp"
+mpeg1video_encoder_select="mpegvideoenc h263dsp"
+mpeg2video_encoder_select="mpegvideoenc h263dsp"
+mpeg4_decoder_select="h263_decoder mpeg4video_parser"
+mss2_decoder_select="mpegvideo qpeldsp vc1_decoder"
+mts2_decoder_select="jpegtables mss34dsp"
+mv30_decoder_select="aandcttables blockdsp"
+nellymoser_decoder_select="mdct sinewin"
+nellymoser_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue mdct sinewin"
+nuv_decoder_select="idctdsp lzo"
+opus_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue mdct15"
+prores_decoder_select="blockdsp idctdsp"
+qdm2_decoder_select="mdct rdft mpegaudiodsp"
+ra_144_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue lpc audiodsp"
+rv30_decoder_select="golomb h264pred h264qpel mpegvideo rv34dsp"
+rv40_decoder_select="golomb h264pred h264qpel mpegvideo rv34dsp"
+snow_decoder_select="dwt h264qpel hpeldsp me_cmp rangecoder videodsp"
+snow_encoder_select="dwt h264qpel hpeldsp me_cmp mpegvideoenc rangecoder"
+sonic_decoder_select="golomb rangecoder"
+sonic_encoder_select="golomb rangecoder"
+sonic_ls_encoder_select="golomb rangecoder"
+svq1_encoder_select="hpeldsp me_cmp mpegvideoenc"
+svq3_decoder_select="golomb h264dsp h264parse h264pred hpeldsp tpeldsp videodsp"
+tiff_decoder_suggest="zlib lzma"
+truehd_encoder_select="lpc audio_frame_queue"
+twinvq_decoder_select="mdct lsp sinewin"
+utvideo_decoder_select="bswapdsp llviddsp"
+utvideo_encoder_select="bswapdsp huffman llvidencdsp"
+vc1_decoder_select="blockdsp h263_decoder h264qpel intrax8 mpegvideo vc1dsp"
+vorbis_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue mdct"
+vp3_decoder_select="hpeldsp vp3dsp videodsp"
+vp5_decoder_select="h264chroma hpeldsp videodsp vp3dsp vp56dsp"
+vp6_decoder_select="h264chroma hpeldsp huffman videodsp vp3dsp vp56dsp"
+vp7_decoder_select="h264pred videodsp vp8dsp"
+vp8_decoder_select="h264pred videodsp vp8dsp"
+vp9_decoder_select="videodsp vp9_parser vp9_superframe_split_bsf"
+webp_decoder_select="vp8_decoder exif"
+wmapro_decoder_select="mdct sinewin wma_freqs"
+wmav1_decoder_select="mdct sinewin wma_freqs"
+wmav1_encoder_select="mdct sinewin wma_freqs"
+wmav2_decoder_select="mdct sinewin wma_freqs"
+wmav2_encoder_select="mdct sinewin wma_freqs"
+wmavoice_decoder_select="lsp rdft dct mdct sinewin"
+wmv2_decoder_select="blockdsp error_resilience h263_decoder idctdsp intrax8 videodsp wmv2dsp"
+wmv2_encoder_select="h263_encoder wmv2dsp"
+# hardware accelerators
+d3d11va_deps="dxva_h ID3D11VideoDecoder ID3D11VideoContext"
+dxva2_deps="dxva2api_h DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode ole32 user32"
+ffnvcodec_deps_any="libdl LoadLibrary"
+videotoolbox_hwaccel_deps="videotoolbox pthreads"
+videotoolbox_hwaccel_extralibs="-framework QuartzCore"
+av1_d3d11va_hwaccel_deps="d3d11va DXVA_PicParams_AV1"
+av1_d3d11va2_hwaccel_deps="d3d11va DXVA_PicParams_AV1"
+av1_dxva2_hwaccel_deps="dxva2 DXVA_PicParams_AV1"
+av1_nvdec_hwaccel_deps="nvdec CUVIDAV1PICPARAMS"
+av1_vaapi_hwaccel_deps="vaapi VADecPictureParameterBufferAV1_bit_depth_idx"
+hevc_d3d11va_hwaccel_deps="d3d11va DXVA_PicParams_HEVC"
+hevc_d3d11va2_hwaccel_deps="d3d11va DXVA_PicParams_HEVC"
+hevc_dxva2_hwaccel_deps="dxva2 DXVA_PicParams_HEVC"
+hevc_vaapi_hwaccel_deps="vaapi VAPictureParameterBufferHEVC"
+hevc_vdpau_hwaccel_deps="vdpau VdpPictureInfoHEVC"
+vp9_d3d11va_hwaccel_deps="d3d11va DXVA_PicParams_VP9"
+vp9_d3d11va2_hwaccel_deps="d3d11va DXVA_PicParams_VP9"
+vp9_dxva2_hwaccel_deps="dxva2 DXVA_PicParams_VP9"
+vp9_vaapi_hwaccel_deps="vaapi VADecPictureParameterBufferVP9_bit_depth"
+vp9_vdpau_hwaccel_deps="vdpau VdpPictureInfoVP9"
+# hardware-accelerated codecs
+mediafoundation_deps="mftransform_h MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer"
+mediafoundation_extralibs="-lmfplat -lmfuuid -lole32 -lstrmiids"
+omx_deps="libdl pthreads"
+v4l2_m2m_deps="linux_videodev2_h sem_timedwait"
+scale_npp_filter_deps="ffnvcodec libnpp"
+scale_cuda_filter_deps_any="cuda_nvcc cuda_llvm"
+thumbnail_cuda_filter_deps_any="cuda_nvcc cuda_llvm"
+transpose_npp_filter_deps="ffnvcodec libnpp"
+overlay_cuda_filter_deps_any="cuda_nvcc cuda_llvm"
+amf_deps_any="libdl LoadLibrary"
+nvenc_deps_any="libdl LoadLibrary"
+av1_cuvid_decoder_deps="cuvid CUVIDAV1PICPARAMS"
+h263_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m h263_v4l2_m2m"
+h263_v4l2m2m_encoder_deps="v4l2_m2m h263_v4l2_m2m"
+h264_crystalhd_decoder_select="crystalhd h264_mp4toannexb_bsf h264_parser"
+h264_mediacodec_decoder_select="h264_mp4toannexb_bsf h264_parser"
+h264_qsv_decoder_select="h264_mp4toannexb_bsf qsvdec"
+h264_qsv_encoder_select="atsc_a53 qsvenc"
+h264_vaapi_encoder_select="cbs_h264 vaapi_encode"
+h264_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m h264_v4l2_m2m"
+h264_v4l2m2m_encoder_deps="v4l2_m2m h264_v4l2_m2m"
+hevc_mediacodec_decoder_select="hevc_mp4toannexb_bsf hevc_parser"
+hevc_qsv_decoder_select="hevc_mp4toannexb_bsf qsvdec"
+hevc_qsv_encoder_select="hevcparse qsvenc"
+hevc_vaapi_encoder_select="cbs_h265 vaapi_encode"
+hevc_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m hevc_v4l2_m2m"
+hevc_v4l2m2m_encoder_deps="v4l2_m2m hevc_v4l2_m2m"
+mjpeg_vaapi_encoder_select="cbs_jpeg jpegtables vaapi_encode"
+mpeg1_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m mpeg1_v4l2_m2m"
+mpeg2_vaapi_encoder_select="cbs_mpeg2 vaapi_encode"
+mpeg2_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m mpeg2_v4l2_m2m"
+mpeg4_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m mpeg4_v4l2_m2m"
+mpeg4_v4l2m2m_encoder_deps="v4l2_m2m mpeg4_v4l2_m2m"
+vc1_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m vc1_v4l2_m2m"
+vp8_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m vp8_v4l2_m2m"
+vp8_v4l2m2m_encoder_deps="v4l2_m2m vp8_v4l2_m2m"
+vp9_qsv_encoder_deps="libmfx MFX_CODEC_VP9"
+vp9_v4l2m2m_decoder_deps="v4l2_m2m vp9_v4l2_m2m"
+# parsers
+h264_parser_select="atsc_a53 golomb h264dsp h264parse"
+mpeg4video_parser_select="h263dsp mpegvideo qpeldsp"
+# bitstream_filters
+# external libraries
+avisynth_deps_any="libdl LoadLibrary"
+h264_videotoolbox_encoder_select="atsc_a53 videotoolbox_encoder"
+hevc_videotoolbox_encoder_select="atsc_a53 videotoolbox_encoder"
+libmp3lame_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue mpegaudioheader"
+libshine_encoder_select="audio_frame_queue mpegaudioheader"
+libvorbis_encoder_deps="libvorbis libvorbisenc"
+libx264rgb_encoder_deps="libx264 x264_csp_bgr"
+videotoolbox_deps="corefoundation coremedia corevideo"
+videotoolbox_encoder_deps="videotoolbox VTCompressionSessionPrepareToEncodeFrames"
+# demuxers / muxers
+av1_demuxer_select="av1_frame_merge_bsf av1_parser"
+avi_demuxer_select="riffdec exif"
+hls_muxer_suggest="gcrypt openssl"
+ivf_muxer_select="av1_metadata_bsf vp9_superframe_bsf"
+matroska_demuxer_suggest="bzlib lzo zlib"
+matroska_muxer_select="riffenc vp9_superframe_bsf aac_adtstoasc_bsf"
+mov_demuxer_select="iso_media riffdec"
+mov_muxer_select="iso_media riffenc rtpenc_chain vp9_superframe_bsf aac_adtstoasc_bsf"
+mpegts_muxer_select="ac3_parser adts_muxer latm_muxer h264_mp4toannexb_bsf hevc_mp4toannexb_bsf"
+mxf_muxer_select="golomb pcm_rechunk_bsf"
+obu_demuxer_select="av1_frame_merge_bsf av1_parser"
+rtp_muxer_select="golomb jpegtables"
+rtp_mpegts_muxer_select="mpegts_muxer rtp_muxer"
+rtpdec_select="asf_demuxer jpegtables mov_demuxer mpegts_demuxer rm_demuxer rtp_protocol srtp"
+rtsp_demuxer_select="http_protocol rtpdec"
+rtsp_muxer_select="rtp_muxer http_protocol rtp_protocol rtpenc_chain"
+sap_muxer_select="rtp_muxer rtp_protocol rtpenc_chain"
+wtv_demuxer_select="mpegts_demuxer riffdec"
+wtv_muxer_select="mpegts_muxer riffenc"
+# indevs / outdevs
+android_camera_indev_deps="android camera2ndk mediandk pthreads"
+android_camera_indev_extralibs="-landroid -lcamera2ndk -lmediandk"
+avfoundation_indev_deps="avfoundation corevideo coremedia pthreads"
+avfoundation_indev_suggest="coregraphics applicationservices"
+avfoundation_indev_extralibs="-framework Foundation"
+audiotoolbox_outdev_deps="audiotoolbox pthreads"
+audiotoolbox_outdev_extralibs="-framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreAudio"
+bktr_indev_deps_any="dev_bktr_ioctl_bt848_h machine_ioctl_bt848_h dev_video_bktr_ioctl_bt848_h dev_ic_bt8xx_h"
+decklink_deps_any="libdl LoadLibrary"
+decklink_indev_deps="decklink threads"
+decklink_outdev_deps="decklink threads"
+dshow_indev_extralibs="-lpsapi -lole32 -lstrmiids -luuid -loleaut32 -lshlwapi"
+jack_indev_deps_any="sem_timedwait dispatch_dispatch_h"
+v4l2_indev_deps_any="linux_videodev2_h sys_videoio_h"
+v4l2_outdev_deps_any="linux_videodev2_h sys_videoio_h"
+vfwcap_indev_deps="vfw32 vfwcap_defines"
+xcbgrab_indev_suggest="libxcb_shm libxcb_shape libxcb_xfixes"
+# protocols
+ffrtmpcrypt_protocol_deps_any="gcrypt gmp openssl mbedtls"
+rtmpte_protocol_select="ffrtmpcrypt_protocol ffrtmphttp_protocol"
+rtmpts_protocol_select="ffrtmphttp_protocol https_protocol"
+schannel_conflict="openssl gnutls libtls mbedtls"
+sctp_protocol_deps="struct_sctp_event_subscribe struct_msghdr_msg_flags"
+securetransport_conflict="openssl gnutls libtls mbedtls"
+srtp_protocol_select="rtp_protocol srtp"
+tls_protocol_deps_any="gnutls openssl schannel securetransport libtls mbedtls"
+# external library protocols
+libsmbclient_protocol_deps="libsmbclient gplv3"
+libtls_conflict="openssl gnutls mbedtls"
+# filters
+amovie_filter_deps="avcodec avformat"
+avgblur_vulkan_filter_deps="vulkan libglslang"
+boxblur_opencl_filter_deps="opencl gpl"
+chromaber_vulkan_filter_deps="vulkan libglslang"
+coreimage_filter_deps="coreimage appkit"
+coreimage_filter_extralibs="-framework OpenGL"
+coreimagesrc_filter_deps="coreimage appkit"
+coreimagesrc_filter_extralibs="-framework OpenGL"
+cover_rect_filter_deps="avcodec avformat gpl"
+drawtext_filter_suggest="libfontconfig libfribidi"
+find_rect_filter_deps="avcodec avformat gpl"
+frei0r_filter_deps="frei0r libdl"
+frei0r_src_filter_deps="frei0r libdl"
+ladspa_filter_deps="ladspa libdl"
+lensfun_filter_deps="liblensfun version3"
+mcdeint_filter_deps="avcodec gpl"
+movie_filter_deps="avcodec avformat"
+overlay_vulkan_filter_deps="vulkan libglslang"
+pp_filter_deps="gpl postproc"
+removelogo_filter_deps="avcodec avformat swscale"
+sab_filter_deps="gpl swscale"
+showcqt_filter_deps="avcodec avformat swscale"
+showcqt_filter_suggest="libfontconfig libfreetype"
+signature_filter_deps="gpl avcodec avformat"
+smartblur_filter_deps="gpl swscale"
+sofalizer_filter_deps="libmysofa avcodec"
+spp_filter_deps="gpl avcodec"
+spp_filter_select="fft idctdsp fdctdsp me_cmp pixblockdsp"
+sr_filter_deps="avformat swscale"
+subtitles_filter_deps="avformat avcodec libass"
+tonemap_vaapi_filter_deps="vaapi VAProcFilterParameterBufferHDRToneMapping"
+tonemap_opencl_filter_deps="opencl const_nan"
+transpose_vaapi_filter_deps="vaapi VAProcPipelineCaps_rotation_flags"
+uspp_filter_deps="gpl avcodec"
+libvmaf_filter_deps="libvmaf pthreads"
+zscale_filter_deps="libzimg const_nan"
+scale_vulkan_filter_deps="vulkan libglslang"
+yadif_cuda_filter_deps_any="cuda_nvcc cuda_llvm"
+# examples
+avio_list_dir_deps="avformat avutil"
+avio_reading_deps="avformat avcodec avutil"
+decode_audio_example_deps="avcodec avutil"
+decode_video_example_deps="avcodec avutil"
+demuxing_decoding_example_deps="avcodec avformat avutil"
+encode_audio_example_deps="avcodec avutil"
+encode_video_example_deps="avcodec avutil"
+extract_mvs_example_deps="avcodec avformat avutil"
+filter_audio_example_deps="avfilter avutil"
+filtering_audio_example_deps="avfilter avcodec avformat avutil"
+filtering_video_example_deps="avfilter avcodec avformat avutil"
+http_multiclient_example_deps="avformat avutil fork"
+hw_decode_example_deps="avcodec avformat avutil"
+metadata_example_deps="avformat avutil"
+muxing_example_deps="avcodec avformat avutil swscale"
+qsvdec_example_deps="avcodec avutil libmfx h264_qsv_decoder"
+remuxing_example_deps="avcodec avformat avutil"
+resampling_audio_example_deps="avutil swresample"
+scaling_video_example_deps="avutil swscale"
+transcode_aac_example_deps="avcodec avformat swresample"
+transcoding_example_deps="avfilter avcodec avformat avutil"
+vaapi_encode_example_deps="avcodec avutil h264_vaapi_encoder"
+vaapi_transcode_example_deps="avcodec avformat avutil h264_vaapi_encoder"
+# libraries, in any order
+avcodec_suggest="libm stdatomic"
+avdevice_deps="avformat avcodec avutil"
+avdevice_suggest="libm stdatomic"
+avfilter_suggest="libm stdatomic"
+avformat_deps="avcodec avutil"
+avformat_suggest="libm network zlib stdatomic"
+avutil_suggest="clock_gettime ffnvcodec libm libdrm libmfx opencl user32 vaapi vulkan videotoolbox corefoundation corevideo coremedia bcrypt stdatomic"
+postproc_deps="avutil gpl"
+postproc_suggest="libm stdatomic"
+swresample_suggest="libm libsoxr stdatomic"
+swscale_suggest="libm stdatomic"
+avcodec_extralibs="pthreads_extralibs iconv_extralibs dxva2_extralibs"
+avutil_extralibs="d3d11va_extralibs nanosleep_extralibs pthreads_extralibs vaapi_drm_extralibs vaapi_x11_extralibs vdpau_x11_extralibs"
+# programs
+ffmpeg_deps="avcodec avfilter avformat"
+ffmpeg_select="aformat_filter anull_filter atrim_filter format_filter
+               hflip_filter null_filter
+               transpose_filter trim_filter vflip_filter"
+ffmpeg_suggest="ole32 psapi shell32"
+ffplay_deps="avcodec avformat swscale swresample sdl2"
+ffplay_select="rdft crop_filter transpose_filter hflip_filter vflip_filter rotate_filter"
+ffprobe_deps="avcodec avformat"
+# documentation
+manpages_deps="perl pod2man"
+htmlpages_deps_any="makeinfo_html texi2html"
+txtpages_deps="perl makeinfo"
+doc_deps_any="manpages htmlpages podpages txtpages"
+# default parameters
+# installation paths
+# toolchain
+ln_s_default="ln -s -f"
+nm_default="nm -g"
+# OS
+target_os_default=$(tolower $(uname -s))
+# machine
+if test "$target_os_default" = aix; then
+    arch_default=$(uname -p)
+    strip_default="strip -X32_64"
+    nm_default="nm -g -X32_64"
+    arch_default=$(uname -m)
+# configurable options
+enable $(filter_out avresample $LIBRARY_LIST)
+enable stripping
+enable asm
+enable debug
+enable doc
+enable faan faandct faanidct
+enable large_tests
+enable optimizations
+enable runtime_cpudetect
+enable safe_bitstream_reader
+enable static
+enable swscale_alpha
+enable valgrind_backtrace
+set_default sws_max_filter_size
+# internal components are enabled by default
+# Avoid external, non-system, libraries getting enabled by dependency resolution
+# build settings
+SHFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$$(@F)'
+AS_O='-o $@'
+CC_E='-E -o $@'
+CC_O='-o $@'
+CXX_O='-o $@'
+OBJCC_E='-E -o $@'
+OBJCC_O='-o $@'
+X86ASM_O='-o $@'
+LD_O='-o $@'
+HOSTCC_E='-E -o $@'
+HOSTCC_O='-o $@'
+HOSTLD_O='-o $@'
+NVCC_O='-o $@'
+# since the object filename is not given with the -MM flag, the compiler
+# is only able to print the basename, and we must add the path ourselves
+DEPCMD='$(DEP$(1)) $(DEP$(1)FLAGS) $($(1)DEP_FLAGS) $< 2>/dev/null | sed -e "/^\#.*/d" -e "s,^[[:space:]]*$(@F),$(@D)/$(@F)," > $(@:.o=.d)'
+mkdir -p ffbuild
+# find source path
+if test -f configure; then
+    source_path=.
+elif test -f src/configure; then
+    source_path=src
+    source_path=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
+    case "$source_path" in
+        *[[:blank:]]*) die "Out of tree builds are impossible with whitespace in source path." ;;
+    esac
+    test -e "$source_path/config.h" &&
+        die "Out of tree builds are impossible with config.h in source dir."
+for v in "$@"; do
+    r=${v#*=}
+    l=${v%"$r"}
+    r=$(sh_quote "$r")
+    thing=$1
+    pattern=$2
+    file=$source_path/$3
+    out=${4:-$thing}
+    sed -n "s/^[^#]*extern.*$pattern *ff_\([^ ]*\)_$thing;/\1_$out/p" "$file"
+    file=$source_path/$1
+    sed -n 's/^extern AVFilter ff_[avfsinkrc]\{2,5\}_\([[:alnum:]_]\{1,\}\);/\1_filter/p' $file
+FILTER_LIST=$(find_filters_extern libavfilter/allfilters.c)
+OUTDEV_LIST=$(find_things_extern muxer AVOutputFormat libavdevice/alldevices.c outdev)
+INDEV_LIST=$(find_things_extern demuxer AVInputFormat libavdevice/alldevices.c indev)
+MUXER_LIST=$(find_things_extern muxer AVOutputFormat libavformat/allformats.c)
+DEMUXER_LIST=$(find_things_extern demuxer AVInputFormat libavformat/allformats.c)
+ENCODER_LIST=$(find_things_extern encoder AVCodec libavcodec/allcodecs.c)
+DECODER_LIST=$(find_things_extern decoder AVCodec libavcodec/allcodecs.c)
+PARSER_LIST=$(find_things_extern parser AVCodecParser libavcodec/parsers.c)
+BSF_LIST=$(find_things_extern bsf AVBitStreamFilter libavcodec/bitstream_filters.c)
+HWACCEL_LIST=$(find_things_extern hwaccel AVHWAccel libavcodec/hwaccels.h)
+PROTOCOL_LIST=$(find_things_extern protocol URLProtocol libavformat/protocols.c)
+    $BSF_LIST
+for n in $COMPONENT_LIST; do
+    v=$(toupper ${n%s})_LIST
+    eval enable \$$v
+    eval ${n}_if_any="\$$v"
+enable $ARCH_EXT_LIST
+    echo "Unknown option \"$1\"."
+    echo "See $0 --help for available options."
+    exit 1
+print_in_columns() {
+    tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\r\n' '  ' | awk -v col_width=24 -v width="$ncols" '
+    {
+        num_cols = width > col_width ? int(width / col_width) : 1;
+        num_rows = int((NF + num_cols-1) / num_cols);
+        y = x = 1;
+        for (y = 1; y <= num_rows; y++) {
+            i = y;
+            for (x = 1; x <= num_cols; x++) {
+                if (i <= NF) {
+                  line = sprintf("%s%-" col_width "s", line, $i);
+                }
+                i = i + num_rows;
+            }
+            print line; line = "";
+        }
+    }' | sed 's/ *$//'
+show_list() {
+    suffix=_$1
+    shift
+    echo $* | sed s/$suffix//g | print_in_columns
+    exit 0
+    IFS=', '
+    set -- $*
+    unset IFS
+    for thing; do
+        comp=${thing%:*}
+        prob=${thing#$comp}
+        prob=${prob#:}
+        is_in ${comp} $COMPONENT_LIST && eval comp=\$$(toupper ${comp%s})_LIST
+        echo "prob ${prob:-0.5}"
+        printf '%s\n' $comp
+    done
+    action=$1
+    shift
+    random_seed=$(awk "BEGIN { srand($random_seed); print srand() }")
+    $action $(rand_list "$@" | awk "BEGIN { srand($random_seed) } \$1 == \"prob\" { prob = \$2; next } rand() < prob { print }")
+for opt do
+    optval="${opt#*=}"
+    case "$opt" in
+        --extra-ldflags=*)
+            add_ldflags $optval
+        ;;
+        --extra-ldexeflags=*)
+            add_ldexeflags $optval
+        ;;
+        --extra-ldsoflags=*)
+            add_ldsoflags $optval
+        ;;
+        --extra-ldlibflags=*)
+            warn "The --extra-ldlibflags option is only provided for compatibility and will be\n"\
+                 "removed in the future. Use --extra-ldsoflags instead."
+            add_ldsoflags $optval
+        ;;
+        --extra-libs=*)
+            add_extralibs $optval
+        ;;
+        --disable-devices)
+            disable $INDEV_LIST $OUTDEV_LIST
+        ;;
+        --enable-debug=*)
+            debuglevel="$optval"
+        ;;
+        --disable-programs)
+            disable $PROGRAM_LIST
+        ;;
+        --disable-everything)
+            map 'eval unset \${$(toupper ${v%s})_LIST}' $COMPONENT_LIST
+        ;;
+        --disable-all)
+            map 'eval unset \${$(toupper ${v%s})_LIST}' $COMPONENT_LIST
+            disable $LIBRARY_LIST $PROGRAM_LIST doc
+            enable avutil
+        ;;
+        --enable-random|--disable-random)
+            action=${opt%%-random}
+            do_random ${action#--} $COMPONENT_LIST
+        ;;
+        --enable-random=*|--disable-random=*)
+            action=${opt%%-random=*}
+            do_random ${action#--} $optval
+        ;;
+        --enable-sdl)
+            enable sdl2
+        ;;
+        --enable-*=*|--disable-*=*)
+            eval $(echo "${opt%%=*}" | sed 's/--/action=/;s/-/ thing=/')
+            is_in "${thing}s" $COMPONENT_LIST || die_unknown "$opt"
+            eval list=\$$(toupper $thing)_LIST
+            name=$(echo "${optval}" | sed "s/,/_${thing}|/g")_${thing}
+            list=$(filter "$name" $list)
+            [ "$list" = "" ] && warn "Option $opt did not match anything"
+            test $action = enable && warn_if_gets_disabled $list
+            $action $list
+        ;;
+        --enable-yasm|--disable-yasm)
+            warn "The ${opt} option is only provided for compatibility and will be\n"\
+                 "removed in the future. Use --enable-x86asm / --disable-x86asm instead."
+            test $opt = --enable-yasm && x86asm=yes || x86asm=no
+        ;;
+        --yasmexe=*)
+            warn "The --yasmexe option is only provided for compatibility and will be\n"\
+                 "removed in the future. Use --x86asmexe instead."
+            x86asmexe="$optval"
+        ;;
+        --enable-?*|--disable-?*)
+            eval $(echo "$opt" | sed 's/--/action=/;s/-/ option=/;s/-/_/g')
+            if is_in $option $COMPONENT_LIST; then
+                test $action = disable && action=unset
+                eval $action \$$(toupper ${option%s})_LIST
+            elif is_in $option $CMDLINE_SELECT; then
+                $action $option
+            else
+                die_unknown $opt
+            fi
+        ;;
+        --list-*)
+            NAME="${opt#--list-}"
+            is_in $NAME $COMPONENT_LIST || die_unknown $opt
+            NAME=${NAME%s}
+            eval show_list $NAME \$$(toupper $NAME)_LIST
+        ;;
+        --help|-h) show_help
+        ;;
+        --quiet|-q) quiet=yes
+        ;;
+        --fatal-warnings) enable fatal_warnings
+        ;;
+        --libfuzzer=*)
+            libfuzzer_path="$optval"
+        ;;
+        *)
+            optname="${opt%%=*}"
+            optname="${optname#--}"
+            optname=$(echo "$optname" | sed 's/-/_/g')
+            if is_in $optname $CMDLINE_SET; then
+                eval $optname='$optval'
+            elif is_in $optname $CMDLINE_APPEND; then
+                append $optname "$optval"
+            else
+                die_unknown $opt
+            fi
+        ;;
+    esac
+for e in $env; do
+    eval "export $e"
+if disabled autodetect; then
+    # Unless iconv is explicitely disabled by the user, we still want to probe
+    # for the iconv from the libc.
+    disabled iconv || enable libc_iconv
+# Mark specifically enabled, but normally autodetected libraries as requested.
+for lib in $AUTODETECT_LIBS; do
+    enabled $lib && request $lib
+#TODO: switch to $AUTODETECT_LIBS when $THREADS_LIST is supported the same way
+disabled logging && logfile=/dev/null
+# command line configuration sanity checks
+# we need to build at least one lib type
+if ! enabled_any static shared; then
+    cat <<EOF
+At least one library type must be built.
+Specify --enable-static to build the static libraries or --enable-shared to
+build the shared libraries as well. To only build the shared libraries specify
+--disable-static in addition to --enable-shared.
+    exit 1
+die_license_disabled() {
+    enabled $1 || { enabled $v && die "$v is $1 and --enable-$1 is not specified."; }
+die_license_disabled_gpl() {
+    enabled $1 || { enabled $v && die "$v is incompatible with the gpl and --enable-$1 is not specified."; }
+map "die_license_disabled gpl"      $EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_GPL_LIST $EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_GPLV3_LIST
+enabled gpl && map "die_license_disabled_gpl nonfree" $EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_NONFREE_LIST
+map "die_license_disabled nonfree" $HWACCEL_LIBRARY_NONFREE_LIST
+enabled version3 && { enabled gpl && enable gplv3 || enable lgplv3; }
+if enabled nonfree; then
+    license="nonfree and unredistributable"
+elif enabled gplv3; then
+    license="GPL version 3 or later"
+elif enabled lgplv3; then
+    license="LGPL version 3 or later"
+elif enabled gpl; then
+    license="GPL version 2 or later"
+    license="LGPL version 2.1 or later"
+enabled_all gnutls openssl &&
+    die "GnuTLS and OpenSSL must not be enabled at the same time."
+enabled_all gnutls mbedtls &&
+    die "GnuTLS and mbedTLS must not be enabled at the same time."
+enabled_all openssl mbedtls &&
+    die "OpenSSL and mbedTLS must not be enabled at the same time."
+# Disable all the library-specific components if the library itself
+# is disabled, see AVCODEC_LIST and following _LIST variables.
+    disabled ${1} && disable $(
+        eval components="\$$(toupper ${1})_COMPONENTS"
+        map 'eval echo \${$(toupper ${v%s})_LIST}' $components
+    )
+map 'disable_components $v' $LIBRARY_LIST
+echo "# $0 $FFMPEG_CONFIGURATION" > $logfile
+set >> $logfile
+test -n "$valgrind" && toolchain="valgrind-memcheck"
+enabled ossfuzz && ! echo $CFLAGS | grep -q -- "-fsanitize="  && ! echo $CFLAGS | grep -q -- "-fcoverage-mapping" &&{
+    add_cflags  -fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard,trace-cmp -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+    add_ldflags -fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard,trace-cmp
+case "$toolchain" in
+    *-asan)
+        cc_default="${toolchain%-asan}"
+        add_cflags  -fsanitize=address
+        add_ldflags -fsanitize=address
+    ;;
+    *-msan)
+        cc_default="${toolchain%-msan}"
+        add_cflags  -fsanitize=memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
+        add_ldflags -fsanitize=memory
+    ;;
+    *-tsan)
+        cc_default="${toolchain%-tsan}"
+        add_cflags  -fsanitize=thread
+        add_ldflags -fsanitize=thread
+        case "$toolchain" in
+            gcc-tsan)
+                add_cflags  -fPIC
+                add_ldflags -fPIC
+                ;;
+        esac
+    ;;
+    *-usan)
+        cc_default="${toolchain%-usan}"
+        add_cflags  -fsanitize=undefined
+        add_ldflags -fsanitize=undefined
+    ;;
+    valgrind-*)
+        target_exec_default="valgrind"
+        case "$toolchain" in
+            valgrind-massif)
+                target_exec_args="--tool=massif --alloc-fn=av_malloc --alloc-fn=av_mallocz --alloc-fn=av_calloc --alloc-fn=av_fast_padded_malloc --alloc-fn=av_fast_malloc --alloc-fn=av_realloc_f --alloc-fn=av_fast_realloc --alloc-fn=av_realloc"
+                ;;
+            valgrind-memcheck)
+                target_exec_args="--error-exitcode=1 --malloc-fill=0x2a --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=$source_path/tests/fate-valgrind.supp"
+                ;;
+        esac
+    ;;
+    msvc)
+        # Check whether the current MSVC version needs the C99 converter.
+        # From MSVC 2013 (compiler major version 18) onwards, it does actually
+        # support enough of C99 to build ffmpeg. Default to the new
+        # behaviour if the regexp was unable to match anything, since this
+        # successfully parses the version number of existing supported
+        # versions that require the converter (MSVC 2010 and 2012).
+        cl_major_ver=$(cl.exe 2>&1 | sed -n 's/.*Version \([[:digit:]]\{1,\}\)\..*/\1/p')
+        if [ -z "$cl_major_ver" ] || [ $cl_major_ver -ge 18 ]; then
+            cc_default="cl.exe"
+            cxx_default="cl.exe"
+        else
+            die "Unsupported MSVC version (2013 or newer required)"
+        fi
+        ld_default="$source_path/compat/windows/mslink"
+        nm_default="dumpbin.exe -symbols"
+        ar_default="lib.exe"
+        case "${arch:-$arch_default}" in
+        aarch64|arm64)
+            as_default="armasm64.exe"
+            ;;
+        arm*)
+            as_default="armasm.exe"
+            ;;
+        esac
+        target_os_default="win32"
+        # Use a relative path for TMPDIR. This makes sure all the
+        # ffconf temp files are written with a relative path, avoiding
+        # issues with msys/win32 path conversion for MSVC parameters
+        # such as -Fo<file> or -out:<file>.
+        TMPDIR=.
+    ;;
+    icl)
+        cc_default="icl"
+        ld_default="xilink"
+        nm_default="dumpbin -symbols"
+        ar_default="xilib"
+        target_os_default="win32"
+        TMPDIR=.
+    ;;
+    gcov)
+        add_cflags  -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
+        add_ldflags -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
+    ;;
+    llvm-cov)
+        add_cflags -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
+        add_ldflags --coverage
+    ;;
+    hardened)
+        add_cppflags -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
+        add_cflags   -fno-strict-overflow -fstack-protector-all
+        add_ldflags  -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
+        add_cflags   -fPIE
+        add_ldexeflags -fPIE -pie
+    ;;
+    ?*)
+        die "Unknown toolchain $toolchain"
+    ;;
+if test -n "$cross_prefix"; then
+    test -n "$arch" && test -n "$target_os" ||
+        die "Must specify target arch (--arch) and OS (--target-os) when cross-compiling"
+    enable cross_compile
+set_default target_os
+if test "$target_os" = android; then
+    cc_default="clang"
+if ${cross_prefix}${ranlib_default} 2>&1 | grep -q "\-D "; then
+    ranlib_default="${cross_prefix}${ranlib_default} -D"
+    ranlib_default="${cross_prefix}${ranlib_default}"
+if enabled cuda_sdk; then
+    warn "Option --enable-cuda-sdk is deprecated. Use --enable-cuda-nvcc instead."
+    enable cuda_nvcc
+if enabled cuda_nvcc; then
+    nvcc_default="nvcc"
+    nvccflags_default="-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -O2"
+    nvcc_default="clang"
+    nvccflags_default="--cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 -O2"
+    NVCC_C=""
+set_default arch cc cxx doxygen pkg_config ranlib strip sysinclude \
+    target_exec x86asmexe nvcc
+enabled cross_compile || host_cc_default=$cc
+set_default host_cc
+if ! $pkg_config --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    warn "$pkg_config not found, library detection may fail."
+    pkg_config=false
+elif is_in -static $cc $LDFLAGS && ! is_in --static $pkg_config $pkg_config_flags; then
+    pkg_config_fail_message="
+Note: When building a static binary, add --pkg-config-flags=\"--static\"."
+if test $doxygen != $doxygen_default && \
+  ! $doxygen --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    warn "Specified doxygen \"$doxygen\" not found, API documentation will fail to build."
+exesuf() {
+    case $1 in
+        mingw32*|mingw64*|win32|win64|cygwin*|*-dos|freedos|opendos|os/2*|symbian) echo .exe ;;
+    esac
+EXESUF=$(exesuf $target_os)
+HOSTEXESUF=$(exesuf $host_os)
+# set temporary file name
+: ${TMPDIR:=$TMP}
+: ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}
+if [ -n "$tempprefix" ] ; then
+    mktemp(){
+        tmpname="$tempprefix.${HOSTNAME}.${UID}"
+        echo "$tmpname"
+        mkdir "$tmpname"
+    }
+elif ! test_cmd mktemp -u XXXXXX; then
+    # simple replacement for missing mktemp
+    mktemp(){
+        tmpname="${2%%XXX*}.${HOSTNAME}.${UID}.$$"
+        echo "$tmpname"
+        mkdir "$tmpname"
+    }
+FFTMPDIR=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR}/ffconf.XXXXXXXX" 2> /dev/null) ||
+    die "Unable to create temporary directory in $TMPDIR."
+    tmp="${FFTMPDIR}/test"$2
+    (set -C; exec > $tmp) 2> /dev/null ||
+        die "Unable to create temporary file in $FFTMPDIR."
+    eval $1=$tmp
+trap 'rm -rf -- "$FFTMPDIR"' EXIT
+trap 'exit 2' INT
+tmpfile TMPASM .asm
+tmpfile TMPC   .c
+tmpfile TMPCPP .cpp
+tmpfile TMPE   $EXESUF
+tmpfile TMPH   .h
+tmpfile TMPM   .m
+tmpfile TMPCU  .cu
+tmpfile TMPO   .o
+tmpfile TMPS   .S
+tmpfile TMPSH  .sh
+tmpfile TMPV   .ver
+unset -f mktemp
+chmod +x $TMPE
+# make sure we can execute files in $TMPDIR
+cat > $TMPSH 2>> $logfile <<EOF
+#! /bin/sh
+chmod +x $TMPSH >> $logfile 2>&1
+if ! $TMPSH >> $logfile 2>&1; then
+    cat <<EOF
+Unable to create and execute files in $TMPDIR.  Set the TMPDIR environment
+variable to another directory and make sure that it is not mounted noexec.
+    die "Sanity test failed."
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            # Filter out MSVC cl.exe options from cflags that shouldn't
+            # be passed to gas-preprocessor
+            -M[TD]*)                                            ;;
+            *)                  echo $flag                      ;;
+        esac
+   done
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            -Wno-switch)             echo -Wno-switch-enum ;;
+            -Wno-format-zero-length) ;;
+            -Wdisabled-optimization) ;;
+            -Wno-pointer-sign)       echo -Wno-other ;;
+            *)                       echo $flag ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            # In addition to specifying certain flags under the compiler
+            # specific filters, they must be specified here as well or else the
+            # generic catch all at the bottom will print the original flag.
+            -Wall)                ;;
+            -Wextra)              ;;
+            -std=c*)              ;;
+            # Common flags
+            -fomit-frame-pointer) ;;
+            -g)                   echo -Z7 ;;
+            -fno-math-errno)      ;;
+            -fno-common)          ;;
+            -fno-signed-zeros)    ;;
+            -fPIC)                ;;
+            -mthumb)              ;;
+            -march=*)             ;;
+            -lz)                  echo zlib.lib ;;
+            -lx264)               echo libx264.lib ;;
+            -lstdc++)             ;;
+            -l*)                  echo ${flag#-l}.lib ;;
+            -LARGEADDRESSAWARE)   echo $flag ;;
+            -L*)                  echo -libpath:${flag#-L} ;;
+            -Wl,*)                ;;
+            *)                    echo $flag ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    msvc_common_flags "$@"
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            -Wall)                echo -W3 -wd4018 -wd4146 -wd4244 -wd4305     \
+                                       -wd4554 ;;
+            -Wextra)              echo -W4 -wd4244 -wd4127 -wd4018 -wd4389     \
+                                       -wd4146 -wd4057 -wd4204 -wd4706 -wd4305 \
+                                       -wd4152 -wd4324 -we4013 -wd4100 -wd4214 \
+                                       -wd4307 \
+                                       -wd4273 -wd4554 -wd4701 -wd4703 ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    msvc_common_flags "$@"
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            # Despite what Intel's documentation says -Wall, which is supported
+            # on Windows, does enable remarks so disable them here.
+            -Wall)                echo $flag -Qdiag-disable:remark ;;
+            -std=c99)             echo -Qstd=c99 ;;
+            -flto)                echo -ipo ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            -flto)                echo -ipo ;;
+            *)                    echo $flag ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    for flag; do
+        case $flag in
+            -march=*|-mcpu=*)
+                case "${flag#*=}" in
+                    native)                   echo -xtarget=native       ;;
+                    v9|niagara)               echo -xarch=sparc          ;;
+                    ultrasparc)               echo -xarch=sparcvis       ;;
+                    ultrasparc3|niagara2)     echo -xarch=sparcvis2      ;;
+                    i586|pentium)             echo -xchip=pentium        ;;
+                    i686|pentiumpro|pentium2) echo -xtarget=pentium_pro  ;;
+                    pentium3*|c3-2)           echo -xtarget=pentium3     ;;
+                    pentium-m)          echo -xarch=sse2 -xchip=pentium3 ;;
+                    pentium4*)          echo -xtarget=pentium4           ;;
+                    prescott|nocona)    echo -xarch=sse3 -xchip=pentium4 ;;
+                    *-sse3)             echo -xarch=sse3                 ;;
+                    core2)              echo -xarch=ssse3 -xchip=core2   ;;
+                    bonnell)                   echo -xarch=ssse3         ;;
+                    corei7|nehalem)            echo -xtarget=nehalem     ;;
+                    westmere)                  echo -xtarget=westmere    ;;
+                    silvermont)                echo -xarch=sse4_2        ;;
+                    corei7-avx|sandybridge)    echo -xtarget=sandybridge ;;
+                    core-avx*|ivybridge|haswell|broadwell|skylake*|knl)
+                                               echo -xarch=avx           ;;
+                    amdfam10|barcelona)        echo -xtarget=barcelona   ;;
+                    btver1)                    echo -xarch=amdsse4a      ;;
+                    btver2|bdver*|znver*)      echo -xarch=avx           ;;
+                    athlon-4|athlon-[mx]p)     echo -xarch=ssea          ;;
+                    k8|opteron|athlon64|athlon-fx)
+                                               echo -xarch=sse2a         ;;
+                    athlon*)                   echo -xarch=pentium_proa  ;;
+                esac
+                ;;
+            -std=c99)             echo -xc99              ;;
+            -fomit-frame-pointer) echo -xregs=frameptr    ;;
+            -fPIC)                echo -KPIC -xcode=pic32 ;;
+            -W*,*)                echo $flag              ;;
+            -f*-*|-W*|-mimpure-text)                      ;;
+            -shared)              echo -G                 ;;
+            *)                    echo $flag              ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    pfx=$1
+    _cc=$2
+    first=$3
+    unset _type _ident _cc_c _cc_e _cc_o _flags _cflags
+    unset _ld_o _ldflags _ld_lib _ld_path
+    unset _depflags _DEPCMD _DEPFLAGS
+    _flags_filter=echo
+    if $_cc --version 2>&1 | grep -q '^GNU assembler'; then
+        true # no-op to avoid reading stdin in following checks
+    elif $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -q '^gcc.*LLVM'; then
+        _type=llvm_gcc
+        gcc_extra_ver=$(expr "$($_cc --version 2>/dev/null | head -n1)" : '.*\((.*)\)')
+        _ident="llvm-gcc $($_cc -dumpversion 2>/dev/null) $gcc_extra_ver"
+        _depflags='-MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MT $@'
+        _cflags_speed='-O3'
+        _cflags_size='-Os'
+    elif $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -qi ^gcc; then
+        _type=gcc
+        gcc_version=$($_cc --version | head -n1)
+        gcc_basever=$($_cc -dumpversion)
+        gcc_pkg_ver=$(expr "$gcc_version" : '[^ ]* \(([^)]*)\)')
+        gcc_ext_ver=$(expr "$gcc_version" : ".*$gcc_pkg_ver $gcc_basever \\(.*\\)")
+        _ident=$(cleanws "gcc $gcc_basever $gcc_pkg_ver $gcc_ext_ver")
+        case $gcc_basever in
+            2) ;;
+            2.*) ;;
+            *) _depflags='-MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MT $@' ;;
+        esac
+        if [ "$first" = true ]; then
+            case $gcc_basever in
+                4.2*)
+                warn "gcc 4.2 is outdated and may miscompile FFmpeg. Please use a newer compiler." ;;
+            esac
+        fi
+        _cflags_speed='-O3'
+        _cflags_size='-Os'
+    elif $_cc --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^icc; then
+        _type=icc
+        _ident=$($_cc --version | head -n1)
+        _depflags='-MMD'
+        _cflags_speed='-O3'
+        _cflags_size='-Os'
+        _cflags_noopt='-O1'
+        _flags_filter=icc_flags
+    elif $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -q xlc; then
+        _type=xlc
+        _ident=$($_cc -qversion 2>/dev/null | head -n1)
+        _cflags_speed='-O5'
+        _cflags_size='-O5 -qcompact'
+    elif $_cc --vsn 2>/dev/null | grep -Eq "ARM (C/C\+\+ )?Compiler"; then
+        test -d "$sysroot" || die "No valid sysroot specified."
+        _type=armcc
+        _ident=$($_cc --vsn | grep -i build | head -n1 | sed 's/.*: //')
+        armcc_conf="$PWD/armcc.conf"
+        $_cc --arm_linux_configure                 \
+             --arm_linux_config_file="$armcc_conf" \
+             --configure_sysroot="$sysroot"        \
+             --configure_cpp_headers="$sysinclude" >>$logfile 2>&1 ||
+             die "Error creating armcc configuration file."
+        $_cc --vsn | grep -q RVCT && armcc_opt=rvct || armcc_opt=armcc
+        _flags="--arm_linux_config_file=$armcc_conf --translate_gcc"
+        as_default="${cross_prefix}gcc"
+        _depflags='-MMD'
+        _cflags_speed='-O3'
+        _cflags_size='-Os'
+    elif $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -q clang && ! $_cc -? > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        _type=clang
+        _ident=$($_cc --version 2>/dev/null | head -n1)
+        _depflags='-MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MT $@'
+        _cflags_speed='-O3'
+        _cflags_size='-Oz'
+    elif $_cc -V 2>&1 | grep -q Sun; then
+        _type=suncc
+        _ident=$($_cc -V 2>&1 | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f 2-)
+        _DEPCMD='$(DEP$(1)) $(DEP$(1)FLAGS) $($(1)DEP_FLAGS) $< | sed -e "1s,^.*: ,$@: ," -e "\$$!s,\$$, \\\," -e "1!s,^.*: , ," > $(@:.o=.d)'
+        _DEPFLAGS='-xM1 -xc99'
+        _ldflags='-std=c99'
+        _cflags_speed='-O5'
+        _cflags_size='-O5 -xspace'
+        _flags_filter=suncc_flags
+    elif $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -q 'PathScale\|Path64'; then
+        _type=pathscale
+        _ident=$($_cc -v 2>&1 | head -n1 | tr -d :)
+        _depflags='-MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MT $@'
+        _cflags_speed='-O2'
+        _cflags_size='-Os'
+        _flags_filter='filter_out -Wdisabled-optimization'
+    elif $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -q Open64; then
+        _type=open64
+        _ident=$($_cc -v 2>&1 | head -n1 | tr -d :)
+        _depflags='-MMD -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MT $@'
+        _cflags_speed='-O2'
+        _cflags_size='-Os'
+        _flags_filter='filter_out -Wdisabled-optimization|-Wtype-limits|-fno-signed-zeros'
+    elif $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q 'Microsoft.*ARM.*Assembler'; then
+        _type=armasm
+        _ident=$($_cc | head -n1)
+        # 4509: "This form of conditional instruction is deprecated"
+        _flags="-nologo -ignore 4509"
+        _flags_filter=armasm_flags
+    elif $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Intel; then
+        _type=icl
+        _ident=$($_cc 2>&1 | head -n1)
+        _depflags='-QMMD -QMF$(@:.o=.d) -QMT$@'
+        # Not only is O3 broken on 13.x+ but it is slower on all previous
+        # versions (tested) as well.
+        _cflags_speed="-O2"
+        _cflags_size="-O1 -Oi" # -O1 without -Oi miscompiles stuff
+        if $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Linker; then
+            _ld_o='-out:$@'
+        else
+            _ld_o='-Fe$@'
+        fi
+        _cc_o='-Fo$@'
+        _cc_e='-P'
+        _flags_filter=icl_flags
+        _ld_lib='lib%.a'
+        _ld_path='-libpath:'
+        # -Qdiag-error to make icl error when seeing certain unknown arguments
+        _flags='-nologo -Qdiag-error:4044,10157'
+        # -Qvec- -Qsimd- to prevent miscompilation, -GS, fp:precise for consistency
+        # with MSVC which enables it by default.
+        _cflags='-Qms0 -Qvec- -Qsimd- -GS -fp:precise'
+        disable stripping
+    elif $_cc -? 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'LLVM.*Linker'; then
+        # lld can emulate multiple different linkers; in ms link.exe mode,
+        # the -? parameter gives the help output which contains an identifyable
+        # string, while it gives an error in other modes.
+        _type=lld-link
+        # The link.exe mode doesn't have a switch for getting the version,
+        # but we can force it back to gnu mode and get the version from there.
+        _ident=$($_cc -flavor gnu --version 2>/dev/null)
+        _ld_o='-out:$@'
+        _flags_filter=msvc_flags
+        _ld_lib='lib%.a'
+        _ld_path='-libpath:'
+    elif $_cc -nologo- 2>&1 | grep -q Microsoft || { $_cc -v 2>&1 | grep -q clang && $_cc -? > /dev/null 2>&1; }; then
+        _type=msvc
+        if $_cc -nologo- 2>&1 | grep -q Microsoft; then
+            _ident=$($_cc 2>&1 | head -n1 | tr -d '\r')
+        else
+            _ident=$($_cc --version 2>/dev/null | head -n1 | tr -d '\r')
+        fi
+        _DEPCMD='$(DEP$(1)) $(DEP$(1)FLAGS) $($(1)DEP_FLAGS) $< 2>&1 | awk '\''/including/ { sub(/^.*file: */, ""); gsub(/\\/, "/"); if (!match($$0, / /)) print "$@:", $$0 }'\'' > $(@:.o=.d)'
+        _DEPFLAGS='$(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -showIncludes -Zs'
+        _cflags_speed="-O2"
+        _cflags_size="-O1"
+        _cflags_noopt="-O1"
+        if $_cc -nologo- 2>&1 | grep -q Linker; then
+            _ld_o='-out:$@'
+        else
+            _ld_o='-Fe$@'
+        fi
+        _cc_o='-Fo$@'
+        _cc_e='-P -Fi$@'
+        _flags_filter=msvc_flags
+        _ld_lib='lib%.a'
+        _ld_path='-libpath:'
+        _flags='-nologo'
+        disable stripping
+    elif $_cc --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^cparser; then
+        _type=cparser
+        _ident=$($_cc --version | head -n1)
+        _depflags='-MMD'
+        _cflags_speed='-O4'
+        _cflags_size='-O2'
+        _flags_filter=cparser_flags
+    fi
+    eval ${pfx}_type=\$_type
+    eval ${pfx}_ident=\$_ident
+    eval ${1}_C=\${_cc_c-\${${1}_C}}
+    eval ${1}_E=\${_cc_e-\${${1}_E}}
+    eval ${1}_O=\${_cc_o-\${${1}_O}}
+    if [ -n "$_depflags" ]; then
+        eval ${1}_DEPFLAGS=\$_depflags
+    else
+        eval ${1}DEP=\${_DEPCMD:-\$DEPCMD}
+        eval ${1}DEP_FLAGS=\${_DEPFLAGS:-\$DEPFLAGS}
+        eval DEP${1}FLAGS=\$_flags
+    fi
+probe_cc cc "$cc" "true"
+add_cflags $_flags $_cflags
+set_ccvars CC
+set_ccvars CXX
+probe_cc hostcc "$host_cc"
+add_host_cflags  $_flags $_cflags
+set_ccvars HOSTCC
+test -n "$cc_type" && enable $cc_type ||
+    warn "Unknown C compiler $cc, unable to select optimal CFLAGS"
+: ${as_default:=$cc}
+: ${objcc_default:=$cc}
+: ${dep_cc_default:=$cc}
+: ${ld_default:=$cc}
+: ${host_ld_default:=$host_cc}
+set_default ar as objcc dep_cc ld ln_s host_ld windres
+probe_cc as "$as"
+add_asflags $_flags $_cflags
+set_ccvars AS
+probe_cc objcc "$objcc"
+add_objcflags $_flags $_cflags
+set_ccvars OBJC
+probe_cc ld "$ld"
+add_ldflags $_flags $_ldflags
+test "$cc_type" != "$ld_type" && add_ldflags $cc_ldflags
+probe_cc hostld "$host_ld"
+add_host_ldflags $_flags $_ldflags
+if [ -z "$CC_DEPFLAGS" ] && [ "$dep_cc" != "$cc" ]; then
+    probe_cc depcc "$dep_cc"
+    DEPCCFLAGS=$_flags
+if $ar 2>&1 | grep -q Microsoft; then
+    arflags="-nologo"
+    ar_o='-out:$@'
+elif $ar 2>&1 | grep -q "\[D\] "; then
+    arflags="rcD"
+    ar_o='$@'
+    arflags="rc"
+    ar_o='$@'
+add_cflags $extra_cflags
+add_cxxflags $extra_cxxflags
+add_objcflags $extra_objcflags
+add_asflags $extra_cflags
+if test -n "$sysroot"; then
+    case "$cc_type" in
+        gcc|llvm_gcc|clang)
+            add_cppflags --sysroot="$sysroot"
+            add_ldflags --sysroot="$sysroot"
+        ;;
+    esac
+if test "$cpu" = host; then
+    enabled cross_compile &&
+        warn "--cpu=host makes no sense when cross-compiling."
+    case "$cc_type" in
+        gcc|llvm_gcc)
+            check_native(){
+                $cc $1=native -v -c -o $TMPO $TMPC >$TMPE 2>&1 || return
+                sed -n "/cc1.*$1=/{
+                            s/.*$1=\\([^ ]*\\).*/\\1/
+                            p
+                            q
+                        }" $TMPE
+            }
+            cpu=$(check_native -march || check_native -mcpu)
+        ;;
+        clang)
+            check_native(){
+                $cc $1=native -v -c -o $TMPO $TMPC >$TMPE 2>&1 || return
+                sed -n "/cc1.*-target-cpu /{
+                            s/.*-target-cpu \\([^ ]*\\).*/\\1/
+                            p
+                            q
+                        }" $TMPE
+            }
+            cpu=$(check_native -march)
+        ;;
+    esac
+    test "${cpu:-host}" = host &&
+        die "--cpu=host not supported with compiler $cc"
+# Deal with common $arch aliases
+case "$arch" in
+    aarch64|arm64)
+        arch="aarch64"
+    ;;
+    arm*|iPad*|iPhone*)
+        arch="arm"
+    ;;
+    mips*|IP*)
+        case "$arch" in
+        *el)
+            add_cppflags -EL
+            add_ldflags -EL
+        ;;
+        *eb)
+            add_cppflags -EB
+            add_ldflags -EB
+        ;;
+        esac
+        arch="mips"
+    ;;
+    parisc*|hppa*)
+        arch="parisc"
+    ;;
+    "Power Macintosh"|ppc*|powerpc*)
+        arch="ppc"
+    ;;
+    s390|s390x)
+        arch="s390"
+    ;;
+    sh4|sh)
+        arch="sh4"
+    ;;
+    sun4*|sparc*)
+        arch="sparc"
+    ;;
+    tilegx|tile-gx)
+        arch="tilegx"
+    ;;
+    i[3-6]86*|i86pc|BePC|x86pc|x86_64|x86_32|amd64)
+        arch="x86"
+    ;;
+is_in $arch $ARCH_LIST || warn "unknown architecture $arch"
+enable $arch
+# Add processor-specific flags
+if enabled aarch64; then
+    case $cpu in
+        armv*)
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+        ;;
+        *)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+        ;;
+    esac
+elif enabled alpha; then
+    cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+elif enabled arm; then
+    check_arm_arch() {
+        test_cpp_condition stddef.h \
+            "defined __ARM_ARCH_${1}__ || defined __TARGET_ARCH_${2:-$1}" \
+            $cpuflags
+    }
+    probe_arm_arch() {
+        if   check_arm_arch 4;        then echo armv4
+        elif check_arm_arch 4T;       then echo armv4t
+        elif check_arm_arch 5;        then echo armv5
+        elif check_arm_arch 5E;       then echo armv5e
+        elif check_arm_arch 5T;       then echo armv5t
+        elif check_arm_arch 5TE;      then echo armv5te
+        elif check_arm_arch 5TEJ;     then echo armv5te
+        elif check_arm_arch 6;        then echo armv6
+        elif check_arm_arch 6J;       then echo armv6j
+        elif check_arm_arch 6K;       then echo armv6k
+        elif check_arm_arch 6Z;       then echo armv6z
+        elif check_arm_arch 6KZ;      then echo armv6zk
+        elif check_arm_arch 6ZK;      then echo armv6zk
+        elif check_arm_arch 6T2;      then echo armv6t2
+        elif check_arm_arch 7;        then echo armv7
+        elif check_arm_arch 7A  7_A;  then echo armv7-a
+        elif check_arm_arch 7S;       then echo armv7-a
+        elif check_arm_arch 7R  7_R;  then echo armv7-r
+        elif check_arm_arch 7M  7_M;  then echo armv7-m
+        elif check_arm_arch 7EM 7E_M; then echo armv7-m
+        elif check_arm_arch 8A  8_A;  then echo armv8-a
+        fi
+    }
+    [ "$cpu" = generic ] && cpu=$(probe_arm_arch)
+    case $cpu in
+        armv*)
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+            subarch=$(echo $cpu | sed 's/[^a-z0-9]//g')
+        ;;
+        *)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+            case $cpu in
+                cortex-a*)                               subarch=armv7a  ;;
+                cortex-r*)                               subarch=armv7r  ;;
+                cortex-m*)                 enable thumb; subarch=armv7m  ;;
+                arm11*)                                  subarch=armv6   ;;
+                arm[79]*e*|arm9[24]6*|arm96*|arm102[26]) subarch=armv5te ;;
+                armv4*|arm7*|arm9[24]*)                  subarch=armv4   ;;
+                *)                             subarch=$(probe_arm_arch) ;;
+            esac
+        ;;
+    esac
+    case "$subarch" in
+        armv5t*)    enable fast_clz                ;;
+        armv[6-8]*)
+            enable fast_clz
+            disabled fast_unaligned || enable fast_unaligned
+            ;;
+    esac
+elif enabled avr32; then
+    case $cpu in
+        ap7[02]0[0-2])
+            subarch="avr32_ap"
+            cpuflags="-mpart=$cpu"
+        ;;
+        ap)
+            subarch="avr32_ap"
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+        ;;
+        uc3[ab]*)
+            subarch="avr32_uc"
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+        ;;
+        uc)
+            subarch="avr32_uc"
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+        ;;
+    esac
+elif enabled bfin; then
+    cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+elif enabled mips; then
+    if [ "$cpu" != "generic" ]; then
+        disable mips32r2
+        disable mips32r5
+        disable mips64r2
+        disable mips32r6
+        disable mips64r6
+        disable loongson2
+        disable loongson3
+        disable mipsdsp
+        disable mipsdspr2
+        cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+        case $cpu in
+            # General ISA levels
+            mips1|mips3)
+            ;;
+            mips32r2)
+                enable mips32r2
+            ;;
+            mips32r5)
+                enable mips32r2
+                enable mips32r5
+            ;;
+            mips64r2|mips64r5)
+                enable mips64r2
+                enable loongson3
+            ;;
+            # Cores from MIPS(MTI)
+            24kc)
+                disable mipsfpu
+                enable mips32r2
+            ;;
+            24kf*|24kec|34kc|74Kc|1004kc)
+                enable mips32r2
+            ;;
+            24kef*|34kf*|1004kf*)
+                enable mipsdsp
+                enable mips32r2
+            ;;
+            p5600)
+                enable mips32r2
+                enable mips32r5
+                check_cflags "-mtune=p5600" && check_cflags "-msched-weight -mload-store-pairs -funroll-loops"
+            ;;
+            i6400)
+                enable mips64r6
+                check_cflags "-mtune=i6400 -mabi=64" && check_cflags "-msched-weight -mload-store-pairs -funroll-loops" && check_ldflags "-mabi=64"
+            ;;
+            p6600)
+                enable mips64r6
+                check_cflags "-mtune=p6600 -mabi=64" && check_cflags "-msched-weight -mload-store-pairs -funroll-loops" && check_ldflags "-mabi=64"
+            ;;
+            # Cores from Loongson
+            loongson2e|loongson2f|loongson3*)
+                enable local_aligned
+                enable simd_align_16
+                enable fast_64bit
+                enable fast_clz
+                enable fast_cmov
+                enable fast_unaligned
+                disable aligned_stack
+                # When gcc version less than 5.3.0, add -fno-expensive-optimizations flag.
+                if test "$cc_type" = "gcc"; then
+                    case $gcc_basever in
+                        2|2.*|3.*|4.*|5.0|5.1|5.2)
+                        expensive_optimization_flag="-fno-expensive-optimizations"
+                        ;;
+                        *)
+                        expensive_optimization_flag=""
+                        ;;
+                    esac
+                fi
+                case $cpu in
+                    loongson3*)
+                        enable loongson3
+                        cpuflags="-march=loongson3a -mhard-float $expensive_optimization_flag"
+                    ;;
+                    loongson2e)
+                        enable loongson2
+                        cpuflags="-march=loongson2e -mhard-float $expensive_optimization_flag"
+                    ;;
+                    loongson2f)
+                        enable loongson2
+                        cpuflags="-march=loongson2f -mhard-float $expensive_optimization_flag"
+                    ;;
+                esac
+            ;;
+            *)
+                warn "unknown MIPS CPU"
+            ;;
+        esac
+    else
+        disable mipsdsp
+        disable mipsdspr2
+        # Disable DSP stuff for generic CPU, it can't be detected at runtime.
+        warn 'generic cpu selected'
+    fi
+elif enabled ppc; then
+    disable ldbrx
+    case $(tolower $cpu) in
+        601|ppc601|powerpc601)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=601"
+            disable altivec
+        ;;
+        603*|ppc603*|powerpc603*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=603"
+            disable altivec
+        ;;
+        604*|ppc604*|powerpc604*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=604"
+            disable altivec
+        ;;
+        g3|75*|ppc75*|powerpc75*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=750"
+            disable altivec
+        ;;
+        g4|745*|ppc745*|powerpc745*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=7450"
+            disable vsx
+        ;;
+        74*|ppc74*|powerpc74*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=7400"
+            disable vsx
+        ;;
+        g5|970|ppc970|powerpc970)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=970"
+            disable vsx
+        ;;
+        power[3-6]*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+            disable vsx
+        ;;
+        power[7-8]*)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+        ;;
+        cell)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=cell"
+            enable ldbrx
+            disable vsx
+        ;;
+        e500mc)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=e500mc"
+            disable altivec
+        ;;
+        e500v2)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=8548 -mhard-float -mfloat-gprs=double"
+            disable altivec
+            disable dcbzl
+        ;;
+        e500)
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=8540 -mhard-float"
+            disable altivec
+            disable dcbzl
+        ;;
+    esac
+elif enabled sparc; then
+    case $cpu in
+        cypress|f93[04]|tsc701|sparcl*|supersparc|hypersparc|niagara|v[789])
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+        ;;
+        ultrasparc*|niagara[234])
+            cpuflags="-mcpu=$cpu"
+        ;;
+    esac
+elif enabled x86; then
+    case $cpu in
+        i[345]86|pentium)
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+            disable i686
+            disable mmx
+        ;;
+        # targets that do NOT support nopl and conditional mov (cmov)
+        pentium-mmx|k6|k6-[23]|winchip-c6|winchip2|c3)
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+            disable i686
+        ;;
+        # targets that do support nopl and conditional mov (cmov)
+        i686|pentiumpro|pentium[23]|pentium-m|athlon|athlon-tbird|athlon-4|athlon-[mx]p|athlon64*|k8*|opteron*|athlon-fx\
+        |core*|atom|bonnell|nehalem|westmere|silvermont|sandybridge|ivybridge|haswell|broadwell|skylake*|knl\
+        |amdfam10|barcelona|b[dt]ver*|znver*)
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+            enable i686
+            enable fast_cmov
+        ;;
+        # targets that do support conditional mov but on which it's slow
+        pentium4|pentium4m|prescott|nocona)
+            cpuflags="-march=$cpu"
+            enable i686
+            disable fast_cmov
+        ;;
+    esac
+if [ "$cpu" != generic ]; then
+    add_cflags  $cpuflags
+    add_asflags $cpuflags
+    test "$cc_type" = "$ld_type" && add_ldflags $cpuflags
+# compiler sanity check
+test_exec <<EOF
+int main(void){ return 0; }
+if test "$?" != 0; then
+    echo "$cc is unable to create an executable file."
+    if test -z "$cross_prefix" && ! enabled cross_compile ; then
+        echo "If $cc is a cross-compiler, use the --enable-cross-compile option."
+        echo "Only do this if you know what cross compiling means."
+    fi
+    die "C compiler test failed."
+add_cppflags -D_ISOC99_SOURCE
+add_cxxflags -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS
+check_cxxflags -std=c++11 || check_cxxflags -std=c++0x
+# some compilers silently accept -std=c11, so we also need to check that the
+# version macro is defined properly
+test_cflags_cc -std=c11 ctype.h "__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L" &&
+    add_cflags -std=c11 ||
+    check_cflags -std=c99
+check_cppflags -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
+check_cppflags -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
+add_host_cppflags -D_ISOC99_SOURCE
+check_host_cflags -std=c99
+check_host_cflags -Wall
+check_host_cflags $host_cflags_speed
+    arch32=$1
+    arch64=$2
+    expr=${3:-'sizeof(void *) > 4'}
+    test_code cc "" "int test[2*($expr) - 1]" &&
+        subarch=$arch64 || subarch=$arch32
+    enable $subarch
+case "$arch" in
+    aarch64|alpha|ia64)
+        enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+    ;;
+    mips)
+        check_64bit mips mips64 '_MIPS_SIM > 1'
+        enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+    ;;
+    parisc)
+        check_64bit parisc parisc64
+        enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+    ;;
+    ppc)
+        check_64bit ppc ppc64
+        enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+    ;;
+    s390)
+        check_64bit s390 s390x
+        enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+    ;;
+    sparc)
+        check_64bit sparc sparc64
+        enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+    ;;
+    x86)
+        check_64bit x86_32 x86_64
+        # Treat x32 as x64 for now. Note it also needs pic if shared
+        test "$subarch" = "x86_32" && test_cpp_condition stddef.h 'defined(__x86_64__)' &&
+            subarch=x86_64 && enable x86_64 && disable x86_32
+        if enabled x86_64; then
+            enabled shared && enable_weak pic
+            objformat=elf64
+        fi
+    ;;
+# OS specific
+case $target_os in
+    aix)
+        SHFLAGS=-shared
+        add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/aix'
+        enabled shared && add_ldflags -Wl,-brtl
+        arflags='-Xany -r -c'
+        striptype=""
+        ;;
+    android)
+        disable symver
+        enable section_data_rel_ro
+        add_cflags -fPIE
+        add_ldexeflags -fPIE -pie
+        SHFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$(SLIBNAME)'
+        ;;
+    haiku)
+        prefix_default="/boot/common"
+        network_extralibs="-lnetwork"
+        host_extralibs=
+        ;;
+    sunos)
+        SHFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-h,$$(@F)'
+        enabled x86 && append SHFLAGS -mimpure-text
+        network_extralibs="-lsocket -lnsl"
+        add_cppflags -D__EXTENSIONS__
+        # When using suncc to build, the Solaris linker will mark
+        # an executable with each instruction set encountered by
+        # the Solaris assembler.  As our libraries contain their own
+        # guards for processor-specific code, instead suppress
+        # generation of the HWCAPS ELF section on Solaris x86 only.
+        enabled_all suncc x86 &&
+            echo "hwcap_1 = OVERRIDE;" > mapfile &&
+            add_ldflags -Wl,-M,mapfile
+        nm_default='nm -P -g'
+        striptype=""
+        version_script='-M'
+        VERSION_SCRIPT_POSTPROCESS_CMD='perl $(SRC_PATH)/compat/solaris/make_sunver.pl - $(OBJS)'
+        ;;
+    netbsd)
+        disable symver
+        oss_indev_extralibs="-lossaudio"
+        oss_outdev_extralibs="-lossaudio"
+        enabled gcc || check_ldflags -Wl,-zmuldefs
+        ;;
+    openbsd|bitrig)
+        disable symver
+        enable section_data_rel_ro
+        striptype=""
+        SHFLAGS='-shared'
+        oss_indev_extralibs="-lossaudio"
+        oss_outdev_extralibs="-lossaudio"
+        ;;
+    dragonfly)
+        disable symver
+        ;;
+    freebsd)
+        ;;
+    bsd/os)
+        add_extralibs -lpoll -lgnugetopt
+        strip="strip -d"
+        ;;
+    darwin)
+        enabled ppc && add_asflags -force_cpusubtype_ALL
+        install_name_dir_default='$(SHLIBDIR)'
+        SHFLAGS='-dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module -Wl,-install_name,$(INSTALL_NAME_DIR)/$(SLIBNAME_WITH_MAJOR),-current_version,$(LIBVERSION),-compatibility_version,$(LIBMAJOR)'
+        enabled x86_32 && append SHFLAGS -Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress
+        strip="${strip} -x"
+        add_ldflags -Wl,-dynamic,-search_paths_first
+        check_cflags -Werror=partial-availability
+        SLIBSUF=".dylib"
+        enabled x86_64 && objformat="macho64" || objformat="macho32"
+        enabled_any pic shared x86_64 ||
+            { check_cflags -mdynamic-no-pic && add_asflags -mdynamic-no-pic; }
+        check_headers dispatch/dispatch.h &&
+            add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/dispatch_semaphore'
+        if test -n "$sysroot"; then
+            is_in -isysroot $cc $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS || check_cppflags -isysroot $sysroot
+            is_in -isysroot $ld $LDFLAGS          || check_ldflags  -isysroot $sysroot
+        fi
+        version_script='-exported_symbols_list'
+        VERSION_SCRIPT_POSTPROCESS_CMD='tr " " "\n" | sed -n /global:/,/local:/p | grep ";" | tr ";" "\n" | sed -E "s/(.+)/_\1/g" | sed -E "s/(.+[^*])$$$$/\1*/"'
+        # Workaround for Xcode 11 -fstack-check bug
+        if enabled clang; then
+            clang_version=$($cc -dumpversion)
+            test ${clang_version%%.*} -eq 11 && add_cflags -fno-stack-check
+        fi
+        ;;
+    msys*)
+        die "Native MSYS builds are discouraged, please use the MINGW environment."
+        ;;
+    mingw32*|mingw64*)
+        target_os=mingw32
+        LIBTARGET=i386
+        if enabled x86_64; then
+            LIBTARGET="i386:x86-64"
+        elif enabled arm; then
+            LIBTARGET="arm"
+        elif enabled aarch64; then
+            LIBTARGET="arm64"
+        fi
+        if enabled shared; then
+            # Cannot build both shared and static libs when using dllimport.
+            disable static
+        fi
+        enabled shared && ! enabled small && test_cmd $windres --version && enable gnu_windres
+        enabled x86_32 && check_ldflags -Wl,--large-address-aware
+        shlibdir_default="$bindir_default"
+        SLIBPREF=""
+        SLIBSUF=".dll"
+        if test_cmd lib.exe -list; then
+            SLIB_EXTRA_CMD=-'lib.exe -nologo -machine:$(LIBTARGET) -def:$$(@:$(SLIBSUF)=.def) -out:$(SUBDIR)$(SLIBNAME:$(SLIBSUF)=.lib)'
+            if enabled x86_64; then
+                LIBTARGET=x64
+            fi
+        else
+            SLIB_EXTRA_CMD=-'$(DLLTOOL) -m $(LIBTARGET) -d $$(@:$(SLIBSUF)=.def) -l $(SUBDIR)$(SLIBNAME:$(SLIBSUF)=.lib) -D $(SLIBNAME_WITH_MAJOR)'
+        fi
+        SLIB_CREATE_DEF_CMD='EXTERN_PREFIX="$(EXTERN_PREFIX)" AR="$(AR_CMD)" NM="$(NM_CMD)" $(SRC_PATH)/compat/windows/makedef $(SUBDIR)lib$(NAME).ver $(OBJS) > $$(@:$(SLIBSUF)=.def)'
+        SHFLAGS='-shared -Wl,--out-implib,$(SUBDIR)lib$(SLIBNAME:$(SLIBSUF)=.dll.a) -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base $$(@:$(SLIBSUF)=.def)'
+        enabled x86_64 && objformat="win64" || objformat="win32"
+        dlltool="${cross_prefix}dlltool"
+        ranlib=:
+        enable dos_paths
+        check_ldflags -Wl,--nxcompat,--dynamicbase
+        # Lets work around some stupidity in binutils.
+        # ld will strip relocations from executables even though we need them
+        # for dynamicbase (ASLR).  Using -pie does retain the reloc section
+        # however ld then forgets what the entry point should be (oops) so we
+        # have to manually (re)set it.
+        if enabled x86_32; then
+            disabled debug && add_ldexeflags -Wl,--pic-executable,-e,_mainCRTStartup
+        elif enabled x86_64; then
+            disabled debug && add_ldexeflags -Wl,--pic-executable,-e,mainCRTStartup
+            check_ldflags -Wl,--high-entropy-va # binutils 2.25
+            # Set image base >4GB for extra entropy with HEASLR
+            add_ldexeflags -Wl,--image-base,0x140000000
+            append SHFLAGS -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000
+        fi
+        ;;
+    win32|win64)
+        disable symver
+        if enabled shared; then
+            # Link to the import library instead of the normal static library
+            # for shared libs.
+            LD_LIB='%.lib'
+            # Cannot build both shared and static libs with MSVC or icl.
+            disable static
+        fi
+        enabled x86_32 && check_ldflags -LARGEADDRESSAWARE
+        shlibdir_default="$bindir_default"
+        SLIBPREF=""
+        SLIBSUF=".dll"
+        SLIB_CREATE_DEF_CMD='EXTERN_PREFIX="$(EXTERN_PREFIX)" $(SRC_PATH)/compat/windows/makedef $(SUBDIR)lib$(NAME).ver $(OBJS) > $$(@:$(SLIBSUF)=.def)'
+        SHFLAGS='-dll -def:$$(@:$(SLIBSUF)=.def) -implib:$(SUBDIR)$(SLIBNAME:$(SLIBSUF)=.lib)'
+        enabled x86_64 && objformat="win64" || objformat="win32"
+        ranlib=:
+        enable dos_paths
+        ;;
+    cygwin*)
+        target_os=cygwin
+        shlibdir_default="$bindir_default"
+        SLIBPREF="cyg"
+        SLIBSUF=".dll"
+        SLIB_INSTALL_EXTRA_LIB='lib$(FULLNAME).dll.a'
+        SHFLAGS='-shared -Wl,--out-implib,$(SUBDIR)lib$(FULLNAME).dll.a'
+        enabled x86_64 && objformat="win64" || objformat="win32"
+        enable dos_paths
+        enabled shared && ! enabled small && test_cmd $windres --version && enable gnu_windres
+        add_cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+        ;;
+    *-dos|freedos|opendos)
+        network_extralibs="-lsocket"
+        objformat="coff"
+        enable dos_paths
+        ;;
+    linux)
+        enable section_data_rel_ro
+        enabled_any arm aarch64 && enable_weak linux_perf
+        ;;
+    irix*)
+        target_os=irix
+        ranlib="echo ignoring ranlib"
+        ;;
+    os/2*)
+        strip="lxlite -CS"
+        striptype=""
+        objformat="aout"
+        add_cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE
+        add_ldflags -Zomf -Zbin-files -Zargs-wild -Zhigh-mem -Zmap
+        SHFLAGS='$(SUBDIR)$(NAME).def -Zdll -Zomf'
+        LIBSUF="_s.a"
+        SLIBPREF=""
+        SLIBSUF=".dll"
+        SLIBNAME_WITH_MAJOR='$(SLIBPREF)$(shell echo $(FULLNAME) | cut -c1-6)$(LIBMAJOR)$(SLIBSUF)'
+            echo EXPORTS >> $(SUBDIR)$(FULLNAME).def; \
+            emxexp $(OBJS) >> $(SUBDIR)$(FULLNAME).def'
+        SLIB_EXTRA_CMD='emximp -o $(SUBDIR)$(LIBPREF)$(FULLNAME)_dll.a $(SUBDIR)$(FULLNAME).def; \
+            emximp -o $(SUBDIR)$(LIBPREF)$(FULLNAME)_dll.lib $(SUBDIR)$(FULLNAME).def;'
+        enable dos_paths
+        enable_weak os2threads
+        ;;
+    gnu/kfreebsd)
+        add_cppflags -D_BSD_SOURCE
+        ;;
+    gnu)
+        ;;
+    qnx)
+        add_cppflags -D_QNX_SOURCE
+        network_extralibs="-lsocket"
+        ;;
+    symbian)
+        SLIBSUF=".dll"
+        enable dos_paths
+        add_cflags --include=$sysinclude/gcce/gcce.h -fvisibility=default
+        add_cppflags -D__GCCE__ -D__SYMBIAN32__ -DSYMBIAN_OE_POSIX_SIGNALS
+        add_ldflags -Wl,--target1-abs,--no-undefined \
+                    -Wl,-Ttext,0x80000,-Tdata,0x1000000 -shared \
+                    -Wl,--entry=_E32Startup -Wl,-u,_E32Startup
+        add_extralibs -l:eexe.lib -l:usrt2_2.lib -l:dfpaeabi.dso \
+                      -l:drtaeabi.dso -l:scppnwdl.dso -lsupc++ -lgcc \
+                      -l:libc.dso -l:libm.dso -l:euser.dso -l:libcrt0.lib
+        ;;
+    minix)
+        ;;
+    none)
+        ;;
+    *)
+        die "Unknown OS '$target_os'."
+        ;;
+# test if creating links works
+link_dest=$(mktemp -u $TMPDIR/dest_XXXXXXXX)
+link_name=$(mktemp -u $TMPDIR/name_XXXXXXXX)
+mkdir "$link_dest"
+$ln_s "$link_dest" "$link_name"
+touch "$link_dest/test_file"
+if [ "$source_path" != "." ] && [ "$source_path" != "src" ] && ([ ! -d src ] || [ -L src ]) && [ -e "$link_name/test_file" ]; then
+    # create link to source path
+    [ -e src ] && rm src
+    $ln_s "$source_path" src
+    source_link=src
+    # creating directory links doesn't work
+    # fall back to using the full source path
+    source_link="$source_path"
+# cleanup
+rm -r "$link_dest"
+rm -r "$link_name"
+# determine libc flavour
+    pfx=$1
+    pfx_no_=${pfx%_}
+    # uclibc defines __GLIBC__, so it needs to be checked before glibc.
+    if test_${pfx}cpp_condition features.h "defined __UCLIBC__"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=uclibc
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition features.h "defined __GLIBC__"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=glibc
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+    # MinGW headers can be installed on Cygwin, so check for newlib first.
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition newlib.h "defined _NEWLIB_VERSION"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=newlib
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+    # MinGW64 is backwards compatible with MinGW32, so check for it first.
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition _mingw.h "defined __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=mingw64
+        if test_${pfx}cpp_condition _mingw.h "__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 3"; then
+            add_compat msvcrt/snprintf.o
+            add_cflags "-include $source_path/compat/msvcrt/snprintf.h"
+        fi
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1
+        eval test \$${pfx_no_}cc_type = "gcc" &&
+            add_${pfx}cppflags -D__printf__=__gnu_printf__
+        test_${pfx}cpp_condition windows.h "!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600" &&
+            add_${pfx}cppflags -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition _mingw.h "defined __MINGW_VERSION"  ||
+         test_${pfx}cpp_condition _mingw.h "defined __MINGW32_VERSION"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=mingw32
+        test_${pfx}cpp_condition _mingw.h "__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || \
+            (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && __MINGW32_MINOR_VERSION >= 15)" ||
+            die "ERROR: MinGW32 runtime version must be >= 3.15."
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1
+        test_${pfx}cpp_condition _mingw.h "__MSVCRT_VERSION__ < 0x0700" &&
+            add_${pfx}cppflags -D__MSVCRT_VERSION__=0x0700
+        test_${pfx}cpp_condition windows.h "!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600" &&
+            add_${pfx}cppflags -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600
+        eval test \$${pfx_no_}cc_type = "gcc" &&
+            add_${pfx}cppflags -D__printf__=__gnu_printf__
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition crtversion.h "defined _VC_CRT_MAJOR_VERSION"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=msvcrt
+        if test_${pfx}cpp_condition crtversion.h "_VC_CRT_MAJOR_VERSION < 14"; then
+            if [ "$pfx" = host_ ]; then
+                add_host_cppflags -Dsnprintf=_snprintf
+            else
+                add_compat strtod.o strtod=avpriv_strtod
+                add_compat msvcrt/snprintf.o snprintf=avpriv_snprintf   \
+                                             _snprintf=avpriv_snprintf  \
+                                             vsnprintf=avpriv_vsnprintf
+            fi
+        fi
+        # The MSVC 2010 headers (Win 7.0 SDK) set _WIN32_WINNT to
+        # 0x601 by default unless something else is set by the user.
+        # This can easily lead to us detecting functions only present
+        # in such new versions and producing binaries requiring windows 7.0.
+        # Therefore explicitly set the default to Vista unless the user has
+        # set something else on the command line.
+        # Don't do this if WINAPI_FAMILY is set and is set to a non-desktop
+        # family. For these cases, configure is free to use any functions
+        # found in the SDK headers by default. (Alternatively, we could force
+        # _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0602 in that case.)
+        test_${pfx}cpp_condition stdlib.h "defined(_WIN32_WINNT)" ||
+            { test_${pfx}cpp <<EOF && add_${pfx}cppflags -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600; }
+#include <winapifamily.h>
+#error not desktop
+        if [ "$pfx" = "" ]; then
+            check_func strtoll || add_cflags -Dstrtoll=_strtoi64
+            check_func strtoull || add_cflags -Dstrtoull=_strtoui64
+        fi
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition stddef.h "defined __KLIBC__"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=klibc
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition sys/cdefs.h "defined __BIONIC__"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=bionic
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition sys/brand.h "defined LABELED_BRAND_NAME"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=solaris
+        add_${pfx}cppflags -D__EXTENSIONS__ -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+    elif test_${pfx}cpp_condition sys/version.h "defined __DJGPP__"; then
+        eval ${pfx}libc_type=djgpp
+        add_cppflags -U__STRICT_ANSI__
+        add_cflags "-include $source_path/compat/djgpp/math.h"
+        add_compat djgpp/math.o
+    fi
+    test_${pfx}cc <<EOF
+#include <time.h>
+void *v = localtime_r;
+test "$?" != 0 && test_${pfx}cc -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 <<EOF && add_${pfx}cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
+#include <time.h>
+void *v = localtime_r;
+    eval test -n "\${${pfx}libc_type}" && enable ${pfx}libc_${libc_type}
+probe_libc host_
+# hacks for compiler/libc/os combinations
+case $libc_type in
+    bionic)
+        add_compat strtod.o strtod=avpriv_strtod
+        ;;
+check_compile_assert flt_lim "float.h limits.h" "DBL_MAX == (double)DBL_MAX" ||
+    add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/float'
+test_cpp_condition stdlib.h "defined(__PIC__) || defined(__pic__) || defined(PIC)" && enable_weak pic
+set_default libdir
+: ${shlibdir_default:="$libdir"}
+: ${pkgconfigdir_default:="$libdir/pkgconfig"}
+set_default $PATHS_LIST
+set_default nm
+disabled optimizations || enabled ossfuzz || check_cflags -fomit-frame-pointer
+enable_weak_pic() {
+    disabled pic && return
+    enable pic
+    add_cppflags -DPIC
+    case "$target_os" in
+    mingw*|cygwin*|win*)
+        ;;
+    *)
+        add_cflags -fPIC
+        add_asflags -fPIC
+        ;;
+    esac
+enabled pic && enable_weak_pic
+test_cc <<EOF || die "Symbol mangling check failed."
+int ff_extern;
+sym=$($nm $TMPO | awk '/ff_extern/{ print substr($0, match($0, /[^ \t]*ff_extern/)) }')
+! disabled inline_asm && check_inline_asm inline_asm '"" ::'
+for restrict_keyword in restrict __restrict__ __restrict ""; do
+    test_code cc "" "char * $restrict_keyword p" && break
+check_cc pragma_deprecated "" '_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"")'
+# The global variable ensures the bits appear unchanged in the object file.
+test_cc <<EOF || die "endian test failed"
+unsigned int endian = 'B' << 24 | 'I' << 16 | 'G' << 8 | 'E';
+od -t x1 $TMPO | grep -q '42 *49 *47 *45' && enable bigendian
+check_cc const_nan math.h "struct { double d; } static const bar[] = { { NAN } }"
+if ! enabled ppc64 || enabled bigendian; then
+    disable vsx
+check_gas() {
+    log "check_gas using '$as' as AS"
+    # :vararg is used on aarch64, arm and ppc altivec
+    check_as vararg "
+.macro m n, y:vararg=0
+\n: .int \y
+m x" || return 1
+    # .altmacro is only used in arm asm
+    ! enabled arm || check_as gnu_as ".altmacro"
+if enabled_any arm aarch64 || enabled_all ppc altivec && enabled asm; then
+    nogas=:
+    enabled_any arm aarch64 && nogas=die
+    enabled_all ppc altivec && [ $target_os_default != aix ] && nogas=warn
+    as_noop=-v
+    case $as_type in
+        arm*) gaspp_as_type=armasm; as_noop=-h ;;
+        gcc)  gaspp_as_type=gas ;;
+        *)    gaspp_as_type=$as_type ;;
+    esac
+    [ $target_os = "darwin" ] && gaspp_as_type="apple-$gaspp_as_type"
+    test "${as#*gas-preprocessor.pl}" != "$as" ||
+    test_cmd gas-preprocessor.pl -arch $arch -as-type $gaspp_as_type -- ${as:=$cc} $as_noop &&
+        gas="${gas:=gas-preprocessor.pl} -arch $arch -as-type $gaspp_as_type -- ${as:=$cc}"
+    if ! check_gas ; then
+        as=${gas:=$as}
+        check_gas || \
+            $nogas "GNU assembler not found, install/update gas-preprocessor"
+    fi
+    check_as as_func ".func test
+                      .endfunc"
+check_inline_asm inline_asm_labels '"1:\n"'
+check_inline_asm inline_asm_nonlocal_labels '"Label:\n"'
+if enabled aarch64; then
+    enabled armv8 && check_insn armv8 'prfm   pldl1strm, [x0]'
+    # internal assembler in clang 3.3 does not support this instruction
+    enabled neon && check_insn neon 'ext   v0.8B, v0.8B, v1.8B, #1'
+    enabled vfp  && check_insn vfp  'fmadd d0,    d0,    d1,    d2'
+    map 'enabled_any ${v}_external ${v}_inline || disable $v' $ARCH_EXT_LIST_ARM
+elif enabled alpha; then
+    check_cflags -mieee
+elif enabled arm; then
+    enabled msvc && check_cpp_condition thumb stddef.h "defined _M_ARMT"
+    test_cpp_condition stddef.h "defined __thumb__" && test_cc <<EOF && enable_weak thumb
+float func(float a, float b){ return a+b; }
+    enabled thumb && check_cflags -mthumb || check_cflags -marm
+    if check_cpp_condition vfp_args stddef.h "defined __ARM_PCS_VFP"; then
+        :
+    elif check_cpp_condition vfp_args stddef.h "defined _M_ARM_FP && _M_ARM_FP >= 30"; then
+        :
+    elif ! test_cpp_condition stddef.h "defined __ARM_PCS || defined __SOFTFP__" && [ $target_os != darwin ]; then
+        case "${cross_prefix:-$cc}" in
+            *hardfloat*) enable vfp_args; fpabi=vfp ;;
+            *) check_ld "cc" vfp_args <<EOF && fpabi=vfp || fpabi=soft ;;
+__asm__ (".eabi_attribute 28, 1");
+int main(void) { return 0; }
+        esac
+        warn "Compiler does not indicate floating-point ABI, guessing $fpabi."
+    fi
+    enabled armv5te && check_insn armv5te 'qadd r0, r0, r0'
+    enabled armv6   && check_insn armv6   'sadd16 r0, r0, r0'
+    enabled armv6t2 && check_insn armv6t2 'movt r0, #0'
+    enabled neon    && check_insn neon    'vadd.i16 q0, q0, q0'
+    enabled vfp     && check_insn vfp     'fadds s0, s0, s0'
+    enabled vfpv3   && check_insn vfpv3   'vmov.f32 s0, #1.0'
+    enabled setend  && check_insn setend  'setend be'
+    [ $target_os = linux ] || [ $target_os = android ] ||
+        map 'enabled_any ${v}_external ${v}_inline || disable $v' \
+            $ARCH_EXT_LIST_ARM
+    check_inline_asm asm_mod_q '"add r0, %Q0, %R0" :: "r"((long long)0)'
+    check_as as_arch_directive ".arch armv7-a"
+    check_as as_dn_directive   "ra .dn d0.i16"
+    check_as as_fpu_directive  ".fpu neon"
+    # llvm's integrated assembler supports .object_arch from llvm 3.5
+    [ "$objformat" = elf32 ] || [ "$objformat" = elf64 ] &&
+        check_as as_object_arch ".object_arch armv4"
+    # MS armasm fails to assemble our PIC constructs
+    [ $target_os != win32 ] && enabled_all armv6t2 shared !pic && enable_weak_pic
+elif enabled mips; then
+    # Check toolchain ISA level
+    if enabled mips64; then
+        enabled mips64r6 && check_inline_asm mips64r6 '"dlsa $0, $0, $0, 1"' &&
+            disable mips64r2
+        enabled mips64r2 && check_inline_asm mips64r2 '"dext $0, $0, 0, 1"'
+        disable mips32r6 && disable mips32r5 && disable mips32r2
+    else
+        enabled mips32r6 && check_inline_asm mips32r6 '"aui $0, $0, 0"' &&
+            disable mips32r5 && disable mips32r2
+        enabled mips32r5 && check_inline_asm mips32r5 '"eretnc"'
+        enabled mips32r2 && check_inline_asm mips32r2 '"ext $0, $0, 0, 1"'
+        disable mips64r6 && disable mips64r5 && disable mips64r2
+    fi
+    enabled mipsfpu && check_inline_asm mipsfpu '"cvt.d.l $f0, $f2"'
+    enabled mipsfpu && (enabled mips32r5 || enabled mips32r6 || enabled mips64r6) && check_inline_asm_flags mipsfpu '"cvt.d.l $f0, $f1"' '-mfp64'
+    enabled mipsdsp && check_inline_asm_flags mipsdsp '"addu.qb $t0, $t1, $t2"' '-mdsp'
+    enabled mipsdspr2 && check_inline_asm_flags mipsdspr2 '"absq_s.qb $t0, $t1"' '-mdspr2'
+    # MSA and MSA2 can be detected at runtime so we supply extra flags here
+    enabled mipsfpu && enabled msa && check_inline_asm msa '"addvi.b $w0, $w1, 1"' '-mmsa' && append MSAFLAGS '-mmsa'
+    enabled msa && enabled msa2 && check_inline_asm msa2 '"nxbits.any.b $w0, $w0"' '-mmsa2' && append MSAFLAGS '-mmsa2'
+    # loongson2 have no switch cflag so we can only probe toolchain ability
+    enabled loongson2 && check_inline_asm loongson2 '"dmult.g $8, $9, $10"' && disable loongson3
+    # loongson3 is paired with MMI
+    enabled loongson3 && check_inline_asm loongson3 '"gsldxc1 $f0, 0($2, $3)"' '-mloongson-ext' && append MMIFLAGS '-mloongson-ext'
+    # MMI can be detected at runtime too
+    enabled mmi && check_inline_asm mmi '"punpcklhw $f0, $f0, $f0"' '-mloongson-mmi' && append MMIFLAGS '-mloongson-mmi'
+    if enabled bigendian && enabled msa; then
+        disable msa
+    fi
+elif enabled parisc; then
+    if enabled gcc; then
+        case $($cc -dumpversion) in
+            4.[3-9].*) check_cflags -fno-optimize-sibling-calls ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+elif enabled ppc; then
+    enable local_aligned
+    check_inline_asm dcbzl     '"dcbzl 0, %0" :: "r"(0)'
+    check_inline_asm ibm_asm   '"add 0, 0, 0"'
+    check_inline_asm ppc4xx    '"maclhw r10, r11, r12"'
+    check_inline_asm xform_asm '"lwzx %1, %y0" :: "Z"(*(int*)0), "r"(0)'
+    if enabled altivec; then
+        check_cflags -maltivec -mabi=altivec
+        # check if our compiler supports Motorola AltiVec C API
+        check_cc altivec altivec.h "vector signed int v1 = (vector signed int) { 0 };
+                                    vector signed int v2 = (vector signed int) { 1 };
+                                    v1 = vec_add(v1, v2);"
+        enabled altivec || warn "Altivec disabled, possibly missing --cpu flag"
+    fi
+    if enabled vsx; then
+        check_cflags -mvsx &&
+        check_cc vsx altivec.h "int v[4] = { 0 };
+                                vector signed int v1 = vec_vsx_ld(0, v);"
+    fi
+    if enabled power8; then
+        check_cpp_condition power8 "altivec.h" "defined(_ARCH_PWR8)"
+    fi
+elif enabled x86; then
+    check_builtin rdtsc    intrin.h   "__rdtsc()"
+    check_builtin mm_empty mmintrin.h "_mm_empty()"
+    enable local_aligned
+    # check whether EBP is available on x86
+    # As 'i' is stored on the stack, this program will crash
+    # if the base pointer is used to access it because the
+    # base pointer is cleared in the inline assembly code.
+    check_exec_crash <<EOF && enable ebp_available
+volatile int i=0;
+__asm__ volatile ("xorl %%ebp, %%ebp" ::: "%ebp");
+return i;
+    # check whether EBX is available on x86
+    check_inline_asm ebx_available '""::"b"(0)' &&
+        check_inline_asm ebx_available '"":::"%ebx"'
+    # check whether xmm clobbers are supported
+    check_inline_asm xmm_clobbers '"":::"%xmm0"'
+    check_inline_asm inline_asm_direct_symbol_refs '"movl '$extern_prefix'test, %eax"' ||
+        check_inline_asm inline_asm_direct_symbol_refs '"movl '$extern_prefix'test(%rip), %eax"'
+    # check whether binutils is new enough to compile SSSE3/MMXEXT
+    enabled ssse3  && check_inline_asm ssse3_inline  '"pabsw %xmm0, %xmm0"'
+    enabled mmxext && check_inline_asm mmxext_inline '"pmaxub %mm0, %mm1"'
+    probe_x86asm(){
+        x86asmexe_probe=$1
+        if test_cmd $x86asmexe_probe -v; then
+            x86asmexe=$x86asmexe_probe
+            x86asm_type=nasm
+            x86asm_debug="-g -F dwarf"
+            X86ASMDEP=
+            X86ASM_DEPFLAGS='-MD $(@:.o=.d)'
+        elif test_cmd $x86asmexe_probe --version; then
+            x86asmexe=$x86asmexe_probe
+            x86asm_type=yasm
+            x86asm_debug="-g dwarf2"
+            X86ASMDEP='$(DEPX86ASM) $(X86ASMFLAGS) -M $(X86ASM_O) $< > $(@:.o=.d)'
+            X86ASM_DEPFLAGS=
+        fi
+        check_x86asm x86asm "movbe ecx, [5]"
+    }
+    if ! disabled_any asm mmx x86asm; then
+        disable x86asm
+        for program in $x86asmexe nasm yasm; do
+            probe_x86asm $program && break
+        done
+        disabled x86asm && die "nasm/yasm not found or too old. Use --disable-x86asm for a crippled build."
+        X86ASMFLAGS="-f $objformat"
+        enabled pic               && append X86ASMFLAGS "-DPIC"
+        test -n "$extern_prefix"  && append X86ASMFLAGS "-DPREFIX"
+        case "$objformat" in
+            elf*) enabled debug && append X86ASMFLAGS $x86asm_debug ;;
+        esac
+        enabled avx512 && check_x86asm avx512_external "vmovdqa32 [eax]{k1}{z}, zmm0"
+        enabled avx2   && check_x86asm avx2_external   "vextracti128 xmm0, ymm0, 0"
+        enabled xop    && check_x86asm xop_external    "vpmacsdd xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3"
+        enabled fma4   && check_x86asm fma4_external   "vfmaddps ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, ymm3"
+        check_x86asm cpunop          "CPU amdnop"
+    fi
+    case "$cpu" in
+        athlon*|opteron*|k8*|pentium|pentium-mmx|prescott|nocona|atom|geode)
+            disable fast_clz
+        ;;
+    esac
+check_cc intrinsics_neon arm_neon.h "int16x8_t test = vdupq_n_s16(0)"
+check_ldflags -Wl,--as-needed
+check_ldflags -Wl,-z,noexecstack
+if ! disabled network; then
+    check_func getaddrinfo $network_extralibs
+    check_func inet_aton $network_extralibs
+    check_type netdb.h "struct addrinfo"
+    check_type netinet/in.h "struct group_source_req" -D_BSD_SOURCE
+    check_type netinet/in.h "struct ip_mreq_source" -D_BSD_SOURCE
+    check_type netinet/in.h "struct ipv6_mreq" -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE
+    check_type poll.h "struct pollfd"
+    check_type netinet/sctp.h "struct sctp_event_subscribe"
+    check_struct "sys/socket.h" "struct msghdr" msg_flags
+    check_struct "sys/types.h sys/socket.h" "struct sockaddr" sa_len
+    check_type netinet/in.h "struct sockaddr_in6"
+    check_type "sys/types.h sys/socket.h" "struct sockaddr_storage"
+    check_type "sys/types.h sys/socket.h" socklen_t
+    # Prefer arpa/inet.h over winsock2
+    if check_headers arpa/inet.h ; then
+        check_func closesocket
+    elif check_headers winsock2.h ; then
+        check_func_headers winsock2.h closesocket -lws2 &&
+            network_extralibs="-lws2" ||
+        { check_func_headers winsock2.h closesocket -lws2_32 &&
+            network_extralibs="-lws2_32"; } || disable winsock2_h network
+        check_func_headers ws2tcpip.h getaddrinfo $network_extralibs
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h socklen_t
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h "struct addrinfo"
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h "struct group_source_req"
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h "struct ip_mreq_source"
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h "struct ipv6_mreq"
+        check_type winsock2.h "struct pollfd"
+        check_struct winsock2.h "struct sockaddr" sa_len
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h "struct sockaddr_in6"
+        check_type ws2tcpip.h "struct sockaddr_storage"
+    else
+        disable network
+    fi
+check_builtin atomic_cas_ptr atomic.h "void **ptr; void *oldval, *newval; atomic_cas_ptr(ptr, oldval, newval)"
+check_builtin machine_rw_barrier mbarrier.h "__machine_rw_barrier()"
+check_builtin MemoryBarrier windows.h "MemoryBarrier()"
+check_builtin sync_val_compare_and_swap "" "int *ptr; int oldval, newval; __sync_val_compare_and_swap(ptr, oldval, newval)"
+check_builtin gmtime_r time.h "time_t *time; struct tm *tm; gmtime_r(time, tm)"
+check_builtin localtime_r time.h "time_t *time; struct tm *tm; localtime_r(time, tm)"
+check_builtin x264_csp_bgr "stdint.h x264.h" "X264_CSP_BGR"
+case "$custom_allocator" in
+    jemalloc)
+        # jemalloc by default does not use a prefix
+        require libjemalloc jemalloc/jemalloc.h malloc -ljemalloc
+    ;;
+    tcmalloc)
+        require_pkg_config libtcmalloc libtcmalloc gperftools/tcmalloc.h tc_malloc
+        malloc_prefix=tc_
+    ;;
+check_func_headers malloc.h _aligned_malloc     && enable aligned_malloc
+check_func  ${malloc_prefix}memalign            && enable memalign
+check_func  ${malloc_prefix}posix_memalign      && enable posix_memalign
+check_func  access
+check_func_headers stdlib.h arc4random
+check_lib   clock_gettime time.h clock_gettime || check_lib clock_gettime time.h clock_gettime -lrt
+check_func  fcntl
+check_func  fork
+check_func  gethrtime
+check_func  getopt
+check_func  getrusage
+check_func  gettimeofday
+check_func  isatty
+check_func  mkstemp
+check_func  mmap
+check_func  mprotect
+# Solaris has nanosleep in -lrt, OpenSolaris no longer needs that
+check_func_headers time.h nanosleep || check_lib nanosleep time.h nanosleep -lrt
+check_func  sched_getaffinity
+check_func  setrlimit
+check_struct "sys/stat.h" "struct stat" st_mtim.tv_nsec -D_BSD_SOURCE
+check_func  strerror_r
+check_func  sysconf
+check_func  sysctl
+check_func  usleep
+check_func_headers conio.h kbhit
+check_func_headers io.h setmode
+check_func_headers lzo/lzo1x.h lzo1x_999_compress
+check_func_headers mach/mach_time.h mach_absolute_time
+check_func_headers stdlib.h getenv
+check_func_headers sys/stat.h lstat
+check_func_headers windows.h GetModuleHandle
+check_func_headers windows.h GetProcessAffinityMask
+check_func_headers windows.h GetProcessTimes
+check_func_headers windows.h GetStdHandle
+check_func_headers windows.h GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
+check_func_headers windows.h LoadLibrary
+check_func_headers windows.h MapViewOfFile
+check_func_headers windows.h PeekNamedPipe
+check_func_headers windows.h SetConsoleTextAttribute
+check_func_headers windows.h SetConsoleCtrlHandler
+check_func_headers windows.h SetDllDirectory
+check_func_headers windows.h Sleep
+check_func_headers windows.h VirtualAlloc
+check_func_headers glob.h glob
+enabled xlib &&
+    check_lib xlib "X11/Xlib.h X11/extensions/Xvlib.h" XvGetPortAttribute -lXv -lX11 -lXext
+check_headers direct.h
+check_headers dirent.h
+check_headers dxgidebug.h
+check_headers dxva.h
+check_headers dxva2api.h -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600
+check_headers io.h
+enabled libdrm &&
+    check_headers linux/dma-buf.h
+check_headers linux/perf_event.h
+check_headers libcrystalhd/libcrystalhd_if.h
+check_headers malloc.h
+check_headers mftransform.h
+check_headers net/udplite.h
+check_headers poll.h
+check_headers sys/param.h
+check_headers sys/resource.h
+check_headers sys/select.h
+check_headers sys/time.h
+check_headers sys/un.h
+check_headers termios.h
+check_headers unistd.h
+check_headers valgrind/valgrind.h
+check_func_headers VideoToolbox/VTCompressionSession.h VTCompressionSessionPrepareToEncodeFrames -framework VideoToolbox
+check_headers windows.h
+check_headers X11/extensions/XvMClib.h
+check_headers asm/types.h
+# it seems there are versions of clang in some distros that try to use the
+# gcc headers, which explodes for stdatomic
+# so we also check that atomics actually work here
+# some configurations also require linking to libatomic, so try
+# both with -latomic and without
+for LATOMIC in "-latomic" ""; do
+    check_builtin stdatomic stdatomic.h                                                 \
+        "atomic_int foo, bar = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(-1); atomic_store(&foo, 0); foo += bar"  \
+        $LATOMIC && eval stdatomic_extralibs="\$LATOMIC" && break
+check_lib advapi32 "windows.h"            RegCloseKey          -ladvapi32
+check_lib bcrypt   "windows.h bcrypt.h"   BCryptGenRandom      -lbcrypt &&
+    check_cpp_condition bcrypt bcrypt.h "defined BCRYPT_RNG_ALGORITHM"
+check_lib ole32    "windows.h"            CoTaskMemFree        -lole32
+check_lib shell32  "windows.h shellapi.h" CommandLineToArgvW   -lshell32
+check_lib psapi    "windows.h psapi.h"    GetProcessMemoryInfo -lpsapi
+check_lib android android/native_window.h ANativeWindow_acquire -landroid
+check_lib mediandk "stdint.h media/NdkImage.h" AImage_delete -lmediandk
+check_lib camera2ndk "stdbool.h stdint.h camera/NdkCameraManager.h" ACameraManager_create -lcamera2ndk
+enabled appkit       && check_apple_framework AppKit
+enabled audiotoolbox && check_apple_framework AudioToolbox
+enabled avfoundation && check_apple_framework AVFoundation
+enabled coreimage    && check_apple_framework CoreImage
+enabled videotoolbox && check_apple_framework VideoToolbox
+check_apple_framework CoreFoundation
+check_apple_framework CoreMedia
+check_apple_framework CoreVideo
+check_apple_framework CoreAudio
+enabled avfoundation && {
+    disable coregraphics applicationservices
+    check_lib coregraphics        CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h               CGGetActiveDisplayList "-framework CoreGraphics" ||
+    check_lib applicationservices ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h CGGetActiveDisplayList "-framework ApplicationServices"; }
+enabled videotoolbox && {
+    check_lib coreservices CoreServices/CoreServices.h UTGetOSTypeFromString "-framework CoreServices"
+    check_func_headers CoreMedia/CMFormatDescription.h kCMVideoCodecType_HEVC "-framework CoreMedia"
+    check_func_headers CoreMedia/CMFormatDescription.h kCMVideoCodecType_HEVCWithAlpha "-framework CoreMedia"
+    check_func_headers CoreVideo/CVPixelBuffer.h kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr10BiPlanarVideoRange "-framework CoreVideo"
+    check_func_headers CoreVideo/CVImageBuffer.h kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_SMPTE_ST_2084_PQ "-framework CoreVideo"
+    check_func_headers CoreVideo/CVImageBuffer.h kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_ITU_R_2100_HLG "-framework CoreVideo"
+    check_func_headers CoreVideo/CVImageBuffer.h kCVImageBufferTransferFunction_Linear "-framework CoreVideo"
+check_struct "sys/time.h sys/resource.h" "struct rusage" ru_maxrss
+check_type "windows.h d3d11.h" "ID3D11VideoDecoder"
+check_type "windows.h d3d11.h" "ID3D11VideoContext"
+check_type "d3d9.h dxva2api.h" DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602
+check_func_headers mfapi.h MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer -lmfplat
+check_type "vdpau/vdpau.h" "VdpPictureInfoHEVC"
+check_type "vdpau/vdpau.h" "VdpPictureInfoVP9"
+if [ -z "$nvccflags" ]; then
+    nvccflags=$nvccflags_default
+if enabled x86_64 || enabled ppc64 || enabled aarch64; then
+    nvccflags="$nvccflags -m64"
+    nvccflags="$nvccflags -m32"
+if enabled cuda_nvcc; then
+    nvccflags="$nvccflags -ptx"
+    nvccflags="$nvccflags -S -nocudalib -nocudainc --cuda-device-only -Wno-c++11-narrowing -include ${source_link}/compat/cuda/cuda_runtime.h"
+    check_nvcc cuda_llvm
+if ! disabled ffnvcodec; then
+    ffnv_hdr_list="ffnvcodec/nvEncodeAPI.h ffnvcodec/dynlink_cuda.h ffnvcodec/dynlink_cuviddec.h ffnvcodec/dynlink_nvcuvid.h"
+    check_pkg_config ffnvcodec "ffnvcodec >=" "$ffnv_hdr_list" "" || \
+      check_pkg_config ffnvcodec "ffnvcodec >= ffnvcodec < 9.1" "$ffnv_hdr_list" "" || \
+      check_pkg_config ffnvcodec "ffnvcodec >= ffnvcodec < 8.3" "$ffnv_hdr_list" "" || \
+      check_pkg_config ffnvcodec "ffnvcodec >= ffnvcodec < 8.2" "$ffnv_hdr_list" ""
+check_cpp_condition winrt windows.h "!WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)"
+if ! disabled w32threads && ! enabled pthreads; then
+    check_func_headers "windows.h process.h" _beginthreadex &&
+        check_type "windows.h" CONDITION_VARIABLE &&
+        check_type "windows.h" INIT_ONCE &&
+        enable w32threads || disable w32threads
+    if ! enabled w32threads && enabled winrt; then
+        check_func_headers "windows.h" CreateThread &&
+            enable w32threads || disable w32threads
+    fi
+# check for some common methods of building with pthread support
+# do this before the optional library checks as some of them require pthreads
+if ! disabled pthreads && ! enabled w32threads && ! enabled os2threads; then
+    if check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_join   -pthread &&
+       check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_create -pthread; then
+        add_cflags -pthread
+    elif check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_join   -pthreads &&
+         check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_create -pthreads; then
+        add_cflags -pthreads
+    elif check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_join   -ldl -pthread &&
+         check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_create -ldl -pthread; then
+        add_cflags -ldl -pthread
+    elif check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_join   -lpthreadGC2 &&
+         check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_create -lpthreadGC2; then
+        :
+    elif check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_join   -lpthread &&
+         check_lib pthreads pthread.h pthread_create -lpthread; then
+        :
+    elif check_func pthread_join && check_func pthread_create; then
+        enable pthreads
+    fi
+    check_cc pthreads "pthread.h" "static pthread_mutex_t atomic_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER"
+    if enabled pthreads; then
+        check_builtin sem_timedwait semaphore.h "sem_t *s; sem_init(s,0,0); sem_timedwait(s,0); sem_destroy(s)" $pthreads_extralibs
+        check_func pthread_cancel $pthreads_extralibs
+    fi
+enabled  zlib && { check_pkg_config zlib zlib "zlib.h" zlibVersion ||
+                   check_lib zlib   zlib.h      zlibVersion    -lz; }
+enabled bzlib && check_lib bzlib bzlib.h BZ2_bzlibVersion    -lbz2
+enabled  lzma && check_lib lzma   lzma.h lzma_version_number -llzma
+# On some systems dynamic loading requires no extra linker flags
+check_lib libdl dlfcn.h "dlopen dlsym" || check_lib libdl dlfcn.h "dlopen dlsym" -ldl
+check_lib libm math.h sin -lm
+for func in $MATH_FUNCS; do
+    eval check_mathfunc $func \${${func}_args:-1} $libm_extralibs
+for func in $COMPLEX_FUNCS; do
+    eval check_complexfunc $func \${${func}_args:-1}
+# these are off by default, so fail if requested and not available
+enabled avisynth          && require_headers "avisynth/avisynth_c.h"
+enabled cuda_nvcc         && { check_nvcc cuda_nvcc || die "ERROR: failed checking for nvcc."; }
+enabled chromaprint       && require chromaprint chromaprint.h chromaprint_get_version -lchromaprint
+enabled decklink          && { require_headers DeckLinkAPI.h &&
+                               { test_cpp_condition DeckLinkAPIVersion.h "BLACKMAGIC_DECKLINK_API_VERSION >= 0x0a0a0000" || die "ERROR: Decklink API version must be >= 10.10"; } }
+enabled frei0r            && require_headers "frei0r.h dlfcn.h"
+enabled gmp               && require gmp gmp.h mpz_export -lgmp
+enabled gnutls            && require_pkg_config gnutls gnutls gnutls/gnutls.h gnutls_global_init
+enabled jni               && { [ $target_os = "android" ] && check_headers jni.h && enabled pthreads || die "ERROR: jni not found"; }
+enabled ladspa            && require_headers "ladspa.h dlfcn.h"
+enabled libaom            && require_pkg_config libaom "aom >= 1.0.0" aom/aom_codec.h aom_codec_version
+enabled libaribb24        && { check_pkg_config libaribb24 "aribb24 > 1.0.3" "aribb24/aribb24.h" arib_instance_new ||
+                               { enabled gpl && require_pkg_config libaribb24 aribb24 "aribb24/aribb24.h" arib_instance_new; } ||
+                               die "ERROR: libaribb24 requires version higher than 1.0.3 or --enable-gpl."; }
+enabled lv2               && require_pkg_config lv2 lilv-0 "lilv/lilv.h" lilv_world_new
+enabled libiec61883       && require libiec61883 libiec61883/iec61883.h iec61883_cmp_connect -lraw1394 -lavc1394 -lrom1394 -liec61883
+enabled libass            && require_pkg_config libass libass ass/ass.h ass_library_init
+enabled libbluray         && require_pkg_config libbluray libbluray libbluray/bluray.h bd_open
+enabled libbs2b           && require_pkg_config libbs2b libbs2b bs2b.h bs2b_open
+enabled libcelt           && require libcelt celt/celt.h celt_decode -lcelt0 &&
+                             { check_lib libcelt celt/celt.h celt_decoder_create_custom -lcelt0 ||
+                               die "ERROR: libcelt must be installed and version must be >= 0.11.0."; }
+enabled libcaca           && require_pkg_config libcaca caca caca.h caca_create_canvas
+enabled libcodec2         && require libcodec2 codec2/codec2.h codec2_create -lcodec2
+enabled libdav1d          && require_pkg_config libdav1d "dav1d >= 0.5.0" "dav1d/dav1d.h" dav1d_version
+enabled libdavs2          && require_pkg_config libdavs2 "davs2 >= 1.6.0" davs2.h davs2_decoder_open
+enabled libdc1394         && require_pkg_config libdc1394 libdc1394-2 dc1394/dc1394.h dc1394_new
+enabled libdrm            && require_pkg_config libdrm libdrm xf86drm.h drmGetVersion
+enabled libfdk_aac        && { check_pkg_config libfdk_aac fdk-aac "fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h" aacEncOpen ||
+                               { require libfdk_aac fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h aacEncOpen -lfdk-aac &&
+                                 warn "using libfdk without pkg-config"; } }
+flite_extralibs="-lflite_cmu_time_awb -lflite_cmu_us_awb -lflite_cmu_us_kal -lflite_cmu_us_kal16 -lflite_cmu_us_rms -lflite_cmu_us_slt -lflite_usenglish -lflite_cmulex -lflite"
+enabled libflite          && require libflite "flite/flite.h" flite_init $flite_extralibs
+enabled fontconfig        && enable libfontconfig
+enabled libfontconfig     && require_pkg_config libfontconfig fontconfig "fontconfig/fontconfig.h" FcInit
+enabled libfreetype       && require_pkg_config libfreetype freetype2 "ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H" FT_Init_FreeType
+enabled libfribidi        && require_pkg_config libfribidi fribidi fribidi.h fribidi_version_info
+enabled libglslang        && require_cpp libglslang glslang/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h "glslang::TIntermediate*" -lglslang -lMachineIndependent -lOSDependent -lHLSL -lOGLCompiler -lGenericCodeGen -lSPVRemapper -lSPIRV -lSPIRV-Tools-opt -lSPIRV-Tools -lpthread -lstdc++
+enabled libgme            && { check_pkg_config libgme libgme gme/gme.h gme_new_emu ||
+                               require libgme gme/gme.h gme_new_emu -lgme -lstdc++; }
+enabled libgsm            && { for gsm_hdr in "gsm.h" "gsm/gsm.h"; do
+                                   check_lib libgsm "${gsm_hdr}" gsm_create -lgsm && break;
+                               done || die "ERROR: libgsm not found"; }
+enabled libilbc           && require libilbc ilbc.h WebRtcIlbcfix_InitDecode -lilbc $pthreads_extralibs
+enabled libklvanc         && require libklvanc libklvanc/vanc.h klvanc_context_create -lklvanc
+enabled libkvazaar        && require_pkg_config libkvazaar "kvazaar >= 0.8.1" kvazaar.h kvz_api_get
+enabled liblensfun        && require_pkg_config liblensfun lensfun lensfun.h lf_db_new
+# While it may appear that require is being used as a pkg-config
+# fallback for libmfx, it is actually being used to detect a different
+# installation route altogether.  If libmfx is installed via the Intel
+# Media SDK or Intel Media Server Studio, these don't come with
+# pkg-config support.  Instead, users should make sure that the build
+# can find the libraries and headers through other means.
+enabled libmfx            && { check_pkg_config libmfx libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit ||
+                               { require libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit "-llibmfx $advapi32_extralibs" && warn "using libmfx without pkg-config"; } }
+if enabled libmfx; then
+   check_cc MFX_CODEC_VP9 "mfx/mfxvp9.h mfx/mfxstructures.h" "MFX_CODEC_VP9"
+enabled libmodplug        && require_pkg_config libmodplug libmodplug libmodplug/modplug.h ModPlug_Load
+enabled libmp3lame        && require "libmp3lame >= 3.98.3" lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame $libm_extralibs
+enabled libmysofa         && { check_pkg_config libmysofa libmysofa mysofa.h mysofa_neighborhood_init_withstepdefine ||
+                               require libmysofa mysofa.h mysofa_neighborhood_init_withstepdefine -lmysofa $zlib_extralibs; }
+enabled libnpp            && { check_lib libnpp npp.h nppGetLibVersion -lnppig -lnppicc -lnppc -lnppidei ||
+                               check_lib libnpp npp.h nppGetLibVersion -lnppi -lnppc -lnppidei ||
+                               die "ERROR: libnpp not found"; }
+enabled libopencore_amrnb && require libopencore_amrnb opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h Decoder_Interface_init -lopencore-amrnb
+enabled libopencore_amrwb && require libopencore_amrwb opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h D_IF_init -lopencore-amrwb
+enabled libopencv         && { check_headers opencv2/core/core_c.h &&
+                               { check_pkg_config libopencv opencv opencv2/core/core_c.h cvCreateImageHeader ||
+                                 require libopencv opencv2/core/core_c.h cvCreateImageHeader -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc; } ||
+                               require_pkg_config libopencv opencv opencv/cxcore.h cvCreateImageHeader; }
+enabled libopenh264       && require_pkg_config libopenh264 openh264 wels/codec_api.h WelsGetCodecVersion
+enabled libopenjpeg       && { check_pkg_config libopenjpeg "libopenjp2 >= 2.1.0" openjpeg.h opj_version ||
+                               { require_pkg_config libopenjpeg "libopenjp2 >= 2.1.0" openjpeg.h opj_version -DOPJ_STATIC && add_cppflags -DOPJ_STATIC; } }
+enabled libopenmpt        && require_pkg_config libopenmpt "libopenmpt >= 0.2.6557" libopenmpt/libopenmpt.h openmpt_module_create -lstdc++ && append libopenmpt_extralibs "-lstdc++"
+enabled libopenvino       && require libopenvino c_api/ie_c_api.h ie_c_api_version -linference_engine_c_api
+enabled libopus           && {
+    enabled libopus_decoder && {
+        require_pkg_config libopus opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
+    }
+    enabled libopus_encoder && {
+        require_pkg_config libopus opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_surround_encoder_create
+    }
+enabled libpulse          && require_pkg_config libpulse libpulse pulse/pulseaudio.h pa_context_new
+enabled librabbitmq       && require_pkg_config librabbitmq "librabbitmq >= 0.7.1" amqp.h amqp_new_connection
+enabled librav1e          && require_pkg_config librav1e "rav1e >= 0.4.0" rav1e.h rav1e_context_new
+enabled librist           && require_pkg_config librist "librist >= 0.2" librist/librist.h rist_receiver_create
+enabled librsvg           && require_pkg_config librsvg librsvg-2.0 librsvg-2.0/librsvg/rsvg.h rsvg_handle_render_cairo
+enabled librtmp           && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
+enabled librubberband     && require_pkg_config librubberband "rubberband >= 1.8.1" rubberband/rubberband-c.h rubberband_new -lstdc++ && append librubberband_extralibs "-lstdc++"
+enabled libshine          && require_pkg_config libshine shine shine/layer3.h shine_encode_buffer
+enabled libsmbclient      && { check_pkg_config libsmbclient smbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init ||
+                               require libsmbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init -lsmbclient; }
+enabled libsnappy         && require libsnappy snappy-c.h snappy_compress -lsnappy -lstdc++
+enabled libsoxr           && require libsoxr soxr.h soxr_create -lsoxr
+enabled libssh            && require_pkg_config libssh libssh libssh/sftp.h sftp_init
+enabled libspeex          && require_pkg_config libspeex speex speex/speex.h speex_decoder_init
+enabled libsrt            && require_pkg_config libsrt "srt >= 1.3.0" srt/srt.h srt_socket
+enabled libsvtav1         && require_pkg_config libsvtav1 "SvtAv1Enc >= 0.8.4" EbSvtAv1Enc.h svt_av1_enc_init_handle
+enabled libtensorflow     && require libtensorflow tensorflow/c/c_api.h TF_Version -ltensorflow
+enabled libtesseract      && require_pkg_config libtesseract tesseract tesseract/capi.h TessBaseAPICreate
+enabled libtheora         && require libtheora theora/theoraenc.h th_info_init -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg
+enabled libtls            && require_pkg_config libtls libtls tls.h tls_configure
+enabled libtwolame        && require libtwolame twolame.h twolame_init -ltwolame &&
+                             { check_lib libtwolame twolame.h twolame_encode_buffer_float32_interleaved -ltwolame ||
+                               die "ERROR: libtwolame must be installed and version must be >= 0.3.10"; }
+enabled libuavs3d         && require_pkg_config libuavs3d "uavs3d >= 1.1.41" uavs3d.h uavs3d_decode
+enabled libv4l2           && require_pkg_config libv4l2 libv4l2 libv4l2.h v4l2_ioctl
+enabled libvidstab        && require_pkg_config libvidstab "vidstab >= 0.98" vid.stab/libvidstab.h vsMotionDetectInit
+enabled libvmaf           && require_pkg_config libvmaf "libvmaf >= 1.5.2" libvmaf.h compute_vmaf
+enabled libvo_amrwbenc    && require libvo_amrwbenc vo-amrwbenc/enc_if.h E_IF_init -lvo-amrwbenc
+enabled libvorbis         && require_pkg_config libvorbis vorbis vorbis/codec.h vorbis_info_init &&
+                             require_pkg_config libvorbisenc vorbisenc vorbis/vorbisenc.h vorbis_encode_init
+enabled libvpx            && {
+    enabled libvpx_vp8_decoder && {
+        check_pkg_config libvpx_vp8_decoder "vpx >= 1.4.0" "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_dx ||
+            check_lib libvpx_vp8_decoder "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" "vpx_codec_vp8_dx VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH" "-lvpx $libm_extralibs $pthreads_extralibs"
+    }
+    enabled libvpx_vp8_encoder && {
+        check_pkg_config libvpx_vp8_encoder "vpx >= 1.4.0" "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_cx ||
+            check_lib libvpx_vp8_encoder "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_vp8_cx VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH" "-lvpx $libm_extralibs $pthreads_extralibs"
+    }
+    enabled libvpx_vp9_decoder && {
+        check_pkg_config libvpx_vp9_decoder "vpx >= 1.4.0" "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp9_dx ||
+            check_lib libvpx_vp9_decoder "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_dx VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH" "-lvpx $libm_extralibs $pthreads_extralibs"
+    }
+    enabled libvpx_vp9_encoder && {
+        check_pkg_config libvpx_vp9_encoder "vpx >= 1.4.0" "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" vpx_codec_vp9_cx ||
+            check_lib libvpx_vp9_encoder "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_cx VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH" "-lvpx $libm_extralibs $pthreads_extralibs"
+    }
+    if disabled_all libvpx_vp8_decoder libvpx_vp9_decoder libvpx_vp8_encoder libvpx_vp9_encoder; then
+        die "libvpx enabled but no supported decoders found"
+    fi
+enabled libwebp           && {
+    enabled libwebp_encoder      && require_pkg_config libwebp "libwebp >= 0.2.0" webp/encode.h WebPGetEncoderVersion
+    enabled libwebp_anim_encoder && check_pkg_config libwebp_anim_encoder "libwebpmux >= 0.4.0" webp/mux.h WebPAnimEncoderOptionsInit; }
+enabled libx264           && { check_pkg_config libx264 x264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode ||
+                               { require libx264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode "-lx264 $pthreads_extralibs $libm_extralibs" &&
+                                 warn "using libx264 without pkg-config"; } } &&
+                             require_cpp_condition libx264 x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" &&
+                             check_cpp_condition libx262 x264.h "X264_MPEG2"
+enabled libx265           && require_pkg_config libx265 x265 x265.h x265_api_get &&
+                             require_cpp_condition libx265 x265.h "X265_BUILD >= 70"
+enabled libxavs           && require libxavs "stdint.h xavs.h" xavs_encoder_encode "-lxavs $pthreads_extralibs $libm_extralibs"
+enabled libxavs2          && require_pkg_config libxavs2 "xavs2 >= 1.3.0" "stdint.h xavs2.h" xavs2_api_get
+enabled libxvid           && require libxvid xvid.h xvid_global -lxvidcore
+enabled libzimg           && require_pkg_config libzimg "zimg >= 2.7.0" zimg.h zimg_get_api_version
+enabled libzmq            && require_pkg_config libzmq "libzmq >= 4.2.1" zmq.h zmq_ctx_new
+enabled libzvbi           && require_pkg_config libzvbi zvbi-0.2 libzvbi.h vbi_decoder_new &&
+                             { test_cpp_condition libzvbi.h "VBI_VERSION_MAJOR > 0 || VBI_VERSION_MINOR > 2 || VBI_VERSION_MINOR == 2 && VBI_VERSION_MICRO >= 28" ||
+                               enabled gpl || die "ERROR: libzvbi requires version 0.2.28 or --enable-gpl."; }
+enabled libxml2           && require_pkg_config libxml2 libxml-2.0 libxml2/libxml/xmlversion.h xmlCheckVersion
+enabled mbedtls           && { check_pkg_config mbedtls mbedtls mbedtls/x509_crt.h mbedtls_x509_crt_init ||
+                               check_pkg_config mbedtls mbedtls mbedtls/ssl.h mbedtls_ssl_init ||
+                               check_lib mbedtls mbedtls/ssl.h mbedtls_ssl_init -lmbedtls -lmbedx509 -lmbedcrypto ||
+                               die "ERROR: mbedTLS not found"; }
+enabled mediacodec        && { enabled jni || die "ERROR: mediacodec requires --enable-jni"; }
+enabled mmal              && { check_lib mmal interface/mmal/mmal.h mmal_port_connect -lmmal_core -lmmal_util -lmmal_vc_client -lbcm_host ||
+                               { ! enabled cross_compile &&
+                                 add_cflags -isystem/opt/vc/include/ -isystem/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux -isystem/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads -fgnu89-inline &&
+                                 add_ldflags -L/opt/vc/lib/ &&
+                                 check_lib mmal interface/mmal/mmal.h mmal_port_connect -lmmal_core -lmmal_util -lmmal_vc_client -lbcm_host; } ||
+                               die "ERROR: mmal not found" &&
+                               check_func_headers interface/mmal/mmal.h "MMAL_PARAMETER_VIDEO_MAX_NUM_CALLBACKS"; }
+enabled openal            && { { for al_extralibs in "${OPENAL_LIBS}" "-lopenal" "-lOpenAL32"; do
+                               check_lib openal 'AL/al.h' alGetError "${al_extralibs}" && break; done } ||
+                               die "ERROR: openal not found"; } &&
+                             { test_cpp_condition "AL/al.h" "defined(AL_VERSION_1_1)" ||
+                               die "ERROR: openal must be installed and version must be 1.1 or compatible"; }
+enabled opencl            && { check_pkg_config opencl OpenCL CL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel ||
+                               check_lib opencl OpenCL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -Wl,-framework,OpenCL ||
+                               check_lib opencl CL/cl.h clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -lOpenCL ||
+                               die "ERROR: opencl not found"; } &&
+                             { test_cpp_condition "OpenCL/cl.h" "defined(CL_VERSION_1_2)" ||
+                               test_cpp_condition "CL/cl.h" "defined(CL_VERSION_1_2)" ||
+                               die "ERROR: opencl must be installed and version must be 1.2 or compatible"; }
+enabled opengl            && { check_lib opengl GL/glx.h glXGetProcAddress "-lGL" ||
+                               check_lib opengl windows.h wglGetProcAddress "-lopengl32 -lgdi32" ||
+                               check_lib opengl OpenGL/gl3.h glGetError "-Wl,-framework,OpenGL" ||
+                               check_lib opengl ES2/gl.h glGetError "-isysroot=${sysroot} -Wl,-framework,OpenGLES" ||
+                               die "ERROR: opengl not found."
+                             }
+enabled omx_rpi           && { test_code cc OMX_Core.h OMX_IndexConfigBrcmVideoRequestIFrame ||
+                               { ! enabled cross_compile &&
+                                 add_cflags -isystem/opt/vc/include/IL &&
+                                 test_code cc OMX_Core.h OMX_IndexConfigBrcmVideoRequestIFrame; } ||
+                               die "ERROR: OpenMAX IL headers from raspberrypi/firmware not found"; } &&
+                             enable omx
+enabled omx_img           && add_cppflags "-I$source_path/compat/OpenMAX/IL" &&
+                             prepend avcodec_deps "swscale" &&
+                             enable omx
+enabled omx               && require_headers OMX_Core.h
+enabled openssl           && { check_pkg_config openssl openssl openssl/ssl.h OPENSSL_init_ssl ||
+                               check_pkg_config openssl openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init ||
+                               check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h OPENSSL_init_ssl -lssl -lcrypto ||
+                               check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto ||
+                               check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl32 -leay32 ||
+                               check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32 ||
+                               die "ERROR: openssl not found"; }
+enabled pocketsphinx      && require_pkg_config pocketsphinx pocketsphinx pocketsphinx/pocketsphinx.h ps_init
+enabled rkmpp             && { require_pkg_config rkmpp rockchip_mpp  rockchip/rk_mpi.h mpp_create &&
+                               require_pkg_config rockchip_mpp "rockchip_mpp >= 1.3.7" rockchip/rk_mpi.h mpp_create &&
+                               { enabled libdrm ||
+                                 die "ERROR: rkmpp requires --enable-libdrm"; }
+                             }
+enabled vapoursynth       && require_pkg_config vapoursynth "vapoursynth-script >= 42" VSScript.h vsscript_init
+if enabled gcrypt; then
+    GCRYPT_CONFIG="${cross_prefix}libgcrypt-config"
+    if "${GCRYPT_CONFIG}" --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        gcrypt_cflags=$("${GCRYPT_CONFIG}" --cflags)
+        gcrypt_extralibs=$("${GCRYPT_CONFIG}" --libs)
+        check_func_headers gcrypt.h gcry_mpi_new $gcrypt_cflags $gcrypt_extralibs ||
+            die "ERROR: gcrypt not found"
+        add_cflags $gcrypt_cflags
+    else
+        require gcrypt gcrypt.h gcry_mpi_new -lgcrypt
+    fi
+if enabled sdl2; then
+    SDL2_CONFIG="${cross_prefix}sdl2-config"
+    test_pkg_config sdl2 "sdl2 >= 2.0.1 sdl2 < 3.0.0" SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent
+    if disabled sdl2 && "${SDL2_CONFIG}" --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        sdl2_cflags=$("${SDL2_CONFIG}" --cflags)
+        sdl2_extralibs=$("${SDL2_CONFIG}" --libs)
+        test_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | SDL_PATCHLEVEL) >= 0x020001" $sdl2_cflags &&
+        test_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | SDL_PATCHLEVEL) < 0x020100" $sdl2_cflags &&
+        check_func_headers SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent $sdl2_extralibs $sdl2_cflags &&
+            enable sdl2
+    fi
+    if test $target_os = "mingw32"; then
+        sdl2_extralibs=$(filter_out '-mwindows' $sdl2_extralibs)
+    fi
+if enabled decklink; then
+    case $target_os in
+        mingw32*|mingw64*|win32|win64)
+            decklink_outdev_extralibs="$decklink_outdev_extralibs -lole32 -loleaut32"
+            decklink_indev_extralibs="$decklink_indev_extralibs -lole32 -loleaut32"
+            ;;
+    esac
+enabled securetransport &&
+    check_func SecIdentityCreate "-Wl,-framework,CoreFoundation -Wl,-framework,Security" &&
+    check_lib securetransport "Security/SecureTransport.h Security/Security.h" "SSLCreateContext" "-Wl,-framework,CoreFoundation -Wl,-framework,Security" ||
+        disable securetransport
+enabled securetransport &&
+    check_func SecItemImport "-Wl,-framework,CoreFoundation -Wl,-framework,Security"
+enabled schannel &&
+    check_func_headers "windows.h security.h" InitializeSecurityContext -DSECURITY_WIN32 -lsecur32 &&
+    test_cpp_condition winerror.h "defined(SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED)" &&
+    schannel_extralibs="-lsecur32" ||
+        disable schannel
+makeinfo --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && enable makeinfo  || disable makeinfo
+enabled makeinfo \
+    && [ 0$(makeinfo --version | grep "texinfo" | sed 's/.*texinfo[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1/') -ge 5 ] \
+    && enable makeinfo_html || disable makeinfo_html
+disabled makeinfo_html && texi2html --help 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'init-file' && enable texi2html || disable texi2html
+perl -v            > /dev/null 2>&1 && enable perl      || disable perl
+pod2man --help     > /dev/null 2>&1 && enable pod2man   || disable pod2man
+rsync --help 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'contimeout' && enable rsync_contimeout || disable rsync_contimeout
+# check V4L2 codecs available in the API
+if enabled v4l2_m2m; then
+    check_headers linux/fb.h
+    check_headers linux/videodev2.h
+    test_code cc linux/videodev2.h "struct v4l2_frmsizeenum vfse; vfse.discrete.width = 0;" && enable_sanitized struct_v4l2_frmivalenum_discrete
+    check_cc v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_M2M_MPLANE | V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_M2M | V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST;"
+    check_cc vc1_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G;"
+    check_cc mpeg1_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG1;"
+    check_cc mpeg2_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2;"
+    check_cc mpeg4_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4;"
+    check_cc hevc_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_HEVC;"
+    check_cc h263_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263;"
+    check_cc h264_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264;"
+    check_cc vp8_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8;"
+    check_cc vp9_v4l2_m2m linux/videodev2.h "int i = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP9;"
+check_headers sys/videoio.h
+test_code cc sys/videoio.h "struct v4l2_frmsizeenum vfse; vfse.discrete.width = 0;" && enable_sanitized struct_v4l2_frmivalenum_discrete
+check_lib user32 "windows.h winuser.h" GetShellWindow -luser32
+check_lib vfw32 "windows.h vfw.h" capCreateCaptureWindow -lvfw32
+# check that WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT is defined to the proper value
+# w32api 3.12 had it defined wrong
+check_cpp_condition vfwcap_defines vfw.h "WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT > WM_USER"
+check_type "dshow.h" IBaseFilter
+# check for ioctl_meteor.h, ioctl_bt848.h and alternatives
+check_headers "dev/bktr/ioctl_meteor.h dev/bktr/ioctl_bt848.h"                   ||
+    check_headers "machine/ioctl_meteor.h machine/ioctl_bt848.h"                 ||
+    check_headers "dev/video/meteor/ioctl_meteor.h dev/video/bktr/ioctl_bt848.h" ||
+    check_headers "dev/ic/bt8xx.h"
+if check_struct sys/soundcard.h audio_buf_info bytes; then
+    enable_sanitized sys/soundcard.h
+    test_cc -D__BSD_VISIBLE -D__XSI_VISIBLE <<EOF && add_cppflags -D__BSD_VISIBLE -D__XSI_VISIBLE && enable_sanitized sys/soundcard.h
+    #include <sys/soundcard.h>
+    audio_buf_info abc;
+enabled alsa && { check_pkg_config alsa alsa "alsa/asoundlib.h" snd_pcm_htimestamp ||
+                  check_lib alsa alsa/asoundlib.h snd_pcm_htimestamp -lasound; }
+enabled libjack &&
+    require_pkg_config libjack jack jack/jack.h jack_port_get_latency_range
+enabled sndio && check_lib sndio sndio.h sio_open -lsndio
+if enabled libcdio; then
+    check_pkg_config libcdio libcdio_paranoia "cdio/cdda.h cdio/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open ||
+    check_pkg_config libcdio libcdio_paranoia "cdio/paranoia/cdda.h cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open ||
+    check_lib libcdio "cdio/cdda.h cdio/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open -lcdio_paranoia -lcdio_cdda -lcdio ||
+    check_lib libcdio "cdio/paranoia/cdda.h cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open -lcdio_paranoia -lcdio_cdda -lcdio ||
+    die "ERROR: No usable libcdio/cdparanoia found"
+enabled libxcb && check_pkg_config libxcb "xcb >= 1.4" xcb/xcb.h xcb_connect ||
+    disable libxcb_shm libxcb_shape libxcb_xfixes
+if enabled libxcb; then
+    enabled libxcb_shm    && check_pkg_config libxcb_shm    xcb-shm    xcb/shm.h    xcb_shm_attach
+    enabled libxcb_shape  && check_pkg_config libxcb_shape  xcb-shape  xcb/shape.h  xcb_shape_get_rectangles
+    enabled libxcb_xfixes && check_pkg_config libxcb_xfixes xcb-xfixes xcb/xfixes.h xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image
+check_func_headers "windows.h" CreateDIBSection "$gdigrab_indev_extralibs"
+# d3d11va requires linking directly to dxgi and d3d11 if not building for
+# the desktop api partition
+test_cpp <<EOF && enable uwp && d3d11va_extralibs="-ldxgi -ld3d11"
+#include <winapifamily.h>
+#error desktop, not uwp
+#error no family set
+enabled libdrm &&
+    check_pkg_config libdrm_getfb2 libdrm "xf86drmMode.h" drmModeGetFB2
+enabled vaapi &&
+    check_pkg_config vaapi "libva >= 0.35.0" "va/va.h" vaInitialize
+if enabled vaapi; then
+    check_pkg_config vaapi_drm "libva-drm" "va/va_drm.h" vaGetDisplayDRM
+    if enabled xlib; then
+        check_pkg_config vaapi_x11 "libva-x11" "va/va_x11.h" vaGetDisplay
+    fi
+    check_cpp_condition vaapi_1 "va/va.h" "VA_CHECK_VERSION(1, 0, 0)"
+    check_type "va/va.h va/va_dec_hevc.h" "VAPictureParameterBufferHEVC"
+    check_struct "va/va.h" "VADecPictureParameterBufferVP9" bit_depth
+    check_struct "va/va.h" "VADecPictureParameterBufferAV1" bit_depth_idx
+    check_type   "va/va.h va/va_vpp.h" "VAProcFilterParameterBufferHDRToneMapping"
+    check_struct "va/va.h va/va_vpp.h" "VAProcPipelineCaps" rotation_flags
+    check_type "va/va.h va/va_enc_hevc.h" "VAEncPictureParameterBufferHEVC"
+    check_type "va/va.h va/va_enc_jpeg.h" "VAEncPictureParameterBufferJPEG"
+    check_type "va/va.h va/va_enc_vp8.h"  "VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8"
+    check_type "va/va.h va/va_enc_vp9.h"  "VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP9"
+if enabled_all opencl libdrm ; then
+    check_type "CL/cl_intel.h" "clCreateImageFromFdINTEL_fn" &&
+        enable opencl_drm_beignet
+    check_func_headers "CL/cl_ext.h" clImportMemoryARM &&
+        enable opencl_drm_arm
+if enabled_all opencl vaapi ; then
+    if enabled opencl_drm_beignet ; then
+        enable opencl_vaapi_beignet
+    else
+        check_type "CL/cl.h CL/cl_va_api_media_sharing_intel.h" "clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL_fn" &&
+            enable opencl_vaapi_intel_media
+    fi
+if enabled_all opencl dxva2 ; then
+    check_type "CL/cl_dx9_media_sharing.h" cl_dx9_surface_info_khr &&
+        enable opencl_dxva2
+if enabled_all opencl d3d11va ; then
+    check_type "CL/cl_d3d11.h" clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR_fn &&
+        enable opencl_d3d11
+enabled vdpau &&
+    check_cpp_condition vdpau vdpau/vdpau.h "defined VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG4_PART2_ASP"
+enabled vdpau &&
+    check_lib vdpau_x11 "vdpau/vdpau.h vdpau/vdpau_x11.h" vdp_device_create_x11 -lvdpau -lX11
+enabled crystalhd && check_lib crystalhd "stdint.h libcrystalhd/libcrystalhd_if.h" DtsCrystalHDVersion -lcrystalhd
+enabled vulkan &&
+    require_pkg_config vulkan "vulkan >= 1.1.97" "vulkan/vulkan.h" vkCreateInstance
+if enabled x86; then
+    case $target_os in
+        mingw32*|mingw64*|win32|win64|linux|cygwin*)
+            ;;
+        *)
+            disable ffnvcodec cuvid nvdec nvenc
+            ;;
+    esac
+elif enabled_any aarch64 ppc64 && ! enabled bigendian; then
+    case $target_os in
+        linux)
+            ;;
+        *)
+            disable ffnvcodec cuvid nvdec nvenc
+            ;;
+    esac
+    disable ffnvcodec cuvid nvdec nvenc
+enabled ffnvcodec && enable cuda
+enabled nvenc &&
+    test_cc -I$source_path <<EOF || disable nvenc
+#include <ffnvcodec/nvEncodeAPI.h>
+void f(void) { struct { const GUID guid; } s[] = { { NV_ENC_PRESET_HQ_GUID } }; }
+int main(void) { return 0; }
+if enabled_any nvdec cuvid; then
+    check_type "ffnvcodec/dynlink_cuda.h ffnvcodec/dynlink_cuviddec.h" "CUVIDAV1PICPARAMS"
+enabled amf &&
+    check_cpp_condition amf "AMF/core/Version.h" \
+        "(AMF_VERSION_MAJOR << 48 | AMF_VERSION_MINOR << 32 | AMF_VERSION_RELEASE << 16 | AMF_VERSION_BUILD_NUM) >= 0x0001000400090000"
+# Funny iconv installations are not unusual, so check it after all flags have been set
+if enabled libc_iconv; then
+    check_func_headers iconv.h iconv
+elif enabled iconv; then
+    check_func_headers iconv.h iconv || check_lib iconv iconv.h iconv -liconv
+enabled debug && add_cflags -g"$debuglevel" && add_asflags -g"$debuglevel"
+# add some useful compiler flags if supported
+check_cflags -Wdeclaration-after-statement
+check_cflags -Wall
+check_cflags -Wdisabled-optimization
+check_cflags -Wpointer-arith
+check_cflags -Wredundant-decls
+check_cflags -Wwrite-strings
+check_cflags -Wtype-limits
+check_cflags -Wundef
+check_cflags -Wmissing-prototypes
+check_cflags -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast
+check_cflags -Wstrict-prototypes
+check_cflags -Wempty-body
+if enabled extra_warnings; then
+    check_cflags -Wcast-qual
+    check_cflags -Wextra
+    check_cflags -Wpedantic
+    warning_flag=-W${1#-Wno-}
+    test_cflags $unknown_warning_flags $warning_flag && add_cflags $1
+test_cflags -Werror=unused-command-line-argument &&
+    append unknown_warning_flags "-Werror=unused-command-line-argument"
+test_cflags -Werror=unknown-warning-option &&
+    append unknown_warning_flags "-Werror=unknown-warning-option"
+check_disable_warning -Wno-parentheses
+check_disable_warning -Wno-switch
+check_disable_warning -Wno-format-zero-length
+check_disable_warning -Wno-pointer-sign
+check_disable_warning -Wno-unused-const-variable
+check_disable_warning -Wno-bool-operation
+check_disable_warning -Wno-char-subscripts
+    warning_flag=-W${1#-Wno-}
+    test_cflags $warning_flag && add_cflags_headers $1
+check_disable_warning_headers -Wno-deprecated-declarations
+check_disable_warning_headers -Wno-unused-variable
+test_cc <<EOF && enable blocks_extension
+void (^block)(void);
+# add some linker flags
+check_ldflags -Wl,--warn-common
+check_ldflags -Wl,-rpath-link=:libpostproc:libswresample:libswscale:libavfilter:libavdevice:libavformat:libavcodec:libavutil:libavresample
+enabled rpath && add_ldexeflags -Wl,-rpath,$libdir && add_ldsoflags -Wl,-rpath,$libdir
+test_ldflags -Wl,-Bsymbolic && append SHFLAGS -Wl,-Bsymbolic
+# add some strip flags
+check_stripflags -x
+enabled neon_clobber_test &&
+    check_ldflags -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_open2              \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_decode_audio4      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_decode_video2      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_decode_subtitle2   \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_encode_audio2      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_encode_video2      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_encode_subtitle    \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_send_packet        \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_receive_packet     \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_send_frame         \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_receive_frame      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,swr_convert                \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avresample_convert ||
+    disable neon_clobber_test
+enabled xmm_clobber_test &&
+    check_ldflags -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_open2              \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_decode_audio4      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_decode_video2      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_decode_subtitle2   \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_encode_audio2      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_encode_video2      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_encode_subtitle    \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_send_packet        \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_receive_packet     \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_send_frame         \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avcodec_receive_frame      \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,swr_convert                \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,avresample_convert         \
+                  -Wl,--wrap,sws_scale ||
+    disable xmm_clobber_test
+check_ld "cc" proper_dce <<EOF
+extern const int array[512];
+static inline int func(void) { return array[0]; }
+int main(void) { return 0; }
+if enabled proper_dce; then
+    echo "X { local: *; };" > $TMPV
+    if test_ldflags -Wl,${version_script},$TMPV; then
+        append SHFLAGS '-Wl,${version_script},\$(SUBDIR)lib\$(NAME).ver'
+        quotes='""'
+        test_cc <<EOF && enable symver_asm_label
+void ff_foo(void) __asm__ ("av_foo@VERSION");
+void ff_foo(void) { ${inline_asm+__asm__($quotes);} }
+        test_cc <<EOF && enable symver_gnu_asm
+__asm__(".symver ff_foo,av_foo@VERSION");
+void ff_foo(void) {}
+    fi
+if [ -z "$optflags" ]; then
+    if enabled small; then
+        optflags=$cflags_size
+    elif enabled optimizations; then
+        optflags=$cflags_speed
+    else
+        optflags=$cflags_noopt
+    fi
+    check_cflags "$@"
+    enabled lto && check_ldflags "$@"
+check_optflags $optflags
+check_optflags -fno-math-errno
+check_optflags -fno-signed-zeros
+if enabled lto; then
+    test "$cc_type" != "$ld_type" && die "LTO requires same compiler and linker"
+    check_cflags  -flto
+    check_ldflags -flto $cpuflags
+    disable inline_asm_direct_symbol_refs
+enabled ftrapv && check_cflags -ftrapv
+test_cc -mno-red-zone <<EOF && noredzone_flags="-mno-red-zone"
+int x;
+if enabled icc; then
+    # Just warnings, no remarks
+    check_cflags -w1
+    # -wd: Disable following warnings
+    # 144, 167, 556: -Wno-pointer-sign
+    # 188: enumerated type mixed with another type
+    # 1292: attribute "foo" ignored
+    # 1419: external declaration in primary source file
+    # 10006: ignoring unknown option -fno-signed-zeros
+    # 10148: ignoring unknown option -Wno-parentheses
+    # 10156: ignoring option '-W'; no argument required
+    # 13200: No EMMS instruction before call to function
+    # 13203: No EMMS instruction before return from function
+    check_cflags -wd144,167,188,556,1292,1419,10006,10148,10156,13200,13203
+    # 11030: Warning unknown option --as-needed
+    # 10156: ignoring option '-export'; no argument required
+    check_ldflags -wd10156,11030
+    # icc 11.0 and 11.1 work with ebp_available, but don't pass the test
+    enable ebp_available
+    # The test above does not test linking
+    enabled lto && disable symver_asm_label
+    if enabled x86_32; then
+        icc_version=$($cc -dumpversion)
+        test ${icc_version%%.*} -ge 11 &&
+            check_cflags -falign-stack=maintain-16-byte ||
+            disable aligned_stack
+    fi
+elif enabled gcc; then
+    check_optflags -fno-tree-vectorize
+    check_cflags -Werror=format-security
+    check_cflags -Werror=implicit-function-declaration
+    check_cflags -Werror=missing-prototypes
+    check_cflags -Werror=return-type
+    check_cflags -Werror=vla
+    check_cflags -Wformat
+    check_cflags -fdiagnostics-color=auto
+    enabled extra_warnings || check_disable_warning -Wno-maybe-uninitialized
+    if enabled x86_32; then
+        case $target_os in
+        *bsd*)
+            # BSDs don't guarantee a 16 byte aligned stack, but we can
+            # request GCC to try to maintain 16 byte alignment throughout
+            # function calls. Library entry points that might call assembly
+            # functions align the stack. (The parameter means 2^4 bytes.)
+            check_cflags -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4
+            ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+elif enabled llvm_gcc; then
+    check_cflags -mllvm -stack-alignment=16
+elif enabled clang; then
+    if enabled x86_32; then
+        # Clang doesn't support maintaining alignment without assuming the
+        # same alignment in every function. If 16 byte alignment would be
+        # enabled, one would also have to either add attribute_align_arg on
+        # every single entry point into the libraries or enable -mstackrealign
+        # (doing stack realignment in every single function).
+        case $target_os in
+        mingw32|win32|*bsd*)
+            disable aligned_stack
+            ;;
+        *)
+            check_cflags -mllvm -stack-alignment=16
+            check_cflags -mstack-alignment=16
+            ;;
+        esac
+    else
+        check_cflags -mllvm -stack-alignment=16
+        check_cflags -mstack-alignment=16
+    fi
+    check_cflags -Qunused-arguments
+    check_cflags -Werror=implicit-function-declaration
+    check_cflags -Werror=missing-prototypes
+    check_cflags -Werror=return-type
+elif enabled cparser; then
+    add_cflags -Wno-missing-variable-declarations
+    add_cflags -Wno-empty-statement
+elif enabled armcc; then
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=4343 # hardfp compat
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=3036 # using . as system include dir
+    # 2523: use of inline assembly is deprecated
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=2523
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=1207
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=1293 # assignment in condition
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=3343 # hardfp compat
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=167  # pointer sign
+    add_cflags -W${armcc_opt},--diag_suppress=513  # pointer sign
+elif enabled pathscale; then
+    add_cflags -fstrict-overflow -OPT:wrap_around_unsafe_opt=OFF
+    disable inline_asm
+elif enabled_any msvc icl; then
+    enabled x86_32 && disable aligned_stack
+    enabled_all x86_32 debug && add_cflags -Oy-
+    enabled debug && add_ldflags -debug
+    enable pragma_deprecated
+    if enabled icl; then
+        # -Qansi-alias is basically -fstrict-aliasing, but does not work
+        # (correctly) on icl 13.x.
+        test_cpp_condition "windows.h" "__ICL < 1300 || __ICL >= 1400" &&
+            add_cflags -Qansi-alias
+        # Some inline asm is not compilable in debug
+        if enabled debug; then
+            disable ebp_available
+            disable ebx_available
+        fi
+    fi
+    # msvcrt10 x64 incorrectly enables log2, only msvcrt12 (MSVC 2013) onwards actually has log2.
+    check_cpp_condition log2 crtversion.h "_VC_CRT_MAJOR_VERSION >= 12"
+    # The CRT headers contain __declspec(restrict) in a few places, but if redefining
+    # restrict, this might break. MSVC 2010 and 2012 fail with __declspec(__restrict)
+    # (as it ends up if the restrict redefine is done before including stdlib.h), while
+    # MSVC 2013 and newer can handle it fine.
+    # If this declspec fails, force including stdlib.h before the restrict redefinition
+    # happens in config.h.
+    if [ $restrict_keyword != restrict ]; then
+        test_cc <<EOF || add_cflags -FIstdlib.h
+__declspec($restrict_keyword) void *foo(int);
+    fi
+    # the new SSA optimzer in VS2015 U3 is mis-optimizing some parts of the code
+    # Issue has been fixed in MSVC v19.00.24218.
+    test_cpp_condition windows.h "_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190024218" ||
+        check_cflags -d2SSAOptimizer-
+    # enable utf-8 source processing on VS2015 U2 and newer
+    test_cpp_condition windows.h "_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023918" &&
+        add_cflags -utf-8
+for pfx in "" host_; do
+    varname=${pfx%_}cc_type
+    eval "type=\$$varname"
+    if [ "$type" = "msvc" ]; then
+        test_${pfx}cc <<EOF || add_${pfx}cflags -Dinline=__inline
+static inline int foo(int a) { return a; }
+    fi
+case $as_type in
+    clang)
+        add_asflags -Qunused-arguments
+    ;;
+case $ld_type in
+    clang)
+        check_ldflags -Qunused-arguments
+    ;;
+enable frame_thread_encoder
+enabled asm || { arch=c; disable $ARCH_LIST $ARCH_EXT_LIST; }
+check_deps $CONFIG_LIST       \
+           $CONFIG_EXTRA      \
+           $HAVE_LIST         \
+           $ALL_COMPONENTS    \
+enabled threads && ! enabled pthreads && ! enabled atomics_native && die "non pthread threading without atomics not supported, try adding --enable-pthreads or --cpu=i486 or higher if you are on x86"
+enabled avresample && warn "Building with deprecated library libavresample"
+case $target_os in
+    disable memalign
+    disable posix_memalign
+    ;;
+    if test_cpp_condition sys/version.h "defined(__DJGPP__) && __DJGPP__ == 2 && __DJGPP_MINOR__ == 5"; then
+        disable memalign
+    fi
+    ;;
+    nested_entries=
+    list_name=$1
+    eval list=\$${1}
+    for entry in $list; do
+        entry_copy=$entry
+        resolve entry_copy
+        flat_entries=
+        for e in $entry_copy; do
+            case $e in
+                *_extralibs) nested_entries="$nested_entries$e ";;
+                          *) flat_entries="$flat_entries$e ";;
+            esac
+        done
+        eval $entry="\$flat_entries"
+    done
+    append $list_name "$nested_entries"
+    resolve nested_entries
+    if test -n "$(filter '*_extralibs' $nested_entries)"; then
+        flatten_extralibs $list_name
+    fi
+    list_name=$1
+    flatten_extralibs $list_name
+    unique $list_name
+    resolve $list_name
+    eval $list_name=\$\(\$ldflags_filter \$$list_name\)
+    eval printf \''%s'\' \""\$$list_name"\"
+for linkunit in $LIBRARY_LIST; do
+    unset current_extralibs
+    eval components=\$$(toupper ${linkunit})_COMPONENTS_LIST
+    for comp in ${components}; do
+        enabled $comp || continue
+        comp_extralibs="${comp}_extralibs"
+        append current_extralibs $comp_extralibs
+    done
+    eval prepend ${linkunit}_extralibs $current_extralibs
+    eval ${linkunit}_extralibs=\$\(flatten_extralibs_wrapper ${linkunit}_extralibs\)
+map 'enabled $v && intrinsics=${v#intrinsics_}' $INTRINSICS_LIST
+for thread in $THREADS_LIST; do
+    if enabled $thread; then
+        test -n "$thread_type" &&
+            die "ERROR: Only one thread type must be selected." ||
+            thread_type="$thread"
+    fi
+if disabled stdatomic; then
+    if enabled atomics_gcc; then
+        add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/atomics/gcc'
+    elif enabled atomics_win32; then
+        add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/atomics/win32'
+    elif enabled atomics_suncc; then
+        add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/atomics/suncc'
+    elif enabled pthreads; then
+        add_compat atomics/pthread/stdatomic.o
+        add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/atomics/pthread'
+    else
+        enabled threads && die "Threading is enabled, but no atomics are available"
+        add_cppflags '-I\$(SRC_PATH)/compat/atomics/dummy'
+    fi
+# Check if requested libraries were found.
+for lib in $AUTODETECT_LIBS; do
+    requested $lib && ! enabled $lib && die "ERROR: $lib requested but not found";
+enabled zlib && add_cppflags -DZLIB_CONST
+# conditional library dependencies, in any order
+enabled afftdn_filter       && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled afftfilt_filter     && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled afir_filter         && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled amovie_filter       && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec"
+enabled aresample_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "swresample"
+enabled atempo_filter       && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled bm3d_filter         && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled cover_rect_filter   && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec"
+enabled convolve_filter     && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled deconvolve_filter   && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled ebur128_filter && enabled swresample && prepend avfilter_deps "swresample"
+enabled elbg_filter         && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled fftfilt_filter      && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled find_rect_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec"
+enabled firequalizer_filter && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled mcdeint_filter      && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled movie_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec"
+enabled pan_filter          && prepend avfilter_deps "swresample"
+enabled pp_filter           && prepend avfilter_deps "postproc"
+enabled removelogo_filter   && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec swscale"
+enabled resample_filter && prepend avfilter_deps "avresample"
+enabled sab_filter          && prepend avfilter_deps "swscale"
+enabled scale_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "swscale"
+enabled scale2ref_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "swscale"
+enabled sofalizer_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled showcqt_filter      && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec swscale"
+enabled showfreqs_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled showspectrum_filter && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled signature_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec avformat"
+enabled smartblur_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "swscale"
+enabled spectrumsynth_filter && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled spp_filter          && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled sr_filter           && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat swscale"
+enabled subtitles_filter    && prepend avfilter_deps "avformat avcodec"
+enabled uspp_filter         && prepend avfilter_deps "avcodec"
+enabled zoompan_filter      && prepend avfilter_deps "swscale"
+enabled lavfi_indev         && prepend avdevice_deps "avfilter"
+enabled_any sdl2_outdev opengl_outdev && enabled sdl2 &&
+    add_cflags $(filter_out '-Dmain=SDL_main' $sdl2_cflags)
+enabled opus_decoder    && prepend avcodec_deps "swresample"
+# reorder the items at var $1 to align with the items order at var $2 .
+# die if an item at $1 is not at $2 .
+    eval rb_in=\$$1
+    eval rb_ordered=\$$2
+    for rb in $rb_in; do
+        is_in $rb $rb_ordered || die "$rb at \$$1 is not at \$$2"
+    done
+    rb_out=
+    for rb in $rb_ordered; do
+        is_in $rb $rb_in && rb_out="$rb_out$rb "
+    done
+    eval $1=\$rb_out
+# deps-expand fflib $1:  N x {append all expanded deps; unique}
+# within a set of N items, N expansions are enough to expose a cycle.
+    unique ${1}_deps  # required for the early break test.
+    for dummy in $LIBRARY_LIST; do  # N iteratios
+        eval deps=\$${1}_deps
+        append ${1}_deps $(map 'eval echo \$${v}_deps' $deps)
+        unique ${1}_deps
+        eval '[ ${#deps} = ${#'${1}_deps'} ]' && break  # doesn't expand anymore
+    done
+    eval is_in $1 \$${1}_deps && die "Dependency cycle at ${1}_deps"
+    reorder_by ${1}_deps LIBRARY_LIST  # linking order is expected later
+#we have to remove gpl from the deps here as some code assumes all lib deps are libs
+postproc_deps="$(filter_out 'gpl' $postproc_deps)"
+map 'expand_deps $v' $LIBRARY_LIST
+if test "$quiet" != "yes"; then
+echo "install prefix            $prefix"
+echo "source path               $source_path"
+echo "C compiler                $cc"
+echo "C library                 $libc_type"
+if test "$host_cc" != "$cc"; then
+    echo "host C compiler           $host_cc"
+    echo "host C library            $host_libc_type"
+echo "ARCH                      $arch ($cpu)"
+if test "$build_suffix" != ""; then
+    echo "build suffix              $build_suffix"
+if test "$progs_suffix" != ""; then
+    echo "progs suffix              $progs_suffix"
+if test "$extra_version" != ""; then
+    echo "version string suffix     $extra_version"
+echo "big-endian                ${bigendian-no}"
+echo "runtime cpu detection     ${runtime_cpudetect-no}"
+if enabled x86; then
+    echo "standalone assembly       ${x86asm-no}"
+    echo "x86 assembler             ${x86asmexe}"
+    echo "MMX enabled               ${mmx-no}"
+    echo "MMXEXT enabled            ${mmxext-no}"
+    echo "3DNow! enabled            ${amd3dnow-no}"
+    echo "3DNow! extended enabled   ${amd3dnowext-no}"
+    echo "SSE enabled               ${sse-no}"
+    echo "SSSE3 enabled             ${ssse3-no}"
+    echo "AESNI enabled             ${aesni-no}"
+    echo "AVX enabled               ${avx-no}"
+    echo "AVX2 enabled              ${avx2-no}"
+    echo "AVX-512 enabled           ${avx512-no}"
+    echo "XOP enabled               ${xop-no}"
+    echo "FMA3 enabled              ${fma3-no}"
+    echo "FMA4 enabled              ${fma4-no}"
+    echo "i686 features enabled     ${i686-no}"
+    echo "CMOV is fast              ${fast_cmov-no}"
+    echo "EBX available             ${ebx_available-no}"
+    echo "EBP available             ${ebp_available-no}"
+if enabled aarch64; then
+    echo "NEON enabled              ${neon-no}"
+    echo "VFP enabled               ${vfp-no}"
+if enabled arm; then
+    echo "ARMv5TE enabled           ${armv5te-no}"
+    echo "ARMv6 enabled             ${armv6-no}"
+    echo "ARMv6T2 enabled           ${armv6t2-no}"
+    echo "VFP enabled               ${vfp-no}"
+    echo "NEON enabled              ${neon-no}"
+    echo "THUMB enabled             ${thumb-no}"
+if enabled mips; then
+    echo "MIPS FPU enabled          ${mipsfpu-no}"
+    echo "MIPS DSP R1 enabled       ${mipsdsp-no}"
+    echo "MIPS DSP R2 enabled       ${mipsdspr2-no}"
+    echo "MIPS MSA enabled          ${msa-no}"
+    echo "MIPS MSA2 enabled         ${msa2-no}"
+    echo "LOONGSON MMI enabled      ${mmi-no}"
+if enabled ppc; then
+    echo "AltiVec enabled           ${altivec-no}"
+    echo "VSX enabled               ${vsx-no}"
+    echo "POWER8 enabled            ${power8-no}"
+    echo "PPC 4xx optimizations     ${ppc4xx-no}"
+    echo "dcbzl available           ${dcbzl-no}"
+echo "debug symbols             ${debug-no}"
+echo "strip symbols             ${stripping-no}"
+echo "optimize for size         ${small-no}"
+echo "optimizations             ${optimizations-no}"
+echo "static                    ${static-no}"
+echo "shared                    ${shared-no}"
+echo "postprocessing support    ${postproc-no}"
+echo "network support           ${network-no}"
+echo "threading support         ${thread_type-no}"
+echo "safe bitstream reader     ${safe_bitstream_reader-no}"
+echo "texi2html enabled         ${texi2html-no}"
+echo "perl enabled              ${perl-no}"
+echo "pod2man enabled           ${pod2man-no}"
+echo "makeinfo enabled          ${makeinfo-no}"
+echo "makeinfo supports HTML    ${makeinfo_html-no}"
+test -n "$random_seed" &&
+    echo "random seed               ${random_seed}"
+echo "External libraries:"
+echo "External libraries providing hardware acceleration:"
+echo "Libraries:"
+print_enabled '' $LIBRARY_LIST | print_in_columns
+echo "Programs:"
+print_enabled '' $PROGRAM_LIST | print_in_columns
+for type in decoder encoder hwaccel parser demuxer muxer protocol filter bsf indev outdev; do
+    echo "Enabled ${type}s:"
+    eval list=\$$(toupper $type)_LIST
+    print_enabled '_*' $list | print_in_columns
+    echo
+if test -n "$ignore_tests"; then
+    ignore_tests=$(echo $ignore_tests | tr ',' ' ')
+    echo "Ignored FATE tests:"
+    echo $ignore_tests | print_in_columns
+    echo
+echo "License: $license"
+fi # test "$quiet" != "yes"
+if test -n "$WARN_IF_GETS_DISABLED_LIST"; then
+    for cfg in $WARN_IF_GETS_DISABLED_LIST; do
+        if disabled $cfg; then
+            varname=${cfg}_disable_reason
+            eval "warn \"Disabled $cfg because \$$varname\""
+        fi
+    done
+if test -n "$WARNINGS"; then
+    printf "\n%s%s$WARNINGS%s" "$warn_color" "$bold_color" "$reset_color"
+    enabled fatal_warnings && exit 1
+test -e Makefile || echo "include $source_path/Makefile" > Makefile
+    echo "$*" | sed 's/%/%25/g;s/:/%3a/g'
+echo "config:$arch:$subarch:$cpu:$target_os:$(esc $cc_ident):$(esc $FFMPEG_CONFIGURATION)" > ffbuild/config.fate
+enabled stripping || strip="echo skipping strip"
+enabled stripping || striptype=""
+config_files="$TMPH ffbuild/config.mak doc/config.texi"
+cat > ffbuild/config.mak <<EOF
+# Automatically generated by configure - do not modify!
+CP=cp -p
+SHFLAGS=$(echo $($ldflags_filter $SHFLAGS))
+TARGET_EXEC=$target_exec $target_exec_args
+map 'eval echo "${v}_FFLIBS=\$${v}_deps" >> ffbuild/config.mak' $LIBRARY_LIST
+    eval echo "EXTRALIBS-${entry}=\$${entry}_extralibs" >> ffbuild/config.mak
+cat > $TMPH <<EOF
+/* Automatically generated by configure - do not modify! */
+#define FFMPEG_LICENSE "$(c_escape $license)"
+#define CONFIG_THIS_YEAR 2023
+#define FFMPEG_DATADIR "$(eval c_escape $datadir)"
+#define AVCONV_DATADIR "$(eval c_escape $datadir)"
+#define CC_IDENT "$(c_escape ${cc_ident:-Unknown compiler})"
+#define OS_NAME $target_os
+#define av_restrict $restrict_keyword
+#define EXTERN_PREFIX "${extern_prefix}"
+#define EXTERN_ASM ${extern_prefix}
+#define BUILDSUF "$build_suffix"
+#define SWS_MAX_FILTER_SIZE $sws_max_filter_size
+test -n "$assert_level" &&
+    echo "#define ASSERT_LEVEL $assert_level" >>$TMPH
+test -n "$malloc_prefix" &&
+    echo "#define MALLOC_PREFIX $malloc_prefix" >>$TMPH
+if enabled x86asm; then
+    append config_files $TMPASM
+    cat > $TMPASM <<EOF
+; Automatically generated by configure - do not modify!
+enabled getenv || echo "#define getenv(x) NULL" >> $TMPH
+mkdir -p doc
+mkdir -p tests
+mkdir -p tests/api
+echo "@c auto-generated by configure - do not modify! " > doc/config.texi
+print_config ARCH_   "$config_files" $ARCH_LIST
+print_config HAVE_   "$config_files" $HAVE_LIST
+print_config CONFIG_ "$config_files" $CONFIG_LIST       \
+                                     $CONFIG_EXTRA      \
+                                     $ALL_COMPONENTS    \
+echo "#endif /* FFMPEG_CONFIG_H */" >> $TMPH
+echo "endif # FFMPEG_CONFIG_MAK" >> ffbuild/config.mak
+# Do not overwrite an unchanged config.h to avoid superfluous rebuilds.
+cp_if_changed $TMPH config.h
+touch ffbuild/.config
+enabled x86asm && cp_if_changed $TMPASM config.asm
+cat > $TMPH <<EOF
+/* Generated by ffmpeg configure */
+print_config AV_HAVE_ $TMPH $HAVE_LIST_PUB
+echo "#endif /* AVUTIL_AVCONFIG_H */" >> $TMPH
+cp_if_changed $TMPH libavutil/avconfig.h
+# full_filter_name_foo=vf_foo
+# full_filter_name_bar=asrc_bar
+# ...
+eval "$(sed -n "s/^extern AVFilter ff_\([avfsinkrc]\{2,5\}\)_\(.*\);/full_filter_name_\2=\1_\2/p" $source_path/libavfilter/allfilters.c)"
+# generate the lists of enabled components
+    file=$1
+    struct_name=$2
+    name=$3
+    shift 3
+    echo "static const $struct_name * const $name[] = {" > $TMPH
+    for c in $*; do
+        if enabled $c; then
+            case $name in
+                filter_list)
+                    eval c=\$full_filter_name_${c%_filter}
+                ;;
+                indev_list)
+                    c=${c%_indev}_demuxer
+                ;;
+                outdev_list)
+                    c=${c%_outdev}_muxer
+                ;;
+            esac
+            printf "    &ff_%s,\n" $c >> $TMPH
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ "$name" = "filter_list" ]; then
+        for c in asrc_abuffer vsrc_buffer asink_abuffer vsink_buffer; do
+            printf "    &ff_%s,\n" $c >> $TMPH
+        done
+    fi
+    echo "    NULL };" >> $TMPH
+    cp_if_changed $TMPH $file
+print_enabled_components libavfilter/filter_list.c AVFilter filter_list $FILTER_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavcodec/codec_list.c AVCodec codec_list $CODEC_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavcodec/parser_list.c AVCodecParser parser_list $PARSER_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavcodec/bsf_list.c AVBitStreamFilter bitstream_filters $BSF_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavformat/demuxer_list.c AVInputFormat demuxer_list $DEMUXER_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavformat/muxer_list.c AVOutputFormat muxer_list $MUXER_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavdevice/indev_list.c AVInputFormat indev_list $INDEV_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavdevice/outdev_list.c AVOutputFormat outdev_list $OUTDEV_LIST
+print_enabled_components libavformat/protocol_list.c URLProtocol url_protocols $PROTOCOL_LIST
+# Settings for pkg-config files
+cat > $TMPH <<EOF
+# Automatically generated by configure - do not modify!
+rpath=$(enabled rpath && echo "-Wl,-rpath,\${libdir}")
+for lib in $LIBRARY_LIST; do
+    lib_deps="$(eval echo \$${lib}_deps)"
+    echo ${lib}_deps=\"$lib_deps\" >> $TMPH
+cp_if_changed $TMPH ffbuild/config.sh

Property changes on: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/configure
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/Makefile
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/Makefile	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+NAME = avcodec
+DESC = FFmpeg codec library
+HEADERS = ac3_parser.h                                                  \
+          adts_parser.h                                                 \
+          avcodec.h                                                     \
+          avdct.h                                                       \
+          avfft.h                                                       \
+          bsf.h                                                         \
+          codec.h                                                       \
+          codec_desc.h                                                  \
+          codec_id.h                                                    \
+          codec_par.h                                                   \
+          d3d11va.h                                                     \
+          dirac.h                                                       \
+          dv_profile.h                                                  \
+          dxva2.h                                                       \
+          jni.h                                                         \
+          mediacodec.h                                                  \
+          packet.h                                                      \
+          qsv.h                                                         \
+          vaapi.h                                                       \
+          vdpau.h                                                       \
+          version.h                                                     \
+          videotoolbox.h                                                \
+          vorbis_parser.h                                               \
+          xvmc.h                                                        \
+OBJS = ac3_parser.o                                                     \
+       adts_parser.o                                                    \
+       allcodecs.o                                                      \
+       avcodec.o                                                        \
+       avdct.o                                                          \
+       avpacket.o                                                       \
+       avpicture.o                                                      \
+       bitstream.o                                                      \
+       bitstream_filter.o                                               \
+       bitstream_filters.o                                              \
+       bsf.o                                                            \
+       codec_desc.o                                                     \
+       codec_par.o                                                      \
+       d3d11va.o                                                        \
+       decode.o                                                         \
+       dirac.o                                                          \
+       dv_profile.o                                                     \
+       encode.o                                                         \
+       imgconvert.o                                                     \
+       jni.o                                                            \
+       mathtables.o                                                     \
+       mediacodec.o                                                     \
+       mpeg12framerate.o                                                \
+       options.o                                                        \
+       parser.o                                                         \
+       parsers.o                                                        \
+       profiles.o                                                       \
+       qsv_api.o                                                        \
+       raw.o                                                            \
+       utils.o                                                          \
+       vorbis_parser.o                                                  \
+       xiph.o                                                           \
+# subsystems
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AANDCTTABLES)            += aandcttab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3DSP)                  += ac3dsp.o ac3.o ac3tab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADTS_HEADER)             += adts_header.o mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AMF)                     += amfenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AUDIO_FRAME_QUEUE)       += audio_frame_queue.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATSC_A53)                += atsc_a53.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AUDIODSP)                += audiodsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BLOCKDSP)                += blockdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BSWAPDSP)                += bswapdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CABAC)                   += cabac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS)                     += cbs.o cbs_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS_AV1)                 += cbs_av1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS_H264)                += cbs_h2645.o cbs_sei.o h2645_parse.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS_H265)                += cbs_h2645.o cbs_sei.o h2645_parse.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS_JPEG)                += cbs_jpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS_MPEG2)               += cbs_mpeg2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CBS_VP9)                 += cbs_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CRYSTALHD)               += crystalhd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DCT)                     += dct.o dct32_fixed.o dct32_float.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ERROR_RESILIENCE)        += error_resilience.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EXIF)                    += exif.o tiff_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FAANDCT)                 += faandct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FAANIDCT)                += faanidct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FDCTDSP)                 += fdctdsp.o jfdctfst.o jfdctint.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FFT)                     += avfft.o fft_float.o fft_fixed_32.o \
+                                          fft_init_table.o $(FFT-OBJS-yes)
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLACDSP)                 += flacdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FMTCONVERT)              += fmtconvert.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GOLOMB)                  += golomb.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263DSP)                 += h263dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264CHROMA)              += h264chroma.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264DSP)                 += h264dsp.o h264idct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264PARSE)               += h264_parse.o h2645_parse.o h264_ps.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264PRED)                += h264pred.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264QPEL)                += h264qpel.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVCPARSE)               += hevc_parse.o h2645_parse.o hevc_ps.o hevc_sei.o hevc_data.o \
+                                          dynamic_hdr10_plus.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HPELDSP)                 += hpeldsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HUFFMAN)                 += huffman.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HUFFYUVDSP)              += huffyuvdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HUFFYUVENCDSP)           += huffyuvencdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IDCTDSP)                 += idctdsp.o simple_idct.o jrevdct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IIRFILTER)               += iirfilter.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MDCT15)                  += mdct15.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_INTRAX8)                 += intrax8.o intrax8dsp.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IVIDSP)                  += ivi_dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JNI)                     += ffjni.o jni.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEGTABLES)              += jpegtables.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LLAUDDSP)                += lossless_audiodsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LLVIDDSP)                += lossless_videodsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LLVIDENCDSP)             += lossless_videoencdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LPC)                     += lpc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LSP)                     += lsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LZF)                     += lzf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MDCT)                    += mdct_float.o mdct_fixed_32.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ME_CMP)                  += me_cmp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MEDIACODEC)              += mediacodecdec_common.o mediacodec_surface.o mediacodec_wrapper.o mediacodec_sw_buffer.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG_ER)                 += mpeg_er.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGAUDIO)               += mpegaudio.o mpegaudiodec_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGAUDIODSP)            += mpegaudiodsp.o                \
+                                          mpegaudiodsp_data.o           \
+                                          mpegaudiodsp_fixed.o          \
+                                          mpegaudiodsp_float.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGAUDIOHEADER)         += mpegaudiodecheader.o mpegaudiodata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGVIDEO)               += mpegvideo.o mpegvideodsp.o rl.o \
+                                          mpegvideo_motion.o mpegutils.o \
+                                          mpegvideodata.o mpegpicture.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGVIDEOENC)            += mpegvideo_enc.o mpeg12data.o  \
+                                          motion_est.o ratecontrol.o    \
+                                          mpegvideoencdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSS34DSP)                += mss34dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PIXBLOCKDSP)             += pixblockdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QPELDSP)                 += qpeldsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QSV)                     += qsv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QSVDEC)                  += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QSVENC)                  += qsvenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RANGECODER)              += rangecoder.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RDFT)                    += rdft.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV34DSP)                 += rv34dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHARED)                  += log2_tab.o reverse.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SINEWIN)                 += sinewin.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SNAPPY)                  += snappy.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_STARTCODE)               += startcode.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTUREDSP)              += texturedsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTUREDSPENC)           += texturedspenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TPELDSP)                 += tpeldsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VAAPI_ENCODE)            += vaapi_encode.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1DSP)                  += vc1dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VIDEODSP)                += videodsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP3DSP)                  += vp3dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP56DSP)                 += vp56dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8DSP)                  += vp8dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V4L2_M2M)                += v4l2_m2m.o v4l2_context.o v4l2_buffers.o v4l2_fmt.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMA_FREQS)               += wma_freqs.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMV2DSP)                 += wmv2dsp.o
+# decoders/encoders
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ZERO12V_DECODER)         += 012v.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_A64MULTI_ENCODER)        += a64multienc.o elbg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_A64MULTI5_ENCODER)       += a64multienc.o elbg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_DECODER)             += aacdec.o aactab.o aacsbr.o aacps_common.o aacps_float.o \
+                                          mpeg4audio.o kbdwin.o \
+                                          sbrdsp.o aacpsdsp_float.o cbrt_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_FIXED_DECODER)       += aacdec_fixed.o aactab.o aacsbr_fixed.o aacps_common.o aacps_fixed.o \
+                                          mpeg4audio.o kbdwin.o \
+                                          sbrdsp_fixed.o aacpsdsp_fixed.o cbrt_data_fixed.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_ENCODER)             += aacenc.o aaccoder.o aacenctab.o    \
+                                          aacpsy.o aactab.o      \
+                                          aacenc_is.o \
+                                          aacenc_tns.o \
+                                          aacenc_ltp.o \
+                                          aacenc_pred.o \
+                                          psymodel.o mpeg4audio.o kbdwin.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_MF_ENCODER)          += mfenc.o mf_utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AASC_DECODER)            += aasc.o msrledec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_DECODER)             += ac3dec_float.o ac3dec_data.o ac3.o kbdwin.o ac3tab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_FIXED_DECODER)       += ac3dec_fixed.o ac3dec_data.o ac3.o kbdwin.o ac3tab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_ENCODER)             += ac3enc_float.o ac3enc.o ac3tab.o \
+                                          ac3.o kbdwin.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_FIXED_ENCODER)       += ac3enc_fixed.o ac3enc.o ac3tab.o ac3.o kbdwin.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_MF_ENCODER)          += mfenc.o mf_utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ACELP_KELVIN_DECODER)    += g729dec.o lsp.o celp_math.o celp_filters.o acelp_filters.o acelp_pitch_delay.o acelp_vectors.o g729postfilter.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AGM_DECODER)             += agm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AIC_DECODER)             += aic.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALAC_DECODER)            += alac.o alac_data.o alacdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALAC_ENCODER)            += alacenc.o alac_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALIAS_PIX_DECODER)       += aliaspixdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALIAS_PIX_ENCODER)       += aliaspixenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALS_DECODER)             += alsdec.o bgmc.o mlz.o mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AMRNB_DECODER)           += amrnbdec.o celp_filters.o   \
+                                          celp_math.o acelp_filters.o \
+                                          acelp_vectors.o             \
+                                          acelp_pitch_delay.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AMRWB_DECODER)           += amrwbdec.o celp_filters.o   \
+                                          celp_math.o acelp_filters.o \
+                                          acelp_vectors.o             \
+                                          acelp_pitch_delay.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AMV_ENCODER)             += mjpegenc.o mjpegenc_common.o \
+                                          mjpegenc_huffman.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ANM_DECODER)             += anm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ANSI_DECODER)            += ansi.o cga_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APE_DECODER)             += apedec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APTX_DECODER)            += aptxdec.o aptx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APTX_ENCODER)            += aptxenc.o aptx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APTX_HD_DECODER)         += aptxdec.o aptx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APTX_HD_ENCODER)         += aptxenc.o aptx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APNG_DECODER)            += png.o pngdec.o pngdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_APNG_ENCODER)            += png.o pngenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ARBC_DECODER)            += arbc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ARGO_DECODER)            += argo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SSA_DECODER)             += assdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SSA_ENCODER)             += assenc.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ASS_DECODER)             += assdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ASS_ENCODER)             += assenc.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ASV1_DECODER)            += asvdec.o asv.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ASV1_ENCODER)            += asvenc.o asv.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ASV2_DECODER)            += asvdec.o asv.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ASV2_ENCODER)            += asvenc.o asv.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATRAC1_DECODER)          += atrac1.o atrac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATRAC3_DECODER)          += atrac3.o atrac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATRAC3AL_DECODER)        += atrac3.o atrac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATRAC3P_DECODER)         += atrac3plusdec.o atrac3plus.o \
+                                          atrac3plusdsp.o atrac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATRAC3PAL_DECODER)       += atrac3plusdec.o atrac3plus.o \
+                                          atrac3plusdsp.o atrac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ATRAC9_DECODER)          += atrac9dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AURA_DECODER)            += cyuv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AURA2_DECODER)           += aura.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_DECODER)             += av1dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_CUVID_DECODER)       += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVRN_DECODER)            += avrndec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVRP_DECODER)            += r210dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVRP_ENCODER)            += r210enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVS_DECODER)             += avs.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVS_OMX_DECODER)         += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVUI_DECODER)            += avuidec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVUI_ENCODER)            += avuienc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AYUV_DECODER)            += v408dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AYUV_ENCODER)            += v408enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BETHSOFTVID_DECODER)     += bethsoftvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BFI_DECODER)             += bfi.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BINK_DECODER)            += bink.o binkdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BINTEXT_DECODER)         += bintext.o cga_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BITPACKED_DECODER)       += bitpacked.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BMP_DECODER)             += bmp.o msrledec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BMP_ENCODER)             += bmpenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BMV_AUDIO_DECODER)       += bmvaudio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BMV_VIDEO_DECODER)       += bmvvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BRENDER_PIX_DECODER)     += brenderpix.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_C93_DECODER)             += c93.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CAVS_DECODER)            += cavs.o cavsdec.o cavsdsp.o \
+                                          cavsdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CCAPTION_DECODER)        += ccaption_dec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CDGRAPHICS_DECODER)      += cdgraphics.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CDTOONS_DECODER)         += cdtoons.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CDXL_DECODER)            += cdxl.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CFHD_DECODER)            += cfhd.o cfhddata.o cfhddsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CFHD_ENCODER)            += cfhdenc.o cfhddata.o cfhdencdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CINEPAK_DECODER)         += cinepak.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CINEPAK_ENCODER)         += cinepakenc.o elbg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CLEARVIDEO_DECODER)      += clearvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CLJR_DECODER)            += cljrdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CLJR_ENCODER)            += cljrenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CLLC_DECODER)            += cllc.o canopus.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_COMFORTNOISE_DECODER)    += cngdec.o celp_filters.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_COOK_DECODER)            += cook.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CPIA_DECODER)            += cpia.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CRI_DECODER)             += cri.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CSCD_DECODER)            += cscd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CYUV_DECODER)            += cyuv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DCA_DECODER)             += dcadec.o dca.o dcadata.o dcahuff.o \
+                                          dca_core.o dca_exss.o dca_xll.o dca_lbr.o \
+                                          dcadsp.o dcadct.o synth_filter.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DCA_ENCODER)             += dcaenc.o dcadata.o dcahuff.o \
+                                          dcaadpcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DDS_DECODER)             += dds.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DIRAC_DECODER)           += diracdec.o dirac.o diracdsp.o diractab.o \
+                                          dirac_arith.o dirac_dwt.o dirac_vlc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DFA_DECODER)             += dfa.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DNXHD_DECODER)           += dnxhddec.o dnxhddata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DNXHD_ENCODER)           += dnxhdenc.o dnxhddata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DOLBY_E_DECODER)         += dolby_e.o dolby_e_parse.o kbdwin.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DPX_DECODER)             += dpx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DPX_ENCODER)             += dpxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DSD_LSBF_DECODER)        += dsddec.o dsd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DSD_MSBF_DECODER)        += dsddec.o dsd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DSICINAUDIO_DECODER)     += dsicinaudio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DSICINVIDEO_DECODER)     += dsicinvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DSS_SP_DECODER)          += dss_sp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DST_DECODER)             += dstdec.o dsd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVBSUB_DECODER)          += dvbsubdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVBSUB_ENCODER)          += dvbsubenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVDSUB_DECODER)          += dvdsubdec.o dvdsub.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVDSUB_ENCODER)          += dvdsubenc.o dvdsub.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVAUDIO_DECODER)         += dvaudiodec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVVIDEO_DECODER)         += dvdec.o dv.o dvdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVVIDEO_ENCODER)         += dvenc.o dv.o dvdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DXA_DECODER)             += dxa.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DXTORY_DECODER)          += dxtory.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DXV_DECODER)             += dxv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EAC3_DECODER)            += eac3_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EAC3_ENCODER)            += eac3enc.o eac3_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EACMV_DECODER)           += eacmv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EAMAD_DECODER)           += eamad.o eaidct.o mpeg12.o \
+                                          mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EATGQ_DECODER)           += eatgq.o eaidct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EATGV_DECODER)           += eatgv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EATQI_DECODER)           += eatqi.o eaidct.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o mpegvideodata.o rl.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ESCAPE124_DECODER)       += escape124.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ESCAPE130_DECODER)       += escape130.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EVRC_DECODER)            += evrcdec.o acelp_vectors.o lsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EXR_DECODER)             += exr.o exrdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EXR_ENCODER)             += exrenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FASTAUDIO_DECODER)       += fastaudio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FFV1_DECODER)            += ffv1dec.o ffv1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FFV1_ENCODER)            += ffv1enc.o ffv1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FFWAVESYNTH_DECODER)     += ffwavesynth.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FIC_DECODER)             += fic.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FITS_DECODER)            += fitsdec.o fits.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FITS_ENCODER)            += fitsenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLAC_DECODER)            += flacdec.o flacdata.o flac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLAC_ENCODER)            += flacenc.o flacdata.o flac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLASHSV_DECODER)         += flashsv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLASHSV_ENCODER)         += flashsvenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLASHSV2_ENCODER)        += flashsv2enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLASHSV2_DECODER)        += flashsv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLIC_DECODER)            += flicvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLV_DECODER)             += flvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLV_ENCODER)             += flvenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FMVC_DECODER)            += fmvc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FOURXM_DECODER)          += 4xm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FRAPS_DECODER)           += fraps.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FRWU_DECODER)            += frwu.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_G2M_DECODER)             += g2meet.o elsdec.o mjpegdec_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_G723_1_DECODER)          += g723_1dec.o g723_1.o \
+                                          acelp_vectors.o celp_filters.o celp_math.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_G723_1_ENCODER)          += g723_1enc.o g723_1.o \
+                                          acelp_vectors.o celp_filters.o celp_math.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_G729_DECODER)            += g729dec.o lsp.o celp_math.o celp_filters.o acelp_filters.o acelp_pitch_delay.o acelp_vectors.o g729postfilter.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GDV_DECODER)             += gdv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GIF_DECODER)             += gifdec.o lzw.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GIF_ENCODER)             += gif.o lzwenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GSM_DECODER)             += gsmdec.o gsmdec_data.o msgsmdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GSM_MS_DECODER)          += gsmdec.o gsmdec_data.o msgsmdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H261_DECODER)            += h261dec.o h261data.o h261.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H261_ENCODER)            += h261enc.o h261data.o h261.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_DECODER)            += h263dec.o h263.o ituh263dec.o        \
+                                          mpeg4video.o mpeg4videodec.o \
+                                          h263data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263I_DECODER)           += intelh263dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_ENCODER)            += mpeg4video.o  \
+                                          h263.o ituh263enc.o h263data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_OMX_DECODER)        += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_V4L2M2M_DECODER)    += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_V4L2M2M_ENCODER)    += v4l2_m2m_enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_DECODER)            += h264dec.o h264_cabac.o h264_cavlc.o \
+                                          h264_direct.o h264_loopfilter.o  \
+                                          h264_mb.o h264_picture.o \
+                                          h264_refs.o h264_sei.o \
+                                          h264_slice.o h264data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_AMF_ENCODER)        += amfenc_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_CUVID_DECODER)      += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_MEDIACODEC_DECODER) += mediacodecdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_MF_ENCODER)         += mfenc.o mf_utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_MMAL_DECODER)       += mmaldec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_NVENC_ENCODER)      += nvenc.o nvenc_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NVENC_ENCODER)           += nvenc.o nvenc_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NVENC_H264_ENCODER)      += nvenc.o nvenc_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_OMX_DECODER)        += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_OMX_ENCODER)        += omxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_QSV_DECODER)        += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_QSV_ENCODER)        += qsvenc_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_RKMPP_DECODER)      += rkmppdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_VAAPI_ENCODER)      += vaapi_encode_h264.o h264_levels.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_VIDEOTOOLBOX_ENCODER) += videotoolboxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_V4L2M2M_DECODER)    += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_V4L2M2M_ENCODER)    += v4l2_m2m_enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HAP_DECODER)             += hapdec.o hap.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HAP_ENCODER)             += hapenc.o hap.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HCA_DECODER)             += hcadec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HCOM_DECODER)            += hcom.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_DECODER)            += hevcdec.o hevc_mvs.o \
+                                          hevc_cabac.o hevc_refs.o hevcpred.o    \
+                                          hevcdsp.o hevc_filter.o hevc_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_AMF_ENCODER)        += amfenc_hevc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_CUVID_DECODER)      += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_MF_ENCODER)         += mfenc.o mf_utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_NVENC_ENCODER)      += nvenc.o nvenc_hevc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NVENC_HEVC_ENCODER)      += nvenc.o nvenc_hevc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_OMX_DECODER)        += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_QSV_DECODER)        += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_QSV_ENCODER)        += qsvenc_hevc.o hevc_ps_enc.o       \
+                                          hevc_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_RKMPP_DECODER)      += rkmppdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_VAAPI_ENCODER)      += vaapi_encode_h265.o h265_profile_level.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_V4L2M2M_DECODER)    += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_V4L2M2M_ENCODER)    += v4l2_m2m_enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HNM4_VIDEO_DECODER)      += hnm4video.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HQ_HQA_DECODER)          += hq_hqa.o hq_hqadata.o hq_hqadsp.o \
+                                          canopus.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HQX_DECODER)             += hqx.o hqxvlc.o hqxdsp.o canopus.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HUFFYUV_DECODER)         += huffyuv.o huffyuvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HUFFYUV_ENCODER)         += huffyuv.o huffyuvenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HYMT_DECODER)            += huffyuv.o huffyuvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IDCIN_DECODER)           += idcinvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IDF_DECODER)             += bintext.o cga_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IFF_ILBM_DECODER)        += iff.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ILBC_DECODER)            += ilbcdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IMC_DECODER)             += imc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IMM4_DECODER)            += imm4.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IMM5_DECODER)            += imm5.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_INDEO2_DECODER)          += indeo2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_INDEO3_DECODER)          += indeo3.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_INDEO4_DECODER)          += indeo4.o ivi.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_INDEO5_DECODER)          += indeo5.o ivi.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IPU_DECODER)             += mpeg12dec.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JACOSUB_DECODER)         += jacosubdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEG2000_ENCODER)        += j2kenc.o mqcenc.o mqc.o jpeg2000.o \
+                                          jpeg2000dwt.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEG2000_DECODER)        += jpeg2000dec.o jpeg2000.o jpeg2000dsp.o \
+                                          jpeg2000dwt.o mqcdec.o mqc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEGLS_DECODER)          += jpeglsdec.o jpegls.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEGLS_ENCODER)          += jpeglsenc.o jpegls.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JV_DECODER)              += jvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_KGV1_DECODER)            += kgv1dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_KMVC_DECODER)            += kmvc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LAGARITH_DECODER)        += lagarith.o lagarithrac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LJPEG_ENCODER)           += ljpegenc.o mjpegenc_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LOCO_DECODER)            += loco.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LSCR_DECODER)            += lscrdec.o png.o pngdec.o pngdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_M101_DECODER)            += m101.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MACE3_DECODER)           += mace.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MACE6_DECODER)           += mace.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MAGICYUV_DECODER)        += magicyuv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MAGICYUV_ENCODER)        += magicyuvenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MDEC_DECODER)            += mdec.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_METASOUND_DECODER)       += metasound.o metasound_data.o \
+                                          twinvq.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MICRODVD_DECODER)        += microdvddec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MIMIC_DECODER)           += mimic.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_DECODER)           += mjpegdec.o mjpegdec_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_QSV_DECODER)       += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_ENCODER)           += mjpegenc.o mjpegenc_common.o \
+                                          mjpegenc_huffman.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEGB_DECODER)          += mjpegbdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_OMX_DECODER)       += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_QSV_ENCODER)       += qsvenc_jpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_VAAPI_ENCODER)     += vaapi_encode_mjpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MLP_DECODER)             += mlpdec.o mlpdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MLP_ENCODER)             += mlpenc.o mlp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MMVIDEO_DECODER)         += mmvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MOBICLIP_DECODER)        += mobiclip.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MOVTEXT_DECODER)         += movtextdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MOVTEXT_ENCODER)         += movtextenc.o ass_split.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP1_DECODER)             += mpegaudiodec_fixed.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP1FLOAT_DECODER)        += mpegaudiodec_float.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP2_DECODER)             += mpegaudiodec_fixed.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP2_ENCODER)             += mpegaudioenc_float.o mpegaudio.o \
+                                          mpegaudiodata.o mpegaudiodsp_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP2FIXED_ENCODER)        += mpegaudioenc_fixed.o mpegaudio.o \
+                                          mpegaudiodata.o mpegaudiodsp_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP2FLOAT_DECODER)        += mpegaudiodec_float.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3_DECODER)             += mpegaudiodec_fixed.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3_MF_ENCODER)          += mfenc.o mf_utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3ADU_DECODER)          += mpegaudiodec_fixed.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3ADUFLOAT_DECODER)     += mpegaudiodec_float.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3FLOAT_DECODER)        += mpegaudiodec_float.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3ON4_DECODER)          += mpegaudiodec_fixed.o mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3ON4FLOAT_DECODER)     += mpegaudiodec_float.o mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPC7_DECODER)            += mpc7.o mpc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPC8_DECODER)            += mpc8.o mpc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGVIDEO_DECODER)       += mpeg12dec.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1VIDEO_DECODER)      += mpeg12dec.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1VIDEO_ENCODER)      += mpeg12enc.o mpeg12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1_CUVID_DECODER)     += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1_V4L2M2M_DECODER)   += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_MMAL_DECODER)      += mmaldec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_QSV_DECODER)       += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_QSV_ENCODER)       += qsvenc_mpeg2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2VIDEO_DECODER)      += mpeg12dec.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2VIDEO_ENCODER)      += mpeg12enc.o mpeg12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_CUVID_DECODER)     += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_OMX_DECODER)       += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_VAAPI_ENCODER)     += vaapi_encode_mpeg2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_V4L2M2M_DECODER)   += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_DECODER)           += xvididct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_ENCODER)           += mpeg4videoenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_CUVID_DECODER)     += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_OMX_DECODER)       += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_OMX_ENCODER)       += omxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_V4L2M2M_DECODER)   += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_V4L2M2M_ENCODER)   += v4l2_m2m_enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPL2_DECODER)            += mpl2dec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSA1_DECODER)            += mss3.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSCC_DECODER)            += mscc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSMPEG4V1_DECODER)       += msmpeg4dec.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSMPEG4V2_DECODER)       += msmpeg4dec.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSMPEG4V2_ENCODER)       += msmpeg4enc.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSMPEG4V3_DECODER)       += msmpeg4dec.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSMPEG4V3_ENCODER)       += msmpeg4enc.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSP2_DECODER)            += msp2dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSRLE_DECODER)           += msrle.o msrledec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSS1_DECODER)            += mss1.o mss12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSS2_DECODER)            += mss2.o mss12.o mss2dsp.o wmv2data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSVIDEO1_DECODER)        += msvideo1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSVIDEO1_ENCODER)        += msvideo1enc.o elbg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MSZH_DECODER)            += lcldec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MTS2_DECODER)            += mss4.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MV30_DECODER)            += mv30.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MVC1_DECODER)            += mvcdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MVC2_DECODER)            += mvcdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MVDV_DECODER)            += midivid.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MVHA_DECODER)            += mvha.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MWSC_DECODER)            += mwsc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MXPEG_DECODER)           += mxpegdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NELLYMOSER_DECODER)      += nellymoserdec.o nellymoser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NELLYMOSER_ENCODER)      += nellymoserenc.o nellymoser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NOTCHLC_DECODER)         += notchlc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NUV_DECODER)             += nuv.o rtjpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ON2AVC_DECODER)          += on2avc.o on2avcdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_OPUS_DECODER)            += opusdec.o opus.o opus_celt.o opus_rc.o \
+                                          opus_pvq.o opus_silk.o opustab.o vorbis_data.o \
+                                          opusdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_OPUS_ENCODER)            += opusenc.o opus.o opus_rc.o opustab.o opus_pvq.o \
+                                          opusenc_psy.o vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PAF_AUDIO_DECODER)       += pafaudio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PAF_VIDEO_DECODER)       += pafvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PAM_DECODER)             += pnmdec.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PAM_ENCODER)             += pamenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PBM_DECODER)             += pnmdec.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PBM_ENCODER)             += pnmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCX_DECODER)             += pcx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCX_ENCODER)             += pcxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PFM_DECODER)             += pnmdec.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PFM_ENCODER)             += pnmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PGM_DECODER)             += pnmdec.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PGM_ENCODER)             += pnmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PGMYUV_DECODER)          += pnmdec.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PGMYUV_ENCODER)          += pnmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PGSSUB_DECODER)          += pgssubdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PGX_DECODER)             += pgxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PHOTOCD_DECODER)         += photocd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PICTOR_DECODER)          += pictordec.o cga_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PIXLET_DECODER)          += pixlet.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PJS_DECODER)             += textdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PNG_DECODER)             += png.o pngdec.o pngdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PNG_ENCODER)             += png.o pngenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PPM_DECODER)             += pnmdec.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PPM_ENCODER)             += pnmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PRORES_DECODER)          += proresdec2.o proresdsp.o proresdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PRORES_ENCODER)          += proresenc_anatoliy.o proresdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PRORES_AW_ENCODER)       += proresenc_anatoliy.o proresdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PRORES_KS_ENCODER)       += proresenc_kostya.o proresdata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PROSUMER_DECODER)        += prosumer.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PSD_DECODER)             += psd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PTX_DECODER)             += ptx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QCELP_DECODER)           += qcelpdec.o                     \
+                                          celp_filters.o acelp_vectors.o \
+                                          acelp_filters.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QDM2_DECODER)            += qdm2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QDMC_DECODER)            += qdmc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QDRAW_DECODER)           += qdrw.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QPEG_DECODER)            += qpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QTRLE_DECODER)           += qtrle.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QTRLE_ENCODER)           += qtrleenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_R10K_DECODER)            += r210dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_R10K_ENCODER)            += r210enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_R210_DECODER)            += r210dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_R210_ENCODER)            += r210enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RA_144_DECODER)          += ra144dec.o ra144.o celp_filters.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RA_144_ENCODER)          += ra144enc.o ra144.o celp_filters.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RA_288_DECODER)          += ra288.o celp_filters.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RALF_DECODER)            += ralf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RASC_DECODER)            += rasc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RAWVIDEO_DECODER)        += rawdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RAWVIDEO_ENCODER)        += rawenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_REALTEXT_DECODER)        += realtextdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RL2_DECODER)             += rl2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROQ_DECODER)             += roqvideodec.o roqvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROQ_ENCODER)             += roqvideoenc.o roqvideo.o elbg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROQ_DPCM_DECODER)        += dpcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROQ_DPCM_ENCODER)        += roqaudioenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RPZA_DECODER)            += rpza.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RPZA_ENCODER)            += rpzaenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RSCC_DECODER)            += rscc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV10_DECODER)            += rv10.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV10_ENCODER)            += rv10enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV20_DECODER)            += rv10.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV20_ENCODER)            += rv20enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV30_DECODER)            += rv30.o rv34.o rv30dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV30_OMX_DECODER)        += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV40_DECODER)            += rv40.o rv34.o rv40dsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV40_OMX_DECODER)        += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SAMI_DECODER)            += samidec.o ass.o htmlsubtitles.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_S302M_DECODER)           += s302m.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_S302M_ENCODER)           += s302menc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SANM_DECODER)            += sanm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SCPR_DECODER)            += scpr.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SDX2_DPCM_DECODER)       += dpcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SGA_DECODER)             += sga.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SGI_DECODER)             += sgidec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SGI_ENCODER)             += sgienc.o rle.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SGIRLE_DECODER)          += sgirledec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHEERVIDEO_DECODER)      += sheervideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHORTEN_DECODER)         += shorten.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SIPR_DECODER)            += sipr.o acelp_pitch_delay.o \
+                                          celp_math.o acelp_vectors.o \
+                                          acelp_filters.o celp_filters.o \
+                                          sipr16k.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SIREN_DECODER)           += siren.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SMACKAUD_DECODER)        += smacker.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SMACKER_DECODER)         += smacker.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SMC_DECODER)             += smc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SNOW_DECODER)            += snowdec.o snow.o snow_dwt.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SNOW_ENCODER)            += snowenc.o snow.o snow_dwt.o             \
+                                          h263.o h263data.o ituh263enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SOL_DPCM_DECODER)        += dpcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SONIC_DECODER)           += sonic.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SONIC_ENCODER)           += sonic.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SONIC_LS_ENCODER)        += sonic.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPEEDHQ_DECODER)         += speedhq.o mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o simple_idct.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPEEDHQ_ENCODER)         += speedhq.o mpeg12data.o mpeg12enc.o speedhqenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SP5X_DECODER)            += sp5xdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SRGC_DECODER)            += mscc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SRT_DECODER)             += srtdec.o ass.o htmlsubtitles.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SRT_ENCODER)             += srtenc.o ass_split.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_STL_DECODER)             += textdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBRIP_DECODER)          += srtdec.o ass.o htmlsubtitles.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBRIP_ENCODER)          += srtenc.o ass_split.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBVIEWER1_DECODER)      += textdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBVIEWER_DECODER)       += subviewerdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUNRAST_DECODER)         += sunrast.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUNRAST_ENCODER)         += sunrastenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBRSVG_DECODER)         += librsvgdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SBC_DECODER)             += sbcdec.o sbcdec_data.o sbc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SBC_ENCODER)             += sbcenc.o sbc.o sbcdsp.o sbcdsp_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SVQ1_DECODER)            += svq1dec.o svq1.o h263data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SVQ1_ENCODER)            += svq1enc.o svq1.o  h263data.o  \
+                                          h263.o ituh263enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SVQ3_DECODER)            += svq3.o mpegutils.o h264data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXT_DECODER)            += textdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXT_ENCODER)            += srtenc.o ass_split.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TAK_DECODER)             += takdec.o tak.o takdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TARGA_DECODER)           += targa.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TARGA_ENCODER)           += targaenc.o rle.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TARGA_Y216_DECODER)      += targa_y216dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TDSC_DECODER)            += tdsc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TIFF_DECODER)            += tiff.o lzw.o faxcompr.o tiff_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TIFF_ENCODER)            += tiffenc.o rle.o lzwenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TMV_DECODER)             += tmv.o cga_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUEHD_DECODER)          += mlpdec.o mlpdsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUEHD_ENCODER)          += mlpenc.o mlp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUEMOTION1_DECODER)     += truemotion1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUEMOTION2_DECODER)     += truemotion2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUEMOTION2RT_DECODER)   += truemotion2rt.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUESPEECH_DECODER)      += truespeech.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TSCC_DECODER)            += tscc.o msrledec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TSCC2_DECODER)           += tscc2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TTA_DECODER)             += tta.o ttadata.o ttadsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TTA_ENCODER)             += ttaenc.o ttaencdsp.o ttadata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TTML_ENCODER)            += ttmlenc.o ass_split.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TWINVQ_DECODER)          += twinvqdec.o twinvq.o metasound_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TXD_DECODER)             += txd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ULTI_DECODER)            += ulti.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_UTVIDEO_DECODER)         += utvideodec.o utvideodsp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_UTVIDEO_ENCODER)         += utvideoenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V210_DECODER)            += v210dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V210_ENCODER)            += v210enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V210X_DECODER)           += v210x.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V308_DECODER)            += v308dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V308_ENCODER)            += v308enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V408_DECODER)            += v408dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V408_ENCODER)            += v408enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V410_DECODER)            += v410dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_V410_ENCODER)            += v410enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VB_DECODER)              += vb.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VBLE_DECODER)            += vble.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_DECODER)             += vc1dec.o vc1_block.o vc1_loopfilter.o \
+                                          vc1_mc.o vc1_pred.o vc1.o vc1data.o \
+                                          msmpeg4dec.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o \
+                                          wmv2dsp.o wmv2data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_CUVID_DECODER)       += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_MMAL_DECODER)        += mmaldec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_OMX_DECODER)         += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_QSV_DECODER)         += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_V4L2M2M_DECODER)     += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC2_ENCODER)             += vc2enc.o vc2enc_dwt.o diractab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VCR1_DECODER)            += vcr1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VMDAUDIO_DECODER)        += vmdaudio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VMDVIDEO_DECODER)        += vmdvideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VMNC_DECODER)            += vmnc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VORBIS_DECODER)          += vorbisdec.o vorbisdsp.o vorbis.o \
+                                          vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VORBIS_ENCODER)          += vorbisenc.o vorbis.o \
+                                          vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP3_DECODER)             += vp3.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP5_DECODER)             += vp5.o vp56.o vp56data.o vp56rac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP6_DECODER)             += vp6.o vp56.o vp56data.o \
+                                          vp6dsp.o vp56rac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP6_OMX_DECODER)         += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP7_DECODER)             += vp8.o vp56rac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_DECODER)             += vp8.o vp56rac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_CUVID_DECODER)       += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_MEDIACODEC_DECODER)  += mediacodecdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_OMX_DECODER)         += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_QSV_DECODER)         += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_RKMPP_DECODER)       += rkmppdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_VAAPI_ENCODER)       += vaapi_encode_vp8.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_V4L2M2M_DECODER)     += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_V4L2M2M_ENCODER)     += v4l2_m2m_enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_DECODER)             += vp9.o vp9data.o vp9dsp.o vp9lpf.o vp9recon.o \
+                                          vp9block.o vp9prob.o vp9mvs.o vp56rac.o \
+                                          vp9dsp_8bpp.o vp9dsp_10bpp.o vp9dsp_12bpp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_CUVID_DECODER)       += cuviddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_MEDIACODEC_DECODER)  += mediacodecdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_RKMPP_DECODER)       += rkmppdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_VAAPI_ENCODER)       += vaapi_encode_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_QSV_ENCODER)         += qsvenc_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VPLAYER_DECODER)         += textdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_V4L2M2M_DECODER)     += v4l2_m2m_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VQA_DECODER)             += vqavideo.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WAVPACK_DECODER)         += wavpack.o wavpackdata.o dsd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WAVPACK_ENCODER)         += wavpackdata.o wavpackenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WCMV_DECODER)            += wcmv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WEBP_DECODER)            += webp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WEBVTT_DECODER)          += webvttdec.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WEBVTT_ENCODER)          += webvttenc.o ass_split.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMALOSSLESS_DECODER)     += wmalosslessdec.o wma_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMAPRO_DECODER)          += wmaprodec.o wma.o wma_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMAV1_DECODER)           += wmadec.o wma.o wma_common.o aactab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMAV1_ENCODER)           += wmaenc.o wma.o wma_common.o aactab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMAV2_DECODER)           += wmadec.o wma.o wma_common.o aactab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMAV2_ENCODER)           += wmaenc.o wma.o wma_common.o aactab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMAVOICE_DECODER)        += wmavoice.o \
+                                          celp_filters.o \
+                                          acelp_vectors.o acelp_filters.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMV1_DECODER)            += msmpeg4dec.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMV1_ENCODER)            += msmpeg4enc.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMV2_DECODER)            += wmv2dec.o wmv2.o wmv2data.o \
+                                          msmpeg4dec.o msmpeg4.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMV2_ENCODER)            += wmv2enc.o wmv2.o wmv2data.o \
+                                          msmpeg4.o msmpeg4enc.o msmpeg4data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WMV3_OMX_DECODER)        += omxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WNV1_DECODER)            += wnv1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WS_SND1_DECODER)         += ws-snd1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XAN_DPCM_DECODER)        += dpcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XAN_WC3_DECODER)         += xan.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XAN_WC4_DECODER)         += xxan.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XBIN_DECODER)            += bintext.o cga_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XBM_DECODER)             += xbmdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XBM_ENCODER)             += xbmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XFACE_DECODER)           += xfacedec.o xface.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XFACE_ENCODER)           += xfaceenc.o xface.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XL_DECODER)              += xl.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XMA1_DECODER)            += wmaprodec.o wma.o wma_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XMA2_DECODER)            += wmaprodec.o wma.o wma_common.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XPM_DECODER)             += xpmdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XSUB_DECODER)            += xsubdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XSUB_ENCODER)            += xsubenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XWD_DECODER)             += xwddec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XWD_ENCODER)             += xwdenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_Y41P_DECODER)            += y41pdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_Y41P_ENCODER)            += y41penc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_YLC_DECODER)             += ylc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_YOP_DECODER)             += yop.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_YUV4_DECODER)            += yuv4dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_YUV4_ENCODER)            += yuv4enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ZEROCODEC_DECODER)       += zerocodec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ZLIB_DECODER)            += lcldec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ZLIB_ENCODER)            += lclenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ZMBV_DECODER)            += zmbv.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ZMBV_ENCODER)            += zmbvenc.o
+# (AD)PCM decoders/encoders
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_ALAW_DECODER)           += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_ALAW_ENCODER)           += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_BLURAY_DECODER)         += pcm-bluray.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_DVD_DECODER)            += pcm-dvd.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_DVD_ENCODER)            += pcm-dvdenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F16LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F24LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F32BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F32BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F32LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F32LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F64BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F64BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F64LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_F64LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_LXF_DECODER)            += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_MULAW_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_MULAW_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S8_DECODER)             += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S8_ENCODER)             += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S16BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S16BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S16LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S16LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S24BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S24BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S24DAUD_DECODER)        += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S24DAUD_ENCODER)        += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S24LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S24LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S32BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S32BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S32LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S32LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S64BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S64BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S64LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_S64LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_SGA_DECODER)            += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U8_DECODER)             += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U8_ENCODER)             += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U16BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U16BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U16LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U16LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U24BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U24BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U24LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U24LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U32BE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U32BE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U32LE_DECODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_U32LE_ENCODER)          += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_VIDC_DECODER)           += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_VIDC_ENCODER)           += pcm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_4XM_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_ADX_DECODER)          += adxdec.o adx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_ADX_ENCODER)          += adxenc.o adx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_AFC_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_AGM_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_AICA_DECODER)         += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_ARGO_DECODER)         += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_ARGO_ENCODER)         += adpcm.o adpcmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_CT_DECODER)           += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_DTK_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_EA_DECODER)           += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_EA_MAXIS_XA_DECODER)  += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_EA_R1_DECODER)        += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_EA_R2_DECODER)        += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_EA_R3_DECODER)        += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_EA_XAS_DECODER)       += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_G722_DECODER)         += g722.o g722dsp.o g722dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_G722_ENCODER)         += g722.o g722dsp.o g722enc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_G726_DECODER)         += g726.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_G726_ENCODER)         += g726.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_G726LE_DECODER)       += g726.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_G726LE_ENCODER)       += g726.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_AMV_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_AMV_ENCODER)      += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_ALP_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_ALP_ENCODER)      += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_APC_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_APM_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_APM_ENCODER)      += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_CUNNING_DECODER)  += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_DAT4_DECODER)     += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_DK3_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_DK4_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_EA_EACS_DECODER)  += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_EA_SEAD_DECODER)  += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_ISS_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_MOFLEX_DECODER)   += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_MTF_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_OKI_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_QT_DECODER)       += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_QT_ENCODER)       += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_RAD_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_SSI_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_SSI_ENCODER)      += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_SMJPEG_DECODER)   += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_WAV_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_WAV_ENCODER)      += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_WS_DECODER)       += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_MS_DECODER)           += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_MS_ENCODER)           += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_MTAF_DECODER)         += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_PSX_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_SBPRO_2_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_SBPRO_3_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_SBPRO_4_DECODER)      += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_SWF_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_SWF_ENCODER)          += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_THP_DECODER)          += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_THP_LE_DECODER)       += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_VIMA_DECODER)         += vima.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_XA_DECODER)           += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_YAMAHA_DECODER)       += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_YAMAHA_ENCODER)       += adpcmenc.o adpcm_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_ZORK_DECODER)         += adpcm.o adpcm_data.o
+# hardware accelerators
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_D3D11VA)                    += dxva2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DXVA2)                      += dxva2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NVDEC)                      += nvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VAAPI)                      += vaapi_decode.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VIDEOTOOLBOX)               += videotoolbox.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VDPAU)                      += vdpau.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_D3D11VA_HWACCEL)        += dxva2_av1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_DXVA2_HWACCEL)          += dxva2_av1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_NVDEC_HWACCEL)          += nvdec_av1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_VAAPI_HWACCEL)          += vaapi_av1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_VAAPI_HWACCEL)         += vaapi_mpeg4.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_VIDEOTOOLBOX_HWACCEL)  += videotoolbox.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_D3D11VA_HWACCEL)       += dxva2_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_DXVA2_HWACCEL)         += dxva2_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_NVDEC_HWACCEL)         += nvdec_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_QSV_HWACCEL)           += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_VAAPI_HWACCEL)         += vaapi_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_VDPAU_HWACCEL)         += vdpau_h264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_VIDEOTOOLBOX_HWACCEL)  += videotoolbox.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_D3D11VA_HWACCEL)       += dxva2_hevc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_DXVA2_HWACCEL)         += dxva2_hevc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_NVDEC_HWACCEL)         += nvdec_hevc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_QSV_HWACCEL)           += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_VAAPI_HWACCEL)         += vaapi_hevc.o h265_profile_level.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_VDPAU_HWACCEL)         += vdpau_hevc.o h265_profile_level.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_NVDEC_HWACCEL)        += nvdec_mjpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_VAAPI_HWACCEL)        += vaapi_mjpeg.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1_NVDEC_HWACCEL)        += nvdec_mpeg12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1_VDPAU_HWACCEL)        += vdpau_mpeg12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG1_XVMC_HWACCEL)         += mpegvideo_xvmc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_D3D11VA_HWACCEL)      += dxva2_mpeg2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_DXVA2_HWACCEL)        += dxva2_mpeg2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_NVDEC_HWACCEL)        += nvdec_mpeg12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_QSV_HWACCEL)          += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_VAAPI_HWACCEL)        += vaapi_mpeg2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_VDPAU_HWACCEL)        += vdpau_mpeg12.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_XVMC_HWACCEL)         += mpegvideo_xvmc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_NVDEC_HWACCEL)        += nvdec_mpeg4.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_VAAPI_HWACCEL)        += vaapi_mpeg4.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_VDPAU_HWACCEL)        += vdpau_mpeg4.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_D3D11VA_HWACCEL)        += dxva2_vc1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_DXVA2_HWACCEL)          += dxva2_vc1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_NVDEC_HWACCEL)          += nvdec_vc1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_QSV_HWACCEL)            += qsvdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_VAAPI_HWACCEL)          += vaapi_vc1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_VDPAU_HWACCEL)          += vdpau_vc1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_NVDEC_HWACCEL)          += nvdec_vp8.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_VAAPI_HWACCEL)          += vaapi_vp8.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_D3D11VA_HWACCEL)        += dxva2_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_DXVA2_HWACCEL)          += dxva2_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_NVDEC_HWACCEL)          += nvdec_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_VAAPI_HWACCEL)          += vaapi_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_VDPAU_HWACCEL)          += vdpau_vp9.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_QSV_HWACCEL)            += qsvdec.o
+# libavformat dependencies
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ISO_MEDIA)               += mpeg4audio.o mpegaudiodata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADTS_MUXER)              += mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CODEC2_DEMUXER)          += codec2utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CODEC2_MUXER)            += codec2utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CODEC2RAW_DEMUXER)       += codec2utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DNXHD_DEMUXER)           += dnxhddata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FITS_DEMUXER)            += fits.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LATM_MUXER)              += mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MATROSKA_MUXER)          += mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MOV_DEMUXER)             += ac3tab.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MATROSKA_DEMUXER)        += mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MXF_MUXER)               += dnxhddata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NUT_MUXER)               += mpegaudiodata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RTP_MUXER)               += mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPDIF_MUXER)             += dca.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TAK_DEMUXER)             += tak.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WEBM_MUXER)              += mpeg4audio.o
+# libavfilter dependencies
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ELBG_FILTER)             += elbg.o
+# external codec libraries
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_AT_DECODER)             += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_AT_DECODER)             += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADPCM_IMA_QT_AT_DECODER)    += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALAC_AT_DECODER)            += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AMR_NB_AT_DECODER)          += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EAC3_AT_DECODER)            += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GSM_MS_AT_DECODER)          += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ILBC_AT_DECODER)            += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP1_AT_DECODER)             += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP2_AT_DECODER)             += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3_AT_DECODER)             += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_MULAW_AT_DECODER)       += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_ALAW_AT_DECODER)        += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QDMC_AT_DECODER)            += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_QDM2_AT_DECODER)            += audiotoolboxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_AT_ENCODER)             += audiotoolboxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ALAC_AT_ENCODER)            += audiotoolboxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ILBC_AT_ENCODER)            += audiotoolboxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_ALAW_AT_ENCODER)        += audiotoolboxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_MULAW_AT_ENCODER)       += audiotoolboxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBAOM_AV1_DECODER)         += libaomdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBAOM_AV1_ENCODER)         += libaomenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBARIBB24_DECODER)         += libaribb24.o ass.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBCELT_DECODER)            += libcelt_dec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBCODEC2_DECODER)          += libcodec2.o codec2utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBCODEC2_ENCODER)          += libcodec2.o codec2utils.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBDAV1D_DECODER)           += libdav1d.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBDAVS2_DECODER)           += libdavs2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBFDK_AAC_DECODER)         += libfdk-aacdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBFDK_AAC_ENCODER)         += libfdk-aacenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBGSM_DECODER)             += libgsmdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBGSM_ENCODER)             += libgsmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBGSM_MS_DECODER)          += libgsmdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBGSM_MS_ENCODER)          += libgsmenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBILBC_DECODER)            += libilbc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBILBC_ENCODER)            += libilbc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBKVAZAAR_ENCODER)         += libkvazaar.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBMP3LAME_ENCODER)         += libmp3lame.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBOPENH264_DECODER)        += libopenh264dec.o libopenh264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBOPENH264_ENCODER)        += libopenh264enc.o libopenh264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBOPENJPEG_DECODER)        += libopenjpegdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBOPENJPEG_ENCODER)        += libopenjpegenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBOPUS_DECODER)            += libopusdec.o libopus.o     \
+                                             vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBOPUS_ENCODER)            += libopusenc.o libopus.o     \
+                                             vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBRAV1E_ENCODER)           += librav1e.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBSHINE_ENCODER)           += libshine.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBSPEEX_DECODER)           += libspeexdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBSPEEX_ENCODER)           += libspeexenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBSVTAV1_ENCODER)          += libsvtav1.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBTHEORA_ENCODER)          += libtheoraenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBTWOLAME_ENCODER)         += libtwolame.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBUAVS3D_DECODER)          += libuavs3d.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVO_AMRWBENC_ENCODER)     += libvo-amrwbenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVORBIS_DECODER)          += libvorbisdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVORBIS_ENCODER)          += libvorbisenc.o \
+                                             vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVPX_VP8_DECODER)         += libvpxdec.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVPX_VP8_ENCODER)         += libvpxenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVPX_VP9_DECODER)         += libvpxdec.o libvpx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBVPX_VP9_ENCODER)         += libvpxenc.o libvpx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBWEBP_ENCODER)            += libwebpenc_common.o libwebpenc.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBWEBP_ANIM_ENCODER)       += libwebpenc_common.o libwebpenc_animencoder.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBX262_ENCODER)            += libx264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBX264_ENCODER)            += libx264.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBX265_ENCODER)            += libx265.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBXAVS_ENCODER)            += libxavs.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBXAVS2_ENCODER)           += libxavs2.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBXVID_ENCODER)            += libxvid.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBZVBI_TELETEXT_DECODER)   += libzvbi-teletextdec.o ass.o
+# parsers
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_LATM_PARSER)         += latm_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_PARSER)              += aac_parser.o aac_ac3_parser.o \
+                                          mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AC3_PARSER)              += ac3tab.o aac_ac3_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADX_PARSER)              += adx_parser.o adx.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_PARSER)              += av1_parser.o av1_parse.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVS2_PARSER)             += avs2_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AVS3_PARSER)             += avs3_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_BMP_PARSER)              += bmp_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CAVSVIDEO_PARSER)        += cavs_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_COOK_PARSER)             += cook_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CRI_PARSER)              += cri_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DCA_PARSER)              += dca_parser.o dca_exss.o dca.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DIRAC_PARSER)            += dirac_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DNXHD_PARSER)            += dnxhd_parser.o dnxhddata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DOLBY_E_PARSER)          += dolby_e_parser.o dolby_e_parse.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DPX_PARSER)              += dpx_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVAUDIO_PARSER)          += dvaudio_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVBSUB_PARSER)           += dvbsub_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVD_NAV_PARSER)          += dvd_nav_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DVDSUB_PARSER)           += dvdsub_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLAC_PARSER)             += flac_parser.o flacdata.o flac.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_G723_1_PARSER)           += g723_1_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_G729_PARSER)             += g729_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GIF_PARSER)              += gif_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_GSM_PARSER)              += gsm_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H261_PARSER)             += h261_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H263_PARSER)             += h263_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_PARSER)             += h264_parser.o h264_sei.o h264data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_PARSER)             += hevc_parser.o hevc_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IPU_PARSER)              += ipu_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEG2000_PARSER)         += jpeg2000_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_PARSER)            += mjpeg_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MLP_PARSER)              += mlp_parse.o mlp_parser.o mlp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4VIDEO_PARSER)       += mpeg4video_parser.o h263.o \
+                                          mpeg4videodec.o mpeg4video.o \
+                                          ituh263dec.o h263dec.o h263data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGAUDIO_PARSER)        += mpegaudio_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEGVIDEO_PARSER)        += mpegvideo_parser.o    \
+                                          mpeg12.o mpeg12data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_OPUS_PARSER)             += opus_parser.o opus.o opustab.o \
+                                          opus_rc.o vorbis_data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PNG_PARSER)              += png_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PNM_PARSER)              += pnm_parser.o pnm.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV30_PARSER)             += rv34_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_RV40_PARSER)             += rv34_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SBC_PARSER)              += sbc_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SIPR_PARSER)             += sipr_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TAK_PARSER)              += tak_parser.o tak.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VC1_PARSER)              += vc1_parser.o vc1.o vc1data.o  \
+                                          simple_idct.o wmv2data.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP3_PARSER)              += vp3_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_PARSER)              += vp8_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_PARSER)              += vp9_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_WEBP_PARSER)             += webp_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XBM_PARSER)              += xbm_parser.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_XMA_PARSER)              += xma_parser.o
+# bitstream filters
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AAC_ADTSTOASC_BSF)          += aac_adtstoasc_bsf.o mpeg4audio.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_METADATA_BSF)           += av1_metadata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_FRAME_MERGE_BSF)        += av1_frame_merge_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_AV1_FRAME_SPLIT_BSF)        += av1_frame_split_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_CHOMP_BSF)                  += chomp_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DUMP_EXTRADATA_BSF)         += dump_extradata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_DCA_CORE_BSF)               += dca_core_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EAC3_CORE_BSF)              += eac3_core_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_EXTRACT_EXTRADATA_BSF)      += extract_extradata_bsf.o    \
+                                             av1_parse.o h2645_parse.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FILTER_UNITS_BSF)           += filter_units_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_METADATA_BSF)          += h264_metadata_bsf.o h264_levels.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_MP4TOANNEXB_BSF)       += h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_H264_REDUNDANT_PPS_BSF)     += h264_redundant_pps_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HAPQA_EXTRACT_BSF)          += hapqa_extract_bsf.o hap.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_METADATA_BSF)          += h265_metadata_bsf.o h265_profile_level.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_HEVC_MP4TOANNEXB_BSF)       += hevc_mp4toannexb_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_IMX_DUMP_HEADER_BSF)        += imx_dump_header_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG2JPEG_BSF)             += mjpeg2jpeg_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MJPEGA_DUMP_HEADER_BSF)     += mjpega_dump_header_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG4_UNPACK_BFRAMES_BSF)   += mpeg4_unpack_bframes_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MOV2TEXTSUB_BSF)            += movsub_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MP3_HEADER_DECOMPRESS_BSF)  += mp3_header_decompress_bsf.o \
+                                             mpegaudiodata.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_MPEG2_METADATA_BSF)         += mpeg2_metadata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NOISE_BSF)                  += noise_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_NULL_BSF)                   += null_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_OPUS_METADATA_BSF)          += opus_metadata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PCM_RECHUNK_BSF)            += pcm_rechunk_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PRORES_METADATA_BSF)        += prores_metadata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_REMOVE_EXTRADATA_BSF)       += remove_extradata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SETTS_BSF)                  += setts_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXT2MOVSUB_BSF)            += movsub_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRACE_HEADERS_BSF)          += trace_headers_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_TRUEHD_CORE_BSF)            += truehd_core_bsf.o mlp_parse.o mlp.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_METADATA_BSF)           += vp9_metadata_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_RAW_REORDER_BSF)        += vp9_raw_reorder_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_SUPERFRAME_BSF)         += vp9_superframe_bsf.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP9_SUPERFRAME_SPLIT_BSF)   += vp9_superframe_split_bsf.o
+# thread libraries
+OBJS-$(HAVE_LIBC_MSVCRT)               += file_open.o
+OBJS-$(HAVE_THREADS)                   += pthread.o pthread_slice.o pthread_frame.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_FRAME_THREAD_ENCODER)    += frame_thread_encoder.o
+# Windows resource file
+SLIBOBJS-$(HAVE_GNU_WINDRES)           += avcodecres.o
+SKIPHEADERS                            += %_tablegen.h                  \
+                                          %_tables.h                    \
+                                          fft-internal.h                \
+                                          tableprint.h                  \
+                                          tableprint_vlc.h              \
+                                          aaccoder_twoloop.h            \
+                                          aaccoder_trellis.h            \
+                                          aacenc_quantization.h         \
+                                          aacenc_quantization_misc.h    \
+                                          $(ARCH)/vp56_arith.h          \
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_AMF)              += amfenc.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_D3D11VA)          += d3d11va.h dxva2_internal.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_DXVA2)            += dxva2.h dxva2_internal.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_JNI)              += ffjni.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_LIBVPX)           += libvpx.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_LIBWEBP_ENCODER)  += libwebpenc_common.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_MEDIACODEC)       += mediacodecdec_common.h mediacodec_surface.h mediacodec_wrapper.h mediacodec_sw_buffer.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_NVDEC)            += nvdec.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_NVENC)            += nvenc.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_QSV)              += qsv.h qsv_internal.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_QSVENC)           += qsvenc.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_XVMC)             += xvmc.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_VAAPI)            += vaapi_decode.h vaapi_hevc.h vaapi_encode.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_VDPAU)            += vdpau.h vdpau_internal.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_VIDEOTOOLBOX)     += videotoolbox.h vt_internal.h
+SKIPHEADERS-$(CONFIG_V4L2_M2M)         += v4l2_buffers.h v4l2_context.h v4l2_m2m.h
+TESTPROGS = avpacket                                                    \
+            celp_math                                                   \
+            codec_desc                                                  \
+            htmlsubtitles                                               \
+            imgconvert                                                  \
+            jpeg2000dwt                                                 \
+            mathops                                                    \
+            utils                                                       \
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_CABAC)                 += cabac
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_DCT)                   += avfft
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_FFT)                   += fft fft-fixed32
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_GOLOMB)                += golomb
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_IDCTDSP)               += dct
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_IIRFILTER)             += iirfilter
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_MJPEG_ENCODER)         += mjpegenc_huffman
+TESTPROGS-$(HAVE_MMX)                     += motion
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_MPEGVIDEO)             += mpeg12framerate
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_H264_METADATA_BSF)     += h264_levels
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_RANGECODER)            += rangecoder
+TESTPROGS-$(CONFIG_SNOW_ENCODER)          += snowenc
+TESTOBJS = dctref.o
+TOOLS = fourcc2pixfmt
+HOSTPROGS = aacps_tablegen                                              \
+            aacps_fixed_tablegen                                        \
+            cbrt_tablegen                                               \
+            cbrt_fixed_tablegen                                         \
+            cos_tablegen                                                \
+            dv_tablegen                                                 \
+            motionpixels_tablegen                                       \
+            mpegaudio_tablegen                                          \
+            mpegaudiodec_common_tablegen                                \
+            pcm_tablegen                                                \
+            qdm2_tablegen                                               \
+            sinewin_tablegen                                            \
+            sinewin_fixed_tablegen                                      \
+CLEANFILES = *_tables.c *_tables.h *_tablegen$(HOSTEXESUF)
+$(SUBDIR)tests/dct$(EXESUF): $(SUBDIR)dctref.o $(SUBDIR)aandcttab.o
+$(SUBDIR)dv_tablegen$(HOSTEXESUF): $(SUBDIR)dvdata_host.o
+TRIG_TABLES  = cos cos_fixed sin
+TRIG_TABLES := $(TRIG_TABLES:%=$(SUBDIR)%_tables.c)
+$(TRIG_TABLES): $(SUBDIR)%_tables.c: $(SUBDIR)cos_tablegen$(HOSTEXESUF)
+	$(M)./$< $* > $@
+GEN_HEADERS = cbrt_tables.h cbrt_fixed_tables.h aacps_tables.h aacps_fixed_tables.h \
+              dv_tables.h     \
+              sinewin_tables.h sinewin_fixed_tables.h mpegaudio_tables.h \
+              mpegaudiodec_common_tables.h motionpixels_tables.h \
+              pcm_tables.h qdm2_tables.h
+GEN_HEADERS := $(addprefix $(SUBDIR), $(GEN_HEADERS))
+$(GEN_HEADERS): $(SUBDIR)%_tables.h: $(SUBDIR)%_tablegen$(HOSTEXESUF)
+	$(M)./$< > $@
+$(SUBDIR)cbrt_data.o: $(SUBDIR)cbrt_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)cbrt_data_fixed.o: $(SUBDIR)cbrt_fixed_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)aacdec_fixed.o: $(SUBDIR)sinewin_fixed_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)aacps_float.o: $(SUBDIR)aacps_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)aacps_fixed.o: $(SUBDIR)aacps_fixed_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)dvenc.o: $(SUBDIR)dv_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)motionpixels.o: $(SUBDIR)motionpixels_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)mpegaudiodec_common.o: $(SUBDIR)mpegaudiodec_common_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)mpegaudiodec_fixed.o: $(SUBDIR)mpegaudio_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)mpegaudiodec_float.o: $(SUBDIR)mpegaudio_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)pcm.o: $(SUBDIR)pcm_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)qdm2.o: $(SUBDIR)qdm2_tables.h
+$(SUBDIR)sinewin.o: $(SUBDIR)sinewin_tables.h
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/allcodecs.c
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/allcodecs.c	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/allcodecs.c	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+ * Provide registration of all codecs, parsers and bitstream filters for libavcodec.
+ * Copyright (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
+ *
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * @file
+ * Provide registration of all codecs, parsers and bitstream filters for libavcodec.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "libavutil/thread.h"
+#include "avcodec.h"
+#include "version.h"
+extern AVCodec ff_a64multi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_a64multi5_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aasc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aic_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_alias_pix_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_alias_pix_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_agm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_amv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_amv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_anm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ansi_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_apng_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_apng_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_arbc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_argo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_asv1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_asv1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_asv2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_asv2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aura_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aura2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avrp_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avrp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avrn_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avs_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avs_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avui_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_avui_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ayuv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ayuv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bethsoftvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bfi_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bink_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bitpacked_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bmp_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bmp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bmv_video_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_brender_pix_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_c93_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cavs_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cdgraphics_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cdtoons_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cdxl_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cfhd_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cfhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cinepak_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cinepak_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_clearvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cljr_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cljr_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cllc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_comfortnoise_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_comfortnoise_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cpia_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cri_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cscd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cyuv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dds_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dfa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dirac_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dnxhd_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dnxhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dpx_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dpx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dsicinvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvaudio_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvvideo_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dxa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dxtory_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dxv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eacmv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eamad_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eatgq_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eatgv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eatqi_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eightbps_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eightsvx_exp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eightsvx_fib_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_escape124_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_escape130_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_exr_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_exr_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ffv1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ffv1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ffvhuff_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ffvhuff_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fic_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fits_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fits_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flashsv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flashsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flashsv2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flashsv2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flic_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sorenson_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fmvc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fourxm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fraps_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_frwu_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_g2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gdv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gif_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gif_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h261_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h261_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263i_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263p_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263p_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_crystalhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_mediacodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_mmal_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_rkmpp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hap_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hap_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_rkmpp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hnm4_video_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hq_hqa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hqx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_huffyuv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_huffyuv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hymt_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_idcin_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_iff_ilbm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_imm4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_imm5_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_indeo2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_indeo3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_indeo4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_indeo5_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_interplay_video_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ipu_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_jpeg2000_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_jpeg2000_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_jpegls_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_jpegls_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_jv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_kgv1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_kmvc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_lagarith_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ljpeg_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_loco_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_lscr_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_m101_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_magicyuv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_magicyuv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mdec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mimic_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpegb_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mmvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mobiclip_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_motionpixels_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg1video_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg1video_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2video_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2video_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_crystalhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_mmal_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpegvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg1_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_mmal_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_crystalhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_mediacodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msa1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mscc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msmpeg4v1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msmpeg4v2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msmpeg4v2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msmpeg4v3_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msmpeg4v3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msmpeg4_crystalhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msp2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msrle_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mss1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mss2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msvideo1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_msvideo1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mszh_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mts2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mv30_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mvc1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mvc2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mvdv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mvha_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mwsc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mxpeg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_notchlc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_nuv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_paf_video_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pam_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pam_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pbm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pbm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcx_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pfm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pfm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pgm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pgm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pgmyuv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pgmyuv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pgx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_photocd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pictor_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pixlet_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_png_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_png_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ppm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ppm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_prores_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_prores_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_prores_aw_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_prores_ks_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_prosumer_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_psd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ptx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qdraw_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qpeg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qtrle_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qtrle_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_r10k_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_r10k_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_r210_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_r210_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rasc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rawvideo_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rawvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rl2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_roq_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_roq_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rpza_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rpza_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rscc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv10_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv10_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv20_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv20_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv30_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv30_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv40_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_rv40_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_s302m_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_s302m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sanm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_scpr_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_screenpresso_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sga_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sgi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sgi_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sgirle_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sheervideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_simbiosis_imx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_smacker_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_smc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_smvjpeg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_snow_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_snow_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sp5x_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_speedhq_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_speedhq_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_srgc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sunrast_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sunrast_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_svq1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_svq1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_svq3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_targa_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_targa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_targa_y216_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tdsc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_theora_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_thp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tiertexseqvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tiff_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tiff_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tmv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_truemotion1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_truemotion2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_truemotion2rt_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tscc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tscc2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_txd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ulti_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_utvideo_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_utvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v210_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v210_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v210x_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v308_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v308_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v408_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v408_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v410_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_v410_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vb_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vble_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_crystalhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1image_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_mmal_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vcr1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vmdvideo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vmnc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp5_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp6_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp6_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp6a_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp6a_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp6f_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp6f_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp7_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_rkmpp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_rkmpp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_v4l2m2m_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vqa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_webp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wcmv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wrapped_avframe_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wrapped_avframe_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv3_omx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv3_crystalhd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmv3image_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wnv1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xan_wc3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xan_wc4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xbm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xbm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xface_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xface_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xl_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xpm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xwd_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xwd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_y41p_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_y41p_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ylc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_yop_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_yuv4_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_yuv4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_zero12v_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_zerocodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_zlib_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_zlib_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_zmbv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_zmbv_decoder;
+/* audio codecs */
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_fixed_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_latm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ac3_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ac3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ac3_fixed_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ac3_fixed_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_acelp_kelvin_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_alac_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_alac_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_als_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_amrnb_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_amrwb_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ape_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aptx_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aptx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aptx_hd_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aptx_hd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_atrac1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_atrac3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_atrac3al_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_atrac3p_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_atrac3pal_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_atrac9_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_binkaudio_dct_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_binkaudio_rdft_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_bmv_audio_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_cook_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dca_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dca_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dolby_e_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dsd_lsbf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dsd_msbf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dsd_lsbf_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dsd_msbf_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dsicinaudio_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dss_sp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dst_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eac3_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eac3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_evrc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_fastaudio_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ffwavesynth_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flac_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_flac_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_g723_1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_g723_1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_g729_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gsm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gsm_ms_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hca_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hcom_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_iac_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ilbc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_imc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_interplay_acm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mace3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mace6_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_metasound_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mlp_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mlp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp1float_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp2float_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp2fixed_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3float_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3adufloat_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3adu_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3on4float_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3on4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpc7_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpc8_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_nellymoser_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_nellymoser_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_on2avc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_opus_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_opus_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_paf_audio_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qcelp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qdm2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qdmc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ra_144_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ra_144_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ra_288_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ralf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sbc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sbc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_shorten_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sipr_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_siren_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_smackaud_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sonic_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sonic_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sonic_ls_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tak_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_truehd_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_truehd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_truespeech_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tta_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_tta_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_twinvq_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vmdaudio_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vorbis_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vorbis_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wavpack_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wavpack_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmalossless_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmapro_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmav1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmav1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmav2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmav2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_wmavoice_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ws_snd1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xma1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xma2_decoder;
+/* PCM codecs */
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_alaw_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_alaw_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_bluray_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_dvd_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_dvd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f16le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f24le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f32be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f32be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f32le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f32le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f64be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f64be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f64le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_f64le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_lxf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_mulaw_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_mulaw_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s8_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s8_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s8_planar_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s8_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16be_planar_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16be_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16le_planar_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s16le_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24daud_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24daud_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24le_planar_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s24le_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s32be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s32be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s32le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s32le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s32le_planar_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s32le_planar_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s64be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s64be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s64le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_s64le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_sga_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u8_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u8_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u16be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u16be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u16le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u16le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u24be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u24be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u24le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u24le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u32be_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u32be_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u32le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_u32le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_vidc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_vidc_decoder;
+/* DPCM codecs */
+extern AVCodec ff_derf_dpcm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gremlin_dpcm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_interplay_dpcm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_roq_dpcm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_roq_dpcm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sdx2_dpcm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sol_dpcm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xan_dpcm_decoder;
+/* ADPCM codecs */
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_4xm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_adx_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_adx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_afc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_agm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_aica_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_argo_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_argo_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ct_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_dtk_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ea_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ea_maxis_xa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ea_r1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ea_r2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ea_r3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ea_xas_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_g722_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_g722_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_g726_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_g726_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_g726le_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_g726le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_amv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_amv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_alp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_alp_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_apc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_apm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_apm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_cunning_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_dat4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_dk3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_dk4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_ea_eacs_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_ea_sead_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_iss_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_moflex_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_mtf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_oki_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_qt_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_qt_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_rad_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_ssi_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_ssi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_smjpeg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_wav_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_wav_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_ws_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ms_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ms_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_mtaf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_psx_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_sbpro_2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_sbpro_3_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_sbpro_4_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_swf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_swf_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_thp_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_thp_le_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_vima_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_xa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_yamaha_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_yamaha_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_zork_decoder;
+/* subtitles */
+extern AVCodec ff_ssa_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ssa_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ass_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ass_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ccaption_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvbsub_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvbsub_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvdsub_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_dvdsub_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_jacosub_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_microdvd_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_movtext_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_movtext_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpl2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pgssub_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pjs_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_realtext_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_sami_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_srt_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_srt_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_stl_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_subrip_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_subrip_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_subviewer_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_subviewer1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_text_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_text_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ttml_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vplayer_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_webvtt_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_webvtt_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xsub_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xsub_decoder;
+/* external libraries */
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_at_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ac3_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_adpcm_ima_qt_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_alac_at_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_alac_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_amr_nb_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_eac3_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_gsm_ms_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ilbc_at_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ilbc_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp1_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp2_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_alaw_at_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_alaw_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_mulaw_at_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_pcm_mulaw_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qdmc_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_qdm2_at_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libaom_av1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libaribb24_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libcelt_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libcodec2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libcodec2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libdav1d_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libdavs2_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libfdk_aac_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libfdk_aac_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libgsm_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libgsm_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libgsm_ms_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libgsm_ms_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libilbc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libilbc_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libmp3lame_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopencore_amrnb_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopencore_amrnb_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopencore_amrwb_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopenjpeg_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopenjpeg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopus_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopus_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_librav1e_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_librsvg_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libshine_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libspeex_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libspeex_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libsvtav1_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libtheora_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libtwolame_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libuavs3d_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvo_amrwbenc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvorbis_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvorbis_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvpx_vp8_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvpx_vp8_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvpx_vp9_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libvpx_vp9_decoder;
+/* preferred over libwebp */
+extern AVCodec ff_libwebp_anim_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libwebp_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libx262_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libx264_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libx264rgb_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libx265_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libxavs_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libxavs2_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libxvid_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libzvbi_teletext_decoder;
+/* text */
+extern AVCodec ff_bintext_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_xbin_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_idf_decoder;
+/* external libraries, that shouldn't be used by default if one of the
+ * above is available */
+extern AVCodec ff_aac_mf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_ac3_mf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h263_v4l2m2m_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libaom_av1_decoder;
+/* hwaccel hooks only, so prefer external decoders */
+extern AVCodec ff_av1_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_av1_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_av1_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopenh264_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libopenh264_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_amf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_mf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_nvenc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_omx_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_qsv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_v4l2m2m_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_vaapi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_h264_videotoolbox_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_nvenc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_nvenc_h264_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_nvenc_hevc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_amf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_mediacodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_mf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_nvenc_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_qsv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_v4l2m2m_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_vaapi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_hevc_videotoolbox_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_libkvazaar_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_qsv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mjpeg_vaapi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mp3_mf_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg1_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_qsv_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg2_vaapi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_mediacodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_omx_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_mpeg4_v4l2m2m_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vc1_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_mediacodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_v4l2m2m_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp8_vaapi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_cuvid_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_mediacodec_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_qsv_decoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_vaapi_encoder;
+extern AVCodec ff_vp9_qsv_encoder;
+// The iterate API is not usable with ossfuzz due to the excessive size of binaries created
+AVCodec * codec_list[] = {
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL
+#include "libavcodec/codec_list.c"
+static AVOnce av_codec_static_init = AV_ONCE_INIT;
+static void av_codec_init_static(void)
+    for (int i = 0; codec_list[i]; i++) {
+        if (codec_list[i]->init_static_data)
+            codec_list[i]->init_static_data((AVCodec*)codec_list[i]);
+    }
+const AVCodec *av_codec_iterate(void **opaque)
+    uintptr_t i = (uintptr_t)*opaque;
+    const AVCodec *c = codec_list[i];
+    ff_thread_once(&av_codec_static_init, av_codec_init_static);
+    if (c)
+        *opaque = (void*)(i + 1);
+    return c;
+static AVOnce av_codec_next_init = AV_ONCE_INIT;
+static void av_codec_init_next(void)
+    AVCodec *prev = NULL, *p;
+    void *i = 0;
+    while ((p = (AVCodec*)av_codec_iterate(&i))) {
+        if (prev)
+            prev->next = p;
+        prev = p;
+    }
+av_cold void avcodec_register(AVCodec *codec)
+    ff_thread_once(&av_codec_next_init, av_codec_init_next);
+AVCodec *av_codec_next(const AVCodec *c)
+    ff_thread_once(&av_codec_next_init, av_codec_init_next);
+    if (c)
+        return c->next;
+    else
+        return (AVCodec*)codec_list[0];
+void avcodec_register_all(void)
+    ff_thread_once(&av_codec_next_init, av_codec_init_next);
+static enum AVCodecID remap_deprecated_codec_id(enum AVCodecID id)
+    switch(id){
+        //This is for future deprecatec codec ids, its empty since
+        //last major bump but will fill up again over time, please don't remove it
+        default                                         : return id;
+    }
+static AVCodec *find_codec(enum AVCodecID id, int (*x)(const AVCodec *))
+    const AVCodec *p, *experimental = NULL;
+    void *i = 0;
+    id = remap_deprecated_codec_id(id);
+    while ((p = av_codec_iterate(&i))) {
+        if (!x(p))
+            continue;
+        if (p->id == id) {
+            if (p->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_EXPERIMENTAL && !experimental) {
+                experimental = p;
+            } else
+                return (AVCodec*)p;
+        }
+    }
+    return (AVCodec*)experimental;
+AVCodec *avcodec_find_encoder(enum AVCodecID id)
+    return find_codec(id, av_codec_is_encoder);
+AVCodec *avcodec_find_decoder(enum AVCodecID id)
+    return find_codec(id, av_codec_is_decoder);
+static AVCodec *find_codec_by_name(const char *name, int (*x)(const AVCodec *))
+    void *i = 0;
+    const AVCodec *p;
+    if (!name)
+        return NULL;
+    while ((p = av_codec_iterate(&i))) {
+        if (!x(p))
+            continue;
+        if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0)
+            return (AVCodec*)p;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+AVCodec *avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(const char *name)
+    return find_codec_by_name(name, av_codec_is_encoder);
+AVCodec *avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(const char *name)
+    return find_codec_by_name(name, av_codec_is_decoder);
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/omxdec.c
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/omxdec.c	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/omxdec.c	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,1796 @@
+ * OMX Video decoder
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Baikal Electronics, JSC
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include "libavutil/avstring.h"
+#include "libavutil/imgutils.h"
+#include "libavutil/opt.h"
+#include "libavutil/log.h"
+#include "libswscale/swscale.h"
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+#include "avcodec.h"
+#include "h264.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+#include <OMX_Component.h>
+#include <OMX_RoleNames.h>
+#include <OMX_IndexExt.h>
+#include <OMX_VideoExt.h>
+#define OMX_DECODER_VERSION_MAJOR       (1)
+#define OMX_DECODER_VERSION_MINOR       (2)
+#define OMX_DECODER_VERSION_STEP        (0)
+#define OMX_STATE_TIMEOUT   5
+static const char * const omx_core_libraries[] = {
+        "libomx_vxd.so",
+        "libOMX_Core.so",
+        "libOmxCore.so",
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+        NULL
+#ifdef OMX_SKIP64BIT
+static OMX_TICKS to_omx_ticks(int64_t value)
+    OMX_TICKS res;
+    s.nLowPart  = value & 0xffffffff;
+    s.nHighPart = value >> 32;
+    return res;
+static int64_t from_omx_ticks(OMX_TICKS value)
+    return (((int64_t)value.nHighPart) << 32) | value.nLowPart;
+#define to_omx_ticks(value) (value)
+#define from_omx_ticks(value) (value)
+#define OMX_INIT_STRUCT(p) do {  \
+    memset ((p), 0, sizeof (*(p))); \
+    (p)->nSize = sizeof (*(p)); \
+    (p)->nVersion.s.nVersionMajor = OMX_DECODER_VERSION_MAJOR; \
+    (p)->nVersion.s.nVersionMinor = OMX_DECODER_VERSION_MINOR; \
+    (p)->nVersion.s.nRevision     = OMX_DECODER_VERSION_REVISION; \
+    (p)->nVersion.s.nStep         = OMX_DECODER_VERSION_STEP; \
+} while (0)
+typedef struct _OMXCore OMXCore;
+typedef struct _OMXCodecContext OMXCodecContext;
+typedef struct _OMXCodecPort OMXCodecPort;
+typedef struct _OMXInputBuffer OMXInputBuffer;
+typedef struct _OMXBufferHeader OMXBufferHeader;
+struct _OMXCore {
+    void *handle;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*pInit)(void);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*pDeinit)(void);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*pComponentNameEnum)(OMX_STRING, OMX_U32, OMX_U32);
+                                OMX_CALLBACKTYPE*);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*pComponentOfRoleEnum)(OMX_STRING, OMX_STRING, OMX_U32);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*pGetComponentsOfRole)(OMX_STRING, OMX_U32*, OMX_U8**);
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+struct _OMXInputBuffer {
+    AVBufferRef *ref;
+    void *data;
+    size_t size;
+    int64_t pts;
+    OMX_U32 flags;
+    OMXInputBuffer *next;
+struct _OMXBufferHeader {
+    OMXCodecPort *port;
+    int decoding;
+    void *priv;
+    OMXBufferHeader *next;
+struct _OMXCodecPort {
+    int index;
+    // number of port buffers
+    int num_buffers;
+    // buffer headers pool
+    OMXBufferHeader *headers;
+    // number of headers in pool
+    atomic_int num_headers;
+    // headers pool lock
+    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx;
+struct _OMXCodecContext {
+    const AVClass *class;
+    AVCodecContext *avctx;
+    char *libname;
+    OMXCore *core;
+    char component_name[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE];
+    OMX_HANDLETYPE handle;
+    int stride, plane_size;
+    OMXCodecPort in;
+    // lock free (accessed by omx_decode only)
+    OMXInputBuffer *in_queue_head, *in_queue_tail; 
+    int in_queue_size;
+    OMXCodecPort out;
+    OMXBufferHeader *out_queue_head, *out_queue_tail;
+    int out_queue_size;
+    pthread_mutex_t out_queue_mutex;
+    pthread_cond_t out_queue_cond;
+    uint8_t *output_buf;
+    int output_buf_size;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    int settings_changed;
+    struct SwsContext *sws_ctx;
+    enum AVPixelFormat decoder_pix_fmt;
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    int flushing;
+    pthread_mutex_t state_mutex;
+    pthread_cond_t state_cond;
+    OMX_STATETYPE state;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE error;
+    int eos_sent, eos_received;
+    int extradata_sent;
+static av_cold int omx_core_load(OMXCore *core, void *logctx,
+                                 const char *libname)
+    core->handle = dlopen(libname, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW);
+    if (!core->handle) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "%s not found\n", libname);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    core->pInit                = dlsym(core->handle, "OMX_Init");
+    core->pDeinit              = dlsym(core->handle, "OMX_Deinit");
+    core->pGetHandle           = dlsym(core->handle, "OMX_GetHandle");
+    core->pFreeHandle          = dlsym(core->handle, "OMX_FreeHandle");
+    core->pComponentOfRoleEnum = dlsym(core->handle, "OMX_ComponentOfRoleEnum");
+    core->pGetComponentsOfRole = dlsym(core->handle, "OMX_GetComponentsOfRole");
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    if (!core->pInit || !core->pDeinit || !core->pGetHandle ||
+        !core->pFreeHandle ||
+        !core->pComponentOfRoleEnum
+        !core->pGetComponentsOfRole
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    ) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Not all functions found in %s\n",
+               libname);
+        dlclose(core->handle);
+        core->handle = NULL;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static const char *omx_error_string(OMX_ERRORTYPE err)
+    switch (err) {
+    case OMX_ErrorNone:
+        return "None";
+    case OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources:
+        return "Insufficient resources";
+    case OMX_ErrorUndefined:
+        return "Undefined";
+    case OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName:
+        return "Invalid component name";
+    case OMX_ErrorComponentNotFound:
+        return "Component not found";
+    case OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent:
+        return "Invalid component";
+    case OMX_ErrorBadParameter:
+        return "Bad parameter";
+    case OMX_ErrorNotImplemented:
+        return "Not implemented";
+    case OMX_ErrorUnderflow:
+        return "Underflow";
+    case OMX_ErrorOverflow:
+        return "Overflow";
+    case OMX_ErrorHardware:
+        return "Hardware";
+    case OMX_ErrorInvalidState:
+        return "Invalid state";
+    case OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt:
+        return "Stream corrupt";
+    case OMX_ErrorPortsNotCompatible:
+        return "Ports not compatible";
+    case OMX_ErrorResourcesLost:
+        return "Resources lost";
+    case OMX_ErrorNoMore:
+        return "No more";
+    case OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch:
+        return "Version mismatch";
+    case OMX_ErrorNotReady:
+        return "Not ready";
+    case OMX_ErrorTimeout:
+        return "Timeout";
+    case OMX_ErrorSameState:
+        return "Same state";
+    case OMX_ErrorResourcesPreempted:
+        return "Resources preempted";
+    case OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringAllocation:
+        return "Port unresponsive during allocation";
+    case OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringDeallocation:
+        return "Port unresponsive during deallocation";
+    case OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringStop:
+        return "Port unresponsive during stop";
+    case OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition:
+        return "Incorrect state transition";
+    case OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation:
+        return "Incorrect state operation";
+    case OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting:
+        return "Unsupported setting";
+    case OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex:
+        return "Unsupported index";
+    case OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex:
+        return "Bad port index";
+    case OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated:
+        return "Port unpopulated";
+    case OMX_ErrorComponentSuspended:
+        return "Component suspended";
+    case OMX_ErrorDynamicResourcesUnavailable:
+        return "Dynamic resources unavailable";
+    case OMX_ErrorMbErrorsInFrame:
+        return "Macroblock errors in frame";
+    case OMX_ErrorFormatNotDetected:
+        return "Format not detected";
+    case OMX_ErrorContentPipeOpenFailed:
+        return "Content pipe open failed";
+    case OMX_ErrorContentPipeCreationFailed:
+        return "Content pipe creation failed";
+    case OMX_ErrorSeperateTablesUsed:
+        return "Separate tables used";
+    case OMX_ErrorTunnelingUnsupported:
+        return "Tunneling unsupported";
+    default:
+        if (err >= OMX_ErrorKhronosExtensions &&
+            err < OMX_ErrorVendorStartUnused)
+            return "Khronos extension error";
+        else if (err >= OMX_ErrorVendorStartUnused &&
+                 err < OMX_ErrorMax)
+            return "Vendor specific error";
+        else
+            return "Unknown error";
+    }
+static av_cold OMXCore *omx_core_init(void *logctx, const char *libname)
+    OMXCore *core;
+    int loaded = 0;
+    core = av_mallocz(sizeof(*core));
+    if (!core) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+               "Core initialization error: Not enough memory\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (libname) 
+        loaded = (omx_core_load(core, logctx, libname) == 0);
+    else {
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; omx_core_libraries[i] && !loaded; i++)
+            loaded = (omx_core_load(core, logctx, omx_core_libraries[i]) == 0);
+    }
+    if (!loaded) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+               "Core initialization error: Core library not found\n");
+        av_free(core);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    err = core->pInit();
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+               "Core initialization error: %s\n", omx_error_string(err));
+        dlclose(core->handle);
+        av_free(core);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return core;
+static av_cold void omx_core_destroy(OMXCore *core)
+    if (core) {
+        core->pDeinit();
+        dlclose(core->handle);
+        av_free(core);
+    }
+static av_cold int omx_component_find(OMXCodecContext *ctx,
+                                      const char *role, char *str, int str_size)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    int ret = 0;
+    OMX_U32 i, num = 0;
+    char **components;
+    ctx->core->pGetComponentsOfRole((OMX_STRING) role, &num, NULL);
+    if (!num) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No component for role %s found\n", role);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    components = av_mallocz_array(num, sizeof(*components));
+    if (!components) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+               "Component search error: Not enough memory\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        components[i] = av_mallocz(OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        if (!components[i]) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                   "Component search error: Not enough memory\n");
+            ret = -1;
+            goto end;
+        }
+    }
+    ctx->core->pGetComponentsOfRole((OMX_STRING) role, &num,
+                                    (OMX_U8**) components);
+    av_strlcpy(str, components[0], str_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+        av_free(components[i]);
+    av_free(components);
+    return ret;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_event_handler(OMX_HANDLETYPE component,
+                                       OMX_PTR app_data, OMX_EVENTTYPE event,
+                                       OMX_U32 data1, OMX_U32 data2,
+                                       OMX_PTR event_data)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = app_data;
+    /* This uses casts in the printfs, since OMX_U32 actually is a typedef for
+       unsigned long in official header versions (but there are also modified
+       versions where it is something else). */
+    switch (event) {
+    case OMX_EventError:
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX error %"PRIx32"\n",
+               (uint32_t) data1);
+        ctx->error = data1;
+        pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->state_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+        break;
+    case OMX_EventCmdComplete:
+        if (data1 == OMX_CommandStateSet) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+            ctx->state = data2;
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+                   "OMX state changed to %"PRIu32"\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+            pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->state_cond);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+        } else if (data1 == OMX_CommandPortDisable) {
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+                   "OMX port %"PRIu32" disabled\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+            pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->state_cond);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+        } else if (data1 == OMX_CommandPortEnable) {
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+                   "OMX port %"PRIu32" enabled\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+            pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->state_cond);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+        } else if (data1 == OMX_CommandFlush) {
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+                   "OMX port %"PRIu32" flushed\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+            ctx->flushing = 0;
+            pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->state_cond);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+        } else {
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+                   "OMX command complete, command %"PRIu32", value %"PRIu32"\n",
+                   (uint32_t) data1, (uint32_t) data2);
+        }
+        break;
+    case OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged:
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+               "OMX port %"PRIu32" settings changed\n", (uint32_t) data1);
+        /* Probably we are waiting for output data now. Wake up waiting task
+           to apply new output port settings. */
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+        ctx->settings_changed = 1;
+        pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->out_queue_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+        break;
+    case OMX_EventBufferFlag:
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+               "OMX port %"PRIu32" EOS received (%"PRIx32")\n",
+               (uint32_t) data1, (uint32_t) data2);
+        break;
+    default:
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX event %d %"PRIx32" %"PRIx32"\n",
+               event, (uint32_t) data1, (uint32_t) data2);
+        break;
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+/* Must be called with pool locked */
+static void omx_buffer_release(OMXBufferHeader *h)
+    OMXCodecPort *port = h->port;
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = h->port->ctx;
+    if (h->decoding) {
+        h->decoding = 0;
+        if (port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirInput) {
+            OMXInputBuffer *buffer = h->priv;
+            h->header->pBuffer = NULL;
+            av_buffer_unref(&buffer->ref);
+            av_free(buffer);
+        }
+        h->next = port->headers;
+        port->headers = h;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&port->num_headers, 1);
+    }
+    else
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+               "Port %d release unused buffer %p - ignore\n", port->index, h);
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_empty_buffer_done(OMX_HANDLETYPE component,
+                                           OMX_PTR app_data,
+                                           OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *header)
+    OMXBufferHeader *h = header->pAppPrivate;
+    OMXCodecPort *port = h->port;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+    omx_buffer_release(h);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+    /* Probably we are waiting for output data now, but decoder has not enough
+       input data yet. Wake up waiting task to send new data to the decoder. */
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&port->ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    pthread_cond_broadcast(&port->ctx->out_queue_cond);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_fill_buffer_done(OMX_HANDLETYPE component,
+                                          OMX_PTR app_data,
+                                          OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *header)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = app_data;
+    OMXBufferHeader *h = header->pAppPrivate;
+    OMXCodecPort *port = h->port;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+    if (h->decoding) {
+        h->decoding = 0;
+        // add buffer to output queue
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+        h->next = NULL;
+        if (!ctx->out_queue_head)
+            ctx->out_queue_head = h;
+        if (ctx->out_queue_tail)
+            ctx->out_queue_tail->next = h;
+        ctx->out_queue_tail = h;
+        ctx->out_queue_size++;
+        pthread_cond_broadcast(&ctx->out_queue_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+     }
+    else
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, 
+               "Fill buffer done called for unused buffer\n");
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+static const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE omx_callbacks = {
+    omx_event_handler,
+    omx_empty_buffer_done,
+    omx_fill_buffer_done
+static enum AVPixelFormat omx_to_av_pix_fmt(OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE color_format)
+    switch (color_format) {
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatL8:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8;
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_NV12;
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_NV16;
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_YUYV422;
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCrYCb:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_YVYU422;
+    case OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422;
+    case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888:
+        /* There is a mismatch in omxil specification 4.2.1 between
+           OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888 and its description
+           Follow the description */
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_ABGR;
+    case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888:
+        /* Same issue as OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888 */
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_ARGB;
+    case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565;
+    case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitBGR565:
+        return AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565;
+    }
+    return AV_PIX_FMT_NONE;
+static OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE omx_codec_select_color_format(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE color_format = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused;
+    if (avctx->pix_fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
+        OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE video_port_format = { 0 };
+        OMX_ERRORTYPE err;
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+            OMX_INIT_STRUCT(&video_port_format);
+            video_port_format.nIndex = i;
+            video_port_format.nPortIndex = ctx->out.index;
+            if (OMX_GetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat,
+                                 &video_port_format) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+                break;
+            if (omx_to_av_pix_fmt(video_port_format.eColorFormat) ==
+                avctx->pix_fmt) {
+                color_format = video_port_format.eColorFormat;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (color_format != OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused) {
+            OMX_INIT_STRUCT(&video_port_format);
+            video_port_format.nPortIndex = ctx->out.index;
+            video_port_format.eColorFormat = color_format;
+            err = OMX_SetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat,
+                                   &video_port_format);
+            if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
+                       "Can not set port %d color format: %s\n",
+                       ctx->out.index, omx_error_string(err));
+        }
+    }
+    return color_format;
+static av_cold void omx_port_init(OMXCodecContext *ctx, OMXCodecPort *port)
+    port->index = -1;
+    pthread_mutex_init(&port->mutex, NULL);
+    port->ctx = ctx;
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_update_port_definition(OMXCodecPort *port,
+                                      OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *port_def)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = port->ctx;
+    if (port_def) {
+        err = OMX_SetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition,
+                               port_def);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
+                   "Can not set port %d definition: %s\n", port->index,
+                   omx_error_string(err));
+    }
+    OMX_GetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition,
+                     &port->port_def);
+    return err;
+static av_cold OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE omx_id_to_coding_type(enum AVCodecID id)
+    switch (id) {
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_H264:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingHEVC;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_H263:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263;
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingMJPEG;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP8:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP8;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_RV30:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_RV40:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingRV;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VC1:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingVC1;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_FLV1:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingSorensonSpark;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP6:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP6F:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP6A:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingVP6;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_AVS:
+        return OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVS;
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    }
+    return OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused;
+static void omx_codec_set_output_format(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    if (avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE)
+        avctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
+    ctx->decoder_pix_fmt =
+        omx_to_av_pix_fmt(ctx->out.port_def.format.video.eColorFormat);
+    if (ctx->decoder_pix_fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
+        if (ctx->decoder_pix_fmt != avctx->pix_fmt) {
+            /* prepare pixel formats converter, if decoder and requested
+               output formats are not the same */
+            ctx->sws_ctx = sws_getCachedContext(ctx->sws_ctx,
+                avctx->width, avctx->height, ctx->decoder_pix_fmt,
+                avctx->width, avctx->height, avctx->pix_fmt,
+                0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            if (!ctx->sws_ctx)
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                       "Can not create pixel formats converter\n");
+        }
+    }
+    avctx->pix_fmt =
+        omx_to_av_pix_fmt(ctx->out.port_def.format.video.eColorFormat);
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+static av_cold int omx_port_config(OMXCodecPort *port)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = port->ctx;
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    port->port_def.bEnabled   = OMX_TRUE;
+    port->port_def.bPopulated = OMX_FALSE;
+    port->port_def.eDomain    = OMX_PortDomainVideo;
+    port->port_def.format.video.pNativeRender         = NULL;
+    port->port_def.format.video.bFlagErrorConcealment = OMX_FALSE;
+    port->port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth  = avctx->width;
+    port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight = avctx->height;
+    if (avctx->framerate.den > 0 && avctx->framerate.num > 0)
+        port->port_def.format.video.xFramerate =
+            (1LL << 16) * avctx->framerate.num / avctx->framerate.den;
+    else if (avctx->pkt_timebase.den > 0 && avctx->pkt_timebase.num > 0)
+        port->port_def.format.video.xFramerate =
+            (1LL << 16) * avctx->pkt_timebase.den / avctx->pkt_timebase.num;
+    else
+        port->port_def.format.video.xFramerate = 0;
+    if (port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirInput) {
+        port->port_def.format.video.nStride      = 0;
+        port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight = 0;
+        port->port_def.format.video.eCompressionFormat =
+            omx_id_to_coding_type(avctx->codec_id);
+    }
+    else {
+        port->port_def.format.video.nStride       = ctx->stride;
+        port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight  = ctx->plane_size;
+    }
+    if (omx_update_port_definition(port, &port->port_def) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+        return -1;
+    port->num_buffers = port->port_def.nBufferCountActual;
+    if (port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput) {
+        ctx->stride     = port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
+        ctx->plane_size = port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight;
+        omx_codec_set_output_format(ctx);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static av_cold int omx_component_init(OMXCodecContext *ctx, const char *role)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE role_params = { 0 };
+    OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE video_port_params = { 0 };
+    int i;
+    err = ctx->core->pGetHandle(&ctx->handle, ctx->component_name, ctx,
+                                (OMX_CALLBACKTYPE*) &omx_callbacks);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Can not get component handle: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    OMX_INIT_STRUCT(&role_params);
+    av_strlcpy(role_params.cRole, role, sizeof(role_params.cRole));
+    OMX_SetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole,
+                     &role_params);
+    OMX_INIT_STRUCT(&video_port_params);
+    err = OMX_GetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoInit,
+                           &video_port_params);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Can not get component ports: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < video_port_params.nPorts; i++) {
+        int port = video_port_params.nStartPortNumber + i;
+        OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE port_def = { 0 };
+        OMX_INIT_STRUCT(&port_def);
+        port_def.nPortIndex = port;
+        err = OMX_GetParameter(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition,
+                               &port_def);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
+                   "Can not get port %d definition: %s\n", port,
+                   omx_error_string(err));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (port_def.eDir == OMX_DirInput && ctx->in.index < 0) {
+            ctx->in.index = port;
+            ctx->in.port_def = port_def;
+        } else if (port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput && ctx->out.index < 0) {
+            ctx->out.index = port;
+            ctx->out.port_def = port_def;
+        }
+    }
+    if (ctx->in.index < 0 || ctx->out.index < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No in or out port found (in %d out %d)\n",
+               ctx->in.index, ctx->out.index);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // try to set output port default color format to avctx->pix_fmt
+    omx_codec_select_color_format(ctx);
+    /* The following piece of code is to pass the information to OMX AVC or
+       HEVC component that the CodecConfig data and Picture Data is NAL Size
+       Delimited and will not contain NAL start codes(SCP- 0x00000001) */
+    if (avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 ||
+        avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC) {
+        OMX_SetConfig(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexImgDataIsNALSizeDelimited,
+                      NULL);
+    }
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    if (omx_port_config(&ctx->in) < 0)
+        return -1;
+    if (omx_port_config(&ctx->out) < 0)
+        return -1;
+    return 0;
+static int omx_port_buffers_alloc(OMXCodecPort *port)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = port->ctx;
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    int i, err = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    for (i = 0; i < port->num_buffers && err == OMX_ErrorNone; i++) {
+        OMXBufferHeader *h;
+        h = av_mallocz(sizeof(*h));
+        if (!h) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                   "Port %d buffer allocation error: Not enough memory\n",
+                   port->index);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirInput) {
+            /* hack: IMG implementation of OMX_UseBuffer returns error
+                     if pBuffer is NULL */
+            err = OMX_UseBuffer(ctx->handle, &h->header, port->index,
+                                h, port->port_def.nBufferSize, (OMX_U8 *) 1);
+            if (h->header)
+                h->header->pBuffer = NULL;
+            err = OMX_UseBuffer(ctx->handle, &h->header, port->index,
+                                h, port->port_def.nBufferSize, NULL);
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+        }
+        else
+            err = OMX_AllocateBuffer(ctx->handle, &h->header, port->index,
+                                     h, port->port_def.nBufferSize);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Port %d buffer allocation error: %s\n",
+                   port->index, omx_error_string(err));
+            av_free(h);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        h->port = port;
+        h->next = port->headers;
+        port->headers = h;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&port->num_headers, 1);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static av_cold int omx_wait_for_state(OMXCodecContext *ctx, OMX_STATETYPE state)
+    struct timespec ts;
+    int ret = 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    ctx->error = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
+    ts.tv_sec += OMX_STATE_TIMEOUT;
+    while (ctx->state != state && ctx->error == OMX_ErrorNone && ret == 0)
+        ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&ctx->state_cond, &ctx->state_mutex, &ts);
+    if (ctx->error != OMX_ErrorNone || ret != 0)
+        ret = -1;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    return ret;
+static av_cold const char *omx_id_to_role(enum AVCodecID id)
+    switch (id) {
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_H264:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_H263:
+        return OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_H263;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG:
+        return "video_decoder.mjpeg";
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP8:
+        return OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_VP8;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_RV30:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_RV40:
+        return OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_RV;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VC1:
+        return OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_VC1;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_FLV1:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP6:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP6F:
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_VP6A:
+        return OMX_ROLE_VIDEO_DECODER_VP6;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_AVS:
+        return "video_decoder.avs";
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+   }
+    return NULL;
+static av_cold int omx_decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
+    const char *role;
+    role = omx_id_to_role(avctx->codec_id);
+    if (!role) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unsupported codec id %d\n",
+               avctx->codec_id);
+    }
+    ctx->core = omx_core_init(avctx, ctx->libname);
+    if (!ctx->core)
+    ctx->avctx = avctx;
+    omx_port_init(ctx, &ctx->in);
+    omx_port_init(ctx, &ctx->out);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->out_queue_mutex, NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init(&ctx->out_queue_cond, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->state_mutex, NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init(&ctx->state_cond, NULL);
+    ctx->state = OMX_StateLoaded;
+    ctx->error = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    err = ctx->core->pComponentOfRoleEnum((OMX_STRING) ctx->component_name,
+                                          (OMX_STRING) role, 0);
+    if (err !=  OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No component for role %s found: %s\n",
+               role, omx_error_string(err));
+    }
+    if (omx_component_find(ctx, role,
+                           ctx->component_name,
+                           sizeof(ctx->component_name)) < 0)
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Using %s\n", ctx->component_name);
+    if (omx_component_init(ctx, role) < 0)
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle,
+                          NULL);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Set StateIdle error: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    if (omx_port_buffers_alloc(&ctx->in) < 0)
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    if (omx_port_buffers_alloc(&ctx->out) < 0)
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    if (omx_wait_for_state(ctx, OMX_StateIdle) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Did not get StateIdle\n");
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting,
+                          NULL);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Set StateExecuting error: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    if (omx_wait_for_state(ctx, OMX_StateExecuting) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Did not get StateExecuting\n");
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static inline int64_t from_pts(AVRational timebase, int64_t value)
+    if (value != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
+        if (timebase.num > 0 && timebase.den > 0)
+            return av_rescale_q(value, timebase, AV_TIME_BASE_Q);
+        else
+            return value;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static inline int64_t to_pts(AVRational timebase, int64_t value)
+    if (timebase.num > 0 && timebase.den > 0)
+        return av_rescale_q(value, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, timebase);
+    return value;
+static int omx_add_packet(OMXCodecContext *ctx, AVPacket *avpkt,
+                          int is_extradata)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    AVBufferRef *buf = NULL;
+    int size = 0;
+    uint8_t *data = NULL;
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (avpkt->size) {
+        if (avpkt->buf) {
+            buf = av_buffer_ref(avpkt->buf);
+            size = avpkt->size;
+            data = avpkt->data;
+        } else {
+            buf = av_buffer_alloc(avpkt->size);
+            if (buf) {
+                memcpy(buf->data, avpkt->data, buf->size);
+                size = buf->size;
+                data = buf->data;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!buf) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                   "Input queue add package error: Not enough memory\n");
+            ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+            goto done;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (ctx->eos_sent)
+        goto done;
+    do {
+        OMXInputBuffer *buffer;
+        buffer = av_mallocz(sizeof(*buffer));
+        if (!buffer) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                   "Input queue add package error: Not enough memory\n");
+            ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+            goto done;
+        }
+        buffer->data = data;
+        buffer->size = FFMIN(size, ctx->in.port_def.nBufferSize);
+        buffer->pts = avpkt->pts;
+        if (is_extradata)
+            buffer->flags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG;
+        data += buffer->size;
+        size -= buffer->size;
+        if (!size)
+            buffer->flags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME;
+        if (!buffer->size) {
+            buffer->flags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
+            ctx->eos_sent = 1;
+        }
+        if (buf) {
+            buffer->ref = av_buffer_ref(buf);
+            if (!buffer->ref) {
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                       "Input queue add package error: Not enough memory\n");
+                av_free(buffer);
+                ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+                goto done;
+            }
+        }
+        // add buffer to input queue
+        if (!ctx->in_queue_head)
+            ctx->in_queue_head = buffer;
+        if (ctx->in_queue_tail)
+            ctx->in_queue_tail->next = buffer;
+        ctx->in_queue_tail = buffer;
+        ctx->in_queue_size++;
+    } while (size);
+    av_buffer_unref(&buf);
+    return ret;
+static int omx_fill_output_port(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    OMXCodecPort *port = &ctx->out;
+    OMXBufferHeader *h;
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (ctx->settings_changed)
+        return 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+    while ((h = port->headers)) {
+        OMX_ERRORTYPE err;
+        // prepare buffer header
+        h->decoding = 1;
+        // remove buffer header from pool
+        port->headers = h->next;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&port->num_headers, -1);
+        /* deadlock could happens if FillThisBuffer called locked
+           when FillBufferDone is waiting for lock */
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+        err = OMX_FillThisBuffer(ctx->handle, h->header);
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            omx_buffer_release(h);
+            ret = AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "FillThisBuffer error: %s\n",
+                   omx_error_string(err));
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+    return ret;
+static int omx_fill_input_port(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    OMXCodecPort *port = &ctx->in;
+    OMXInputBuffer *buffer;
+    if (ctx->settings_changed)
+        return 0;
+    while ((buffer = ctx->in_queue_head)) {
+        OMXBufferHeader *h;
+        OMX_ERRORTYPE err;
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+        h = port->headers;
+        if (!h) {
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        // prepare buffer header
+        h->priv = buffer;
+        h->header->pBuffer = buffer->data;
+        h->header->nOffset = 0;
+        h->header->nFilledLen = buffer->size;
+        h->header->nTimeStamp = to_omx_ticks(from_pts(avctx->pkt_timebase,
+                                                      buffer->pts));
+        h->header->nFlags = buffer->flags;
+        h->decoding = 1;
+        // remove buffer header from pool
+        port->headers = h->next;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&port->num_headers, -1);
+        // remove buffer from input queue
+        ctx->in_queue_head = buffer->next;
+        if (ctx->in_queue_tail == buffer)
+            ctx->in_queue_tail = NULL;
+        ctx->in_queue_size--;
+        /* deadlock could happens if EmptyThisBuffer called locked
+           when EmptyBufferDone is waiting for lock */
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+        err = OMX_EmptyThisBuffer(ctx->handle, h->header);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+            omx_buffer_release(h);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "EmptyThisBuffer error: %s\n",
+                   omx_error_string(err));
+            return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static OMXBufferHeader *omx_get_output(OMXCodecContext *ctx, int wait)
+    OMXBufferHeader *h = NULL;
+    int ret = 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    if (wait) {
+        struct timespec ts;
+        clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
+        ts.tv_sec += OMX_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT;
+        /* Waiting until output buffer available or output port settings changed
+           or input port buffer available or timeout occured */
+        while (!ctx->out_queue_head && !ctx->settings_changed &&
+               atomic_load(&ctx->in.num_headers) == 0 && ret == 0)
+            ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&ctx->out_queue_cond,
+                                         &ctx->out_queue_mutex, &ts);
+    }
+    if (ret == 0 && !ctx->settings_changed && (h = ctx->out_queue_head)) {
+        ctx->out_queue_head = h->next;
+        if (ctx->out_queue_tail == h)
+            ctx->out_queue_tail = NULL;
+        ctx->out_queue_size--;
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    return h;
+static int omx_read_frame(OMXCodecContext *ctx, AVFrame *frame, int *got_frame)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    OMXCodecPort *port = &ctx->out;
+    int ret = 0;
+    while (!*got_frame && ret == 0 && !ctx->eos_received) {
+        OMXBufferHeader *h;
+        int wait = ctx->eos_sent ||
+                   ctx->in_queue_size >= OMX_INPUT_QUEUE_THRESHOLD;
+        int eof;
+        // if flushing or input queue exceeded, try blocking wait
+        h = omx_get_output(ctx, wait);
+        if (!h) {
+            if (wait && !ctx->settings_changed &&
+                atomic_load(&ctx->in.num_headers) == 0) {
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Output data timeout\n");
+                ret = AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        eof = 1;
+        eof = h->header->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME;
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+        if (h->header->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+            ctx->eos_received = 1;
+        }
+        if (h->header->nFilledLen > 0 && (ctx->output_buf || !eof)) {
+            if ((ret = av_reallocp(&ctx->output_buf,
+                                   ctx->output_buf_size +
+                                   h->header->nFilledLen)) < 0) {
+                ctx->output_buf_size = 0;
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                       "Output buffer allocation error: %d\n", ret);
+                goto end;
+            }
+            memcpy(ctx->output_buf + ctx->output_buf_size,
+                   h->header->pBuffer + h->header->nOffset,
+                   h->header->nFilledLen);
+            ctx->output_buf_size += h->header->nFilledLen;
+        }
+#endif /* !CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+        if (eof) {
+            uint8_t *buf = NULL;
+            int len = 0;
+            uint8_t *src[4];
+            int linesize[4];
+            if (ctx->output_buf) {
+                buf = ctx->output_buf;
+                len = ctx->output_buf_size;
+            }
+            else
+#endif /* !CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+            if (h->header->nFilledLen > 0) {
+                buf = h->header->pBuffer + h->header->nOffset;
+                len = h->header->nFilledLen;
+            }
+            if (!buf || len == 0) {
+                goto end;
+            }
+            if ((ret = ff_get_buffer(avctx, frame, 0)) == 0) {
+                av_image_fill_arrays(src, linesize, buf,
+                                     ctx->decoder_pix_fmt,
+                                     avctx->pix_fmt,
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+                                     ctx->stride, ctx->plane_size, 1);
+                if (ctx->sws_ctx)
+                    sws_scale(ctx->sws_ctx, (const uint8_t **) src, linesize,
+                              0, avctx->height, frame->data, frame->linesize);
+                else
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+                av_image_copy(frame->data, frame->linesize,
+                              (const uint8_t **) src, linesize,
+                              avctx->pix_fmt, avctx->width, avctx->height);
+                frame->pts = to_pts(avctx->pkt_timebase,
+                                    from_omx_ticks(h->header->nTimeStamp));
+                frame->pkt_pts = frame->pts;
+                frame->pkt_dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
+                *got_frame = 1;
+            }
+            else
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+                       "Frame buffer allocation error: %d\n", ret);
+            av_freep(&ctx->output_buf);
+            ctx->output_buf_size = 0;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+        }
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+        h->next = port->headers;
+        port->headers = h;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&port->num_headers, 1);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+    }
+    return ret;
+static void omx_port_free(OMXCodecPort *port)
+    OMXBufferHeader *h;
+    while ((h = port->headers)) {
+        port->headers = h->next;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&port->num_headers, -1);
+        port->num_buffers--;
+        OMX_FreeBuffer(port->ctx->handle, port->index, h->header);
+        av_free(h);
+    }
+static av_cold int omx_wait_port_state(OMXCodecPort *port, int enabled)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = port->ctx;
+    struct timespec ts;
+    int ret = 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    ctx->error = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
+    ts.tv_sec += OMX_STATE_TIMEOUT;
+    omx_update_port_definition(port, NULL);
+    while (!!port->port_def.bEnabled != !!enabled &&
+           ctx->error == OMX_ErrorNone && ret == 0) {
+        ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&ctx->state_cond, &ctx->state_mutex, &ts);
+        omx_update_port_definition(port, NULL);
+    }
+    if (ctx->error != OMX_ErrorNone || ret != 0)
+        ret = -1;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    return ret;
+static int omx_change_settings(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    AVCodecContext *avctx = ctx->avctx;
+    OMXCodecPort *port = &ctx->out;
+    int width, height;
+    OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE crop_rect;
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    /* For decoder we dealing with output port settings only */
+    // disable port
+    omx_update_port_definition(port, NULL);
+    if (port->port_def.bEnabled) {
+        err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandPortDisable, port->index,
+                              NULL);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Port %d disable error: %s\n",
+                   port->index, omx_error_string(err));
+            return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+    }
+    // deallocate port buffers
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&port->mutex);
+    omx_port_free(port);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&port->mutex);
+    while (port->num_buffers > 0) {
+        OMXBufferHeader *h;
+        h = omx_get_output(ctx, 1);
+        if (!h) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Output data timeout\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        port->num_buffers--;
+        OMX_FreeBuffer(ctx->handle, port->index, h->header);
+        av_free(h);
+    }
+    // wait for port disabled
+    if (omx_wait_port_state(port, 0) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Port %d not disabled\n", port->index);
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    // update port config
+    omx_codec_select_color_format(ctx);
+    if (omx_update_port_definition(port, &port->port_def) !=  OMX_ErrorNone)
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    port->num_buffers = port->port_def.nBufferCountActual;
+    ctx->stride     = port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
+    ctx->plane_size = port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight;
+    width  = port->port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth;
+    height = port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight;
+    OMX_INIT_STRUCT(&crop_rect);
+    err = OMX_GetConfig(ctx->handle, OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop,
+                        &crop_rect);
+    if (err == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        width  = crop_rect.nWidth;
+        height = crop_rect.nHeight;
+    }
+    else
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
+               "Can not get output port crop rectangle: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    if (ff_set_dimensions(avctx, width, height) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Can not set frame dimensions\n");
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    omx_codec_set_output_format(ctx);
+    if (avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Undefined output pixel format\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // enable port
+    if (!port->port_def.bEnabled) {
+        err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandPortEnable, port->index,
+                              NULL);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Port %d enable error: %s\n",
+                   port->index, omx_error_string(err));
+            return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+    }
+    // allocate port buffers
+    if (omx_port_buffers_alloc(port) < 0)
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    // wait for port enabled
+    if (omx_wait_port_state(port, 1) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Port %d not enabled\n", port->index);
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int omx_decode(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int *got_frame,
+                              AVPacket *avpkt)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
+    AVFrame *frame = data;
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (avctx->extradata_size && !ctx->extradata_sent) {
+        AVPacket pkt = {0};
+        av_init_packet(&pkt);
+        pkt.data = avctx->extradata;
+        pkt.size = avctx->extradata_size;
+        ctx->extradata_sent = 1;
+        if ((ret = omx_add_packet(ctx, &pkt, 1)) < 0)
+            return ret;
+    }
+    if ((ret = omx_add_packet(ctx, avpkt, 0)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ((ret = omx_fill_output_port(ctx)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ((ret = omx_fill_input_port(ctx)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ((ret = omx_read_frame(ctx, frame, got_frame)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if (ctx->settings_changed) {
+        ctx->settings_changed = 0;
+        if ((ret = omx_change_settings(ctx)) < 0)
+            return ret;
+    }
+    if ((ret = omx_fill_output_port(ctx)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    if ((ret = omx_fill_input_port(ctx)) < 0)
+        return ret;
+    return 0;
+static int omx_wait_flushed(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    struct timespec ts;
+    int ret = 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    ctx->error = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
+    ts.tv_sec += OMX_STATE_TIMEOUT;
+    while (ctx->flushing && ctx->error == OMX_ErrorNone && ret == 0) {
+        ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&ctx->state_cond, &ctx->state_mutex, &ts);
+    }
+    if (ctx->error != OMX_ErrorNone || ret != 0)
+        ret = -1;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    return ret;
+static void omx_input_queue_free(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    OMXInputBuffer *buffer;
+    while ((buffer = ctx->in_queue_head)) {
+        ctx->in_queue_head = buffer->next;
+        if (ctx->in_queue_tail == buffer)
+            ctx->in_queue_tail = NULL;
+        ctx->in_queue_size--;
+        av_buffer_unref(&buffer->ref);
+        av_free(buffer);
+    }
+static void omx_flush(AVCodecContext *avctx)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
+    OMXBufferHeader *h;
+    OMX_STATETYPE state;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    state = ctx->state;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    // pause component
+    if (state == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+        err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet,
+                              OMX_StatePause, NULL);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Set StatePause error: %s\n",
+                   omx_error_string(err));
+    }
+    // input queue free
+    omx_input_queue_free(ctx);
+    ctx->in_queue_head = ctx->in_queue_tail = NULL;
+    ctx->in_queue_size = 0;
+    // flush input port
+    ctx->flushing = 1;
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandFlush, ctx->in.index, NULL);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input port flush error: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+        ctx->flushing = 0;
+    }
+    if (omx_wait_flushed(ctx) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input port not flushed\n");
+        ctx->flushing = 0;
+    }
+    // flush output port
+    ctx->flushing = 1;
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandFlush, ctx->out.index, NULL);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Output port flush error: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+        ctx->flushing = 0;
+    }
+    if (omx_wait_flushed(ctx) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Output port not flushed\n");
+        ctx->flushing = 0;
+    }
+    // output queue free
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->out.mutex);
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    while ((h = ctx->out_queue_head)) {
+        ctx->out_queue_head = h->next;
+        if (ctx->out_queue_tail == h)
+            ctx->out_queue_tail = NULL;
+        ctx->out_queue_size--;
+        h->next = ctx->out.headers;
+        ctx->out.headers = h;
+        atomic_fetch_add(&ctx->out.num_headers, 1);
+    }
+    ctx->out_queue_head = ctx->out_queue_tail = NULL;
+    ctx->out_queue_size = 0;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->out.mutex);
+    // resume component
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting,
+                          NULL);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+        av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Set StateExecuting error: %s\n",
+               omx_error_string(err));
+    // reset EOS flag
+    ctx->eos_sent = ctx->eos_received = 0;
+    // fill output port
+    omx_fill_output_port(ctx);
+static av_cold void omx_port_destroy(OMXCodecPort *port)
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&port->mutex);
+    port->num_buffers = 0;
+    atomic_store(&port->num_headers, 0);
+    port->headers = NULL;
+static av_cold void omx_output_queue_free(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    OMXBufferHeader *h;
+    while ((h = ctx->out_queue_head)) {
+        ctx->out_queue_head = h->next;
+        if (ctx->out_queue_tail == h)
+            ctx->out_queue_tail = NULL;
+        ctx->out_queue_size--;
+        ctx->out.num_buffers--;
+        OMX_FreeBuffer(ctx->handle, ctx->out.index, h->header);
+        av_free(h);
+    }
+static av_cold void omx_decode_stop(OMXCodecContext *ctx)
+    omx_port_free(&ctx->in);
+    omx_input_queue_free(ctx);
+    omx_port_free(&ctx->out);
+    omx_output_queue_free(ctx);
+static av_cold int omx_decode_close(AVCodecContext *avctx)
+    OMXCodecContext *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
+    OMX_STATETYPE state;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    state = ctx->state;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    if (state > OMX_StateLoaded || state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        OMX_ERRORTYPE err;
+        if (state > OMX_StateIdle) {
+            err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet,
+                                  OMX_StateIdle, NULL);
+            if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+                av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Set StateIdle error: %s\n",
+                       omx_error_string(err));
+            if (omx_wait_for_state(ctx, OMX_StateIdle) < 0)
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Did not get StateIdle\n");
+        }
+        err = OMX_SendCommand(ctx->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded,
+                              NULL);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+            av_log(ctx->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Set StateLoaded error: %s\n",
+                   omx_error_string(err));
+        omx_decode_stop(ctx);
+        if (omx_wait_for_state(ctx, OMX_StateLoaded) < 0)
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Did not get StateLoaded\n");
+    }
+    if (ctx->handle) {
+        ctx->core->pFreeHandle(ctx->handle);
+        ctx->handle = NULL;
+    }
+    omx_core_destroy(ctx->core);
+    ctx->core = NULL;
+    pthread_cond_destroy(&ctx->state_cond);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->state_mutex);
+    ctx->in_queue_head = ctx->in_queue_tail = NULL;
+    ctx->in_queue_size = 0;
+    ctx->out_queue_head = ctx->out_queue_tail = NULL;
+    ctx->out_queue_size = 0;
+    pthread_cond_destroy(&ctx->out_queue_cond);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->out_queue_mutex);
+    av_freep(&ctx->output_buf);
+    ctx->output_buf_size = 0;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    ctx->settings_changed = 0;
+    sws_freeContext(ctx->sws_ctx);
+    ctx->sws_ctx = NULL;
+    ctx->decoder_pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE;
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
+    omx_port_destroy(&ctx->in);
+    omx_port_destroy(&ctx->out);
+    ctx->eos_sent = ctx->eos_received = ctx->extradata_sent = 0;
+    return 0;
+#define OFFSET(x) offsetof(OMXCodecContext, x)
+static const AVOption options[] = {
+    { "omx_libname", "OpenMAX library name", OFFSET(libname),
+      AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { 0 }, 0, 0, FLAGS },
+    { NULL }
+static const enum AVPixelFormat omx_decoder_pix_fmts[] = {
+    static const AVClass omx_ ## NAME ## _dec_class = { \
+        .class_name = #NAME "_omx_decoder", \
+        .item_name  = av_default_item_name, \
+        .option     = options, \
+        .version    = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT, \
+    };
+    AVCodec ff_ ## NAME ## _omx_decoder = { \
+        .name           = #NAME "_omx" , \
+        .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("OpenMAX " LONGNAME " decoder"),\
+        .type           = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, \
+        .id             = ID , \
+        .priv_data_size = sizeof(OMXCodecContext), \
+        .init           = omx_decode_init, \
+        .decode         = omx_decode, \
+        .flush          = omx_flush, \
+        .close          = omx_decode_close, \
+        .capabilities   = AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY | AV_CODEC_CAP_HARDWARE, \
+        .caps_internal  = FF_CODEC_CAP_INIT_THREADSAFE | \
+                          FF_CODEC_CAP_INIT_CLEANUP, \
+        .pix_fmts       = omx_decoder_pix_fmts, \
+        .wrapper_name   = "omx", \
+    }
+OMXDEC(h264,     "H.264",          AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
+OMXDEC(hevc,     "H.265",          AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC);
+OMXDEC(mpeg4,    "MPEG4",          AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4);
+OMXDEC(h263,     "H.263",          AV_CODEC_ID_H263);
+OMXDEC(mpeg2,    "MPEG2",          AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
+OMXDEC(mjpeg,    "MJPEG",          AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
+OMXDEC(vp8,      "VP8",            AV_CODEC_ID_VP8);
+OMXDEC(wmv3,     "WMV3",           AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3);
+OMXDEC(rv30,     "RealVideo 3.0",  AV_CODEC_ID_RV30);
+OMXDEC(rv40,     "RealVideo 4.0",  AV_CODEC_ID_RV40);
+OMXDEC(vc1,      "VC1",            AV_CODEC_ID_VC1);
+OMXDEC(sorenson, "Sorenson",       AV_CODEC_ID_FLV1);
+OMXDEC(vp6,      "VP6",            AV_CODEC_ID_VP6);
+OMXDEC(vp6f,     "VP6F",           AV_CODEC_ID_VP6F);
+OMXDEC(vp6a,     "VP6A",           AV_CODEC_ID_VP6A);
+OMXDEC(avs,      "AVS",            AV_CODEC_ID_AVS);
+#endif /* CONFIG_OMX_IMG */
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/omxenc.c
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/omxenc.c	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/ffmpeg-4.4.4-new/libavcodec/omxenc.c	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+ * OMX Video encoder
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Martin Storsjo
+ *
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#define OMX_SKIP64BIT
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <OMX_Core.h>
+#include <OMX_Component.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "libavutil/avstring.h"
+#include "libavutil/avutil.h"
+#include "libavutil/common.h"
+#include "libavutil/imgutils.h"
+#include "libavutil/log.h"
+#include "libavutil/opt.h"
+#include "avcodec.h"
+#include "h264.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#ifdef OMX_SKIP64BIT
+static OMX_TICKS to_omx_ticks(int64_t value)
+    OMX_TICKS s;
+    s.nLowPart  = value & 0xffffffff;
+    s.nHighPart = value >> 32;
+    return s;
+static int64_t from_omx_ticks(OMX_TICKS value)
+    return (((int64_t)value.nHighPart) << 32) | value.nLowPart;
+#define to_omx_ticks(x) (x)
+#define from_omx_ticks(x) (x)
+#define INIT_STRUCT(x) do {                                               \
+        x.nSize = sizeof(x);                                              \
+        x.nVersion = s->version;                                          \
+    } while (0)
+#define CHECK(x) do {                                                     \
+        if (x != OMX_ErrorNone) {                                         \
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,                                   \
+                   "err %x (%d) on line %d\n", x, x, __LINE__);           \
+            return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;                                       \
+        }                                                                 \
+    } while (0)
+typedef struct OMXContext {
+    void *lib;
+    void *lib2;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ptr_Init)(void);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ptr_Deinit)(void);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ptr_ComponentNameEnum)(OMX_STRING, OMX_U32, OMX_U32);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ptr_GetComponentsOfRole)(OMX_STRING, OMX_U32*, OMX_U8**);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE (*ptr_GetRolesOfComponent)(OMX_STRING, OMX_U32*, OMX_U8**);
+    void (*host_init)(void);
+} OMXContext;
+static av_cold void *dlsym_prefixed(void *handle, const char *symbol, const char *prefix)
+    char buf[50];
+    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", prefix ? prefix : "", symbol);
+    return dlsym(handle, buf);
+static av_cold int omx_try_load(OMXContext *s, void *logctx,
+                                const char *libname, const char *prefix,
+                                const char *libname2)
+    if (libname2) {
+        s->lib2 = dlopen(libname2, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
+        if (!s->lib2) {
+            av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "%s not found\n", libname2);
+            return AVERROR_ENCODER_NOT_FOUND;
+        }
+        s->host_init = dlsym(s->lib2, "bcm_host_init");
+        if (!s->host_init) {
+            av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "bcm_host_init not found\n");
+            dlclose(s->lib2);
+            s->lib2 = NULL;
+            return AVERROR_ENCODER_NOT_FOUND;
+        }
+    }
+    s->lib = dlopen(libname, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
+    if (!s->lib) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "%s not found\n", libname);
+    }
+    s->ptr_Init                = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_Init", prefix);
+    s->ptr_Deinit              = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_Deinit", prefix);
+    s->ptr_ComponentNameEnum   = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_ComponentNameEnum", prefix);
+    s->ptr_GetHandle           = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_GetHandle", prefix);
+    s->ptr_FreeHandle          = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_FreeHandle", prefix);
+    s->ptr_GetComponentsOfRole = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_GetComponentsOfRole", prefix);
+    s->ptr_GetRolesOfComponent = dlsym_prefixed(s->lib, "OMX_GetRolesOfComponent", prefix);
+    if (!s->ptr_Init || !s->ptr_Deinit || !s->ptr_ComponentNameEnum ||
+        !s->ptr_GetHandle || !s->ptr_FreeHandle ||
+        !s->ptr_GetComponentsOfRole || !s->ptr_GetRolesOfComponent) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Not all functions found in %s\n", libname);
+        dlclose(s->lib);
+        s->lib = NULL;
+        if (s->lib2)
+            dlclose(s->lib2);
+        s->lib2 = NULL;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static av_cold OMXContext *omx_init(void *logctx, const char *libname, const char *prefix)
+    static const char * const libnames[] = {
+        "/opt/vc/lib/libopenmaxil.so", "/opt/vc/lib/libbcm_host.so",
+        "libOMX_Core.so", NULL,
+        "libOmxCore.so", NULL,
+        NULL
+    };
+    const char* const* nameptr;
+    OMXContext *omx_context;
+    omx_context = av_mallocz(sizeof(*omx_context));
+    if (!omx_context)
+        return NULL;
+    if (libname) {
+        ret = omx_try_load(omx_context, logctx, libname, prefix, NULL);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            av_free(omx_context);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    } else {
+        for (nameptr = libnames; *nameptr; nameptr += 2)
+            if (!(ret = omx_try_load(omx_context, logctx, nameptr[0], prefix, nameptr[1])))
+                break;
+        if (!*nameptr) {
+            av_free(omx_context);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    if (omx_context->host_init)
+        omx_context->host_init();
+    omx_context->ptr_Init();
+    return omx_context;
+static av_cold void omx_deinit(OMXContext *omx_context)
+    if (!omx_context)
+        return;
+    omx_context->ptr_Deinit();
+    dlclose(omx_context->lib);
+    av_free(omx_context);
+typedef struct OMXCodecContext {
+    const AVClass *class;
+    char *libname;
+    char *libprefix;
+    OMXContext *omx_context;
+    AVCodecContext *avctx;
+    char component_name[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE];
+    OMX_VERSIONTYPE version;
+    OMX_HANDLETYPE handle;
+    int in_port, out_port;
+    OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE color_format;
+    int stride, plane_size;
+    int num_in_buffers, num_out_buffers;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **in_buffer_headers;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **out_buffer_headers;
+    int num_free_in_buffers;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **free_in_buffers;
+    int num_done_out_buffers;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **done_out_buffers;
+    pthread_mutex_t input_mutex;
+    pthread_cond_t input_cond;
+    pthread_mutex_t output_mutex;
+    pthread_cond_t output_cond;
+    pthread_mutex_t state_mutex;
+    pthread_cond_t state_cond;
+    OMX_STATETYPE state;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE error;
+    int mutex_cond_inited;
+    int eos_sent, got_eos;
+    uint8_t *output_buf;
+    int output_buf_size;
+    int input_zerocopy;
+    int profile;
+} OMXCodecContext;
+static void append_buffer(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, pthread_cond_t *cond,
+                          int* array_size, OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **array,
+                          OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer)
+    pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
+    array[(*array_size)++] = buffer;
+    pthread_cond_broadcast(cond);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
+static OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *get_buffer(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, pthread_cond_t *cond,
+                                        int* array_size, OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **array,
+                                        int wait)
+    pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
+    if (wait) {
+        while (!*array_size)
+           pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
+    }
+    if (*array_size > 0) {
+        buffer = array[0];
+        (*array_size)--;
+        memmove(&array[0], &array[1], (*array_size) * sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*));
+    } else {
+        buffer = NULL;
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
+    return buffer;
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE event_handler(OMX_HANDLETYPE component, OMX_PTR app_data, OMX_EVENTTYPE event,
+                                   OMX_U32 data1, OMX_U32 data2, OMX_PTR event_data)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = app_data;
+    // This uses casts in the printfs, since OMX_U32 actually is a typedef for
+    // unsigned long in official header versions (but there are also modified
+    // versions where it is something else).
+    switch (event) {
+    case OMX_EventError:
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&s->state_mutex);
+        av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX error %"PRIx32"\n", (uint32_t) data1);
+        s->error = data1;
+        pthread_cond_broadcast(&s->state_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->state_mutex);
+        break;
+    case OMX_EventCmdComplete:
+        if (data1 == OMX_CommandStateSet) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&s->state_mutex);
+            s->state = data2;
+            av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX state changed to %"PRIu32"\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+            pthread_cond_broadcast(&s->state_cond);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->state_mutex);
+        } else if (data1 == OMX_CommandPortDisable) {
+            av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX port %"PRIu32" disabled\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+        } else if (data1 == OMX_CommandPortEnable) {
+            av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX port %"PRIu32" enabled\n", (uint32_t) data2);
+        } else {
+            av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX command complete, command %"PRIu32", value %"PRIu32"\n",
+                                             (uint32_t) data1, (uint32_t) data2);
+        }
+        break;
+    case OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged:
+        av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX port %"PRIu32" settings changed\n", (uint32_t) data1);
+        break;
+    default:
+        av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "OMX event %d %"PRIx32" %"PRIx32"\n",
+                                         event, (uint32_t) data1, (uint32_t) data2);
+        break;
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE empty_buffer_done(OMX_HANDLETYPE component, OMX_PTR app_data,
+                                       OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = app_data;
+    if (s->input_zerocopy) {
+        if (buffer->pAppPrivate) {
+            if (buffer->pOutputPortPrivate)
+                av_free(buffer->pAppPrivate);
+            else
+                av_frame_free((AVFrame**)&buffer->pAppPrivate);
+            buffer->pAppPrivate = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    append_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond,
+                  &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, buffer);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+static OMX_ERRORTYPE fill_buffer_done(OMX_HANDLETYPE component, OMX_PTR app_data,
+                                      OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = app_data;
+    append_buffer(&s->output_mutex, &s->output_cond,
+                  &s->num_done_out_buffers, s->done_out_buffers, buffer);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+static const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE callbacks = {
+    event_handler,
+    empty_buffer_done,
+    fill_buffer_done
+static av_cold int find_component(OMXContext *omx_context, void *logctx,
+                                  const char *role, char *str, int str_size)
+    OMX_U32 i, num = 0;
+    char **components;
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (av_strstart(role, "video_encoder.", NULL)) {
+        av_strlcpy(str, "OMX.broadcom.video_encode", str_size);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    omx_context->ptr_GetComponentsOfRole((OMX_STRING) role, &num, NULL);
+    if (!num) {
+        av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "No component for role %s found\n", role);
+    }
+    components = av_mallocz_array(num, sizeof(*components));
+    if (!components)
+        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        components[i] = av_mallocz(OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        if (!components[i]) {
+            ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+            goto end;
+        }
+    }
+    omx_context->ptr_GetComponentsOfRole((OMX_STRING) role, &num, (OMX_U8**) components);
+    av_strlcpy(str, components[0], str_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+        av_free(components[i]);
+    av_free(components);
+    return ret;
+static av_cold int wait_for_state(OMXCodecContext *s, OMX_STATETYPE state)
+    int ret = 0;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&s->state_mutex);
+    while (s->state != state && s->error == OMX_ErrorNone)
+        pthread_cond_wait(&s->state_cond, &s->state_mutex);
+    if (s->error != OMX_ErrorNone)
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->state_mutex);
+    return ret;
+static av_cold int omx_component_init(AVCodecContext *avctx, const char *role)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
+    OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE role_params = { 0 };
+    OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE video_port_params = { 0 };
+    OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE in_port_params = { 0 }, out_port_params = { 0 };
+    OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE video_port_format = { 0 };
+    OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_BITRATETYPE vid_param_bitrate = { 0 };
+    int i;
+    s->version.s.nVersionMajor = 1;
+    s->version.s.nVersionMinor = 1;
+    s->version.s.nRevision     = 2;
+    err = s->omx_context->ptr_GetHandle(&s->handle, s->component_name, s, (OMX_CALLBACKTYPE*) &callbacks);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_GetHandle(%s) failed: %x\n", s->component_name, err);
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    // This one crashes the mediaserver on qcom, if used over IOMX
+    INIT_STRUCT(role_params);
+    av_strlcpy(role_params.cRole, role, sizeof(role_params.cRole));
+    // Intentionally ignore errors on this one
+    OMX_SetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole, &role_params);
+    INIT_STRUCT(video_port_params);
+    err = OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoInit, &video_port_params);
+    CHECK(err);
+    s->in_port = s->out_port = -1;
+    for (i = 0; i < video_port_params.nPorts; i++) {
+        int port = video_port_params.nStartPortNumber + i;
+        OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE port_params = { 0 };
+        INIT_STRUCT(port_params);
+        port_params.nPortIndex = port;
+        err = OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &port_params);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "port %d error %x\n", port, err);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (port_params.eDir == OMX_DirInput && s->in_port < 0) {
+            in_port_params = port_params;
+            s->in_port = port;
+        } else if (port_params.eDir == OMX_DirOutput && s->out_port < 0) {
+            out_port_params = port_params;
+            s->out_port = port;
+        }
+    }
+    if (s->in_port < 0 || s->out_port < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No in or out port found (in %d out %d)\n", s->in_port, s->out_port);
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    s->color_format = 0;
+    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+        INIT_STRUCT(video_port_format);
+        video_port_format.nIndex = i;
+        video_port_format.nPortIndex = s->in_port;
+        if (OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, &video_port_format) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+            break;
+        if (video_port_format.eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar ||
+            video_port_format.eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar) {
+            s->color_format = video_port_format.eColorFormat;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (s->color_format == 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No supported pixel formats (%d formats available)\n", i);
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    in_port_params.bEnabled   = OMX_TRUE;
+    in_port_params.bPopulated = OMX_FALSE;
+    in_port_params.eDomain    = OMX_PortDomainVideo;
+    in_port_params.format.video.pNativeRender         = NULL;
+    in_port_params.format.video.bFlagErrorConcealment = OMX_FALSE;
+    in_port_params.format.video.eColorFormat          = s->color_format;
+    s->stride     = avctx->width;
+    s->plane_size = avctx->height;
+    // If specific codecs need to manually override the stride/plane_size,
+    // that can be done here.
+    in_port_params.format.video.nStride      = s->stride;
+    in_port_params.format.video.nSliceHeight = s->plane_size;
+    in_port_params.format.video.nFrameWidth  = avctx->width;
+    in_port_params.format.video.nFrameHeight = avctx->height;
+    if (avctx->framerate.den > 0 && avctx->framerate.num > 0)
+        in_port_params.format.video.xFramerate = (1LL << 16) * avctx->framerate.num / avctx->framerate.den;
+    else
+        in_port_params.format.video.xFramerate = (1LL << 16) * avctx->time_base.den / avctx->time_base.num;
+    err = OMX_SetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &in_port_params);
+    CHECK(err);
+    err = OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &in_port_params);
+    CHECK(err);
+    s->stride         = in_port_params.format.video.nStride;
+    s->plane_size     = in_port_params.format.video.nSliceHeight;
+    s->num_in_buffers = in_port_params.nBufferCountActual;
+    err = OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &out_port_params);
+    out_port_params.bEnabled   = OMX_TRUE;
+    out_port_params.bPopulated = OMX_FALSE;
+    out_port_params.eDomain    = OMX_PortDomainVideo;
+    out_port_params.format.video.pNativeRender = NULL;
+    out_port_params.format.video.nFrameWidth   = avctx->width;
+    out_port_params.format.video.nFrameHeight  = avctx->height;
+    out_port_params.format.video.nStride       = 0;
+    out_port_params.format.video.nSliceHeight  = 0;
+    out_port_params.format.video.nBitrate      = avctx->bit_rate;
+    out_port_params.format.video.xFramerate    = in_port_params.format.video.xFramerate;
+    out_port_params.format.video.bFlagErrorConcealment  = OMX_FALSE;
+    if (avctx->codec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4)
+        out_port_params.format.video.eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4;
+    else if (avctx->codec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264)
+        out_port_params.format.video.eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC;
+    err = OMX_SetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &out_port_params);
+    CHECK(err);
+    err = OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &out_port_params);
+    CHECK(err);
+    s->num_out_buffers = out_port_params.nBufferCountActual;
+    INIT_STRUCT(vid_param_bitrate);
+    vid_param_bitrate.nPortIndex     = s->out_port;
+    vid_param_bitrate.eControlRate   = OMX_Video_ControlRateVariable;
+    vid_param_bitrate.nTargetBitrate = avctx->bit_rate;
+    err = OMX_SetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate, &vid_param_bitrate);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set video bitrate parameter\n");
+    if (avctx->codec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
+        OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_AVCTYPE avc = { 0 };
+        INIT_STRUCT(avc);
+        avc.nPortIndex = s->out_port;
+        err = OMX_GetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc, &avc);
+        CHECK(err);
+        avc.nBFrames = 0;
+        avc.nPFrames = avctx->gop_size - 1;
+        switch (s->profile == FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN ? avctx->profile : s->profile) {
+        case FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE:
+            avc.eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline;
+            break;
+        case FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN:
+            avc.eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileMain;
+            break;
+        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH:
+            avc.eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        err = OMX_SetParameter(s->handle, OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc, &avc);
+        CHECK(err);
+    }
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(s->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL);
+    CHECK(err);
+    s->in_buffer_headers  = av_mallocz(sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) * s->num_in_buffers);
+    s->free_in_buffers    = av_mallocz(sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) * s->num_in_buffers);
+    s->out_buffer_headers = av_mallocz(sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) * s->num_out_buffers);
+    s->done_out_buffers   = av_mallocz(sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) * s->num_out_buffers);
+    if (!s->in_buffer_headers || !s->free_in_buffers || !s->out_buffer_headers || !s->done_out_buffers)
+        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_in_buffers && err == OMX_ErrorNone; i++) {
+        if (s->input_zerocopy)
+            err = OMX_UseBuffer(s->handle, &s->in_buffer_headers[i], s->in_port, s, in_port_params.nBufferSize, NULL);
+        else
+            err = OMX_AllocateBuffer(s->handle, &s->in_buffer_headers[i],  s->in_port,  s, in_port_params.nBufferSize);
+        if (err == OMX_ErrorNone)
+            s->in_buffer_headers[i]->pAppPrivate = s->in_buffer_headers[i]->pOutputPortPrivate = NULL;
+    }
+    CHECK(err);
+    s->num_in_buffers = i;
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_out_buffers && err == OMX_ErrorNone; i++)
+        err = OMX_AllocateBuffer(s->handle, &s->out_buffer_headers[i], s->out_port, s, out_port_params.nBufferSize);
+    CHECK(err);
+    s->num_out_buffers = i;
+    if (wait_for_state(s, OMX_StateIdle) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Didn't get OMX_StateIdle\n");
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    err = OMX_SendCommand(s->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
+    CHECK(err);
+    if (wait_for_state(s, OMX_StateExecuting) < 0) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Didn't get OMX_StateExecuting\n");
+        return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_out_buffers && err == OMX_ErrorNone; i++)
+        err = OMX_FillThisBuffer(s->handle, s->out_buffer_headers[i]);
+    if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        for (; i < s->num_out_buffers; i++)
+            s->done_out_buffers[s->num_done_out_buffers++] = s->out_buffer_headers[i];
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < s->num_in_buffers; i++)
+        s->free_in_buffers[s->num_free_in_buffers++] = s->in_buffer_headers[i];
+    return err != OMX_ErrorNone ? AVERROR_UNKNOWN : 0;
+static av_cold void cleanup(OMXCodecContext *s)
+    int i, executing;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&s->state_mutex);
+    executing = s->state == OMX_StateExecuting;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->state_mutex);
+    if (executing) {
+        OMX_SendCommand(s->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL);
+        wait_for_state(s, OMX_StateIdle);
+        OMX_SendCommand(s->handle, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL);
+        for (i = 0; i < s->num_in_buffers; i++) {
+            OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer = get_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond,
+                                                      &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, 1);
+            if (s->input_zerocopy)
+                buffer->pBuffer = NULL;
+            OMX_FreeBuffer(s->handle, s->in_port, buffer);
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < s->num_out_buffers; i++) {
+            OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer = get_buffer(&s->output_mutex, &s->output_cond,
+                                                      &s->num_done_out_buffers, s->done_out_buffers, 1);
+            OMX_FreeBuffer(s->handle, s->out_port, buffer);
+        }
+        wait_for_state(s, OMX_StateLoaded);
+    }
+    if (s->handle) {
+        s->omx_context->ptr_FreeHandle(s->handle);
+        s->handle = NULL;
+    }
+    omx_deinit(s->omx_context);
+    s->omx_context = NULL;
+    if (s->mutex_cond_inited) {
+        pthread_cond_destroy(&s->state_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_destroy(&s->state_mutex);
+        pthread_cond_destroy(&s->input_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_destroy(&s->input_mutex);
+        pthread_cond_destroy(&s->output_cond);
+        pthread_mutex_destroy(&s->output_mutex);
+        s->mutex_cond_inited = 0;
+    }
+    av_freep(&s->in_buffer_headers);
+    av_freep(&s->out_buffer_headers);
+    av_freep(&s->free_in_buffers);
+    av_freep(&s->done_out_buffers);
+    av_freep(&s->output_buf);
+static av_cold int omx_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
+    const char *role;
+    s->omx_context = omx_init(avctx, s->libname, s->libprefix);
+    if (!s->omx_context)
+    pthread_mutex_init(&s->state_mutex, NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init(&s->state_cond, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&s->input_mutex, NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init(&s->input_cond, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&s->output_mutex, NULL);
+    pthread_cond_init(&s->output_cond, NULL);
+    s->mutex_cond_inited = 1;
+    s->avctx = avctx;
+    s->state = OMX_StateLoaded;
+    s->error = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    switch (avctx->codec->id) {
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4:
+        role = "video_encoder.mpeg4";
+        break;
+    case AV_CODEC_ID_H264:
+        role = "video_encoder.avc";
+        break;
+    default:
+        return AVERROR(ENOSYS);
+    }
+    if ((ret = find_component(s->omx_context, avctx, role, s->component_name, sizeof(s->component_name))) < 0)
+        goto fail;
+    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Using %s\n", s->component_name);
+    if ((ret = omx_component_init(avctx, role)) < 0)
+        goto fail;
+    if (avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER) {
+        while (1) {
+            buffer = get_buffer(&s->output_mutex, &s->output_cond,
+                                &s->num_done_out_buffers, s->done_out_buffers, 1);
+            if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) {
+                if ((ret = av_reallocp(&avctx->extradata, avctx->extradata_size + buffer->nFilledLen + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)) < 0) {
+                    avctx->extradata_size = 0;
+                    goto fail;
+                }
+                memcpy(avctx->extradata + avctx->extradata_size, buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset, buffer->nFilledLen);
+                avctx->extradata_size += buffer->nFilledLen;
+                memset(avctx->extradata + avctx->extradata_size, 0, AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
+            }
+            err = OMX_FillThisBuffer(s->handle, buffer);
+            if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                append_buffer(&s->output_mutex, &s->output_cond,
+                              &s->num_done_out_buffers, s->done_out_buffers, buffer);
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_FillThisBuffer failed: %x\n", err);
+                ret = AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+                goto fail;
+            }
+            if (avctx->codec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
+                // For H.264, the extradata can be returned in two separate buffers
+                // (the videocore encoder on raspberry pi does this);
+                // therefore check that we have got both SPS and PPS before continuing.
+                int nals[32] = { 0 };
+                int i;
+                for (i = 0; i + 4 < avctx->extradata_size; i++) {
+                     if (!avctx->extradata[i + 0] &&
+                         !avctx->extradata[i + 1] &&
+                         !avctx->extradata[i + 2] &&
+                         avctx->extradata[i + 3] == 1) {
+                         nals[avctx->extradata[i + 4] & 0x1f]++;
+                     }
+                }
+                if (nals[H264_NAL_SPS] && nals[H264_NAL_PPS])
+                    break;
+            } else {
+                if (avctx->extradata_size > 0)
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+    return ret;
+static int omx_encode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVPacket *pkt,
+                            const AVFrame *frame, int *got_packet)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
+    int ret = 0;
+    int had_partial = 0;
+    if (frame) {
+        uint8_t *dst[4];
+        int linesize[4];
+        int need_copy;
+        buffer = get_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond,
+                            &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, 1);
+        buffer->nFilledLen = av_image_fill_arrays(dst, linesize, buffer->pBuffer, avctx->pix_fmt, s->stride, s->plane_size, 1);
+        if (s->input_zerocopy) {
+            uint8_t *src[4] = { NULL };
+            int src_linesize[4];
+            av_image_fill_arrays(src, src_linesize, frame->data[0], avctx->pix_fmt, s->stride, s->plane_size, 1);
+            if (frame->linesize[0] == src_linesize[0] &&
+                frame->linesize[1] == src_linesize[1] &&
+                frame->linesize[2] == src_linesize[2] &&
+                frame->data[1] == src[1] &&
+                frame->data[2] == src[2]) {
+                // If the input frame happens to have all planes stored contiguously,
+                // with the right strides, just clone the frame and set the OMX
+                // buffer header to point to it
+                AVFrame *local = av_frame_clone(frame);
+                if (!local) {
+                    // Return the buffer to the queue so it's not lost
+                    append_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond, &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, buffer);
+                    return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+                } else {
+                    buffer->pAppPrivate = local;
+                    buffer->pOutputPortPrivate = NULL;
+                    buffer->pBuffer = local->data[0];
+                    need_copy = 0;
+                }
+            } else {
+                // If not, we need to allocate a new buffer with the right
+                // size and copy the input frame into it.
+                uint8_t *buf = NULL;
+                int image_buffer_size = av_image_get_buffer_size(avctx->pix_fmt, s->stride, s->plane_size, 1);
+                if (image_buffer_size >= 0)
+                    buf = av_malloc(image_buffer_size);
+                if (!buf) {
+                    // Return the buffer to the queue so it's not lost
+                    append_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond, &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, buffer);
+                    return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
+                } else {
+                    buffer->pAppPrivate = buf;
+                    // Mark that pAppPrivate is an av_malloc'ed buffer, not an AVFrame
+                    buffer->pOutputPortPrivate = (void*) 1;
+                    buffer->pBuffer = buf;
+                    need_copy = 1;
+                    buffer->nFilledLen = av_image_fill_arrays(dst, linesize, buffer->pBuffer, avctx->pix_fmt, s->stride, s->plane_size, 1);
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            need_copy = 1;
+        }
+        if (need_copy)
+            av_image_copy(dst, linesize, (const uint8_t**) frame->data, frame->linesize, avctx->pix_fmt, avctx->width, avctx->height);
+        buffer->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME;
+        buffer->nOffset = 0;
+        // Convert the timestamps to microseconds; some encoders can ignore
+        // the framerate and do VFR bit allocation based on timestamps.
+        buffer->nTimeStamp = to_omx_ticks(av_rescale_q(frame->pts, avctx->time_base, AV_TIME_BASE_Q));
+        if (frame->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I) {
+            OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE config = {0, };
+            INIT_STRUCT(config);
+            config.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
+            err = OMX_SetConfig(s->handle, OMX_IndexConfigBrcmVideoRequestIFrame, &config);
+            if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_SetConfig(RequestIFrame) failed: %x\n", err);
+            }
+            OMX_CONFIG_INTRAREFRESHVOPTYPE config = {0, };
+            INIT_STRUCT(config);
+            config.nPortIndex = s->out_port;
+            config.IntraRefreshVOP = OMX_TRUE;
+            err = OMX_SetConfig(s->handle, OMX_IndexConfigVideoIntraVOPRefresh, &config);
+            if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_SetConfig(IntraVOPRefresh) failed: %x\n", err);
+            }
+        }
+        err = OMX_EmptyThisBuffer(s->handle, buffer);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            append_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond, &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, buffer);
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_EmptyThisBuffer failed: %x\n", err);
+            return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+    } else if (!s->eos_sent) {
+        buffer = get_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond,
+                            &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, 1);
+        buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+        buffer->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
+        buffer->pAppPrivate = buffer->pOutputPortPrivate = NULL;
+        err = OMX_EmptyThisBuffer(s->handle, buffer);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            append_buffer(&s->input_mutex, &s->input_cond, &s->num_free_in_buffers, s->free_in_buffers, buffer);
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_EmptyThisBuffer failed: %x\n", err);
+            return AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+        s->eos_sent = 1;
+    }
+    while (!*got_packet && ret == 0 && !s->got_eos) {
+        // If not flushing, just poll the queue if there's finished packets.
+        // If flushing, do a blocking wait until we either get a completed
+        // packet, or get EOS.
+        buffer = get_buffer(&s->output_mutex, &s->output_cond,
+                            &s->num_done_out_buffers, s->done_out_buffers,
+                            !frame || had_partial);
+        if (!buffer)
+            break;
+        if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
+            s->got_eos = 1;
+        if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG && avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER) {
+            if ((ret = av_reallocp(&avctx->extradata, avctx->extradata_size + buffer->nFilledLen + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)) < 0) {
+                avctx->extradata_size = 0;
+                goto end;
+            }
+            memcpy(avctx->extradata + avctx->extradata_size, buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset, buffer->nFilledLen);
+            avctx->extradata_size += buffer->nFilledLen;
+            memset(avctx->extradata + avctx->extradata_size, 0, AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
+        } else {
+            if (!(buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME) || !pkt->data) {
+                // If the output packet isn't preallocated, just concatenate everything in our
+                // own buffer
+                int newsize = s->output_buf_size + buffer->nFilledLen + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE;
+                if ((ret = av_reallocp(&s->output_buf, newsize)) < 0) {
+                    s->output_buf_size = 0;
+                    goto end;
+                }
+                memcpy(s->output_buf + s->output_buf_size, buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset, buffer->nFilledLen);
+                s->output_buf_size += buffer->nFilledLen;
+                if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME) {
+                    if ((ret = av_packet_from_data(pkt, s->output_buf, s->output_buf_size)) < 0) {
+                        av_freep(&s->output_buf);
+                        s->output_buf_size = 0;
+                        goto end;
+                    }
+                    s->output_buf = NULL;
+                    s->output_buf_size = 0;
+                }
+                had_partial = 1;
+            } else {
+                // End of frame, and the caller provided a preallocated frame
+                if ((ret = ff_alloc_packet2(avctx, pkt, s->output_buf_size + buffer->nFilledLen, 0)) < 0) {
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error getting output packet of size %d.\n",
+                           (int)(s->output_buf_size + buffer->nFilledLen));
+                    goto end;
+                }
+                memcpy(pkt->data, s->output_buf, s->output_buf_size);
+                memcpy(pkt->data + s->output_buf_size, buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset, buffer->nFilledLen);
+                av_freep(&s->output_buf);
+                s->output_buf_size = 0;
+            }
+            if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME) {
+                pkt->pts = av_rescale_q(from_omx_ticks(buffer->nTimeStamp), AV_TIME_BASE_Q, avctx->time_base);
+                // We don't currently enable B-frames for the encoders, so set
+                // pkt->dts = pkt->pts. (The calling code behaves worse if the encoder
+                // doesn't set the dts).
+                pkt->dts = pkt->pts;
+                if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME)
+                    pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
+                *got_packet = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        err = OMX_FillThisBuffer(s->handle, buffer);
+        if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            append_buffer(&s->output_mutex, &s->output_cond, &s->num_done_out_buffers, s->done_out_buffers, buffer);
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_FillThisBuffer failed: %x\n", err);
+            ret = AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+static av_cold int omx_encode_end(AVCodecContext *avctx)
+    OMXCodecContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
+    cleanup(s);
+    return 0;
+#define OFFSET(x) offsetof(OMXCodecContext, x)
+static const AVOption options[] = {
+    { "omx_libname", "OpenMAX library name", OFFSET(libname), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { 0 }, 0, 0, VDE },
+    { "omx_libprefix", "OpenMAX library prefix", OFFSET(libprefix), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { 0 }, 0, 0, VDE },
+    { "zerocopy", "Try to avoid copying input frames if possible", OFFSET(input_zerocopy), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = CONFIG_OMX_RPI }, 0, 1, VE },
+    { "profile",  "Set the encoding profile", OFFSET(profile), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   { .i64 = FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN },       FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN, FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH, VE, "profile" },
+    { "baseline", "",                         0,               AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE }, 0, 0, VE, "profile" },
+    { "main",     "",                         0,               AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN },     0, 0, VE, "profile" },
+    { "high",     "",                         0,               AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH },     0, 0, VE, "profile" },
+    { NULL }
+static const enum AVPixelFormat omx_encoder_pix_fmts[] = {
+static const AVClass omx_mpeg4enc_class = {
+    .class_name = "mpeg4_omx",
+    .item_name  = av_default_item_name,
+    .option     = options,
+    .version    = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT,
+AVCodec ff_mpeg4_omx_encoder = {
+    .name             = "mpeg4_omx",
+    .long_name        = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("OpenMAX IL MPEG-4 video encoder"),
+    .type             = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+    .id               = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4,
+    .priv_data_size   = sizeof(OMXCodecContext),
+    .init             = omx_encode_init,
+    .encode2          = omx_encode_frame,
+    .close            = omx_encode_end,
+    .pix_fmts         = omx_encoder_pix_fmts,
+    .capabilities     = AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY,
+    .priv_class       = &omx_mpeg4enc_class,
+static const AVClass omx_h264enc_class = {
+    .class_name = "h264_omx",
+    .item_name  = av_default_item_name,
+    .option     = options,
+    .version    = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT,
+AVCodec ff_h264_omx_encoder = {
+    .name             = "h264_omx",
+    .long_name        = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("OpenMAX IL H.264 video encoder"),
+    .type             = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+    .id               = AV_CODEC_ID_H264,
+    .priv_data_size   = sizeof(OMXCodecContext),
+    .init             = omx_encode_init,
+    .encode2          = omx_encode_frame,
+    .close            = omx_encode_end,
+    .pix_fmts         = omx_encoder_pix_fmts,
+    .capabilities     = AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY,
+    .priv_class       = &omx_h264enc_class,
Index: create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/file.list
--- create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/file.list	(nonexistent)
+++ create-4.4.4-omx-img-decoder-patch/file.list	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Index: patches/README
--- patches/README	(nonexistent)
+++ patches/README	(revision 385)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* begin *
+   TODO: Leave some comment here.
+ * end */
Index: patches
--- patches	(nonexistent)
+++ patches	(revision 385)

Property changes on: patches
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,74 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies