Radix cross Linux

The main Radix cross Linux repository contains the build scripts of packages, which have the most complete and common functionality for desktop machines

424 Commits   2 Branches   1 Tag
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl-x86
+REQUIRES           = boot/kernel/ebox-3350dx2/6.0.7
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            =
+kernel_version     = 6.0.7
+modules_version    = 6.0.7
+tar_xz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl-x86/broadcom-wl-x86-$(version).tar.xz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/broadcom-wl-x86-$(version)
+doc_dir_name       = broadcom-wl-x86-driver-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+kernel_sources     = $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/src/linux-$(kernel_version)
+build_brcmwl_pkg   = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.brcmwl_pkg_done
+modules_done       = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.modules_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = boot
+BRCMWL_PKG_NAME                = broadcom-wl
+BRCMWL_PKG_VERSION             =
+BRCMWL_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+BRCMWL_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                             |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+BRCMWL_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = Broadcom wireless driver for Linux kernel
+BRCMWL_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+BRCMWL_PKG_LICENSE             = custom
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(modules_done)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(build_brcmwl_pkg)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../../build-system/core.mk
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_I586_GLIBC)),)
+ARCH = x86
+KERNEL_SOURCES_DIR = $(kernel_sources)
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+                              $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SOURCES_DIR) \
+                                         ARCH=$(ARCH) CROSS_COMPILE="$(CROSS_PREFIX)" \
+                                         M=$(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR) $(extra_build_environment) \
+                                         V=$(if $(VERBOSE),1,0)
+# add to LMAKE: CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y for more detailed log.
+$(modules_done): $(src_done)
+	@+$(LMAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_brcmwl_pkg): $(modules_done)
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(CURDIR)/doc/README* $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(CURDIR)/doc/README* $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/README*    $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(BRCMWL_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@MODULES_VERSION@/$(modules_version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(build_sgxddk_pkg) $(BRCMWL_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(BRCMWL_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@chmod a+x $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.INSTALL
+	@echo "pkgname=$(BRCMWL_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(BRCMWL_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(BRCMWL_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(BRCMWL_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(BRCMWL_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(BRCMWL_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(BRCMWL_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(BRCMWL_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(BRCMWL_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(BRCMWL_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../../../sources/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl-x86/patches/broadcom-wl-x86- -p0
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+           |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+broadcom-wl: broadcom-wl @VERSION@ (Broadcom wireless driver for Linux kernel)
+broadcom-wl: This is the Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver (32-bit).
+broadcom-wl: Source GitHub Repository:
+broadcom-wl:    https://github.com/antoineco/broadcom-wl.git
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  # Notice we use an absolute path below, rather than sbin/depmod. This is because
+  # we're testing to see if we are on the bootdisk, which will not have /sbin/depmod.
+  # If we aren't, we will signal init to restart using the new binary.
+  # The presence of "/etc/system-installer" is under consideration as a better test.
+  # Also we have to check that we are not in the installer mode on the target system
+  # ("/etc/system-installer"), and we have to be sure that we are on the working system
+  # on the target hardware ("proc/sys/kernel/osrelease" - relative path).
+  if [ -r proc/sys/kernel/osrelease -a ! -r /etc/system-installer -a -x /bin/uname -a -x /sbin/depmod ]; then
+    # Determine the version of the running kernel:
+    RELEASE=$(uname -r)
+    ### Update module dependencies ###
+    # If /usr is mounted and we have 'find', we can try to take a shortcut:
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/find -a -e /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep \
+         -a /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep -nt /etc/modules.conf ]; then
+      NEWMODS="$(/usr/bin/find /lib/modules/$RELEASE -mindepth 2 -type f -newer /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep)"
+      # Only rebuild dependencies if new module(s) are found:
+      if [ ! "" = "$NEWMODS" ]; then
+        echo "Updating module dependencies for Linux $RELEASE:"
+        /sbin/depmod -a
+      else
+        echo "Module dependencies up to date (no new kernel modules found)."
+      fi
+    else # we don't have find, or there is no existing modules.dep, or it is out of date.
+      echo "Updating module dependencies for Linux $RELEASE:"
+      /sbin/depmod -b / $RELEASE
+    fi
+  fi
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver
+Release Version:
+Release Date: Fri Sep 18 15:41:45 2015
+This is an Official Release of Broadcom's hybrid Linux driver for use with 
+Broadcom based hardware.
+For General Web releases: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
+There are separate tarballs for 32 bit and 64 bit x86 CPU architectures.
+Make sure you use the appropriate tarball for your machine.
+Other than 32 vs 64 bit, the hybrid binary is agnostic to the specific
+versions (3.5.X) and distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc).  It performs
+all interactions with the OS through OS specific files (wl_linux.c, wl_iw.c,
+osl_linux.c) that are shipped in source form. You compile this source on
+your system and link with a precompiled binary file (wlc_hybrid.o_shipped)
+which contains the rest of the driver.
+Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of
+this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go.
+You just use the package manager to install the proper package.  If
+its available for your distro, this is usually an easier solution. See
+the end of this document for further discussion.
+This is a rollup release.  It includes and deprecates all previous releases
+and patches.  At the time of release there are no existing patches for this
+release from Broadcom.
+The cards with the following PCI Device IDs are supported with this driver.
+Both Broadcom and and Dell product names are described.   Cards not listed
+here may also work.
+	   BRCM		    PCI		  PCI		  Dell
+	  Product Name	  Vendor ID	Device ID	Product ID
+          -------------	 ----------	---------   	-----------
+          4311 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4311  	Dell 1390
+          4311 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4312  	Dell 1490
+          4311 5 Ghz	    0x14e4    	0x4313  	
+          4312 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4315  	Dell 1395
+          4313 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4727 		Dell 1501/1504
+          4321 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4328  	Dell 1505
+          4321 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4328  	Dell 1500
+          4321 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4329  	
+          4321 5 Ghz        0x14e4	0x432a  	
+          4322 	Dualband    0x14e4	0x432b  	Dell 1510
+          4322 2.4 Ghz      0x14e4 	0x432c  	
+          4322 5 Ghz        0x14e4 	0x432d  	
+          43142 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4365
+          43224 Dualband    0x14e4	0x4353  	Dell 1520
+          43225 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4357  	
+          43227 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4358
+          43228 Dualband    0x14e4	0x4359  	Dell 1530/1540
+          4331  Dualband    0x14e4	0x4331
+          4360  Dualband    0x14e4	0x43a0
+          4352  Dualband    0x14e4	0x43a0
+To find the Device ID's of Broadcom cards on your machines do:
+# lspci -n | grep 14e4
+	Upgraded to support 3.19 kernel APIs.
+Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools,
+packages, header files and libraries to build a standard kernel module.
+This usually is done by installing the kernel developer or kernel source
+package and varies from distro to distro. Consult the documentation for
+your specific OS.
+If you cannot successfully build a module that comes with your distro's
+kernel developer or kernel source package, you will not be able to build
+this module either.
+If you try to build this module but get an error message that looks like
+make: *** /lib/modules/"release"/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
+Then you do not have the proper packages installed, since installing the
+proper packages will create /lib/modules/"release"/build on your system.
+On Fedora install 'kernel-devel' from 
+Package Manager (System-> Administration-> Add/Remove Software)
+yum install kernel-devel 
+yum install kernel-PAE-devel
+On Ubuntu, you will need headers and tools.  Try these commands:
+# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic
+# apt-get build-dep linux
+To check to see if you have this directory do this:
+# ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
+1. Setup the directory by untarring the proper tarball:
+For 32 bit: 	hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+For 64 bit: 	hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+# mkdir hybrid_wl
+# cd hybrid_wl
+# tar xzf <path>/hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz or 
+	<path>/hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+2. Build the driver as a Linux loadable kernel module (LKM):
+# make clean   (optional)
+# make
+When the build completes, it will produce a wl.ko file in the top level
+If your driver does not build, check to make sure you have installed the
+kernel package described in the requirements above.
+This driver uses cfg80211 API. Code for Wext API is present and can be built
+but we have dropped support for it.
+As before, the Makefile will still build the matching version for your system.
+# make API=CFG80211
+ or
+# make API=WEXT (deprecated)
+Upgrading from a previous version:
+If you were already running a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide
+a clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is
+usually /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless)
+# rmmod wl 
+# mv <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko.orig
+# cp wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko
+# depmod
+# modprobe wl
+The new wl driver should now be operational and your all done.
+Fresh installation:
+1: Remove any other drivers for the Broadcom wireless device.
+There are several other drivers (besides this one) that can drive 
+Broadcom 802.11 chips. These include b43, brcmsmac, bcma and ssb. They will
+conflict with this driver and need to be uninstalled before this driver
+can be installed.  Any previous revisions of the wl driver also need to
+be removed.
+Note: On some systems such as Ubuntu 9.10, the ssb module may load during
+boot even though it is blacklisted (see note under Common Issues on how to
+resolve this. Nevertheless, ssb still must be removed
+(by hand or script) before wl is loaded. The wl driver will not function 
+properly if ssb the module is loaded.
+# lsmod  | grep "brcmsmac\|b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl"
+If any of these are installed, remove them:
+# rmmod b43
+# rmmod brcmsmac
+# rmmod ssb
+# rmmod bcma
+# rmmod wl
+To blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future:
+# echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist bcma" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist b43" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist brcmsmac" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+2: Insmod the driver.
+Otherwise, if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need
+to add a security module before using the wl module.  Most newer systems 
+use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for 
+your system.
+# modprobe lib80211 
+  or 
+# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
+If your using the cfg80211 version of the driver, then cfg80211 needs to be
+# modprobe cfg80211
+# insmod wl.ko
+wl.ko is now operational.  It may take several seconds for the Network 
+Manager to notice a new network driver has been installed and show the
+surrounding wireless networks.
+If there was an error, see Common issues below.
+Common issues:
+* After the insmod you may see this message:
+  WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE()
+  It is expected, not harmful and can be ignored.
+* If you see this message:
+  "insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"
+  Usually this means that one of the required modules (as mentioned above) is
+  not loaded. Try this:
+  # modprobe lib80211 or ieee80211_crypt_tkip (depending on your os)
+  # modprobe cfg80211
+  Now re-try to insmod the wl driver:
+  # insmod wl.ko
+* If the wl driver loads but doesn't seem to do anything:
+  the ssb module may be the cause.  Sometimes blacklisting ssb may not
+  be enough to prevent it from loading and it loads anyway. (This is mostly
+  seen on Ubuntu/Debian systems).
+  Check to see if ssb, bcma, wl or b43 is loaded:
+  # lsmod | grep "brcmsmac\|ssb\|wl\|b43\|bcma"
+  If any of these are installed, remove them:
+  # rmmod brcmsmac
+  # rmmod ssb
+  # rmmod bcma
+  # rmmod wl
+  # insmod wl
+  Back up the current boot ramfs and generate a new one:
+  # cp /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` somewheresafe
+  # update-initramfs -u
+  # reboot
+3: Setup to always load at boot time.
+The procedure to make a module load at boot time varies from distro to
+distro.  Consult the docs for your specific distro to see how.  The 
+following seems to work for my setup on Fedora and Ubuntu.  Check your 
+docs to see the procedure for your distro.
+Follow these steps to have the driver load as part of the boot process:
+# load driver as described above
+# cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless 
+# depmod -a
+# echo modeprobe wl >> /etc/rc.local  (Fedora/SUSE)
+Ubuntu ships a version of wl.ko, so those need to be disabled.  On my 
+system the were several versions, so I searched and renamed the .ko's
+like this:
+# sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl\.ko`; do mv $i ${i}.orig; done
+'iwconfig eth1 txpower' & 'iwlist eth1 txpower' set and get the drivers 
+user-requested transmit power level. This can go up to 32 dbm and allows
+the user to lower the tx power to levels below the regulatory limit.
+Internally, the actual tx power is always kept within regulatory limits
+no matter what the user request is set to.
++ Upgraded to Support 3.11 kernels
++ Added cfg80211 wowlan support for Magic Packets and Disconnect
++ Upgraded to Support 3.8.x
++ Added 43142 support
++ Added 4352 support
++ Dropped WEXT support
++ Support for Linux kernels > 3.0
++ Added cfg80211 API support. The choice of API is done at compile time. If
+kernel version >= 2.6.32, cfg80211 is used, otherwise wireless extension 
+is used. (End users should notice little difference.)
++ Supports Linux kernel 2.6.38
++ Fix for problem with rebooting while wireless disabled via airline switch.
++ Fix for PR102197 STA does not connect to hidden SSID
++ Fix for PR102214: Could not get rssi (-22)" print comes in 'dmesg' output
++ Supports monitor mode
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill
++ Support for bcm43227 and bcm43228
++ Fix for issue where iwconfig was sometime reporting rate incorrectly
++ Supports rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Supports scan complete event (SIOCGIWSCAN)
++ Adds EAGAIN (busy signal) to query of scan results
++ Following fixes (issues introduced in
+    Issue #87477 - 4313: DUT is not able to associate in WPA2-PSK TKIP/AES
+    Issue #87533 - NetworkManager: 4313: Unable to associate to APs with WPA2-PSK
++ 4313 PHY fixes to improve throughput stability at different ranges
++ Fix for interop issues with different APs
++ Fix for hangs seen during Fn-F2 sequence
+- Support for rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Supports rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Fix for compile error with multicast list in kernel 2.6.34
++ Fix for #76743 - Ubuntu9.04: Network manager displays n/w's with radio disabled
++ Supports up to linux kernel 2.6.36 (from 2.6.32)
++ Fix for #86668: [Canonical] Bug #611575/617369: System will hang if
+    you use the F2 hot key to enable/disable wireless quickly while
+    wireless is still in the process of re-association with AP
++ Supports up to linux kernel 2.6.32
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill in kernels < 2.6.31
++ Setting power level via 'iwconfig eth1 txpower X' now operational
++ Support for bcm4313
++ Additional channels in both 2.4 and 5 Ghz bands
++ Fixed issue with tkip group keys that caused this message to repeat often:
+    TKIP: RX tkey->key_idx=2 frame keyidx=1 priv=ffff8800cf80e840
++ Following fixes
+    Issue #72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
+                     a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue in 2.6.24 kernel)
+    Issue #72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
+    Issue #76739 - Ubuntu 9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
+    Issue #80392 - S4 resume hang with SuSE SLED 11 and 43225
+    Issue #80792 - LSTA is not able to associate to AP with transit
++ Supports monitor mode
++ Supports cfg80211
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill
+#72238 - 20% lower throughput on channels 149, 153, 157, and 161
+#72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
+#72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
+a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue with wpa_supplicant, restarting
+wpa_supplicant fixes the issue)
+#76739 Ubuntu9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
+#76793 Ubuntu9.04: STA fails to create IBSS network in 5 Ghz band
+wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 + nl80211 + WEP - (Note: This would only affect you if 
+you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
+nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
+network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
+wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 might have a bug that affect WEP connections created 
+through nl80211. Upgrade to wpa_supplicant to 0.7.3 would solve this problem.
+Ubuntu 10.10 kernel + nl80211 + WPA/WPA2 - (Note: This would only affect you if 
+you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
+nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
+network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
+Some kernel versions of Ubuntu such as 2.6.35-22 (released with Ubuntu 
+10.10) may have problems that affect WPA/WPA2 connections created through 
+nl80211. Upgrade to 2.6.35-25 or later should solve this problem.
+To enable monitor mode:
+$ echo 1 > /proc/brcm_monitor0 => Creates a 'prism0' network interface for use by Wireshark and others.
+$ ifconfig prism0 up           => Enable the interface
+To disable monitor mode:
+$ echo 0 > /proc/brcm_monitor0
+$ iw phyX wowlan enable magic-packet disconnect
+$ iw phyX wowlan show
+Some of the major linux distros already supply a version of this driver, so
+you don't have to compile your own.  Most of the distros keep this driver
+along with other proprietary or non-GPL drivers in a separate repository.
+For further information see the documentation for your specific distro.
+su -c 'rpm -Uvh
+su -
+yum update
+yum install kmod-wl
+Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
+Choose the Broadcom STA wireless driver
+Sometimes the driver does not show up in the Hardware Drivers choices.  In
+this case, try reintalling the driver from the GUI or shell like this:
+From the GUI:
+Package Manager (System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager). Click the 
+Reload button in the upper left corner of Synaptic to refresh your index then 
+search for and reinstall the package named bcmwl-kernel-source.
+From the shell:
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source
+In either GUI or text case, after reinstalling, reboot your machine.
+Now go back to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
+and you should see the driver enabled and working.
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/ebox-3350dx2/broadcom-wl
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/ebox-3350dx2
--- drivers/ebox-3350dx2	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/ebox-3350dx2	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/ebox-3350dx2
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl-x86
+REQUIRES           = boot/kernel/intel-pc32/6.0.7
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            =
+kernel_version     = 6.0.7
+modules_version    = 6.0.7
+tar_xz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl-x86/broadcom-wl-x86-$(version).tar.xz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/broadcom-wl-x86-$(version)
+doc_dir_name       = broadcom-wl-x86-driver-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+kernel_sources     = $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/src/linux-$(kernel_version)
+build_brcmwl_pkg   = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.brcmwl_pkg_done
+modules_done       = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.modules_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = boot
+BRCMWL_PKG_NAME                = broadcom-wl
+BRCMWL_PKG_VERSION             =
+BRCMWL_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+BRCMWL_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                             |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+BRCMWL_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = Broadcom wireless driver for Linux kernel
+BRCMWL_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+BRCMWL_PKG_LICENSE             = custom
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(modules_done)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(build_brcmwl_pkg)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../../build-system/core.mk
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_I686_GLIBC)),)
+ARCH = x86
+KERNEL_SOURCES_DIR = $(kernel_sources)
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+                              $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SOURCES_DIR) \
+                                         ARCH=$(ARCH) CROSS_COMPILE="$(CROSS_PREFIX)" \
+                                         M=$(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR) $(extra_build_environment) \
+                                         V=$(if $(VERBOSE),1,0)
+# add to LMAKE: CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y for more detailed log.
+$(modules_done): $(src_done)
+	@+$(LMAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_brcmwl_pkg): $(modules_done)
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(CURDIR)/doc/README* $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(CURDIR)/doc/README* $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/README*    $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(BRCMWL_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@MODULES_VERSION@/$(modules_version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(build_sgxddk_pkg) $(BRCMWL_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(BRCMWL_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@chmod a+x $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.INSTALL
+	@echo "pkgname=$(BRCMWL_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(BRCMWL_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(BRCMWL_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(BRCMWL_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(BRCMWL_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(BRCMWL_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(BRCMWL_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(BRCMWL_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(BRCMWL_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(BRCMWL_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+../../../../../sources/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl-x86/patches/broadcom-wl-x86- -p0
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+           |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+broadcom-wl: broadcom-wl @VERSION@ (Broadcom wireless driver for Linux kernel)
+broadcom-wl: This is the Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver (32-bit).
+broadcom-wl: Source GitHub Repository:
+broadcom-wl:    https://github.com/antoineco/broadcom-wl.git
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  # Notice we use an absolute path below, rather than sbin/depmod. This is because
+  # we're testing to see if we are on the bootdisk, which will not have /sbin/depmod.
+  # If we aren't, we will signal init to restart using the new binary.
+  # The presence of "/etc/system-installer" is under consideration as a better test.
+  # Also we have to check that we are not in the installer mode on the target system
+  # ("/etc/system-installer"), and we have to be sure that we are on the working system
+  # on the target hardware ("proc/sys/kernel/osrelease" - relative path).
+  if [ -r proc/sys/kernel/osrelease -a ! -r /etc/system-installer -a -x /bin/uname -a -x /sbin/depmod ]; then
+    # Determine the version of the running kernel:
+    RELEASE=$(uname -r)
+    ### Update module dependencies ###
+    # If /usr is mounted and we have 'find', we can try to take a shortcut:
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/find -a -e /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep \
+         -a /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep -nt /etc/modules.conf ]; then
+      NEWMODS="$(/usr/bin/find /lib/modules/$RELEASE -mindepth 2 -type f -newer /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep)"
+      # Only rebuild dependencies if new module(s) are found:
+      if [ ! "" = "$NEWMODS" ]; then
+        echo "Updating module dependencies for Linux $RELEASE:"
+        /sbin/depmod -a
+      else
+        echo "Module dependencies up to date (no new kernel modules found)."
+      fi
+    else # we don't have find, or there is no existing modules.dep, or it is out of date.
+      echo "Updating module dependencies for Linux $RELEASE:"
+      /sbin/depmod -b / $RELEASE
+    fi
+  fi
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver
+Release Version:
+Release Date: Fri Sep 18 15:41:45 2015
+This is an Official Release of Broadcom's hybrid Linux driver for use with 
+Broadcom based hardware.
+For General Web releases: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
+There are separate tarballs for 32 bit and 64 bit x86 CPU architectures.
+Make sure you use the appropriate tarball for your machine.
+Other than 32 vs 64 bit, the hybrid binary is agnostic to the specific
+versions (3.5.X) and distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc).  It performs
+all interactions with the OS through OS specific files (wl_linux.c, wl_iw.c,
+osl_linux.c) that are shipped in source form. You compile this source on
+your system and link with a precompiled binary file (wlc_hybrid.o_shipped)
+which contains the rest of the driver.
+Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of
+this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go.
+You just use the package manager to install the proper package.  If
+its available for your distro, this is usually an easier solution. See
+the end of this document for further discussion.
+This is a rollup release.  It includes and deprecates all previous releases
+and patches.  At the time of release there are no existing patches for this
+release from Broadcom.
+The cards with the following PCI Device IDs are supported with this driver.
+Both Broadcom and and Dell product names are described.   Cards not listed
+here may also work.
+	   BRCM		    PCI		  PCI		  Dell
+	  Product Name	  Vendor ID	Device ID	Product ID
+          -------------	 ----------	---------   	-----------
+          4311 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4311  	Dell 1390
+          4311 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4312  	Dell 1490
+          4311 5 Ghz	    0x14e4    	0x4313  	
+          4312 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4315  	Dell 1395
+          4313 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4727 		Dell 1501/1504
+          4321 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4328  	Dell 1505
+          4321 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4328  	Dell 1500
+          4321 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4329  	
+          4321 5 Ghz        0x14e4	0x432a  	
+          4322 	Dualband    0x14e4	0x432b  	Dell 1510
+          4322 2.4 Ghz      0x14e4 	0x432c  	
+          4322 5 Ghz        0x14e4 	0x432d  	
+          43142 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4365
+          43224 Dualband    0x14e4	0x4353  	Dell 1520
+          43225 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4357  	
+          43227 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4358
+          43228 Dualband    0x14e4	0x4359  	Dell 1530/1540
+          4331  Dualband    0x14e4	0x4331
+          4360  Dualband    0x14e4	0x43a0
+          4352  Dualband    0x14e4	0x43a0
+To find the Device ID's of Broadcom cards on your machines do:
+# lspci -n | grep 14e4
+	Upgraded to support 3.19 kernel APIs.
+Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools,
+packages, header files and libraries to build a standard kernel module.
+This usually is done by installing the kernel developer or kernel source
+package and varies from distro to distro. Consult the documentation for
+your specific OS.
+If you cannot successfully build a module that comes with your distro's
+kernel developer or kernel source package, you will not be able to build
+this module either.
+If you try to build this module but get an error message that looks like
+make: *** /lib/modules/"release"/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
+Then you do not have the proper packages installed, since installing the
+proper packages will create /lib/modules/"release"/build on your system.
+On Fedora install 'kernel-devel' from 
+Package Manager (System-> Administration-> Add/Remove Software)
+yum install kernel-devel 
+yum install kernel-PAE-devel
+On Ubuntu, you will need headers and tools.  Try these commands:
+# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic
+# apt-get build-dep linux
+To check to see if you have this directory do this:
+# ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
+1. Setup the directory by untarring the proper tarball:
+For 32 bit: 	hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+For 64 bit: 	hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+# mkdir hybrid_wl
+# cd hybrid_wl
+# tar xzf <path>/hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz or 
+	<path>/hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+2. Build the driver as a Linux loadable kernel module (LKM):
+# make clean   (optional)
+# make
+When the build completes, it will produce a wl.ko file in the top level
+If your driver does not build, check to make sure you have installed the
+kernel package described in the requirements above.
+This driver uses cfg80211 API. Code for Wext API is present and can be built
+but we have dropped support for it.
+As before, the Makefile will still build the matching version for your system.
+# make API=CFG80211
+ or
+# make API=WEXT (deprecated)
+Upgrading from a previous version:
+If you were already running a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide
+a clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is
+usually /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless)
+# rmmod wl 
+# mv <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko.orig
+# cp wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko
+# depmod
+# modprobe wl
+The new wl driver should now be operational and your all done.
+Fresh installation:
+1: Remove any other drivers for the Broadcom wireless device.
+There are several other drivers (besides this one) that can drive 
+Broadcom 802.11 chips. These include b43, brcmsmac, bcma and ssb. They will
+conflict with this driver and need to be uninstalled before this driver
+can be installed.  Any previous revisions of the wl driver also need to
+be removed.
+Note: On some systems such as Ubuntu 9.10, the ssb module may load during
+boot even though it is blacklisted (see note under Common Issues on how to
+resolve this. Nevertheless, ssb still must be removed
+(by hand or script) before wl is loaded. The wl driver will not function 
+properly if ssb the module is loaded.
+# lsmod  | grep "brcmsmac\|b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl"
+If any of these are installed, remove them:
+# rmmod b43
+# rmmod brcmsmac
+# rmmod ssb
+# rmmod bcma
+# rmmod wl
+To blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future:
+# echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist bcma" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist b43" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist brcmsmac" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+2: Insmod the driver.
+Otherwise, if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need
+to add a security module before using the wl module.  Most newer systems 
+use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for 
+your system.
+# modprobe lib80211 
+  or 
+# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
+If your using the cfg80211 version of the driver, then cfg80211 needs to be
+# modprobe cfg80211
+# insmod wl.ko
+wl.ko is now operational.  It may take several seconds for the Network 
+Manager to notice a new network driver has been installed and show the
+surrounding wireless networks.
+If there was an error, see Common issues below.
+Common issues:
+* After the insmod you may see this message:
+  WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE()
+  It is expected, not harmful and can be ignored.
+* If you see this message:
+  "insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"
+  Usually this means that one of the required modules (as mentioned above) is
+  not loaded. Try this:
+  # modprobe lib80211 or ieee80211_crypt_tkip (depending on your os)
+  # modprobe cfg80211
+  Now re-try to insmod the wl driver:
+  # insmod wl.ko
+* If the wl driver loads but doesn't seem to do anything:
+  the ssb module may be the cause.  Sometimes blacklisting ssb may not
+  be enough to prevent it from loading and it loads anyway. (This is mostly
+  seen on Ubuntu/Debian systems).
+  Check to see if ssb, bcma, wl or b43 is loaded:
+  # lsmod | grep "brcmsmac\|ssb\|wl\|b43\|bcma"
+  If any of these are installed, remove them:
+  # rmmod brcmsmac
+  # rmmod ssb
+  # rmmod bcma
+  # rmmod wl
+  # insmod wl
+  Back up the current boot ramfs and generate a new one:
+  # cp /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` somewheresafe
+  # update-initramfs -u
+  # reboot
+3: Setup to always load at boot time.
+The procedure to make a module load at boot time varies from distro to
+distro.  Consult the docs for your specific distro to see how.  The 
+following seems to work for my setup on Fedora and Ubuntu.  Check your 
+docs to see the procedure for your distro.
+Follow these steps to have the driver load as part of the boot process:
+# load driver as described above
+# cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless 
+# depmod -a
+# echo modeprobe wl >> /etc/rc.local  (Fedora/SUSE)
+Ubuntu ships a version of wl.ko, so those need to be disabled.  On my 
+system the were several versions, so I searched and renamed the .ko's
+like this:
+# sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl\.ko`; do mv $i ${i}.orig; done
+'iwconfig eth1 txpower' & 'iwlist eth1 txpower' set and get the drivers 
+user-requested transmit power level. This can go up to 32 dbm and allows
+the user to lower the tx power to levels below the regulatory limit.
+Internally, the actual tx power is always kept within regulatory limits
+no matter what the user request is set to.
++ Upgraded to Support 3.11 kernels
++ Added cfg80211 wowlan support for Magic Packets and Disconnect
++ Upgraded to Support 3.8.x
++ Added 43142 support
++ Added 4352 support
++ Dropped WEXT support
++ Support for Linux kernels > 3.0
++ Added cfg80211 API support. The choice of API is done at compile time. If
+kernel version >= 2.6.32, cfg80211 is used, otherwise wireless extension 
+is used. (End users should notice little difference.)
++ Supports Linux kernel 2.6.38
++ Fix for problem with rebooting while wireless disabled via airline switch.
++ Fix for PR102197 STA does not connect to hidden SSID
++ Fix for PR102214: Could not get rssi (-22)" print comes in 'dmesg' output
++ Supports monitor mode
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill
++ Support for bcm43227 and bcm43228
++ Fix for issue where iwconfig was sometime reporting rate incorrectly
++ Supports rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Supports scan complete event (SIOCGIWSCAN)
++ Adds EAGAIN (busy signal) to query of scan results
++ Following fixes (issues introduced in
+    Issue #87477 - 4313: DUT is not able to associate in WPA2-PSK TKIP/AES
+    Issue #87533 - NetworkManager: 4313: Unable to associate to APs with WPA2-PSK
++ 4313 PHY fixes to improve throughput stability at different ranges
++ Fix for interop issues with different APs
++ Fix for hangs seen during Fn-F2 sequence
+- Support for rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Supports rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Fix for compile error with multicast list in kernel 2.6.34
++ Fix for #76743 - Ubuntu9.04: Network manager displays n/w's with radio disabled
++ Supports up to linux kernel 2.6.36 (from 2.6.32)
++ Fix for #86668: [Canonical] Bug #611575/617369: System will hang if
+    you use the F2 hot key to enable/disable wireless quickly while
+    wireless is still in the process of re-association with AP
++ Supports up to linux kernel 2.6.32
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill in kernels < 2.6.31
++ Setting power level via 'iwconfig eth1 txpower X' now operational
++ Support for bcm4313
++ Additional channels in both 2.4 and 5 Ghz bands
++ Fixed issue with tkip group keys that caused this message to repeat often:
+    TKIP: RX tkey->key_idx=2 frame keyidx=1 priv=ffff8800cf80e840
++ Following fixes
+    Issue #72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
+                     a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue in 2.6.24 kernel)
+    Issue #72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
+    Issue #76739 - Ubuntu 9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
+    Issue #80392 - S4 resume hang with SuSE SLED 11 and 43225
+    Issue #80792 - LSTA is not able to associate to AP with transit
++ Supports monitor mode
++ Supports cfg80211
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill
+#72238 - 20% lower throughput on channels 149, 153, 157, and 161
+#72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
+#72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
+a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue with wpa_supplicant, restarting
+wpa_supplicant fixes the issue)
+#76739 Ubuntu9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
+#76793 Ubuntu9.04: STA fails to create IBSS network in 5 Ghz band
+wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 + nl80211 + WEP - (Note: This would only affect you if 
+you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
+nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
+network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
+wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 might have a bug that affect WEP connections created 
+through nl80211. Upgrade to wpa_supplicant to 0.7.3 would solve this problem.
+Ubuntu 10.10 kernel + nl80211 + WPA/WPA2 - (Note: This would only affect you if 
+you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
+nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
+network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
+Some kernel versions of Ubuntu such as 2.6.35-22 (released with Ubuntu 
+10.10) may have problems that affect WPA/WPA2 connections created through 
+nl80211. Upgrade to 2.6.35-25 or later should solve this problem.
+To enable monitor mode:
+$ echo 1 > /proc/brcm_monitor0 => Creates a 'prism0' network interface for use by Wireshark and others.
+$ ifconfig prism0 up           => Enable the interface
+To disable monitor mode:
+$ echo 0 > /proc/brcm_monitor0
+$ iw phyX wowlan enable magic-packet disconnect
+$ iw phyX wowlan show
+Some of the major linux distros already supply a version of this driver, so
+you don't have to compile your own.  Most of the distros keep this driver
+along with other proprietary or non-GPL drivers in a separate repository.
+For further information see the documentation for your specific distro.
+su -c 'rpm -Uvh
+su -
+yum update
+yum install kmod-wl
+Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
+Choose the Broadcom STA wireless driver
+Sometimes the driver does not show up in the Hardware Drivers choices.  In
+this case, try reintalling the driver from the GUI or shell like this:
+From the GUI:
+Package Manager (System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager). Click the 
+Reload button in the upper left corner of Synaptic to refresh your index then 
+search for and reinstall the package named bcmwl-kernel-source.
+From the shell:
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source
+In either GUI or text case, after reinstalling, reboot your machine.
+Now go back to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
+and you should see the driver enabled and working.
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl
--- drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc32/broadcom-wl
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc32
--- drivers/intel-pc32	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc32	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc32
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl
+REQUIRES           = boot/kernel/intel-pc64/6.0.7
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            =
+kernel_version     = 6.0.7
+modules_version    = 6.0.7
+tar_xz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/hal/drivers/wireless/broadcom-wl/broadcom-wl-$(version).tar.xz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/broadcom-wl-$(version)
+doc_dir_name       = broadcom-wl-driver-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+kernel_sources     = $(TARGET_DEST_DIR)/usr/src/linux-$(kernel_version)
+build_brcmwl_pkg   = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.brcmwl_pkg_done
+modules_done       = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.modules_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = boot
+BRCMWL_PKG_NAME                = broadcom-wl
+BRCMWL_PKG_VERSION             =
+BRCMWL_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+BRCMWL_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                             |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+BRCMWL_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = Broadcom wireless driver for Linux kernel
+BRCMWL_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+BRCMWL_PKG_LICENSE             = custom
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(modules_done)
+BUILD_TARGETS   += $(build_brcmwl_pkg)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../../build-system/core.mk
+ifneq ($(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAIN_X86_64_GLIBC)),)
+ARCH = x86_64
+KERNEL_SOURCES_DIR = $(kernel_sources)
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+                              $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SOURCES_DIR) \
+                                         ARCH=$(ARCH) CROSS_COMPILE="$(CROSS_PREFIX)" \
+                                         M=$(CURDIR)/$(SRC_DIR) $(extra_build_environment) \
+                                         V=$(if $(VERBOSE),1,0)
+# add to LMAKE: CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y for more detailed log.
+$(modules_done): $(src_done)
+	@+$(LMAKE)
+	@touch $@
+$(build_brcmwl_pkg): $(modules_done)
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(CURDIR)/doc/README* $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(CURDIR)/doc/README* $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	@cp -a $(SRC_DIR)/README*    $(BRCMWL_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(doc_dir_name)
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(BRCMWL_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@MODULES_VERSION@/$(modules_version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(build_sgxddk_pkg) $(BRCMWL_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(BRCMWL_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@chmod a+x $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.INSTALL
+	@echo "pkgname=$(BRCMWL_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(BRCMWL_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(BRCMWL_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(BRCMWL_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(BRCMWL_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(BRCMWL_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(BRCMWL_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(BRCMWL_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(BRCMWL_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(BRCMWL_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(BRCMWL_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+           |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+broadcom-wl: broadcom-wl @VERSION@ (Broadcom wireless driver for Linux kernel)
+broadcom-wl: This is the Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver (64-bit).
+broadcom-wl: Source GitHub Repository:
+broadcom-wl:    https://github.com/antoineco/broadcom-wl.git
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  # Notice we use an absolute path below, rather than sbin/depmod. This is because
+  # we're testing to see if we are on the bootdisk, which will not have /sbin/depmod.
+  # If we aren't, we will signal init to restart using the new binary.
+  # The presence of "/etc/system-installer" is under consideration as a better test.
+  # Also we have to check that we are not in the installer mode on the target system
+  # ("/etc/system-installer"), and we have to be sure that we are on the working system
+  # on the target hardware ("proc/sys/kernel/osrelease" - relative path).
+  if [ -r proc/sys/kernel/osrelease -a ! -r /etc/system-installer -a -x /bin/uname -a -x /sbin/depmod ]; then
+    # Determine the version of the running kernel:
+    RELEASE=$(uname -r)
+    ### Update module dependencies ###
+    # If /usr is mounted and we have 'find', we can try to take a shortcut:
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/find -a -e /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep \
+         -a /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep -nt /etc/modules.conf ]; then
+      NEWMODS="$(/usr/bin/find /lib/modules/$RELEASE -mindepth 2 -type f -newer /lib/modules/$RELEASE/modules.dep)"
+      # Only rebuild dependencies if new module(s) are found:
+      if [ ! "" = "$NEWMODS" ]; then
+        echo "Updating module dependencies for Linux $RELEASE:"
+        /sbin/depmod -a
+      else
+        echo "Module dependencies up to date (no new kernel modules found)."
+      fi
+    else # we don't have find, or there is no existing modules.dep, or it is out of date.
+      echo "Updating module dependencies for Linux $RELEASE:"
+      /sbin/depmod -b / $RELEASE
+    fi
+  fi
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver
+Release Version:
+Release Date: Fri Sep 18 15:41:45 2015
+This is an Official Release of Broadcom's hybrid Linux driver for use with 
+Broadcom based hardware.
+For General Web releases: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php
+There are separate tarballs for 32 bit and 64 bit x86 CPU architectures.
+Make sure you use the appropriate tarball for your machine.
+Other than 32 vs 64 bit, the hybrid binary is agnostic to the specific
+versions (3.5.X) and distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc).  It performs
+all interactions with the OS through OS specific files (wl_linux.c, wl_iw.c,
+osl_linux.c) that are shipped in source form. You compile this source on
+your system and link with a precompiled binary file (wlc_hybrid.o_shipped)
+which contains the rest of the driver.
+Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of
+this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go.
+You just use the package manager to install the proper package.  If
+its available for your distro, this is usually an easier solution. See
+the end of this document for further discussion.
+This is a rollup release.  It includes and deprecates all previous releases
+and patches.  At the time of release there are no existing patches for this
+release from Broadcom.
+The cards with the following PCI Device IDs are supported with this driver.
+Both Broadcom and and Dell product names are described.   Cards not listed
+here may also work.
+	   BRCM		    PCI		  PCI		  Dell
+	  Product Name	  Vendor ID	Device ID	Product ID
+          -------------	 ----------	---------   	-----------
+          4311 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4311  	Dell 1390
+          4311 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4312  	Dell 1490
+          4311 5 Ghz	    0x14e4    	0x4313  	
+          4312 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4315  	Dell 1395
+          4313 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4727 		Dell 1501/1504
+          4321 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4328  	Dell 1505
+          4321 Dualband	    0x14e4	0x4328  	Dell 1500
+          4321 2.4 Ghz	    0x14e4	0x4329  	
+          4321 5 Ghz        0x14e4	0x432a  	
+          4322 	Dualband    0x14e4	0x432b  	Dell 1510
+          4322 2.4 Ghz      0x14e4 	0x432c  	
+          4322 5 Ghz        0x14e4 	0x432d  	
+          43142 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4365
+          43224 Dualband    0x14e4	0x4353  	Dell 1520
+          43225 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4357  	
+          43227 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4	0x4358
+          43228 Dualband    0x14e4	0x4359  	Dell 1530/1540
+          4331  Dualband    0x14e4	0x4331
+          4360  Dualband    0x14e4	0x43a0
+          4352  Dualband    0x14e4	0x43a0
+To find the Device ID's of Broadcom cards on your machines do:
+# lspci -n | grep 14e4
+	Upgraded to support 3.19 kernel APIs.
+Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools,
+packages, header files and libraries to build a standard kernel module.
+This usually is done by installing the kernel developer or kernel source
+package and varies from distro to distro. Consult the documentation for
+your specific OS.
+If you cannot successfully build a module that comes with your distro's
+kernel developer or kernel source package, you will not be able to build
+this module either.
+If you try to build this module but get an error message that looks like
+make: *** /lib/modules/"release"/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
+Then you do not have the proper packages installed, since installing the
+proper packages will create /lib/modules/"release"/build on your system.
+On Fedora install 'kernel-devel' from 
+Package Manager (System-> Administration-> Add/Remove Software)
+yum install kernel-devel 
+yum install kernel-PAE-devel
+On Ubuntu, you will need headers and tools.  Try these commands:
+# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic
+# apt-get build-dep linux
+To check to see if you have this directory do this:
+# ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
+1. Setup the directory by untarring the proper tarball:
+For 32 bit: 	hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+For 64 bit: 	hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+# mkdir hybrid_wl
+# cd hybrid_wl
+# tar xzf <path>/hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz or 
+	<path>/hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
+2. Build the driver as a Linux loadable kernel module (LKM):
+# make clean   (optional)
+# make
+When the build completes, it will produce a wl.ko file in the top level
+If your driver does not build, check to make sure you have installed the
+kernel package described in the requirements above.
+This driver uses cfg80211 API. Code for Wext API is present and can be built
+but we have dropped support for it.
+As before, the Makefile will still build the matching version for your system.
+# make API=CFG80211
+ or
+# make API=WEXT (deprecated)
+Upgrading from a previous version:
+If you were already running a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide
+a clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is
+usually /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless)
+# rmmod wl 
+# mv <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko.orig
+# cp wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko
+# depmod
+# modprobe wl
+The new wl driver should now be operational and your all done.
+Fresh installation:
+1: Remove any other drivers for the Broadcom wireless device.
+There are several other drivers (besides this one) that can drive 
+Broadcom 802.11 chips. These include b43, brcmsmac, bcma and ssb. They will
+conflict with this driver and need to be uninstalled before this driver
+can be installed.  Any previous revisions of the wl driver also need to
+be removed.
+Note: On some systems such as Ubuntu 9.10, the ssb module may load during
+boot even though it is blacklisted (see note under Common Issues on how to
+resolve this. Nevertheless, ssb still must be removed
+(by hand or script) before wl is loaded. The wl driver will not function 
+properly if ssb the module is loaded.
+# lsmod  | grep "brcmsmac\|b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl"
+If any of these are installed, remove them:
+# rmmod b43
+# rmmod brcmsmac
+# rmmod ssb
+# rmmod bcma
+# rmmod wl
+To blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future:
+# echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist bcma" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist b43" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+# echo "blacklist brcmsmac" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
+2: Insmod the driver.
+Otherwise, if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need
+to add a security module before using the wl module.  Most newer systems 
+use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for 
+your system.
+# modprobe lib80211 
+  or 
+# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
+If your using the cfg80211 version of the driver, then cfg80211 needs to be
+# modprobe cfg80211
+# insmod wl.ko
+wl.ko is now operational.  It may take several seconds for the Network 
+Manager to notice a new network driver has been installed and show the
+surrounding wireless networks.
+If there was an error, see Common issues below.
+Common issues:
+* After the insmod you may see this message:
+  WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE()
+  It is expected, not harmful and can be ignored.
+* If you see this message:
+  "insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"
+  Usually this means that one of the required modules (as mentioned above) is
+  not loaded. Try this:
+  # modprobe lib80211 or ieee80211_crypt_tkip (depending on your os)
+  # modprobe cfg80211
+  Now re-try to insmod the wl driver:
+  # insmod wl.ko
+* If the wl driver loads but doesn't seem to do anything:
+  the ssb module may be the cause.  Sometimes blacklisting ssb may not
+  be enough to prevent it from loading and it loads anyway. (This is mostly
+  seen on Ubuntu/Debian systems).
+  Check to see if ssb, bcma, wl or b43 is loaded:
+  # lsmod | grep "brcmsmac\|ssb\|wl\|b43\|bcma"
+  If any of these are installed, remove them:
+  # rmmod brcmsmac
+  # rmmod ssb
+  # rmmod bcma
+  # rmmod wl
+  # insmod wl
+  Back up the current boot ramfs and generate a new one:
+  # cp /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` somewheresafe
+  # update-initramfs -u
+  # reboot
+3: Setup to always load at boot time.
+The procedure to make a module load at boot time varies from distro to
+distro.  Consult the docs for your specific distro to see how.  The 
+following seems to work for my setup on Fedora and Ubuntu.  Check your 
+docs to see the procedure for your distro.
+Follow these steps to have the driver load as part of the boot process:
+# load driver as described above
+# cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless 
+# depmod -a
+# echo modeprobe wl >> /etc/rc.local  (Fedora/SUSE)
+Ubuntu ships a version of wl.ko, so those need to be disabled.  On my 
+system the were several versions, so I searched and renamed the .ko's
+like this:
+# sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl\.ko`; do mv $i ${i}.orig; done
+'iwconfig eth1 txpower' & 'iwlist eth1 txpower' set and get the drivers 
+user-requested transmit power level. This can go up to 32 dbm and allows
+the user to lower the tx power to levels below the regulatory limit.
+Internally, the actual tx power is always kept within regulatory limits
+no matter what the user request is set to.
++ Upgraded to Support 3.11 kernels
++ Added cfg80211 wowlan support for Magic Packets and Disconnect
++ Upgraded to Support 3.8.x
++ Added 43142 support
++ Added 4352 support
++ Dropped WEXT support
++ Support for Linux kernels > 3.0
++ Added cfg80211 API support. The choice of API is done at compile time. If
+kernel version >= 2.6.32, cfg80211 is used, otherwise wireless extension 
+is used. (End users should notice little difference.)
++ Supports Linux kernel 2.6.38
++ Fix for problem with rebooting while wireless disabled via airline switch.
++ Fix for PR102197 STA does not connect to hidden SSID
++ Fix for PR102214: Could not get rssi (-22)" print comes in 'dmesg' output
++ Supports monitor mode
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill
++ Support for bcm43227 and bcm43228
++ Fix for issue where iwconfig was sometime reporting rate incorrectly
++ Supports rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Supports scan complete event (SIOCGIWSCAN)
++ Adds EAGAIN (busy signal) to query of scan results
++ Following fixes (issues introduced in
+    Issue #87477 - 4313: DUT is not able to associate in WPA2-PSK TKIP/AES
+    Issue #87533 - NetworkManager: 4313: Unable to associate to APs with WPA2-PSK
++ 4313 PHY fixes to improve throughput stability at different ranges
++ Fix for interop issues with different APs
++ Fix for hangs seen during Fn-F2 sequence
+- Support for rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Supports rfkill in kernels 2.6.31 to 2.6.36
++ Fix for compile error with multicast list in kernel 2.6.34
++ Fix for #76743 - Ubuntu9.04: Network manager displays n/w's with radio disabled
++ Supports up to linux kernel 2.6.36 (from 2.6.32)
++ Fix for #86668: [Canonical] Bug #611575/617369: System will hang if
+    you use the F2 hot key to enable/disable wireless quickly while
+    wireless is still in the process of re-association with AP
++ Supports up to linux kernel 2.6.32
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill in kernels < 2.6.31
++ Setting power level via 'iwconfig eth1 txpower X' now operational
++ Support for bcm4313
++ Additional channels in both 2.4 and 5 Ghz bands
++ Fixed issue with tkip group keys that caused this message to repeat often:
+    TKIP: RX tkey->key_idx=2 frame keyidx=1 priv=ffff8800cf80e840
++ Following fixes
+    Issue #72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
+                     a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue in 2.6.24 kernel)
+    Issue #72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
+    Issue #76739 - Ubuntu 9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
+    Issue #80392 - S4 resume hang with SuSE SLED 11 and 43225
+    Issue #80792 - LSTA is not able to associate to AP with transit
++ Supports monitor mode
++ Supports cfg80211
++ Supports hidden networks
++ Supports rfkill
+#72238 - 20% lower throughput on channels 149, 153, 157, and 161
+#72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
+#72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
+a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue with wpa_supplicant, restarting
+wpa_supplicant fixes the issue)
+#76739 Ubuntu9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
+#76793 Ubuntu9.04: STA fails to create IBSS network in 5 Ghz band
+wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 + nl80211 + WEP - (Note: This would only affect you if 
+you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
+nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
+network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
+wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 might have a bug that affect WEP connections created 
+through nl80211. Upgrade to wpa_supplicant to 0.7.3 would solve this problem.
+Ubuntu 10.10 kernel + nl80211 + WPA/WPA2 - (Note: This would only affect you if 
+you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
+nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
+network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
+Some kernel versions of Ubuntu such as 2.6.35-22 (released with Ubuntu 
+10.10) may have problems that affect WPA/WPA2 connections created through 
+nl80211. Upgrade to 2.6.35-25 or later should solve this problem.
+To enable monitor mode:
+$ echo 1 > /proc/brcm_monitor0 => Creates a 'prism0' network interface for use by Wireshark and others.
+$ ifconfig prism0 up           => Enable the interface
+To disable monitor mode:
+$ echo 0 > /proc/brcm_monitor0
+$ iw phyX wowlan enable magic-packet disconnect
+$ iw phyX wowlan show
+Some of the major linux distros already supply a version of this driver, so
+you don't have to compile your own.  Most of the distros keep this driver
+along with other proprietary or non-GPL drivers in a separate repository.
+For further information see the documentation for your specific distro.
+su -c 'rpm -Uvh
+su -
+yum update
+yum install kmod-wl
+Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
+Choose the Broadcom STA wireless driver
+Sometimes the driver does not show up in the Hardware Drivers choices.  In
+this case, try reintalling the driver from the GUI or shell like this:
+From the GUI:
+Package Manager (System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager). Click the 
+Reload button in the upper left corner of Synaptic to refresh your index then 
+search for and reinstall the package named bcmwl-kernel-source.
+From the shell:
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source
+In either GUI or text case, after reinstalling, reboot your machine.
+Now go back to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
+and you should see the driver enabled and working.
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl
--- drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc64/broadcom-wl
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers/intel-pc64
--- drivers/intel-pc64	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers/intel-pc64	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers/intel-pc64
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: drivers
--- drivers	(nonexistent)
+++ drivers	(revision 5)

Property changes on: drivers
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
--- firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/hal/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware
+SOURCE_REQUIRES   += sources/hal/firmware/armbian-firmware
+REQUIRES           = base/radix-system
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            =
+tar_xz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/hal/firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware-$(version).tar.xz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/broadcom-bt-firmware-$(version)
+src_dir_name       = broadcom-bt-firmware-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+armbian_version    = 20210505
+armbian_archive    = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/hal/firmware/armbian-firmware/armbian-firmware-$(armbian_version).tar.xz
+ARMBIAN_SRC_DIR    = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/armbian-firmware-$(armbian_version)
+armbian_src_done   = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.armbian-source-done
+install_target     = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = boot
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+BRCM_PKG_NAME                = broadcom-bt-firmware
+BRCM_PKG_VERSION             =
+BRCM_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+BRCM_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                           |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+BRCM_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = Broadcom Bluetooth Firmware
+BRCM_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+BRCM_PKG_LICENSE             = custom
+BRCM_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT      = $(BRCM_PKG_NAME)-pkg-install.sh
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../build-system/core.mk
+####### Dependencies
+$(armbian_src_done): $(armbian_archive)
+	@echo "Expanding $(armbian_archive)"
+	@tar xJf $(armbian_archive) -C $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)
+	@touch $@
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP) $(armbian_src_done)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCM_PKG)/lib/firmware/brcm
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR)/brcm ; \
+	   cp -a *.hcd $(BRCM_PKG)/lib/firmware/brcm ; \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(ARMBIAN_SRC_DIR) ; \
+	   for file in BCM4345C0 BCM4345C5 ; do \
+	     chmod a-x $${file}.hcd ; cp -a $${file}.hcd $(BRCM_PKG)/lib/firmware/brcm ; \
+	   done ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install ap6256 firmware for leez-p710 =======
+	@( cd $(ARMBIAN_SRC_DIR)/brcm ; \
+	   for file in brcmfmac43456-sdio.{bin,txt} ; do \
+	     chmod a-x $${file} ; cp -a $${file} $(BRCM_PKG)/lib/firmware/brcm ; \
+	   done ; \
+	   chmod a-x brcmfmac43455-sdio.clm_blob ; \
+	   cp -a brcmfmac43455-sdio.clm_blob \
+	         $(BRCM_PKG)/lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43456-sdio.clm_blob ; \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(BRCM_PKG)/lib/firmware/brcm ; \
+	   ln -sf brcmfmac43456-sdio.bin brcmfmac43456-sdio.leez,p710.bin ; \
+	   ln -sf brcmfmac43456-sdio.txt brcmfmac43456-sdio.leez,p710.txt ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCM_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	   cp -a LICENSE* \
+	         $(BRCM_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name) ; \
+	 )
+	@mkdir -p $(BRCM_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	         $(BRCM_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name) ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(BRCM_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_archive): $(install_target) $(BRCM_PKG_DESCRIPTION_FILE) $(BRCM_PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPT)
+	@echo "pkgname=$(BRCM_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(BRCM_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(BRCM_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(BRCM_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(BRCM_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(BRCM_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(BRCM_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(BRCM_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(BRCM_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(BRCM_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(BRCM_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
Index: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
--- firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+                    |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+broadcom-bt-firmware: broadcom-bt-firmware @VERSION@ (Broadcom Bluetooth Firmware)
+broadcom-bt-firmware: This package intentended to provide firmware of Broadcom WIDCOMM(r)
+broadcom-bt-firmware: Bluetooth devices (including BCM20702, BCM20703, BCM43142 chipsets
+broadcom-bt-firmware: and other) for Linux kernel.
+broadcom-bt-firmware: GitHub: https://github.com/winterheart/broadcom-bt-firmware.git
Index: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
--- firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
--- firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/	(revision 5)

Property changes on: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware/
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware
--- firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware	(revision 5)

Property changes on: firmware/broadcom-bt-firmware
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/Makefile
--- firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/Makefile	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/Makefile	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+NEED_ABS_PATH      = true
+COMPONENT_IS_3PP   = true
+include ../../../../build-system/constants.mk
+SOURCE_REQUIRES    = sources/hal/firmware/kernel-firmware
+REQUIRES           = base/radix-system
+# ======= __END_OF_REQUIRES__ =======
+version            = 20221012
+tar_xz_archive     = $(SRC_PACKAGE_PATH)/hal/firmware/kernel-firmware/kernel-firmware-$(version).tar.xz
+SRC_ARCHIVE        = $(tar_xz_archive)
+SRC_DIR            = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/kernel-firmware-$(version)
+src_dir_name       = kernel-firmware-$(version)
+src_done           = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.source_done
+install_target     = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/.install_done
+####### Targets
+PKG_GROUP = boot
+# *PKG_NAME & *PKG_VERSION shouldn't be a reference to value.
+FIRMWARE_PKG_NAME                = kernel-firmware
+FIRMWARE_PKG_VERSION             = 20221012
+FIRMWARE_PKG_ARCH                = $(PKGARCH)
+FIRMWARE_PKG_GROUP               = $(PKG_GROUP)
+###                               |---handy-ruler-------------------------------|
+FIRMWARE_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   = Firmware for the kernel
+FIRMWARE_PKG_URL                 = $(BUG_URL)
+FIRMWARE_PKG_LICENSE             = custom
+pkg_archive      = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_GROUP)/$(pkg_basename).$(pkg_arch_suffix)
+pkg_certificate  = $(call cert-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_signature    = $(call sign-name,$(pkg_archive))
+pkg_description  = $(call desc-name,$(pkg_archive))
+products         = $(call pkg-files,$(pkg_archive))
+BUILD_TARGETS    = $(install_target)
+PRODUCT_TARGETS  = $(products)
+ROOTFS_TARGETS   = $(pkg_archive)
+include ../../../../build-system/core.mk
+####### Dependencies
+$(src_done): $(SRC_ARCHIVE) $(PATCHES_DEP)
+	@touch $@
+$(install_target): $(src_done)
+	@mkdir -p $(FIRMWARE_PKG)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	   $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(FIRMWARE_PKG) install 2>/dev/null ; \
+	 )
+	@( cd $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/lib/firmware ; \
+	   if [ -d carl9170fw ]; then \
+	     mv carl9170fw/COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT.carl9170fw ; \
+	     mv carl9170fw/GPL LICENSE.carl9170fw ; \
+	     rm -rf carl9170fw ; \
+	   fi ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install Documentation =======
+	@mkdir -p $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	   cp -a GPL* LICENSE* WHENCE \
+	         $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/usr/doc/$(src_dir_name) ; \
+	 )
+	@mkdir -p $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name)
+	@( cd $(SRC_DIR) ; \
+	         $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/usr/share/doc/$(src_dir_name) ; \
+	 )
+	# ======= Install the same to $(TARGET_DEST_DIR) =======
+	$(call install-into-devenv, $(FIRMWARE_PKG))
+	@touch $@
+	@cat $< | $(SED) -e "s/@VERSION@/$(version)/g" > $@
+$(pkg_certificate) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_signature)   : $(pkg_archive) ;
+$(pkg_description) : $(pkg_archive) ;
+	@echo "pkgname=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_NAME)"                            >  $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "pkgver=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_VERSION)"                          >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "arch=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_ARCH)"                               >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distroname=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_DISTRO_NAME)"                  >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "distrover=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_DISTRO_VERSION)"                >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "group=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_GROUP)"                             >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "short_description=\"$(FIRMWARE_PKG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION)\"" >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "url=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_URL)"                                 >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO ; \
+	 echo "license=$(FIRMWARE_PKG_LICENSE)"                         >> $(FIRMWARE_PKG)/.PKGINFO
+	@$(PSEUDO) sh -c "cd $(FIRMWARE_PKG) && \
+	                  chown -R root:root . && \
+	                  $(MAKE_PACKAGE) -J --linkadd=yes $(GNUPG_OPTIONS) -m -d .. ."
Index: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/PATCHES
Index: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-description.in
--- firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-description.in	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-description.in	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description.  Line
+# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|'
+# on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in.  You must
+# make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct.  It's also
+# customary to leave one space after the ':'.
+               |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------|
+kernel-firmware: kernel-firmware @VERSION@ (Firmware for the kernel)
+kernel-firmware: These are firmware files for the Linux kernel.
+kernel-firmware: You'll need these to use certain hardware drivers with Linux.
+kernel-firmware: Upstream:
+kernel-firmware: --------
+kernel-firmware: git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git
Index: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-install.sh
--- firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-install.sh	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-install.sh	(revision 5)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Preserve new files
+install_file() {
+  NEW="$1"
+  OLD="`dirname $NEW`/`basename $NEW .new`"
+  # If there's no file by that name, mv it over:
+  if [ ! -r $OLD ]; then
+    mv $NEW $OLD
+  elif [ "`cat $OLD | md5sum`" = "`cat $NEW | md5sum`" ]; then # toss the redundant copy
+    rm $NEW
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we leave the .new copy for the admin to consider...
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+pre_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+pre_update() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_update() {
+  post_install
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+pre_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+# arg 1:  the old package version
+post_remove() {
+  /bin/true
+$operation $*

Property changes on: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012/kernel-firmware-pkg-install.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012
--- firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012	(revision 5)

Property changes on: firmware/kernel-firmware/20221012
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: firmware/kernel-firmware
--- firmware/kernel-firmware	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware/kernel-firmware	(revision 5)

Property changes on: firmware/kernel-firmware
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: firmware
--- firmware	(nonexistent)
+++ firmware	(revision 5)

Property changes on: firmware
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies
Index: .
--- .	(nonexistent)
+++ .	(revision 5)

Property changes on: .
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1,73 ##
+# install dir
+# Target build dirs
+# Hidden files (each file)
+# src & hw requires
+# Tarballs
+# Signatures
+# Patches
+# Descriptions
+# Default linux config files
+# backup copies