5 kx #!/bin/env perl
5 kx
5 kx use FindBin;
5 kx use lib $FindBin::Bin;
5 kx
5 kx use strict;
5 kx use warnings FATAL => 'all';
5 kx
5 kx use POSIX;
5 kx
5 kx use IO::Handle;
5 kx use File::Basename;
5 kx use File::Temp;
5 kx use Getopt::Long;
5 kx
5 kx use _kxLab;
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Generate $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/HW.ext4fs file
5 kx #
5 kx # usage:
5 kx # $0 [options] topdir toolchain hardware flavour
5 kx #
5 kx # where:
5 kx # 'topdir' - is a absolute path to the top directory of checked out branch
5 kx # 'toolchain' - is a TOOLCHAIN name
5 kx # 'hardware' - is a HARDWARE name
5 kx # 'flavour' - is a HARDWARE variant
5 kx #
5 kx
5 kx my ($rootfs_dest_dir, $products_dest_dir, $devices_file);
5 kx my ($top_dir, $toolchain, $hardware, $flavour, $target_build_dir);
5 kx my ($size, $rootfs_base_dir, $products_base_dir);
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Default values:
5 kx #
5 kx my $default_requested_size = "4.1G";
5 kx my $reserved_space_coeff = 0.4;
5 kx #
5 kx # Constants:
5 kx #
5 kx my $SDHC_blksz = 524288;
5 kx my $SDHC_min_blks = 4224;
5 kx my $GiB = 1073741824;
5 kx my $MiB = 1048576;
5 kx my $KiB = 1024;
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # File systems UUIDs:
5 kx # ==================
5 kx #
5 kx # prep : 'кросс:prep :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-7072-6570-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # uefi : 'кросс:uefi :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-7565-6669-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # boot : 'кросс:boot :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-626F-6F74-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # boot0 : 'кросс:boot0:парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-626F-6F74-303aefe0f0f2
5 kx # boot1 : 'кросс:boot1:парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-626F-6F74-313aefe0f0f2
5 kx # root : 'кросс:root :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-726F-6F74-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # root0 : 'кросс:root0:парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-726F-6F74-303aefe0f0f2
5 kx # root1 : 'кросс:root1:парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-726F-6F74-313aefe0f0f2
5 kx # home : 'кросс:home :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-686F-6D65-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # opt : 'кросс:opt :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-6F70-7420-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # usr : 'кросс:usr :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-7573-7220-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # var : 'кросс:var :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-7661-7220-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx # swap : 'кросс:swap :парт' : eaf0eef1-f13a-7376-6170-203aefe0f0f2
5 kx #
5 kx my $BOOT_UUID = "eaf0eef1-f13a-626F-6F74-203aefe0f0f2";
5 kx my $ROOT_UUID = "eaf0eef1-f13a-726F-6F74-203aefe0f0f2";
5 kx my $HOME_UUID = "eaf0eef1-f13a-686F-6D65-203aefe0f0f2";
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # NOTE:
5 kx # ====
5 kx # Вообще размер создаваемой файловой системы выбирается кратным
5 kx # величине SDHC блока. Это позволяет не задумываться о геометрии
5 kx # целевого носителя, а также, о выравнивании разделов по границе
5 kx # 4096 байтов.
5 kx #
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # To be calculated:
5 kx #
5 kx my $rootfs_in_bytes;
5 kx my ($size_in_bytes, $size_in_1K_blks, $size_in_SDHC_blks);
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx sub usage
5 kx {
5 kx print <<EOF;
5 kx
5 kx Usage: build_ext4fs [options] topdir toolchain hardware [flavour]
5 kx Options:
5 kx -s, --size=<size{K|M|G}>
5 kx - where <size> is a number of GiB, MiB, or KiB
5 kx (Note that {K|M|G} shoud follow without spaces);
5 kx
5 kx -r, --rootfs-dir=<DIR>
5 kx - base name of rootfs dir default value is 'rootfs';
5 kx
5 kx Args:
5 kx topdir - is a absolute path to the top of checked out branch;
5 kx toolchain - is a TOOLCHAIN name;
5 kx hardware - is a HARDWARE name.
5 kx flavour - is a HARDWARE variant.
5 kx
5 kx EOF
5 kx exit;
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # returns directory size in bytes:
5 kx #
5 kx sub directory_size
5 kx {
5 kx my $dir = shift;
5 kx my $size;
5 kx
5 kx if( ! defined $dir or $dir eq "" ) { $dir = "."; }
5 kx
5 kx $size = `du -s -B 1 $dir | cut -f1 -d'\t'`; chomp( $size );
5 kx
5 kx return $size;
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Calculate dest rootfs image size according to
5 kx # requested size (argument) and size of rootfs.
5 kx #
5 kx # size_arg - requested size;
5 kx # src_size - the size of rootfs directory.
5 kx #
5 kx sub calculate_sizes
5 kx {
5 kx my $size_arg = shift;
5 kx my $src_size = shift;
5 kx
5 kx my ($min_size, $z, $m);
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Initial Size = source rootfs size + reserved space:
5 kx #
5 kx $min_size = floor( $src_size + $src_size * $reserved_space_coeff );
5 kx $z = $min_size;
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # File System Size:
5 kx #
5 kx if( $size_arg =~ m!^([0-9.]+)([GKM]{0,1})!gm )
5 kx {
5 kx my ($rsz, $mul) = ($1, $2);
5 kx
5 kx if( defined $mul )
5 kx {
5 kx if ( $mul eq "G" ) { $m = $GiB; }
5 kx elsif( $mul eq "M" ) { $m = $MiB; }
5 kx elsif( $mul eq "K" ) { $m = $KiB; }
5 kx else { $m = 1; }
5 kx }
5 kx else
5 kx {
5 kx $m = 1;
5 kx }
5 kx $z = $rsz * $m;
5 kx $z = floor( $z );
5 kx
5 kx if( $z < $min_size ) { $z = $min_size; }
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx if( $z > $SDHC_blksz ) { $size_in_SDHC_blks = ceil( $z / $SDHC_blksz ); }
5 kx else { $size_in_SDHC_blks = 1; }
5 kx
5 kx if( $size_in_SDHC_blks < $SDHC_min_blks ) { $size_in_SDHC_blks = $SDHC_min_blks; }
5 kx
5 kx $size_in_bytes = $size_in_SDHC_blks * $SDHC_blksz;
5 kx $size_in_1K_blks = $size_in_bytes / $KiB;
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Parse the command line options
5 kx #
5 kx $size = $default_requested_size;
5 kx if( ! GetOptions( 's=s' => \$size,
5 kx 'size=s' => \$size,
5 kx 'r=s' => \$rootfs_base_dir,
5 kx 'rootfs-dir=s' => \$rootfs_base_dir,
5 kx 'p=s' => \$products_base_dir,
5 kx 'products-dir=s' => \$products_base_dir,
5 kx 'help|h|?' => sub { usage() }
5 kx )
5 kx )
5 kx {
5 kx usage();
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx # Get the rest of the command line
5 kx my $topdir = shift;
5 kx
5 kx $toolchain = shift;
5 kx $hardware = shift;
5 kx $flavour = shift;
5 kx
5 kx if( ! defined $size or $size eq "" ) { $size = $default_requested_size; }
5 kx
5 kx if( ! defined $rootfs_base_dir or $rootfs_base_dir eq "" ) { $rootfs_base_dir = "rootfs"; }
5 kx if( ! defined $products_base_dir or $products_base_dir eq "" ) { $products_base_dir = "products"; }
5 kx
5 kx if( ! defined $topdir or $topdir eq "" ) { usage; }
5 kx if( ! defined $toolchain or $toolchain eq "" ) { usage; }
5 kx if( ! defined $hardware or $hardware eq "" ) { usage; }
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx if( ! defined $flavour or $flavour eq "" )
5 kx {
5 kx $flavour = "";
5 kx $target_build_dir = "." . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware;
5 kx $rootfs_dest_dir = $topdir . "/dist/" . $rootfs_base_dir . "/" . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware;
5 kx }
5 kx else
5 kx {
5 kx $target_build_dir = "." . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware . "/" . $flavour;
5 kx $rootfs_dest_dir = $topdir . "/dist/" . $rootfs_base_dir . "/" . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware . "/" . $flavour;
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx $products_dest_dir = $topdir . "/dist/" . $products_base_dir . "/" . $toolchain . "/" . $hardware;
5 kx
5 kx # setup $top_build_dir
5 kx $top_dir = $topdir;
5 kx my $build_system = $top_dir . "/build-system";
5 kx
5 kx _kxLab::system( "mkdir -p $target_build_dir" );
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # The .DEVTABLE shoul be created in TARGET_BUILD_DIR.
5 kx #
5 kx $devices_file = $target_build_dir . "/" . ".DEVTABLE";
5 kx
5 kx _kxLab::error( "build_ext4fs: $topdir is not a directory" ) if( ! -d $topdir );
5 kx _kxLab::error( "build_ext4fs: .DEVTABLE missing: $devices_file" ) if ( ! -f $devices_file );
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx $rootfs_in_bytes = directory_size( $rootfs_dest_dir );
5 kx calculate_sizes( $size, $rootfs_in_bytes);
5 kx
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx #
5 kx # root_src - only for log messages:
5 kx #
5 kx my $root_src = $rootfs_dest_dir;
5 kx if( $rootfs_dest_dir =~ m!$top_dir/(.+)! )
5 kx {
5 kx $root_src = $1;
5 kx }
5 kx print "####### requested size = '" . $size . "';\n";
5 kx print "#######\n";
5 kx print "####### SOURCE:\n";
5 kx print "####### ------\n";
5 kx print "####### rootfs source = '" . $root_src . "';\n";
5 kx print "####### rootfs size_in_bytes = '" . $rootfs_in_bytes . "';\n";
5 kx print "#######\n";
5 kx print "####### TARGET:\n";
5 kx print "####### ------\n";
5 kx print "####### image size_in_bytes = '" . $size_in_bytes . "';\n";
5 kx print "####### image size_in_1K_blks = '" . $size_in_1K_blks . "';\n";
5 kx print "####### image size_in_SDHC_blks = '" . $size_in_SDHC_blks . "';\n";
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx my $ext4fs_file = $target_build_dir . "/" . $hardware . ".ext4fs";
5 kx my $ext2fs_file = $target_build_dir . "/" . $hardware . ".ext2fs";
5 kx
5 kx my $MKE4FS = $ENV{MKE4FS};
5 kx if( ! defined $MKE4FS or $MKE4FS eq "" )
5 kx {
5 kx $MKE4FS = "/sbin/mkfs.ext4";
5 kx }
5 kx my $E4FSCK = $ENV{E4FSCK};
5 kx if( ! defined $E4FSCK or $E4FSCK eq "" )
5 kx {
5 kx $E4FSCK = "/sbin/fsck.ext4";
5 kx }
5 kx if( ! defined $POPULATEFS or $POPULATEFS eq "" )
5 kx {
5 kx $POPULATEFS = $build_system . "/sbin/populatefs";
5 kx }
5 kx if( ! defined $GENEXT2FS or $GENEXT2FS eq "" )
5 kx {
5 kx $GENEXT2FS = $build_system . "/sbin/genext2fs";
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx my $label = $hardware;
5 kx
5 kx #my $rootfs_maxnode_arg = "-N 1073741824";
5 kx my $rootfs_maxnode_arg = "";
5 kx
5 kx my $rootfs_reserved_pst_arg = "-m 5";
5 kx
5 kx _kxLab::system( "dd if=/dev/zero of=$ext4fs_file" .
5 kx " seek=$size_in_1K_blks count=0 bs=1k" .
5 kx " 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" );
5 kx
5 kx _kxLab::system( $MKE4FS .
5 kx " -F -E root_owner=0:0 -L $label -U $ROOT_UUID" .
5 kx " $rootfs_maxnode_arg" .
5 kx " -O has_journal,ext_attr,resize_inode," .
5 kx "dir_index,filetype,extent,flex_bg," .
5 kx "sparse_super,large_file,uninit_bg," .
5 kx "dir_nlink,extra_isize,64bit" .
5 kx " $rootfs_reserved_pst_arg $ext4fs_file" );
5 kx
5 kx _kxLab::system( $POPULATEFS .
5 kx " -U -d $rootfs_dest_dir -D $devices_file" .
5 kx " $ext4fs_file" );
5 kx
5 kx #######
5 kx ####### skip message that the file system was modified:
5 kx #######
5 kx _kxLab::system( $E4FSCK .
5 kx " -fy" .
5 kx " $ext4fs_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; exit 0" );
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx #################################################################################
5 kx #######
5 kx ####### Also the Ext2 Root FS image can be created by `genext2fs' utility.
5 kx #######
5 kx # _kxLab::system( $GENEXT2FS .
5 kx # " -U -B 1024 -b $size_in_1K_blks $rootfs_reserved_pst_arg" .
5 kx # " -d $rootfs_dest_dir -D $devices_file $ext2fs_file" );
5 kx #######
5 kx #######
5 kx #################################################################################
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx #################################################################################
5 kx #######
5 kx ####### Simple MBR for SDHC cards with one primary Linux partition:
5 kx #######
5 kx sub partition_record
5 kx {
5 kx my $type = shift;
5 kx my $active = shift;
5 kx my $sector_size = shift;
5 kx my $track_size = shift;
5 kx my $cylinder_size = shift;
5 kx my $skip_size = shift;
5 kx my $disk_size = shift;
5 kx
5 kx my ($part0, $part1, $part2, $part3);
5 kx
5 kx my ($c, $h, $s, $p, $q);
5 kx
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx if( $type == 0x0C ) { print "####### === Primary W95 FAT32 (LBA) Partition:\n"; }
5 kx else { print "####### === Primary Linux Partition:\n"; }
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Calculate CHS Start Address (assume 1Mib offset):
5 kx #
5 kx $c = floor( $skip_size / $cylinder_size );
5 kx $p = $skip_size % $cylinder_size;
5 kx $h = floor( $p / $track_size );
5 kx $q = $p % $track_size;
5 kx $s = floor( $q / $sector_size ) + 1;
5 kx
5 kx $part0 = $active; # if 0x80 then the partition is active
5 kx $part0 = $part0 | ( $h & 0x000000ff ) << 8;
5 kx $part0 = $part0 | ( $s & 0x0000003f ) << 16;
5 kx $part0 = $part0 | ( ( $c & 0x00000030 ) >> 8 ) << 22;
5 kx $part0 = $part0 | ( $c & 0x000000ff ) << 24;
5 kx
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx print "####### CHS Start Address = ($c/$h/$s);\n";
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Calculate CHS End Address (assume 1Mib offset):
5 kx #
5 kx $c = floor( ($disk_size - $sector_size) / $cylinder_size );
5 kx $p = ($disk_size - $sector_size) % $cylinder_size;
5 kx $h = floor( $p / $track_size );
5 kx $q = $p % $track_size;
5 kx $s = floor( $q / $sector_size ) + 1;
5 kx
5 kx $part1 = $type; # Partition type [0x83 - Linux; 0x0C - W95 FAT32 (LBA)]
5 kx $part1 = $part1 | ( $h & 0x000000ff ) << 8;
5 kx $part1 = $part1 | ( $s & 0x0000003f ) << 16;
5 kx $part1 = $part1 | ( ( $c & 0x00000300 ) >> 8 ) << 22;
5 kx $part1 = $part1 | ( $c & 0x000000ff ) << 24;
5 kx
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx print "####### CHS End Address = ($c/$h/$s);\n";
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx my $lba;
5 kx #
5 kx # Calculate LBA Start Address [assume 1048576 byte (2048 sectors) offset]:
5 kx #
5 kx $lba = floor( $skip_size / $sector_size );
5 kx $part2 = $lba;
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx print "####### LBA Start Address = $lba;\n";
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # calculate LBA numbers (1Mib offset):
5 kx #
5 kx $lba = floor( ($disk_size - $skip_size) / $sector_size );
5 kx $part3 = $lba;
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx print "####### LBA sectors = $lba;\n";
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx return ( $part0, $part1, $part2, $part3 );
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Check if the boot-records and may be FAT32 partition are created by U-Boot:
5 kx #
5 kx my $fat32_size = 0;
5 kx my $records_size = 0;
5 kx my $FAT32_file = $products_dest_dir . "/" . $hardware . ".fat32fs";
5 kx my $records_file = $products_dest_dir . "/" . $hardware . ".boot-records";
5 kx if( -f $FAT32_file ) { $fat32_size = -s $FAT32_file; }
5 kx if( -f $records_file ) { $records_size = -s $records_file; }
5 kx
5 kx
5 kx my $MBR_file = $target_build_dir . "/" . $hardware . ".SD.MBR";
5 kx
5 kx my $heads = 4;
5 kx my $sectors_per_track = 16;
5 kx my $sector_size = 512;
5 kx my $track_size = $sector_size * $sectors_per_track;
5 kx
5 kx my $cylinder_size = $heads * $sectors_per_track * $sector_size;
5 kx my $cylinders = $size_in_bytes / $cylinder_size;
5 kx my $skip_size = $MiB;
5 kx my $disk_size;
5 kx
5 kx if( $records_size > $skip_size ) { $skip_size = $records_size; }
5 kx
5 kx ################ debug ################
5 kx print "#######\n";
5 kx print "####### Master Boot Record:\n";
5 kx print "####### ------------------\n";
5 kx ############# end of debug ############
5 kx
5 kx my ($part0, $part1, $part2, $part3);
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # The first partition is always active
5 kx #
5 kx if( $fat32_size > 0 )
5 kx {
5 kx $disk_size = $skip_size + $fat32_size;
5 kx
5 kx ($part0, $part1, $part2, $part3) =
5 kx partition_record( 0x0C,
5 kx 0x80,
5 kx $sector_size,
5 kx $track_size,
5 kx $cylinder_size,
5 kx $skip_size,
5 kx $disk_size );
5 kx
5 kx $skip_size = $skip_size + $fat32_size;
5 kx }
5 kx else
5 kx {
5 kx $disk_size = $skip_size + $size_in_bytes;
5 kx
5 kx ($part0, $part1, $part2, $part3) =
5 kx partition_record( 0x83,
5 kx 0x80,
5 kx $sector_size,
5 kx $track_size,
5 kx $cylinder_size,
5 kx $skip_size,
5 kx $disk_size );
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx my $zero = 0;
5 kx my $sign = 0xaa55;
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # The documentation about packing binary date is available at:
5 kx #
5 kx # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/pack.html
5 kx #
5 kx # We are using Little endian 16-bit and 32-bit data.
5 kx #
5 kx # MBR Info can be found, for example at:
5 kx # -------------------------------------
5 kx # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
5 kx # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record#PTE
5 kx #
5 kx open( MBR, '>', $MBR_file) or _kxLab::error( "build_ext4fs: Could not open $MBR_file file: $!" );
5 kx binmode( MBR );
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Fill first 446 bytes of MBR:
5 kx #
5 kx for ( my $n = 0; $n < 111; ++$n ) { print MBR pack( 'L<', $zero ); }
5 kx print MBR pack( 'S<', $zero );
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # First primary partition:
5 kx #
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part0 );
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part1 );
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part2 );
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part3 );
5 kx
5 kx if( $fat32_size > 0 )
5 kx {
5 kx $disk_size = $skip_size + $size_in_bytes;
5 kx
5 kx ($part0, $part1, $part2, $part3) =
5 kx partition_record( 0x83,
5 kx 0x00,
5 kx $sector_size,
5 kx $track_size,
5 kx $cylinder_size,
5 kx $skip_size,
5 kx $disk_size );
5 kx #
5 kx # Second primary partition:
5 kx #
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part0 );
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part1 );
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part2 );
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $part3 );
5 kx
5 kx }
5 kx else
5 kx {
5 kx #
5 kx # There is no Second Partition
5 kx #
5 kx for ( my $n = 0; $n < 4; ++$n )
5 kx {
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $zero );
5 kx }
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Two zero primary partitions:
5 kx #
5 kx for ( my $n = 0; $n < 8; ++$n )
5 kx {
5 kx print MBR pack( 'L<', $zero );
5 kx }
5 kx
5 kx #
5 kx # Boot Signature:
5 kx #
5 kx print MBR pack( 'S<', $sign );
5 kx
5 kx close( MBR );
5 kx
5 kx #######
5 kx ####### End of Simple MBR writing.
5 kx #######
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